The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
John ALSTON of Newton Suffolk. [2826]
(-Bef 1514)
Thomas SIMONDS [2821]
William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819]
(Abt 1485-1564)
Ann (Elizabeth) SYMONDS [2820]

William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822]
(Abt 1509-Abt 1565)


Family Links

1. Alice COLMAN [2827]

William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822]

  • Born: Abt 1509, Middleton ESS
  • Marriage (1): Alice COLMAN [2827]
  • Died: Abt 1565 aged about 56

bullet  General Notes:

William is mentioned in both his father's and mother's wills and was probably the oldest son. He resided at Middleton co Essex.
The IGI reads "Birth abt. 1509 of Middleton Essex" son of William and Ann Symonds.

Will dated 1 Feb 1564, proved at Canterbury 16 May 1565 by John Wynterflod his executor. No children are mentioned. He left a benefaction to the poor of Newton of 10/- paid out of his tenement of Priors Newton, and 16/- for the poor of Sudbury, distributed in bread by the Borough Trustees in 1898, from a tenement in Sudbury near the Rose & Crown, both in perpetuity. He inherited this property from his father. This was still being paid in 1898 (ref All Saints Sudbury) and in Newton in the year 2000. He also mentions a Kinsman of his father one Henry Smyth.

ALSTON v. CURD & others.
1608 Chancery B. and A. James I. A. 2. (83).
Bill, dated 16 February 1608 by William Allstone of Middleton,, co. Essex, yeoman, v. Grace Curd, Richard Skynner, John Bragge and Robert Warren, clerk.
The suit is brought for remedy against defendants, who prevent Orator's peaceful possession of a messuage &c. in Middleton, acquired under due and lawful demise, for term of the life of the said Grace. (Neither the bill nor answers contain Alstone information.)
Page 168 Alstoniana.


bullet  Other Records

1. William Alston: Will, 1564, Middleton ESS.
Dated 1st Febry 1564
I give to my wife Alice and her heirs a piece of land called le lamplande in Myddleton in a field called Stower fielde
Also 6 milch beasts, six horses, one cart and cart harness for horse, one plough, harness for horse or in lieu thereof L12, 5 seames of wheat or mystelon, 10 seames of barley or mavlte.
I give to Symon leafflyn and his heirs my tenement in Sudbury, late buretts and my tenement in Newton called Priors with all the yards, gardens and grounds belonging thereto, which I had as bequest from my late father Will. Alston the sd Symon Laffelyn and his heirs to pay annually to the poor of Sudbury 16/-. and to the poor of Newton 10/-.
I give to Edmond Colman the son of John Colman my posted bedstead, fether bed, bolster Coverlett, blankets and sheets, the table and frame for the same, the joyned stools standing in my parlour and L10 in money -The said Edmond to receive the above bequests at the age of 21, should he die before attaining his majority, the L10 to be given to the poor of Sudbury.
I give to Alice Kingsburye my sister's daughter L5 and such household stuff, not otherwise bequeathed, as I inherited from my father.
Also to my wife Alys such other household stuff as I am proper owner of but no part of the goods of Robart Messynge, late of Sudbury.
To each of my household servants 20/-. except Alice Kingesbury
To Richard Kitstone 20/-.
To Richard Walter of Naylond L10
To John Garrard of Nayland L10
To my sister Anne Loder L3-6s-8d.
To my sister Alice Kingsburye L3-6s 8d.
To the poor of Myddleton L4.
To Newton L6
To Sudbury and Ballyngdon L8
To the poor of Boxford L5
To the poor of Naylond L5
To the poor of Assington 40/-
To Alice Barker dau of Richard Barker my bed and bedstead now standing at Sudbury
To each of the children of Robert Messynge 20/- at the age of 21
To Alice Norfolk of Myddleton 6d. weekly for her life
To Olive Knyght 20/-.
To Olive Gates widow 20/-.
To Robart Plampeyn 40/-.
To George Wynterfiod 40/-,
The residue of my estate I give to my executor John Wynterflod of Assington

I appoint Symon Laffelyn supervisor of this my will to whom I give L3 for his trouble.
Witnesses : Richard Sendell; Robart Plampeyn, Rich Corker gent., John Hartwell.

