The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Bartholomew FENN [25684]
(Cir 1539-)
Jone [25685]
(Cir 1539-1570)
Robert FENN [20231]
Alice [20232]
(Cir 1570-1635)

John FENN The Elder [20229]


Family Links

1. Susan CLODD [20230]

John FENN The Elder [20229]

  • Baptised: 26 Nov 1607, Kenton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Susan CLODD [20230] on 13 Jan 1633/34 in Kenton SFK
  • Buried: 8 Apr 1677, Kenton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

John Ffenn c son of Robert 26 Nov 1607

John Fenn
Birth Date 26 Nov 1607
Father's Name Robert Fenn
GS Film number 919621

Able Men of Suffolk - January 1638 (Men between the ages of of 16 and 60)
John Fenne of Kenton.

John benefitted by his father Robert's Will 1635

Lease 14 Nov 1661 Open
Simon Jeffery of Kenton
James Wythe of Framsden
John Garneys of Somerleyton
William Drane of Kenton
John Warren snr. of Kenton
William Warren, his son
John Fenn snr. of Kenton
John Fenn jnr. of Kenton
John Nunn snr. of Kenton
John Nunn jnr. of Kenton
Thomas Clodd
James Shulward
(1) to (2),
House with adjacent croft (1/2 a.) in Kenton, lying between road leading from Kenton to Occolt on east and lands of the Manor of Kenton on west; also, enclosure (6a.), now built upon in Bedfield. (Latin)
Ref: Ipswich R O HD850/1/2/3

Will 16 Oct 1674 names wife Susan and surviving son John
IRO IC/AA1/107/32 document on this file.

1677 John Ffenn and Susan Ffenn his wife died within 26 hrs one of the another and were both buried in the same grave the eighth day of April to me John Jeffery Vic of Kenton.

bullet  Research Notes:

Search by IRO 2018.
Researcher Yvonne Massingham

Referring to the National Archives Manorial Document Register, the manorial rolls for the parish of Kenton list only the Manor of Kenton with Suddon Hall (as noted above)
and lists just one document reference held at Ipswich Record Office, this being HD64/1/11. Having now accessed this, it consists of several sheets of velum rolled tight and all in Latin, except that the details are well set out, and I was able to make out the names of the persons listed sitting to hear the Court, and some of these name John FENN.
This name was seen on four of the sheets with the following dates:-
1659 - John Fenn, John Fenn
1669 - John Fenn
1676 - John Fenn Sen, John Fenn Jun
1677 - John Fenn

Two other manorial documents for Kenton are listed on the MDR :-
Stewards Accounts, Kenton only 1282 Lowestoft Record Office
Stewards Accounts, Kenton only 1300 - 1400 Lowestoft Record Office

Details not searched.


