The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Robert FENN of Baylham SFK [19647]
Mary SMITH [19648]
Robert FOLGER (FOULGER) [26380]
Simon FENN of Offton [4544]
(Abt 1712-1780)
Mary FOLGER (FOULGER) of Battisford [4545]
(Abt 1720-Bef 1778)

Simon FENN [4546]


Family Links

1. Elizabeth UNDERWOOD [4547]

Simon FENN [4546]

  • Baptised: 16 Jan 1741/42, Barking SFK
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth UNDERWOOD [4547] on 28 Oct 1776 in Coddenham SFK
  • Died: 11 Nov 1806, Coddenham SFK aged 64
  • Buried: 17 Nov 1806, Coddenham SFK

bullet   Another name for Simon was FYNN.


bullet  General Notes:

Simons bap notice at Barking (and Offton) SFK spells his name Fynn. "Simon Fynn of Simon & Mary was baptised Jan 16", page headed 1741. On the next line below is an entry " William Fynn of James & Susanna was baptised March 1st" but Coddenham Registers show "Fenn Simon son of Simon and Mary his wife (late Fulcher) buried 17 Nov 1806 aged 65 years" John Longe Vicar.

Marriage Licence Bond: Simon Fenn and Elizabeth Underwood 27 Oct 1776
Singleman and husbandman, and singlewoman of Coddenham. To be married at Coddenham.
SRO FAA/23/26/112

Simon Fenn in 1791 took up the lease of Valley Farm Coddenham from the Rev John Longe, the farm was previously in the tenure of Mr Bolton. Before that time, a map dated 1790/91 HD 1467/3 SRO, showing the property of the Rev Nicholas Bacon Vicar of Coddenham, identified "Fenns Farm". This was a smaller lease of 146 acres, with a cottage, in 22 fields and meadows, to the west & south of Valley Farm. Was Simon the tenant there before Valley Farm
Bacon who died about this time passed the Coddenham living and surrounding lands to his relative John Longe.

A valuation of the Revd Mr Bacon's estates in Coddenham ... by John Edwards 1791

The Lawn';
the Meadows';
Mr Bacon's intended farm from Michaelmas 1791';
Mr Bolton's farm now let to Simon Fenn'
SRO HD1467/5

Valley Farm had a farm house and substantial farm buildings which exist to this day (1999). The rental valuation for the 219 acres was L175 17s 0d. The valuation document records that it was let to Simon Fenn at L175 from Michaelmas (Oct 11) 1791 for 15 years. The land consisted of 27 acres of pasture and 192 acres of arable land. Simon farmed additional fields belonging to Longe in the surrounding locality.
Later Simon is recorded as paying tithes to the Coddenham Church until 1806, based on a valuation of the farm of L160. This valuation was second only in the roll, to the value of Sir William Middleton's property at L170.

Simon was a churchwarden at Coddenham 1791. The Vicar was the Rev Nicholas Bacon. Ref Ips. PRO HA24/50/19/4.5 [20]
Coddenham Parish Overseers Books: Ref Ips. PRO FB37/A1/2 FB37/G1/3
Simon Fenn : 1783 occ Val L70 ass L1-15-0. (Earlier "Fenns farm"?)
1805 occ Val L160 ass L12-0-0. (Valley Farm)

Land Tax Redemption 1798. Coddenham Suffolk.
Rev Jn Longe proprietor, Simon Fenn occupier, tax £16 0s 0d.
Simon Fenn proprietor William Barker occupier 12/-

Rev John Longe's Diary:
January 1, 1798. Delightful fine day our tenants, S. Fenn, R Fenn, J. Brook and J. Bird with their wives dined here.
April 16, 1798. Mr S. Fenn paid half a year's rent L86
October 31, 1799. Paid Simon Fenn for two loads of barley straw L1 1s 0
April 16, 1800. Paid S. Fenn for 5cb of barley @ 13' - L3 5 0.
Ref:50/19/4.2 & 4.3

Simon was also Principle Inhabitant in 1791, a surveyor for the parish in 1792, churchwarden 1798. His last signature to the record is as a Vestryman in 1805.

Lands in G(C)oddenham
Catalogue Ref. HD 1467 A2A
FILE - 'A valuation of the Revd Mr Bacon's estates in Coddenham. . . . . by John Edwards' - ref. HD 1467/5 - date: 1791
('The Lawn'; 'the Meadows'; 'Mr Bacon's intended farm from Michaelmas 1791'; 'Mr Bolton's farm now let to Simon Fenn')

Land Tax records at Ipswich PRO for the district of Bosmere & Clayton, village of Coddenham show:
1799 ref B150/1/11(1-2) Simon Fenn (occupier) Rev John Long (proprietor) assessed for tax of L16 . Simon Fenn (proprietor) William Barker (occupier) tax 12/-
1803 ref HB16 29/40 Simon Fenn (occupier) Longe (proprietor) tax 16/- per annum. Simon Fenn (proprietor) William Barker (occupier) 12/- p.a.

