The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]
Rev Joseph MAYOR [1485]
Charlotte PRATT [1486]
Rev Archibald Aeneas JULIUS [847]
Charlotte MAYOR [848]

Rev Arthur Cowper JULIUS [877]


Family Links

1. Alice (Garvie) BROWN [878]

2. Marianne Emily MATCHETT [25088]

Rev Arthur Cowper JULIUS [877]

  • Born: 11 Nov 1852, Myland Parish Mile End Rd Colchester ESS
  • Marriage (1): Alice (Garvie) BROWN [878] on 7 Jun 1875 in St Mary The Virgin Southery
  • Partnership (2): Marianne Emily MATCHETT [25088] on 28 Oct 1887 in Queensland Aust.
  • Died: 12 Nov 1918, NSW Aust aged 66
  • Buried: St Thomas Enfield NSW

bullet   Another name for Arthur was John DAVIDSON.


bullet  General Notes:

Arthur set sail with his brothers in steerage on the "Young Australia" for Brisbane Queensland on the 12 April 1869 arriving on the 13 July 1869. He was 16yrs old. It is not known when Arthur returned to England and took up Holy Orders.

Marriage 7 June 1875.
Arthur Cowper Julius of full age bachelor gentlemen of Southery father Archibald E. Julius Clerk in Holy Orders to Alice Brown of full age spinster of Southery father Thomas Brown gentleman. Signed by both in the presence of Ellen Amie Skilton, Joseph John Brown, Florence Brown, Blanche E. Julius, Fanny M. Julius. By licence by Archibald E. Julius.
Ref: marriage register St Mary the Virgin Southery

25 Aug 1878 - Arthur baptised his daughter Frances Eleanor as Curate of Barton Turf NFK.

Julius Arthur Cowper.
1879 Clergy Directory.
A. C. Julius Lit Pr 1879 curate Coddenham, Needham, Suffolk.

Suffolk Chronicle.
On Sunday afternoon the Rev. A. C. Julius, curate of Crowfield, preached his farewell sermon. The rev. gentleman has been preferred by the Bishop of Tasmania, (the Right Rev. C. H. Broomby D.D.) to the parish and district of Brighton, in Tasmania.
Mr Julius has suffered considerably from ill health while he has been at Crowfield, and it is hoped that he will be better under another climate. The rev. gentleman's loss is deeply felt in Crowfield and the neighbourhood.
Besides being a good preacher he has made himself generally esteemed by his genial manner and the kind interest he has manifested in his parishioners.
Every worthy object has had his hearty support, and especially has his sympathy been extended to the Village Club, which, under his inspiriting influence, has passed the best period of its history.
And Mr Julius will not go away without proofs of the admiration and respect in which he has been held, for the people of Crowfield have presented him with a beautiful silver tea and coffee service and salver, while Coddenham, with a spontaneity of generosity which enhances the value of the gift, has contributed towards getting a handsome private communion service.
On Sunday afternoon, therefore, when Mr. Julius preached his last sermon, the little church at Crowfield was crowded, and even filled long before the hour for commencing service, and many hearers were affected by the solemn farewell which their beloved pastor bade them.
Mr Julius took for his text Hebrews xii., 27, " And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain".

Sunday 15th May 1881.
Arthur arrived in Hobart, Tasmania in 1881 on the sailing ship "ETHEL" with wife and four children. The passage took 6mths because ship blown off course in The Roaring Forties. Arthur was a bad asthmatic.

Arthur Cowper Julius. Allora Queensland Australia.
Deacon 1877; Priest 1879 Norwich. Incumbent of Allora, diocese of Brisbane 1885; formerly curate of Barton Turf Norfolk 1877-79; Crowfield, Suffolk 1879-80, Coddenham, Suffolk 1880-81; incumbent of Gayndah, Queensland 1883-85.
Ref: Crockford 1886.

Arthur was licensed to the parish of Allora in the diocese of Brisbane on the 8th day of September 1885.

