The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]
Rev Joseph MAYOR [1485]
Charlotte PRATT [1486]
Rev Archibald Aeneas JULIUS [847]
Charlotte MAYOR [848]

Canon Alfred Henry JULIUS [862]


Family Links

1. Louisa HOLT [863]

2. Louisa Brabyn GAGGIN [864]

Canon Alfred Henry JULIUS [862]

  • Born: 25 May 1851, Myland Parish Mile End Rd Colchester ESS
  • Marriage (1): Louisa HOLT [863] on 28 Dec 1881 in Rockhampton
  • Marriage (2): Louisa Brabyn GAGGIN [864] on 14 Apr 1887 in Springsure nr Rockhampton Qld Aust.
  • Died: 11 Apr 1934, Akaroa NZ aged 82
  • Buried: Akaroa Cemetery NZ

bullet  General Notes:

Alfred was a pupil at Felsted School in Essex in 1862
Ref: Alumni Felstedienses NZSOG ENG.ESS.SAR

He sailed steerage from England on the 12 the April 1869 in "Young Australia" and arrived in Brisbane 13 July 1869, aged 18 years he was a free settler.

Official Notifications. (From Saturday's Government Gazette.)
. . . . . To be second assistant teachars: . . . . . Alfred Henry Julius, Rockhampton.
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld.) Saturday 26 January 1878

Department Of Public Instruction.
His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, . . . . The following promotions in classification of teachers in the service of the Department of Public Instruction are notified, to take effect from the 1st January, 1879 : From Class III., Division 1, to Class II., Division 3 : . . . . . Alfred Henry Julius, . . . . .
Ref: The Brisbane Courier (Qld) Monday 17 March 1879.

The Diocesan Synod.
The Synod met in the Diocesan Chambers at 4 p.m. . . . . .
The Bishop delivered his annual address as
follows . . . . .
I hope, at the same time, to admit to deaoon's orders Mr. Alfred Henry Julius, a brother of Mr Julius, of Gayndah. He is well known in the colony and greatly respected. He has been for some years connected with public education in Queensland and has been latterly one of the masters of the, Rockhampton Grammar School.
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld) Saturday 23 August 1884.

Official Notifications. (From Saturday's Government Gazette.)
The Rev. Alfred Henry Julius, a minister of the Church of England, has been authorised to celebrate marriages in the district of Rockhampton.
Ref: The Week (Brisbane, Qld ) Saturday 6 December 1884.