I give to each of my godchildren 12d.
I give to Henry Smyth my father's kinsman 20/-.
Proved 16 May 1565 by John Wynterflod executor named in will.
Morrison 14
Page 88 Alstoniana

2. William Alston of Middleton: Benefaction, 1564, Newton SFK.
William Alston of Middleton, by Will dated Feb 1st 1564 gave to the poor of Newton for ever the yearly sum of Ten Shillings a Rent Charge on his Tenement called Priors in the said Parish of Newton . . . .
This was still being paid in the year 2000.

3. Schedule of Alston Wills held at the Essex Record Office, Feb 2006, Essex.
Alston Wills held at Essex Record Office Chelmsford Feb 2006

1576 Alice Alston widow of Middleton [2827] - EF sighted on fiche 2002 not legible. Needs copy from original document. Mod Ref 21BWZ D/A BW2/21 - transcribed 2022

C1556 Augustine Alstone of Coggeshal. Old Ref 144 CR 3 - not placed in tree

1677 Mathew Alston gent of Toppesfield [3125] Mod ref D/ABW 68/178

1697 Ann Alston widow of Stisted. [3123] Old ref 13 AW 2

1713 John Alston blacksmith of Gt Henny. Old Ref 16 MR 9 - not placed in tree

1713 Thomas Allason carpenter of Halstead. Old ref 300 BR 16 - not placed in tree

1727 Joseph Alston blacksmith of Gt Henny [2619] Old ref 175 MR 10

1731 William Alston yeoman of Stifford Old ref 441 BR 20 - not placed in tree

1751 Elizabeth Alston widow of Lamarsh [4759] Old ref 73 BR 24

1753 Joseph Alstone wheelwright of Weeley [355] Old ref 140 BR 24

1755 James Alstone singleman of Weeley [995] Old ref 290 BR 24

1769 Susan Alston widow of Weeley [844] Old ref 91 BR 26

1781 Thomas Alston blacksmith of Gt Henny Old ref 40 MR 13 - not placed in tree

1799 William Alston gent of Asheldham [4706] Old ref 301 ER 35

1803 Sarah Alston spinster of Manningtree [3737] Old ref 566 BR 29

1805 Henry Alston farmer of Bulmer Old ref 16 BR 30 - not placed in tree

1815 John Alston blacksmith of Pebmarsh [4754] Old ref 1 MR 14

1821 Edward Alson merchant of Manningtree [3731] Old ref 90 BR 32

1826 Hannah Alston spinster of Gt Tey Old ref 275 CR 20 - not placed in tree

1830 Richard Alson sen. Brickmaker of W Bergholt [5266] Old ref 367 BR 33

1839 Joseph Allstone wheelwright of W Bergholt Old ref 635 BR 34 - not placed in tree
1852 William Alston gent of Greenstead juxta Colchester [5652] Old ref 763 BR 36

1855 Robt Allston husbandman of W Bergholt Old ref 496 BR 24 - not placed in tree

Essex RO Wills cont.
Names discounted as Alston.
1521 Geo Allyson chaplain of Coggeshall 110 CR 2
1543 Joan Alyson widow of Romford 36 ER 5
1591 Richard Allysonne of Coggeshall 393 EW 14
1613 John Allanson tanner of Romford 359 EW 14
1616 Thomas Ellison butcher of Mucking 248 BW 13
1639 William Ellison husb of Gt Burstead 214 BW 55
1649 James Allenson gent of St Osyth 112 BW 59
1653 Thomas Elsdon of Gt Holland 377 CW 15
1663 William Allesun yeo of Stebbing 230 BR 6
1666 Edward Allesson butcher of Stebbing 198 BR 7
1680 Anne Allenson wid of Edmund of Wigmore KEN 480 BR 10
1712 James Allison gent of Leigh 248 BR 16
1712 John Ellison single of Gt Baddow 268 BW 80
1742 Christopher Allison widr of Romford 92 ER 33
1763 William Elsdon husb of Ockendon 224 ER 34
1772 John Ellson shopkeeper of Fyfield 363 ER 34
1791 Thomas Elsden gent of Stanway 250 BR 28
1803 Charles Ellson shopkeeper of High Easter 519 BR 29
1832 Geo Elsdon blacksmith of Bocking 96 AR 2
1837 Sarah Elsdon wid of Bocking 96 AR 2


William married Alice COLMAN [2827] [MRIN: 927], daughter of John COLMAN [4013] and Unknown. (Alice COLMAN [2827] died about 1576 and was buried in Middleton ESS.)

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