The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819]
(Abt 1485-1564)
Ann (Elizabeth) SYMONDS [2820]
John COLMAN [4013]
Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)

William ALSTON of Siam Hall and Sible Hedingham ESS [2813]
(Abt 1537-1618)


Family Links

1. Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815]

2. Parnell ELLICE [2831]

William ALSTON of Siam Hall and Sible Hedingham ESS [2813]

  • Born: Abt 1537, Newton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815]
  • Marriage (2): Parnell ELLICE [2831] on 12 Sep 1608 in Newton SFK By Lic
  • Died: 9 Jan 1617/18 aged about 81
  • Buried: 13 Jan 1617/18, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK

bullet  General Notes:

William was the eldest son and heir, he received the Manor of Sayham Hall and other estates under the will of his father. He was aged 80 at his death.

The Visitations of Essex 1664-1669 say:
ALSTON of Boxted/Bracted
William of Newton = ?
John of Stisted = Anne Crachrood =
Henry of Great Braxted = Elizabeth Green
Samuel s/h aet 20 in 1664. 2. Joseph. 3 Daniel. 1. Elizabeth.

ALSTON of Stisted
William of Newton = Elizabeth Hampstead
John of Stisted - Ann Chrachrood
2. Matthew. 3. William. LeStrange, gent 1664 = Hannah

1568 Green Book Suffolk - Lay Subsidy Returns.
William Alston: L10 in goods. Tax 8/4d

Suffolk PRO ref 1584/13: the assignmnt of lease from William Sidey to William Allston of Hedingham Sible co Essex yeoman of a Capital messuage and lands in Great Waldingfield.

The Manors of Biggs in Gosfield , Odewell in Gestingthorpe, Pelhams in Twinstead, Husees in Toppesfieldwere held at one time by Alston (or Alliston). A William Alston (Alliston) held the Manor of Hoseden in Gt Maplestead.

A William Alston of Newton between April and July 1589 subscribed L50 towards the defense of the country against the Spanish Armada.
Ref: East Anglian Miscellany.

Bury PRO
EXY/4/ws/70. 28 Aug 1594 William Allstone leased land in Gt Cornard from Thos Haynes (new owner)
22 Mar. 5 James I [1608]
Bargain and sale, Thomas Canham of Great Waldingfield, tailor, to William Alstone of Sible Hedingham, Essex, yeoman, in consideration of L100, of a messuage called Webbs with another tenement newly erected, 2 crofts pasture adjoining (6 acres) occupied by Canham in Great Waldingfield, between the green and grounds now adjoining the rectory or parsonage east; messuage and lands late of Roger Cooper now of Henry Shuger in part and lands of John Seyday called Stony Lands west; one head on the highway over against the church of Great Waldingfield in part and lands of the said Henry Shuger in part on the north; the other on lands of John Seyday, south. Signature and seal (blind) of William Allstone.
Witnesses: Thomas Alston, Richard Holborough, John Potter, William Ruffle, William Turner. '

WARD 2/62/241/127 no. iv TNA
(i) Draft of a grant by William Alston, at the request of Thomas Alston, his brother, to Thomas Foxe of Sudbury, Suffolk, inn-holder, and Agnes, his wife, of the inn called the Crown in Sudbury, Suffolk, where Thomas Foxe lives, and all the houses, buildings, yards and gardens adjoining, and one orchard called the 'Dryinge Yeard'. [c. 15 November 1592 - December 1594].
(iv) Grant by William Alston of Newton, Suffolk, yeoman, son and heir of Edward Alston, deceased, by order of an award by Sir William Waldegrave, knight, John le Hunte, Robert Goldinge, Matthew Cracherode, Thomas Waldegrave, esquires, and [Edward] Barker, gentleman, at the request of Thomas Alston, his brother, to Thomas Foxe of Sudbury, Suffolk, inn-holder, and Agnes, his wife, of a messuage or inn called the Crown in Sudbury, Suffolk, and all the houses, buildings, yards and gardens adjoining, and one orchard called the 'Dryinge Yeard'. December 1594.
WARD 2/62/241/127, no. vii TNA.
(vii) Incomplete indented quitclaim by Thomas Alston of Edwardstone, Suffolk, yeoman, by order of an award by Sir William Waldegrave, knight, John le Hunte, Robert Goldinge, Matthew Cracherode, Thomas Waldegrave, esquires, and [Edward] Barker, gentleman, to William Alston, son and heir of Edward Alston, deceased, his natural brother, of the manor of Sayham [also Siam or Saxham] Hall (details specified). [16th Century].

Stoke by W(N)ayland by Tortyse "10th yr. Jas. I. (1612) the King grants to Wm. Alston a lease of 2 thirds of the estate of Francis Mannock seized for recusaucy the same Wm. Alston leaves the same to Thomas Berner."
Alstoniana Pg 361

PRO C 2/3&4 = Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings, Series I, Elizabeth I to Charles I
C 2/Eliz/A7/61 William Alston v John Linton, Robert Linton and William Emesden. Fraud etc. Messuages, lands etc. in Twinstead, Pebmarsh, Alphamstone and 'Much Henny', Essex, of which one John Linton was seised (reciting his will) Short title: Alston v Lynton etc. Between 1558 and 1603.
C 2/Eliz/B7/57 Richard Benyan of Little Coggeshall, Essex, gentleman v William Allston of Belchamp Otten, Essex, yeoman. Detention of deeds; common law suit against plaintiff for debt. Bill, two 'answers', one possibly rejoinder. Short title: Benyan v Alston 1599

The bill, dated 23 May 1598, of Henry Wynterfludd of Stoke next W(N)ayland, co. Suffolk, gent. v. William Alston, senior and junior.
The defendants hold residue of a lease of copyhold tenements in Newton, co. Suffolk, held of the manor of Newton hall, which lease was originally made by William Hoye, copyholder of the said manor to one Edward Warner of Newton, gent., 1st May 28 Elizabeth (1586). The defendants have conspired to extinguish the rent of L18 10s 0d., by procuring surrenders from the said William Hoye to one William Talbone of Assington. William Hoye had meanwhile surrendered his copyhold to John Winterfludd, complainant's father.; hence the suit.
Defendants, in their answer, deny fraud, and recount a number of transactions relative to the land, including the lease of a close in Newton to one Edward Alston, another of the sons of William Alston senior, 20 May 29 Elizabeth (1587).
Ww/760 1598
Alstoniana Pg 196

