The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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William JULIUS [685]
Jane Smith EDWARDS [686]
Rev Jonathan GILDER [1260]
Mary BRAZIER [1261]
(Abt 1743-1823)
Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]

Rev Archibald Aeneas JULIUS [847]


Family Links

1. Charlotte MAYOR [848]

Rev Archibald Aeneas JULIUS [847]

  • Born: 9 Jan 1819, Old Palace Richmond SRY
  • Baptised: 26 Feb 1819, St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY
  • Marriage (1): Charlotte MAYOR [848] on 11 Mar 1847 in Collingham NTT
  • Died: 4 Mar 1895, Southery NFK aged 76
  • Buried: Southery Churchyard.

bullet   Cause of his death was an infection of the heart and secondry peritonitis.


bullet  General Notes:

Archibald was educated at Dr. Delafosse's School, Richmond Green, a school of high repute, ref. [1166]. In 1837, he entered St John's College Cambridge. took his B.A. 1841, M.A. 1847. Ordained Deacon by Kaye the Bishop of Lincoln in 1842, he was appointed Curate Collingham, Notts 1842-44; Ordained priest 1843. Archibald worked with Sir Henry Duckingfield at St Martins in the Fields ; then assistant Chaplain at Hampton Court and Curate of Teddington Middlesex 1844-46, and Chaplain at Hampton Court 1845-49; then Curate of Great Staughton, Hunts 1846, and from 1847 he was also domestic chaplain to Viscount Sidmouth. He was made Rector of Myland, Colchester 1850, but in 1855 he, and the then Rector of Southery Norfolk exchanged livings. Archibald took up his duties at Southery on 4 March 1855 and spent the remainder of his life in this village.

Archibald Aeneas Julius. College: ST JOHN'S Entered: Michs. 1837 More Information: Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Jan. 30, 1837. Of Surrey. [S. of George, M.D., physician to King George IV.] B. Jan. 9, 1819 [at Old Palace, Richmond]. Matric. Michs. 1837; B.A. 1841; M.A. 1847. One of five Members of the College Boat Club who took part in the first race for the Colquhoun Sculls, 1837. Ord. deacon (Lincoln) May 22, 1842; priest, June 11, 1843; C. of Collingham, Notts., 1842-4. C. of Teddington, Middlesex, 1844-6. Assistant Chaplain at Hampton Court Palace, where he preached once before three Queens, Victoria, Adelaide and the Queen of the Belgians. C. of Gt Staughton, Hunts., 1846-50. Domestic Chaplain to Viscount Sidmouth, in 1847. R. of Myland, Essex, 1849-55. R. of Southery, Norfolk, 1855-95. Married, Mar. 11, 1847, Charlotte, eldest dau. of the Rev. Joseph Mayor, R. of South Collingham, Notts. Died Mar. 4, 1895, at Southery; buried there. Brother of the next. (Boase, v. 798; P. E. Towell; Crockford; John Bull, Mar. 20, 1847.)
Alumni Cantbrigienses. Ancestry.

The Times, Thursday, Jan 28, 1847; pg. 7; Issue 19458; col A
University Intelligence. Cambridge, Jan. 27. - Degree conferred to
Rev Archibald Aeneas Julius, St John's College

Julius Archibald Aeneas, Southery Rectory, Downham, Norfolk. St John's College, Cambridge BA 1842, MA 1848. Deacon 1842 Priest 1844 by Bishop of Lincoln, rector of Southery Diocese Norwich 1855 (Patron Rev Edmund Hall tithe 650L 10s 6d; Glebe, 104 acres; R.'s Inc. 804L and Ho; Pop 1164)
Ref Page 380 Crockfords 1868

