The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Thomas Lugg BARKER [638]
Louisa MANKEY [639]
Peter JOHNSON [636]
(Abt 1825-1913)
Alice BRITTON [637]
(Abt 1839-1910)
Thomas Lugg Mankey BARKER [634]
Alice Catherine "Lal" JOHNSON [635]

Marjorie Helen Ruth "Margot" BARKER [40]


Family Links

1. Harold Liveing "Harry" FENN [33]

Marjorie Helen Ruth "Margot" BARKER [40]

  • Born: 5 Jun 1907, Wellington NZ
  • Marriage (1): Harold Liveing "Harry" FENN [33] on 25 Oct 1939 in Old St Paul Cathedral Church Wellington N.Z.
  • Died: 27 Jun 1970, Fairlie N.Z. aged 63
  • Buried: 1970, Timaru N.Z.

bullet   Cause of her death was cancer (Multiple Myloma).


bullet  General Notes:

Margot was the ninth child in an interesting and intelligent family of ten, she had an outgoing and enquiring personality with ideas and interests often ahead of her times. Margot was Head Girl at Wellington College, trained at Wellington Hospital, and was a Nursing Sister at New Plymouth Hospital, she met her husband Harry on board the Tainui enroute to England. She bought a car in London and travelled extensively in Britain, then tours to Europe. She nursed at Stonefield Hospital Blackheath London and from Sunnybank Private Hospital Ave Petit-Juas Cannes, France in 1938/9 where the nursing of many of her patients was at their homes, or in Hotels. Returning to Sydney Australia on the P&O ship Strathnaver 16 Aug 1939 then on the Wanganella to Wellington 29 Aug 1939, and married. At age 32 she was 30 years younger than her husband.

A recent wedding, which took place at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, was that of Marjorie Helen, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Barker, Lower Hutt, and Harold Liveing, second son of the late Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Fenn, Alston Court, Colchester England. The ceremony was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon A. L. Hansell, assisted by Canon Davies.
The bride was wearing a model ensemble of turquoise blue with black accessories. A reception was held at the Grand Hotel, the bride and bridegroom leaving later for their future home in South Canterbury.
Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 109, 4 November 1939, Page 18

Margot's details as recorded in her 1938 diary were:
Height 5ft 73/4in. Weight 8 St 91/2lbs. Passport No. 77955 issued 2 Mar 1938. Divers Lic No 4H due 11-1-76 Telgraphic Address 2974 Bay.

Margot was active in the National Party in Timaru, secretary of the Gleniti Branch, and in her Church, she was a Franciscan Tertiary. With an elderly husband raised by a Nanny in the Victorian era, most of the work and decisions of postwar child rearing fell to Margot, she was a tireless worker for her family, and in her beloved 1.5 acre garden most of which she created by her own efforts. The arrival of her brother-in-law Van in 1951 was a great stimulus to her spiritually, as Van was well educated biblically.
Margot suffered bravely with cancer for more than 10 years, her selfless attitude to life was an inspiration to many people, she derived great strength from her faith, an optimist to the end.

Margot had a long interest in the spiritual and ethical values of the Order of St Francis, she was a subscriber to their English language publication "Franciscan" from the 1930's. The Order was established in NZ in the 1950's, Margot was professed in the Third Order in 1964, one of the first in New Zealand.

This is an extract from the book "A Vision Unfolds".Christine Cole Catley writer and publisher of Marlborough Sounds recalls childhood visits to Wallis house in the 1930's,and later conference and live in weekends. Her association with the House spans 50 years. She writes "My much loved aunt, Margery Barker later Margery Fenn helped Mrs Wallis. establish Wallis House as a retreat and conference centre. Margery had been a nursing sister at the New Plymouth Hospital before family illness brought her back to Lower Hutt. She was an efficient organiser and a devout Anglican, no doubt qualifactions for her work with Mrs Wallis, but I remember her most clearly as she transformed the House with her famous floral arrangements. The occasion must have been special as she persuaded my grandfather not a churchman to part with some of of his prizewinning flowers to supplement those from the gardens of the House"

Margo's confirmation certificate includes:
Baptised:"Provisional Adult Baptism 5 Sept 1962 Ronald Plaistow Archdeacon Timaru."
Confirmed: 5th August 1923 by the Bishop of Wellington.
First Communion: 12 Augt 1923 at All Saints Church Kilbirnie.
Signed J H Sykes. Vicar.

