The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Miss BENDLOWES [2816]
William ALSTON of Siam Hall and Sible Hedingham ESS [2813]
(Abt 1537-1618)
Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815]
(-Abt 1607)

William ALSTON of Siam Hall [2832]


Family Links

1. Marian HOLBOROWE [2833]

2. Anne NEUCE [2834]

William ALSTON of Siam Hall [2832]

  • Born: 1562, Polstead SFK
  • Marriage (1): Marian HOLBOROWE [2833] about 1593 in Inner Temple Marlesford SFK
  • Marriage (2): Anne NEUCE [2834] on 9 Jul 1606 in Gazeley SFK
  • Died: 5 Nov 1633, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK aged 71

bullet  General Notes:

William the oldest son of William of Siam Hall was on his fathers death left Siam Hall and much other property.

PRO C 2/3&4 = Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings, Series I, Elizabeth I to Charles I
C 2/Eliz/A5/24
William Alston of Newton, Suffolk, yeoman v Thomas Wyncoll. Debt of defendant as executor for his brother; obligation to ensure payment not met. Bill, demurrer, answer, replication Short title: Alston v Wyncoll
1590 (Placement under this William is uncertain.)
PRO C 4/39/44 William Alston v. Thomas Chaplyn: answer Date of document between 1618 and 1625 1618 Jan 1 - 1625 Dec 31
(Placement under this William is uncertain.)

Bill, dated 4 May 1597, by Richard Holborough the elder, of Brunden, co. Essex, yeoman, and Richard Holborough the younger, of Waldingfield, co. Suffolk, yeoman, v. William Alston senior and junior.
About 4 years since, in consideration of a marriage to be had, between William Alston, junior, of Semer, co. Suffolk, yeoman, son of William Alston the elder, late of Newton, CO. Suffolk,.yeoman., and one Marion Holborough, daughter of Richard Holborough the elder, the two complainants entered into obligations for a certain sum of money for the preferment of the said Marion, on the elder William Alston's promising to settle lands in Essex and Suffolk to the value of L20 yearly as her jointure. This promise has never been executed, hence the suit; the defendants are also accused of fraud with regard to the bonds.
The defendants in their answer say that lands have been settled, as promised, to the annual value of L18.
Hh 19/25 1597
Alstoniana Pg 195

Bill, 30 May 1603, by Roger Gouldinge of Cleare, co. Suffolk, a gentleman, v. William Alston and John Gouldinge.
William Alstone, "a common lender of money," about 41 Elizabeth (1598/99), lent complainant L104, on condition he would buy of Alstone several cows and sheep at much above their value.
To pay his debt to Alston and others, complainant made a lease to the other defendant of a farm called Houghton Hall, and Gouldinge has paid the sum due to Alstone. The time named in the bond was actually exceeded, but complainant has several times offered reasonable recompense to Alstone, who, however, refuses to accept it, but prosecutes for his rights under the bond.
Mitford. 25/45. 1603.
Alstoniana Pg 196
This placement is not certain.

SUFFOLK. Feet of Fines - Hill 20 Jas.
Mich 21 James 1.
Manor of Seymehall Hall, etc.
William Allston senior pltff.
William Allston junior defdt.
Fine levied Mich. Tern. 21 James 1 between Wm. Alston senr. gent. Plf. and Wm. Alston junr. gent. and Ann his wife Dfts. of the Manor of Seyme Hall alias Seyme with the appurtenances and two messuages one loft, one dovecot, 2 gardens, 120 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 90 acres of pasture with the appurts. in Newton, Seyme, Boxford, Edwardstone, Groton, Assington, Chilton, and Little Cornard, and of all tithes, oblations, pensions, &c., arising within the Manor of Seyme Hall.

William's Will makes provision for his sons William, Ralph, Edward and Thomas. It settled the Manor of Sayme Hall on his son Joseph, subject to the payment of debts and legacies, also make suitable bequests to his sons, Benjamin, Jacob, Jonas and Tobias.
It mentions his daughter, Margaret, wife of Francis Coleman and his daughter Elizabeth Chaplin and also that his sons Jonas, Jacob and Tobias were under 24 years of age.

