The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Margery [31767]


Family Links

1. Robert BROWNE [32429]

2. Edwarde RUSHE of Tannington [31766]
3. Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503]

Margery [31767]

  • Marriage (1): Robert BROWNE [32429]
  • Marriage (2): Edwarde RUSHE of Tannington [31766] on 8 Oct 1552
  • Marriage (3): Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503] after 1555
  • Died: 14 Aug 1590, Kenton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

Margery, spelt Margerye was named in her husband Robert's Will of 1573.

Margerye is also made responsible in this Will for her stepgrandson Robert son of Bartholomewe:
I will that Margerye my wyffe shall have the keeping and bringing uppe of Robert Fenne w(i)th meate drinke clothinge and learning untyll he shall [space filler] accomplishe the age of 16 yeres
It is considered that as Bartholomewe was then a widower he and his son Robert were probably living with his father and stepmother in Kenton 1573. This instruction gave certainty for the provision of Robert were his father to die before Robert reached the age of 16.

Robert & Margery are thought to have had no living issue.

Name: Fenne, Margery Kenton Widow
Dates: 1590
Place: Kenton, Norfolk, England
Index to Wills, Consistory Court of Norwich, 1550-1603
Volume:Diocese of Norwich Wills Proved in the Consistory Court 1550-1603
544 Flack
Source Information UK, Extracted Probate Records, 1269-1975

Norfolk Record Office
The Archive Centre
Martineau Lane
Norwich NR1 2DQ
Telephone: 01603 222599
Fax: 01603 761885

Conveyance FC 94/L1/2/45 7 Aug. 1587
John Browne of Aspall, husbandman, Robert Fenne of Kenton, yeoman, Margery, wife of Robert Browne, dec'd., and William Browne of Thornham Magna, husbandman, brother of said John Browne to John Godbolde, sen., William Manshipp, sen., and Robert Gardiner of Worlingworth, yeoman; two pightells called Goneldis and Clapirscroft with appurtenances, one piece of land in tenement called Hawys containing by estimation ½ a rood with part of a green way adjoining in Tannington, a garden with green way adjoining, a small grove and piece of arable land adjoining the garden
This document is are held at Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch

Grant of Land
Robert Fenn of Kenton is named in a Grant of Land 7 Apr 1617
Reuben Feveryear of Kenton, yeoman
George Lord of Kenton, yeoman
Nicholas Garneys of Redisham
Charles Garneys of Boyland Hall, Morningthorpe (Nf.)
Thomas Bedingfield of Darsham
Thomas Garneys of Norwich (Nf.)
John Garneys of Redisham
Claro Garneys of Redisham
Christopher Robinson of Kenton
John Smith of Kenton
William Drane of Kenton
John Flowerdew of Kenton
John Aldriche of Kenton
Thomas Clodde of Kenton
Robert Clodde of Kenton
John Feveryear of Kenton
Edward Calver of Kenton
Robert Fenn of Kenton
(1) to (2), 6 acres land, lately built upon in Bedfield; also, 10 acres land in Monk Soham. (Latin; seals)
Ref: HD850/1/3/5 Ipswich R.O.

bullet  Research Notes:

Results search Y Massingham 4 Oct 19 Ref: 2019 - 8443
IC/AA1/21/270 Original will of James Russhe of Yoxford 1571
FB44/D1/1 Original Parish register Kenton 1538 - 1684
FB155/D1/1 Original Parish register Thorndon 1538 - 1711
FV135/D1/1 Original Parish register Eye 1538 - 1670
HD4084/278 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree RUSH
HD4084/97 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree DRANE
HD4084/167 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree HUNTING

I made a start by entering the surname of RUSHE in to our CALM database, with the following relevant (timescale) results held at SFO Ipswich being returned:-

Item EE5/6/54 - Feoffment - 1 Sept. 17 Henry VIII (1525)
Scope and Content
(1) Richard Pereson, clerk, rector of Orford church
(2) Thomas Rushe, esq.
Arthur Rushe
, gent.
William Bambyr
George Gore, chaplain
Richard Hunt
(1) to (2), messuage late waste land, now built on, measuring 72 ft. by 38 ft. with appurtenances in Orford, late in tenure of John Bullyng (boundaries given). At Orford.

