The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Samuel ALSTON [640]
(Abt 1690-1754)
Sarah [122]
(Abt 1692-1732)
Jacobus VANDERZEE [120]
(Abt 1688-1746)
Mary GUSTERSON [2071]
Samuel ALSTON [85]

Samuel ALSTON of Leicester [90]


Family Links

1. Catherine SULTZER [950]

Samuel ALSTON of Leicester [90]

  • Born: 17 Sep 1764
  • Baptised: 22 Sep 1764, Nayland SFK
  • Marriage (1): Catherine SULTZER [950] on 31 Dec 1798 in St Martin Leicester
  • Died: 28 Jul 1835 aged 70
  • Buried: 3 Aug 1835, St Martins Church Leicester

bullet  General Notes:

Samuel was an attorney at Law of Leicester, listed as a country member in the Law List PRO 1808 - 1813 (only years searched). Silhouette and remembrance badges in possession of E L Fenn Auckland 1998

Samuel was among the worthies in the city of Leicester.

Billesdon Association.
For the Prosecution's dying who it all about of Felons
The Annual Meeting of this Society will be held at the Greyhound Inn, in Billesdon, on Thursday, 26 May, 1831.
Samuel Alston
Solicitor and Treasurer.
Dinner on the table at 2 o'clock.
Names of the Members.
Then follows a list of the great and good of the area.
Leicester Journal 13 May 1831.

On Tuesday last, at his house in this town, in the 71st year of his age, Samuel Alston, Esq. solicitor, justly esteemed and lamented
Leicester Herald 1 August 1835

Samuel Alstone
Age: 71
Birth Date: 1764
Burial Date: 3 Aug 1835
Burial Place: St Martins, Leicester, England
FHL Film Number: 592561
Reference ID: pg 4

Valuable Freehold Property.
To Be Sold at Auction.
By B Payne.
At the latter end of April or early in May next, unless previously disposed of by private contract.
All that very excellent dwellinghouse, with the appurtenances thereto belonging (Good Garden & Stable, Coach House), situate opposite St Martin's Church, Leicester, now in the occupation of Samuel Alston, gent.
For further particulars apply to messes Miles Alston and Myles, Solicitors, or to the Auctioneer.
N.B. The principal part of the purchase money may remain on security of the premises at £4 percent.
Leicester Journal 13 March 1835

To Be Sold
Very excellent dwellinghouse, elligibly situated near St Martin's Church, with good garden, stable, coachhouse and other conveniences, lately occupied by Mr Samuel Alston deceased.
Early possession may be had, and the principal part of the purchase money may remain on security at 4%.
For further particulars apply to Messrs Miles, solicitors Leicester.
Leicester Journal 11 September 1835.

Genteel Furniture, China, Glass, etc
To Be Sold at Auction,
By B Payne.
On Monday, the 30th day of November, 1835.
The Genteel Household Furniture, China, Rich Cut Glass, Plated Articles, small seller of choice winds, and other effects of the late.
Samuel Alston Gent.
On The Premises St Martin's Leicester.
Comprising (in part) 4 post and tent bedsteads, with chintz furniture; wool and straw mattresses, prime feather beds, bolsters and pillows, wool beds, blankets, counterpains, painted dressing and wash hand tables, toilette services, parlour and bedroom carpets, mahogany and oak double and single chests of drawers, swing glasses, towel horses, stair carpet and wires, bracket lamps, two guns, brace of pistols, chairs with cane seats, and loose cushions; handsome couch, covered in chintz, with loose squab and pillow, three mahogany card tables, handsome fourfold drawing-room screen covered with velvet, richly ornamented, mahogany butlers trays, small library of books, china, cut and plain glass, and numerous kitchen requisites, brewing vessels, etc.
A Small Seller of Choice Wines,
Catalogues may be had five days previous at the auctioneers office, and place of sale.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock.
Leicester Journal 20 November 1835

bullet  Research Notes:

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1127 - FRE/2845]
Correspondence-Colonel John Frewen [Turner-surname assumed after 1791] of Cold Overton Hall, Leicestershire (1755-1829)
FILE - Letter from Samuel Alston , Leicester to John Frewen, Sapcote stating that Mr Burnaby's should be able to repay his debt by midsummer - ref. FRE/1691 - date: 10 May 1806
FILE - Letter from Samuel Alston , Leicester to John Frewen, Brickwall concerning the repayment of Mr Burnaby's debt - ref. FRE/1787 - date: 3 Oct 1807

