The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Miss BENDLOWES [2816]
William ALSTON of Siam Hall and Sible Hedingham ESS [2813]
(Abt 1537-1618)
Margery HOLMSTEAD [2815]
(-Abt 1607)

Edward ALSTON of Boxford [2971]


Family Links

1. Susan BRAND [2972]
2. Anne ARDLEY [2974]

Edward ALSTON of Boxford [2971]

  • Baptised: 10 Mar 1565, Newton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Susan BRAND [2972] on 19 Apr 1596
  • Marriage (2): Anne ARDLEY [2974] about 1599
  • Died: 22 Jan 1616/17 aged 51
  • Buried: 26 Jan 1616/17, Boxford SFK

bullet  General Notes:

Edward was Lord of the Manor of Shelland Hall and of Boxford co Suffolk. He was a successful manufacturer of cloth investing his profits in land.

Lay Subsidy Roll - Edward Alston assessed L6 in goods, tax 10/-

An Edward Alston was Amerced 3d on 23 Nov 1613, and the 10 May 1614 by Adam Winthrop Gent steward of the manor of Groton Court Barron.
John Winthrop appears to be the Lord of this Manor.
Ref Bury R O P534/5/38.

His will recites the settlement he made on his wife Anne and refers to his having lived at one time at Polstead.

Inquisition Post Mortem
Taken at Ipswich, 18 April 16 James i. (1618).
Ser.ii Vol. 371 No 140 1680 co Suffolk
The jury say the said Edward Alston was seised of the manor of Shelland, alias Shelland Hall, with land, &c., in Rattlesden, Shelland and Woollpitt, co Suffolk land called Turnor's in St. Gregory's parish, Sudbury ; a messuage, garden and orchard in Bures St. Mary, formerly belonging to William Alston, his father; land in Clare
and Stoke by Clare ; land in Wissington and Assington, bought by Edward, the deceased, of Sir William Waldegrave, Kt.; land in Naylond, Polsted and Boxford, bought by himself; a messuage and land in Waldingfield Magna and Acton, co. Suffolk, formerly belonging to his father ; the site of the manor of Overtye, and land belonging to the same in Bramford ; and land in Bramford, formerly copyhold of the manor of Loftofts, and bought by the deceased
of Lord Wentworth.
By his will, dated 21 January 15 James i. (1618) the said Edward bequeathed the manor of Shelland, and premises in Sudbury and Bures St. Mary, to his son Joseph Alston, in tail, with contingent remainders to his sons Edward and John; the premises in Clare, Assington, Wissington, Stoke, Nayland, Polsted and Boxsted, to his son Edward, in tail, with contingent remainders to the said Joseph and John ; a tenement in White Street, Boxford, to the poor of
Boxford ; of the residue of all his freehold lands so much as shall amount to one third of the whole, to his eldest son John ; the remainder to be held by his executors for performance of his will, till his son John, or next heir be 21, with contingent remainders to his other sons, and his three daughters Anne, Susan and Bridget, to each of which daughters he bequeathed L500.
Executors :-his brother Peter Alston and, John Alston aforesaid.
Edward died at Boxford, 22 January 15 James i. (1618), leaving John, his son and heir, aged 12 years and 23 weeks.
The manor of Shelland is held of . . . . . Rivett, widow, as of her manor of Rattlesden ; the messuage in Sudbury, of Robert Crane, Kt., as of his manor of Sudbury alias Woodhalls; the premises of Bures St. Mary, of Dame Jemima Waldegrave, widow, as of her manor of Smallbridge ; land in Clare, etc., of the King as of his manor of Enburye alias Stoke with Chilton ; land in Assington. &c., of John Gurdon, Esq., as of his manor of Assington ; land in Assington and Wissington, of the King as of his manor of E. Greenwich ; the site of the manor of Overtye, of John Acton, gent., as of his manor of Bramford.
Alstoniana pg 259