Birth year1741
Death year1806
Age 65
Burial year1806
Burial day17
Burial month11
Church descriptionST MARY
Church denominationANGLICAN
National Burial Index for England & Wales

Ipswich Journal "Simon Fenn of Coddenham died 1740 - 1806". " Tues se'nnight died in his 66th year, much respected by all who new him, Mr Simon Fenn of Coddenham farmer"

Coddenham Churchyard monumental inscription transcript reads: "Sacred To the Memory of Simon Fenn who died November 11th 1806 aged 65 years" his wife Elizabeth is recorded below.

bullet  Research Notes:

That Simon, had a son Robert, is confirmed by his will and further in a letter dated 27 Aug 1807 at Coddenham from Rev John Longe to his solicitor Wenn in Ipswich as follows;
"Dear Sir,
I herewith send you the leases for late Simon Fenn's farm, which I should wish to be altered as I lately mentioned to you, as to his son Robert Fenn, to take place from last Michaelmas; except the mere alteration of the name and the clause "for the life of S Fenn" everything else may remain."
Ips PRO HA24/50/19/3.21

However the Coddenham Parish Register dated 2 Oct 1785 show Robert as the son of Simon and Mary. The writers hand at this time is different from the hand of the entries in the first half year of 1785 and 1786. Accordingly the view is taken by the researcher that the writer in October may have been unfamiliar with the Parish families and entered Mary in error.

Colin Fenn (2003) confirms that there is no record of any Fenn's buried in Coddenham between 1705 - 1790. Ref LDS film 993236 - 2 Coddenham Church and Churchyard inscriptions to 1884 by Rev Haslewood.

In 1870-72, John Goring's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales described Coddenham like this:
"CODDENHAM, a village, a parish, and a sub-district, in Bosmere district, Suffolk. The village stands 3 miles NNE of Claydon r. station, and 31/2 ESE of Needham-Market; and has a post office under Needham-Market. The parish comprises 2, 719 acres. Real property, L.5,300. Pop., 903. Houses, 203. The property is subdivided. Shrubland Park belonged formerly to the Bacons; and is now the seat of Sir W. F. F. Middleton, Bart. The living is a vicarage, united with the p. curacy of Crowfield, in the diocese of Norwich. Value, L.1,006.* Patron, the Rev. R. Longe. The church is a fine Gothic edifice, with a tower; and has some good monuments. There are an Independent chapel, and charities L.80. -The sub-district contains seventeen parishes and a parochial chapelry. Acres, 30, 765. Pop., 8, 480. Houses, 1, 862. "

Coddenham: The church here was given to Royston priory by Eustachius de Merc, the founder, about the year 1220. Here is the manor of Dennies, and here stood the manor-house of Shrubland Hall, where Edward, third son of the Lord Keeper Bacon, became seated, by his marriage with the heiress of Little. Nicholas Bacon, one of his descendants, erected a new mansion in a very pleasant park, which contains the finest Spanish chesnut trees in the county. This edifice having been pulled down, a new one was built in its stead, and became the residence of Sir William Middleton, the present possessor, who was created a baronet in 18O4. It commands an extensive prospect along the Norwich road. Here is also a manor called the Vicarage, being always vested in the vicar for the time being.


bullet  Other Records

1. Coddenham Village: Farms and surrounding features, 19th C, Suffolk.
This map shows the positions of Coddenham, the hamlet of Crowfield is just off the map to the north of Coddenham. Also shown is Hemingstone, Henley & Barham all about 4 miles from Ipswich.

Also the Parishes of Bosmere & Claydon Hundred Suffolk

2. Coddenham & Surrounding Land, c1790 & 1922, Suffolk.
Farm lands owned by Nicholas Bacon and left to Rev John Longe in the late 18thC.
Coddenham Village showing road to Valley Farm.

3. Simon Fenn: Details of his Lease from Rev John Longe, 1791, Boltons later Valley Farm.
Valuation and terms of Lease by John Edwards.
Free hold value of this farm £10,212 0. 0.
IRO HD 1467/5

4. Simon Fenn: Boltons Farm, 1791, Coddenham SFK.
A measurement for valuation done of Boltons Farm by John Edwards when it was leased to Simon Fenn by Rev John Longe of Coddenham in 1791, it appears Simon had leased a smaller farm from Longe prior to this.
The valuation showed the use and name of each field, its size in acres by computation, the value per acre of each field and the rent set.

