The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
William FENN [31250]
(Cir 1490-)
UNKNOWN [31733]

Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503]
(Cir 1520-1574)


Family Links

1. Agnes PALLE [31264]

2. Joane [26507]
3. Margery [31767]

Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503]

  • Born: Cir 1520, Kenton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Agnes PALLE [31264] on 15 Jan 1542 in Thorndon SFK
  • Marriage (2): Joane [26507] in 1545
  • Marriage (3): Margery [31767] after 1555
  • Buried: 27 Jan 1574, Kenton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

The Will of Robert Fenn of Kenton has proved a genealogists treasure trove, particularly for family in the 16th Century.

The parish registers for Thornton - FB155/D1/1, Kenton - FB44/D1/1 & Eye - FB135/D1/1 have been searched for a marriage between Robert and Margery without success at this time - 2019
However the researcher has taken the view that it was Margery, wife of Robert Browne deceased, who was the Margerye married to Robert Fenn at his death, they had a child Robert aged under 16 provided for in Robert Fenn's Will 1573

This would account for the wide spread of benefactions made by Robert in his Will below, however this view should not be taken for granted as dates and locations, if correct conflict, and it should be continually challenged in the years ahead.
That they both had three marriages I think of no consequence at a time in history of high rates of maternal mortality.

Conveyance FC 94/L1/2/45 7 Aug. 1587
John Browne of Aspall, husbandman, Robert Fenne of Kenton, yeoman, Margery, wife of Robert Browne, dec'd., and William Browne of Thornham Magna, husbandman, brother of said John Browne to John Godbolde, sen., William Manshipp, sen., and Robert Gardiner of Worlingworth, yeoman; two pightells called Goneldis and Clapirscroft with appurtenances, one piece of land in tenement called Hawys containing by estimation ½ a rood with part of a green way adjoining in Tannington, a garden with green way adjoining, a small grove and piece of arable land adjoining the garden
This document is are held at Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch

Kenton Register
Robert ffenn bur 27 Jan 1573

Robert Fenne
Burial date27 Jan 1574
ChurchAll Saints
PlaceKenton (Register FB44/D1/1)
Record setNational Burial Index For England & Wales

This Fenne family moved from Thorndon to Kenton sometime after 1544.

The family of Edward Russhe [31766] benefited by the Will below of Robert, todate (2019) the connection of the two families is tentatively established.
The same can be said of the family's of Margaret & Thomas Huntinge [31769], John & William Browne [31780], & John Applehighte [31765] all beneficiaries.