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Record Office:
The Hazlengy Family & Noseley
Catalogue Ref. DE 3168
Title Deeds and related documents
Illston on the Hill - ref. DE 3168/141-211
Messuages, cottage and land in Illston on the Hill
FILE [no title] - ref. DE 3168/181 - date: 9 April 1814
5. Samuel Alston of Leicester, gent
FILE [no title] - ref. DE 3168/185,186 - date: 15 & 16 S
ept 1826
5. Samuel Alston of Leicester, gent
Messuage, cottage and closes in Illston on the Hill
FILE [no title] - ref. DE 3168/189,190 - date: 1 & 2 March 1830
4. Samuel Alston of Leicester, gent

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Record Office:
Catalogue Ref. DG 9
Herrick family of Beaumanor, Leicestershire
Woodhouse Fields Farm
FILE [no title] - ref. DG 9/479 - date: 5 April 1814
[from Scope and Content] (v) Samuel Alston, gent, Leicester.
Ref A2A

Suffolk PRO ref HB516/141- A Samuel Alston of Nayland was in receipt of a conveyance of two tenaments and a blacksmiths shop from Watson. The last of three transactions 1802 - 1840.

Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds Branch:
Catalogue Ref. FB64
Church of England, Nayland Parish, Suffolk
Evidences of title not relating to the parish - ref. FB64/A5
FILE - Fine and counterpart - ref. FB64/A5/1 - date: 1811
Conveying right of remainder in property in Harwich from Ralph Willoughby Cleghorn and Mary Anne his wife, to Samuel Alston, Eleanor Hearn having a life interest; in consideration of L.160, Trinity Term. 51 George III. (1810/11)
A2A uncertain placement

PRO - C202 = Chancery: Petty Bag Office: Writ Files
C 202/191/12 Bristol - Daniel Baynton, Wintow Harris junior; Buckingham - John Nash; Cambridge - William Wilkin; Cornwall - Joseph Child; Cumberland - Thomas Jennings; Denbigh - John Oldfield; Devon - Ralph Barnes, John Moysey Bartlett, Thomas Furlong, Nicholas Hyne the younger, John Skinner Lambert, Harry Baines Lott; Dorset - Henry William Johns; Durham - William Grey, Joshua Oldfield; Gloucester - John Vizard; Hereford - William Hooper; Hertford - Harry Grover; Kent - William Scoones the younger; Lancaster - John Gregory Crump, Spencer Pilkington, Thomas Redhead; Lancaster, County Palatine - Ephraim Atkinson, Ralph Boardman, John Hargreaves the younger, Thomas Hassall; Leicester - Samuel Alston, Samuel Caldecott, Thomas Dalby the younger, Charles Latham the younger. 1803


bullet  Other Records

1. Samuel Alston: Articles of Clerkship, 1778.
Samuel Alston The Younger
Attorney: Samuel Alston
Clerkship 19 Sep 1778 for 5yrs
Affidavit sworn 9 Oct 1778
Filing Date: 13 Oct 1778
Parish or Town: Nayland
County: Suffolk

2. Samuel Alston: Letters, 1806.
The following letters concern the death of Samuel's brother James and provision for his two sons. The first letter was written the 17th of December 1806; copies in Fenn archive, originals in the possesion of Julia Redman 1999.

