The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Robert FENN [20231]
Alice [20232]
(Cir 1570-1635)
Robert CLODD [20413]
(Cir 1587-0165)
Susan [20414]
(Cir 1591-1637)
John FENN The Elder [20229]
Susan CLODD [20230]

John FENN of Kenton Gent [19655]


Family Links

1. Jane SHULVARD [19656]

John FENN of Kenton Gent [19655]

  • Baptised: 14 May 1640, Kenton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Jane SHULVARD [19656] on 14 Dec 1673 in Kenton SFK
  • Buried: 17 Mar 1707/08, All Saints Kenton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

John Fenn
Baptism date14 May 1640
Father's first name(s)John
Father's last nameFenn
Mother's first name(s)Susann
England Births & Baptisms 1538-1975

Will of John Fenn of Kenton Suffolk
7 April 1707
In the Name of God Amen I John Fenn of Kenton in the County of Suffolk being infirm and weak in body but of sound and dispensing mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and testament (Revoking and annulling all former and other Wills by me heretofore made) in manner and form following that is to say
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Charles Fenn my son and to his heirs and assigns forever all my Messuages houses lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever both freehold and copyhold with their and every of their rights members privileges and appurtenances whatsoever Situate lying and being in Kenton aforesaid Monksoam and Bedingfield in the County aforesaid in every or any of them He the said Charles Fenn my son his heirs and assigns paying unto Jane my beloved wife yearly and every year for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds clear of all deductions for or upon the accompt of any taxes assessments or other impositions whatsoever in lieu barr and full satisfaction of all dower or thirds Which she shall or may claim or be entitled unto out of all or any of the Messuages lands and tenements whereof I shall at any time be seized and in the lieu also and full satisfaction of all her rights titles claims and demands which she may have to my personal estate or any part thereof otherwise then as herein after to her given and bequeathed The said annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds to be paid by for equal quarterly payments of five pounds per quarter that is to say upon the five and twentieth day of March four and twentieth day of June nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of December one payment to begin and to be made upon such of ye said days as shall first and next happen after my decease And if default shall be made in payment thereof or of any part thereof upon the respective days hereinbefore limited for the payment thereof as aforesaid or within ten days after then my Will and mind is that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Jane my wife and her assigns into all or any part of my Messuages lands and premises situate lying and being in Bedingfield and Kenton aforesaid formally Nunns to enter and restrain and the distress and distresses then and there found from time to time to lead drive take impound detain and keepe until the said annuity and all arrears thereof together with all costs and charges in and about the obtaining thereof shall be fully paid and satisfied to the said Jane my wife All which said payments I Will and desire should be made and paid in the church porch of Kenton aforesaid yearly and in every year upon the several and respective days aforementioned and appointed for the payment thereof But if the said Jane my wife shall at any time or times after my decease claim challenge sue for or any ways endeavour to recover any dower or thirds out of all or any my Messuages lands or tenements whereof I shall be seized or demand or lay any claim to my personal estate or any part thereof otherwise then as hereinafter to her given and bequeathed As aforesaid then my mind and Will is that ye said annuity and yearly sum of twenty pounds to her given as aforesaid shall cease and determine and my bequest thereof shall be utterly void and of none effect to all intents and purposes whatsoever anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Item I give and bequeath all my Messuages houses lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever both freehold and copyhold with their and every of their rights members privilege and appurtenances whatsoever situate lying and being in Earl Soam and Creatingham in the said County of Suffolk or in either of them now in the tenure use or occupation of Ward Widdow unto John Fenn my son his heirs and assigns for ever Item I give and devise unto Amy Fenn my daughter the sum of four hundred pounds of lawful English money to be paid by the said Charles Fenn my son as Executor of this my last Will and testament his heirs and assigns in manner and form following that is to say twenty pounds part thereof within six calendary months next after my decease the sum of one hundred and eighty pounds other part thereof within twelve calendary months next after my decease the sum of fifty pounds other part thereof within two years next after my decease and the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds residue and in full payment thereof
John ffenn
(page 2)
within four years next after my decease all which payments my Will and mind is shall be made and paid in the said church porch of Kenton aforesaid and if default shall be made in payment of the said sum of four hundred pounds or any part thereof upon any of the said days on which the same is limited and appointed to be paid as aforesaid then my Will and mind is that the said Amy Fenn my daughter and her assigns shall and may immediately after such default made in payment of any of the payments of the said four hundred pounds upon the day is limited and appointed for the payment thereof into all or any part of my said Messuages lands and premises wherein I now dwell situate in Kenton aforesaid and hereinbefore bequeathed to my said son Charles Fenn and his heirs to enter in the same to have hold occupy and enjoy and the rents and profits thereof to receive and take until she the said Amy her executors administrators and assigns shall be fully paid and satisfied her said portion of four hundred pounds and every part thereof and all costs and charges in and about ye recovery of the same Provided alwaies (sic) and upon condition nevertheless that if the said Amy Fenn my daughter shall happen to depart this life without issue of her body lawfully begotten before the said four hundred pounds and every part thereof shall become due and payable then my mind and Will is that all and every part thereof which shall be behind and unpaid at the time of her decease shall be and remain unto the proper use and behoofe of my said son Charles Fenn his heirs executors or administrators Item I give and devise unto the said Jane my wife the sum of ten pounds of lawful English money to be paid by my Executor herein after named within six calendar months next after my decease and the sum of ten pounds of like money to my said son John Fenn to be paid to him by my Executor within six like months next after my decease both which legacies I Will and desire should be likewise paid in Kenton church porch aforesaid Item I give and devise unto the said Jane my wife a bed and bedstead five cane chairs and a nest of drawers standing and being in the kitchen chamber Item I give and devise unto the said Amy my daughter one dozen of napkins five pair of sheets and an old chest standing in being in the parlour chamber. The rest of my goods movables and personal estate whatsoever I give and devise unto my said son Charles Fenn whom I do make nominate constitute and appoint to be sole Executor of this my last Will and testament.
In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will contained in two sheets of paper to the first set my hand and to the last my hand and seal This seventh day of April in the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Anne Queen of Great Britain de Anno Domini 1707
John ffenn
Signed sealed published and declared by the testator to be his last Will and testament in the presence of us
Jane Rieley
John Garnham

