The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503]
(Cir 1520-1574)
Agnes PALLE [31264]
(Cir 1520-1544)
Bartholomew FENN [25684]
(Cir 1539-)
Jone [25685]
(Cir 1539-1570)

Robert FENN [20231]


Family Links

1. Alice [20232]

Robert FENN [20231]

  • Baptised: 18 Sep 1566, St Margaret Lowestoft SFK
  • Marriage (1): Alice [20232] about 1595
  • Buried: 31 Aug 1639, Kenton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

County Suffolk
Place Lowestoft
Church name
St Margaret
Register type Parish Register
Baptism date 18 Sep 1566
Person forename Robert
Father forename Bartholmew
Mother forename Jone
Father surname FENN
Transcribed by Heather Lawn
File line number 324
Ref FreeReg UK Parish Registers

Robert is mentioned twice in his Grandfather Robert Fenne's Will 1573:
1. I will that Margerye my wyffe shall have the keeping and bringing uppe of Robert Fenne w(i)th meate drinke clothinge and learning untyll he shall [space filler] accomplishe the age of 16 yeres

2. And after the decease of the saide Margerye my wyffe I will the saide Tenement and Land(es) shall remayne unto Bartholomewe Fenne my sonne and after his decease to go to Robert Fenne nowe the youngest Sonne of the saide Bartholomewe Fenne my sonne And for want of heires lawfully begotten of the saide Robert to remayne unto Thomas Fenne Brother unto the saide Robert and to his heires
It is concluded from these clauses that Bartholomewe who by 1573 was a widower was probably living with his family in Kenton with his father and stepmother. It may be from the Willl that Robert was the only surviving child in 1573 ?
Grandfather Robert formalised responsibility for Robert to Margerye until his age 16, this was particularly important in the event of the death of Bartholomewe before then.

Robert was a yeoman

Robert Fenn of Kenton is named in a Grant of Land 7 Apr 1617
Reuben Feveryear of Kenton, yeoman
George Lord of Kenton, yeoman
Nicholas Garneys of Redisham
Charles Garneys of Boyland Hall, Morningthorpe (Nf.)
Thomas Bedingfield of Darsham
Thomas Garneys of Norwich (Nf.)
John Garneys of Redisham
Claro Garneys of Redisham
Christopher Robinson of Kenton
John Smith of Kenton
William Drane of Kenton
John Flowerdew of Kenton
John Aldriche of Kenton
Thomas Clodde of Kenton
Robert Clodde of Kenton
John Feveryear of Kenton
Edward Calver of Kenton
Robert Fenn of Kenton
(1) to (2), 6 acres land, lately built upon in Bedfield; also, 10 acres land in Monk Soham. (Latin; seals)
Ref: HD850/1/3/5 Ipswich R.O.

Robert Fenn
Burial year1639
Burial day31
Burial month 8
Church descriptionALL SAINTS
National Burial Index For England & Wales

Robert Fenne's Will
09 May 1635
Suffolk Record Office IC/AA1/76/52


bullet  Other Records

1. Robert Fenn: Will, 9 May 1635.
Precis of the Will of Robert Fenn of Kenton 1639
I Robert Fenn of Kenton in the county of Suffolk yeoman…"
"I give and bequeath unto John Fenn my sonn my tenement and lands…lying and being in Kenton…"
"I give and bequeath to Alice Fenn my daughter…" (Money bequest)
A George Fenn is noted also
"…and unto Ann Fenn daughter of Bartholemew Fenn my late sonn…"
John Fenn is also noted as the sole executor.
Original Will Ipswich Record Office IC/AA1/76/52

Full Will transcribed by Sarah Steggles, Ref: 6505 SRO 2019.
In the name of god amen The ninth daie of may 1635 And in the yeare of the reigne
of o(u)r sov(er)aigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Skottland Fraunce & Ireland
King defend(er) of the faith the Eleaventh yeare . I Rob(er)t Fenn of kenton in the county
of Suff yeoman, beinge in good & p(er)fect remembrance, I give god thankes therefore, p(re)ceyving estate of this life & the contyunance of the same to be uncerteine, Doe make & ordeine
this my last will & testament in manner & forme following, (revokinge all other Wills fe(r)mlyeye me made) That is to saye First I give & bequeath my soule to Almightie God my Creator
and maker And to Jesus Christ my onlye saviour & redemer, Trustinge to have free
remyssion & forgivenes of all my sinnes And to be an inheritor of his everlasting <K> Kingdom
togither w(i)th the same Jesus Christ my alone & all suffitient saviou(r), So be it, And my body
to the earth, to be buried in christian buriall where it shall please the Lord to seperate
my sowle and bodye Asunder And touchinge the disposicoin of my worldly goodes w(i)th by the
p(ro)vidence & goodnes of God I have to dispose, First I give and bequeath unto John Fenn
my <s> sonne my Tenement and Landes both Freehold and Copiehold lyinge & being in Kento(n)
<upon such condic(i)ons,> To have & to hold to him & his heires for ev(er) upon such condic(i)ons as in
this my last will is expressed, vizt First I give & bequeath unto Alice Fenn my
daughter the some of Threskore poundes of Lawfull monie of England, It(e)m I give
unto George Fenn my sonne the som(m)e of fiftie poundes of lawfull mony of England
And unto Ann Fenn daughter of Bartholmew Fenn my late sonn deceased, fiftie
pounds of lawfull monie of England, To be paid unto them by the aforesaid John
my sonne In manner & forme followinge, That is to saie unto Alice Fenn my daughter
Tenn pound(es) w(i)thin one Yeare next after my decease, And so consequently Tenn pound(es)
a yeare until the aforesaid threskore poundes be paid, And then Tenn poundes *a yeare* unto
the said Gorge Fenn until the aforesaid fiftie poundes be paid, And then Tenn poundes
a yeare unto the aforesaid Ann Fenn untill the foresaid fiftie pounds be fully paide

All w(i)th Legacyes my Will is shall be paid by the foresaid John Fenn my sonne his
Executo(rs) administrators or assignes, And to be usuallie paid in the church porch of the
parrish church of Kenton aforesaid, And if anie of them dye & dep(ar)t this life before
they be fullie satisfied & paid havinge not issue of their body my will & meaninge is
theire p(ar)t soe dyinge shalbe paid unto the other lyvinge p(ar)t & p(ar)t like, But if they have issue
they shall have it, And of this my last will & Testam(en)t I make & ordeine the said John Fenn
my sonn my sole & onlie Executor, Trustinge he *will* p(er)forme <this> the same accordinge to the [?]
intent & meaninge of this my will In wittnes whereof I have subscribed my name and
sette my seale the daie & yeare first above written
Sealed published and deliv(er)ed P(re)[?] Rob[?] Fenn
in the p(re)sence of John Felgate
Willm Drane ?
Thomas Old?

Editorial conventions
< > - text that has been crossed through in the original document
** - text that has been inserted into the document by the author
[?] - unknown word and/or illegible text
Word meaning
fe(r)mlyeye - formerly


Robert married Alice [20232] [MRIN: 7266] about 1595. (Alice [20232] was born circa 1570 and was buried on 10 May 1635 in Kenton SFK.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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