The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Miss BENDLOWES [2816]
William ALSTON of Siam Hall and Sible Hedingham ESS [2813]
(Abt 1537-1618)
Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815]
(-Abt 1607)

Peter ALSTON of Bramford [2988]


Family Links

1. Elizabeth PETLOW [2993]

2. Katherine BUGGS [2995]

Peter ALSTON of Bramford [2988]

  • Baptised: 30 Nov 1569, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth PETLOW [2993]
  • Marriage (2): Katherine BUGGS [2995] on 27 Aug 1618 in Bramford SFK
  • Died: 3 Apr 1628, Bramford SFK aged 58

bullet  General Notes:

Alston Peter of Bramford (3rd son of William Alston of Saham Hall) bap. at Newton 30 Jun 1569, d. 3 Apr 1628; Will dated 26 March.
Ref: Collectanea Genealogica Pt. II July 1881. Col. Chesters Gray's Inn Admissions 1521-1881. NZSOG - 2014.

Peter was of Bramford, his will was dated 26 Mar 1628, proved 16 May 1629, it mentions his sons all being under 21.
Peter's second marriage to Katherine, daughter of Edward Buggs, and sister of Sir Anthony Buggs, is said to have been without issue.

Manor of Lovetot:
. . . . . Thomas Lord Wentworth and from him to his son and heir Henry 3rd Lord Wentworth who died May 1593.
The Manor then seems to have passed to the Alston family, but apparently not to those members of it mentioned by Page in his history. It was held of the Actons as of the main Manor. Peter Alston held shortly after the death of 3rd Lord Wentworth, and dying the 3rd April 1628 was succeeded by his son and heir Peter Alston, on his death the Manor passed to his brother Edward Alston who held his first court 3 Jan 1632/33. The next Lord we find named is John Burrough who held a first court 6 July 1700.
The Manor house is known as Lovetofts Hall.
Ref; The Manors of Suffolk.

In Winthrops "History of New England" Vol I Pg 352; in a letter of John Winthrop's to his son John, dated 7th April 1628, occurs the note "Tell your Uncle Downing that Peter Alston is dead" the Winthrop's came from Edwardstone & Groton.
Also recorded in the Diary of Adam Winthrop pg 253.

Viz. Richard Wilcox v. Peter Alston, Thomas Denton and others,
Depositions taken at Ipswich 9 January 19 Jas. I , with regard to the site of the manor of Lovetofts in Bramford, co. Suffolk, mortgaged by Thomas Denton to Peter Alston, in the name of Edward Alston his son, a minor.
One deponent, John Harte of Bramford, has known the deponent Alston about forty years,
Bridges 474 1622
Alstoniana Pg 196
PRO C 3/299/84 Alston v. Wilcox: Suffolk. A.D. 1617-1621

Lorraine Family Archive
Ipswich Record Office
Ref HA61
FILE - Bundle marked: "No.7. Ancient writings 1618 to 1708. Tenements and farms of Hulver Hill and Aldersfield." - ref. HA61/436/63-78 - date: 1618-1708
item: Copy of Inquisition after the death of Peter Alston. 29 Sept. 1629 - ref. HA61/436/75 [n.d.]
Item: Copy of an Exemplification of the Decree of the Court of Wards in favour of Joseph Alston, against Peter Alston, defendant. - ref. HA61/436/76 - date: 15 Feb 1638
1618: Ed. Alston left estate to son John (who soon died) then to son Joseph, committed during his minority to Peter Alston, his uncle, brother of Edward. Now Joseph shews arrears in accounts for which Peter's Bond of L5000 (3 July, 1626) is forfeited.
Item:Copy of a Grant by the Crown of lands to Mary Alston, widow of Joseph Alston, late of Shellands Hall, Suffolk. Ref HA61/436/72
Lands held by Peter Alston for ward Joseph and seized by Crown when L5000 bond of Peter Alston's forfeited. Held by Joseph throughout his life but without proper grant, which was interrupted by Civil Wars.Date: 1663.Source: Access to Archives
Item: Copy of Extent of lands of Peter Alston - by writ of Court of Wards for forfeiture of L5000 bond of 3 July 1626. - ref. HA61/436/77 - date: 21 Jan 1639
Bramford - manor of Lovetofts - capital messuage called Lovetofts, 100 acres, 26 acres pasture, 4 acres meadow, 20 acres wood - occupied by Edward Alston - L24.

