The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Thomas ALSTON of Edwardstone [945]
(Abt 1554-1614)
Susanna GOSSE of Waldingfield [2796]
William SKINNER of Braintree ESS [2783]
(Abt 1542-Abt 1616)
Margery TROTTER [16945]
Edmund ALSTON [2617]
Rachel SKINNER [2782]

Samuel ALSTON [1588]


Family Links

1. Ellen FRYER [2767]

Samuel ALSTON [1588]

  • Born: Newton SFK
  • Baptised: 26 Nov 1618, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK
  • Marriage (1): Ellen FRYER [2767] on 3 Feb 1639/40 in Stansfield SFK
  • Died: 23 Jan 1685/86, Newton SFK aged 67
  • Buried: 25 Jan 1685/86, Newton SFK

bullet  General Notes:

Samuel was of Deanes in Newton left to him by his Uncle and Godfather Samuel, the property is described in Samuel's will dated 24 Feb 1685/6, proved (Arch Sud) 18 Mar 1686 as "all the barns, mills, malting houses, yards, in my owne tenure and occupation with 3 Crofts of Lands containing 12 Acres and one piece of half an Acre and one field of 7 Acres and one field of Arable Land of 3 Acres, which is copyhold to the mannor of Buttlers". In all a total of about 22.5 acres. This Samuel left to his son Samuel for his life then to his grandson Samuel the sons son.
Samuel was also left in his fathers will " And allso all that my close or feild of Custumary Land with the aappurtennces nowe or late parcel of a tenement called Groomes holden of the Manor of Boorehouse in Edwardstone as the same close dothe lye on the other side of the highway over against the house of the said tenement called Groomes togeather with all wayes pathes Commons hedges ditches profittes easments and appurtennces therunto belonging etc"

Samuel was mentioned for 40/-, but not by name in his Uncle Isaac's will 20 May 1625.

A note dated 1674 copied from the Newton registers in the 19th cent by Prof Liveing of Cambridge states that Samuel and Edward Alston paid the rent charge laid on their tenements of Birchetts and Priours by their great grandfather Edward Alston and his father William Alston. Money distributed in the presence of Edmund, Samuel, and Edward Alston.

A Samuel Alston was a signatory at the Restoration to a Petition to General George Monck for a "full and full Parliament" 19 Jan 1660.
Suffolk and the Great Rebellion NZSOG Pg. 128.

Edmund was appointed a supervisor in his brother-in-law, Thomas Sewell's Will 31 Aug 1661

Mr Samuel Alston of Newton was taxed on 8 hearths in 1674.

Dated 24th February 1685/6
To Samuel Alston my eldest son, all my capital messuage called Deans in Newton and all the barns mills malting houses yards in my own tenure and occupation with 3 crofts of lands containing 12 acres and one piece of half-an-acre and one field of 7 acres and one field of arable land of 3 acres which is copyhold of the manor of Buttlers all situate and being at or near Newton aforesaid, to my son Samuel Alston and his assigns for his natural life and after his decease to my grandson Samuel Alston, son of Samuel Alston.
I give to Edmund Alston my son my meadow containing 2 acres in Sudbury called North Meadow.
I give my messuage called Jordan in the occupation of ? Brabrooke, widow, to my son Edmund containing 3 acres, also my tenement called Mots with all the barns yards, to my son Edmund. Also my tenement now in occupation of ?White. widow to my son Edmund.
Also I give my messuage now occupied by Edward Totman with 3 acres lying in Newton aforesaid to my son Edmund to his heirs and assigns for ever.
I give to Rachel my daughter now wife of Samuel Goldsmith Esq. 20/- within ten weeks.
I give to Parnell my daughter now wife of Thos. Hammond and to Dorothy now wife of Henry Stillman, one shilling a piece.
I give all my beds bedding plate brass pewter linen within my now mansion house in Newton to my sons Samuel and Edmund Alston part and part alike. My will is that the said Edmund my son shall have free egress during the space of 90 days for selling or disposing as my said son Edmund shall think fit. If my said son Samuel shall molest or hinder I give all my goods (before specified) to Edmund and give to my son Samuel "one shilling" of English money.
I give to my son Edmund all my corn and grain, all my cattle, all my hay and stover and all my waggons carts furniture harness implements of husbandry, ready money, securities and growing corn in the harvest time after my decease to my son Edmund
If my son Samuel his heirs or assigns shall refuse to give my sons Edmund such liberty in my now Mansion House aforesaid. Then my will is that Edmund may enter upon any of the buildings or their appurtenances.
I do make Edmund Alston my son my sole executor and give him the sum of L10 before any dividend or division be made.
I give to my eldest daughter Ellen, now wife of Giles Duncombe Esq. One shilling.
I have to this set my hand and seal upon three sheets of paper upon the top or head thereof.
Samuel Alston.
Witnesses: Joseph Wyatt, Mary Wright (her mark) Anne Wyatt, John Griggs.
Proved 18th March 1686 by Edmund Alston.


Samuel married Ellen FRYER [2767] [MRIN: 518], daughter of Hamlet FRYER OF STANSFIELD [2768] and Elizabeth [7283], on 3 Feb 1639/40 in Stansfield SFK. (Ellen FRYER [2767] was born about 1620 in Stansfield SFK, died on 17 Dec 1681 and was buried on 19 Dec 1681 in Newton Nr Sudbury SFK.)

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