Ordination Service.
The Bishop of Brisbane (Dr. Webber) held his first Ordination Service at St. John's Pro-Cathedral last Sunday morning, the day being Trinity Sunday. There were four candidates, two for the Diaconate and two for the Priesthood while an additional interest was lent to the ceremony by the fact that two other gentlemen were to be ordained on the same festival in London for work in the Brisbane Diocese. The candidates presented for the priesthood at St. John's were the Rev. Alfred Henry Julius, who has for some time acted as curate to Mr. Diggens at Rockhampton, and who is a brother of the Rev. A. C. Julius of Allora; and the Rev. John Hunt, a graduate of St. Augustine's Missionary College, Canterbury, who has done work in the Toowoomba district. . . . . . The service was a combination, in accordance with prayer-book ritual, of no less than five different forms of service - the ordinary Sunday service, the special collects and psalms of Trinity Sunday, the collects and psalms of the service of thanksgiving for the anniversary of her Majesty Queen Victoria's accession to the throne, and the two forms of prayer for the ordering of Deacons and the ordering of Priests respectively. The Ember days of the previous week had been duly observed, and the preliminary services on Sunday, and the ordering of the Church for the later ones, were superintended by the Rev. V. R. Handyside, of St. John's, who then proceeded to St. Andrew's, South Brisbane, to take the morning service. Matins commenced at St. John's at 10.20, the prayers being intoned by, the Rev. R. Bernard Wilson, acting incumbent of St. Andrew's, who also read the lessons. The Venerable Archdeacon Glennie occupied a seat within the sanctuary, and the four candidates for holy orden were placed in the front pew, underneath the reading desk. When matins were over, about 11 o'clock, the choir advanced, with the Archdeacon and the Rev. Mr. Wilson, and singing a processional hymn, to the western door, where they reformed in line to meet the Bishop. Dr. Webber wore his scarlet convocation robes, and while the organ played a voluntary the procession returned to the chancel. The Bishop took his seat on his throne, which had been placed at the north end of the altar, just within the rails, and the archdeacon resumed his seat at the south end; Mr. Wilson being at the reading desk, and the rest of the choir in their customary places. The voluntary having ended, Mr. Wilson entered the pulpit and preached the ordination sermon, taking for his text Isaiah, vi., 8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us. Then said I, Here am I send me". The preacher dwelt upon the vision which was vouchsafed to the prophet Isaiah, as the inauguration and the inspiring power of his ministerial work, and the marvellous depth of the moral and spiritual teaching contained in it, foreshadowing in dim mysterious outlines the great Christian revelation, commemorated on Trinity Sunday, which summed up in a single word the creed of the Christian, telling him of God's threefold work of love, and which was the prelude of the great anthem of praise which the Christian Church had been taught to sing. The sermon concluded with an earnest appeal to the people for their prayers, and to the candidates that their single aim should be the honour and glory of God, and their only wish to follow and obey His call in the work of the ministry. At the conclusion of tbe sermon, the Ordination Service proper was commenced. When it had proceeded as far as the Epistle, which was read by Archdeacon Glennie, the candidates advanced and stood before the altar rails, immediately in front of the Bishop, and were