The following information is from the Queensland Police Gazette dated:
1887. Arthur Cowper Julius, Church of England is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Allora Queensland in the Registry District of Darling Downs Central.

1888. Arthur Cowper Julius, Church of England is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Allora Queensland in the Registry District of Darling Downs Centra

JULIUS Arthur Cowper :
Lit Pr. 1879.
Deaconed 23 Sept. 1877 Norwich.
Priested 8 June 1879 Norwich.
Curate of Barton Turf Norfolk 1877-79.
Priest Norwich 1879.
Curate of Crowfield Suffolk 1879-80.
Curate of Coddenham Suffolk 1880-8.
Vicar of Green Ponds.
Vicar of Gayndah Queensland 1885.
Vicar of Allora Diocese of Brisbane 1885-87.
Vicar of Harrisville 1888-89

Arthur then left his wife and family in mysterious circumstances.
The following letter from his father to his brother Percy indicates why he wished to remain untraced.

Southery Rectory,
Downhall Market.
October 27, 1894.
My very dear Percy,
It is only quite recently that I have been told of Arthur's most disgraceful conduct poor Alice was a good and most excellent wife to him, so that he has not a shadow of excuse for his disgusting conduct.
I think that in one of your letters to Lucy you say that you do not think that it would be just that Arthur at my death should have anything left to him but that something should be done for Alice and her children; now in all this I perfectly agree, but there are difficulties in the way, for as I have often told you the whole of my insurances and your dear mothers property are all settled upon her children in what proportion I please so that I cannot in my Will leave anything to Alice or my grandchildren I have consulted my Lawyer about the matter and the only thing that I can do is this [that is if you will agree to it] that you will of course have your share absolutely, i.e. you can do what you like with it; I will leave you an additional sum which I wish you to invest in your own name and to give the interest to Alice and her children, I have such perfect confidence in you that I know you will carry out my wishes.
I fear that Arthur even after all that has occured will persuade Alice to give the money to him he will I know get hold of it if he can, so if you find she does give it, or part of it to Arthur tell her that, in that case you will not pay her the interest and then keep it yourself and if things go well with her and that she has sufficient for herself and the children to live comfortably upon then you may take the money for yourself, I am quite sure you will act justly and honestly towards them.
I shall be glad to hear what you think of this plan as soon as you can; also can you let me know where and what Arthur is doing, and if he is still living with that woman, why does Alice not get a divorce? He will if possible keep a hold upon her I cannot possibly send her any money at present as every thing is very bad in the old country at present my living this year is only L311 and next year L95 it will be still less; dear old Jane sends her fond love to "her boy" and all your party.
I cannot write more now and will only add my fondest love to yourself and your dear wife and all the dear children.
Yours most affectionately,
A.E. Julius.
The above arrangement above was executed in 1895, see letter in: Notes on Percy Julius.

Arthur is Traced.
There were few known details of Arthur's life after 1889 until in 2016 when his Gt Grandaughter, Susan Julius advises:
"I know that Arthur worked in a Sydney university library and changed his name to Davis or Davidson".
Family lore has it that Arthur had an affair with servant and had a female child by her, after he left Alice he is said to have opened a home for homeless boys.

An addendum to Muriel Julius's book Family Jottings reads:
Re Arthur Cowper Julius - Beth Dicks (his granddaughter and daughter of John Julius, youngest of Arthur Cowper's family, told me, that Arthur Cowper suffered badly from asthma and took heroin for the complaint, he evidently had a nurse when he was ill, and that he "went off" with the nurse.

Betty Cottam told me Arthur Cowper had a big row with his brothers and went off to Sydney and changed his name to Davidson. He married a Marianne Emily Matchett who had a school in Sydney. There was a son, Jeffrey Villiers who died on his first birthday. A daughter Constance was born 1890 died 1979. Constance married a Fred Beaver of Bank NSW ? And they lived at Murwillumbah when Dad (R.H.J.) went to visit them (about 1927) at the request of his mother in England.
Since then we have known this family, Constance and Fred had 4 daughters Margaret (now Morgan), Betty (now Cottam), Helen and Kathie, so these 4 are the granddaughters of Arthur Cowper Julius.

