The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Thomas GOSSE [2809]
Thomas ALSTON of Edwardstone [945]
(Abt 1554-1614)
Susanna GOSSE of Waldingfield [2796]
Edmund ALSTON [2617]


Family Links

1. Rachel SKINNER [2782]

Edmund ALSTON [2617]

  • Baptised: 23 Dec 1576, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK
  • Marriage (1): Rachel SKINNER [2782] on 4 Feb 1606/07 in St Peter & Paul Black Notley ESS
  • Died: 22 Jul 1640 aged 63
  • Buried: 24 Jul 1640, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK

bullet   Another name for Edmund was Edmond ALLSTONE.


bullet  General Notes:

Edmond was executor of his brother Samuel's estate, Samuel's wife retained occupation of Deanes then it was to pass to Edmond for his son Samuel. Edmond was left Groomes and Turrells in Edwardstone, part of the income of which was to contribute to the L100 annuity Samuel provided for his wife Rose.

Chancery B. and A. Charles 1. A. 23/50
Bill dated 27 May, 1625, by Edmond Allston of Newton, co. Suffolk, yeoman, and John Bateman of Roydon, said county, yeoman, V. Thomas Partrich the elder of Higham, co. Suffolk, yeoman.
The suit is bought in connection wth debts incurred by defendant's son Thomas, and gives no Alston information
Alstoniana Pg 169

Benjamin Brand esq. and Thomas Dyersley, clerk, v. William and Edmund Alston.
Depositions taken at Boxford [co. Suffolk] g Aug. 8 Charles I. The suit relates to tithes in Edwardston. Thomas Alston, the defendants' father, in his lifetime had the vicarage tithes of the said town ; the said Thomas was farmer of the Priory or Rectory of Edwardston, twenty years and upwards now past. The speeches of one Isaak Alston, in reference to the tithes, at that time held by one Samuel Alston, are deposed to.
Mitford, 639, 1632,
Alstoniana Pg 197

1637 Ship Tax returns list Edmund Alston and Edmund Alston Jnr.
Ref The History of Rogers

Will of Edmd. Alston of Newton Gent. 22nd July 1640 so dated by which he devised inter alia 4a of Meadow in Sudbury in a Meadow called Fryers Meadow, his farm called Assington House to his son Edward in fee he paying to his Testator's sister Weatherall L60 a year for life.
The above mentioned Edward by his will dated 18 Nov. 1680 devised the same estate to his eldest son Edward in fee.
Deed dated 21st Sept. 1711 between Edward Alston B.D. & Rector of East Bergholt in Suffolk & Nicholas Alston his 2nd son of East Bergholt afsd. Gent. & Thos. Alston of Boxford apothecary & Elizabeth Fairbrother late of Brantham in Suffolk widow, Marriage intended between the s. Nicholas Alston & Elizth. Fairbrother of East Bergholt Spinster 2nd daughter of the s. Elizth. Fairbrother Widow. Property settled. Capital Messuage called Brooks in Newton and Assington formerly part copyhold but enfranchised by the s. Edwd. Alston.
Marriage sett. of Edwd. Alston of Newton Gent. dated 2nd Feb. 1744 made between the sd. Edwd. Alston of the 1st part Elizabeth Toller of Stanway Co. Essex Spinster of the 2nd part & Elizth. Lee of Stanway aforesd. Widow and John Brown of the same place yeoman of the 3rd part. Samuel Alston a Witness to it.
Deed of appointment of the sd. estate dated 9 May 1789 from sd. Edwd. Alston described as Edwd. Alston senr. of Newton Gent. A recital is made of his marriage sett. with Elizth Toller as above, of her death in 1775 and that she left issue by him Edwd. Alston the younger, Thomas Alston, Samuel Alston & Toller Alston, Elizth. the wife of the Revd. John Thurlow, Lucy Alston & Judith Alston. Recites that he had been at great expence in putting out his son Edward then 32 years old to the business of a Surgeon. Recites the will of the s. Elizth. his late wife and then exercised the power of appointmt. which he had as to part of his estate in favor of his son Thos. in fee and as to other parts to his sons Samuel & Toller & Edward after his own decease.
Mortgage from Thos. Alston of Newton Yeoman 2nd son of the sd. Edwd. Alston senr. of Newton aforesd. Gent. of the 1st part the sd. Edwd. Alston senr. of the 2nd part and other persons of the 3rd part dated 17 June 1780.
Deed dated 19 Oct. 1787 to which the sd. Thos. Alston described as of Newton Yeoman was a party in which is a recital that the sd. Edwd. Alston his father was then dead.
Estate conveyed by Thos. Alston of Newton Farmer & Alice his wife who only made her mark by Deed dated 10 Jany. 1788 to Thos. Moulton of Great Waldingfield Malster.
An Affidavit as to the identity of the property was made on 11th June 1787 by Thos. Alston of Manningtree Yeoman who described himself as aged 74 years or thereabouts. He stated that sd. Estate belonged to Edwd. Alston Clerk his grandfather afterwards to Nicholas Alston Gent. his son father of the s. Deponent then to Edwd. Alston Gent. deceased brother of s. Deponent and then to Thos. Alston his s. Deponent's nephew and Taylor was a party and a Trustee for sd. Edwd. Alston B.D.
In the Abstract mention is made of a Deed dated 10 April 1712 to which James Wheeley of Colchester co. Essex Merchant and (unfinished.)
Notes from a Rev. M. S. Alston's MSS.
Alstoniana Pg 282

Dated 22nd July 1640
I give to Edward my youngest son my messuage wherein I now dwell, situate in Newton with lands belonging thereto 4 acres of land in Sudbury called Fryers Meadow, farm called Assington house with the lands belonging hereto, 11/2 acres of meadow in Chafford and all other lands and tenements in my possession except two acres of meadow lying in north meadow which I give to my son Samuel and his heirs, also two tenements to Samuel on the death of my wife Rachel with remainder to my son Edward and his heirs.
Edward to pay to my sister Wetherell an annuity of L60
I give to my wife Rachel an annuity of L60 in lieu of her thirds and dower- also half my plate brass, pewter, linen all the furniture in the kitchen and parlour chamber, the great "Civer Lyn" which her father gave her- Mr Perkyns, book one spit and one dripping pan.
I give to my daughter Rachel L400 part of this sum to be paid by Mr Winniffe out of the Priory of Edwardston, also one feather bed and bolster.
To my son Edmund one silver cup
To my daughter Mary one silver cup
To my son Samuel upon the death of my sister Wetherell my messuage and lands called Motts.
All other my goods and chattels not bequeathed I give to my son Edward and his heirs whom I appoint sole exeutor with remainder to my son Edmund and Samuel.
Signed: Edmond Alston.
Witnesses: Henrie Haddridge. Edmond Alston Jnr. Thomas Wells.
Proved 25th November 1640 my Edward Alston son and exectutor named in will

bullet  Research Notes:

Alstoniana is clear on the details of Edmonds baptism but the Newton Register is silent on the event. It records only the bap. of John son of William on the 23 Dec 1756 ?. Was this because the date was prior to his fathers marriage or was Edmund bap at Edwardstone.


Edmund married Rachel SKINNER [2782] [MRIN: 857], daughter of William SKINNER of Braintree ESS [2783] and Margery TROTTER [16945], on 4 Feb 1606/07 in St Peter & Paul Black Notley ESS. (Rachel SKINNER [2782] was born in 1586 and was buried on 16 Mar 1659/60 in Newton Nr Sudbury SFK.)

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