A small brass plate in the Sth East cnr of Boxford Church sanctuary reads " Here lyeth the body of Edward Allston whoe deceased the 22 January 1617", (9/2000), that is all but Alstoniana records:

Here lieth the body of Edward
Allston, whoe deceased the 22
of January, 1617,
Here lyeth interred the body
of Edward Alston, Gent.
who as he enjoyed the same name
and dwelling of one of his Ancestors
soe he chose the same grave,
He departed this life March
1694 Anno AEtatis suce--
Gloriosam una expectans
Alstoniana Page 252

Boxford Registers: Joseph Alston servannte with Edward Alston buried 7 May 1600

bullet  Research Notes:

Edwards birth date is incorrect as his brother William was the eldest son and heir.

See [5498] stray
1600 - Joseph Alston servannte with Edward Alston the viith of Maye (D)
D = Burial.
Boxford Registers

PCC Wills Suffolk 1383-1604.
1593 Alstone. Edwarde. Will and Sentence 44 Nevell


bullet  Other Records

1. Edward Alston: Will, 1617, Boxford SFK.
Dated 20th January 1617
I desire to be buried in Christian burial where it shall please my executors I bequeath to my loving wife Anne three messuages or tenements with the yards and gardens adjoining, a croft of land on the east side of sd tenements also a little tenement called Priors with garden and land adjoining with all the leades Cisterns glasse dores waynscott &c. situate in Stone street Boxford This bequest for my wife's joynture and dower according to a deed made between me and Richard Simnell gent. late of Colchester.
Also to my wife L500 and the use of all my plate and household stuff during her life. On the death of my wife the same household stuff and plate to be equally divided amongst my three daughters Anne, Susan and Bridgett.
To each of my daughters Anne Susan and Bridgett L500 to be paid on their attaining the age of 20 years.
To Joseph Alston my sonne my manor called Shelland Hall with all the houses and lands thereon belonging in Ratlesden Shelland and Woolpett co. Suffolk also any lands in above towns, which I purchased of Sr John Deane Knt.1 also my messuages with the houses orchards and gardens in Sudbury Suff. Also my messuage and lands in Buers (Suff) late my father's William Alston.
I give my son Joseph and his heirs male the above mentioned lands with remainder to Edward Alston my son and John Alston my son.
I give to Edward son my messuage lands ten'ts and herd'ts in Nayland Missington Assington Clare Stoke next Clare and Chilton street (Suff). Also my messuage wherein I lately dwelt with the houses yards and gardens near White Street purchased from Adam Wynthropp gent Will Pond and Stephen Kembold also my messuage yards and grounds in Boxford purchased from John Sakter.
I give to my son Edward the above land and to his heirs with remainder to my son Joseph and his heirs also in default of rightful issue, remainder to John Alston my son and his heirs.
My executors shall hold the said messuages &c. devised to my sons Joseph and Edward until they reach the age of 13 years, the profits arising from said property to go to the discharge of the legacies. My executors also to receive the rents accruing from the manor and lands bequeathed to Joseph and Edward from the time of their reaching the age of 13 till they attain the age of 21 the money to be applied to the use of said sons respectively.
My tenements in White Street Boxford I give to the use of the poor people of said town - i.e. the rent arising therefrom to be used to purchase yearly 30 ells of the best canvas to be given to 15 poor people the week before Christmas.
To Edward Garrold my god son L5.
I give to my eldest son John a full third part of all my freehold lands and tenements with the residue of all my estates, to be held by my executors until John is of age with ramainder to my sons Joseph and Edward amd my 3 daughters.
My said wife Anne to have the government and education of all my children, my executors to pay her L20 a year for each child until they are of age - in case of my wife's death the executors to have the care of the children. Also L20 a year to my wife when the payments for the children cease, as an increase to her jointure.
I give to my son Edward all my leasehold lands in Polsted.
To John my lands in Bromford (Suff) with a proviso that the said John shall do all that is necessary to assure the lands devised to Edward and his heirs.
I give John and his heirs my copyhold land and tenements in Groton with my house in Stone street Boxford holden of the manors of Groton Hall and Peyton Hall.
If my daughters marry without the consent of their mother their legacies to lapse.
To Mr Joseph Byrd parson of Boxford L5 to buy a piece of plate.
To my godson Edward Andrew son of Francis Andrew of Hadley 20 marks.
I appoint my son John residuary legatee with remainder to Joseph and Edward and to my daughters provided the said John does not fall into any riotous or disorded course of life and is governed by my said wife and my brother Peter Alston it shall be at the discretion of my brother to pay to my wife or any of my other children the sum of L1000 out of the moneys accruing to John if he leads a well ordered life.
Sicklemore Meadow in Bramford may be bought from Lord Wentworth for my son John if my brother thinks it advisable
I appoint my son John and my brother Peter executors, to the latter L40 for his trouble, but he is not to be exempted from paying his debts to my estate.
To my Uncle Julian Lufkyn 40 shillings if he be not chargeable to my wife
To my mother Ardley L5
To my sister wife of Richard Ardley L5 To William Lufkyn 5 pounds
To Anne Ardleigh and - Harke servants 20 shillings each and to - Bacon 10 shillings
Witnesses John Brond Francys Andrew John Haft
Proved 9th February 1617-18 - by Peter Alston the brother executor named in above Will with power reserved to John Alston the son and executor.
Meade 13
Page 103 Alstoniana