The Will of Robert Fenn of Kenton
In the name of god Amen the 26th daye of the monethe January in the yere of o(u)r Lord god a thousand five hundrethe Seaventye and three I Robert [space filler] Fenne of kenton in the Countie of Suff and dyoc(ies) of norwiche yoman being at this p(rese)nte [?] sycke in Bodye and Sowle w(i)th a hole mynde and perfecte memorye dothe ordayne constitute make and declare this my Testament and last will in maner and fourme following viz First and principallye I bequeath and Conmende my Sowle into the mercifull handes of allmightie and everlastinge god my maker and <Redemer> Creator And to his dere Sonne Jesus christe my onlye Saviour and redeemer by the vertews of whose deathe merytt(es) and Passion I do Firmelye truste and stedfastlye beleve to have full pardonne and <forgevenes> free remission of all my Synnes and offences And my Bodye to be buried in the Churche yarde of kenton aforesaide
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Margerye my wyffe my Tenement and land(es) sytting lying and being in kenton aforesaide aswell free as bond for terme of her natural lyffe uppon Condic(i)on that she shall not clayme anye thredde foote or dower in anye p(ar)te or p(ar)cell of anye other my land(es) and ten(emen)t(es) dewringe her saide naturall liffe Also I will that the saide Margerye my wyffe shall paye all maner of ?rte rent(es) and other charges belonginge unto the saide ten(emen)te & land(es). And also to kepe and mayntayne the saide Ten(emen)te in Sufficient rep(ar)ations during her *lyffe* saide lyffe making neyther strippe nor waste [space filler] And after the decease of the saide Margerye my wyffe I will the saide Tenement and Land(es) shall remayne unto Bartholomewe Fenne my sonne and after his decease to go to Robert Fenne nowe the youngest Sonne of the saide Bartholomewe Fenne my sonne And for want of heires lawfully begotten of the saide Robert to remayne unto Thomas Fenne Brother unto the saide Robert and to his heires of his Bodye lawfully begotten forever
Item I geve and bequeathe unto the saide Margerye my wyffe my p(ar)te of a close called Beamon(es) went lyenge in warlingworthe for terme of her lyffe in consideration that she shall paie unto my Belchildren that shall happen to be then lyvinge eighte pound(es) of lawfull Englishe moneye to be equallye devyded emongst them And after her decease I will it shall remayne unto Hansarde Rushe and to her heires
Item I will that a horse mill a grene Cubberde a grene trussing bedde w(i)th red curtaynes thereto belonging a truckle bedde a folte Table w(hi)che ar nowe in the Parlor in my saide Howse at kenton the Clock a chese presse in the Backehowse wythe a chese Traye a salting troughe of Ellme a greate swille troughe bounde at the end(es) w(i)th Iron shall remayne ther styll to the use of Bartholomewe Fenne my saide Sonne I geve and bequeathe unto Thomasyne dade my Daughter 4or sylver Spoones a greate brasse pott that was her mothers one fetherbedde a transo(m)me a coveringe A pillowe a blanquett twoo paire of sheat(es) 4or peces of pewter and one candel stycke
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Jane Drane my daughter tenne pound(es) to be paide unto her wythin one yere after my decease by myne Executors Also I geve unto the saide Jane my best Fetherbedde a covering one transom one pillowe one payer of blanquett(es) twoo payer of sheates of the best 4or sylver Spoones sixe peces of pewter a brasse [space filler] pott greate ketyll a Candell stycke and [space filler] the greate Cawdron After my wyffes [space filler] decease
Item I geve and bequeathe unto [space filler] John(n) Applewhighte my godsonne 20s
Item I [space filler] geve unto Wolfrand Dade my godsonne 20s
Item [space filler] I geve unto Myrable Dade 20s
It(em) I geve [space filler] Unto John Rushe my godsonne 20s
It(em) I geve [space filler] Unto Thomas Huntinge my godsonne 20s
Item I geve unto the poore of Thorndon 3s 4d
It(em) I geve unto the poore in great Thornh(a)m 5s
It(em) I geve and bequeathe unto John Fenne the sonne of Bartholomewe Fenne my ten(emen)te in Eye and to the heires of the saide John lawfully begotten and for want of heires of his Bodye lawfully begotten I will it shall remayne unto Thomas Fenne Brother unto the same John and to his heires of his Bodye lawfully begotten And I will that Bartyllmewe Fenne my Sonne shall have the oversighte and letting of the Saide Ten(emen)te aforesaide the p(ro)fight(es) thereof growing ov(er) and besyde the charges and rep(ar)ations of the same to the use of the saide John(n) untyll he shall accomplyshe the age of 21 yeres