Item HD1538/201/3 - Letter of attorney by George Waller of Wortham, gent. to John Rushe, to deliver seisin of 2 tenements called Colles and Heywardes in Dennington to Richard Downinge.
25 Sept. 1575
Scope and Content
HD 1538/201/3-5 together comprise Phillipps MS No. 31132.)

Item EE5/8/3 - Election indentures: Anthony Wyngfelde and Anthony Rushe - 17 Mar 1571

Item HD78/2879/1/34 - Receipt - 4 Oct 1602
Receipt issued to Gyles Rushe, farmer of 'Fawcons Hall' for a half year's rent of £79 18s 6d signed by N Bacon.

item EE2/M/1/9/31 - Bond of indemnity for maintenance of bastard child, born of Anne Rushe ; John Knyvett, Eye, tailor, reputed father of the child, to Robert Shene, senior, Eye, gent. and Robert Meene of the same, cordwainer, churchwardens of Eye. 30 July 1610

I then repeated the search using RUSSHE, with the following relevant (timescale) results held at SRO Ipswich:-
Item IC/AA2/1/160 - Registered copy of will of Katherine Russhe of Tunstall c. 1449 wife of William Russell

Item HA93/2/436 - Acknowledgement of receipt
(1) Thomas Russhe of Ipswich, esq. and serjeant at arms (2) Richard Broke, serjeant at law (1) acknowledges receipt of £140 from (2), concerning bargain and sale of manors of Merehalle [in Playford] and Tirelhalle [in Bucklesham], advowson of Bucklesham church and all lands in Playford, Bucklesham, Little Bealings, Kesgrave, Great Bealings, Rushmere and Foxhall which (1) has in possession by bargain and sale of George Fastalf, esq. or Richard Lloid, esq., except manor of Colviles in Rendlesham and advowson of Rendlesham church, "which is in comunycacion and yet not fully determyned.
14 Feb. 1520
Various parishes

Item HA93/3/16 - Lease
(1) Thomas Russhe of Ipswich, esq. (2) Ele Fastolf of Ipswich, widow (2) to (1), manors of Meare Halle in Playford and Tirel Halle in Foxhall, for 30 years at £17p.a. - 28 Nov. 1522
Broke Hall Estate: Leases - Foxhall and Playford

Item C/3/10/2/6/2/16 - Mortgage in respect of lands held of manor of Kentons in Bramford 20 May 1524 - Lands (36a) held of manor of Kentons in Bramford.
Mortgage from Thomas Russhe esq to Thomas Baldry, merchant, both of Ipswich, for £50

Item HA30/312/146 - Lease for 10 years, tenement Poleys and land in Yoxford, Sir Owen Hopton to Robert Russhe, Yoxford, mason - 24th October, 1565

Item IC/AA1/21/270 - Original will of James Russhe of Yoxford 1571

Item HA51/6/1 - Copy of final concord - 1574
(1) Antony Russhe, armiger, Robert Dowe plaintiff (2) Sir Robert Wyngfield defendant 3 messuages, 2 tofts, 3 gardens, 50 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, in Woodbridge, Hasketon, Hacheston, Great and Little Bealings, Clopton, Burgh, Playford, Dallinghoo, Letheringham, Wickham Market, which R.W. quitclaims to A.R. and R.D.; for which quitclaim by 2 to 1, 2 recieves a yearly rent of 47s. 121/2d out of 2 messuages, 2 tofts, 2 gardens, 30 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood in Woodbridge, Hasketon, Hacheston, Great and Little Bealings, Clopton, Burgh and Playford, and a yearly rent of 25s. out of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 20acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 4 acres of wood in Dalinghoo, Letheringham and Wickham Market

