The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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John FENN The Elder [20229]
Susan CLODD [20230]
James SHULVARD [26189]
Elizabeth KEY [26190]
John FENN of Kenton Gent [19655]
Jane SHULVARD [19656]
(Cir 1650-1716)

Robert FENN of Baylham SFK [19647]


Family Links

1. Mary SMITH [19648]

Robert FENN of Baylham SFK [19647]

  • Baptised: 3 Nov 1681, Kenton SFK
  • Marriage (1): Mary SMITH [19648] in 1702 in Kenton SFK
  • Buried: 12 Oct 1749, Baylham SFK

bullet   Another name for Robert was Robert FYNN.


bullet  General Notes:

Synopsis of Robert Fynn 1681-1749
by Mike Fenn - 2018.
1681Baptised 3 Nov Kenton son of John Fynn Gent of Kenton
Future wife Mary Smith baptised Barking 17 Sep 1686.

1695-1700Apprenticeship 2 Dec 1695-12 Mar 1700. London Apprenticeship Abstracts 1700 Fenn Robert son of John, Kenton, Suffolk gentleman to Thomas Cave 2 Dec 1695 12 Mar 1699/1700 turned over to Thomas Dyer, citizen & salter the Grocers Company.
London Apprentice Abstracts 1700

The Fenn family has an association with the Wax Chandlers - or the Tallow Chandlers' Company as they are known today. At one stage in their history, they had just as many, if not more, salt traders amongst their members as the Salters' Company itself. It is likely that salt was an important part of the tallow chandlers' trade, in just the same way that many members of the Salters weren't actually involved in the salt trade - an example of a broad-minded company when it came to recruiting its membership. The Grocers' Company has had no connection with the Grocery trade since the seventeenth century. Together with the other ancient City Companies, The Grocers' Company lost its assets in the Great Fire (1666) and when it reformed it was as the educational and charitable body which it still is today.

1700 - 1701Met his future wife Mary Smith who was living in Barking
1701 - 17028 Feb married Mary Smith aged 16 in the Fynn family village of Kenton
1702 - 1705Possibly set up business as a landowner and tallow chandler in Barking, nearby Offton or Gt Bricett supported financially [?] by his father John
1705 - 1706First 2 children Mary and Robert baptised in Barking
1707 - 1712 No issue traced. Still birth, miscarriage [?].
c1708 -1709 Moved to Offton where future children were baptised
c1710Possible miller and owner of land at Great Bricett employing others to run the mill (Offton to Great Bricett 2.6 miles)
1711 - 1742Offton Parish Officer 2 Apr 1711- April 1743. Parish Officers were influential members of the parish meeting each year in April (farmers/estate owners) with a responsibility as a signatory for appointing Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyor and Church Wardens. Parish Officers like Robert were in demand and many considered it a burden due to limits in their numbers. There could be up to 8 signatories each year. Appointment to specific roles were normally taken by rotation by house row from owners/occupiers of specifies houses or land. He was a Parish Officer 1711, 1716, 1724, 1726 -1728, 1730 -1732, 1737 and 1741 and Over the years Robert was appointed by his fellow officers as Constable in 1713 for which he was to receive £3-0-0, Overseer of the Poor 1729 Surveyor 1732 Overseer of the Poor 1733, Surveyor 1734, Church Warden 1735 and Overseer of the Poor in 1742. His appointments between 1729 and 1735 indicate that by then he was an influential village elder, and as a landowner was probably a farmer. There were few years when he was able to stand down from his duties.
Ipswich R O: FB16/A4/1 List of Offton Parish Officers

17131 Jul a copy of memorandum concerning land use.
Ipswich R.O. Clergy Tithe Memorandum FB16/C/3/1-9

Memorandum it is agreed between ye vicr of Ofton & ye Inhabitants thereof that Tythes of Clover in kind both first & second crop is due, & for ye time to come shall faithfully & without any Fraud be paid to Mr Leake so long as he shall be their Minister. And likewise Mr Leake does promise so long as he shall be amongst them that he will not commence any limit at Law against any that shall honestly pay ye same and all other small Tythes that are due by Law & Custom of ye said Town & ye tenth of Wool for ye Tythe of Wether Sheep in witness whereof we have hereunto jointly set our Hands.
Signed by L Leake Vic John Segar [?] Edw Sherman Wm Martin Robert ffynn