Item I geve and bequeathe unto John(n) Fenne my Sonne my ten(emen)te and land(es) fre and bond late purchased of one Mayhewe lyenge and being in Mellys or ell(es) where belonging unto the saide Tenemente during his naturall lyffe And after his decease I wille the said Teneme(n)t and Land(es) to remayne unto Robert Fenne his sonne and to the heires of his Bodye lawfullye begotten and for want of heires of his Bodye lawfully begotten to remayne unt the Sonnes of the saide John my Sonne if he shall happen to have anye or ell(es) to remayne unto Thomas Fenne the Sonne of Barthillmewe Fenne and to his heires
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Anne Russhe £5
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Robert Russhe Thomas Russhe Margarett Huntinge John Browne and willm Browne everye one of them 20s
Item I geve And bequeathe unto Edwarde Russhe 40s It(em) I geve and bequeathe unto Hansard Russhe 20s I geve and bequeathe unto Barthyllmew Fenne my Sonne tenne pound(es) of lawfull Englishe moneye to be paide wythin one yere after my decease And if it shall happen the saide Bartillmewe and John(n) to eyther of them to dye before they shall receyve ther legacies then I will the legacies of eyther of them so dyenge to remayne unto their children to be equallye devyded
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Thomas Fenne the sonne of Bartholomewe Fenne my sonne tenne pound(es) of lawfull Englishe moneye to be paide at the age of 21 yeres or at the com(m)inge owte of his apprentishippe w(hi)ch of them shall happen fyrst
Item I geve and bequeathe unto John(n) Fenne the sonne of Bartholomew Fenne my Sonne tenne pound(es) of lawfull englishe money to be paide at the age of 21 yeres or at his comynge owte of his apprentishippe w(hi)che of them shall happen
Item I will that Margerye my wyffe shall have the keeping and bringing uppe of Robert Fenne w(i)th meate drinke clothinge and learning untyll he shall [space filler] accomplishe the age of 16 yeres
Item I will that after the deathe of Margerye my wyffe ther shall remayne in my howse at kenton aforesaide twoo of my best chayers & the 2 formes now standing abowte the folte table in the halle
Item I geve & bequeathe unto John(n) my Sonne one flocke bedde w(i)th a trannsome and a covering.
Item I will that if anye of my saide children do make anye disturbance or troble and vexe myne executors by anye maner of meanes and will not becontente w(i)th suche portions of my good(es), as I have geven theme lyke obedent children they so doinge shall take no benefytte or no p(ar)te nor p(ar)cell of my Land(es) and good(es) geven and bequeathed unto them in this my last will & Testamente but shall loose the same And there p(ar)te to be equallye devyded amongst the rest of my saide children
Item I geve & bequeathe unto Margerye my wyffe all my moveable good(es) not before be queathed and all my debt(es) unto me owinge uppon thys condic(i)on that she shall paye my debt(es) and fullfill all the legacyes of this my last will and Testament and to kepe uppe the saide Roberte Fenne as is aforesaide and also I will my saide wyffe shall be bounde w(i)th sufficient sewertyes so to do and to p(er)fourme the same unto my other Executours And then I will my other Executours shall in no wyse medle with anye p(ar)te of my good(es) but onely to be a guyde for my saide wyffe and if the said Margerye my wyffe do refuse to be bounde as is aforesaide that then I will myne other Executours shall take into there hand(es) as muche of my saide debt(es) and good(es) as shall dyscharge my saide debt(es) and legacyes of this my said last will and Testament w(hi)che forsaide Margerye my wyffe I do ordayne nominate and make to be myne Executrixe together w(i)th Thomas Brumpton gent Nicholas Dade and John(n) Browne Executours w(i)th her for the p(er)formance of thys my last will and Testament And I geve unto eyther of them for ther paynes in this behalffe tenne shilling(es) there cost(es) and charg(es) bourne and discharged In wytnes hereof these p(ar)ties hereunder written have putte there hand(es) William Daldye John(n) Aldryche Nicholas Dade and Lawrence Cullame