John Davidson
Death Date: 1918
Death Place: New South Wales
Father's name: Archibald
Mother's name: Charlotte
Registration Year: 1918
Registration Place: Burwood,
New South Wales Registration
Number: 16592

A headstone in St Thomas Anglican cemetery, Enfield, Burwood, New South Wales. Row 10. Portion 41. Reads:
Sacred to the Memory
Marianne Emily Davidson
died October 13, 1910
aged 46 years.
Teneo Superiora Alfiora Peto. (Loose translation "Hold Superior Higher Things")
And of John Davidson
died November 12, 1918
aged 66 years.
Hores Non Nisi Serenas Numero (Loose translation "I count only the bright hours")

The above information from Susan Julius, Family Jottings, and some research in Ancestry Australia, reveals the fate of Arthur Cowper Julius who left his first wife & family, and as far as is known turned his back on his vocation.
He did in fact marry, it would seem bigamously, Marianne Emily Matchett on 28 Oct 1887 in Queensland under the name of Alfred Withers Davison (Davidson).
Alfred (Arthur) had surviving issue as stated above, Constance Mary Davidson who married Frederick Bathurst Beaver, they had issue 4 daughters.
Tying this deception together are the christian names used, Arthur Cowper, then Alfred Withers, his death registration in 1918 which shows his parents as Archibald & Charlotte, and finally he shares a grave and headstone with Marianne Emily.

bullet  Research Notes:

On file a poor copy of a sermon preached by Arthur first in Coddenham SFK 28 Sept 1879 then at several other Parishes in England including Crowfield and Southery, then at St Georges in Hobart at the morning service on 18 Sept 1881 finally in the afternoon at Birkwood Queensland (nr Harrisville) on Sept 23 1888. He delivered the sermon some 26 times.
His text was Psalm 77 Verses 19 & 20.
Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.
Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

13 April 1887.
The day of our Easter meeting is one of the most important days of the year to us, as it ought to be, for on that day we close another year of church work in the parish. We are called upon to give an account of our stewardship, to show what we have done of our time and opportunities, and to see what progress the visible Church of Christ has made in this little corner of our Masters yard. It is a time to for looking forward as well as looking back, a time for laying plans making arrangements for the work of the new year, at a time, therefore, for carefully studying every part of our administrative program and learning what the experience of the past has taught us that is defective and strengthening and building all that has been found worthy to stand. In the review of the past year we have each cause for thankfulness and can we say that the hand of our Lord has been with us for good.
In the face of many difficulties, many disappointments, and much anxiety, the church has held her way and has in the past \endash as she will we trust in the future \endash done good service in the cause of righteousness and truth. The actual number of services held in the district has been, I am sorry to say, somewhat less this year than last. There are reasons for this \endash my long illness last year, and the exceptionally wet season which we have experienced. The order of services remains, with one slight variation, the same as before. I cannot see any way to improve it by any alteration. The beginning of the year I caused a number of lists to be printed, giving the day and hour of every service and class held throughout the whole of my district for the congregation. I trust this will be found a convenience for people, and will result in even bigger congregations than we have at present.
Weekly Wednesday evening lecture has been of late much interrupted by the rain and bad roads, and the attendance had so much fallen off that for some weeks I discontinued them. I trust, however, that, with a turn of more settled weather, this my people will again avail themselves of the opportunity given them of close and earnest a study of God's Word.
We have during the year baptised 41 as against 36 last year. There have been five marriages and six burials, the numbers last year being marriages 9, funerals . . . . . The Holy Communion has been offered 31 times, and I am thankful to say the number of communicants, though far from what it ought to be, has not diminished. Let us hope and pray that in most important matters the coming year will see a great and lasting improvement. Of the Sunday School I have to report good work has been done, and that the teachers, in spite of the very trying weather, which has of necessity had a bad effect on the attendance, have been faithful to their duties. The thanks of every parent, and let me add their pupils also, are due for their self denying labours.
96 children are on the role with an attendance of 70. These are instructed by a staff of 10 teachers, two male eight female.
Weekly choir practice has been continued as regularly as circumstances permit, with, I hope and believe results. My constant aim has been to ensure the services of our church are plain and simple, the music should be rendered as well as can be with the material at hand. To attain this end we have spared no time nor trouble, and the members of the choir made, I think be congratulated and thanked on the result of this work.
I must now speak of a most important matter in the history of the past year. I allude to the scheme for building a new church, the want of which has long been due, and is year by year becoming more urgent. It is just a year ago this Easter since the idea was first started and now the idea has become a very tangible reality, and we confidently hope that in a very short time we shall see the new building rising in our midst. But, although much has been accomplished much yet remains to be done. The work of raising money for church building must always be a long and tedious process in a district like ours, but with God's help \endash without which the church will never be built \endash we look forward with confidence to the end of our task. Let me urge upon all present not to grow weary in so doing. The greater the difficulty, the greater need is therefore united and persevering. We have much, very much to be thankful for, God has helped us in the past. He will do so in the future, only we must do our part for "God helps those who help themselves"
It remains now for me to tender my sincere and grateful thanks to my Churchwardens and Vestrymen for the service and assistance they have given me during their year of office, and to express my hope that the same kind help will be accorded me in the future. If ever the saying unity is strength be true, it must be in relation to church work. If through all our work for God and his church, there runs a thread of brotherly love and forbearance, which can face the difficulties of the year with brave hearts and minds, in the full assurance that our service, week and imperfect as it is will be accepted by our Great Master.
For when we have done all a room for exultation. It is God that wills us both to his will and to do of his pleasure.
"O Lord not unto us, but to thy be the praise"
Rev Arthur Cowper Julius