Leicester 17 Dec 1806

Mr George Alston
Atty at Law
Your melancholy letter came here yesterday about 12 o'clock but as I was from home did not get it till the evening therefore it is impossible for me to reach Bocking in time for the funeral which you have fixed for tomorrow by any public conveyance, and as to taking Chaises, that, you must agree with me would be very imprudent on account of the great expense - I am truly sorry indeed for the destitute situation poor Charles and Henry are left in - we have but two Cabinet Makers here to either of whom I should be very sorry to put Charles as they are not in a great way of businefs for one of them has most of his Goods from London ready made and the other is both Upholstery and Cabinet Maker and not in a very extensive way of businefs. I should suppose there must be Cabinet Makers at Colchester in a much more extensive businefs than any here but should I hear of any situation on this side of the Country likely to suit I will assuredly inform you - As to my part of the pecuniary afsistance you expect me to render, I think you are over rate my ability for tho I am a partner, the first three years thereof which ended in 1805 Miles and myself had only 1/5 each of the businefs and for the following three years 1806 to 1808 are to have only one fourth each that really at present my whole income has been very nearly expended in the maintenance of a wife two children three servants and in respect to the money in the Stocks which you mention it was only L700 3 percent consols which has been long since sold out for about L400 and was I to die tomorrow my dear Wife and two children would not have near enough to support them without the afsistance of Friends as at present almost my whole income would die with me which is not the case of any of my four sisters or yourself - Whatever I do in the money way must be annually as I shall feel it less and must abridge some of my present enjoyments and Comforts for the purpose.
But I cannot help remarking (without meaning or intending any of the smallest or least disrespect to my dear departed parents) that all I have had has been L500 under my father's Will L80 share of Charlotte's property and L50 under my mothers Will together about L630 all of which and much more on, I at that time borrowed, were expended in the purchase of a small house where I live and the furniture - That really with frugality and industry I have just paid all off and cleared my way and was now in hopes to begin to save something for my wife and family for indeed as I before remarked was I to die in the following year they would not have enough to maintain them by a great deal as my present income is but a mere life estate, Interest without principle. Whereas my sister's fortunes are both principle and interest and was any one of them to die the survivor's fortunes would be increased and as far as I recollect they will have poor William's fortune at his death, and as Mrs Downing has but one child and a pretty good income and the Child probably well provided for by its fathers relations besides its own income; I should hope she would contribute towards her nephew's support, and possibly some of the Newton family would also contribute, and as to your own fortune, you know great part of it is of a nature that will survive you, and you had saved money previous to my father's decease many years since, and took to the businefs which you must allow was worth a good round sum - Neverthelefs as far as prudence will permit I cannot object to contribute something annually towards my nephews support till they are able to provide for themselves and when I hear from you again more particularly upon the subject shall be better able to judge what to do
Mrs A joins me in kind love to you all and hoping to hear from you soon
I am yours ever

Mr George Alston
From the statement in your last letter to me, thinking you much overrate my ability in contributing towards the expenses of my nephews, I judge it necessary to lay before you a further statement of my affairs - in August 1792 I came to Leicester with a salary of one hundred pounds a year which continued at that rate till 25 March 1797 when it was raised to one hundred and fifty pounds a year - In August 1798 I purchased my House on the last day of December in that year I married at which time the purchase of my house and furniture etc had entirely swallowed up what little money I had saved together with the legacy under my father is well and also other monies which I then borrowed. My salary of L150 continued till Michaelmas 1799 when it was raised to two hundred pounds and so remained till first of January 1803 when the partnership commenced and at which time I think you will agree with me I managed well to get my house and goods and myself quite clear of debt - we do not know what our business produces annually but Mr Pares when the Partnership commenced guessed it at L1200 clear of all expenses, more than I think it will produce as expenses of clerks property tax etc are heavy of which I had only one fifth Miles one fifth Mr Pares three fifths so that my income by the partnership was only increased to L40 per annum for those three years which ended with the year 1805 that income still uncertain, as many bills are not yet made out Mr Pares being in the habit of giving very long credit - in the year 1806 my share of the partnership was one fourth Miles one fourth and Mr Pares one half which it now is and will so continue till the end of the year 1808 when it will be an equal thirds so that my present income does not excede to L300 per annum and that uncertain and irregular in its receipts and very likely may turn out less and which you must be well convinced with a Wife and two children and two servants to maintain and Taxes etc to pay much cannot be saved from it if anything - I must now leave you to judge whether I can or ought in justice to my Wife and two Children spare much from my present income for as I mentioned in a former Letter to you was I to die tomorrow my dear Wife must sell my House and Furniture and do much more for a livelihood to enable her to maintain herself and Family as what I should leave would not be near enough for their support. I most sincerely wish I was able to do more - herewith you receive L20 for the present year and I hope to be able to remit you annually 10 pounds until my nephews are able to provide for themselves and to enable me to do this with less injury to my Wife and Family I have laid down by Share of the gig, turned off my hairdresser, and discontinued my Subscription of 1 guinea per annum to the Female Asylum.
Mrs A. joins me in kind Love and requesting a Letter acknowledging the enclosed.
I am yrs sincerely
S A:
Letter postmarked Apr 21 1807.
Note probably by Alston A Fenn "from Samuel Alston (See Table A8) to his brother George regarding the maintainance of the two children of his brother James (see Table A1)
Original in possession of Julia Redman 1999, copy in Fenn copies files 2007