Julius Jottings. January 1900. No 1.
We give a few particulars of the life of the late Rev A. E. Julius.
One of the most remarkable things is that he exactly completed his fortieth year as rector, having entered on the living of Southery on 4th March, 1855, and died the same day, 1895.
In personal appearance he was about the average height, but had great strength, especially in his arms, which, no doubt, had been brought out in his school and college days, during which period he was much given to athletics as then practiced. He held the important post of Captain of the Lady Margaret Boat Club in St. John's College, Cambridge, at the time when that boat was head of the river.
To that club we are indebted for the word "blazer" as now applied to the garment worn by gentlemen at lawn tennis and other games. They introduced an outside jersey of an intensely red or scarlet colour, and were nicknamed "The Blazers." Hence, some years afterwards, the word came into general use to describe the garment I have alluded to, no matter what its colour may be, but the word has not at present found a place in the Webster's Dictionary. Before he left college there was an entry made in the minute book of the club, that when the boat went out of use, Mr. Julius should hJuliusJuliusArchibaldave the rudder sent to him, and about thirty years ago he received it as a memento of the proud position which the
eight-oared occupied in his captaincy
He was born (details as above of his early life & education as above) he removed to Hampton Court, and became Chaplain to the Palace there. Whilst occupying this position, he had three Queens on one occasion present at the service; Her Majesty Queen Victoria; Adelaide, the Queen Dowager; and the Queen of the Belgians. The Duke of Wellington was also a regular attendant.
In 1850. Lady Cowper presented him to the living of Myland, Colchester, here he built a Church capable of holding 400 people. Finally the Rev Edmund Hall, who was then Rector of Southery, exchanged with him for Myland. On his arrival here, he had all the Church building to do over again. The Church was a most wretched barn-like structure, and Mr. Julius. who had been used to better things, could not put up with it, and at once began to look about him for ways and means, He was successful, and raised about £1,700 (see final cost below). With this sum, under the advice of Mr. Robinson, the architect, he built a far better church than could have been hoped for with the money at his disposal. It consists of a nice chancel, nave and south aisle, and holds 400 people. The carr-stone of the district was used with stone dressings, columns and windows in the Early English style.
The writer of this notice was present at the consecration in 1858 (Laying of the Foundation Stone) and remembers the village band playing all the music at the service, and very effective it was. It is almost a pity that all this has disappeared, although we see a revival of the full band at High Mass in some of the advanced churches in London. Mr Julius gave the site (part of the Glebe) for the Church, and also for a Sunday School. . . . . . reference to his marriage date and details of his wife and family. . . . . One other thing connected with his family is worthy of record. Dr Julius, his father, was an only child, (not correct) and inherited property in the island of St Kitts, near Jamaica; on coming into possession of it (no record of George Julius returning to St Kitts) he liberated all the slaves (no record of this - unlikely)
Mr Julius had several other livings offered to him, but he declined them. If his character is to be spoken of, I should sum it up in a very few words: he was a Churchman and an Englishman, very kind to all, and always ready to help anyone when it lay in his power to do so.
Particulars submitted by Fanny Maria Hull (his daughter) who does not know the author but confirms the facts are correct..

The Foundation Stone reads:
This Stone as the Foundation Stone of
the Church of St Mary Southery was laid
by the Right Rev. John Thomas the Lord Bishop of Norwich
on the 7th Day of September MDGGGLVIII in the presence of the
Rev A.E. Julius M.A. Rector
Mr F Robinson, Mr J Sayle,
Churchwardens and many others
with prayer to the Almighty God for His Blessing
on the work thus begun.

E L Fenn visited Southery on 18 May 2002, and was shown the Church Wardens Books, in the possession of Mr David Starling Church Warden:
Minutes recorded notice of a meeting in the church, on the 6th Oct 1857 to consider a proposal to provide a new burial ground and build a new church in Southery.
This meeting was held over to a further meeting on the 14th of October 1857 where the proposal, and a rate on Parishioners of 2/6d for 5years to finance it, was carried unanimously. A committee was formed of the Clergy, Churchwardens (John Sayle & Frederick Robinson), and Mr Frederick Robinson Jnr., to give effect to the decision.
The Foundation Stone was laid in 1858 and reads: " This stone as the Foundation Stone of the Church of St Mary Southery was laid by the Right Rev John Thomas the Lord Bishop of Norwich on the 7th day of September in the year of our Lord MDGGGLVIII (1858) in the presence of the Rev A E Julius MA Rector, Mr F Robinson and Mr J Sayle, Churchwardens and many others. With prayer to Almighty God for His Blessing on the work thus begun"
At a meeting of Parishioners on the 24th April 1862 the accounts were presented for the completed works as follows:
Mr Bennett builder paid L1710-0-0
Detailed other expenses totaled L 173-17-3
Total L1883-17-3

Cash received included:
General subscription L 1149-14-6
Parish rate L 254-11-8
Plus Teas, Bazaar's, Donations etc. L 479-11-1
Total L1883-17-3
These were signed by the vestry and A E Julius as Chairman.
Archibald last signed off Vestry minutes in the Church Wardens Books in 1892.

