The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Miss BENDLOWES [2816]
Thomas ALSTON of Edwardstone [945]
(Abt 1554-1614)
Dorothy HOLMSTEAD [2672]

Edward ALSTON of Edwardstone [2673]
(-Bef 1651)


Family Links

1. Margaret PENNING [2797]

2. Frances CHAUNCEY [3186]

Edward ALSTON of Edwardstone [2673]

  • Marriage (1): Margaret PENNING [2797] in 1586 in Edwardstone SFK
  • Marriage (2): Frances CHAUNCEY [3186]
  • Died: Bef 1651

bullet  General Notes:

Edward is of Sudbury and Edwardstone. He was not mentioned in his fathers Will, and does not appear to have had issue by his second marriage.

Accepted at Kettleborough 16 July 1575.

The IGI has several conflicting entries between 1561 and 1600 for the birth of Edward son of Thomas and Dorothy Homestead & Hamstead, also the Edwardstone Transcripts Pg 353 Alstoniana refer to an unplaced Edward son of Thomas bap 1603 Edwardstone

Thomas was mentioned for 20/- in his half brother Isaac Alston's will 20 May 1625.

ALSTON v. DOGGETT & others.
Bill 5 Feb. 1644/5 by Edward Alston, late of Edwardeston, co. Suffolk, clothier, but now of Sudbury in the said co. v. Avice Doggett and others.
In 1603 the complainant took a bet of L10 (40 to one against) that Wm. Doggett and Avice his wife, being then old, would not live for 40 years, and gave a bond in the penal sum of L800 to pay them L400 if they should be living on the corresponding day in 1643. The suit relates merely to this bond, and contains no Alstone material.
Mitford 54/44 1644/5
Alstoniana Pg 173

An Edward Alstone of Edwardstone was an overseer and witness to the Will of John Houlton gent of Sudbury, 30 October 1650.
Ref: Scroope 869, NZSOG Auckland.

bullet  Research Notes:

The following is not proven to Edward [2673]
"In the year 1637, during divine service there was a violent thunder storm and a lad had bought his masters horse, for a Mr Edward Alston one of the worshippers. Seeing the rain some of the congregration beckoned to the boy to take shelter in the porch where there was insufficient room for boy and horse, so the horse entered the church itself.
Mr Alston seeing the animal mounted it within the building and rode out it is stated using at the same time some indiscreet words to the Sexton"
For this act Mr Alston was arrainged before the court and it was thought fit that he should do penance by acknowledging his fault in the said church. In delivering judgement, the presiding judge decreed that "as Mr Alston is an ancient gentleman in years and desireth that he may rather redeem his penance, I accept his offer to pay 20 marks towards the repair of St Pauls Church London and he is to pay L6 13s 4d to the promotor of the suit.
Ref: A Guide to the Church and Parish of Edwardstone" 1980
Cuttings file Edwardstone, Bury RO.
Suffolk RO 942.64

Feb. 5. 1636. Order of Sir John Lambe, referee of the case of Edward Alston, charged in the High Commission with defiling the vestry and riding into the church of Edwardstone, Suffolk (see Vol. ccclvii., No. 174). In the matter of the vestry he has lawfully purged himself. For the other charge, it was in a great shower of rain, and without his command, that his horse was brought into the church; but he got up upon him in the church and used some indiscreet words to the sexton. Therefore it is fit that he acknowledge his fault in the church; but being an ancient gentleman, he desires to redeem his penance, and offers 20 marks towards the repairs of St. Paul's, which Sir John accepts, and further orders him to pay 6?. 13s. 4c?. costs. [Draft, lip.]