It would be hard to better a description of Margo as a person, than the testimony that follows from her daughter-in-law, Joan.
Marjorie Helen Ruth Fenn
Margo Fenn was my mother-in-law - a role she played to perfection although this was a fact that eluded me until years had passed, life had taken many learning curves, and I was mature.
In 1963 Edward and I met en route to the United Kingdom so my initial contact with his mother was by correspondence, which we, over time, did regularly and enthusiastically. This was the foundation of what eventually became a compatible, loving friendship between us. I also corresponded with Margo's sister, Ine, getting to know her, albeit from afar, too. Sadly she died during the time we were returning to New Zealand on board the ship, 'Himalaya'. I had a cape for her in my luggage, which was the particular garment she always wore to camouflage her withered arm. The interest, sincerity and friendship shown by way of correspondence to a young girl whom they had never met were indicative of the Barker sisters' personalities.
Edward's parents, Margo and Harold Fenn, welcomed me into their family, warmly introduced me to relatives and friends, and I grew to have an extremely close and special bond with them, loving them without reservation. I learnt richly from them and I trust I have, in turn, passed on even a little of this knowledge and awareness to our children, Jane and Hamish.
Margo was an intelligent, discerning, modest, kind and wise woman with absolute devotion to her Christian faith. She was well read with an academic inclination. She was tall in stature, slim and had lovely blue eyes.
Unintentionally and unknowingly she introduced me to a different perspective of living that previously had not been part of my environment but which I appreciated and have continued to aspire to.
I have many clear memories; one of which being how she encouraged my new interest in cooking - it was her suggestion I should phone the local radio station for a Chicken Liver Pate recipe (not a usual menu item in those days!). Her freezer was commercial size and always full of an exciting variety of food. Gardening was another interest and subject of which she had a wide knowledge - visible by the very large, lovely flower and vegetable garden surrounding the house on the outskirts of Timaru. Ashamedly now, in my youthful ignorance I re-planted an area in that same garden with totally unsuitable flora. In her infinite wisdom Margo made no comment but certainly must have had many thoughts!
On our parental visits to Christchurch I recall how Margo would so generously loan me an expensive, tan, suede tailored coat which she knew I loved - at that time, as newly weds, we were careful with our finances and my wardrobe had limitations.
Material possessions were incidental to her, especially after she had become a member of the Order of St. Francis. She gave me a lovely square sapphire and diamond ring (from a broken engagement many years before) which I treasure along with two small glass violet vases and a blue felt sewing needle holder. All have different monetary value but are of equal value to me.
I particularly remember her wisdom in being non-judgmental and keeping a 'still tongue' where her newly married young son and daughter-in-law were concerned! An example I often bring to mind, and hopefully follow, now I am a mother-in-law.
She was terminally ill during the years I knew her but never did she complain or draw attention to her health. Edward and I would often be treated to thoughtfully prepared meals but, at this time, even cooking would sap the limited energy she had. Regular visits were made to Christchurch Hospital for blood transfusions to help her cope with daily living.
I treasure the memories I have of Edward's parents; they were my mentors, whom I respected, admired and loved. I look back with happiness and gratitude.
Joan P Baggott 2005

Joan Baggott's sentiments can be appreciated in the light of how both these women reached out to the other:
No4 R.D.
October 14, 1963.
My dear Joan,
It was certainly an inspiration on your part to write and introduce yourself instead of passing it on to Edward. It is such a joy to be able to write back straight away (your letter came this morning) and say how much we are all looking forward to welcoming you into our family circle. I know we will love you as Edward does and for me especially at this time it is a crowning happiness to know that my dear boy has found such a lovely girl to be his wife. The slides he sent arrived on Thursday last and I riffled through them with much impatience till I found the ones of you. Now we have to wait till we can get a crowd together and have a real film evening. Everyone is dying to see what he has been doing with his time and there is quite a sneaking suspicion abroad that he has somehow or another become involved sentimentally. I do hope your parents will feel as happy about our lad as we are about their daughter. As there seems to be nothing official about your engagement yet - I can't ask you for the address but naturally I shall look forward to getting to know them as soon as possible. To think I was so near to you will when I was in Auckland in March and I didn't even feel "vibrations" of all the exciting things that were coming to pass! I am very sorry that I've had to mar Edward's happiness by telling him of my illness. I'd have done anything to avoid it - but knowing my loving son, I know he would feel desperately hurt if I had kept silent any longer. I'm writing this in a hospital room where I await the first of the blood transfusions that will keep me going (I hope for a long time) I am to have a talk with the Medical Superintendent later, he will tell me what I am to tell Ed, so it will be straight from the horses mouth if one can so designate so august a person has a M.S.! I hope so much that what I hear will not mean that E misses out on his European tour. (I forgot to tell him to get some tablets for sterilising water, especially for his teeth but he'll know that I expect as a good soldier, he's done some jungle warfare). You will need the woollies and boots you spoke of buying for the South Island. It is arctic here today after a freezing day yesterday (6" of snow in Southland) the sun is shining anyway, and life seems very good. I think you will like Timaru, it's not an exciting place but the people are very sincere and steadfast types and at the present moment it's beautiful the gardens everywhere are full of tulips and blossom trees and the lawns are all brilliantly green after our foul wet winter. You won't see much snow here - except at a distance but the Southern Alps and our own h