1715 18 April copy of memorandum granting Mr Parsons care of the Jennings boys signed by Robert ffynn and 8 others.
1713 - 1721Children Jane, Simon, Abraham and William were baptised and also possibly James
1716Parish Register Transcripts J426/6 Offton Parish Memorandum
Ipswich R. O. Clergy Tithe Memorandum FB16/C/3/1-9

I gave leave to Robert Fynne of this Parish to digg in ye half acre meadow belonging to this vicarage only to raise a little Mould to better one Part of his Standard Fence lying against ye Meadow which now looks like a Ditch but ye owners or mensuers of that land on ye east Side of ye Meadow have no Ditch in ye Meadow as I can testify by my Hand - L Leake Vicar.

Further Memorandum possibly involving Robert
From ye West corner of ye Vicarage House at ye 3rd post and ye paling is a well used by both houses which I put by being in ye way of ye Paling and digg'd a new one which serves both houses.' L Leake Vicar.

Isaac Austin's map shows a Great Bricett post mill at that time mainly drawn to show the lands of "Briset Hall" belonging to Kings College Cambridge, depicts a windmill south of the church possibly in the tenancy of Robert. The manor of Great Bricett along with the priory of St Leonard at Bricett was part of the original endowment granted to King's College Cambridge at its Foundation by Henry VI in 1444. The lands were eventually sold by the College in 1921
c1741Son Abraham who was to hold the tenancy of Great Bricett post mill on the death of Robert possibly became the miller at the time of his marriage to Judith and just before Robert's move to Baylham.
c1743Moved to Baylham on 'retirement' at the age of 62.
1749Will dated 26 Sep. Beneficiaries wife Mary, daughters Mary and Jane, sons Simon (sole executor and eldest living son), Abraham, William and James, granddaughters Mary and Ester Wellham and grandson Robert Wellham. Son Robert died in

Great Bricett Mill: And whereas I am seised to me and my heirs and assigns according to the custom of the Manor of Great Briset and situate in Briset a certain messuage or Tenement with a Wind mill and the land and all edifices and all appurtenances thereunto belonging I do give and bequeath unto my son Abraham ffynn.

1749Died and was buried in Baylham 12 Oct

Why was Robert left out of his father's will. I suspect that Robert was well set up financially by his father following completion of his apprenticeship and marriage and did well for himself as a landowner and eventually parish officer in Offton. By the time his father died in 1708 Robert had probably outgrown his family and established himself away from Kenton. A family dispute cannot be discounted all too common, there are many reasons to account for why he was not mentioned. He was possibly better placed than his siblings and so was excluded.
Michael Fenn - 2018

Robert Ffenn the son of John Ffenn and of Jane his wife baptised Nov 3 1681.
Searched SRO FB44/D1/1 Kenton Original Parish Register 1538 - 1684

Robert Fenn c son of John & Jane 3 Nov 1681
Last Fenn entry at Kenton 1763 in ELF's records

Robert Fenn
Baptism Date: 3 Nov 1681
Baptism Place: Kenton,Suffolk,England
Father: John Fenn
Mother: Jane
FHL Film Number: 919621

Robert Fenn
Marriage year1702
Marriage date08 Feb 1702
Marriage placeKenton
Spouse's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's last nameSmith
England Marriages 1538-1973

Robert was not mentioned in the Will of John Fenn of Kenton 1707, the man taken to be his father in this pedigree.

Robert owned a Wind Mill at Gt Briset 1749

SRO searches 2017 - by Y Massingham.
In an effort to find an entry of marriage for Robert and Mary I searched FB16/D1/1 Offton Original Parish Register 1561 - 1719, for the years 1700 to 1715, but I did not find one. I also looked in FB15/D1/2 Barking Original Parish Register 1692 - 1728, (as your own notes indicate their first two children, Mary and Robert, were baptised in Barking in 1705/6), for the years 1700 to 1715, but again did not find an entry. I also searched FB44/D1/2 Kenton Original Parish Register 1684 - 1776, and can confirm the following entry found therein:-

Robert FfENN and Mary Smith were married [difficult to decipher possible day and month] anno domini 1703.
SFO FB44/D1/2 Kenton Original Parish Register 1684 - 1776

I followed this up by searching the entries after this up to 1706, to see if there were any subsequent baptism entries in this parish of Kenton for children of Robert and Mary FfENN, but I did not find any. This may indicate that this couple moved away from the parish of Kenton where they were married, or that they remained but did not have any children in the first 5 or so years after marriage.

