The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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William GILES [7495]
Sophie ALLEN [7496]
Richard CARVER [9766]
Betty MORSE [9767]
(-Bef 1827)
Charles Edmund GILES [9425]
Jane Eleanor CARVER [9426]

Edgar GILES [9434]


Family Links

1. Annie JOHNSON [9435]

Edgar GILES [9434]

  • Born: 1 May 1855, Stoke Mary SOM
  • Marriage (1): Annie JOHNSON [9435] on 21 Aug 1878 in Rockhampton Queensland
  • Died: 8 Aug 1896, Mt Albert Auckland NZ aged 41

bullet  General Notes:

Edgar Giles
Birth year1855
Departure date16 Nov 1873
Departure portLondon, England
Arrival date6 Mar 1874
Arrival portRockhampton
Ship nameSouthern Belle
Record setQueensland Assisted Immigration 1848-1912

THE SHIP SOUTHERN BELLE. On the evening of the 3rd instant, at half past 5 oclock (says a local journal), a boat's crew from the immigrant ship Southern Belle arrived in Rockhampton, bringing information that the ship encountered a heavy gale some 800 miles to the eastward of Moreton Island, last week, and was so disabled that she could not make for Curtis Channel, and Captain Carpenter therefore allowed her to drift northward, keeping outside reefs and shoals, until reaching a point within three miles of the bluff northward of Waterpark Creek, where he dropped anohor in six fathoms of water, paying out sixty fathoms of chain. We have obtained from Mr. Inman, the second male of the Southern Belle, the following particulars of the disaster that has overtaken the ship :
The ship Southern Belle, 1187 tons register, Captain Carpenter, left Gravesend on the 15th November, with immigrants for Rockhampton, having altogether about 500 souls on board. Had selendid weather all the way until Wednesday Iast, when about 300 miles to the eastward of Moreton Bay she encountered a heavy gale, and was unable to report herself to the Moreton Island pilot station. 0n Thursday, at noon, when off Fraser's Island, the gale increased in strength, and the weather being very dirty, Capten Carpenter deemed it prudent to heave-to until the wind moderated. At mid-night of that day she lost her maintop-gallant-mast. Two hours later (2 a.m., Thursday) the mainmast snapped if within a few feet of the deck, carrying with it the mizen-topmast. At 6 a.m. the foretop-gallant-mast went overboard. The foresail and foretop-sail blew away, but were soon replaced. By the afternoon of Friday the gale had spent itself and the Southern Belle proceeded on her voyage, keeping well clear of Breaksea Spit, and not attempting to enter Curtis Channel, on account of the crippled condition of the ship. Sighted Barren Island at 6 a.m. on Sunday, and in the course of the morning anchored three miles from the mainland, as above stated. Mr. Inmmn says that both pumps are broken, but fortunately the ship is not making water. Tihe windlass is also broken. 'There is only the port anchor down at present, and there is another available if required. He believes the ship will ride safely unless the weather should become very boisterous. But in the event of a storm arising her position will be a very perilous one, and great difficulty will be experienced in saving the lives of the passengers, as there is only one boat on board, except a dingy which is too small to be of any service. There were originally seven boats in all, but during the gale two were washed overboard and two others smashed in pieces; and one, the lifeboat, was used to convey the second mate and his party to the shore. We may add that his boat left the ship at 7 a.m. on Monday, with the second mate, four seamen, and Messrs. Edgar Giles and Thomas Kirby, passengers. The sea was rather rough, and they made for the long beach to tha southward. A house (probably Mr. Robert Rose's) was seen indistinctly, and the party, hoping to be able to reach it, attempted to beach the boat. This they were unable to do, however, as the sea was too rough, and they pulled away along the coast northward for what appeared to them to be a bay, but which eventually proved to be the mouth of Waterpark Creek. Here they found great difficulty in effecting a landing, but after cruising for some hours among the sandbanks at the entrance of the creek, they at length succeeded in reaching solid ground, and got ashore. At 5 p.m. they came upon a deserted humpy, where they made a fire, and, having brought a little bread with them, contrived to make a meal. After restiug awhile they proceeded in search of a habited dwelling, and tramped about the country nearly all might without success. At last they came upon Mr. B. H. Barwell's head station at Woodlands, at haif past 8 o'clock yesterday morning. Here they were hospitably entertained, and afterwards, with the exception of one of the seamen who was too ill to proceed further, were conveyed to Rockhampton by Mr Barwell, in his sociable, reaching town at half-past 5 o'clock in the evening, very much exhausted and fatigued. Mr. Inman was very unwell, having been suffering from dysentery for some time past, end was therefore slightly confused ahout dates and other particulars, and unable to furnish so complete an acoount as we could have desired. It is satisfactory to learn that there was very little sickness during the passage, and no deaths beyond those of a few infants, and the immigrants were all well when he left the ship.
Ref: Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser Qld. Thu 26 Mar 1874