are lovely all through the season. You'll have had quite enough trouble trying to decipher my handwriting Joan, so I won't write any more - but I know my husband and K. join with me in saying "Welcome Joan" and may we see you in our midst as soon as may be!
Ever your affectionate
Margot Fenn.

Mrs E. L. Barker
C/o Maitland Conv Home
254 The Terrace
New Zealand
September 11, 1938
My darling one
Here's a nice reminder of spring (Bluebells) to cheer you up # a health germ goes with it XXX. Harold and I have been having a most lovely day at Guildford in Surrey 28 miles from London. It is a very ancient town and full of interesting things besides having some of the loveliest scenery in England. The trees are all turning now some of them are simply magnificent, and the hedgerows are full of scarlet berries - tell daddy there is a big tree with berries and leaves exactly like his Cotorcaster? Pinosa - I'm going to try and find out what it is - the berry shrubs everywhere made me think of home. I long for news of you all - but there is a mail in tomorrow so mayhap I'll hear then. Do hope the body? is getting well and strong and some sun to shine on you to help you along. All my love darling Mum
From your Margo

Miss A. A. Fenn
2 St Luke's villas
College Road

Taiko RMD.
Timaru NZ
My dear Adria
This is to convey the joyful tidings that you are now the aunt of niece! Katherine Julius arrived a fortnight ago today and today I take my precious infant home! I'm longing to see Edward's face when confronted by his little sister - I believe he has been wild with delight. He wanted a sister so much more than a brother and so of course did Harry - a daughter. Dear old boy he has been housekeeping for himself for nearly 4 weeks since I had to come to hospital a fortnight before the infant was born. However he seems to have managed very well and I hope he has got his hand well in in domestic affairs because I've got no help at all and I expect the going will be fairly hard for a while. I'm fortunate in having another placid baby and one that is making good progress. K is a copper top like me - a funny little scrap at the moment but so was Edward at the same age and now he is huge. I hope we will be able to have some snaps taken ere long. I'm so glad you're pretty jacket will adorn a little girl - so much more appropriate isn't it? It's wonderful to think of you all living in peace again may it not be long before your rations are restored. It will make a vast difference now that the Japs are defeated and there will be more ships available for taking our meat and butter and cheese. I do hope you are happily settled in your new home with your own things around you. How glad you must be to have a home again - the shortage is acute everywhere but must be particularly bad in England. We were vastly interested in your elections - you have a far better government than ours, you know
Much love from all
Written on three parts of a New Zealand Airmail Letter Card , franked Timaru 1945 with an 8d Tuatara stamp on it.

Miss Fenn
17 College Rd
Cheltenham Glos

11 January 1952
Dear Adria
Many thanks indeed for your kind wishes and calendar, we tried to give old Van a real family Christmas and I think succeeded in so doing, but he didn't get any turkey, a rare commodity out here; however the kids roused him up bright and early, but that didn't matter as he was helping out at early H.C. at 7 and 8 a.m. that morning. You really have a wonderful "flair" for picking presents for the children, "real winners" Edward calls them and that's mighty high praise. Van loves picnics; so now the holidays are on, we jaunt out into the country or to the sea side when the weather tempts us; so far our spring and summer have been rather cold and wet. Best of good wishes for the New Year from all the Fenn family and love from us all
Your affectionate brother
Greetings to you both and many thanks for your letter
All letters written on three sides of a New Zealand Air Letter Form franked Timaru.