FB16/A4/1 Offton Lists of Parish Officers Elected 1692 - 1803.
Robert FfYNN is noted in the simple list entries from a date in 1712 through to 1741. (What offices he held was not shown)

Baylham J426/6
1749 12 October Robert Fynn

Original Will of Robert FYNN of Baylham 1749.
This is a single page Will, and includes the names of his wife, Mary FYNN, and children as beneficiaries: daughters Mary (wife of James [looks like] Alcock (?), Jane (wife of John Wink), and sons James, William, Simon, and Abraham who inherits "a messuage or tenement with a windmill and the land…" situate in [looks like] Bricet. Also noted as beneficiaries are his grandchildren Mary Wellham, and her brother Robert Wellham, and their sister Ester Wellham
SRO Ipswich IC/AA1/178/68
Y Massingham

Will of Robert FYNN of Baylham 26 September 1749.
In the name of God Amen the twenty fix day of September in the twenty third year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine
I Robert ffynn of Baylham in ye county of Suffolk being sick in body but of perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto God when he please to call so I do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
Imprimis I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God my saviour and redeemer and my body I commit to the earth to be reverently buried at the direction of my executor hereinafter named and for the following of my Temporal Estate and Goods Chattels and Debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I order give and dispose the same in manner and form following that is to say
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the wife of James Alcock the sum of five shillings of lawful money to be paid unto her by my Executor
Item I give and bequeath unto my son James ffynn the sum of five shillings of lawful money to be paid unto him by my Executor and all debts on demand that are due to me to at 1744 from the said James ffynn and also my mo[e?]ddel sute of apparel as shirt and all from head to foot
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane, wife of John Wink the sum of thirty pounds of lawful money to be paid unto him by my Executor or his heirs and assigns Item
I give and bequeath unto my son William ffynn the sum of fifty five pounds of lawful money to be paid unto him by my Executor or his heirs and assigns
And whereas I am seised to me and my heirs and assigns according to the custom of the Manor of Great Briset and situate in Briset a certain messuage or Tenement with a Wind mill and the land and all edifices and all appurtenances thereunto belonging I do give and bequeath unto my son Abraham ffynn and his heirs and assigns ever nevertheless I will and bequeath that the said Abraham ffynn his heirs and assigns shall pay the sum of ten pounds of lawful money unto my granddaughter Mary Wellham and also in the like manner the sum of ten pounds unto her brother Robert Wellham my grandson and also in the like manner the sum of ten pounds now unto her sister Ester Wellham and also in like manner pay unto my son Simon ffynn his own brother the sum of ten pounds more within two years after my decease But to my grandchildren as they shall come of the age of twenty one and if it shall be that the said Abraham ffynn his heirs executors and administrators and assigns shall make default and not pay all the respective sums of money as aforesaid and to the persons aforesaid then I will that my son Simon and my aforesaid grandchildren or either of them shall seise the aforesaid Tenement and Windmill and all the appurtenances and enjoy all the rents and profits until they are all paid and I will that the said Abraham ffynn shall have the space of two years time after my decease for to pay unto my Executor all such debts and demands as shall be due unto me at my decease from him
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary ffynn my beloved wife the Bed piller Bouster Curtains and all things belonging to the bed as it stand in the parler and all my silver spoons and 3 pair of my best sheets a tablecloth and 3 napkins and my tea kittle and 2 pillars Beers[?] and everything of her wearing apparel
But all the remains of my goods chattels and stock both with in and without doors and all debts and money and lawful demands what so ever belong to my property at my decease I give and bequeath unto my son Simon ffynn to him and to his heirs and assigns for ever upon this condition that he the said Simon ffynn his heirs executors and administrators or assigns shall pay unto Mary ffynn my beloved wife the sum of one pound and ten shillings shillings every quarter of a year after my decease that is to saye six pounds of lawful money a year and every year for the term of time of her life and the said Simon Fenn his heirs executors and administrators shall pay all my funeral charges and the probit of my Will and all my debts and all my legacies that I have appointed whom for to pay as aforesaid and I do hereby appoint and make the said Simon Fenn my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me made in witness hereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Robert ffynn
Declared signed and sealed in the presence of us:
mary banyard
X from Mark of anne squrel
John Key