Probate 24 February 1573/4

Will 1573 Fenne Robert of Kenton yeoman
Norwich C.C.
199 Fairchilde
Transcribed by Sarah Steggles SRO. June 2019

Some unusual words
Sylver - silver
Sheates - sheets
Candel stycke - candle stick
Mellys - Mellis, a town near Diss, Norfolk
Ell(es) - else
Chayers - chairs
Sewertyes - sureties?
Dewringe - during
Firmelye - firmly
Thredde Foote - I have consulted many of the books relating to Suffolk dialect which we hold in our Local Studies Library, but I've not been able to find any reference to this term.
Belchildren - Godchildren
Transomme - a bolster, as those on a bed
Folte - folding, e.g. folding table
Trussing bed - hammock type bed, travelling bed
Hoole - whole
Merytte - merit
Synnes - sins
Geve - give
Lyving - living
Cubberd - Cupboard
I have used the book 'A Researcher's Glossary of Word in Historical Documents' by David Yaxley for the meaning to some of the words above.

Editorial Conventions
[_] Transcribers own interpretation
<-> Text that has been crossed through in the original document
(_) Text added as indicated in the document


bullet  Other Records

1. A History of Kenton Hall: By Mary Terbrak, 2019.
For this Article by Mary Terbrak with the accompanying pictures see the Books section of this website.

The History of Kenton Hall
KENTON HALL *This estate was held by Ivo de Keneton , and Alicia , his wife, Anno 1194 and descended in a direct line through the family of Garneys
Taken from A Genealogical and Heraldic History of The Commoners of Great Britain And Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank: But Uninvested With Heritable Honours.

Blood Hall and the Bloody Field
Tradition says that Blood Hall near Debenham was built on the site of a clash with the Danes. Others say the Hall was used as a hospital while the battle raged close by. Bloody Field. here was once two, Big and Little Blood Fields, the supposed battle site. During field leveling in 1859, a large quantity of bones, both human and horse, were found here, plus an iron spur and other oddments, confirming the local belief. Probably speculation rather than genuine tradition, it has even been suggested that this is the site of King Edmund's final and fateful battle with the Danes in 869 AD.

"KENTON, a parish in the hundred of Loes, county Suffolk, 2 miles N.E. of Debenham. Stonham is its post town. The village is small, and the inhabitants chiefly employed in agriculture. The surface is high tableland, and the soil clay alternated with sand and loam. The impropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of £147 4s. 8d., and the vicarial for £148. The living is a vicarage* in the diocese of Norwich, value £137. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an ancient edifice, with a square embattled tower. It contains an ancient mural plate of the Garney family, with an inscription bearing date 1524. The charities produce £38 per annum, £25 of which is for the repair of the church, the remainder for the benefit of the poor of this parish and that of Debenham. Kenton Hall is the principal residence."
From The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)

All Saints' church comprises a nave with S aisle and N and S porches, a chancel and W tower. The nave is of flint with a S doorway dating from the end of the 12thc. and a plain N doorway of the same period (not accessible). Both doorways are protected by flint porches: the N (now a vestry) plain and designed by Hakewill in 1871-72; the S more elaborate and 15thc. The nave windows, two on the N and one W of the porch on the S, belong to Hakewill's restoration, and he also lowered the nave roof slightly; the line of the old roof is visible on the tower wall.
The S aisle is a two-bay brick structure built by John Garneys, Lord of the Manor, in 1520-22, as a chapel to St John the Evangelist. It occupies only the section of the nave E of the S porch, and can be entered from a doorway in the E wall of the porch.
The south aisle is now furnished in a devotional manner, albeit dedicated to the Blessed Virgin rather than to St John . It once contained an excellent, intricate Garneys brass, contemporary with the chapel, which Cautley and Arthur Mee both saw in the 1930s.

Taken from An Historical and Chorographicall description of Suffolcke (1594)
T.M. Felgate illustrates it in his excellent Knights on Suffolk Brasses of 1976, at which time he records it as being 'loose in the vestry'. I wonder where it is now.?

The Story of the GARNEYS of Kenton Hall
John Garney (1464) HRH Charles's 14-Great Grandfather. PM Churchill's 13-Great Grandfather. Lady Diana's 14-Great Grandfather.
The main family manors were Kenton, Redisham , Roos and Boyland Hall
Robert was feudal Lord of the Manor of Soham Hall in Bereford, Norfolk, (1384), and was no doubt descended from the Robert Garnoise who in 1194 held lands in Chippenhall in Fressingfield Suffolk.
Robert of Heveningham of Beccles purchased Redisham Hall (1394). He married Aveline; then (1400) Catherine of Heveningham (daughter of John Blanchard of Huntingfield, Suffolk). Catherine died 1405, and Robert died May 1411. Both were buried at Beccles where there was once a memorial inscription.
Piers (son of Robert & Catherine) married Anne (daughter of Ralf Ramsey by his wife Alice, who was daughter of Sir Roger Wellisham) .Piers Garneys died 1451.
Thomas (eldest son of Piers) of Kenton Hall, married Margaret (daughter and one of the heirs of Sir Hugh Francis of Giffard's Hall, Wickhambrook Suffolk, Thomas died December 1458,
Thomas Garneys and Margaret Frances had four known children, 1 son died without issue, and 1 daughter who married into a noble family.
Richard, Who married Elizabeth Toppesfield. He was of Mendlesham, Suffolk, and Lord of the Manor of Boyland Hall, Morningthorpe, Norfolk. He died on May 14th, 1515