ALSTON v. DEEKE & another.
1604. Chancery B. and A. James I. A. 2. No. 44.
Bill, dated 6 February 1604, by William Allston of Otton Belchampe, co. Essex, yeoman, v. John Deeke and Thomas Harris.
About May 1602 Orator bought a messuage and land in Clare, and Stoke by Clare, co. Suffolk, of said John Deeke ; on 28 October next ensuing Orator and two of his sons, William Allstone the younger, and Edward Allstone, gave their bond for payment of the purchase money, which has been paid, but Deeke fraudulently denies satisfaction of the bond &c. &c. &c., and conspires with said Thomas Harris, who holds a mortgage of Orator.
Page 168 Alstoniana

Essex Record Office D/P 214/25/11
Parish records. BELCHAMP OTTEN, St. Ethelbert and All Saints
Level: Sub-Fonds CHARITIES
Dates of Creation 5 Sep.1687
Scope and Content:
Volume containing records of charitable benefaction and other notes on the parish. In addition to some of the deeds and awards listed above, it records other deeds not now in existence. The contents are as follows:- (a)Note of will of John Lookyer, parson of Belchamp Otten and vicar of Belchamp St. Paul, dated 1485, bequeathing 7 cows and 10 quarters of barely with 4 bushels there to "for the increase by Sudbury measure", for the use of repairs to church and of poor of Belchamp Otten; with note that in 1678 the stock of cows had been lost. (b) Note of will of John Ryce of Belchamp Otten. 1498 bequeathing a tenement called Alstons (detailed extent given) for the use of obits etc. and for use of poor.

William Allston made a large Will, under which each of his children and grandchildren received amounts of money and/or property.
William was the eldest son and heir, received the Manor of Sayham Hall and other estates under the will of his father.

In the pedigree recorded in the Bedfordshire Visitation William Alston is said to have married Dorothy, daughter and co-heir of Henry Hampstead, of Halsted, Co. Essex. This statement contains as many inaccuracies as the famous one about the lobster being a red fish that crawls backwards, because William did not marry Dorothy but Margery, that her surname was Holmested not Hampstead and that she was of Maplestead in Essex and not Halstead. - Lionel Cresswell, Stemmata Alstoniana.

The inquisition post mortem of Thomas Alston Jnr. of Edwardstone (nephew of William) puts this beyond doubt by its recitation of the inheritance by the deceased Thomas from his mother Dorothy Holmested of the moiety of the Rectory and Vicarage of Great Maplestead. William Alston's will dated 30th May 1617 describes him as of Hedingham Sible and as being "all this tyme sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance", revokes all former wills and recommends his soul to God and his body to decent burial by his executor. The Manor of Seyme Hall is given to his son William for life, and then to William Alston, his grandchild.

His extensive landed possessions are carefully parceled out among his children, and considerable bequests in money are also made to them. Also his grandchildren are affectionately remembered and his servants are not forgotten.

WILLIAM ALSTONE, Senior, late of Newton, co. Suffolk, yeoman.
Inquisition Post Mortem
Taken at Bury St. Edmund's, 20 August 16 James i. (1618).
Miscellaneous Pt. 6 No. 23 1618 co Suffolk
The said William Alstone was seised of the manor of Seyham (or Seyme) Hall, held of the King as of the Honour of Clare, by military service; a messuage and land in Newton, called Moundekyns, held of Sir Robert Crane of his manor of Peacock Hall in Cornard, and bought by said William of one Thomas Cooke; a messuage called Antones in Great Waldingfield, bought of Thomas Parrishe, and held of Sir Robert Crane, of Waldingfield manor ; a messuage called Baker's and land in Chilton hamlet, in the parish of Clare, bought of Giles Sheldraket held of the King, of his manor of Erburye ; a messuage and land in Boxford, held of Sir Edward Peyton, of his manor of Coddenham Hall ; and messuages and lands in Bures St. Mary, Acton, Stoke by Clare, Keddington alias Ketton, Wixhoe and Hundon.
William Alstone deceased made his will (part of which is recited) at Newton, 30 May 14 James i. (1616) by which he bequeathed the manor of Sayme Hall to his eldest son William, for life, with remainder to William, son of his said son.
He died ----January 15 Jas. i. (1618) at Newton.
William Alstone, his son and heir, was then 50 and more.
It also states that the Manor of Seyme Hall and the land occupied therewith was holden of the king as of His Honour of Clare by Knight's Service at one Knight's fee, and to be worth besides all reprises L6 13s 4d.

bullet  Research Notes:

Death date presently unsupported - 2013


bullet  Other Records

1. William Alston of Sible Hedingham: Indenture on parchment, 22 Mar 1607/08.
Example of early 17C Indenture with seal in English.

Bargain & Sale between Thomas Canham of Gt Waldingfield, taylor to William Alston of Hedingham Sible Essex Yeoman (in consideration of £100) of a messuage called Webby with another tenement newly erected 2 Crofts pasture adjoining (6ac) occupied by Canham in Gt Waldingfield between the green and grounds now adjoining the Rectory or Parsonage etc etc.
Signed William Alston with blind seal.
Witnessed: Thomas Alston, Richard Holborough, John Potter, William Raffle, William Turner.