PETER ALSTON, Gentleman.
Inquisition Post Mortem taken at Ipswich
19 September 4 Charles i. (1628).
Ser.ii; Vol 441, 1628. co Suffolk
The said Peter was seised of a messuage and land in Great and Little Waldingfield, held of the King as of Clare Honour; and of a messuage and land in Bramford ; all of which he settled in reversion on Katherine his wife, one of the daughters of Edward Bugges, in accordance with the terms of an indenture dated 6 May 22 James i. (1624).
He was also seised of the reversion of the site of the manor of Lovetoftes, after the expiry of a lease thereof granted
by Lord Wentworth to one Thomas Denton ; which last, together with the above said and other lands in Bramford, are held of John Acton, gentleman, of his manor of Bramford; also of the manor of Lovetoftes, and lands, and a water mill and fulling mill called Laxfeild Mill, and land in Burstall, Stoke by Clare, Ketton, Whixho, and Hundon.
His will (some provisions of which are given) was dated 6 March last past.
He died at Bramford 3 April 4 Charles i. (1628)
Peter, his son and heir, was then 20 years and 8 months old.
Alstoniata pg 261


bullet  Other Records

1. Peter Alston: Court Book of the Manor of Nayland records:, 1625.
26 Apr 1625 - Peter Alston - assessed a fine £2 - for a tenement & garden by death or surrender by Thos Todd. Roll No. R2b
27 Sep 1631 - Peter Alston - assessed a fine £2-13-4 - for a tenement & garden by death or surrender by Peter Alston. Roll No. R6a.
Ref: Bury RO HA541/2/1/5
Fine was the record of a conveyance of proprietorship of property and the price paid.

2. Peter Alston: Will, 1628, Bramford SFK.
Dated 26 March 1628.
I give to Katherine my wife according to the obligation entered into between me and her father Edward Buggs before our marriage, my mess. or ten with the lands etc. in Great Waldingfield and Little Waldingfield co. Suff. my messuage called Bullen with the houses, buildings lands meadows pastures &c. thereto belonging in Bramford.
I also give to my wife all her apparel and L10. I desire her to give a release in writing to any claim she may have upon my other property, should she claim more than the above messuage's and lands, the above bequest to be void.
I give to Peter Alston, my eldest son, my messuage near the Bridge in Bramford with the yards gardens &c. On the death of my wife (should I have no issue by her) the mess. and lands devised to her, shall come to my said son Thomas and his heirs.
I give Thomas my son all my copyhold lands and tenements in Great and Little Waldingfield.
I give to Edward Alston my son my manor of Lovetoftes 'als' Luftostes with all the lands feedings rents reversions tenements and hered. in Bramford Burstall and other towns in Suff. which I purchased from Thomas Lord Wentworth, except the mess. and lands reputed to be part of the manor of Lovetoftes and before given to my son Peter and the scite of the house in which I now dwell.
The above bequests to my three sons to be in full satisfaction of any sums of money left to them under the will of my late father Will. Alston gent.
I give to my dau. Eliz Alston L600 when she is 18, over and above any money left her by my father.
My executors to receive the rents of the messuage's left to my sons Thomas and Edward and apply the same to their education or to put them to a trade or profession until they reach the age of 21 years - my dau. Elizabeth to receive 40 marks yearly towards her maintenance until she receive her legacy - Should Elizabeth die before receiving her legacy - the money to be divided between my sons and my dau. Margery now the wife of Thomas Wynne.
I give to my executors and their heirs all such mess. ten. and hered. in Shelleigh co., Suffolf all mortgages &c for the payment of my debts and legacies.
I desire my executors to pay to the children of my brother Edward Alston such legacies as shall be unpaid at the time of my death, so far as the goods of the said Edward deceased received by me shall enable them.
I give to my son Edward Alston all my household stuff plate bedding linen and other utensils, carts, tombrells plows &c in the manor of Lovetoftes - the said Edward to pay to each of his brothers and sisters L10 in default the said goods to be equally divided.
Being guardian to Joseph Alston son of my brother Edward, I desire my executors to take over the wardship and to attend to the education of said Joseph and his brothers and sisters.
I leave the poor of Bramford L10.
The residue of my property to be divided between my said three sons and dau. Elizabeth
I give to my son in law Thomas Wynne and Francis Andrewe of Hadleigh co., Suffolk in trust the messuage of Lovetostes, wherein I now dwell with the houses buildings barns lands &c as were demised therewith by Lord Wentworth to Thomas Denton (except such as are before given to Peter my son) during the life of my wife Katherine with remainder to my son Edward - The rents of said property to be applied to the education of Edward my son by the said Thomas Wynne and Francis Andrew.

I appoint my son Peter and Francis Andrew executors & give the latter L40 for his trouble.
Signed: Peter Alston.
Witnesses Daniel Bacon, Nicho. Hayward.

CODICIL appointing Francis Andrew guardian of Peter the son, should he be under age
at the time of his father's death - 27th March 1628.
Proved: 16th May 1629 by Peter Alston the son.
Copy of Will on this file.