Simon ffynn the within named executor was on 4 November 1749 sworn before me Thomas Bishop's surrogate
Ref SRO 1C/AA1/178/68

Robert & Mary Fenn and family are a good fit to the Fenn/Fynn's of Ofton and Coddenham, however the Debenham death notice "Mary Fenn buried at St Mary Debenham 20 May 1704 wife of Robert" must be disproved to this Robert.
The above Will of Robert Fynn of Baylam 1749 goes a considerable way in doing this.

bullet  Research Notes:

Kenton is a small village about 8 miles from Coddenham, 10.5 from Barking, Barking to Kenton 13.9, Barking to Offton 3.6, Offton to Gt Bricett 2.6, Great Bricett to Barking 3.6

Mike Fenn writes 2015
Finally managed to visit the Record Office and looked at the Morley Collection HA87/A3 Willisham & Offton . No joy I am afraid as mainly to do with tithes and deeds to do with a Dawes and Grimwood.
Offton- agreements with Rev Leake
FB16/C/1 1710 - nothing concerning the Fynns

FB16/C3/2 1713. More successful - see photocopy attached with an excellent signature of Robert Ffynn.
July 1st 1713
Memorandum it is agreed between ye vicr [?] of Ofton & ye Inhabitants thereof that Tythes of Clover in kind both first & second crop is due, & for ye time to come shall faithfully & without any Fraud be paid to Mr Leake so long as he shall be their Minister. And likewise Mr Leake does promise so long as he shall be amongst them that he will not commence any limit at Law against any that shall honestly pay ye same and all other small Tythes that are due by Law & Custom of ye said Town & ye tenth of Wool for ye Tythe of Wether Sheep in witness whereof we have hereunto jointly set our Hands.

L Leake Vicl
John Segar [?]
Edw Sherman
Wm Martin
Robert ffynn

Mr :[?] Leake

Document FB16/C3/2 1713
Suffolk Record Office Ipswich 2015

No joy concerning apprenticeships in the 17th century concerning Fenns, Fynns.
All the best for 2015

Suffolk Burial Index
Robert Fen/Fenn/Fynn.
Robert Fen 7 Dec 1737 Cratfield.
Robert Fenn 18 May 1767 Gt Saxham
Robert Fenn 10 Jan 1750 Copdock
Robert Fynn son of Robert 10 Aug 1727 Offton
Kenton Parish Records
Ipswich R.O. FB44

Robert Fenn 19 Jul 1720 St Nicholas Wrentham SFK
Robert Fenn Lic to marry Mary Pleasant 23 Jun 1718 - Faculty Marr Lic, Findmypast
Robert Fenn m Eliz Coppinger 1666 Boyds FMP
Robert Fenn m Sarah Marks 1679 Harkstead Boyds

Ipswich Record Office:
Kenton Parish Records
Register FB44/D1/1 1538-1684
Containing: - Baptisms, 1538-1684.
Marriages, 1539-1683.
Burials, 1538-1684.

Register FB44/D1/2 1684-1776
Containing:- Baptisms, 1684-1776.
Marriages, 1684-1754.
Burials, 1684-1775

Register FB44/D1/3 1772-1845
Containing:- Baptisms, 1772-1812, 1844.
Burials, 1772-1812, 1844-5.

MS copy of the transcriptions of KENTON church yard inscriptions copied, 8 APR. 1929 - 1 sheet missing

FB44/G1/1 1768 - 1783
Overseers' Account Book
Very bad condition; pages loose and disintegrating.