John was born c.1464. He succeeded as Lord of the Manor of Kenton (1492 after his mother died). He also held the Manor of Hammonds in Mickfield (1515), He married Elizabeth Sulyard, the daughter of Sir John Sulyard of Wetherden, Suffolk, who was Chief Justice of England. He died age 80 (June 1524). His wife Elizabeth died c.1527. Both were buried at Kenton.
John Garneys and Elizabeth Sulyard had twelve known children: 2 boys who died without issue. And seven daughters, who all married into noble families, except for one Agnes, who became a Nun.
Robert Garneys of Kenton Hall , eldest son and heir of John , succeeded to the estates at the decease of his father, and married Anne , second daughter and co-heir of Thomas Bacon , esq. of Baconsthorp , in the county of Norfolk ,
John Garneys (Son of Robert) married Anne Rookwood, the daughter of Edmund Rookwood of Euston, Suffolk, He died about 1553
John Garneys and Anne Rookwood had eight known children: 3 boys died without issue,and 3 daughters who married into noble families, and two sons who inherited the hall in turn.
Thomas Garneys of Kenton Hall , eldest son of John Garneys of Spexall , who, as before stated, died without heirs. His wife was Frances , daughter of Sir John Sulyard , knt. of Wetherden Hall aforesaid, by whom he had an only child and heir, Elizabeth Garneys , who was three years old at her father's death. She married Philip Strelly of Strelly , in Nottinghamshire. On the decease of Thomas Garneys without issue male, which occurred on the 20 Dec 1566 , the Kenton estates devolved, by virtue of an entail, on his brother,
Nicholas, who was baptized at Spexhall, Suffolk, on July 27th, 1546, and died about 1623. He married Anne Clere. Nicholas inherited Kenton at the death of his brother, Thomas.
Nicholas and Anne had 9 Children
Oldest son Charles GARNEYS c: 25 Sep 1570 in Kenton,married Elizabeth Wentworth of Somerleyton. He died in Kenton in 1678.
Charles Garneys c.25 Sep 1570 of Kenton and Boyland Halls , eldest son and heir of Nicholas , was sheriff of Norfolk in 1652 , and married Elizabeth , daughter of John Wentworth of Somerleyton Hall, Suffolk , and sole heir of her brother, Sir John Wentworth , knt. of the same place. Charles died. 30 Jan 1657, and was succeded. by his son.

