The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON of Edwardstone [2673]
(-Bef 1651)
Margaret PENNING [2797]
(1565-Bef 1648)
Christopher HUDSON Esq of Norwich [3204]
Marye [22069]
Sir Edward ALSTON Kt M.D. [2674]
Susanna HUDSON [3203]

Sarah ALSTON Duchess of Somerset [3210]


Family Links

1. George GRIMSTON [3211]
2. Lord John SEYMOUR 4th Duke of Somerset [3213]
3. Lord Henry COLERAINE 2nd Bt. [3214]

Sarah ALSTON Duchess of Somerset [3210]

  • Born: 1631
  • Baptised: 6 Mar 1630/31, St Martin Orgar LND
  • Marriage (1): George GRIMSTON [3211] on 9 Dec 1652 in All Hallows London Wall, LND
  • Marriage (2): Lord John SEYMOUR 4th Duke of Somerset [3213] in 1661
  • Marriage (3): Lord Henry COLERAINE 2nd Bt. [3214] in Jul 1682
  • Died: 25 Oct 1692 aged 61
  • Buried: 2 Nov 1692, Westminster Abbey London

bullet  General Notes:

Sarah Duchess of Somerset made three marriages into the aristocracy, dying however without surviving issue. In her lifetime she was connected to many prominent people in the City, in Parliament, in the Law and Court, and was a wealthy woman in her own right.
Sarah had two children born of her first marriage to George Grimstone, however both died in infancy
Her second marriage to John Seymour was unhappy, and when he died she became a widow for the second time aged 43yrs. Although she had been estranged from Seymour for some time she must have remained attached to the family as in 1682 her title was confirmed permanently by Royal Warrant.
Sarah's name had been linked with Henry Hare (later Lord Coleraine) before her second marriage, he became a widower in 1680 and married Sarah aged 50 in 1682. She is said to have lived apart from her third husband during the last years of her life. Sarah had reserved in her marriage settlement the power to dispose of her own estate.
Her will which she had carefully prepared over some years was a document of over 60 pages, disposing of assets valued at about £50,000.
Perhaps influenced by her Physician father she founded numerous benefactions for the poor including The Somerset Hospital in Wiltshire, The Westminster Benefaction, and the Tottenham Foundation for the education of the poor.
"A Stuart Benefactress" by A Daly Briscoe 1973 is a fascinating peep into the life and times of Sarah, her family and friends. (ISBN 900963 35 2).

Horace Walpole says (Sir Peter Lely was taken with the illness which caused his death when he was painting the Duchess of Somerset formerly Miss Alston. -This must have been in 1679 or 80 then 48 or 9 years of age. Picture finished by Sir G. Kneller who came to England in 1674.
The portrait of this lady is now in the possession of the Rev. E. C. Alston who purchased it from the house of her last husband Lord Coleraine at Tottenham. (1898)

Sarah was buried in Westminster Abbey, under a very noble monument. The official register says she was buried near the monument of Lord Norris, which is in the Chapel of St. Andrew. However more accurately she is in the Chapel of St. Michael, on the left (the North side) just past the North Door entrance, towards the East end.
A portrait of Sarah in the Hall at Brasenose College Oxford origionally showed a scroll in Latin which read:- M.S.P. In sacred Memory of the most illustrious Sarah, late Duchess of Somerset most famous for her everlasting kindness towards the poor who for the benefit of BOYS founded a School of Grammer at Tottenham in the County of Middlesex greatly increased the growth of the Westminster Green Coats for the advancement of YOUNG MEN of excellent promise in piety and letters she endowed in perpetuity the Colleges of Brasen Nose at Oxford and of Saint John at Cambridge. And also looked to the training of others in the Mechanical Arts out of concern for the AGED. She caused to be built and endowed an Alms House for the support of thirty widows at Froxfield in the County of Wiltshire for the NEEDY of the Parish of Saint Margaret's Westminster she established a perpetual fund whereby they might be better supported. Furthermore Sundry Churches she splendidly embellished with truly magnificent adornments.