SRO Ipswich Search 2017.
The notes you have supplied list document FB44/G1/1 Overseers Account Book Kenton 1768 - 1783, with a note that it is in a very poor condition. However, this has recently been conserved so I was able to look through it for any mention of FENN, as apprenticeships were often arranged through the Poor Relief system of the parish. However, whilst this document has been conserved it remains difficult to read, and I did not see any relevant entries.

There is also a collection of Overseers' books for the parish of Coddenham, starting with FB37/G1/1 1678 - 1702, which I have accessed, but this is in a difficult, close worded writing that is hard to read and so would take a considerable time to research properly.
Y Massingham.

Another question is who was the Robert Fenn apprentice below. Where was his apprenticeship served and what were his family's connections to the Guilds?
London Apprenticeship Abstracts 1700
Fenn Robert son of John, Kenton, Suffolk gentleman to Thomas Cave 2 Dec 1695 12 Mar
1699/1700 turned over to Thomas Dyer, citizen & salter the Grocers Company.
Ref: British

The Salters Company in 2015 advise that the Salters' Dictionary of Members, which includes all the details extracted from the Salters' Company apprenticeship (from 1678) and freedom (from 1716) shows:
There is nobody by the name of John Fenn or Robert Fenn listed in the Dictionary.
There is nobody by the name of Thomas Cave listed in the Dictionary.
There are references to two members named Thomas Dyer in the Dictionary: 1) Thomas Dyer, made a freeman or member of Salters, 6 January 1646/7 (at this time, the new year didn't begin until late March); 2) the same Thomas Dyer as mentioned in your reference from British , but sadly no further details about him are included in the Dictionary, and I'm afraid that there are no address details either (this was very rare in the earlier registers).
The word 'citizen' in your British Origins reference does mean citizen of the City of London.

SRO Ipswich Search - 2017
Item FB94/G1/21 Gatacre Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2LQ
Apprenticeship indenture:
Thomas Robert Smith, a poor boy, to Robert Fenn and Joanna his wife, of Whetsted 4 July 1681.

Item FC99/G/9/1 Gatacre Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2LQ
Apprenticeship indenture: Anne Kent, a poor child, d/o Edward Kent, apprenticed to John Fenn of Redenhall with Harleston (Norfolk) yeoman 21 Apr 1699.

No records were returned for a search of 'apprentice*', and the surname FYNN(E).
The notes you have supplied list document FB44/G1/1 Overseers Account Book Kenton 1768 - 1783, with a note that it is in a very poor condition. However, this has recently been conserved so I was able to look through it for any mention of FENN, as apprenticeships were often arranged through the Poor Relief system of the parish. However, whilst this document has been conserved it remains difficult to read, and I did not see any relevant entries.
Y Massingham.

Search by Mike Fenn.
Parish Register Transcripts J426/6 Offton Parish Memorandum 1716 . 'I gave leave to Robert Fynne of this Parish to digg in ye half acre meadow belonging to this vicarage only to raise a little Mould to better one Part of his Standard Fence lying against ye Meadow which now looks like a Ditch but ye owners or mensuers of that land on ye east Side of ye Meadow have no Ditch in ye Meadow as I can testify by my Hand - L Leake Vicar.' [Leake Senior - burial unknown)

Also Memorandum 1719. 'From ye West corner of ye Vicarage House at ye 3rd post and ye paling is a well used by both houses which I put by being in ye way of ye Paling and digg'd a new one which serves both houses.' L Leake Vicar.
'In the year 1794 I made a Brick Arch over the above mentioned well.' L Leake Vicar - buried Offton 15 October 1796. [Leake Junior]
Ref: Mike Fenn 2014


bullet  Other Records

1. Baylham, Suffolk: Parish Register Extracts, 2018, Mike Fenn.
Aldred, Hannah
Death 1708 in Baylham. Suffolk

Alecocke, Ann
Birth: 1743 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 31 Jan 1742/43 in Baylham. Suffolk
Death: 29 Jun 1745 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 29 Jun 1745 in Baylham, Suffolk

Alecocke, Ann
Birth: 1750 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 03 Mar 1749/50 in Baylham. Suffolk

Alecocke James
Marr: 1743 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1768 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 22 Apr 1768 in Baylham, Suffolk

Alecocke, James
Birth: 1746 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 01 Oct 1746 in Baylham, Suffolk