Charles , the eldest son, succeeded his father at Kenton and Boyland Halls , and Cleve . His sixth son, married. Ann , daughter of John Jolly , of Southwold , and was ancestor of Charles Garneys ,of Headenham , in Norfolk ..
His second son John GARNEYS was born 1608 and was christened 17 Apr 1608 in Somerleyton, He died 15 Dec 1661 in Morningthorpe,Norfolk,England He married Ann Rugge abt. 1630, He married Elizabeth Soame abt.1649
Two of his children eventually inherited the hall.
Mary GARNEYS was born c.1650 in Kenton, was christened 12 Apr 1653 in Kenton and died 1726. She married William SHIPMAN of Morningthorpe, Norfolk. She married William Dutton COLT 2 Aug 1679 in London, Middlesex,. He was born ABT 1650 in the Grange, Dorset, England
Wentworth GARNEYS was christened 17 Jun 1656 in Somerleyton, Suffolk,. He married Ann GAWDY 24 Jul 1679 in Debenham, Suffolk. She was born ABT 1658 in Debenham, and died 7 Sep 1681 in Morningthorpe,Norfolk, He married Mary ABDY ABT 1680 of Felix Hall, Kelvedon,Essex, England. She was born ABT 1657 in Felix Hall, Kelvedon,Essex and died ABT 1739. He had no isuue.
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of The Commoners of Great Britain And Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank: But Uninvested With Heritable Honours. History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland.
The manor of Kenton descended to Wentworth Garneys , esq. the last heir male of this family, and on his death the greater part of it became the property of Lady Colt , his eldest surviving sister and co-heir, by whose grandchildren, Mary , wife of John Bond , esq. of Grange, county of Dorset , and Mary-Alice , wife of John Westbrook , esq. of Forrest Hall , in Essex , it was sold in 1772 , and 1774 .
Denis Bond , esq. of Grange. This gentleman was M.P. for Dorchester , 7th Anne, for Corfe Castle , 1st and 8th George I. and for Poole , 1st George II. He espoused, in 1729 , Leonora-Sophia , relict of Edmund Dummer , esq. and youngest daughter of Sir William-Dutton Colt , (He was second surviving son of George Colt , esq. of Colt Hall , in Suffolk , by Elizabeth , his wife, eldest daughter and co-heir of John Dutton , esq. of Sherborn , in Gloucestershire , and brother of Harry-Dutton Colt , crested a baronet, 4th William and Mary. (See Burke's Peerage and Baronetage.)) knt. envoy at the court of Hanover , by Mary , his third wife, (of whom she was co-heir) eldest surviving daughter of John , and co-heir of her brother Wentworth Garneys , esqrs. of Boyland Hall , in Norfolk , and Kenton Hall , (This estate was held by Ivo de Keneton , and Alicia , his wife, Anno 1194 , 6th Richard I. and descended in a direct line through the family of Garneys , to the late Mrs. Westbrook , of Forest Hall , in Essex , who was sole daughter and heir of William Stane , esq. of the same place, by Elizabeth Colt , his wife, the elder sister of the said Leonora-Sophia , and was sold by her about the year 1774 .) in Suffolk . This lady was born in Hanover , and obtained her baptismal name from the Electress Sophia , her sponsor. Mr. Denis Bond d. s. p. in 1746 , and the estates devolved upon his nephew,
Mr Joshua Vanneck sold all his estates at Kenton (all freehold, with two Manors) at London in May 1794. Kenton - Hall Farm, containing 242 acres, together with ye Manor and 258 Top Oaks - 121 Timber ashes - 62 Pollard Oaks - 249 Pollard Ashes - 359 small trees - in ye occupation of Messrs. Darbys sold for 5800£

Here follows the Suffolk History, Gazetteer, and Directory, 1844

The 1841 Census
Name: Peter Kersey Age: 40 Estimated birth year: abt 1801
Where born: Suffolk, England
Civil parish: Kenton Hundred: Loes County/Island: Suffolk Registration district: Plomesgate
Street address: Kenton Hall
Head of household: Peter Kersey 40 (Farmer) Mary Kersey 35 (wife)
Children: Henry Kersey 10 ,Joseph Kersey 8 ,Robert Kersey 6 ,Mary Kersey 3 ,Ellen Kersey 1
Guests: living on independent means: Letita Barker 65 ,Maria Barker 20
Servants: William Marjoram 28 ,Joseph Ship 18 ,Eliza Souter 16 ,Sarah Catchpole 20 .

Here follows the Suffolk Post Office Directory 1875

On the 1851, 61 ,71 and 81 Censuses the Inhabitants of the Hall Were:
In 1851 Robert Symonds a 34 yr old farmer of 400 acres, His wife Susan and their 5 children aged between 9 and 3 yrs old and 4 servants
in 1861 he was a widower with the 5 children and one servant
in 1871 still a widower, 3 children still at home and 2 servants.
in 1881 3 grown up children still at home and 1 servant.
in 1891 Robert Symonds was retired and living in Debenham.