formally presented to him by Mr. Wilson. The Bishop then intoned the Litany, after which the prescribed questions were put to those applying for the order of deacon, on matters of faith and obedience, and they having been replied to, the Bishop, laying his hands on each of their heads in turn, admitted them to the office, the candidates kneeling. Mr. Fielder then read the gospel for the day. The two deacons were then in like manner admitted to the office of the priesthood, the laying on of hands being preceded by a period of silent prayer and the singing of the hymn Veni Creator antiphonally by the Bishop and choir. The Archdeacon and Mr. Wilson joined with the Bishop in the imposition of hands. The rest of the Communion Service was then proceeded with, the newly ordained communicating, as well as several memben of the choir and congregation, and this concluded the ceremonial. The canticle music throughout was Tours and Dyke's, and the hymns, a number of which were interspersed, were those given in the "Ancient and Modern " collection. We undertand that licenses will be issued to the four clergymen as follow:- Mr. Julius will be licensed to the cure of Springsure and Clermont, which district is shortly to be cut off from that of Rockhampton; Mr. Hunt will resume his duties in the Toowoomba district, and Mr. Fielder will be appointed curate to Mr. Jones, in the Toowoomba town parish; Mr. Simmons will be appointed curate to the Rev. H. Heath, of Ipswich.
Ref: The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld ) Saturday 26 June 1886.

The Church of England
The Origins of the Church of England in the Parish of Clermont are already buried in antiquity, the earliest registers known to exist date only from 1885. In that year, ALFRED HENRY JULIUS, ordained Deacon in 21 Sept 1884 (Curate of Rockhampton 1884 - 1889) and Priest in 21 June 1886, Bishop Webber), was posted to Central Queensland, his sprawling circuit stretching from Springsure to Clermont (Rector of Clermont-Springsure 1886 - 1889). In the grip of a slump since the collapse of the Copper Mine bonanza, neither Copperfield nor Clermont offered to Clerics of any persuasion inducements that the fight for the souls was worth the sacrifices required, the pattern being remarkably similar in all denominations. The tenure of Rev. A.H. Julius, in fact, marked the formal beginning of Anglicanism in Clermont.
Long before 1885, however, the Church of England was represented in both townships, Copperfield apparently being the base of the Parish work initially. only after the decline of Copperfield was it supplanted by Clermont, and for the Church itself, that was during the incumbency of Rev. A.H. Julius. Almost as soon as he began his pastoral work at Clermont, Father Julius undertook the construction of All Saints'. "A little wooden church on the corner of Capella and Mimosa Streets". It was consecrated and opened on 3 Nov 1887. On 26 Sept 1889, at a Confirmation Service at Clermont, five males and six females were confirmed as adherents of the Anglican faith, the membership generally indicated robust health in the new Parish of Clermont.
At the end of the 1880s, Rev. A.H. Julius left Clermont for Gladstone (1889 - 1894), at the very time Clermont became a separate Parish within the Diocese of Brisbane. It was not until 1892 that it was transferred to the newly created Diocese of Rockhampton (1894 - 1904) Hon Canon Rockhampton 1899 - 1904. Father Julius' successor, Rev. W.H.Warrington consolidated the sound foundations, records of 1800 show All Saints with seating for 140, 15 stations in the Parish all conducting regular worship and 97 Sunday school students on the roll.