2. William Alston: Will - Image part 1, 30 May 1616, Sible Hedingham ESS.
Yeoman of Sible Hedingham. 30 May 1616.
In the name of God, Amen: the Thirteth daye of Maye in the yeares of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god kinge of England ffraunce and Ireland defender of the faith etc. the fowerteenth and of Scotland the Nyne and ffortieth.
I William Alston of Hedingham Sibble in the Countie of Essex yeoman (beinge all this tyme sicke in bodie but of good and perfect rememberance . . . . .
To the poor of both Sible Hedingham and Newton, Suffolk, 5 marks ( 1 mark equals 13s 4d, but was never a coin)
To my son, Peter Allston, and his heirs, free- and copy-hold properties in Boyton End in Stoke-next-Clare, Chillton, and Clare, Suffolk, purchased of John leeks, John Curd, and Ralphe Turner. Also lands in Gt & Lt Walldingfield, Suffolk, purchased of Samuel Coleman, Gent. Also properties purchased of Stephen Pillgrim in Clare. Also all cattle, farm and household stuff as he already has in his possession. Also L1430 to he paid in three equal installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. I let him off any debts to me.
To my daughter, Elizabeth. Northy, L200, to be paid in, three equal installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. Also an annuity of L10 for life from all my properties in Wickham St., Pawle, Pebmarsh, Lt. Maplestead, and Gestingthorpe, to be paid on the feasts of the Annunciation and of St. Michael. If these payments are not made, then Elizabeth Northy may enter upon these lands until her money has been recouped.
My son-in-law Rolphe Northy , is let off all his debts to me on condition that within one year of my decease he conveys to Edward Northy, his son, and his heirs, the reversion and remainder of the messuage and tenement in the occupation of Widow Langley in Maydenborough Street or St Ellins, in Colchester St. Nicholas.
To my son, John Allston and his hers: all household and farm implements crops and cattle on Bloyes Farm. SH also Awbins Farm in Boxford in the fee of Hadley, Suffolk. And the property bought of Richard Sendall & Stephen Cooke now in the occupation of John Coppin in Boxford. Also L2133 6s 8d, to be paid in three equal portions 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. He is let off an debts to me.
To my daughter Margery Parker L200 to be paid in three equal installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. Also an annuity of L10 for life from the freehold lands purchased of Henry Jackson, John Lumpkyn and Nicholas Maffen, in Gt. & Lt. Walldingfieid, to be paid at the feasts of the Annunciation and of St. Michael. If these payments are not made then Margery Parker, may enter upon these lands untill her money has been recouped.
To my son, Edward Allston, and his heirs, all my properties in Bures St. Maries, Suffolk purchased of John Sympson, and also those in Gt. Waldingfield and Acton, Suffolk, purchased of Thomas Glover. Also L1276 13s 4d to be paid in three equal installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my descease. He let of any debts to me. To my grandchild William Allston, eldest son of my son, William, an annuity for 10 years after my decease of L50, and for 11 years after that of L30 to be paid from my properties in Thaxted also in Wickham St. Pawle, Pebmarsh, Lt. Maplestead, Gestingthorpe, and also those purchased of Henry Jackson, John Lumpkyn, and Nicholas Maffen in Gt & Lt Walldingfield to be paid on the feasts of the Annunciation and of St Michael. If these payments are not made, then he may enter upon these lands until his money has been recouped.
To my son, Thomas Allston, and his heirs, all my properties in Thaxted aforesaid, also properties in Gt & Lt Maplestead, Gestingthorpe, Wickham St. Pawle, Pebmarsh, and Twinstead. Also properties in Gt & Lt. Walldingfield arid Mellford purchased, of Thomas Canham, Henry Jackson, Lumpkin, and Nicholas Maffen, and any other properties not otherwise bequeathed in these parishes except one property both free and copy hold purchased of Thomas Parishe the Elder in Gt Walldingfield)
To William Allston, my eldest son, my capital mansion house, Sayme Hall, and lands, in Newton and Lt Cornard, Suffolk, with all its rents and tithes, for life, and then after his decease, to his son, William Allston, and his heirs, on condition that if either William or their heirs is given a reasonable request by any of my other children or their heirs, and should they refuse to help, then any party so refused may enter upon the said lands of the Manor of Saymehall until their reasonable claims shall be met, according to the meaning of my will.
Also to my son, William, my property, late Robert Cricks, where Jeffrye Tanner dwells, in Boxford, Edwardston, and Newton, Suffolk, and that property purchased of Thomas Cooke in Newton. Also the property purchased of John Rye in the occupation of Jeffrye Tanner and Thomas Butcher in Boxford and Newton, a parcel of land called Startoppes alias Startowts in Boxford, my properties both free and copy hold in Gt. Walldingfield purchased of Thomas Parishe, and property purchased of Giles Sheldrake in Chilton or Clare now in the occupa tion of . . . . . Ling (sic). Also L1580 to be paid in three equal portions at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. Also all the goods in his house in Comard, the household stuff in the parlor at Saymhall, the featherbed & coverlet, cubberd, and countertable in the parlor chamber, 2 tables in the hall, brass and copper and all other brewing vessells in the brewing house, and a cisterne for wetting barley. He is also let off any debts to me.
To William Allston, my grandchild, L400, to be paid in three equal installments at 4,12, and 18 months after my decease.
To Margery Allston, the eldest daughter of my son, William, L200, and to Elizabeth Allston, one other daughter of my son, William, L20, both legacies to be paid in three equal installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease.
To Ralphe, Edward, and Thomas Allston, other sons of my son, William, L190 each, Ralphe to be paid at 4 months, Edward at 12 months, and Thomas at 18 months after my decease.
Every other child of my son, William ie Joseph, Benjamin, Anne, Jacob, Jonas, and Jane Allston, L130 each upon reaching 18.
To John, Joseph, Anne, Susan, and Bridgett Allston, children of my son, Edward, L120 each upon reaching 18.
To Peter, Edward, Thomas, William, Margerie, and Elizabeth Allston, children of my son, Peter, L120 each upon reaching 18.
To LeStrange, Martha, John, Elizabeth, William, Anne, Susan Allston, and the last born son, all children of my son, John, L130 each upon reaching 18.
To Elizabeth Northy, my grandchild, and eldest daughter of my daughter, Elizabeth Northy, L170, to be paid in three installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease.
To Ralphe, Edward, and Margerye, the other children of Elizabeth Northy, Ll30 each upon reaching 18.
To Augustine and Susan Parker, the children of my daughter, Margerye Parker, the wife of Augustine Parker, L120 each upon reaching 18.
To William, Thomas, Edward, and John Allston, children of my son, Thomas, L120 each upon reaching 18.
In each of the above paragraphs it is stated that should any of the beneficiaries die aged under 18, or leaving no heir, then their share of the money is to be divided equally between all other beneficiaries in that paragraph.
To William Raffle, sometime my servant, L5 13s. 4d.
I appoint my son, Thomas Allston, as my Executor, and to he and his heirs I leave all the residue of my estate, and also all my properties in Stambourne and Ashen got by a conveyance from Edward & Humfrey Roane, Gents., and Henry Gridley.
William Allston.
Witnessed by Willm. Garnham, Peter Poole, Jo. Mallowes, Simon Blomfield, Roger Warwick, Robert Poole
Proved on the 29th January 1617 by Thomas Alston son and executor in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury before John Bennet, Knight, Doctor of Laws.