1. By deed dated 30 May, 1604, and enrolled in the Court of Chancery, Reginald Borrough, of St John's, and Cuthbert Garner, of St John's, sold the Manor of Shelland Hall for £1600 to Sir John Deane, John Henson, of Drinkstone, lessee of Shelland Hall, joining in the conveyance.
Sir John Deane then of Great Maplestead, Co Essex, and Anne his wife, by deed dated 31st of Mar, 1615, sold the Manor for £1800 to Edward Alston of Polstead, Clothier.
He was the son of William Alston of Newton and of Marjorie Homestead his wife, which William was the eldest son of Edward Alston, by Elizabeth daughter of John Coleman, his 1st wife, which Edward was the son of William Alston, of Newton who was buried there 30 January 1564, and whose will is dated 18 October 1563, and proved at Bury St Edmunds 1st of Mar 1563/64. Edward Alston the purchaser, married Anne, sister of Joseph Ardley, and died 22nd January, 1617, when the Manor passed to his son and heir Sir Joseph Alston, who died 1643. Joseph Alston lived at Washbrooke and married Mary Warner. He made his will 18th of December 1643 which was proved 11th January following; he left this Mannor to his daughter Mary by this device. (See Will Sir Joseph Alston [2976])
Ref: Manors of Suffolk.

Extract from the Will of Edwards father William:
To my son Edward Allston and his heirs, all my properties in Bures (St. Maries), Suffolk, purchased of John Sympson and also those in Gt. Waldingfield, and Acton, Suffolk, purchased of Thomas Glovr. Alson L1276 13s 4d to be paid in three equal instalments at 4, 12 and 18 months after my decease. He is let off any debts to me.

Sentence of Edward Alston of Boxford dated 4 Jul 1623 PROB 11/142 available PRO on line - not searched 2006

2. Catalogue of Alston Land Accessions, 1648-1771.
Lorraine Archive IRO HA61


Edward married Susan BRAND [2972] [MRIN: 996], daughter of John BRAND SNR [2973] and Unknown, on 19 Apr 1596. (Susan BRAND [2972] was buried on 6 Dec 1596 in Boxford SFK.)


Edward next married Anne ARDLEY [2974] [MRIN: 998], daughter of ARDLEY [31753] and Unknown, about 1599. (Anne ARDLEY [2974] died on 10 Apr 1626 and was buried on 12 Apr 1626 in Boxford SFK.)

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