The following information is from the Queensland Police Gazette dated:
1887. Alfred Henry Julius, Church of England, is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Clermont Queensland in the Registry District of Clermont

1888. Alfred Henry Julius, Church of England, is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Clermont Queensland in the Registry District of Clermont

1889. Alfred Henry Julius, Church of England, is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Clermont Queensland in the Registry District of Clermont

1890. Alfred Henry Julius, Church of England, is recorded as Registered to Celebrate marriage, he is resident in Gladstone Queensland in the Registry District of Gladstone

1887 Report of lost stock 9 April 1887: A H Julius of Springsure reports on 4 April 1887 loss of a brown horse, blotched brand near shoulder, two large lumps inside of forearm, taken Emerald 30 September 1886.

Deaconed 21.9.1884 by Bishop Hale [we think]
Priested 21.6.1886 by Bishop Webber
Curate of Rockhampton 1884 -1889
Rector of Clermont-Springsure 1886 -1889
Vicar of Gladstone 1889-1894
Vicar of North Rockhampton 1894-1904
Hon. Canon of Rockhampton 1899-1904
Vicar Akaroa, Christchurch N.Z. 1904-1924. Retired.
Died 1934.

Alfred was a legatee under his fathers Will

Julius Jottings. January 1900 No. 1.
The Rev Alfred H. Julius has lately been made Canon of St Paul's, Rockhampton, Queensland. Canon Julius has been instrumental in building five churches in Queensland.

Extract from Power in the Land by Gertrude & Anthony Elworthy 1971.
"He worked as a teacher and a clergyman in Queensland from 1868-1904. He was Canon of Rockhampton Cathedral. He bought his wife and family to New Zealand in 1904 where he and his wife worked tirelessly in his parish of Akaroa on the Banks Peninsular [near Christchurch] for 20 years. He had remarkable gifts, a phenomenal memory, preaching without notes, his parishioners said it was a joy to hear him read the lesson.
He was the first Canon ordained at Rockhampton Cathedral.

Julius Jottings No 2.
April 1900
Extract from a letter to his sister Mrs. Hull.
The Vicarage,
North Rockhampton,
October 31st,1898.
To give you some idea of a Sunday's work in my parish. Yesterday [Sunday], Holy Communion, 8am.; llam., full Morning Service, with Sermon; 3 to 4 Sunday School; 4.30, Masonic Service in the Cathedral, two miles distant. I, as Chaplain of the Lodge, take the whole service and preach; 7.30 pm., full Evening Service, with Sermon. This was an easy day, having no travelling to do. October 23rd.-- Celebrated Holy Communion 8am.; 11am., full service; 3pm, Bush Service at "Stony Creek," fifteen minutes away; 7.30, full service in Church again. I do the thirty miles on a bicycle. One more Sunday I give you. October 30th.-- 8am., Holy Communion; 11.15, full Service at Emu Park on the coast, twenty-nine miles by rail; 4pm., full service at Yepoon, sixteen miles from Emu Park by bicycle; 8pm., Service in Pigeon English, for the South Sea Islanders on the sugar plantation five miles from Yepoon. The next day, after two full Services in the Church, I took a Bush Service at Hedlow, fifteen miles away, driven in a buggy by Mr. Foley, my Lay Reader. Next week I hope to see the building of my Mission Church at Hedlow started. [This church has since been finished and opened.] This has been wanted for some time. On December 4th I have a Confirmation in my Church. The Candidates are scattered all over the large parish, so the necessary preparation is not easy as I have to go from one place to another to hold classes, often very many miles apart.
A clergyman's life out here is truly a hard and a busy one. It has its dark side, too; very dark at times; but one has to work away in faith and hope, doing one's best and leaving the result in the Master's hands. I confess I should like a rest for a while, after nearly sixteen years' of this constant work, but, at present, I see no chance of getting away.