Extract from the Will of his father William:
To my son Peter Allston, and his heirs, free and copy hold properties in Boyton End in Stoke-next-Clare, Chillton and Clare, Suffolk, purchased of John Deeks, John Curd and Ralphe Turner. Also land in Great and Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, purchased of Samuel Coleman.
Also properties purchased of Stephan Pilgrim in Clare.
Also all cattle, farm and household stuff as he already has in his possession.
Also L1430 to be paid in three installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. I let him off any debts to me.

3. Peter Alston: Will - Image Part 2 with Codicil, 1628, Bramford SFK.
Dated 26 March 1628.
I give to Katherine my wife according to the obligation entered into between me and her father Edward Buggs before our marriage, my mess. or ten with the lands etc. in Great Waldingfield and Little Waldingfield co. Suff. my messuage called Bullen with the houses, buildings lands meadows pastures &c. thereto belonging in Bramford.
I also give to my wife all her apparel and L10. I desire her to give a release in writing to any claim she may have upon my other property, should she claim more than the above messuage's and lands, the above bequest to be void.
I give to Peter Alston, my eldest son, my messuage near the Bridge in Bramford with the yards gardens &c. On the death of my wife (should I have no issue by her) the mess. and lands devised to her, shall come to my said son Thomas and his heirs.
I give Thomas my son all my copyhold lands and tenements in Great and Little Waldingfield.
I give to Edward Alston my son my manor of Lovetoftes 'als' Luftostes with all the lands feedings rents reversions tenements and hered. in Bramford Burstall and other towns in Suff. which I purchased from Thomas Lord Wentworth, except the mess. and lands reputed to be part of the manor of Lovetoftes and before given to my son Peter and the scite of the house in which I now dwell.
The above bequests to my three sons to be in full satisfaction of any sums of money left to them under the will of my late father Will. Alston gent.
I give to my dau. Eliz Alston L600 when she is 18, over and above any money left her by my father.
My executors to receive the rents of the messuage's left to my sons Thomas and Edward and apply the same to their education or to put them to a trade or profession until they reach the age of 21 years - my dau. Elizabeth to receive 40 marks yearly towards her maintenance until she receive her legacy - Should Elizabeth die before receiving her legacy - the money to be divided between my sons and my dau. Margery now the wife of Thomas Wynne.
I give to my executors and their heirs all such mess. ten. and hered. in Shelleigh co., Suffolf all mortgages &c for the payment of my debts and legacies.
I desire my executors to pay to the children of my brother Edward Alston such legacies as shall be unpaid at the time of my death, so far as the goods of the said Edward deceased received by me shall enable them.
I give to my son Edward Alston all my household stuff plate bedding linen and other utensils, carts, tombrells plows &c in the manor of Lovetoftes - the said Edward to pay to each of his brothers and sisters L10 in default the said goods to be equally divided.
Being guardian to Joseph Alston son of my brother Edward, I desire my executors to take over the wardship and to attend to the education of said Joseph and his brothers and sisters.
I leave the poor of Bramford L10.
The residue of my property to be divided between my said three sons and dau. Elizabeth
I give to my son in law Thomas Wynne and Francis Andrewe of Hadleigh co., Suffolk in trust the messuage of Lovetostes, wherein I now dwell with the houses buildings barns lands &c as were demised therewith by Lord Wentworth to Thomas Denton (except such as are before given to Peter my son) during the life of my wife Katherine with remainder to my son Edward - The rents of said property to be applied to the education of Edward my son by the said Thomas Wynne and Francis Andrew.

I appoint my son Peter and Francis Andrew executors & give the latter L40 for his trouble.
Signed: Peter Alston.
Witnesses Daniel Bacon, Nicho. Hayward.

CODICIL appointing Francis Andrew guardian of Peter the son, should he be under age
at the time of his father's death - 27th March 1628.
Proved: 16th May 1629 by Peter Alston the son.

Extract from the Will of his father William:
To my son Peter Allston, and his heirs, free and copy hold properties in Boyton End in Stoke-next-Clare, Chillton and Clare, Suffolk, purchased of John Deeks, John Curd and Ralphe Turner. Also land in Great and Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, purchased of Samuel Coleman.
Also properties purchased of Stephan Pilgrim in Clare.
Also all cattle, farm and household stuff as he already has in his possession.
Also L1430 to be paid in three installments at 4, 12, and 18 months after my decease. I let him off any debts to me.


Peter married Elizabeth PETLOW [2993] [MRIN: 1005], daughter of Francis (Robert) PETLOW of Framsden [2994] and Unknown.


Peter next married Katherine BUGGS [2995] [MRIN: 1007] on 27 Aug 1618 in Bramford SFK. (Katherine BUGGS [2995] died about 1650.)

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