Boltons Farm later Valley Farm was agreed at approx 219 acres as some fields were sustituted for others and the rent agreed at £175 17s 0d pa from Michaelmas1 1791 for 15 years.
The farm is sited very close to Coddenham Village and is a working farm in the 21st C.

1. Michaelmas Day 29 September

5. Simon and Elizabeth Fenn: Marriage, 28 Oct 1776, Coddenham SFK.
Simon & Elizabeth were of the parish of Coddenham, they were married by Licence by W. Hughes Curate.
Witness's John Stimson & Joseph Frost

6. Simon Fenn: Will, 23 Jul 1806, Coddenham SFK.
THE WILL of SIMON FENN of CODDENHAM.Dated 23 July 1806
In the Name of God Amen: I Simon Fenn of Coddenham in the County of Suffolk, farmer being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say).
First I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my beloved wife my best bedstead with the furniture bed bedding blankets pillows and linen thereunto belonging and commonly used herewith and also a sufficient quantity of household furniture proper and necessary to furnish two rooms to be allotted and set out at the discretion of my Executors herein after named to and for her own separate use and disposal.
Also I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth my wife one annuity or yearly sum of fifty pounds free and clear of and from all or any parliamentary parochial or other payments or deductions whatsoever for and during the term of her natural life to be paid to her as the same shall from time to time be received by four even and equal quarterly payments in every year the first payment to begin and be made at the expiration of three calendar months next after my decease and for the purpose before mentioned I do hereby authorise empower and direct my Executors herein after named their Executors or Administrators to place out at interest in their names but not at their hazard upon Real or Government securities such part and a sufficient part and so much of my personal estate that the interest money arising therefrom shall and may be sufficient to pay and discharge the said annuity or yearly sum of fifty pounds at the times and free and clear of all deductions as aforesaid.
Also I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my household furniture plate linen china stock of liquor and also my farming stock both live and dead crops of corn hay stover grain and seeds as well growing as stored And also the immediate use and occupation of the farm lands and premises now used and occupied by me together with all my estate and interest in the unexpired term of the lease hereof unto my son Robert Fenn his Executors and Administrators he and they paying and discharging all arrears of rent rates and taxes which shall be due at the time of my decease.
Also I give and bequeath the sum of ten pounds to the industrious poor of the Parish of Coddenham aforesaid to be distributed at the discretion of my Executors within the calendar month next after my decease.
Also I do hereby authorise empower order and direct my brother Robert Fenn of Hemingstone in the County of Suffolk farmer my said son Robert Fenn my son in law George Goodwin of Stowmarket in the said County and my son in law Theodore Banyard Coates of Henley in the said County my Executors hereinafter named and the survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor as soon as conveniently may be next after my decease absolutely to sell and dispose of all such of my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditments and Premises with their and every of their appurtenances wheresoever situate lying or being as is or are Copyhold or Customary Holden either together or in parcels to the best purchaser or purchasers and for the best price or prices that may or can be reasonably obtained for the said and all such and so much of my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditments and premises with their and every of their appurtenances as is freehold or clear for hold
I give and devise unto the said Robert Fenn my brother Robert Fenn my son George Goodwin and Theodore Banyard Coates their Exec's & Assign's In trust that they the said Robert Fenn my brother Robert Fenn my son George Goodwin and Theodore Banyard Coates and the survivors of them and their Exec's & Assign's of such survivors do and shall as soon as conveniently may be after my decease absolutely sell and dispose thereof either together or in parcels and for the best price or prices that may or can be reasonably obtained for the same And my will is that the receipt or receipts of the said Robert Fenn my brother Robert Fenn my son George Goodwin and Theodore Banyard Coates or the survivors of them or of the Heirs Exec's Administrators or Assigns of such survivor shall be a sufficient discharge or discharges to such purchaser or purchasers for his her or their purchases of or for all or any part of my said Estates whether freehold or copyhold or for Customary Holden or for so much hereof for which such receipt or receipts shall not be answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication of the said purchaser monies or any part thereof and the monies arising by such sale or sales and by and out of the funds issues and profits of the said Estates and premises until such sale or sales thereof together with such principle money after the death of my wife as is before directed to be placed out at interest and also all the rest residue and remainder of my monies securities for money personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever after payment of my just debts funeral and probate charges I give bequeath and dispose of as follows.