For more data on the Southern Belle's voyage see Trove <

The Southern Belle, 1129 tons, - Carpenter, master, with W.J. Harricks, Surgeon-Superintendent, sailed from London for Maryborough and Rockhampton, on the 16th November, 1873. She brings 420 passengers, classified as follows:- 11 full payers, 61 1/2 assisted, 271 free, and 11 remittance passengers. Their social condition being: Married couples, 56; single men, 123; single women, 71; 44 male children, and 53 female children, between 1 and 12 years; and 17 in- fants. Among the Government emigrants are 65 domestic servants, 133 farm laborers, 4 navvies, 2 gardeners, 1 miner, 1 cooper, 2 engineers, 2 bricklayers, 1 printer, 1 shoemaker, 3 carpenters and joiners, aud 4 others whose trades are not specified.
Ref: The Brisbane Courier (Qld) Fri 23 Jan 1874

Land Order 1571, 22 May 1875
Edgar Giles
Date of issue 5 June
Delivered to G C Lang
On whose account: Self
Ship Southern Belle
Date of arrival 6 Mar
Amount £20

Land Orders State of Queensland.
The land order system provided that every adult immigrant who paid his or her own passage to Queensland was to be granted a land order for 18 acres and, after two years' residence in the Colony, a further order for 12 acres. The orders were valued at £18 and £12 respectively.

Southern Belle Passenger List courtesy N. Edwards 2016.

GILES--JOHNSON.--On the 21st instant, at the Presbyterian Church, Rockhampton, by the Rev. A. Hay, Edgar Giles, of Lake's Creek, to Annie, second daughter of Mrs. Johnson, of Rockhampton.
Ref: The Capricornian, Rockhampton, Qld. Sat 31 Aug 1878 Page 1

Nancy Edwards writes 2016.
I looked up Edgar Giles Insolvency File yesterday (Queensland State Archives). It has statements of assets and liabilities (29/12/84), Inventory of furniture, letters from and lists of debtors, etc and final distribution dated 17/9/1885. His address throughout is Bolsover Street Rockhampton, and then there is a letter from him signed E. D. Giles, Horsley Downs, Canterbury, NZ. Nancy advises that at that time there was a bank crash and economic depression in Queensland.

Edgar Giles
Electoral year 1893
Number 4863
Occupation Settler
Residence Carlton Gore Rd
Electorate City of Auckland
New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Edgar Giles
Number 1528
Electoral year 1896
Occupation gentleman
Residence View road
Electorate Parnell
Qualification residential Property qualification
New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Giles. On August 8, at his residence, Morningside Mount Albert, Edgar, dearly-beloved husband of Annie Giles, and nephew of Dr. Giles, aged 41 years.

GILES Edgar of Morningside
Occupation Gentleman
Death Date 08 Aug 1896
Court Auckland
Agency BBAE
Series 1569
Probate Number 2442/96
Filed Date 3 Nov 1896
Archives NZ - Auckland

bullet  Research Notes:

In the late 19thC there was a Edgar Giles of Moorna Station in NSW whose dates and family closely parallel the Edgar Giles of Rockhampton.

Insolvency images courtesy of the Queensland State Archives & N Edwards 2017.


bullet  Other Records

1. Insolvency of Edgar Giles, Jan-Apr 1885, Bolsover St Rockhampton Queensland Australia.
Edgar Giles, of Rockhampton, storekeeper, was adjudicated insolvent on his own petition ; first meeting fixed for 27th inst.
Ref: Morning Bulletin Rockhampton, Qld. Tue 20 Jan 1885.

Supreme Court.
Wednesday, January 14.
In Chambers, before his Honour the Chief Justice, Edgar Giles, of Rockhampton, storekeeper, was adjudicated insolvent on his own petition: first meeting fixed for 27th inst.
Ref: The Queenslander Brisbane, Qld. Sat 17 Jan 1885.

7 February 1885.
To the Official Trustee in Insolvency
Re: Edgar Giles.
I have this day sent you a telegram after receipt of yours asking for instructions relative to an affidavit of claim to goods put in by Mrs Ann Johnson mother of insolvents wife and await your reply.
Insolvent states that if he could arrange matters by getting someone to buy the furniture privately he would much rather. Can I allow this if I consider the private offer good enough?
I have the honour to be
Your obedient Servant
C. A. Collard
Acting District Receiver in Insolvency.