Dated 30 May 1616
In the name of God: Amen: the Thirteth daye of Maye in the yeares of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god kinge of England ffraunce and Ireland defender of the faith etc. the fowerteenth and of Scotland the Nyne and ffortieth
I William Alston of Hedingham Sibble in the Countie of Essex yeoman (beinge all this tyme sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance for the which I give vnto Allmightie god most hartie thankes) revokeinge all other
and former wills and testamentes Legacies and bequestes by me heretofore made doe make ordayne and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner and fourme followinge, ffirste and principallye I doe humbly comend my soule into the handes of Allmightie god, hopinge and stedfastlie beleivinge throughe the deathe bloud sheddinge and resurrection of Jesus Christ my onelye saviour and Redeemer to have, free pardon and remission of all my sinnes. And my bodye I willinglye comitt to the earth to be decently buried att the discretion of my executor
Item I give to the poore people of Hedingham Sibble aforesaid the some of five markes of lawfull money of England to be distributed at the discretion of my executor
Item I give vnto the poore people of Newton in the Countie of Suff. the like somme of five markes of like money to be likewise paied at the discretion of my executor
Item I give and bequeath vnto Peter Alston my sonne and to his heires for ever All those my Messuages landes woods Tenements and hereditaments as well free and Chargehold as Coppye and Customarie hold which I late purchased of John Deeks John Curd and Ralphe Turner scituate lyeinge and beinge in Boyton and in Stoke next Clare Chillton and Clare or in any other towne hamblett or parish there nere and adjoyninge in the said Countye of Suff.: And all soe all the landes tenements and hereditamts with th appurtennces which I late purchased to me and my heires of Samuell Coleman gent scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Walldingfeild and Little Walldingfeild or elsewhere in the said Countye of Suff. And all soe all those landes and tenements which I late purchased of Stephen Pillgrim lyeing and beinge in Clare aforesaid in the said Countie of Suff.: To have and to hold all and singuler the said Messuages lands Tenements hereditaments and other the premises with th'appurtennces vnto the said Peter my sonne his heires and assignes for ever. All soe I give and bequeath vnto the said Peter my sonne all such Cattle howshold stuff and implements of husbandrye as he nowe hath in his handes custodye and possession And I doe all soe give and forgive vnto the said Peter all such debts sornes and some of money as the said Peter doth nowe owe vnto me
Item I give vnto the said Peter the some of one Thowsande ffower hundred and Thirtie poundes of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of ffower Hundred Threescore and sixteene poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence percell thereof within ffower moneths next following after my decease, and the like some of ffower hundred Threescore and Sixteene poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence (being allsoe one other percell thereof) within one yeare next followinge after my decease. And the like some of ffower hundred Threescore and Sixteene poundes Thirteene shillinges and ffower pence (beinge the residue of the said some of One Thousand ffowerhundred and Thirtie poundes) to bee likewise payd within eighteene monethes next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Northye my daughter the some of Twoe hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of Threescore and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence pcell thereof within ffower moneths next after my decease, and the like some of threescore and sixe pounded Thirteene shillings and ffower pence (being one other cell thereof) within Twelve moneths next after my decease and the like some of Threescore and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence being the residue of the said some of Twoe hundred poundes within Eighteene monethes next after my decease Alsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth One Annuitie or yearely Rente of Tenne poundes of lawfull money to bee yssuinge and goinge out of all my landes and Tenements whatsoever scituate lyeinge and beinge in Wickham St Pawle Pebmarsh Little Maplested and Gestingthorpe in the said Countie of Essex to be payd unto the said Elizabeth my daughter duringe the Terme of her naturall life att twoe usuall feastes in the yeare (that is to saye) att the feastes of Thannunciacon of the blessed virgin Marye and St Michaell Tharchangell by even and equall portions the first payment thereof to begin att such of the said ffeastes as shall first happen next after my decease And if yt shall happen the said Annuitie or yearely Rente of Tenne poundes or any parte thereof to be behind and unpaid att any of the said ffeastes wherein the same oughte to be payd as aforesaid That then and from thenceforth yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the said Elizabeth or her assignes into the sayd landes and tenements, whatsoever scituate lyeinge and beinge in Wickham St Pawle Pebmarsh Little Maplested and Gestingthorpe aforesaid or any of them to enter and distreyne and the distresse and distresses there soe hadd or taken to leade drive beare or carrie awaye and the same to detayne witholde and keepe vntill the said Annuitie or yearelye Rente (with tharrerages thereof yf any be) shalbe to the said Elizabeth or her assignes fullie satisfied and payd Alsoe I doe give and forgive to Ralphe Northye my sonne in lawe all such debtes some and somes of money as the said Ralphe Northye doth nowe owe unto me vppon Condicon notwithstandinge and soe as the said Ralphe shall within one yeare next after my decease conveye and assure unto Edward Northye his sonne and to his heires the Revertion and remaynder of all that Messuage or Tenement with thappurtennce nowe in the occupation of the widdowe Langley scituate lyeing and beinge in a streete called Maydenborough streete otherwise St Ellins in the parish of St Nicholas in Colchester in the said Countie of Essex To have and to hould the said Messuage or Tenement with th appurtennces ymediately from and after the decease of the said Ralphe unto the said Edward Northye and his heires for ever
Item I give unto John Allston my sonne all my howshold stuffe and ymplements of husbandrie and all my Corne and Cattle which are remayninge and growinge all or vppon the ffarme called Bloyes scituate and beinge in Sibble Hedingham aforesaid. Allsoe I give and bequeath unto the said John my sonne and to his heires all that my Messuage or Tenement called or knowen by the name of Awbins or otherwise and all the howses buildings lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement belonginge or apperteyninge or to or with the same nowe or latelye used and enioyed scituate lyeing and being in Boxforde in the ffee of Hadley in the said Countie of Suff. Allsoe I doe give and bequeath unto the said John my sonne and his heires all that my Messuage landes tenementes and hereditaments with thappurtennces which I late purchased of Richard Sendall and Stephen Cooke nowe in thoccupation of John Coppin or his assignee or assignes scituate lyeinge and beinge in Boxford aforesaid in the ffee of Hadley in the said Countie of Suff : Allsoe I doe give and bequeath unto the said John my sonne the some of Twoe thousand One hundred Thirtie and three poundes sixe shillinges and eight pence of lawfull money of England to be payd and satisfied in manner and forme followeinge (that is to saye) the some of Seaven Hundred and Eleven poundes pcell thereof within ffower monethes next after my decease and the like some of Seaven hundred and Eleven poundes (beinge one other pcell thereof) within twelve monethes next after my decease, And the some of Seaven Hundred and Eleven pounds Sixe shillings and eight pence being the residue of the said some of Twoe Thousand One hundred Thirtie and three poundes sixe shillings and eightpence within Eighteene monethes next after my decease. Allsoe I doe give and forgive unto the said John my sonne All and everie such debt some and somes of money whatsoever as he doth nowe owe unto me