WILLIAM ALSTON, Senior, Gentleman.
Inquisition Post Mortem taken at Bury St. Edmund's
16 April 10 Charles i. (1634).
Ser. ii Misc. Pt 16 No 7 1634 co. Suffolk
The said William was seised of the manor of Seymehall (held of the King as of His Honour of Clare by Knight's Service), and of lands, &c., thereto belonging in Newton and Cornard parva. By his deed of 5 June 8 Charles i. 1632), he conveyed the reversion of the said premises after his death to trustees, to the use of his son Joseph Alston in tail male, with contingent remainder to James and Jonas Alston, sons of said William, in tail male; and then to Tobias Alston, another of his sons, in tail male. The said William was also seised of a messuage called Herriot's, and land in Edwardstone, Boxford and Newton ; and a messuage, a watermill called Doores, and land in Boxford and Newton, settled as above. Also of a messuage and land in Newton, lately bought of William Andrewe, the reversion of which, after his own death he settled (by indenture) between himself and his son Joseph, dated 21 October 9 Charles i. (1633), on his son Tobias. The said William also held a messuage and land in Newton, called Mondekyns. which (by his will dated at Newton 14 July 1632), he bequeathed to the said Tobias in tail, with contingent remainder to Benjamin Alston, another of his sons.
William died 5 November 9 Charles i. (1633) at Newton.
William Alston, gentleman, his son and heir, was aged 21 and more at the time of his death.
Alstoniana pg 261

In the registers of Burials at Newton there is an entry of the death of William Alston, 5th November 1633, and a note that the mortuary was paid by Joseph Alston.

bullet  Research Notes:

Attribution as to the following items of Church Plate is uncertain.

Many of the details of this newspaper report are suspect.
Silver Communion, vessels in use for 300 years at the parish church of Newton, near Sudbury, have, had to be locked away in the bank as they have become too valuable for everyday use.
After the two silver patens and a chalice were borrowed for an exhibition
of old and valuable church silver, it was decided to have the articles; which had been in regular use at Communion services valued, and the result is that they have been insured at £2,000.
About 1628, Edward Alston farmed much of the land in Newton (no record in this pedigree of an adult Edward Alston farming at this time) and the small chalice was given by him. It is marked as being given in 1628 but the silver mark is of London in1638, and the makers initials are S.A.
The small paten bears the 1627-28 London mark, but was made by a Norwich goldsmith.
The large paten is inscribed "to the memory of William Alston, church warden of All Saints, Newton, in 1628." The paten was presented in his memory in 1698.
However the church will not be without Communion vessels as the present churchwardens have offered to replace them with new ones.
East Anglian Daily Times 3 July 1968.

Here is a description of the plate possibly by the valuers:
1. Small Salver on trumpet foot with gadrooned edge inscribed underneath "William Alston 1628". Period William III. Maker Hugh Roberts entered 1697 (J.P. 153) London date 1698. Marked fully on top with Lion's head erased on foot.
Some reports say "Wilhelms Alston Churchwarden of Newton 1628" others above "William Alston 1628" The most likely candidate for the gifting of this piece of silver is William Alston Lord of the Manor of Siam Hall [2832] who would have undoubtedly been a Church Warden of All Saints Newton his Parish Church. In 1628 he would have been aged 66 yrs 5 years before his death.

2. Plain Chalice 1638. Slightly bell shaped cup on baluster. Marked fully on the cup and with Lion passant on the foot. About 8 inches high. Maker S.A. in monogram. (J.P. 123 L15) Inscription - Hauriat hinc populus vitam de sanguine sacro. Inflicto aeternis quem fudit vulnere Cristus Dat Deo et Ecclesia de Newton Edrus Alston Rector. F.Q.E.A.
Rev Edward Alston [3482] Rector of Newton 1683 - 1721, does not fit the silver date but most probably gave item 2 judging by the inscription, it is quite possible the silver was not new when purchased.
There was only one Edward Alston Rector of Newton, and no indication any of any other Edward Alston of Newton being involved 1628/38.

3. A small Paten with slightly moulded rim. A small trumpet foot. Inscribed 1628.
Period Charles I. Maker London date 1627, the mark "K" being the second one in Jackson's for that year. The mark on this piece is certainly for London 1627. The makers mark which is very clear is that of a Norwich Goldsmith, see Jackson's pg 317 line 8.
It is not possible on the data available to attribute the gift of this silver to an Alston of the time.

Vol. ix, Proceedings of Suff Inst Arch.
Donors of Church Plate:
Alston, Eliza Ann, of Bradley (Little), 1879.
Alston, William, Churchwarden of Newton, Sudbury, 1628.
Alston, Rev. Edward. Cup, height, 61/2ins., diameter of bowl, 33/4in., on a thick baluster stem. Round bowl is the inscription, "Hausiat hint populus vitam de Sanguine Sacro. Inflmto ceternus quem sudit (fudit?) vulnere Christus. Dat Deo et Ecclesicae de Newton Edrus Alston. Rector."
Alston, Sarah. In Memory of Sarah ye wife of William Alston Many years Vicar of this Parish, whose first husband was Mr. John Patrick of Nether hall in this Parish 1 Ob; 19th Mai: 1762. [Little Waldingfield co. Suff.]
Alston, William, M.A., ad proes. Eliz. Jackson Spr. p.j. Dec. 20, 1727.
Alstoniana Pg 268.