Police Court
18 February 1885.
J B Hall Esq
Re: Edgar Giles Insolvent.
Since I wrote to you about this Estate I have had a call from Mr Green of Green Co. here creditors of the Estate who had a Bill of Sale over all the furniture. Mr Green asked me particulars about the Estate and about selling the Estate privately. I told him I had an offer for the property of £20 and he after looking at the Inventory said he would buy the property at the valuation of the inventory which would certainly be more than Giles offer. I asked him to put the offer in writing as he seems rather angry over the affair. If there is any difficulty with the creditors perhaps it would be better to sell by auction. I await your instructions.
I have the honour to be
Your obedient servant
C A Collard
Acting District Receiver in Insolvency.

Green and Co
Merchants and Shipowners.
Feby 26, 1885.
J B Hall Esq
Official Trustee
Dear Sir
Herewith we beg to hand you our claim in the estate of Edgar Giles and we have taken the liberty, of appointing you our proxy as we know to you will wind up the estate. This course will we trust meet your approval.
Yours faithfully
Mountjoy ?

Unreserved Sale of Household Furniture.
In the Insolvent Estate of Edgar Giles.
Foulkes & Co have been favoured with instructions from J B Hall Esq Official Trustee to sell by public auction at Mr R Giles residence, Bolsover Street, on Tuesday, 10th March, at 11 o'clock.
All the very Superior household furniture and effects comprising:
Oval table, couch, Austrian chairs, rocker, armchair, work table, oil cloth, wash stand, toilet seats, dressing tables, bed stands, palliaseses, mattresses, chest of drawers, mirrors, lamps, meat safe, clock, dinner service, kitchen utensils, etc etc etc.
To Parties Furnishing this will prove a desirable sale, as each lot must be sold without reserve.
Ref: Morning bulletin Rockhampton Queensland Saturday, 7 March 1885

April 7, 1885
The Official Trustee in Insolvency
Your letter of the 2nd inst to hand, Mrs Green and Co of Rockhampton would not furnish me with any statement of affairs, notwithstanding I wrote and asked them for the books, and I was not able to make out a correct statement myself. They held a Bill of Sale over my estate, and cleared everything off under it.
I am yours faithfully
Edgar Giles.

Documents courtesy of Nancy Edwards - 2016

2. Insolvency of Edgar Giles, Apr-May 1885, Bolsover St Rockhampton Queensland Australia.
Green and Co
Merchants and Shipowners.
April 29, 1885.
J B Hall Esq
Official Trustee in Insolvency
Dear Sir
Your favor of 7th inst duly reached us we have apologise for some little delay in replying thereto which is owing to the illness of both of our principals.
Mr Giles statement is false. He has seen the books a dozen times, since we took possession, and knew perfectly well that they were and are open for his inspection at any moment. We can only suppose that what little conscience he has left, made him ashamed to come to our officers, after the writer charged him with the abominable treachery of which he was guilty.
We agreed to let him have the use of all his furniture so as not to lose his Lodgers, free of charge, requesting the Bailiff to leave the premises. Subsequently we informed him
Page 2.
we would help him in any way possible, he expressed gratitude, this was at 4:30 pm (about) next morning at 10 sharp, he filed his schedule, thus rendering valueless our Bill of Sale. Giving as his reason, that one of our clerks who lodged there protested against his wife removing pictures and packing up other valuables the previous evening.
We may state that a very large portion of our debt is for cash lent his wife to pay other creditors bills whilst Mr Giles was in New Zealand, whither he went and returned in one of our vessels, free of charge.
The writer expects to be in Brisbane about 23rd inst when he will be happy to afford you any further information you may require.
We are dear sir
Yours faithfully
Green and Co.

May 19, 1886.
To the Official Trustee in Insolvency.
Supreme Court
As it is getting on towards two years since I filed my "Schedule of Insolvency" at Rockhampton, I write to know whether you can grant me my "Certificate". If you are willing to grant it me, will you kindly inform me by letter, and also what is necessary for me to do in the matter and oblige.
Yours obediently
Edgar Giles.
P.S. please address me care:
E D Giles
Horsley Downs
New Zealand

Documents courtesy of Nancy Edwards - 2016


Edgar married Annie JOHNSON [9435] [MRIN: 3263], daughter of J JOHNSON [11956] and Ann [25860], on 21 Aug 1878 in Rockhampton Queensland.

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