England Return of Owners of Land 1873. Norfolk
Rev A. E. Julius Southery 107a 0r 18p. gross estimated rental value. L157/0/0/

Spurred on no doubt, by his brothers example, he became a member, of the Lady Margaret Boat Club and rowed No 2 in the college's first boat 1838 and 1839
The secretary of the Lady Margaret Boat Club [St. John's College Boat Club] gave me information she held about Archibald as a member of the club but unfortunately the minute books of the club for some years when he was a member, are lost. He was renowned in most of the Lent-May races at Cambridge during his time at the University.
As regards the Colquhoun Sculls the secretary says "In 1837 a sculling Competition for the Colquhoun Sculls took place for the first time on the Thames from Westminster to Putney, organised by L.M.B.C. [In 1842 the venue was changed to Cambridge, where it still takes place]. In 1837 Archibald was one of the eight entrants, he rowed station 4 in black colours. He took the lead, but was overtaken by a Mr Bernay [?], also L.M.B.C, and then Mr Shadwell [L.M.B.C.and Captain]. In the May Term 1840 Mr. Julius gets a mention in the Colquhoun Sculls, where he was beaten by Mr. Shadwell and capsized in the process.
The list of captains is incomplete between 1839 - 1942 but it is likely that Mr. Julius was captain in part of this period.

Extracts from Boase.
Julius Archibald Aeneas b.1818; educ St John's Coll. Cambridge, one of five members of College boat club who took part in the first race for Colquhoun sculls on the Cam 1837; rowed No. 2 in the college's first boat 1838 and 1839; B.A.1841, M.A.1847; ordained by Bishop of Lincoln, deacon 1842, priest 1844; C of Collingham near Newark 1842-5; C of Teddington, MDX 1845-9; Chaplain at Hampton Court Palace, preached once before three Queens, Victoria, Adelaide, and Queen of the Belgians; C of Great Staunton, Hunts, 1849-50; V of Myland near Colchester 1850-5; R of Southery, NFK 4 Mar 1855 to death. Died Southery rectory 4 March 1895.
The Eagle June 1895 p 608.

Death of Rev A.E. Julius.
We regret to record the death of Rev. A.E.Julius who breathed his last at the Rectory on Monday. Although he had been convalescent for some time, it was not thought his end was so near until within a few hours of his death. The sad news caused a deep impression in and around the village.
As recently as Sunday last he was in his usual good humour and chatted with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. T.J.Thompson of Peterborough who are staying at the rectory and even went so far as to remark to the Rev. V. W. Peake that he thought he should conduct a burial service on the following day [Monday] but fate willed otherwise.
He retired to rest at his usual time on Sunday night when all went well until his housekeeper's attention was called to an unusual noise preceding from his bedroom. This was about 6 o'clock. She went to his assistance and found him in great pain. Dr. Todd, as the nearest medical man, was at once called in, and Dr. Mackintosh [of Downham] his regular physician, was telegraphed for, but on his arrival pronounced little hope for his patient. The news proved only too true, as death occurred a few hours afterwards.
The primary cause of death was affection of the heart and secondary peritonitis. The Reverend gentleman was born 19th January 1819 and was therefore in his 76th year of age. He was the youngest son of Dr George Julius of the Palace Richmond, late physician to King George IV. He graduated at St John's College Cambridge where he was for many years Captain of Lady Mary Boat Club. His first curacy was at Collingham near Newark under the Rev Joseph Mayor, whose eldest daughter he afterwards married. He then became curate of St Martin in the Fields London and afterwards chaplain at Hampton Court Palace. His first living was Myland near Colchester, which was presented to him by Lady Cowper and for the last 40 years he had been Rector of Southery.
On the formation of the first school board in the parish, Mr Julius was elected a member and the position he held for several years until he resigned. When the Institute and Library was first started, he became its President. An office he filled up to his death. He was the President of Southery Cricket Club and was a great admirer of the game. In his younger days he was as exceptionally good cricketer and up to the very last he never allowed a match by his village team to pass unnoticed, but he would support it both with his purse and presence. He was an exceptionally good preacher and was always sure of a good congregation. A short time after his death a great change must unavoidably take place at the rectory as at his decease, the living passes from the family. The coffin was of pure oak. There were many wreaths. Children Jack and Lucy Grandchildren of Oakleigh Park. Grandson Trevor Hull. In affectionate remembrance and true sympathy - Eve Sayle.
Funeral Service by Rev Stephen Reed of Barton Bendish.
Mourners: Mr & Mrs C. Hull, Mr & Mrs J. Clarke, Mr & Mrs J.T. Thompson, Miss Jecking Housekeeper and Servants. Also among other mourners Miss Sayle. Deceased interred in Family Vault in the churchyard.
He is buried in Southery Churchyard where a cross with an anchor was erected to his memory and to that of his wife and infant daughter. It is no wonder that after such along ministry his death was felt to be the end of an era for Southery. (Grave not found 2002)
Ref: Downham Market Gazette 9 March 1895.