Will dated 17th. May, 1686 (2 Jas. ii.)
Testratrix describes herself as late wife of John, Duke of Somerset, deceased and now wife of Henry Lord Coleraine. Recites the reservation in her marriage settlement of a power to dispose of her estate. Commends her soul to God trusting through Jesus Christ to receive pardon and remission of her sins and a glorious resurrection. Directs her body to be interred in Westminster Abbey. Recites a deed to which she and Lord Coleraine Sir Harbottle Grimston Bt. Master of the Rolls deceased and Sir Samuel Grimston Bt. of Gorhambury co. Herts. his son and successor were parties by which certain estates were conveyed to the two Harbottles upon trust to dispose of as she might direct. And another deed (dated 14 July 34 Car. ii.) between herself Lord Coleraine Sir Harbottle Grimston Bt. Sir William Gregory Kt. one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer whereby certain estates in England and Ireland were conveyed to Sir Harbottle Grimston Bt. and his son Samuel for a term of 99 years if she should so long live, together with her ready money, plate, goods, chattells and household stuff, upon trust to dispose of as she might direct.
Directs her executors to expend £800 on her funeral and tomb, not more than £300 on her funeral and the balance on her tomb.
Bequeaths £1700 to build an Almshouse in two certain acres of land in Froxfield (ffroxfield) near to the village and church, for 30 poor widows. The almshouse to be in the form of a quadrangle with a chapel in the middle of the court. Both houses and chapel to be of brick. The houses each to have a ground room and chamber above with a hearth in each room but to be without cellars or garrets. £200 to be spent on tables bedsteads and "suchlike durable furniture," for the making of seats in the chapel cushions for the seats bibles for the minister and similar necessaries. If the houses were in process of being built by herself at her death only so much to be expended as might be needed to complete her object.
The thirty poor widows to be chosen thus-five and twenty from the counties of Wilts. Berks. and Somerset ten of whom should be minister's widows, and ten at least of whom should be from her manors in Wilts. The other five to be minister's widows from London or Westminster. These ratios to be maintained in filling up vacancies.
No widow possessing lands or tenements worth £20 a year or more to be eligible. Each widow to have an equal share from the maintenance fund.
Devises her farm of Milton and Fyfield in Wilts. (purchased of Thomas Kellway gent.) and let at £150 per annum and her manors of "ffroxfield" Hewish and Shaw to Wilts. worth by her " bailiff's and other officer's accounts " when certain leases determine £640 per annum for endowment purposes. Cloth gowns all of the same sort and colour are to be given the widows at Christmas. The minister of Froxfield to receive £10 per annum for daily prayers and visiting sick widows. A chaplain to be appointed when revenue suffices and the number of almshouses increased also under such circumstances to admit 20 more widows 5 from London and Westminster and 15 from other parts within 150 miles of London except Wilts. Somerset and Berks. 5 to be ministers widows.
Lands, &c., in Cotmarsh Broadhinton co. Wilts. left to provide funds to apprentice 4 boys born on her Wiltshire estates " to some honest trade or calling." Manor of Broadtowne co. Wilts. left to apprentice poor Wiltshire boys.
Manor of Thornhill co. Wilts. given to Brazenose College Oxford.
Manor of Wootton Rivers co. Wilts. given to St. John's College Cambridge.
Scholars in each college benefitting by funds to be called Somerset Scholars. The scholars to be elected from Manchester Hereford and Marlborough free schools. Part of profits of manors to go towards providing chambers studies gowns and caps for students and books.
Bequests of £300 for distribution among 30 poor widows of ministers in London or Westminster and 70 poor women aged or with many children or who " were burnt out by the late dreadful fires." £250 to apprentice 40 Westminster boys. £100 to poor of St. Margaret's parish. £300 to Richard Skinner's children. Sundry other legacies to relatives Sir Joseph Alston Bt. of Chelsea and family, the Gilberts, Coles, and to maid servants and waiting women. A silver gilt pierced work cup and salver weighing 88 oz. to the Countess of Aylesbury; a great silver basket to Viscountess Weymouth. Plate called "Twylight Plate" in trust for niece Lady Delamere with remainder to Lady Elizabeth Booth. Also things as in schedule to Lady Elizabeth. To Lady Mary Booth Japan cabinet and other furniture necklace of largest pearls " five-and-forty in number " and locket with " nine-and-twenty " diamonds. To Langham Booth things as in schedule. Also £4000 to Elizabeth, £3000 to her sister. Legacies of a hundred guineas to Charles Lord Bruce George Booth Lady Lukin and her son Capell Lukin. A large table diamond ring and gold enamelled watch with gold chain and pair of silver candlesticks and silver gilt pot and cover weighing 60 ounces to Sir Samuel Grimston. Legacies in money large silver " bason " and largest silver sugar " chiest " to Sir William Gregory.
Nominates Henry Lord Delamere Sir Samuel Grimston and Sir William Gregory executors and gives each £200 and mourning. Sundry legacies to Sir James Langham of Cottesbrook, Mrs. Sarah Harrington (cousin) William Thomas of Gray's Inn, Warner South of Gray's Inn, Edward Ryder of Wilton, the last three keepers of courts in her manors. Also legacies to James Gregory of Grays Inn steward of her courts in co. Hereford. A 60 oz. silver gilt salver to Lady Grimston. Necklace of pearls to sister-in-law Lady Howe, legacy to Mrs Mary Bredievake widow of Dr. Ralph Bredievake late Bishop of Chichester. A bequest for apprenticing 30 of the Westminster "greencoat" boys to some honest calling. Sundry legacies to her Brazenose and St. John's scholars at time of her death.
£250 for additional building to schoolhouse at Tottenham and £1100 for buying of lands, &c., for support same ; children of poor Tottenham parishioners to be taught free. Bequest of money for apprenticing 10 poor, Tottenham boys. Bequest to poor of Tottenham. Bequest to 30 poor women of Tottenham. Bequest for purchasing' Communion plate for Tottenham church and to upholster pulpit and communion table in crimson or purple velvet. The pulpit cloth to have a deep silver fringe at bottom and a narrow silver fringe at top and sides.
Lands, &c., in Little Ashley, Bradford, co. Wilts. and farm Cherrington or Chirton to Langham Booth.
Residuary devisee and legatee Lady Delamere.
Manors of Pewsey and Titcomb cum Oxenwood and other properties given to Charles Duke of Somerset and successors out of regard for supporting the honour of the Dukedom of Somerset.
All former wills revoked. Present will consists of 13 sheets each sheet signed by testatrix. Witnesses: James Gregory, Warner South, Robt. Browne, Mary Crewe, Charles Spencer, John Turney. Schedule attached (see post).