Julius Jottings. October 1900 No 3.
May 14th, 1900.
Dear MR. Brewin,
I am really sorry I have been so long in writing to say how very much I appreciate Julius Jottings I sincerely hope you may be able to continue to publish the magazine. I intended sending you a contribution, giving some details of my working, but have been delayed by sickness, from which I was laid up from work for over two months, and afterwards by pressure .of work, everything having fallen sadly into arrears during my absence from duty.
As it is, I cannot get the time to write as I would wish, but instead enclose a contribution I sent to " Bush Leaves " some time ago. If you care to publish it I shall be very glad, as it gives a slight idea of one's work out here, and consequently may be interesting to other members of the Julius family.
With hearty fraternal greetings, and wishing you every success,
Yours faithfully,

I will try to send you a better contribution later on.

The parochial district of which I have been in charge since July, 1894, is a somewhat peculiar one, being neither a town parish, nor yet a regular bush district, but partakes of the characteristics of both. North Rockhampton itself is really a suburb of the, large and growing town of Rockhampton, separated froth it by the river Fitzroy; it is somewhat like a large English village. St. Barnabas Church, our centre of work, was dedicated on January 24, 1897, as our parish church.
Here we have a fairly complete organisation of church work, and were there no outlying districts depending on it, one clergyman would carry on the whole of the work satisfactorily; but this is not the case, as I hope to show, and, even with the help of a most willing and efficient Lay Reader, I am quite unable to cope with all that ought to be taken in hand. A curate is the greatest of out needs, but alas! there are no funds available for a second stipend, nor is there any probability of there being any for a long time to come.
St. Barnabas is a very good specimen of our wooden churches, and is fairly complete. In connection with St Barnabas we have two outside missions at work. The first, 15 miles distant, is known as Mt. Hedlow. Here we have a mission church, St. Luke, dedicated January 22, 1899. This little church, built of galvanized iron, and holding sixty people, stands in the bush with only three houses in sight, but is in the centre of a number of dairy farms scattered about at distances varying from one to ten miles.
The Lay Reader and myself go out alternately every second Sunday and hold service at 3pm. to a congregation of bush people, who gather from near and far in spring carts, buggies, and on horseback. These services are very hearty, and they supply a great need, as without them these people would be completely shut out from the ministrations of the Church. The services at Mt.Hedlow were started nearly three years ago in an old schoolroom, which served until the little church was built. We greatly need furniture; the greater part of that in use was made in my workshop at North Rockhampton. We are thankful to have the building, such as it is, and must wait patiently, for the rest.
Our second mission is at Stoney Creek, also 15 miles distant but in a different direction. Here we are not as far advanced as at Mt. Hedlow, as we are still holding service in a school room, but energetic efforts are being made to raise funds for a little church here, too, and we hope before very long to see our second mission church dedicated to the worship of God. The Stoney Creek district is much the same as that of Mt Hedlow, except that the people have not so far to come to attend services. These services are also held on alternate Sunday afternoons, and are both hearty and reverent, well repaying the somewhat heavy task of travelling 30 miles between the morning and evening services at St. Barnabas.
Our next church, Christ Church, is situated at Emu Park, a watering-place 30 miles distant, but reached from North Rockhampton by rail. This church dedicated in 1893, is complete in most respects, and during the summer season, when the place is full of visitors, I hold service on Sunday mornings, returning by train in time for Evensong at St. Barnabas. In working Emu Park I am greatly assisted by the Cathedral clergy, one or other of them frequently taking my place there, and last summer they conducted the services entirely for two months.
These four centres form what I may call the home part of our parish, but we must now go much further off for our next and last church. A journey of 133 miles by buggy from Rockhampton brings us to a township of St. Lawrence, almost at the northern extremity of the diocese. This is a very old place, and some twenty-five years back a resident clergyman lived and worked here for about three years, but after his removal to Gympie no one took his place, and only very occasional visits were paid to it, and in consequence all church work languished and almost died out.
An attempt was made to make a fresh start a few years ago, my predecessor, Rev. F.D.Pritt, and after him myself, making quarterly visits to the place. This revived the work a good deal, and in 1896 the Rev. A.E.Garrett was placed there to carry on the work under my supervision, while I continued to make my quarterly visits as before. The work of the resident clergyman soon began to tell not only in St. Lawrence itself, but also in the large district surrounding it.
Then last year we made a great step in advance. By the aid of a liberal grant made from the S.P.G. [Marriott Bequest] we built a really nice church, to seat 120 persons, furnished very completely. But, alas! very shortly after Christmas, St.Lawrence, was dedicated by the Bishop on July 31, 1898, our curate in-charge accepted work in the diocese of North Queensland, and the town and district is again left without a resident clergyman. I shall go there from time to time, but it is quite impossible to keep in touch with work 130 miles away.
We must have a man resident there, the stipend is ready, the church completed, but no one is forthcoming --will anyone volunteer? St.Lawrence is the centre of a large pastoral district, and there is ample work for a clergyman, apart altogether from North Rockhampton, and we are earnestly hoping to see it formed into a separate parish as soon as possible.
I have held the charge of during a nearly 16 years' ministry in what is now the diocese of Rockhampton. I hope these details, few and bare as they are, will be of interest to your readers, who, I trust, will not forget this parish among others in our distant diocese in their intercessions at the Throne of Grace.