Miss Fenn
17 College Rd
Dear Adria
This family is much in your debt again two books have arrived for me lately and I am most grateful to you for them. How I envy you your second hand bookshops in Cheltenham - I do love browsing amongst old books and things. I had some glorious "pokes" at the Caledonian market while I was in England but of course never made any real "finds". It was awfully good of you to entertain Miss Ford as you did. She was most grateful for your hospitality. How we laughed at your choice of the word "patient" to describe the spate of words that flows from her kind old lips! H. and I first go to sleep (mentally) and let her have her head whenever she is here. They are both of the deaf now - and anyway not particularly interested . . . . . and she is happy as long as she can talk. Both old brothers are flourishing and both working hard - H. is putting up a fence (timber) 50 yds x 6 ft high - a big job but as labour is our chief expense it won't be so terribly expensive as he is doing it - E. is helping him as far as a one armed man can help. Only another 10 days or so till that plaster comes off his arm and I imagine he'll be pleased as its a heavy thing to lug around with him (I expect Van told you that he'd fractured his wrist at school). I do hope you're having a lovely spring and will have a perfect summer. It's like Midsummer here at present.
Much love to you and greetings to Mrs Rowden
Written on three sides of a New Zealand Aerogram franked Timaru 1955 with a NZ 8d stamp.

Miss Fenn
Amberley Court
Clarence Square
Glos. England.
My dear Adria,
Kay tells me she is writing to you to so I won't say too much since her mind is much clearer than mine at the moment.
Our dear old Harry went to his well deserved rest on Monday the sixth Epiphany after a period of unconsciousness that really prepared us for the end - the beginning of his glorious life. What a wonderful thing it is to think off - Kay said he looked so lovely and peaceful when she is went to see him.
His funeral service was yesterday taken by his old friend and vicar in Timaru days - Archdeacon Plaistow (our vicar was away) RP prepared Kay for confirmation so I know he would be a help to her and he was to everyone else there from all accounts since he dwelt on Harry's faithfulness - especially to his church and as they were mostly old friend's present (although not necessarily old in years) it was well received. Then most after came here for tea and I was able to have a word with everyone It was a happy occasion in all loving talk of "old Fenny" And rejoicing at his peace after pain.
I've had to stay in bed with this jolly painful face that is the legacy after shingles. The doctor says it could last several months so I'm not going to risk getting a chill if I can.
It's heaven having kind little Kay here but her very presence adds as an incentive to my getting well.
Edward has rung several times from Suva and Joan came down for the night on Sunday the fifth returned next day. Looking so well and with number two little Fenn . . . . . expected for June July exciting isn't it and Harry knew about it.
My eye is very painful so I'll leave K to write more fully.
We shall miss our loved one sharn't we but how we rejoice in his new life.
Fondest love
Written on four sides of New Zealand AEROGRAMME. Jan 1969.

Rolleston Court
35 Cambridge Terrace
Christchurch 1
Saturday 24 January 1970
My darling K.
Thank you for your letter this morning, love you were not feeling a mite home sick where you? I can't imagine you were, or worried about me? Cos you don't need to be. Naturally I miss having you about I'd not be honest if I said otherwise that I'm never a moper as you NO and will thought of you and Pootles being together fills me with joy. Be sure to make the call when you get the phone - collect to me it's almost the only thing I can do for you at present but I've been planning to do a couple of cases of tomatoes for you later on Im sure you'll need the vitamins to help you combat the cold especially later and I can do them very easily in the Vacola so sweetest when you were thinking of Harvey buying me fruit and veggies our thoughts were very closely linked bless your kind little heart and his the dear.
I asked Mr Weir to get me a lettuce yesterday and he got me a nice one albeit with a few outside leaves withered 3/- 30c ! Molly Keith is very good . . . . . fruit and veg at present. I've been there to lunch again today and to the library first jolly good of her, love to you both from them both. Sue departs for Wellington tomorrow poor lamb the unknown school can be a bogey but I hope things will work out well for her
Michael hasn't written since he left home to get to Cambridge eventually. I'm very glad you and E have more imagination and think of the "little white-haired mother o mine" looking for a letter and receiving one with joy. This doesn't tie you down you know but oddly enough as I know, it is one of the things I'm gladdest of all that I did for my family and Daddy while I could. NO BLACKMAIL! Oh a confession - I might have known had I thought for a moment that I wouldn't have two letters from Suva in a week but I was so thrilled to see your writing and Joans that at first went ahead and opened both - silly me (glad I am not Mata Hari! No harm came can come and I've given them your address. What a bargain you've got in your dining table and chairs, this one was very expensive for a mear make up type of wood and it does scratch dear and I'm afraid there is no remedy for a proper scratch. The value of this "wood" is that it doesn't stain or show heat marks a wipe over with wet or dry cloth is enough so Sweetie I can't help you unless you got a proper wood (can't remember names at the moment I am sorry to say) Cedar etc need special care, what kind of bedroom furniture have you got and living room? You've not told me anything of furnishings yet and what of curtains and floor coverings? I imagine the flats
are quite new? Oh I'm so thrilled for you to have a nice home to share with your P and to entertain from.
Barbara was here briefly on Friday and wants me to go back with them when school starts I probably will tho HOME and quiet still exert their magic and I'm never lonely or . . . . . Frank and Sally asked to share a leg o pork tonight but knowing of his lunches I refused, and sure enough I've no appetite left, and such delectability would be wasted on me! Not very nice weather blustery and grey and some rain marvellous letters from all my kind friends keep me busy Ann Brookfield - Barton has a second daughter (in passing) have you the cousins names and addresses Chris Cole Judy & Donald McKenzie Joan & Alex Aitken The J McK's are Joan and Mac I think, I'd write to John and Wendy Bull in Auckland they are generous and John is in the electrical trade I think so the jug could be from them better than not writing for they are kind soles and Wendy bothered to write me a note saying how sorry they were that they couldn't come. Have you chosen your wedding photos yet? I think they're lovely but I'm happy with my little coloured ones. Everyone asks for you - so kind and unobtrusive with their gifts of food, NO news here you ken but I like to dribble on
Fondest love my dear two - from your loving M