Downham Market Gazette.
Archibald Aneas Julius.
The late Rector entered living on 4 March 1855 and died exactly 40 years later. In personal appearance he was about average height but had great strength especially in his arms - during school and college days much given to athletics. Captain of Lady Mary Boating Club before he left college there was an entry in the minute book of the club that when his boat went out of use, Mr Julius should have the rudder sent to him and about 30 years ago he received it as a memento off the proud position the eight oar occupied in his captaincy. Educated Richmond by Dr Dellafosse and afterwards with private tutors. Ordained by Kaye Bishop of Lincoln, having read for orders with Dr Oldnow. Mention of three Queens at Hampton Court Palace. 1850 to Myland, which he then exchanged for Southery with Rev Edmund Hall in 1855. On his arrival he had all the church building to do over again. The church was a most wretched barnlike structure and Mr Julius who was used to better things could not put up with it and at once began to look about him for ways and means. He was successful and raised L1700. With this sum, under the advice of Mr Robinson the architect he built a far better church than could have been hoped for with the money at his disposal. It consists of a nice chancel, nave and south aisle and holds 400 people. Consecration in 1858 when the village band played. Mr Julius gave the site for the church and also for a Sunday school. They had a large family, four sons and three daughters are still alive. The sons (one of whom is ordained) are in Australia but the daughters are settled in England. Mrs Julius died suddenly a few years ago.
Ref: Downham Market Gazette 16 March 1895.

Julius Jottings No 3 October 1900.
A choir screen of carved oak has recently been erected in Southery Church by members of the family in memory of the Reverend Archibald Julius, the late rector.
(A visit to the Church by E L Fenn on the 18th May 2002 revealed the present choir screen was erected in the 1940's in memory of a war death. There was no record or memory of a Julius screen. Archibald's grave was not traced in the churchyard.)

Dated 13 Sept 1894.
Last will and testament of Archibald Aeneas JULIUS of Southery Rectory
Mention of settlement, dated 10th March 1847, made on marriage with late wife, Charlotte Mayor, eldest daughter of Rev Joseph Mayor, Rector of Collingham.
To be paid from settlement L1,500 to daughter Lucy Adelaide Clark wife of J.L.Clark.
L3,000 to daughter Blanche Emily Thompson wife of Thomas J. Thompson
Mentions also son Charles Archibald Julius, son Alfred Henry Julius, son Stanford Percy Julius, Daughter Fanny Marie Hull wife of E.C.P.Hull, Daughter in law Alice Julius wife of son Arthur Cowper Julius, grandson Ford Clark.
Mentions also china basket given to late wife by late Lady Palmerston, Chippendale chairs, portrait of late Chief Justice Willis, covered oak armchair formerly belonging to one of the Earls of Warwick.
Executors: Son-in-law Edmund Charles Pendelton Hull of Earlwood Common, Red Hill, Surrey. & John Lockie Clarke Gent of Southampton Lodge, Oakley Park, Middx
Made 13 Sept 1894.
Witnesses. Harold Archer Solicitor Ely and his Clerk.
Probate London 2 July 1895. Estate L1,027 12s 1d .
See full will & transcription under "Other Records" the size of the Estate appears considerably larger than the Probate figure ?