First I give and bequeath hereout the sum of one hundred pounds unto Emma the daughter of my daughter Sarah Coates now living with me and the remainder thereof I will shall be divided into five equal parts or shares (after all just charges thereout deducted) And one fifth part I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of the said George Goodwin her Exec's and Administrators and one other fifth part I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the wife of the said Theodore Banyard Coates her Exec's and Administrators and one other fifth part I give and bequeath unto my son Robert Fenn his Heirs Exec's and Administrators and one other fifth part thereof I will and direct that my said Executors so and shall in their own names but not at their hazard place out at interest upon Real or Government securities and do and shall pay over the interest thereof as the same shall from time to time be received into the proper hands of my daughter Alice the wife of John Sharman during the term of her natural life to and for her own separate use and not to be under or subject to the debts control or engagements of her said husband and her receipt under her hand from time to time notwithstanding her coverture a good and the only sufficient and effectual discharge to my Executors for the same and upon this further trust that they my said Executors do and shall after the decease of my said daughter Alice pay and dispose of the said last mentioned fifth part unto and amongst all and every the children of my said daughter Alice which shall be living at the time of her decease (in case there shall be more than one child then living) in equal shares due proportions but if there shall be only one child then living then to such only child and be paid and payable to such children severally said respectively at their several and respective ages of twenty one years in case such times of payment happen after the decease of my said daughter Alice but if such children or only child shall be of full age at her decease then to be paid and payable to them him or her as soon as conveniently may be after her decease and my will is that the parts and shares of such of the said children as shall be under the age of twenty one years at the death of the said Alice their mother shall be consigneded out at interest and the interest thereof applied for and toward their respective maintenances and educations and in case my said daughter Alice shall die without leaving any child or children or shall die leaving child or children and all and every such child or children shall die under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful issue then the last mentioned fifth part shall be equally divided my remaining other children or their respective legal representatives in equal shares and proportions
And from and out of the remaining fifth part I give and bequeath unto the said Emma my daughter (the daughter of my said daughter Sarah Coates) the sum of one hundred pounds and the remainder of the said fifth part I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Sarah Coates her Exec's and Administrators And my will and mind further is that the said two sums of one hundred pounds and one hundred pounds shall be paid to the said Emma (the daughter of my said daughter Sarah Coates) at her age of twenty one years and in the mean time to be placed out on interest in the name of my said Executors but not at their hazard and the interest applied towards her maintenance and education but in case the said Emma shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years unmarried and without leaving lawful issue then I will and direct that the same shall be equally divided amongst my remaining other children or their respective legal representatives in equal shares and proportions and I give and bequeath the same accordingly and my will and meaning further is and I do hereby declare that whatsoever sum or sums of money have already been or may hereafter be by me advanced to any or either of my said daughters or any or either of their husbands respectively shall be reckoned accepted accounted and taken as part of the monies or legaties or shares of my Estate by me hereto before to there or to of for their benefit or advantage respectively bequeathed or given And I do hereby further declare that what I have given and bequeathed to my said Wife in and by this my last Will and Testament is in lieu bar and full satisfaction of her dower and thirds or claim of in or out of my Estate both Real and Personal or either of them
And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said brother Robert Fenn my said son Robert Fenn the said George Goodwin and the said Theodore Banyard Coates Executors of this my last Will and Testament In witness I the said Simon Fenn the Testator have to the three first sheets of this my last Will and Testament contained in four sheets of paper set my hand and to the fourth sheet thereof have set my hand and seal this twenty third day July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six
Simon Fenn
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator Simon Fenn as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our hands as Witnesses
William Goodwin, Edmund ? Brown, John Marriott.
This Will was proved at London the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven before the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissory of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Robert Fenn the son of the deceased George Goodwin and Theodore Banyard Coates three of the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by commission to administer power reserved of making the like grant to Robert Fenn the brother of the said deceased and the other Executor named in the said Will when he shall apply for the same.
Ref PROB 11/1457 Page 227 Image 182

7. "Grandfather" Fenn of Coddenham: Notes by Edward Fenn FRCP, 1870.
Liveing Archive 2017
"Grandfather" Fenn of Coddenham had one son Robert, Capt in Yeomanry, who succeeded him in house and farm (Rectory farm belonged to Longe) and married Miss Harriet Liveing, and four daughters two married men in Brad Street one of whom was steward and managing agent of the grandfather of the present Sir N Brooke Middleton of Shrubland Hall by Ipswich and Coddenham one married Mr Goodwin of Stowmarket a jack of all trades - sharp - like old Thorogood, children disliked him. Another married Mr Sherman farmer & miller.
Liveing Family Notes by Edward Liveing 1870


Simon married Elizabeth UNDERWOOD [4547] [MRIN: 1560] on 28 Oct 1776 in Coddenham SFK. (Elizabeth UNDERWOOD [4547] was born about 1753, died on 14 May 1831 in Haughley SFK and was buried on 21 May 1831 in Coddenham SFK.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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