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Church St Southery NFK. Arthur is recorded as a son aged 8 born Myland ESS.

2. Arthur C Julius: Reference from Felstead School, 2 Apr 1869, Felstead Essex.
April 2, 1869
Mr Arthur Cowper Julius was educated in their school from June 1867 to March 1869. I have much pleasure in stating that during the whole of this time he was remarkably steady and well conducted.
For a considerable portion of the time he was under my own immediate tuition and always gave me perfect satisfaction in respect of his application to and progress in his studies. I entertain a great regard for him as a singularly well principled young man.
J.H. Backhouse M.A.
Second Master at Felsted Grammer School, Essex. Formerly Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford.
(Felsted is a Public School dating from the 16thC. -

3. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, Church St Southery NFK. Arthur is recorded as a son aged 18 born Myland Essex

4. Family Arthur Cowper Julius.
Also Mayor family

5. Arthur Cowper Julius: Licence's to practice as a Priest, 1877.
First at Barton Norfolk 1877, then Coddenham & Crowfield Suffolk 1879, then Gayndah Queensland 1882

6. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Parsonage Crowfield Suffolk. Arthur is described as head of house married aged 28 Curate of Crowfield born Myland Colchester Essex. Also in the house was Catherine Sarah Brown a visitor aged 22 single born Denver Norfolk, and two servants.

Arthur Cowper Julius was licenced to practice in 1879 as a Priest in Crowfield & Coddenham.


Arthur married Alice (Garvie) BROWN [878] [MRIN: 287], daughter of Thomas BROWN Gent [4929] and Emily FILLEY [23843], on 7 Jun 1875 in St Mary The Virgin Southery. (Alice (Garvie) BROWN [878] was born on 8 May 1847 in Denver NFK and died on 4 Aug 1951 in Woody Point Brisbane Qld..)


Arthur had a relationship with Marianne Emily MATCHETT [25088] [MRIN: 9038] on 28 Oct 1887 in Queensland Aust. (Marianne Emily MATCHETT [25088] was born about 1864 in England, died on 13 Oct 1910 in NSW Aust and was buried in St Thomas Enfield NSW.)

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