Julius Archibald Aeneas
The Rev Archibald Aeneas Julius of Southery Rectory near Downham Market Norfolk Clerk died 4 Mar 1895 Probate London 2 Jul 1895 to Edmund Charles Pendalton Hull and John Lockie Clark Gentlemen Effects L1027 12s 1p
Ref: National Probate Calendar.

JULIUS Reverend Archibald Aeneas of Southery rectory near Downham Markets, Norfolk. Clerk died 4th March 1895. Probate London 2nd July 1895 to Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull and John Lockie Clarke Gentleman.
Owners of Land 1873: Julius Rev. A.E. Southery 107 acres 18 perches.

bullet  Research Notes:

Southery Rectory,
Downhall Market.
October 27, 1894.
My very dear Percy,
It is only quite recently that I have been told of Arthur's most disgraceful conduct poor Alice was a good and most excellent wife to him, so that he has not a shadow of excuse for his disgusting conduct.
I think that in one of your letters to Lucy you say that you do not think that it would be just that Arthur at my death should have anything left to him but that something should be done for Alice and her children; now in all this I perfectly agree, but there are difficulties in the way, for as I have often told you the whole of my insurances and your dear mothers property are all settled upon her children in what proportion I please so that I cannot in my Will leave anything to Alice or my grandchildren I have consulted my Lawyer about the matter and the only thing that I can do is this [that is if you will agree to it] that you will of course have your share absolutely, i.e. you can do what you like with it; I will leave you an additional sum which I wish you to invest in your own name and to give the interest to Alice and her children, I have such perfect confidence in you that I know you will carry out my wishes.
I fear that Arthur even after all that has occured will persuade Alice to give the money to him he will I know get hold of it if he can, so if you find she does give it, or part of it to Arthur tell her that, in that case you will not pay her the interest and then keep it yourself and if things go well with her and that she has sufficient for herself and the children to live comfortably upon then you may take the money for yourself, I am quite sure you will act justly and honestly towards them.
I shall be glad to hear what you think of this plan as soon as you can; also can you let me know where and what Arthur is doing, and if he is still living with that woman, why does Alice not get a divorce? He will if possible keep a hold upon her I cannot possibly send her any money at present as every thing is very bad in the old country at present my living this year is only L.311 and next year L.95 it will be still less; dear old Jane sends her fond love to "her boy" and all your party.
I cannot write more now and will only add my fondest love to yourself and your dear wife and all the dear children.
Yours most affectionately,
A.E. Julius.

Photo reference:
Norfolk Record Office: Parish records of SOUTHERY
Catalogue Ref. PD 314 Church and Benefice
FILE - Photographs of former rectors - ref. PD J14/52 - date: nd
Revd A. E. Julius (1855-1895)
Ref A2A

From Roman mythology, Julus was the son of Aeneas.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Old Palace Yard Richmond SRY. Archibald is recorded as aged 20 a student at Cambridge born SRY

2. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, High Rd Mile End Colchester ESS. Archibald is recorded as head of house aged 30 married Rector of Myland born SRY Also in the house was Emma Boucher aged 36 born Bramfield Herts.

3. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Church St Southery NFK. Archibald is recorded as head of house married aged 41 Rectory of Southery born Richmond SRY

4. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, Church St Southery NFK. Archibald is recorded as head of house married aged 52 Rector of Southery born Richmond SRY

5. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, The Rectory Church St Southery. Archibald is recorded as aged 62 head of house born Richmond SRY. Also in the house were four servants.

6. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, Southampton Lodge Friern Barnet MDX. Archibald was a guest in his daughter Lucy and son-in-law John Clarke, he is recorded as a widower aged 72 Vicar of Southery NFK born Richmond