Inscription on a Cup of Silver, Newton.
Huriat time populus vitam de sanguine sacro
Inflecto aeturnus quem fudit ouluere Christus
Dat Deo et Ecclesiae de Newton Edws Alston Rector.
Alstoniana Pg 360

Plain Chalice 1638. Slightly bell shaped cup on baluster. Marked fully on the cup and with Lion passant on the foot. About 8 inches high. Maker S.A. in monogram. (J.P. 123 L15) Inscription - Hauriat hinc populus vitam de sanguine sacro. Inflicto aeternis quem fudit vulnere Cristus Dat Deo et Ecclesia de Newton Edrus Alston Rector. F.Q.E.A.
A "rough" translation is "Here the people drink deep of the life which the eternal Christ poured out in his sacred blood through his wounds"

Short History - R W Gaspard Willis M.A.
May 1984.
. . . . . In 1538 a lease was granted by the then Countess of Salisbury who seems to have repossessed Newton Manor, to William Alston of Siam Hall, Newton and the Alston family were the prevailing influence in the church and village from then until 1785 this is clearly shown by several memorial stones in the chapel bearing the names of members of the Alston family1 . . . . .
. . . . . There is, a beautiful chalice and paten presented by one of the Alston's in 1628, which is taken out of the bank sometimes for special occasions. The Alston's also gave the beautiful 17th-century lectern, richly carved with spiral bands and foliage. . . . .
1. Edward Alston M.D. 1705 [3686], Rev Edward Alston 1721/22 [3482], Samuel Alston 1752 [3704].

The researcher has never examined the silver - 2021


bullet  Other Records

1. William Alston: Will, 1632, Seymehall Newton SFK.
I give the poor of Newton 40 shillings I give my messuages or tenements called Moundkyns with the houses, buildings, barns, stables, yards. orchards, and gardens belonging, situate in Newton with about 9 acres of land to Tobias Alston my son and his heirs, with remainder to Benjamin Jacob Jonas and Joseph my sons
I bequeath to Joseph Alston my son my Manor messuages tenements called Seymehall co. Suff. with all the messuages houses buildings barns stables orchards situated in the townes parishes hamlets and fields of Newton, Seyme, Boxford, Edwardston, Groton, Assington, Chilton and Little Cornard, co. Suff. my wife Anne nevertheless to have her right of dower and thirds in above manor or to a yearly sum of money to be paid by said Joseph in lieu thereof - Failing male issue to Joseph, the above lands to devolve to Jacob and Jonas two other of my sons, with remainder to my son Tobias, failing his issue, to the right heirs of my said son Joseph.
I have also settled upon my said son Joseph my messuage or tenement called Harriotts with 70 acres of land in Edwardston - also a cottage and water mill adjoining with the yards orchards gardens streams and appurtenances belonging in Boxford and Edwardston, 10 acres of pasture moor and fen land in Boxford and Newton, 3 pieces of land with a chase way leading from Boxford lane to Newton mill - a little Aldercare contg. 6 acres in Boxford, 10 acres of meadow and pasture called Sturtupps or Startowtes in Boxford and Newton- My said messuage of Harriotts and the last mentioned lands I settled on my son Joseph to enable him to pay legacies unto Jonas Jacob and Tobias my sons. I have already provided for my son Benjamin I have already assigned to my son Joseph, 21 acres called Little Churchfield in Bullmer, 3 acres called Bromety, 6 acres called Pickney or Pynckney Corner and all other my lease lands in Bullmer - also the two messuage or tenement called Millers and Swaynes in Bulmer also 2 Closes of 12 acres and a cottage in Bulmer, also that messuage, called the house in the wall and all my other freehold lands and tenements in Bulmer.
I give my son Jonas L300
I give my son Jacob L300
I give my son Tobias L100
The sons above named to give to their brother Joseph on receiving their legacies an acquittance for any sum due to them by the will of their grandfather William Alston
To Benjamin my son L5
To Joseph my son all my land tenements and hereditaments not before bequeathed - also to Joseph my best Coverlet and best feather bed, Cupboard and Counter table in the parlour Chamber, my silver Can with Cover.
I give to Anne my wife the use of all my household implements, plate and linen during her life the same to be divided at her death amongst my four sons Joseph Jonas Jacob and Tobias.
The residue of my goods chattels ready money &c I leave to my son Joseph towards the better performance of this my will and I appoint him sole executor of my will.
I give to every one of my sons by my first wife, Will. Ralphe Edward and Thomas whom I have sufficiently advanced during my lifetime 10 shillings to buy rings
To my daughter Anne Tracy 10 shillings
Signed: Willm Alston.