Julius Jottings. No 4.
January 1901
St. Barnabas Vicarage,
North Rockhampton.
Queensland, .
September 16th 1900.
I am sending you another contribution for Julius Jottings, if you care to find room for it. I thought your readers might, perhaps, find some amusements from the difficulties attending "taking a marriage" in this out-of-the way corner of the world. I can assure you I have kept strictly to facts, and only regret I had not a camera to take a few "shots," as the efforts to get up some of the "Pinches"- notably the "Featherbed"- would be ludicrous enough. Anyhow, do what you like with it.
Yours sincerely,
A.H. Julius

On April 30th I received a letter summoning me to celebrate a marriage at a station called Collaroy. This station being in my parish, the summons had to be obeyed. Fortunately, ample time was given for all the necessary arrangements to be made, as the date given for the marriage was 31st May. Collaroy being 183 miles away from Rockhampton, the headquarters of all the parochial work, a great deal had to be arranged for carrying on the work in my absence.
On May 25th I started driving a pair of horses in my own buggy, taking with me a South Sea Islander, named Johnny Mai. The first day's stage of 29 miles landed me at a bush hotel, called Canoona, a little after sunset, where supper and bed were the order of the day. Next morning we started in good time for the next stage of 36 miles to Marlborough Station. Here I spent a pleasant evening, the manager and his family being old friends of mine. Before starting on the 27th I celebrated the Holy Communion, a pleasure always to be obtained at Marlborough.
Tooloombah, the next stage of 30miles, was reached in good time, as I had a fresh pair of horses, and as unusually good road all the way. The evening of the 28th saw me safely arrived at St. Lawrence, 32miles, a town at the extreme north of my parish. After arriving, we had service in the church to a good congregation. and I promised to spend the following Sunday with them. We made an early start next morning as I knew there was heavy work before us, the Connors Range having to be descended. I again got a change of horses at St.Lawrence, so the first 14 miles, over level country and good road, were got over in good time.
This bought us to the foot of the range, so here we took the horses out to give them an hour's rest before the heavy pull up the mountain, while Johnny and I boiled the "billy," made tea, and had our lunch. For the past 5 miles our road had been parallel to the range, which rises like a wall, 3,600ft. high, and up a spur, up which we had to go. After a good rest we began our ascent, both of us walking, or rather climbing. I driving the horses with reins, whip and voice [one horse would not do his fair share of work], while Johnny followed behind carrying a big stone to block the hind wheels every time we had to stop to let the horses "get their wind." It is impossible for English readers to understand what driving up an Australian range is like. It was a literal climb up a gradient of about 1 in 5, the road a mass of deep, water-worn ruts and loose stones. We reached the top in an hour and twenty minutes, without any breakdown, and were thankful to have a rest before going on again to Killarny, a station 7 miles from the top of the range.
The last and worst stage of 36 miles to Collaroy was now before us. I knew the road well, and, before starting, thoroughly overhauled both buggy and harness, and fitted the breeching I had bought for the purpose on the horses, to help us over the bad part of the road. So far I had driven, as we usually do, with collar and trace only on the horsed. The first 10 miles is fair travelling along the top of the tableland, but then comes about 9 miles of as heavy a road as I know in Queensland. It has been described as like the teeth of a cross-cut saw- up one pinch, down the other side, and up again; each of them so steep that to go up the horses can only pull a short distance, then the stone goes under the wheel, rest awhile, then on again, till the top is reached; a few yards further, then down, with brakes on hard, and the horses holding back in the breeching. The bottom is reached with a sigh of relief that nothing has given way; then up again, and so on till the bottom of the Red Pinch, the worst of all is reached. Here the worst of the road is over, so we camp for an hour and have lunch, then on again, and reach Collaroy at 5.30 p.m.
The following morning, the 31st, the marriage is celebrated, and then one whole day's rest is taken; no more could be allowed, as I had promised to be in St. Lawrence for Sunday, and this is Thursday. Accordingly, on Friday morning, the start for home was made, and the same road again negotiated with yet another pair of horses. The "Featherbed" so called from the granite boulders covering the road- Red Pinch, Cooper's Pinch, etc., were all successfully crossed, and Killarney again . reached before dark.
Saturday saw us once again at the top of the range before 10.00 a.m., and we stayed half an hour to prepare our descent. The brakes and harness were overhauled to see that all was right, then Johnny was set to cut down a young gum tree; this was firmly lashed to the back axle, the butt against the axle, and the bushy head dragging on the road behind. In this way we started down the mountain, never going faster than a slow walk, for fear of the buggy running away on us, breeching, brake and tree all doing their work well.
At the bottom the tree was cast off, and we camped for lunch. I have many times crossed this range, and never had anything go wrong but once, and then I had my Bishop with me, who bore the incidents of bush travelling very philosophically. I was very sorry for him, as he had to climb the range by foot, and it was a scorching hot November day, and as his lordship turns the scale at 19 stone the climb was no joke for him.
After lunch we harnessed up, and reached St. Lawrence again early in the afternoon. Here we spent Sunday as I had promised, and made the most of the day. My visits here are so seldom that Sunday is always a very busy day, as much work being done as time can be found for.
This particular Sunday we had Service, followed by Holy Communion, at 11.00 a.m.; Children's Service, 3.00p.m.; Sunday School [organising], 4.00p.m; Baptism, 5.00p.m.; Service again, 7.00 p.m.; and Confirmation Class, 9.00 p.m., which bought the day's work to a close. I left on Monday morning for home, and by making the same stages as in the journey up, reached North Rockhampton on Thursday, June 7th, somewhat tired, but quite ready to attend to the various duties awaiting me after my absence.
Your readers will learn from this that "taking a marriage" in Queensland is not always the easiest part of clergyman's duties.