Codicil 10 Feb 3 W. and M. (1691).
Advowson of Church of Morton Rivers given to Master Fellows and Scholars of St. John's College Cambridge and Brazenose College Oxford for alternate presentations St. John's having first turn Somerset scholars to be appointed. Trustee Sir Samuel Grimston to convey as Henry Earl of Warrington and Sir William Gregory think fit the perpetual advowson and presentation to the Church of Hewish for the Chaplain of the almshouses.
Ten guineas to Philip Berwick Doctor in physick " if by letter left with him I commit to him some care concerning my body when I am dead."
Legacy to page John Cooke revoked "he having left my service."
£500 more to Lady Lukyn. £500 more to Lady Howe.
To Brother-in-law Sir Samuel Grimstone 120 shillings ' pieces of " broad gold."
£3,000 to Henry Booth son of my " niece the Countess of Warrington deceased " to buy land with.
Devise of Cherrington als Chirton to Langham Booth revoked L2000 to be laid out in buying lands for him instead.
Manor of Cherrington given for support of almshouses. £1000 given to buy land to support poor of St. Margaret's Westminster. Money given for velvet pulpit and communion cloth and cushions in St. Margaret's Church, gold and silver fringes to be used. £100 for communion plate at St. Margaret's and £200 for communion plate at Westminster Abbey. Bequest of money for cushions, &c., at Tottenham Church. £100 to Hospital of Green Coat Boys at Westminster. Hundred guineas to Henry Earl of Warrington also gold clock watch with steel case studded ; with gold and ring set with 7 diamonds and a silvergilt salver of about 6o oz.
To Lady Elizabeth Booth 100 pieces of broad twenty shilling pieces of gold. Same to Lady Mary Booth and George Lord Delamere.
To god daughter Lady Katherine Seymour daughter of Charles Duke of Somerset 200 guineas to buy plate. To Sir Joseph Alston Bt. grandson of Sir Joseph Alston of Chelsea Bart. decd. £20 and same to his brother Edward Alston. To sundry others, including Lydia Skynner late wife of Richard Skynner of Sudbury in Suffolk, small legacies. £1000 more given to buy lands for Hospital of Green Coat Boys at Westminster.
To Lady Elizabeth Booth a great Japan Cabinet. £20 to Mary Wittewronge grandchild to Sir Joseph Alston decd. Legacy of £300 to Richard Skynner's children altered to £100. £500 more to be spent on building almshouses and £100 more on finishing of Chapel.

Owing to death of Lady Delamere the two daughters and two younger sons of the Countess of Warrington appointed residuary devisees and legatees equally.
Witnesses: Ja. Wellington, Thomas Carpenter, Thomas Poole.
Proved 11 January, 1703 (old style) Ash 22. i i