7. Archibald Eneas Julius: Will, 13 Sep 1894.
Of Southery Rectory near Downham Market in the County of Norfolk Clerk in Holy Orders
I hereby revoke all Wills and Testamentary Appointments or Instruments heretofore made by me I appoint my Sons in law Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull of Earlswood Common Redhill in the County of Surrey Gentleman and John Lockie Clark of Southampton Lodge Oakley Park in the County of Middlesex Gentleman (hereinafter referred to as "my Trustees") to be the TRUSTEES of this my Will And I declare that the trusts directions and powers hereinafter reposed or vested in my Trustees shall and may be executed and exercised by the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor their or his assigns or other the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will
Whereas under or by virtue of the Settlement made on my marriage with my late Wife dated the tenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty seven and made between myself of the first part my late wife then Charlotte Mayor spinster of the second part and Alfred Alexander Julius Joseph Mayor and Walter John Clark of the third part the Trust Funds and Premises therein mentioned were assured upon trust after my decease for all or any one or more of the children of the then intended marriage between myself and my said Wife for such interest or interests either present or future and in such parts shares and proportions and subject to such restrictions and limitations over in favour of any other or others of the said Children and with such directions and regulations for maintenance education and advancement and to be transferred and assigned at such age or ages either absolutely or upon any contingencies as I the said Archibald Eneas Julius and my said Wife should jointly appoint And in default of such appointment and so far as no such appointment should extend as the survivor of me and my said late Wife should by any Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings to be attested by two or more Witnesses or by my or her last Will and Testament in writing or any Codicil or Codicils thereto should alone direct limit or appoint Now in exercise of the power for this purpose given to me by the said Settlement and of all other powers (if any) enabling me in this behalf I hereby direct and appoint that the Trustees for the time being of the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Settlement shall from and after my decease stand possessed of the Monies Stocks Funds and Securities for the time being subject to the trusts thereof in manner following (that is to say) Upon trust to raise thereout and therefrom immediately after my decease the sum of One thousand five hundred pounds and to receive and pay the same unto my Daughter Lucy Adelaide Clark (the Wife of the said John Lockie Clark) (one of the Children of the said marriage) for her absolute use and benefit And I hereby further direct and appoint that the Trustees for the time being of the said hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Settlement shall from and after my decease stand possessed of the Monies Stocks Funds and Securities for the time being subject to the trusts thereof Upon trust in the next place to raise thereout and therefrom immediately after my decease the sum of Three thousand pounds and to receive and invest the same in or upon any of the Public Stocks or Funds or Government Securities of the United Kingdom or India or of any Colony or Dependency of the United Kingdom or upon any Securities the interest on which is or shall be guaranteed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom or in Stock of the Bank of England or upon Freehold Copyhold or Chattel Real Securities in England or Wales or in or upon any Debentures or Debenture Stock of any Railway Company in the United Kingdom or India or the Shares or Stock of any such Railway Company a fixed or minimum rate of dividend on which is guaranteed by the same or any other Company Or in or upon the Bonds Debentures or Securities of or issued by any Public Municipal or Local Body or Authority in the United Kingdom (including Local or District Drainage Commissioners Or on the security of the Rates or Tolls made or levied by any such Body or Authority) and may at their dis-cretion vary or transpose such investments into or for others of any nature hereinbefore authorized And shall stand possessed of the said trust sum of Three thousand pounds and the Stocks Funds and Securities whereon the same shall be invested Upon trust to pay the income of the said sum of Three thousand pounds and the Stocks Funds and Securities representing the same unto my Daughter Blanche Emily Thompson (the Wife of Thomas J Thompson) And so that if and whilst she may be under coverture the same shall be for her separate use and she shall not have power to dispose of the same by way of anticipation And upon the death of my said Daughter Blanche Emily Thompson I do hereby appoint that the Trustees of the said hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Settlement shall hold the said Trust sum of Three thousand pounds and the Stocks Funds and Securities representing the same in trust for my said Daughter Blanche Emily Thompson her heirs executors administrators and assigns And as to for and concerning the Residue of the said Monies Stocks Funds and Securities subject to the Trusts of the said Indenture of Settlement and remaining after the raising thereout of the said respective sums of One thousand five hundred pounds and Three thousand pounds (as hereinbefore appointed) I hereby direct and appoint that the Trustees for the time being of the said Indenture of Settlement shall from and after my decease stand possessed of the said residue. of the said Monies Stocks Funds and Securities Upon trust for such of the following persons as shall be living at my death or as shall previously die leaving issue if any such issue shall be living at my death and in the following shares and proportions (that is to say) As to one fourth part thereof for my son Charles Archibald Julius as to another fourth part for my son Alfred Henry Julius and as to the remaining two fourth parts for my son Percy Stanford Julius I bequeath unto my Daughter Blanche Emily Thompson my China Basket now in my Withdrawing Room at Southery Rectory and given to my late Wife by the late Lady Palmerston Also my China Desert Service And also my Green and Gold China Tea Service I bequeath unto the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull one of my Silver Snuff Boxes the same to be selected by him I bequeath unto the said John Lockie Clark my other Silver Snuff Box Also all the Chippendale Chairs which I may die possessed of and which may be standing in the various Rooms in my House also my Silver Inkstand now in my said Withdrawing Room at Southery Rectory I bequeath unto my Grandson Ford Clark my Silver Pocket Flask I bequeath unto my Daughter Fanny Maria Hull (the Wife of