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Margery Parker my daughter one Annuitie or yearelie Rente of Tenne poundes of lawfull money of England to be issuinge and goeinge out of all my freehold landes and tenements with their appurtennces which I latelie purchased of Henrye Jackson John Lumpkyn and Nicholas Maffen and everie or any of them scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Waldingfeild and Little Waldingfeilde in the said Countie of Suff. to be payd to the said Margerye or her assignes yearelie duringe the terme of her naturall life att Twoe usuall feastes or Termes in the yeare (that is to saye) att the ffeastes of Thannunciacon of the blessed virgin Marye and St Michaell Tharchangell by even and equall porcons the first payment thereof to begin att such of the said feastes as shall first happen next after my decease And if yt shall happen the said Annuitye or yearelie Rent of Tenne poundes or any parte thereof to be behinde and vnpayd att any of the said ffeastes wherein the same ought to be payd as aforesaid that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Margerye and her assignes into the said last mentioned premisses and everie parte thereof to enter and distreyne and the distresse and distresses there soe hadd and taken to leade beare drive or carrye awaye and the same to deteyne withold impounde and keepe vntill the said Annuitie or yearelie Rent with tharrerages thereof (if any bee) shalbe unto the said Margerye or her assignees fullie satisfied and payd Allsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Margerye the some of Twoe hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of threescore and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and flower pence (pcell thereof) within ffower monthes next after my decease and the like some of Threescore and sire poundes thirteene shilhnges and ffower pence (beinge one other pcell thereof) within Twelve monethes next after my decease And alsoe the some of Threescore and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge the Residue of the said somme of Twoe hundred poundes) within Eighteene monthes next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Allston my sonne and his heires All that my Messuage landes and tenementes with th'appurtennces lyeinge and beinge in Buers St Maries in the County of Suff. which I late purchased of John Sympson Allsoe I give and bequeath to the said Edward and his heires al those my messuages landes tenements and hereditamentes with their appurtennces which I late purchased of Thomas Glover scituate lyeinge and beinge in Great Waldingefeild aforesaid and Acton in the said Countie of Suff : Allsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Edward my sonne the some of One Thowsand Twoe hundred Threescore and sixteene poundes Thirteene shillinges and ffower pence of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of ffower hundred Twentie and ffive poundes (pcell thereof within ffower monethes next after my decease and the like some of ffower hundred and Twentie and ffive poundes (beinge one other pcell thereof) within Twelve monethes next after my decease) and the some of ffower hundred Twentie and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge the residue of the said some of One Thowsand Twoe hundred Threescore and sixteene poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence) within Eighteene monetbes next after my decease Allsoe I give and forgive vnto the said Edward my sonne All such debtes somes and some of money as the said Edward doth nowe owe vnto me
Item I give and bequeath vnto William Allston my grandchild the eldest sonne of William my sonne One Annuite or yearelye Rente of ffiftie poundes of lawfull money of England to be yssuinge and goeinge out of all my Messuages landes tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever with their appurtennces scituate lyeinge and beinge in Thaxted in the said Countie of Essex And out of all my said Messuages landes tenements and hereditaments with their appurtennces which I late purchased of Henry Jackson John Lumpkyn and Nicholas Maffen and every or any of them scituate lyeirge and beinge in Great Waldingfeild and Little Waldingfeild afforesaid in the said Countie of Suff: And out of all my aforesaid landes and tenementes whatsoever scituate lyeinge and beinge in Wickham St Pawle Pebmarshe Little Maplestede and Gestingthorpe in the said Countie of Essex to be yearelie payd vnto the said William Allston my graundchild for and duringe the Terme of Tenne yeares next after my decease I give and bequeath vnto the said William my graundchild One other Annuitye or yearelye Rente of Thirtie poundes of like moneyto be issuinge and goeinge out of all and singular the said Messuages landes tenementes and hereditamentes with their appurtennces last before mentioned and expressed for and duringe the Terme of Eleven yeares to begin after thexpiracon of the said Terme of Tenne yeares the said severall Annuytyes or yearelye Rentes to be yearelye payd vnto the said William my graundchild att twoe ffeastes or dayes in the yeare (that is to saye) at the ffeastes of Thannuntiation of the blessed virgin Marye and St Mychaell tharchangell by even and equall porcons the first payment of the said first Annuytie of ffiftie poundes to begin att such of the said feastes as shall first happen next after my decease And if yt shall happen the said Annuyties or yearely Rentes or either of them or any parte or pcell of them or either of them shall happen to be behinde and vnpayd att any of the said ffeastes wherein the same ought to be payd as aforesaid that then and from thenceforth it shall and maye be lawfull to and for the said William my graundchild and his assignes into all and singular the aforesaid last mentioned premisses and everye parte thereof to enter and distreyne and the distresse and distresses there soe had and taken to leade drive beare and carrie awaye and the same to detayne withold impound and keepe vntill the said Annuyties or yearely Rentes with tharrerages thereof (if any be) shalbe to the said William my grandchild or his assignes fullie satisfied and payd
Item I give and bequeath vnto Thomas Allston my sonne and his heires for ever All my Messuages landes tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever lyeinge and beinge in Thaxted aforesaid in the said Countye of Essex or in any other towne there neere adioyninge Allsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said Thomas my sonne and his heires All my Messuages landes tenements woods and hereditamentes with their appurtennces scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Maplested Little Maplested Gestingthorpe Wickham St Pawle Pebmarsh and Twinsted in the said Countie of Essex Alsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said Thomas my sonne and his heires All my landes and tenementes with their appurtennces which I late purchased of Thomas Canham scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Waldingefeilde aforesaid in the said Countie of Suff. And allsoe all those my messuages landes and tenementes with their appurtennces which I late purchased of Henry Jackson John Lumpkin and Nicholas Maffen and everie or any of them And all other my landes and Tenementes whatsoever not before given or bequeathed both ffree and Coppyhold scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Waldingfeilde aforesaid and Mellford in the said Countie of Suff : (except one Messuage and all landes both free and Coppiehold which I late purchased of Thomas Parish thelder lyeinge and beinge in Greate Waldingfeild aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath vnto William Allston my eldest sonne all that my Cappitall Messuage Mannor or Mansion howse called or knowen by the name of Saymehall with all the howses ediffices buildings yardes gardens landes Meadowes pastures feedings woodes Rentes and hereditamts whatsoever to the said Capitall Messuage Mannor or Mancon howse belonginge or appertayneinge or to and with the same nowe or latelye vsed occupied or enioyed with all and everie of their appurtennces scituate lyeinge and beinge in Newton and Little Cornerd in the said Countie of Suff. And allsoe all manner of Tyethes cominge growinge or renewinge in or vppon the said landes tenementes and premisses or any parte thereof To have and to holde the said Capitall Messuage Mannor or Mansion howse called Saymehall and everie other the said last menconed premisses with their and everie of their appurtennces to the said William Allston my sonne and his assignes for and duringe the Terme of his naturall life vppon and vnder the condicon and provisoe here after mentioned And after the decease of the said William my sonne then I whollie give and bequeath the said Capitall Messuage Mannor or Mantion howse and all and everie other the premisses with their appurtennces to the said William Allston my grandchild the eldest sonne of my said sonne William and to the heires of the said William my grandchilde for ever vppon and vnder the Condicon and provisoe hereafter likewise expressed. Allsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said William my sonne All that Messuage or Tenement wherein one Jeffrye Tanner doth nowe inhabite and dwell with all the howses buildings yeardes orchardes gardens landes meadowes pastures feedings and hereditamentes what soever to the said Messuage belonginge or appertaineinge or to or with the same nowe or latelye vsed occupied or enioyed late Robert Crickes nowe in thoccupation of the said Jeffrye Tanner his assignee or assignes scituate lyeinge and beinge in Boxford Edwardston and Newton in the said Countie of Suff: Allsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said Will- my sonne All that my Tenement and landes with thappurtennces which I late purchased of Tho Cooke scituate lyeinge and beinge in Newton aforesaid And allsoe all those my lands and tenementes which I late purchased of John Rye nowe or late in the tenure and occupacon of the afforesaid Jeffrye Tanner and Tho Butcher or of one of them or of one of theire assigne or assignes lyeinge and beinge in Boxford and Newton aforesaid Allsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said William my sonne All that parcell of land comonlie called or knowen by the name of Startoppes als Startowtes with their appurtennces lyeinge and beinge in Boxford aforesaid And all those my landes Tenementes and hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtennces which I late purchased of Thomas Parishe as well free and
Chargehold as Customarie and Coppyhold scituate lyeinge and beinge in Greate Walldingfeild aforesaid in the said Countie of Suff: And allsoe I give and bequeath vnto the said William my sonne All that my Messuage or Tenement with thappurtennces which I latelye purchased of Giles Sheldrake lyeinge and beinge in Chilton or the hamlett of Clare in the said Countye of Suff: nowe in th occupation of ---- Ling or his assignes To have and to hold all and singuler the before laste menconed premisses with th'appurtennces vnto the said William my sonne and his heires for ever provided allwayes and vppon Condicon notwithstandinge that if the said William my sonne or William my grandchild or either of them theire or either of their heires doe or shall att anye tyme hereafter (vppon reasonable request unto him them or any of them by anye other of my Children or their heires to be had or made) denye and refuse to assure Release ratyfye and confirme unto them and everie of them and their heires with warrantye against them and either of them theire and either of their heires All and everye the howses landes tenements or hereditaments both ffreehold and Coppihold and the Rentes unto my Children or any of them severallie and respectiuelie in and by this my last will and Testament given and bequeathed and accordinge to the tenor erect and true intente of this my said will, or that the said William my sonne and William his sonne or their heires or any other pson or psons clayminge by or under their or any of their estate right title or interest meanes or assent by reason of anye tenure in Capite or knight service or wante of surrender or otherwise doe or shall att anye tyme hereafter by Accon entrye clayme or otherwise evicte interrupt or disturbe any thestate right title interest or possession of any my Children of or in any the howses landes tenementes rentes and premisses unto them or any of them severallie and respectmelye in and by this my said last will and testament given and bequeathed and contrarie to the trewe intente tenor and effect thereof; That then I will it shall and may be lawfull to and for everie of my Children both sonnes and daughters and the heires of them soe denied and refused by the said William my sonne or William his sonne their or either of theire heires to be secured as aforesaid or whoe by any theire Accon entrye or Clayme shalbe be evicted or disturbed of or in anye the howses landes tenements or Rentes unto them or any of them in and by this my will severallye and respectively given and bequeathed, and contrarie to the tenor and true entente thereof shall or may enter into the said Mannor or reputed Mannor of Saymehall withall and everie the landes tenementes and hereditamentes to the same belonginge or therewith used or occupied and to the said William my sonne and to William his sonne given and bequeathed as aforesaid and the yssues and profitts thereof to have hould detayne and keepe to his and theire proper use and benefytt for and duringe soe longe tyme and vntill the said William my sonne or William his sonne or theire heires doe or shall assure convey release or confirme unto them and everie of them severallye and respectivelye all and everie the messuages landes and tenementes with their appurtennces both freehold and Coppyhold and Rentes unto them and everie of them severall given and bequeathed according to the tenor effect and true intente and meaninge of this my will with warrantye against the said William my sonne and his heires and all persons clayminge by from or under them the said William and William or any of them as by all or any of my said sonnes and daughters (other then the said William my sonne) his and theire Councell learned in the lawe and at his and theire proper costes and chardges in the lawe shalbe reasonablye devised or advised and required. And allsoe vntill they and everie of them soe evicted and disturbed contrarye to this my will be satisfied and payd all and everie theire costes and chardges in the lave for or by reason of anye such Clayme Entrie eviction or disturbance aforesaid
Item I give and bequeath unto the said William my sonne the some of One thousand ffive hundred and flower score poundes of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of ffive hundred Twentie and sixe pounds thirteene shillings and ffower pence (percell thereof) within ffower monethes next after my decease And the like some of (ffive hundred Twentie and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge one other pcell thereof) within twelve monethes next after my decease. And the like some of ffive hundred Twentie and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence beinge the residue of the said some of One Thousand ffive hundred and ffower score poundes within Eighteene monethes next after my decease