3. Samuel Alston: Letter, 18 Mar 1834.
Letter from Samuel to his neice Mrs Liveing (nee Downing) at Nayland, announcing the birth of a grandaughter Frances Ingram.
Mrs Liveing
Leicester 18th March 1834
My dear Niece,
I have much pleasure in communicating to you the birth of another grandaughter. Mr Ingram informed me that Maria was taken unwell about two o'clock on Saturday morning last but afterwards was better and about two o'clock in the day was much worse he then sent for the nurse and Mrs Moore a near neighbour, the medical gentleman who was in waiting came at three and immediately upon his arrival was safely delivered of a little girl both are doing very well indeed, the little lass is not so large and infant as her sisters Maria and Catherine were at their births, she has dark eyes and a quantity of dark hair. We have since had a letter from Mrs Moore mentioning that Maria and the infant are going on very well
Mrs A has been staying the last week at Lyston at Mrs Woodcocks and intend returning at the end of the week or beginning of the following. I go over about every other day and return in the morning - Mrs A hopes to hear from someone immediately upon your confinement as she will be most anxious to learn the issue - if able have the goodness to give me a few lines by return mentioning how Edward and Charles are I am very anxious indeed to know - I had hoped once more to have paid you or Mrs Downing a visit the summer but as we shall expect Maria with her three babies to come to us as soon as she is able must under all circumstances (if it shall please God to spare us) defer it till another summer
The weather is now very cold and severe with a sharp easterly wind which I fear will destroy most of the wall fruits
With our kind love to yourself, Mrs Downing, aunt Sally and the Alston's and with very best and kind remembrances to Mr Liveing and all other friends
I remain
My dear niece
Your most affectionate uncle
Sam'l Alston
Mrs Alston had a severe bilious attack last Sunday afternoon at Lyston after she had been at church in the morning but is now much better she is very subject to them
The letter is on one page slightly damaged, folded into an envelope and sealed.

4. Samuel Alston: Will, Proved 1835.
Samuel died 28 July 1835 at 4.45am

THIS IS THE LAST WILL and testament of me Samuel Alston of Leicester in the county of Leicester Gentleman I give and devise my messuage or tenement with the outbuildings and other appurtenances near St Martin's Church Leicester now in my own occupation and all other my Real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever and of every nature and kind in possession reversion remainder or expectancy also all my Trust Estates unto my dear and affectionate Wife Catherine Alston and her heirs for ever having made a provision for my daughter and only child Maria upon her marriage with the Rev Rowland Ingram the younger I give and bequeath unto my said daughter the sum of 50 pounds to and for her own use and disposal separately and unto the said Rowland Ingram nineteen guineas to buy him mourning to be paid to the respective Legatees within three months after my decease I give and bequeath unto my said dear Wife to and for her own use and disposal all and singular the REST RESIDUE and REMAINDER of my personal estate of every sort kind and description she paying thereout my just debts funeral and Testamentary expenses and I hereby appoint my said dear Wife sole EXECUTRIX of this is my will and revoke all other wills by me heretofore made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty two
Samuel Alston
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel Alston the Testator and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses John Henry Miles - Sam Walker - Josh Channer, Clerks to Miles Alston and Miles Solicitors Leicester.
Proved at London 5th December 1835 before the judge by the oath of Catherine Alston Widow the Relict the sole Executrix to whom admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission only to administer….

5. Samual Alston: Mourning broach, 28 Jul 1835.
Saml Alston
Obt 28 Jul 1835
Aet 70.

In the possession of the researcher (ELF) 2015

6. Samual Alston: Mourning broach.
Mourning broach containing hair from Samuel and Catherine, inscribed on back C (Catherine) S A (Sam Alston) in possession of the researcher (ELF) 2015.


Samuel married Catherine SULTZER [950] [MRIN: 310], daughter of John SULTZER [20741] and Christian WOODWARD [20911], on 31 Dec 1798 in St Martin Leicester. (Catherine SULTZER [950] was born on 5 Nov 1773 in Burton Overy LEI, baptised on 10 Feb 1774 in Burton Overy LEI, died on 25 Apr 1852 in Holywell Toft Giggleswick Yorkshire and was buried on 1 May 1852 in St Martins Church Leicester.)

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