This Schedule to the Duchess' Will being a most interesting part is here presented an full. Dated 17th of May, 1686.
These goods I give in trust to my niece the Lady Delamer, one rich Crimson bed with mixed silver gold and vestoone great fringe upon the vallens the bed lined with white satin and embroidered suitable and white satin inward vallens, eight crimson velvet covers for chairs two of which are elbow chairs, eight chairs the frames carved and japanned and gilt, four large velvet tops and four plumes of white feathers for the top of the bed, one crimson sarcenet (A very fine and soft material made both plain and twilled in various colours) case to draw over the bed and all things that belong to the said crimson velvet bed, one new suite of tapestry hangings about 8 1/2 feet deep containing five pieces being the story Moses and the Apostles, one other suite of tapestry hangings about 9 feet deep containing five pieces being the story of Tarquin and Lucretia, one large Persian carpet, two lesser Persian carpets suitable, two white damask window curtains, one great tortoise shell cabinet embossed with silver in the inside and frame to it suitable, one ebony strong box with gilt bars cross over it, one great walnut tree trunk lined with scarlet satin, two high stands carved and gilt, one great looking glass the frame of it carved and gilt, one large ermine mantle to lay over a great bed the said mantle being lined with white satin, one large silver gilt salver weighing about 60 ounces, one silver bason narrow brimmed all the outside being wrought in several flowers, six silver trencher plates having my former Lord's and my arms engraved thereon and a Duke's coronet, one large silver pair of silver snuffers, one gold clock-watch with a black frame of ebony, one rich carved gilt new coach lined with crimson and gold colour wrought velvet and four gold coloured damask curtains and a great vestoone silk fringe on the inside of the coach and six great glasses belonging to the said coach and two yellow cloth horse-cloths bordered round with crimson and gold colour wrought velvet and what else belongs to the said coach and six brass harness gilt and finely wrought. I would have my niece Delamer leave these things to her eldest son to remain in the family as they will last."
To the eldest daughter of her niece Lady Delamer she gave - One ring set with nine diamonds, one necklace of small pearls of three rows, one fine Holland twilight laced round with broad Flanders lace and one Flanders broad laced Holland border to go round the bottom of the bed suitable, four little fine Holland pillowbers laced round with broad bone lace, about 111/2 yards of pure fine broad new point de Venise being for a handkerchief or shape for the neck and one pure fine very narrow point de Venise for one pair of cuffs suitable, one pocket handkerchief set round with broad point de Venise all which points are looped thick, 22 yards of black farrendine, 12 yards of new black morella tabby, one new mantle of mixed red and white venetian wrought silk stuff wrought like large leaves lined with sarcenet (no lace upon it) and about 5 yards of the same new venetian wrought silk stuff suitable, one fillimote mohair furniture for a great bedstead lined with sky colour sarscenet and one laced quilt to lay over the bed, six chairs of fillimote mohair suitable to the bed containing four curtains vallances basis head piece, head board tester, and inward vallances 4 cups and 4 spriggs for the top of the said bed, one scarlet satin large quilt lined with sarscenet to lay over a great bed, one cloth of silver mantle wrought in little flowers of mixed scarlet and black lined with scarlet sarscenet, one cherry colour morella tabby twilight laced with a very broad ground work tape lace, one silver warming pan, nine silver knobs of wrought plate for two hooks for a chimney and for one fire shovel and tongs, two more larger round knobs of wrought plate for a fire grate, one sad cloth furniture for a large bedstead containing four cloth curtains vallance with a deep silk fringe on it of the same sad colour the bed lined with cherry colour sarscenet containing also inward vallance head piece, tester and a large quilt to lay over the bed of cherry colour sarscenet, one little picture set in gold of my former husband, John, Duke of Somerset, one hair broad bracelet for the arm curiously wrought in flowers with hair of several colours, one little tortoise shell box filled with gessimine glasses, one large strong water case embroidered all over with gold and silver of the outside and lined with red satin and all the glasses having silver tops and silver cup and handle in the middle of them.
Then to her niece Delamer's daughter, Mary Booth, her goddaughter she gave the following One large silver writing standish, my late husband the Duke of Somerset and my arms engraved thereon and a Duke's coronet, nine silver knobs of wrought plate finer wrought than those before mentioned being for one fire shovel and tongs and for two hooks for a chimney, two larger silver knobs made higher for a chimney grate, one little tortoiseshell cabinet finely inlaid with ivory and ebony and the drawers lined with red sarscenet, one scarlet velvet mantle laid with a broad silver and gold lace, one scarlet brocade satin cloak mantle being bordered round with ermine and lined with scarlet sarscenet, one new pink colour satin twilight set round with a broad silver lace and four silver tassels one at each corner, one Holland twilight set round with broad point de parry, one Holland border for to go round the bottom of a bed laced with broad point de parry, about one yard and a half of pure fine broad point de venise being for a handkerchief or shape for the neck the said point being now never washed, one new fine broad point de Venise set round an apron being now never washed, one more pure fine point de Vemse handkerchief or shape for the neck being wrought in several long leaves. All which points are looped thick. One new lemon colour plain satin petticoat laced with a broad rich silver lace and set down before with loops made all of silver wire, one mixed pink colour and white new plain satin gown laced with a broad rich silver lace, one sky colour cloth of silver petticoat, one new broad rich silver lace to set upon a petticoat, 18 yards of black new velvet, 28 yards of black new silk crepe, about 5 yards of new crimson velvet, 20 yards of mixed grediline and white broad new lute string. One great pear tree black cabinet that opens with doors and is well carved on the inside containing in all about 35 drawers and one black frame it stands upon and "my mind and will is that when the said cabinet is delivered to my said niece Mary Booth she shall then give to her brother Langham Booth the black ebony cabinet that I lately gave her and the frame to it", one brockedell furniture for a large bedstead of mixed colours, gold crimson and white wrought in flowers the bed lined with crimson and white striped India satin and striped satin quilt headpiece and tester suitable, 4 long curtains and basis for round the bottom of the bed, 18 silk tassels of the same mixed colours to tie up the curtains, 4 cups and 4 spriggs for the top of the bed, 8 brockedell cushions for chairs suitable, 11 yards of mixed colours new brockedell the same as my brockedell bed, one green wrought upon white dimity furniture for a great bedstead containing 4 curtains, counterpane vallance, headpiece basis and covers for some chairs being all suitable, the said bed being wrought silk lorrells and white calico lining to the said bed, one large rich sable muff and one large rich sable tippet, one white quilt to lay over a bed stitched with white silk all over, one large silver salver having abrought brim wrought, 19 yards of new white damask for window curtains, one silver little watch made in scholop fashion and silver case to it, one sedan chair lined with crimson velvet.
To her cousin, Elizabeth Cole, she gave - One sable tippet the shortest and worst of my two tippets, one new black velvet cloak mantle lined with black wrought satin, one pink colour wrought silk mantle wrought in little flowers lined with pink sarcenet, and one pink wrought silk large sweet bag suitable no lace on either of them, one scarlet velvet little dressing box with a looking glass in it.
To her waiting woman, Elizabeth Crow - One green satin petticoat embroidered with gold and silver, one white morella tabby petticoat no lace on it, one white wrought silk mantua gown striped with gold stripes and lined with cherry coloured spotted lute string, one new cherry coloured morella tabby under bodice and sleeves, one new fine black cloth gown (not laced), one petticoat, one black wrought striped satin long gown, one white sarcenet petticoat laced broad with black lace, one ash coloured sarcenet and laid with silver gold and silver fringe.
Then again to her said god-daughter, Mary Booth, and her sister Elizabeth Booth, all my several point de Venise and all my pure fine broad Flanders lace wearing linen and all my fine household linen that I do not give away and bequeath elsewhere to be equally divided between them.
To her niece Delamer's younger son, Langham Booth, she gave One silver bason of plain plate with a brim, one great silver tankard having my former Lords and my arms engraven thereon but no coronet, one great silver chaffing dish, one emerald ring set between two diamonds, one India wood large writing standish having one great drawer in it and the outside of the wood being of a reddish colour and inlaid with black, five silver trencher plates having broad brims and one silver trencher plate having a narrow brim. Morning gown with silk, one plain satin mantle lined with white sarcenet, one lemon colour plain sarcenet petticoat, one scarlet satin petticoat (not laced), one white lutestring mantua gown lined with blue sarcenet, one tape point coif not gimped and cornett for the head suitable both of Holland and laced with the said tape point, one pocket handkerchief laced with point Holland all the said points being looped thick, one silver porringer and three silver spoons and one trencher salt and one little silver pot with handle all to be of the oldest most used plate.
She remembered Ann Knapp who was lately her servant with the following goods: One new black watered mohair long gown and petticoat both of them laced with a broad black lace, one mixed gredeline white and buff colour new wrought tabby long gown having slashed sleeves, one black wrought lutestring long gown laced with black lace, one fine new black cloth long gown and petticoat, one new coloured sarcenet wadded petticoat, one black crape long gown and petticoat, one cherry colour tabby petticoat laced broad with white gimp lace phillamot wrought tabby cloak mantle lined with ash colour wrought satin, one pink colour sarcenet petticoat, one green wrought satin mantle of a small work and four green wrought satin sweet bags suitable, one white cloth of silver petticoat, one white antereen stuff mantua gown and petticoat, one tape point cornet for the head being all point and gimped over and one Holland coif with tape point on it gimped suitable, one pocket handkerchief set round with tape point gimped all of the said tape points being looped, one silver porringer and three silver spoons and the least of my silver tankards, one trencher salt all to be of the oldest most used plate.
It ended - In witness whereof I have to this schedule containing seven sheets of paper all written with my own hand subscribed my name to every one of the said sheets.