Item IC/AA1/131/8 Original will of Richard Russhe of Cratfield 1701 yeoman

I then ran a search using FEN* and Margery with these two relevant items returned (NB they are documents held at Bury Record Office).
Collection HD2551 - NETHERGATE STREET, CLARE 1522
Bargain and sale by Gregory Reynham of Clare and wife Margery to John Fen of Clare, clothmaker of messuage, 22 Mar.13 Hen.8 (1522)

Item HD703/1 - Feoffment 7 Apr (1523)
(1) Margery, wife of Gregory Regnham of Clare, formerly wife of John Rust, tanner John Petiwat, senior, of Glemsford Robert Rust of Clare John Petiwat, junior, of Glemsford
(2) John Fen, senior John Barker, senior John Bacon Richard Meller John Barker, junior John Frere Robert Frere (all of Clare) (1) to (2) tenement called Coggeshall in le Nethirgate [Nethergate Street], Clare - Power of attorney to Robert Ailmer of Glemsford to accept seisin on behalf of (2) 7 Apr 13 Henry VIII

From the items listed above, I did access IC/AA1/21/270 Original will of James Russhe of Yoxford 1571, and made an attempt to read it. Whilst it did exceed my basic palaeography, I was able to make out that his wife was Johan, he had a least one son called John, and he also made a bequest to a daughter called (I believe) Margery. However, if this daughter were a married woman, we would expect her to be described as Margery wife of such & such.

In considering potential parish locations where Robert FENN may have married a Margery (named as his wife in his Will of 1573), I chose Kenton, Thorndon, and Eye. This would necessitate searching the original parish registers.

I started with FB44/D1/1 original Parish register Kenton, which at this very early period has all three life events mixed in together i.e. no separate entries for marriages, and I can confirm the following entries for FENN found in the limited period I searched :-
1st March 1540/41
Joane FENNE daughter of Thomas FENNE was christened

29th august 1551
Joane FENNE wife of Robert FENNE was buried

? August 1552
Thomas Browne vicar of Kenton was buried

14th (?) February 1564
George Drane of Kenton was buried at London
[I believe this to be Drane: it's certainly _rane, but first letter?]

1st July 1571
George Drane [spelling as noted above] and Janne FENNE were married

27th (?) January 1573
Robert FENNE was buried

At this point I stopped searching, as I had been concentrating on his potential marriage prior to this date. Please be aware that the additional entries noted above for Browne, and Drane, were entries that 'leapt' out from the page, and I did not scrutinise every entry for all the other names of interest e.g. Dade, Hunting etc. This perhaps may be a request you wish to pursue another time.

I then carried out a similar search using FB155/D1/1 Original Parish Register Thorndon, with the following entries found (In this volume, the entries are separated so that all marriages are listed chronologically, and is in a much neater hand!):-

15th January 1542
Robert FENNE and Agnes Palle
[The name Palle has a superscript horizontal line above it, which I believe indicates a shorthand spelling i.e. some letter missing]

15th September 1558
Bartholomew FENNE and [I am unable to make out the bride name although it starts with a 'J']

Turning to the parish of Eye and Original Parish Register FB135/D1/1, I can confirm the following entries found:-
(This is a much larger volume then either of the other two already searched, as Eye was a substantial town. The entries in the register are mixed in i.e. no separate listings for marriages, but I concentrated on the name FENN):-