Item I give unto the said William my sonne All and everie my goodes and Chattells att his howse in Cornerd And allsoe all and everie my howsehold stuffe whatsoever nowe beinge in the parlor at Saymehall aforesaid And alsoe my best fetherbed and Coverlett and the Cubberd and Countertalle in the parlour chamber there and the twoe tables in the hall there and the brasses and copper in the brewinghouse there And allsoe all other the brewing vessels there And allsoe the Cesterne there for the wettinge of Barley And I further will and bequeath all other the howshold stuffe in my howse of Saymehall not before bequeathed to the said William and Peter my sonnes to be equallie devided betweene them
Item I doe give and forgive unto the said William my sonne all such debtes some and somes of money as the said William doth nowe owe unto me
Item I give and bequeath unto the said William my grandchild the some of ffower hundred poundes of lawful money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to say) the some of One hundred thirtie and three poundes sixe shillings and eight pence (pcell thereof) within ffower monethes next after my decease and the like some of One hundred thirtie and three
poundes sixe shillings and eight pence beinge one other pcell thereof within Twelve monethes next after my decease And alsoe the like some of One hundred Thirtie and Three ponndes sixe shillings and eight pence being the residue of the said some of ffower hundred poundes within Eighteene monethes next after my Decease.
Item I give unto Margery the eldest daughter of my said sonne William the some of Twoe hundred poundes to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of Threescore and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (pcell thereof) within ffower monethes next after my decease. And the like some of threescore and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge one other pcell thereof) within Twelve monethes next after my decease. And alsoe the like some of threescore and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence being the residue of the said some of Twoe hundred poundes within eighteene monethes next after my decease.
Item I give unto Elizabeth one other of the daughters of my said sonne William the some of Twenty poundes of lawfull money and to Elizabeth her daughter twoe unites or Twentie shillinge peeces of gould to be payd within ffower monethes next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Ralphe Edward and Thomas Three other of the sonnes of the said William my sonne the some of one hundred ffower score and tenne poundes a peece to be payd unto them in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of One hundred ffower score and tenne poundes to the said Ralphe within ffower monethes next after my decease And the some of One hundred ffower score and tenne poundes to the said Edward within twelve monethes next after my decease and the some of One hundred ffower score and Tenne pounds unto the said Thomas within Eighteene monethes next after my decease And if yt shall happen that the said William Ralphe Edwarde and Tho sonnes of the said William my sonne or any of them to departe this life without issue of their bodies before their portion or portions are to be payd by venue of this my will then my will and meaninge is that the parte or portion of him or them so dyeinge shalbe equally divided to and amongst the said William Ralphe Edward .and Thomas and everie of them that shalbe then liveinge Alsoe I give and bequeath unto everie other of the Children of my said sonne William (that is to saye) Joseph Beniamyn Anne Jacob Jonas and Jane to everie of them the some of One hundred and Thirtie poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be payd unto the said William my sonne his executors or assignes to their use in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of Twoe hundred and threescore poundes pcell of theire severall portions within ffower monethes next after my decease And the like some of Two hundred and threescore poundes (beinge one other pcell of their said severall portions) within Twelve monethes next after my decease And the like some of Twoe hundred and Threescore poundes (beinge the residue of theire saide severall portions) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease And my will and meaninge is that my said sonne William shall pay vnto the said Joseph Beniamyn Anne Jacob Jonas and Jane their said severall portions at theire severall ages of Eighteene And if any of them happen to dye before their parte or porcon is to be payd by vertue of this my will then I will that the portion of him or them soe dyeinge shalbe equallie devided to and amongst them the said Joseph Beniamyn Anne Jacob Jonas and Jane and everie of them that shalbe then livinge And further my meaninge and will is that vppon the payment of the said porcons vnto my said sonne William my executor shalbe thereof clerelye discharged
Item I give and bequeath vnto John Joseph Anne Susan and Bridgett beinge the Children of my sonne Edward the some of One hundred and Twentie poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be payd vnto the said Edward my sonne his Executors and assignes in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of Twoe hundred poundes (pcell of their said severall porcons) within ffower monethes next after my decease And the like some of Twoe hundred poundes (beinge one other pcell of theire said porcons) within Twelve monethes next after my decease And alsoe the like some of Two hundred poundes (beinge the residue of their said severall portions) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease. And my will and meaninge is that my said sonne Edward shall paye vnto the said John Joseph Anne Susan and Bridgett their said severall portions at their severall ages of Eighteene yeares And if any of them happen to dye before their parte or porcon is to be payd by vertue of this my will then I will that the parte or portion of him or them soe dyeinge shall be equallie devided to and amongst them the said John Joseph Anne Susan and Bridgett and everie of them that shalbe then liveinge And further my will and meaninge is that vppon the payment of the said porcons vnto my said sonne Edward his executors or assignes, my executor shalbe thereof absolutely discharged
Item I give and bequeath vnto Peter Edward Thomas William Margerie and Elizabeth beinge the Children of my said sonne Peter or vnto everie of them the some of One hundred and Twentie poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be payd vnto my said sonne Peter his executors or assignes in manner and fourme followinge (that is to saye) the some of Twoe hundred and ffortie poundes (pcell of the said severall porcons) within ffower monethes next after my decease And the like some of Twoe hundred and ffortie poundes (beinge one other pcell of the said porcons) within Twelve monethes next after my decease, And allsoe the like some of Twoe hundred and ffortie pounds beinge the residue of the said porcons, within Eighteene monethes next after my decease And my will and meaninge is that my said sonne Peter shall paye vnto the said Peter Edward Thomas William Margerie and Elizabeth theire said severall porcons att their severall ages of Eighteene yeares And if any of them happen to die before their parte or porcon is to be payd by vertue of this my will then I will that the parte or porcon of him or them soe dyeinge shalbe equallie devided to and amongst them the said Peter Edward Thomas William Margerie and Elizabeth and everie of them that shalbe then liveinge. And further my will and meaninge is that vppon the payment of the said porcons vnto my said sonne Peter his executors or assignes my executor shalbe there of absolutely discharged