Buried Nov. 2, 1692, Sarah, Duchess of Somerset. [in the Abbey.]
Youngest of the two daughters of SIR EDWARD ALSTON, Kt., M.D., the eminent President of the Royal College of Physicians, London, by Susan, dau. of Christopher Hudson, of the city of Norwich, Esq. She married, first, George Grimston, Esq., eldest son of Sir Harbottle Grimston, second Bart., who died 5 June, 1655, in his father's lifetime, and without issue; secondly, John Seymour, fourth Duke of Somerset, who died in 1675, and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral; and thirdly Henry, second Lord Coleraine, from whom, however, she is said to have lived apart during the last years of her life. The unofficial register says she was buried near the monument of Lord Norris, which is in the chapel of St. Andrew.

bullet  Research Notes:

Image Courtesy of Brasenose College Oxon.

Other images courtesy R. P. Alston Antiquarian and Genealogist.

THE BROAD TOWN CHARITY.-Was founded by Sarah, Duchess Dowager of Somerset, who by her Will dated the 17th day of May, 1686, bequeathed her Manor of Broad Town, Wilts, and other property to Trustees, to the intent that the rents and profits from thence accruing should be for ever employed in apprenticing to some honest trade or calling poor male children which should be born, and, at the time of such apprenticing, should actually reside in the County of Wilts.
Boys born within any of the Foundress's Manors have the preference of priority of binding over boys born elsewhere in the County of Wilts.
The practice is for parents of Manor boys to present at the annual meeting of the Trustees certificates of the baptism of their boys and proof of their birth within one of their Manors, and if the proof be satisfactory and the boy of proper age, an order for his apprenticeship is entered on the minutes, and he is bound as soon as a master is provided. The surplus revenue of the year is then apportioned between the Trustees so as to enable them to nominate County boys, that is to say, boys born in the County of Wilts, as fit objects to receive the benefits of the charity. Each Trustee usually receives one or two nominations every year, according to the balance in the Receiver's hands.
No boy is allowed to be apprenticed to his own father, or to be apprenticed under 13 or above 17 years of age. The apprentice fee is now £20, and is paid by three instalments, viz £6 at binding, £6 after 3 years' service, and the remainder two years afterwards.
The Trustees hold an annual meeting on the second Thursday in July, unless the Assizes should be held in that week.
No charge is ever made on the Trust fund for the expenses of the Trustees in attending such meeting.
There are many instances of persons who have acquired good fortunes in their trades, and have greatly advanced their conditions in life, by having, as boys, derived the benefit of this excellent charity, and the parish Church of Cliffe Pypard contains a handsome marble monument (said to have cost £1000), to the memory of a man, who, having received the benefit of this charity as a manor boy, was bound apprentice to the trade of a carpenter, afterwards became a master builder, and amassed a large fortune ; and by his Will, he founded a school in that parish, for instructing poor boys in reading and writing (in which he had felt his own deficiency in early life), and directed, that the monument adverted to, should be erected to commemorate his advancement in hfe, and to stimulate future generations to industry and perseverance,
The following is a list of the Trustees :
H. N. Goddard, esq.
G. P. Fuller, esq.
A. L. Goddard, esq.
The Hon. & Rev. B. P. Bouverie.
The Marquis of Lansdowne.
Lord E. Fitzmaurice.
G. T. J. Sotheron-Estcourt, esq.
Major C. Walker-Heneage, V.C.
A. D. Hussey Freke, esq. I
The Right Hon. W. H. Long, M.P.
C. E. H. A. Colston, esq., M.P.
J. C. Pleydell Calley, esq.
Steward and Receiver: J. E. G. Bradford, esq., Swindon.


