The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Thomas SIMONDS [2821]
Ann (Elizabeth) SYMONDS [2820]


Family Links

1. William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819]

Ann (Elizabeth) SYMONDS [2820]

  • Marriage (1): William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819] about 1506 in Newton SFK
  • Died: 1564, Newton SFK
  • Buried: May 1564, Newton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

The Visitations of Bedfordshire for 1566, 1582 and 1636 give the following;- (Ann) daughter of (Thomas) Simonds. Azur, a chevron inter 3 trefoils slipped d'or.
From Harl. MS. No. 1390 in Brit. Mus. Arms of Simonds wife of Wm. Alston-a chevron between 3 trefoils.

Dated 14th May 1564.
In Dei Nomine Amen.
The xiiijth (14th) day of May in the year of our Lord God 1564 and in the sixth year of the reign of our Soverign Lady Elizabeth Queen of England etc. etc.
I Elizabeth Alston of Newton in the Countie of Suffolk in the Diocese of Norwich widow do order and make this my last Will and Testement in manner and form following:
That is to say first I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to be buried.
I give to Alice Rose one flock bed and one pair of sheets at my son William and one pair of blankets and one covering that is at my son Edward, the discretion of my Executors.
I give to the relief of the poor in this town xxs (10s).
I give to Syselye. . . . . one garment by the discretion of my Executors.
I give to Hardcodes wife and Clouers wife each of them a garment and also give to them each one load of wood at the discretion of my Executors.
I give to the poor of this town all the wood it is felled for my fuel at the discretion of my Executors.
I give to Edward my son all my wheat and barley that is in my son William his hand undelivered or any other thing of houshold that I ought to have by my husband's Will and all such sums of money as I should have by the gift and bequest of William Alston my late husband.
The each of all my goods unbequeathed I give to Edward my son whom I make my Executor.
Proved at Achrdeaconry of Sudbury 11th June 1564.
Winesses - John Winterflud and Richard Crowe.

Alstoniana pg 152
[this Will has been translated from the Old English style]

Elizabeth may have been a second wife of William?


Ann married William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819] [MRIN: 924], son of John ALSTON of Newton Suffolk. [2826] and Unknown, about 1506 in Newton SFK. (William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819] was born about 1485 in Newton SFK and was buried on 30 Jan 1564 in Newton Nr Sudbury SFK.)

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