bullet  Other Records

1. John Fenn: Will, 16 Oct 1674, Kenton SFK.
In the Name of God Amen the Sixteenth day of October in the Six and Twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles II over England & . . . . .1674.
I John Fenn of Kenton in the County of Suffolk Yeoman the Elder calling to mind the certainty of my Mortality and the uncertainty of the tyme doe ordain and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator, trusting assuredly in the faith of a Regenate Christian and all my sins (though infinite for number and deadly for measure) are in the bloodshed by Christ Jesus the inst absolutely pardoned and freely done away: And my body I commit to the earth from whence I received it to be interred in Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named
And touching [?] my Worldly Estate where with it hath pleased Almighty God of his great goodness to bless me with an make me his Steward over in this Transitory life I dispose there of as follows.
And Firstly I give and bequeath unto Suzan my dear and loving wife (for and in liew of all such Dower or Thirds as she may have or clayme to have out of all or any my Lands Tenements Hereditaments whereof I now stand seized or will hereinafter I shall be seized of during the Coveture between her and mee) All that my Messuage in Kenton wherein I now live with all the freehold lands there unto belonging and therewith now used for and during the term of her natural life, if she continues so long unmarried but in case she shall happen to marry again after my decease Then my will and meaning is And I do hereby give and bequeath the aforesaid messuage and freehold lands before given and bequeathed to the said Suzan my wife unto John Fenn my sonne to his heirs for ever Hee the said John my son paying unto the said Suzan his mother the yearly annuity of twenty pounds of current English money to be issuing and going out of all my Messuage Lands Tenements Hereditaments whatsoever hereby given bequeathed and devised to the said John Fenn my sonne The same to be paid half year and half year by even and equal portions The first half year to be paid upon the first Thursday which shall next happen after six months being expired next after my decease All such payment to be made to the said Suzan my wife for and during the term of her natural life at or in the now Manor [?] House of mee the said John Fenn the testator situate and in Kenton aforesaid Provided always that if the said yearly rent and yearly annuity of twenty pounds Ann hereby given my said wife for her life shall happen to be behind or unpaid in part or in all by the space of forty days after any of such days of payment with the same ought to be paid as aforesaid and being lawfully demanded by her or her assigns then and from thenceforth the said John my sonne his heirs and assigns shall forfeit and loose to the said Suzan my wife to be paid to her or her assigns in the name of a paine [?] the summe of twenty shillings for every month the same shall be so behinde and unpaid And then from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Suzan my wife or her assigns to enter into all and any of my Lands and Tenements herein by me devised to the said John my sonne and to distraine and the distress and distresses there found to herd drive carry away imple impound detayn and keep, or the same sell until she of the said annuity or yearly rent of twenty pounds And with the Arrerrages (Arrears ?) thereof and forfeiturs nomine pend be unto her fully satisfied and paid
Provided always [?] further that if the said Suzan my wife shall not uppon request to her made remise and release unto my said sonne John Fenn within three months next after my decease all her rights Tithe of Dower of Thirds which she may have or they me [?] to have in all or any my Lands or Tenements whereof I shall happen to die seized That then and from thenceforth all my gifts and bequests in this my said Will to her given or bequeathed shall bee utterly void frustrate [?] and of none effect as if the forme had never been made and therein herein contained [?] to the contary thereof in any wife notwithstanding
Also I further give and bequeath unto the said Suzan my wife two bedds with all there furniture as they now stand upon the Hall Chamber where I now live and likewise all my Linnen and pewter and two silver spoons and one Tixt Gotch1 and twenty pounds of curr money of England to be paid unto her by my Executor herafter named immediately after my decease or when it shall be demanded
ItemI give and bequeath unto John Fenn my sonne and to his heirs forever all my messuage lands tenements hereditaments whatsoever situate lying and being in Debenham Earle Soham Kenton or in any other towne or townes whatsoever not herein bequeathed to his mother hee to enter the same immediately after my decease and likewise all the copyhold lands in Kenton belonging to the Messuage where I now live
Item I give and bequeath unto the three children of my sister Hubbard of Thorndon [?] Thomas John and Alice ten pounds of lawful English money to be equally divided among them, (Vizt) five marks2 apiece and to be paid by my executor within a year next after my decease be it lawfully demanded
Item I give unto Robert Warner now living with John Bardwell of Rishangles the form of forty shillings of like money to be paid by my Executor when it shall be demanded
And lastly I give and bequeath unto the said John my sonne all my personal estate whatsoever (Except before hereby devised) And I do hereby ordain and make the said John Fenn my sonne my sole and only Executor of this my last Will and Testament and thus revoking all other wills by me heretofore made I do now make and publish this to be my last Will and Testament and none other
In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name with my own hand being of good and perfect memory (The Lord be praised) and put to my seale the day and year first above written
John Fenn
Signed sealed and published in the presence of us whose names are here set subscribed as Witnesses
. . . . . Thurston
John Hunn [?]
1. Gotch - a pot bellied jug or pitcher usually made of earthernware.
Ref: Dialectal England
2. In England the "mark" never appeared as a coin but was only a unit of account, it was initially equivalent to 100 pence, but after the Norman Conquest (1066), it was worth 160 pence (13 shillings and 4 pence), two-thirds of a pound sterling.


John married Susan CLODD [20230] [MRIN: 7265], daughter of Robert CLODD [20413] and Susan [20414], on 13 Jan 1633/34 in Kenton SFK. (Susan CLODD [20230] was born on 14 Apr 1616 in Kenton SFK and was buried on 8 Apr 1677 in Kenton SFK.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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