bullet  Other Records

1. Sarah Alston Duchess of Somerset: Duchess of Somerset Hospital: Froxfield Marlborough WIL.
Welcome to a very special place. The Duchess of Somerset's Hospital is not a hospital at all, but a sheltered housing scheme for women, operated by an historic trust. It is based in Froxfield, Marlborough, Wiltshire close to where the Duchess once lived.

The accommodation was first founded around 1695, under the Will of Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, an important social benefactress, who wanted to build a set of houses and a chapel for widows from Wiltshire, Somerset and Berkshire. Over the course of time, this group of houses came to be called 'the collegiate' and is now referred to by residents as 'The College'.

Today, these 50 historic self-contained units, known as cottages, are fully modernised and maintained to a good standard, (electricity installed 1937 & bathrooms were added in the 1970's !). They are arranged in four terraces in the form of a quadrangle, with views into the serene and secure grounds, with the ancient chapel at the centre of the green. The residents, all female and over 55, are from a rich and diverse mixture of backgrounds.

Sarah Alston married secondly John Seymour, the Whig MP for Marlborough, Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire and Somerset and subsequently the 4th Duke of Somerset.
The Duchess founded various benefactions for the poor including The Somerset Hospital in Wiltshire, for widows.

(From the Marlborough Directory).
SOMERSET HOSPITAL was founded in 1686 by Sarah, Duchess Dowager of Somerset, who bequeathed landed and other property for its erection and for the maintenance of 30 widows,
In 1775, 20 additional houses were erected ; and the property having much improved in value, the trustees found that the income was sufficient to allow them to offer a home with the annual allowance and other privileges to 50 widows (30 widows of laymen and 20 widows of clergymen). The Hospital is an oblong quadrangle built of brick, situated in Froxfield, and close to the high road from Marlborough to Hungerford.
The chapel, which stands in the centre, was erected in memory of Thomas, late Earl of Ailesbury.
The Trustees, 12 in number, are chosen from the nobility and gentry of the county ; and as they present in rotation, application
to them individually is the only mode of obtaining a nomination for admission when a vacancy occurs. The trustees also appoint the steward, surgeon, and chaplain.
The following is a list of the trustees :-
H. N. Goddard, esq., Clyffe Manor, Wootton Bassett,
A. L. Goddard, esq., The Lawn, Swindon.
The Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G., Bowood, Calne.
Major C. Walker-Heneage, V.C., Compton Bassett, Calne.
G. C. Walker-Heneage, esq., Compton Bassett, Calne.
G. T. J. Sotheron-Estcourt, esq., Estcourt, Tebury.
The Marquis of Ailesbury, Savernake Forest.
F. W. Leyborne-Popham, esq., Littlecote, Hungerford.
Fitzroy P. Goddard, esq., The Lawn, Swindon.
The Right Hon. W. H. Long, M.P., 97, Eaton Place, S.W.
C. E. H. A. Colston, esq., M.P., Roundway Park, Devizes.
J. C. P. Calley, esq., Burderop Park, Swindon.

Lay Widowers-The trustees will present as vacancies occur according to rotation, in the following manner
Houses are appropriated: Wilts, Berks, and Somerset, 5 ; London and Westminster, 5 ; counties at large,
any place within 150 miles of London (except Wilts, Berks, and Somerset), 10 ; Manors of Froxfield, Huish,
and Shaw, Broad Town, Wootton Rivers, and Thornhill in Wilts, 10. Total number of lay widows, 30.
Clergy Widows: Wilts, Berks, and Somerset, 10 ; London and Westminster, 5 ; counties at large (as above), 5.
Total number of clergy widows, 20.

Widows eligible for nomination must be such as shall be settled in some parish within the district from
whence they are to be selected ; or whose last place of residence shall have been usually within such district
for the space of 40 days next previous to the vacancy.
Steward: E. B. Merriman, esq., Marlborough.
Surgeon: J. B. Maurice, esq., M.D.,
Chaplain: Rev. H. D. Lovett, Huish.
Officiating Chaplain: Rev. J. M. Savery, Froxfield.

Froxfield Vicarage,
Aug. 30, 1900.
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 28th inst., I enclose a statement about the Somerset Hospital
taken from the Marlborough Directory, and also a small photograph of the College Chapel and part of the buildings.
I enquired at two of the Stationers in Hungerford but could not hear of any photograph of the Duchess. The
ladies at the Somerset Hospital (which is locally called the College), each have a photograph I think.
Formerly the College supported 50 widows, now there are only 16, including clergy and lay.
The depreciation in landed property has led to the decline of this charity.
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
L. Cresswell, Esq.
Officiating Chaplain.
P.S.-There is a large recumbent effigy of the Duchess in Westminster Abbey with an account of her charities
in Latin. The marble representation seems to me more pleasing than the photographs of the portrait.
Alstoniana pg 298.