The Rev. Canon A. H. Julius, who left Rockhampton for New Zealand on the 21st December sends us the following notes, which we gladly publish.
The Vicarage Akaroa,
Christchurch New Zealand.
2nd February 1904.
Dear Sir,
Thinking, perhaps, our many friends and acquaintances in Rockhampton might like to hear how we have fared since we left Queensland, I write to you in the hope that you will publish it in the "Morning Bulletin.' After a very pleasant ten days spent in Brisbane and Sydney we sailed by the s.s. Warrimoo - one of the Union Company's steamers - for New Zealand on Saturday, the 2nd of January, a week earlier than we had intended at first. We met a heavy gale just outside Sydney Heads and steamed against it for three days. Needless to say; we were all very seasick ; in fact there were, only three passengers on board who entirely escaped. We arrived at Wellington on the 6th January. Here we received a hearty welcome by cable from my cousin, the Bishop of Christchurch, and, after spending a very pleasant twenty-four hours there, left for Lyttleton on the 7th of January at 6pm. We ran into another gale in the night, but fortunately slept safely through it, thus escaping further sickness. We reached Lyttleton about nine o'clock the next morning a, cold, miserable morning with drizzling rain. The Bishop was waiting for us on the wharf, But we soon made our way to the train and set of for Christchurch. The tunnel, three miles long through the range at the back of Lyttlelton harbour, is very unpleasant, as it makes the carriages so dirty. We, were not at all prepossessed with the railway service and constantly compared it with the Queensland railways. Everything seemed so dirty and uncomfortable, and the pace slower than even the Emu Park goods train. It was still raining wlien we got to Christchurch, and very cold, and we were very glad when we arrived at Bishopscourt and could sit close to a good fire. Cbristchurch is a fine city, much more than Wellington ; but we were not able to go about much as the weather was so bad all the time we stared there. On the following Monday we left for our new home, Akaroa, and found it a lovely little place on a beautiful harbour. The first part of the journey was by train to Little River a small township at the foot of a high rugged range of mountains. Over the top of this range you go by coach, the road winding round and round the spurs until the summit is reached. From here the view is magnificent, Akaroa harbour lies spread out like a map some 2000ft. below. ramifying in every direction into lovelv little bays, surrounded with trees and backed by the lofty rugged mountains. The road winds down the mountains until you come to the shore of the harbour. Here we were met by a number of people from Akaroa who had come up the harbour in a steam launch to welcome us So we left the coach and finished our journey some seven miles, in the launch. The town, about the size of Gladstone, is built on a narrow strip of level ground between the harbour and the foot of the mountains. These rise almost at once from the sea to a height of between 2000 feet and 3000 feet, and in winter are generally With snow. It is very seldom that snow falls in the town itself, so we are told; but we are looking forward to plenty of cold weather in a month or 2. As it is, we are feeling the win cold, something like a westerly in July in Queensland, and sometimes are glad of a fire all day. We have a lovely home, with large garden and orchard full of English fruits all just ripening, everything green and growing luxuriantly. Evidently drought is unknown inaccurate. Altogether the prospect is a pleasant one in every way, and we look forward to a happy future in New Zealand.
Mrs Julius and myself would like to express our thanks for all the kindness we received from our many friends in Rockhampton at the time of our leaving; and, although we purpose making our future home in New Zealand, yet it will be long years before the memory of Rockhampton and its people will fade away. We trust that the heavy cloud that has rested so long over Queensland will, with the return of good seasons, and along, be removed and that a bright future awaits all our friends in the place where we lived and worked for so long a time.
Faithfully yours,
A H Julius.
Ref: The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld) Sat 20 Feb 1904

Many of the older generation in Central Queensland will remember Canon A.H.Julius and will regret to hear of his death which occurred suddenly at Akaroa, New Zealand on 11th April.
Canon Julius was on the teaching staff of Rockhampton Boys Grammar School under the late Mr. J. Wheatcroft. He afterwards took holy orders and was in charge of the Church of England parishes at Clermont, Springsure, Gladstone and North Rockhampton. During this period of services as Vicar at St. Barnabas's Church North Rockhampton, he continued his duties with those of head master of St. Pauls Day School but overwork resulted in a breakdown of health.
His cousin Archbishop Julius late Primate of New Zealand, offered him a living, which he accepted at Akaroa New Zealand, and in this parish he remained until failing eyesight compelled him to resign. His wife, a sister of Mrs. Ethel Denne of Rockhampton and his family of six girls and one boy are all living in New Zealand.
Canon Julius was a very able speaker and was much in demand as a preacher, and he was reverenced and loved by his parishioners and friends. He was Grand Masonic Chaplain of New Zealand and was accorded a Masonic funeral Canon Julius was twice married. His first wife Louise, was the eldest daughter of the late Mr.& Mrs. Holt. Mr. Holt was Headmaster of Pink Lily State School.
Mrs. Julius died a few years after their marriage, leaving one daughter, now Sister Elsie Julius of Kensington Hosp. Wellington. Some years later Canon Julius married Miss Denne.[This is incorrect, he married Miss Gaggin. ] .

From " History of Church work Akaroa and Banks Peninsular 1840- 1940: St. Peters Akaroa. Rev A.H. Julius 1904-1924. Le Bons Bay Church 1903 Rev W.W. Sedquick had the church re-opened. Bishop Julius came down and consecrated the church and services were arranged from Akaroa.
The arrangements were carried out by Rev. A.H. Julius.