John Sharmen

Probate granted - entry in Latin.
Further note in Latin dated 10 October 1708.
IRO IC/AA1/138/7

bullet  Research Notes:

HD850/1/3/5 Grant 7 Apr 1617 (In Latin)
Reuben Feveryear of Kenton, yeoman, and George Lord of Kenton, yeoman, to:
Nicholas Garneys of Redisham,Charles Garneys of Boyland Hall, Morningthorpe (Norfolk),
Thomas Bedingfield of Darsham, Thomas Garneys of Norwich (Norfolk), John Garneys of Redisham,
Claro Garneys of Redisham, Christopher Robinson of Kenton, John Smith of Kenton, William Drane of Kenton, John Flowerdew of Kenton, John Aldriche of Kenton, Thomas Clodde of Kenton, Robert Clodde of Kenton, John Feveryear of Kenton, Edward Calver of Kenton, and Robert Fenn of Kenton;
6 acres of land, lately built upon in Bedfield; also, 10 acres of land in Monk Soham. (Latin; seals)

Item HD850/1/2/3 Lease 14 Nov 1661
Simon Jeffery of Kenton and James Wythe of Framsden, to:
John Garneys of Somerleyton, William Drane of Kenton, John Warren senior of Kenton, William Warren, his son,
John Fenn senior of Kenton, John Fenn junior of Kenton, John Nunn senior of Kenton, John Nunn junior of Kenton,
Thomas Clodd, and James Shulward;
House with adjacent croft (1/2 acre) in Kenton, lying between road leading from Kenton to Occolt on east and lands of the manor of Kenton on west; also, enclosure (6 acres), now built upon in Bedfield.

Fruitless search's IRO 2018
T5/7 - Suddon Hall and farms in Kenton 1687
A single sheet parchment indenture in English, regarding an agreement between a Wentworth Garney of Suffolk, and Anthony Adby of Essex

T4/33/4 - Suddon Hall and Kenton Hall Estates - Title Deeds 1678 - 1794
A collection (18) of lengthy agreements for the lease and release (exchange) of property over this time period. Whilst none were opened up, the title on the outer generally stating the names of the parties were viewed, but the name of Fenn wasn't seen.

HD21:50/15/34/1 Sales Particulars for a freehold estate with parts in Kenton with Suddon Hall 1794
This is a small printed document of sales particulars - no plan, no pictures, and the name(s) of the sellers were not given.

Item HA193/D/1/17 Copy of Court Roll: Manor of Fleed Hall and Walthams Hall 8 Jul 1778 Admission of John Ringe of Earl Stonham to 'Squire Peice' on the surrender of John & Sarah Ringe, Kenton
This is a single page setting out agreement at a Court Baron before Edward Hasell, Gentleman Deputy Steward, for a piece of land in the Manor of Fleed Hall with Walthams Hall in Little Stonham. The reference to 'Kenton' is that the former Copyhold tenant is a John Ringe of Kenton. Browsing briefly the document I did not see the name Fenn noted.

Manor of Kenton with Suddon Hall
Item C/3/10/2/5/4/14 Copies of court roll in respect of lands and tenements in Debenham, copyhold of manors of Crow's Hall with Woodwards, Debenham Butley, Kenton with Suddon Hall, and Scotnetts with the Haugh 1720 - 1851 Open Lands and tenements in Debenham, copyhold of manors of Crow's Hall with Woodwards, Debenham Butley, Kenton with Suddon Hall, and Scotnetts with the Haugh
Copies of court roll for admissions of successive trustees, to the purposes expressed in the will of Nicholas Phillips (7 docs)
This consists of seven items ranging in date as indicated, and set out agreements made at a Court Baron, with one reference to Kenton. Three are dated 1851, two in Latin where I am unable to read the date, and the remaining two dated 1776, and 1782.
Of these, the 1776 document names William Kirby "Gentleman Steward", and it is for a piece of land in the manor of Kenton with Suddon Hall. Browsing briefly this short document I did not see the name Fenn, and have not therefore searched it any further


John married Jane SHULVARD [19656] [MRIN: 7073], daughter of James SHULVARD [26189] and Elizabeth KEY [26190], on 14 Dec 1673 in Kenton SFK. (Jane SHULVARD [19656] was born circa 1650 in Kenton SFK and was buried on 13 Oct 1716 in All Saints Kenton SFK.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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