Founders Day 2012 (317yrs)

2. Sarah Alston Duchess of Somerset: Somerset School Tottenham.
A Tottenham grammar school had existed for centuries. Its origins are unclear, possibly dating back to 1456 but in 1631 a legacy was left by Sarah, Duchess of Somerset to extend the existing school house and provide free education to poor children from Tottenham.

(Copy of, School Prospectus.)
Endowed by Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, 1686.
Joseph Howard, Esq., M.P., J.P., Chairman.
Thomas Biscoe, Esq.
The Rev. W. C. Howell, M.A.
Herbert Nield, Esq.
Fredk. Jenkins, Esq.
Joshua Pedley, Esq., J.P.
The Rev. Denton Jones, M.A.
S. Lloyd Stacey, Esq., J.P.
E. Patten Huggett, Esq., J.P.
R. F: H. Webb. Esq., Hon. Treasurer.
E. Hooper May, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S.
Head Master: John T. Cohen, B.A., London.
Position of School: The School stands in the High Road, five minutes from Bruce Grove, and ten minutes from Seven Sisters' Station. Trams from Edmonton, Stamford Hill, and Finsbury Park pass the door.
Admission: Boys are admitted at eight years of age, and it is a great advantage to join the School at, or as soon as possible after that age.
Application for admission must be made by the.boys' parents or guardians to the Head Master, A printed form is attached for that purpose.
Every applicant for admission must be examined by the Head Master. The examination for admission is graduated according to the age of the boy, but it never, for any boy, falls below the following standard:-
(I) Reading ; (2) Writing from dictation ; (3) Sums in the first four simple rules of Arithmetic with the Multiplication Table.
Buildings, Playing Fields, &c: The Buildings, which have been recently enlarged and improved, provide excellent accommodation for upwards of 150 boys (number in December, 1900, was 193). They comprise a large hall, divisible into two class-rooms by folding partitions, three class.rooms, and a Chemical Laboratory.
A large playground adjoins the School, and a field is provided for Cricket and Football. Military Drill and Dumb Bell Exercises are taught to all the boys.
Fees: £2 per term (three terms in the year) for Boys under 12 years of age.
£2 10s. per term for Boys over 12 years of age.
These Fees include Stationery, use of Books, and Subscription to Library and Sports' Fund. There is no other expense whatever, except the School Cap (2/.).
The Fees are payable each term in advance, within the first week of each Term.

The Subjects of instruction are as follows :-
*Religious Knowledge-The principles of the Christian Religion and the Study of the Scriptures.
English-Grammar and Literature.
Latin, French and German.
Mathematics-Euclid, Algebra, and Trigonometry.
History and Geography.
Science-Chemistry (Theoretical and Practical), Sound, Light, Heat and Mechanics.
Arithmetic, Reading, Writing, and Spelling.
Drawing-Freehand, Model, and Perspective.
Vocal Music. Shorthand (Pitman's).
* The parent or guardian of any Scholar may claim, by notice in writing to the Head Master, the exemption of such Scholar from attending prayer or religious instruction.

Examinations: Boys are prepared for the Cambridge Local Examinations [for which the School is a centre), the
London University Matriculation, the Minor Civil Service, the South Kensington Science and Art Examinations, &c.
The fee paid by Candidates for the Cambridge Local Examinations is returned by the Governors to the parents
of all Boys who pass in one of the three Honours Classes.
The School is annually examined by an Examiner appointed by the Cambridge University Syndicate. A printed
copy of the Examiner's Report may always be had on application to the Head Master.
Scholarships: There are Five Free Scholarships open to Boys attending the School, entitling the holders to entire exemption from School Fees up to the age of 17.
School Cap: Every Boy attending the School is required to wear the School Cap. In summer a straw hat with band of the School colours may be worn.
(The above is not a complete copy, but of those portions only of interest to my work).
Alstoniana pgs. 279, 280, 281.

On 15 March 1945, a V-2 rocket landed on the corner of White Hart Lane and Queen Street, killing two fourth-year boys, with another losing his right arm.

The school suffered a major fire in it main building and hall in 1975.

Due to falling numbers this school closed in 1988 and was demolished, becoming a housing estate on Somerset Gardens, and a site for Middlesex University - halls of residence for the Tottenham Campus (now closed)
The sale of the school provided £9.1 million, which was used to set up a charitable foundation, the Tottenham Grammar School Foundation.

3. Sarah Alston Duchess of Somerset: Portrait at St Johns College Cambridge.
Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, by Sir Peter Lely
Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, was key benefactor to St Johns College. St. John's College, Cambridge, was her Father's alma mater. Recipients would be known as the Somerset Scholars and the scholarships would also include provision for providing "chambers, gowns, caps and books".

In her lifetime Sarah was a prolific benefactor, leaving land in March and Wiltshire to St John's, scholarships at Brasenose College Oxford and Tottenham Grammar School.