Witnesses: John Smith Thome Butcher Francis Coleman.
Should I and my wife die before my son Tobias attains the age of 24 when his legacy of L100 is to be paid him ,my executor is to pay him L6 annually towards his maintenance until his is 24 years of age
Signed: Will. Alston.
Witness Fran. Coleman. 3rd December 1632.
Proved 17th February 1633/4 by Joseph Alston son and executor named in will.

Alston Wills
WILLIAM ALSTON, the elder, Seymehall, parish of Newton, Suffolk, gentleman.
Will 14 July 1632 ; proved 17 February 1633/4.
To poore of Newton 40s. To sonne Tobias Alston messuage called "Mounkyns" and other lands sometime in occupation of John Smith the younger in Newton and great Cornard, with remainder to my sonnes Benjamin, Jonas, and Joseph Alston. Having settled my Manor capitall Messuage or Tenement and Ferme "Seymehall" otherwise Saynehall with all messuages, dovehouse barnes, stables, orchards etc in Newton Seyme, Boxford Edwardston, Groten, Assington, Chilton and little Cornard upon sonne Joseph Alston with free likeing and love of Anne nowe my wife, leaving Anne her right of dower etc., etc. Also settled on Joseph messuage where Henry Otley dwelleth in Edwardston ; also cottage and watermill in Boxford and Edwardston in occupation of . . . . . Mott widowe etc. etc. To pay debts and legacies to my sons Jonas, Jacob and Tobias, son Beniamin being provided for, now said messuage "Harriotts" and watermill lands in lieu of legacies to Joseph in will of my father William Alston gent. deceased. Having also granted to Joseph close called Pynekney or Pynchey Corner in Bullmer and 25 of June last enfeoffed two messuages in Bullmer and cottage late Elizabeth Swifts in Bulmer, I ratify same etc. To sonne Jonas Alston £300 at 24. To sonne Jacob Alston ditto. To sonne Tobias Alston .£100 ditto. All to give acquittance of legacies in will of their grandfather William Alston to themselves or their brothers and sisters. To sonne Benjamin £5. To daughter Margery wife of Francis Coleman gent. ditto. To daughter Elizabeth Chaplin ditto. To sonne Joseph bed etc. Rest of household stuff, plate. etc. to wife Anne for life, then to Joseph, Jonas, Jacob and Tobias. Residue of estate to sonneJosepli Alston. To sonnes William, Raphe, Edward and Thomas (by my first wife) all sufficiently advanced 10s each for rings. To Daughters Anne, Tracye, ditto.
Codicil 3 December 1632.
If I and wife Anne his mother (die before sonne Tobias is 24 then executor to pay £6 a year for maintenance.
Seager, 13.

Extract from his fathers Will:
To William Allston, my eldest son, my capital mansion house, Saymehall (Siam), and lands in Newton and Lt Conard, Suffolk, with all its rents and tithes, for life, and then after his decease, to his son, William Allston and his heirs on condition that if either William or his heirs is given a reasonable request by any of my other children of their heirs and should they refuse to help, then any party so refused may enter upon the said and of the Manor of Saymehall (Siam) until their reasonable claims shall be met, according to the meaning of my will.
Also to my son, William my property, late Robert Cricks, where Jeffrye Tanner dwells, in Boxford, Edwardston and Newton, Suffolk. UK and that property purchased of Thomas Cooke in Newton.
Also the property purchased of John Rye in the occupation of Jeffrye Tanner and Thomas Butcher in Boxford and Newton, a parcel of land called Startoppes alias Startowts in Boxford, my properties both free and copyhold in Gt Waldingfield purchased of Thomas Parishe and property purchased of Giles Sheldrake in Chilton or Clare now in occupation of . . . . . Ling (sic).
Also L1580 to be paid in three equal portions at 4, 12 and 18 months after my decease.
Also all the goods in his house in Conard, the household stuff in the parlour at Saymehall (Siam Hall), the featherbed and coverlet, cupbourd and counter table in the parlour chamber, 2 tables in the hall, brass and copper and all other brewing vessels in the brewing house, and a cistern for wetting barley. He is also let off any debts to me.


William married Marian HOLBOROWE [2833] [MRIN: 931], daughter of Richard HOLBOROWE of Bulmer [6970] and Unknown, about 1593 in Inner Temple Marlesford SFK. (Marian HOLBOROWE [2833] was buried on 24 Apr 1641 in Semer SFK.)


William next married Anne NEUCE [2834] [MRIN: 932], daughter of Thomas NEUCE [2841] and Unknown, on 9 Jul 1606 in Gazeley SFK. (Anne NEUCE [2834] was baptised on 25 Oct 1578 in Gazeley SFK, died in 1660 and was buried in Gazeley SFK.)

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