Alecocke, Sarah
Birth: 1744 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 13 Jan 1743/44 in Baylham. Suffolk

Andrews. Anne
Marr: 1464 in Baylham. Suffolk

Bedingfield, Robert
Marr: 1683 in Baylham. Suffolk

Bedingfield, Robert
Birth: 1684 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 03 Aug 1684 in Baylham, Suffolk

Bourchier, Thomas
Marr: 1464 in Baylham, Suffolk

Chaplin, Joseph
Birth: 1802 in Baylham, Suffolk

Chenery, Nathan
Marr: 1669 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death, Ann
Birth: 1776 in Baylham. Suffolk

Death, Edward
Birth: 1780 in Baylham, Suffolk

Death John
Birth: 1778 in Baylham, Suffolk

Death, Robert
Birth: 1783 in Baylham, Suffolk

Death Thomas
Marr: 28 Oct 1773 in Baylham. Suffolk

Death, Thomas
Birth: 1774 in Baylham, Suffolk

Driver, Emily
Birth: 1816 in Baylham Suffolk

Farthing, George
Marr: 1753 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fenn. Anna
Birth: 1779 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 14 Nov 1779 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fenn. Sarah
Birth: 1779 in Baylham. Suffolk
Baptised: 10 Jan 1779 in Baylham, Suffolk

Ffenne. Abraham
Death: 1745 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 31 Oct 1745 in Baylham, Suffolk

Ffenne. Sarah
Death: 1671 in Baylham, Suffolk

Ffynne, Robert
Burial: 14 Feb 1691/92 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1692 in Baylham, Suffolk

Foulger, Mary
Death: 1769 in Baylham, Suffolk

French, Joan [Hannah]
Birth: Abt. 1655 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 1675 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fyn, Mary
Burial: 01 Nov 1727 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: Oct 1727 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 1683 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Abraham
Birth: 1717 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 28 Apr 1717 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn Elizabeth
Birth: 1748 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 24 Apr 1748 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 24 Oct 1774 in Baylham, Suffolk
Banns: Bet. 02-23 Oct 1774 in Baylham Suffolk

Fynn, James
Birth: 1760 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 13 Dec 1761 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 24 Aug 1760 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1761 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, John
Birth: 1719 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 27 Sep 1719 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn. John
Marr: 06 Oct 1777 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Mary
Marr: 1743 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1780 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Mary
Burial: 30 May 1767 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1767 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Robert
Death: 1749 in Baylham, Suffolk
Will: 26 Sep 1749 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 12 Oct 1749 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Simon
Birth: 1724 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 04 Oct 1724 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Simon
Burial: 02 Jan 1780 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 20 Nov 1778 in Baylham. Suffolk
Banns: Bet. 04-18 Oct 1778 in Baylham. Suffolk

Fynn, Stephen
Birth: 1721 in Baylham. Suffolk
Baptised: 17 Dec 1721 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynn, Susannah
Birth: 1735 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 13 Jul 1735 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Anna
Birth: 1757 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 02 Jan 1757 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 28 Oct 1773 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Elizabeth
Marr: 1669 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Hannah
Birth: 1726 in Baylham. Suffolk
Baptised: 05 Dec 1726 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, James
Marr: 1679 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 1693 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1727 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 06 Jan 1726/27 in Baylham, Suffolk
Occu: 1727 in Baylham, Suffolk; Yeoman

Fynne, James
Baptised: 24 Oct 1714 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, James
Birth: 1762 in Baylham. Suffolk
Baptised: 16 May 1762 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, John
Burial: 19 Mar 1678/79 in Baylham. Suffolk
Death: 1679 in Baylham. Suffolk

Fynne, Mary
Death: 1768 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 06 Mar 1768 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Mary
Birth: 1677 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 13 Jan 1699/00 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 31 Dec 1677 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1700 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Robert
Birth: 1750 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 27 Jan 1749/50 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Robert
Marr: 1675 in Baylham, Suffolk

Fynne, Sarah
Birth: 1732 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 30 Oct 1817 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 16 Apr 1732 in Baylham. Suffolk
Marr: 1752 in Baylham. Suffolk