On the 1891 and 1901 censuses the Hall belonged to the Capon family
1891 Ambrose Capon a 45 yr old Farmer with his wife Clara 3 children aged between 11 and 1 , and 2 servants
1901 Clara a widow, 2 grown up children and 1 servant.(2 visitors)
The capons stayed at the Hall until 1940.

In 1934 I was born at St Marys Hospital, Paddington, London, within the sound of the Bow Bells and like Princes William and Harry am technically a Cockney.
My father, Paul Capon, was working on a film called 'Little Friend', starring Nova Pilbeam, and directed by Berthold Viertel, Deborah Kerr's father-in-law. They both sent similar congratulatory telegrams punning on the name of the main character, 'Felicity', whereupon my mother decided, "What better name to give a little girl than 'happiness'" and Felicity-Ann I became.
My mother was very beautiful, with a creamy complexion, red hair and green eyes. She was also deaf. My parents lived in small flats with 'good' addresses, entertaining writers like Christopher Isherwood and other notables, particulary film people. On Saturday nights they gave small, bohemian dinner parties using my mother's inexpensive blue and orange pottery and invariably marigolds. Much laughter and daydreaming went on early in 1934, some of those present became famous in their own fields. My father had 38 books published and did extensive TV work. Chris Isherwood wrote 'I Am a Camera', which was later made into a film called 'Cabaret' and his relationship with the poet W.H. Auden added to his notoriety.
Although my parents came from very different worlds, their mothers had had strikingly similar early experiences on opposite sides of the British Isles. Both had been educated by their brothers' tutors, both had eloped to marry and both had become non-militant suffragettes.
In a non-working period during the Depression, my mother and I were sent to live with my father's parents at Kenton Hall in Suffolk and it was there that my earliest memories were formed. Kenton Hall was a lovely old farmhouse with a rare double moat and was partly situated on Blood Field, where tradition had it that Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni, fought the Romans. When my father was a boy, Roman coins were still occasionally uncovered. The present house had been Elizabethan but when my father was young there had been a devastating fire. The estate horses had been sent to fetch the fire-engine, three miles away, and quite a few of the salvaged contents were looted. Most of the house was destroyed but the beautiful Elizabethan front with mullioned windows was saved. All the books and the great family Bible with the family records were also destroyed.
My grandfather was unable to find an architect to rebuild, preserving the Elizabethan front, so although he was no architect he decided to do it himself, turning farm labourers into building labourers, felling trees, dredging moats and re-laying tennis courts, etc. that had been decimated in the upheaval. Wherever possible, he saved and repaired what had been salvaged, and duplicated all the original rooms, with the addition of modern bathrooms. The library became a double garage off his study. The rebuilding took three years to complete and luckily they had another old house to live in during this time, Winston Grange, now the home of a former Cabinet Minister, John Gummer.
When my mother and I joined them, my grandparents lived alone at Kenton with a married couple to look after them, so my earliest memories were afternoon teas in the Drawing Room with various great uncles and aunts, and then in turn visiting them in their old houses. There always seemed to be one odd fly buzzing sleepily in the background when I was sent for my traditional afternoon rest and the reflection of the moat shimmered on the ceiling of my room. The past was a different country then, to paraphrase L.P. Hartley. By the 1930s it was genteel poverty. The glory days for my grandfather had gone when he used to drive endless Buicks and presented my grandmother with a £500 Citroen; when he persuaded fellow investors to build a railway line that ran past the house, and he and a great-uncle built yet another tennis court between the houses so that neither family had to drive too far for a game of tennis, perhaps five miles!
Finally, it came to an end and in the 1940s the house was reluctantly sold to the Earl of Stradbroke and my grandparents moved back to Winston Grange, a few miles away.
Paul capon was the child of Harry Urban Capon and Bessie Martha Gooderham, So these were the Grandparents who rebuilt the hall. They married in 1907. So the hall burnt down after 1912 (Paul was born in 1912) and before the depression years of 1930"s