24th February 1562
William ye son of William Browne

20th February 1568
Bartholomew son of John FENN

28th July 1569
Bartholomew son of John FENN

27th November 1569
John Applewhayte son of Bartholomew

23rd August 1570
Jone the daughter of John FENN

26th August 1570
Nicholas the son of Bartholomew FENN

15th September 1570
Jone the wife of Bartholomew FENN

23rd September 1570
Nicholas the son of Bartholomew FENN

Turning to some potentially useful secondary sources, I referred to HD4084/278 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree RUSH. This is quite a substantial item being handwritten notes by the antiquarian Charles Partridge, in one foolscap size notebook. He has arranged his findings by parish. The entries are a bit erratic and scribbled, as though he has written them down as he found them, rather than being a neat, organised report. He has generally obtained his information from Will registers, inscriptions on headstones, and memorials in churches etc.
To this end, I note down the potentially relevant items spotted:-
Robert RUSH of Mellis married to an Eliz. - He is a 'Husbandman' and made his Will verbally 21st July 1601.
She made her Will just a fortnight after her husband. They have at least two sons - John and Robert

Administration Bonds of Archdeaconry of Sudbury
18 April 1580
Henry RUSHE of Hitcham dec., - Leonard, and Thomas RUSHE his brothers

Archdeaconry of Sudbury Wills
Robert RUSH of Tannington 1557 - 59

Robert RUSHE of Worlingworth Goods of £2

1609 Thomas RUSH Churchwarden at Stoke Ash

Creeting St Peter

Tannington Parish
Robert RUSSHE = ?
Edward RUSSHE ========== (2nd) Margery ========= (1st) BROWNE
Of Tannington I I
Husbandman I I
Will 04 March 1550/1 I John/William/Robert BROWNE

In his notes, Charles Partridge has noted the following - "bellchildren [grandchildn]"

Tannington Baptism
30th April 1549
Hansarde dau. Of ? RYSHE
[Hansarde is a daughter]

Thornham Magna Parish
5th April 1566
Thos. HUNTYNGE and Marg't RUSSHE

Thrandeston Parish
Edward son of Thomas and Brid. RUSHE

Rebecca daughter of Thomas RUSHE

Bedingfield Parish
Tho. Son of Tho. RUSHE

Brid. Dau. Of Tho. RUSHE

There is a hand-drawn pedigree chart of Edward RUSH of Mendlesham, although the baptism date for this starts at 1613.
Another, is for a Robert RUSSHE of Worlingworth commencing 1524, and includes mention of Mellis, but an absence of the female surnames!

HD4084/97 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree DRANE
The format for this file is of loose sheets with notes and partial pedigree charts for different Suffolk parishes, but only one is as early as sixteenth-century, commencing with a marriage between a Robert DRANE of Bedfield and Mary Revett, in 1581.
HD4084/167 Charles Partridge Suffolk Family Pedigree HUNTING
This is a similar file to the previous item, with loose sheets of notes and partial pedigree charts.
It starts with some lists of Wills, including the following:-
Marg't HUNTINGE wid. Palgrave 1568

(In working at my other role here in the Archives, I came across a secondary source entitled "Muster Rolls Suffolk 1638". This is a bound volume of hand-written entries listing "Return of Able-bodied Men between the ages of 16 & 60 in the County of Suffolk January 1638". I include the following as I couldn't help but look for the FENN surname!)

The entries are arranged by parish within the relevant 'Hundred' and simply lists the names of those who qualify as being liable for military service.

Coddenham - none noted
Baylham - none noted
Debenham - none noted
Offton - none noted
Barking - none noted

Some data from Lobb Family Tree Ancestry - 2019 - unproven


Margery married Robert BROWNE [32429] [MRIN: 11574], son of Thomas BROWNE [31779] and Unknown. (Robert BROWNE [32429] was born in 1535 and died before 1587.)


Margery next married Edwarde RUSHE of Tannington [31766] [MRIN: 11272], son of Robart RUSHE [32319] and Margaret [32333], on 8 Oct 1552. (Edwarde RUSHE of Tannington [31766] was born in 1515 in Tannington SFK and died after 4 Mar 1550.)


Margery next married Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503] [MRIN: 11575], son of William FENN [31250] and UNKNOWN [31733], after 1555. (Robert FENN of Kenton SFK [26503] was born circa 1520 in Kenton SFK and was buried on 27 Jan 1574 in Kenton SFK.)

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