Fynne, William
Birth: 1754 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 27 Aug 1776 in Baylham. Suffolk
Baptised: 24 Apr 1754 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1776 in Baylham, Suffolk

Garrard. Ann
Birth: 1762 in Baylham. Suffolk
Marr: 20 Nov 1778 in Baylham, Suffolk
Banns: Bet. 04-18 Oct 1778 in Baylham, Suffolk

Glanfield. Alice
Death: 1747 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 03 Nov 1747 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers, Andrew
Birth: 1731 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 06 Jul 1814 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 1752 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers. Andrew
Birth: 1757 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 24 Apr 1757 in Baylham. Suffolk

Gowers. John
Birth: 1766 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 16 Mar 1766 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers, Richard
Birth: 1771 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 03 Feb 1778 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 10 Mar 1771 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1778 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers. Robert
Birth: 1775 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 05 Mar 1775 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers. Sarah
Birth: 1753 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 04 Feb 1753 in Baylham, Suffolk

Gowers, Susannah
Birth: 1755 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 16 Mar 1755 in Baylham, Suffolk

Jackson, Henry
Marr: 24 Oct 1774 in Baylham. Suffolk
Banns: Bet. 02-23 Oct 1774 in Baylham, Suffolk

Level, Elizabeth
Death: 1685 in Baylham, Suffolk
Marr: 1679 in Baylham, Suffolk

Death: 1697 in Baylham, Suffolk

Burial: 29 Jan 1731/32 in Baylham Suffolk
Death: 1732 in Baylham, Suffolk

Snelling, Ann
Burial: 07 Jun 1696 in Baylham. Suffolk
Death: 1696 in Baylham, Suffolk

Snelling. Mary
Death: 1671 in Baylham, Suffolk

Snelling, Simon
Burial: 03 Feb 1710/11 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1711 in Baylham, Suffolk

Squirrell, Ann
Birth: 1732 in Baylham. Suffolk

Squirrell, Daniel
Burial: 22 Apr 1768 in Baylham, Suffolk

Squirrel!, Daniel
Birth: 1735 in Baylham, Suffolk

Squirrell, Elizabeth
Birth: 1739 in Baylham, Suffolk

Squirrell, Fynne
Birth: 1729 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 06 Aug 1729 in Baylham, Suffolk

Squirrell, Robert
Birth: 1737 in Baylham, Suffolk

Vincent, Ann
Marr: 14 Oct 1755 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1802 in Baylham, Suffolk
Burial: 21 Mar 1802 in Baylham. Suffolk: Aged 69

Welham, Richard Edward
Birth: 1830 in Baylham. Suffolk

Wellham, Ann
Birth: 1756 in Baylham, Suffolk

Wellham, Esther
Birth: 1737 in Baylham, Suffolk
Baptised: 19 Apr 1737 in Baylham. Suffolk
Marr: 1753 in Baylham. Suffolk
Death: 1755 in Baylham. Suffolk
Burial: 11 Jul 1755 in Baylham, Suffolk

Wellham, George
Birth: 1770 in Baylham. Suffolk

Wellham. James
Birth: 1764 in Baylham. Suffolk

Wellham, John
Burial: 28 Feb 1741/42 in Baylham. Suffolk

Wellham. John
Birth: 1763 in Baylham, Suffolk

Wellham, Mary
Birth: 1757 in Baylham, Suffolk

Wellham, Richard
Birth: 1766 in Baylham, Suffolk

Wellham, Robert
Marr: 14 Oct 1755 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1807 in Baylham. Suffolk
Burial: 14 Jul 1807 in Baylham, Suffolk; Aged 76

Wellham, Robert
Birth: 1760 in Baylham, Suffolk
Death: 1770 in Baylham, Suffolk

West, Mary
Marr: 1693 in Baylham, Suffolk

Woodard, Margaret
Marr: 06 Oct 1777 in Baylham. Suffolk


Robert married Mary SMITH [19648] [MRIN: 7072], daughter of John SMITH [20228] and Mary PARKER [27774], in 1702 in Kenton SFK. (Mary SMITH [19648] was baptised on 3 Sep 1686 in Barking SFK and was buried on 30 May 1767 in Baylham SFK.)

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