the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull) my Chippendale Cabinet in my Withdrawing Room Also my portrait of a Figure in Armour in my Withdrawing Room And also the portrait of the late Lord Chief Justice Willes and the Carved Oak Arm Chair formerly belonging to one of the Earls of Warwick both of which last mentioned articles are now placed in my Dining Room I bequeath to my friend The Reverend Vincent William Peake (now acting as my Curate at Southery aforesaid) my Scotts Commentary on the Holy Bible in Six Volumes and also my Valpys Greek Testament in three Volumes I bequeath unto my servant Francis Jickling if she shall be living in my service at the time of my death all the Furniture and other articles which shall be ordinarily placed in her Private Room in the Parsonage at Southery aforesaid And also my wearing apparel and the furniture and other articles ordinarily placed in my Bedroom excepting my Personal Ornaments and Trinkets I bequeath all my Watches Jewels Trinkets and Personal Ornaments unto and equally between such of my Daughters as shall survive me and in case of dispute in such shares and proportions as my Trustees may determine and decide And I give and bequeath to each of my indoor and outdoor Servants who shall be in my service at the time of my decease one half year's wages (in addition to what may be then due for wages) the same to be paid to them free of Legacy Duty within six weeks from the time of my decease And I direct that my Residuary Furniture and other my Household Effects shall be and become part of my general Residuary Personal Estate and be included in the bequest thereof to my Trustees in trust for sale and conversion in manner hereinafter mentioned I devise and bequeath all my Real Estate of every tenure And also all my Residuary Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever (not otherwise disposed of by this my Will or any Codicil thereto) Subject to and after payment out of my said Residuary Personal Estate (or in case of deficiency thereof out of my Real Estate) of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the legacies bequeathed by this my Will or by any Codicil or Codicils thereto and the legacy duty on any legacies bequeathed free from Legacy Duty unto and to the use of my Trustees their heirs executors and administrators respectively according to the nature thereof upon the trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions hereinafter declared concerning the same And I declare that such estates respectively are devised and bequeathed Upon trust that my Trustees shall sell call in collect and convert into money the said Real and Residuary Personal Estates and Premises at such time or times and in such manner as they shall think fit and so that they shall have the fullest power and discretion to postpone the sale calling in and conversion of the whole or any part or parts of the said premises during such period.asthey shall think proper, without being responsible for loss And I declare and direct that after and subject to the several payments hereinbefore directed to be made out of my said Residuary Personal Estate (or in case of deficiency thereof out of my Real Estate) my Trustees shall stand possessed of the monies to arise from the sale and conversion of my said Real and Residuary Personal Estates Upon trust as to three fourth parts thereof for such of my said three sons Charles Archibald Julius Alfred Henry Julius and Percy Stanford Julius (as shall be living at my death or as shall previously die leaving issue if any such issue shall be living at my death) in equal shares And as to the remaining fourth part thereof for my Daughter in law Alice Julius (the wife of my son Arthur Cowper Julius) And in case my said Daughter in law shall die in my lifetime then I declare that my Trustees, shall stand possessed of the said remaining one fourth part of the nett monies to arise from the sale and conversion of my said Real and Residuary Personal Estates Upon trust for such of the Children of my said Daughter in law Alice Julius by my said Son,Arthur Cowper Julius as shall be living at the time of my decease on their respectively attaining the age of twenty one years I authorize my Trustees to determine what articles pass under any specific bequest contained in this my Will or any Codicil hereto And I declare that every such determination whether made upon a question actually raised or implied in the acts or proceedings of my Trustees shall be conclusive and binding on all persons interested under this my Will or any Codicil hereto I appoint the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull and John Lockie Clark EXECUTORS of this my Will All Legacies given by this my Will or by any Codicil hereto and the Legacy Duty thereon shall be paid primarily and in priority to my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts out of my Residuary Personal Estate in exoneration of the proceeds of sale of my Real Estate And I direct that such Residuary Personal Estate and proceeds of sale of Real Estate shall be marshalled to give effect to this provision of my Will I hereby declare that Securities to Bearer taken as an Investment may be deposited by my Trustees or Trustee for safe custody in their or his name or names with any Banker or Banking Company or with a Company whose business it is to take charge of Securities of that nature and my Trustees or Trustee shall not be responsible for any loss occasioned in consequence of such deposit and may pay out of the income of the Trust Premises any sum required to be paid on account of such deposit and for safe custody and such deposit shall be a sufficient compliance with the power to invest hereinbefore contained notwithstanding the direction that investments shall be made in their or his names or name
And I hereby declare that my Executors and my Trustees may in their or his uncontrolled discretion instead of acting personally employ and pay a Solicitor or any other person to transact any business or do any act of whatever nature required to be done in the premises including the receipt and payment and investment of money And that any Executor and Trustee hereunder being a Solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or business may be so employed or act and shall be entitled to charge and be paid all professional or other charges for any business or act done by him or his firm in conjunction with the trust Including acts which an Executor or a Trustee not being in any profession or business could have done personally
IN WITNESS whereof I the said Archibald Eneas Julius the Testator have to this and the five preceding sheets of this my last Will and Testament :set my hand this thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ninety four
SIGNED and acknowledged by the said Archibald Eneas Julius the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us being present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
CHAS W M CURTIS Clerk to Messrs Archer & Son Solicitors Ely