From Calendar of State Papers: Preserved in the State Paper Department ..., Volume 12
[May?] 174. Statements ready to be deposed by Francis Whistler, Thomas Munford, John Halliwell, Thomas Randall, William Usher, Thomas Crick, Robert Edwards, Peter Packharnes, George King, and George Buckingham, in defence of Edward Alston, charged with defiling the vestry and riding into the church of Edwardstone, Suffolk. The defence was that the defilement was the act of " one of Mr. Brande's sons," and that Alston did not ride into church, but that his boyr without his master's knowledge, brought a horse within the 1C37 Vol. CCCLVII.
church-door, being called in by some of the parish during " a terrible tempest." [2 pp."]

Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I, Volume 11


bullet  Other Records

1. Edward Alston: Will, 3 Feb 1648/49, Sudbury SFK.
Dated February 3 1648/49
I give to Fraunces my wife an annuity of L20 according to an obligation given unto Mr. George Chauncey her late brother before our marriage, also the sum of L40, my silver tankard, and the goods and chattels belonging to her before our marriage.
I give to my son Edward Alston Doctor in Physick of St. Mary Hill, London, one great gold ring which was his own mothers - to his wife 40/- for a ring and the same amount to his two daughters for rings.
I give to the children of my late son Thomas Alston as followeth -
To Edward Alston L70
To Thomas Alston L60
I give to the children of my late son Abraham Alston -
To Abraham Alston L70
To Margaret and Deborah his sisters L50 each
To their mother Deborah Steele my daughter-in-law L20
I give to Mistris Jane Coe my wives sister L20
I give to the children of my late daughter Margaret Skynner as followeth-
To Richard Skynner L10
To Edward Skynner L50
To Margaret Skynner L100
The grandsons to receive their legacies at the age of 21 the grand daughters at 20
I give to my cousin Ellinor Canellor L5
I give to my son Penning Alston and his wife 40/- each to buy rings
I give to Joseph Alston and his wife and 3 children 40/- each to buy rings
I give unto my son Gilbert, my daughter his wife (Elizabeth) and to their two daughters 40/- each
To the poor people of Edwardston L5 to be distributed as followeth- Anne Wasse who was once my servant to have 10/-, the L4.10 to be distributed at the discretion of the Churchwardens and Minister of Edwardston
To the poor of Sudbury L5 viz.
To Gregory Parish 50/-
To St Peter's Parish 30/-.
To All Saints 20/- this money to be distributed with the approval of my kinsman Mr. Joseph Mann of Sudbury.
20/- to be paid for my funeral sermon.
I give Amy Curd my sister 20 nobles
To Edward Skynner my godson L5 besides his former legacy
To my kinsman Joseph Mann 40/- to his wife 40/-
Should any of my grandchildren die before the age at which they are to receive their said legacies, the survivor or survivors to receive the same in equal parts, except Richard Skynner shall have no parte of the legacy of his said brother' or sister's
I give my household stuff, implements and furniture, and plate, not before bequeathed to my wife and to the said Abraham Margaret Deborah Edward and Thomas Alston, Edward, John, and Margaret Skynner my grandchildren - to be equally divided, my loving wife to have the first choice - my own two sons Edward and Joseph I empower to make the division -
I give to my loving kinsman Samuel Skynner L5 and my kinswoman his wife 40/-
I appoint my sons Doctor Alston and Joseph Alston executors
Signed Edward Alston
Codicil - I nominate my son Penning Alston joint executor with my other two sons and I give Sarah his daughter 40/-
Signed Edward Alston
Witnesses: Joseph Alston, Joseph Mann, Samuel Skynner
Proved: 12th May 1651 by Edward Alston Doctor of Physic Penning and Joseph Alston sons of dec'd and executors named in will.
Ref. Grey 79.
Will 11/216


Edward married Margaret PENNING [2797] [MRIN: 882], daughter of Arthur PENNING of Kettleborough Suffolk. [3185] and Catherine BROOKE [6279], in 1586 in Edwardstone SFK. (Margaret PENNING [2797] was born in 1565 and died before 1648.)


Edward next married Frances CHAUNCEY [3186] [MRIN: 1073].

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