Item I give and bequeath vnto Le Strange Martha John Elizabeth William Anne Susan and the last borne sonne beinge the children of my said sonne John vnto everie of them the some of One hundred and Thirtie poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be payd vnto my said sonne John his executors and assignes in manner and forme following (that is to saye) the some of Three hundred ffortie And sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence percell of their said severall porcons within ffower monethes next after my decease And alsoe the like somme of Three hundred and ffortie sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge one other pcell of their said porcons) within Twelve monethes next after my decease And alsoe the like some of Three hundred ffortie and sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge the residue of theire saide porcons) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease And my will and meaninge is that my saide sonne John his executors and assignes shall paye vnto the saide Le Strange Martha John Elizabeth William Anne Susan and the last borne sonne theire said severall porcons att theire severall ages of Eighteene yeares And if any of them happen to dye before their parte or porcon is to be payd by vertue of this my will Then I will that the parte or porcon of him or them soe dyeinge shalbe equallie devided to and amongst them the said Le Strange Martha John Elizabeth William Anne Susan and the last borne sonne and everie of them that shalbe then liveinge And further my will and meaninge is that vppon the payment of the said porcons vnto my said sonne John his executors or assignes that my executor shalbe there of absolutelie discharged
Item I give and bequeath vnto Elizabeth Northye my grandchild the eldest daughter of Elizabeth Northye my daughter the some of One hundred Threescore and Tenne poundes of lawfull money of England to be payd in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of ffiftie and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence (pcell thereof) within ffower monethes next after my decease And the like some of ffiftie and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge one other pcell there of) within Twelve monethes next after my decease And likewise all the like some of ffiftie and sixe poundes Thirteene shillings and ffower pence (beinge the residue of the said some) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath vnto Ralphe Edward and Margerye beinge the other Children of my said daughter Elizabeth and to everie of them the some of One hundred and Thirtie poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be payd vnto Ralphe Northye their father in manner and forme followinge (that is to saye) the some of one hundred and Thirtie poundes (pcell of their said portions) within ffower monethes next after my decease. And the like some of One hundred and Thirtie poundes (beinge one other pcell of their said portions) within Twelve monethes next after my decease. And alsoe the some of One hundred and Thirtie poundes (residue of their said porcons) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease. And my will and meaninge is that the said Ralphe Northye the father shall paye vnto them the said Ralphe Edward and Margerye his Children their severall portions given vnto them by this my will att their severall ages of Eighteene yeares And yf any of them happen to dye before their parte or porcon is to be payd by vertue of this my will, then I will that the parte or porcon of him or them soe dyeinge shalbe equallie divided to and amongst the rest of the Children of my said daughter Elizabeth that shalbe then liveinge And further my will and meaninge is that vppon the payment of the said portions vnto the said Ralphe Northye the father his executors or assignes my executor shalbe thereof absolutelie dischardged
Item I give and bequeath vnto Augustine and Susan Parker beinge the Children of my daughter Margerye to either of them the some of one hundred and Twentie poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid vnto Augustine Parker theire father his executors or assignees in manner and fourme followinge (that is to saye) the some of ffower score poundes (pcell of their portions) within ffower monethes next after my decease and alsoe the like some of ffower score poundes beinge one other pcell of their said porcons within Twelve monethes next after my decease And alsoe the some of ffower score poundes (beinge the residue of the said some of their said porcons) within Eighteene monethes next after my decease And my will and meaninge is that the said Augustine Parker shall paye unto the said Augustine and Susan Parker his Children their said severall portions att their severall ages of eighteene yeares And if either of them happen to dye before their parte or portion is to be payd by vertue of this my will then the survivor of them to have the portion of him or her soe deceased And further my will and meaninge is that vppon the paymente of the said porcons unto the said Augustine Parker the father his executors or assignes my executor shalbe thereof absolutelye discharged
Item I give and bequeath unto William Thomas Edward and John sonnes of the said Thomas my sonne to everie of them the some of One hundred and Twentie poundes a peece to be payd unto them at their severall ages of Eighteene yeares
Item I give and bequeath unto Walter Ruffle sometymes my servante the some of sixe poundes thirteene shillings and ffower pence of lawfull money of England to be payd within sixe monethes next after my decease
Item all the residue of my goodes and Chattells whatsoever (my funerall chardges and debtes and legacies beinge payd And this my will in everie thinge performed) I give and bequeath unto Thomas my sonne whome I doe nominate and appointe my sole executor of this my last will and testament And I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto the said Thomas my sonne All those Messuages landes tenements and hereditaments with their appurtennces which I late had to me and my heires by any Conveyance or assurance of from Edward Roane gen Humfrey Roane gen and Henrye Gridley and everie or any of them whatsoever scituate lyeinge and beinge in Stamborne and Ashen als Essee or elswhere in the said Countie of Essex : To have and to hould all and singular the said landes tenements and hereditamentes with their appurtennces together with the right title interest and demaunde of me whatsoever of or in the said premisses to thonlye proper use and behoofe of the said Thomas my sonne his heires and assignes for ever.
In Wittness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name unto everie sheete conteyninge Tenne sheetes of paper And allsoe unto this my will have sett my seale the daye and yeares first above written 1616
William Allston.
This present writinge was read subscribed sealed and published by the said William Allston the Testator for his last will and Testament the last daye of Maye 1616 in the presence of VVillm Garnham Peter Poole Jo: Mallowes Simon Blomfeild Roger Barwick and Robs Poole.

Proved on the 29th January 1617 by Thomas Alston Son and Executor in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury before John Bennet, Knight, Doctor of Laws.
Meade 1
Page 98 Alstoniana

3. William Alston: Will - Image part 2, 30 May 1616, Sible Hedingham ESS.


William married Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815] [MRIN: 921], daughter of Henry HOMESTEAD OF MAPLESTEAD [2620] and Miss BENDLOWES [2816]. (Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815] died about 1607.)


William next married Parnell ELLICE [2831] [MRIN: 930] on 12 Sep 1608 in Newton SFK By Lic.

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