ON the 2nd day of July 1895 Probate of this Will was granted to Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull and John Lockie Clark the Executors.

8. Archibald Aeneas Julius: Southery Church & Rectory, Archibalds Estate, Cir 1895.
Letter to Stanford Percy Julius from his brother-in-law, E.C.P. Hull concerning the above.
My Dear Percy,
I daresay you have been thinking we have been [Clark and I] somewhat dilatory in settling up the affairs of the Executorship under your late Father's Will.
These, however, are matters which occupy a good deal of time and labour, and cannot well be hurried. I am bound to say that Jack Clark, who is a first rate man of business as well as one of the kindest and best of fellows, has been doing most of the work. This has been a great relief to me, as my partner has been absent since the end of June, and I have had almost too much work on hand.
I have to-day the pleasure to advise that we have paid into the Union Bank of Australia, Ltd., here, the sum of L4,000. Branches to be paid as follows:
To you at the Rockhampton Branch L2,000
To Charles at the Maryborough Branch L1,000.
To Alfred at the Rockhampton Branch L1,000.
These remittances are on account of the amounts which will be due to you each out of the Estate. In exchange for these payments you will each have to sign the forms on receipt which we have handed the Bank here, and these receipts when signed the Banks will send home to be delivered to us.
You will, of course, understand why the L2,000 has been remitted to you, as against L1000 only to Charles and Alfred.
We have also invested the L3,000 left to Blanche as her Trustees, and paid the L1,500 pounds left to Lucy for the purpose you no doubt understand about. Clark is now away for his month's holiday at the sea-side, and I shall be going away for mine towards the latter part of this month, and it will therefore probably be a month or two yet before we shall be able to get this matter finally closed.
Fanny and her children have been spending four weeks by the seaside at Brighton which has done them all much good, and they have returned home in the best of health.
Good-bye, my dear Brother, for the present, and believe me always,
Yours affectionally,
E.C.P. Hull.


Archibald married Charlotte MAYOR [848] [MRIN: 276], daughter of Rev Joseph MAYOR [1485] and Charlotte PRATT [1486], on 11 Mar 1847 in Collingham NTT. (Charlotte MAYOR [848] was born on 27 Mar 1819 in Collingham NTT, died on 2 Nov 1885 in Southery NFK and was buried on 6 Nov 1885 in Southery Churchyard..)

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