The railway episode
The line was intended to run from Haughley to Halesworth, with a second branch running from Kenton station to Westerfield near Ipswich. The Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, or Middy as it became affectionately known, was built to provide transport to the rural Suffolk communities who had no reliable transport links. It was built in accordance with the 1896 Light Railways Act, which allowed for cheaper construction methods in return for a speed restriction of 25 mph. The railway was built as cheaply as possible: the buildings were constructed using corrugated iron, and the route followed the natural contours of the land to minimise the need for embankments and bridges.
The railway was built too late, long after the great railway boom that had affected the country in the Victorian age, and soon came into financial difficulties.
After just 6 years the branch was already in decline and the extension to Cratfield was closed. Originally there were cattle docks provided at every station except Haughley, but these also fell into disuse as agriculture turned from cattle to corn. In World War l, part of the link to Kenton and Debenham, which had been started, was lifted because the materials were more urgently needed elsewhere and this effectively ended any hopes of completing the original scheme.

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Just north of here, the remarkable Mid-Suffolk Light Railway ran on its way from Haughley Junction to Laxfield (it was planned to reach Halesworth, but this never materialised). This early 20th century enterprise was the setting for the novel Love on a Branch Line, and is still remembered fondly by older Suffolkers.

The time of the First World War, a spur was built from Kenton Junction to a field just north of Debenham. It was an expensive and hare-brained extension, for permission to carry passengers along this stretch was never obtained, and nor was the last stretch into Debenham itself ever built.

Although very little evidence of this company's railway survives today, there are substantial remains of a bridge and embankment of the Kenton-to-Debenham spur on the road to Aspall, about a mile north of the church. The traffic rushes by, but to clamber up on this overgrown ridge is to consort with ghosts.

The Earl of Stradbroke, (The Rous family were an unsavoury bunch, enough to give nobles a bad name. In their long unsavoury family history, Kenton Hall was not mentioned, though they owned many properties in many different counties.)
George Edward John Mowbray Rous, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke was born on 19 November 1862. He married Helena Violet Alice Fraser, daughter of Lt.-Gen. James Keith Fraser, on 23 July 1898. He died on 20 December 1947 at age 85. He gained the title of 3rd Earl of Stradbroke

George Edward John Mowbray Rous, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke KCMG CB CVO CBE VD TD (19 November 1862 - 20 December 1947) was a British noble and the 15th Governor of Victoria, Australia.
He also served in the British Parliament, holding the position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries from 1928 until the defeat of the 1924-1929 Conservative Government. Was the Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk 1935-1947 At some time he also served in the British Army, rising to the rank of Colonel.
He married Lady Helena Rous, Countess of Stradbroke, DBEHelena Violet Alice Fraser (b. 18?? - d. 14 April 1949), daughter of Lt.-Gen. James Keith Fraser married George Rous, 3rd Earl of Stradbroke on 23 July 1898.
She was created a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1927; she died on 14 April 1949.
Lady Betty Helena Joanna Rous (b. 24 April 1901 - d. 19??)
Sir John Anthony Alexander Rous, 4th Earl of Stradbroke (b. 1 April 1903 - d. 1983)
Sir William Keith Rous, 5th Earl of Stradbroke (b. 10 March 1907 - d. 1983)
Major Hon. Peter James Mowbray Rous (b. 23 January 1914 - ????)
Ref: Mary Terbrak - 2019


Robert married Agnes PALLE [31264] [MRIN: 11078] on 15 Jan 1542 in Thorndon SFK. (Agnes PALLE [31264] was born circa 1520 and was buried on 30 Mar 1544 in Thorndon SFK.)


Robert next married Joane [26507] [MRIN: 9518] in 1545. (Joane [26507] was baptised on 1 Jan 1539 in Kenton SFK and was buried on 29 Aug 1551 in Kenton SFK.)


Robert next married Margery [31767] [MRIN: 11575] after 1555. (Margery [31767] died on 14 Aug 1590 in Kenton SFK.)

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