New Zealand Card Index
Auckland Library
Death of Rev. Alfred Henry Julius Vicar of Akaroa for twenty years.P.59., Obit., Vol.4.

bullet  Research Notes:

An Alfred Julius aged 25 arrived in Victoria Jan 1877 aboard the Nemesis (with a Percy Julius) from Britain.
Ref PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923

New Zealand
JULIUS, Alfred Henry
born 01 May 1851 Myland Essex died 11 Apr 1934 Akaroa buried 13 Apr Akaroa cemetery first cousin to Churchill JULIUS later bishop of Christchurch brother to the Revd Arthur Cowper JULIUS second son of the Revd Archibald Aeneas JULIUS
incumbent Myland Essex and chaplain Hampton Court Palace born 09/30 Jan 1837 Hampton Court Palace died 04 Mar 1895 aged 76 registered Downham son of George JULIUS MD of East India Company physician to George IV born 06 Jun 1775 at Nichola Town St Christopher West Indies died 1866 married aged 21 and Isabella Maria GILDER born 1774 died 1867 aged 92 Hastings co Sussex and Charlotte MAYOR eldest daughter of the Revd Joseph MAYOR rector South Collingham Nottinghamshire; married (1) 28 Dec 1881, Louisa HOLT, died 12 Nov 1882 daughter of Holt HOLT, married (2) 14 Apr 1887, Louisa Brabbyn GAGGIN born 21 Jul 1867 died 15 Nov 1947 daughter of John Brabbyn Albert GAGGIN (2;138;124;21;56; 111;150)
1862-1868 Felstead school
21 Sep 1884 deacon Brisbane (at S Paul Rockhampton) (138)
20 Jun 1886 priest Brisbane (111;84)
1867 arrived Queensland YOUNG AUSTRALIA
1871 employed Australian Education department
1884-1886 assistant curate S Paul Rockhampton diocese Brisbane (26)
30 May 1887 minister Clermont with Springsure Queensland
15 Apr 1890 incumbent Gladstone diocese Brisbane
01 Dec 1892 incumbent Gladstone now diocese Rockhampton
04 Jul 1894-11 Dec 1903 incumbent (SPG funded) North Rockhampton (111;46)
29 Jun 1899-11 Dec 1903 canon Rockhampton (111)
five years in charge cathedral day school (138)
1904 arrived Christchurch
09 Jan 1904-1924 vicar Akaroa diocese Christchurch
08 Nov 1924 officiating minister (26)
Oarsman Fitzroy river Australia
Freemason grand chaplain
13 Apr 1934 (138)
May 1934 (69;113)
13 Apr 1934 p18 photograph (41)
07 Jun 1934 Australian Church Record
Jun 1934 Rockhampton Church Gazette (111)

Queensland Electoral Roll 1903.
Julius Alfred Henry Musgrave St Capricornia Nth Rockhampton Clergyman

Images courtesy D Becker


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Church St Southery NFK. Alfred is recorded as a son aged 9 born Myland ESS.

2. Alfred and Louisa's marriage, 1887, Springsure nr Rockhampton Qld Aust.

3. Alfred Julius in later life.

4. Alfred Henry Julius: Will, 5 Oct 1928, Akaroa NZ.
I Alfred Henry Julius of Akaroa New Zealand clergyman declare this to be my last Will and testament. I give devise and bequeath all my property whatsoever to my wife Louisa Brabham Julius. And I appoint her the sole executrix of this my Will.
As witness my hand this 5th day of October 1928
Alfred Henry Julius.
Signed by the above named testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time and who at his request in his sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses.
Matilda Bell Retired School Teacher Akaroa.
Elizabeth Hope Frances Barrett Plunket Nurse Christchurch.


Alfred married Louisa HOLT [863] [MRIN: 280] on 28 Dec 1881 in Rockhampton. (Louisa HOLT [863] was born about 1853 and died on 12 Nov 1883.)


Alfred next married Louisa Brabyn GAGGIN [864] [MRIN: 281], daughter of John Brabyn Albert Victor GAGGIN [5064] and Susan BROWN [5065], on 14 Apr 1887 in Springsure nr Rockhampton Qld Aust. (Louisa Brabyn GAGGIN [864] was born on 21 Jul 1867 in Leichhardt Dist. Hosp. Springsure Qld Aust, died on 15 Nov 1947 in 76 Banks Ave Christchurch NZ and was buried on 17 Nov 1947 in Christchurch NZ.)

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