Her portrait is by a follower of the Dutch artist Sir Peter Lely, who was the king's principal portrait painter after the Restoration.
Lely was so busy that this large workshop included many junior artists painting under his direction, and this portrait comes from that group.
Or in:
"A Stuart Benefactress" by A Daly Briscoe 1973
Horace Walpole says (Sir Peter Lely was taken with the illness which caused his death when he was painting the Duchess of Somerset formerly Miss Alston. -This must have been in 1679 or 80 then 48 or 9 years of age. Picture finished by Sir G. Kneller who came to England in 1674.
The portrait of this lady is now in the possession of the Rev. E. C. Alston who purchased it from the house of her last husband Lord Coleraine at Tottenham. (1898)

4. Sarah Duchess of Somerset.: Manchester Grammer School: Old Hall Lane Manchester LAN.
In 1515 when Hugh Oldham founded the Manchester Free Grammar School, Manchester constituted little more than a village, see left hand image of the "New school" at Mill Gate.

1650-1700 - The Duchess of Somerset.
The ability to send poor boys to university was aided by the Duchess of Somerset. In 1679 the Duchess set aside profits to maintain four scholars from Manchester Free School at Brasenose. In her will in 1686, she created scholarships at Brasenose College, Oxford and St John's College, Cambridge to support poor scholars from Hereford, Marlborough and Manchester Grammar School.

The Duchess particularly specified that her preferred scholars should be drawn from the counties of Lancashire, Cheshire and Hereford and somehow MGS managed to obtain most of the scholarships for its own pupils.

In 1679 Sarah's only surviving relative was her niece, her two children having died in infancy. Her niece was married to Lord Delamere of Dunham Massey who was a Feoffee (later to be known as Governors) of MGS. Brasenose College, Oxford, was the alma mater of her first husband. The scholarship money for this endowment came from the profits of a manor at Iver in Buckinghamshire which she had inherited from her second husband the Duke of Somerset. These awards were therefore known as Somerset Iver exhibitions.

St. John's College, Cambridge, was her Father's alma mater. Recipients would be known as the Somerset Scholars and the scholarships would also include provision for providing "chambers, gowns, caps and books". In addition to the family link to MGS via her niece, the Duchess was drawn to all three schools because of their Whig connections. MGS's High Master at the time, William Barrow, was known to sympathise with the Whig cause. All the Feoffees, including Lord Delamere, were convinced Whigs.

Centre image is of the school c1750.

Right hand image: the new building at Mill Gate
In October 1880 the building was finished, lauded by the British Architect as 'one of the most completely finished buildings of its kind in the kingdom, and having a gymnasium, considered second to none in Europe.' Five hundred boys at once could now drill indoors en masse.

The plethora of extra-curricular activates continued to expand. Swimming contests began in 1881; a cricket field was rented and a Rifle Corps established. Theatre was a regular feature of School life.

The Somerset scholarships would increase the attraction of MGS beyond the boundaries of the city to parents further afield, keen for their boys to gain entry to Oxford and Cambridge. Boarding houses sprung up to accommodate the many boys who travelled from well beyond Manchester to attend the School. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, MGS supplied a sixth of the intake to Brasenose College.

Many Old Mancunians today will remember receiving Somerset Scholarships and Somerset Iver Exhibitions to Oxford and Cambridge, and they continued to be awarded up until the 1970s.

5. Sarah Duchess of Somerset.: Memorial in Westminster Abbey: London.
In the chapel of St Michael in Westminster Abbey is a monument to Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, philanthropist. This shows a reclining effigy of the Duchess in contemporary dress and robes, between two kneeling Charity schoolboys. The original canopy, pilasters and coat of arms were removed in the 19th century when the monument was reduced in size. The sculptor was possibly Grinling Gibbons. She is actually buried in the adjoining chapel of St Andrew.

The Latin inscription can be translated:
"Here lies the late most illustrious Duchess of Somerset, ever celebrated for her charity and beneficence, who erected a grammar school for boys at Tottenham in the county of Middlesex, enlarged the income of the Green Coat Hospital at Westminster, largely endowed Brasenose College in Oxford, and St John's in Cambridge, for the education and nourishing of youth in piety and good literature; she was likewise an encourager of trades and handicrafts, and had a tender regard to old age, by erecting an almshouse at Froxfield in Wiltshire for thirty widows: she was very charitable to the poor of St Margaret's Westminster, where she instituted a lecture, and gave many stately ornaments to the Church.
She died the 25th of October 1692."

The flagons, chalice, patens and almsdishes that were given to St Margaret's in her name in 1694 still exist.
Courtesy of Westminster Abbey Records.


Sarah married George GRIMSTON [3211] [MRIN: 1084], son of Sir Harbottle GRIMSTON 2nd Bart [3212] and Mary CROKE [21], on 9 Dec 1652 in All Hallows London Wall, LND. (George GRIMSTON [3211] was born about 1631 in Bradfield ESS and died on 5 Jun 1655.)


Sarah next married Lord John SEYMOUR 4th Duke of Somerset [3213] [MRIN: 1086], son of William SEYMOUR 2nd. Duke of Somerset. [4856] and Frances DEVEREUX [4857], in 1661. (Lord John SEYMOUR 4th Duke of Somerset [3213] was born about 1630, died on 29 Apr 1675 and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral.)


Sarah next married Lord Henry COLERAINE 2nd Bt. [3214] [MRIN: 1087] in Jul 1682. (Lord Henry COLERAINE 2nd Bt. [3214] was born in 1636 and died in 1708.)

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