Margot spoke little of her faith except to those who shared it, the following is a glimpse of that part of her life.
Written by Mrs Evans and published in the "Franciscan"
In June 1970, after eight years of suffering, Margot Fenn died in the home of friends in Fairlie.
I first met Margot Fenn entering a hall for Brother Geoffrey's first meeting in Timaru, South Canterbury in 1963. Her face was alight with excitement and joy as she had not known until the advertisement for the meeting that there had been any friars in New Zealand, though since 1938 she had been in touch with Cerne Abbas. Brother Geoffrey was admittigg some Companions on this occasion and I asked her if she would care to become one too. Her answer was symbolid (sic) of Margot's total generosity to God "Oh no, Third Order or nothing for me." We arranged to talk this over and this was the beginning of an experience in friendship that stands apart, for Margot herself showed a spiritual pilgrimage through much suffering and joy until her death.
It is hard to write of her, but that God accepted. her offering of herself to use anyway He chose for the honour and glory of his name and for the coming of a men's Order to N.Z. was obvious. Almost as soon as she had become a novice Tertiary it was found that she had leukaemia, and the doctors said she two weeks to live. From then on the fight for health was on and how the devil fought back and tried to overwhelm Margot's courageous spirit. But throughout N.Z. and elsewhere many were praying for her, she stayed close to the Sacrament of the church and was given strength to care for her elderly invalid husband in their Christchurch flat where so many came just to be with them, to ask for help or a share in her prayers. As the years passed and both Harry and Margot became weaker one could only wonder at the way she was able to lift her husband in and out of his chair and continue nursing him but still the same joy and love for others was shared there and by letter. The marriage of their son and the birth of their first grandchild were doubly appreciated as a blessing they might not have lived to see. Things were not the same after Harry's death, which came at a time of even greater pain for Margo, but she grew in love for Christ and all his children. She radiated love her parish priest.wrote "I just loved her as a person. Of her great courage, hopefulness and cheerfulness one can speak with the utmost conviction these are surely marks of a Christ like life. what a lot she had to contend with! And she never moaned about it. One of those folks who make me feel very humble . . . . " Another priest who knew her very well for many years wrote of "her experience of Christ which grew over the years in depth, a growth in love in spite of suffering immense pain and of her generosity to all" How many of us in New Zealand received blessings as her acceptance of this suffering. Her intercession list was huge and truly embraced all men and those of every branch of the Church. How grateful she was to be allowed to live to see the wedding of her beloved daughter, to see the Friars safely established in N.Z. and the first N.Z. priest made novice in Brisbane. The last month of, her life she stayed with close friends in Fairlie in great peace with them, finally our Lord came to her in a special way before, upheld by the prayer of these friends she died in her sleep. May she and her husband rest in peace, and all of us be grateful for her life and friendship.

Telegram 29 June 1970
To Miss Fenn, Amberley Court, Clarence Sq, Cheltenham.
Mother died very peacefully Saturday 27th writing soon.
Love Kay.

bullet  Medical Notes:

Margot whose cancer caused severe anaemia was a patient of an oncology researcher, Dr Guntz at Christchurch Hospital NZ, she was part of an early worldwide program developing chemotherapy.


bullet  Other Records

1. Marjorie Barker: Her Early Years, 1907-1935, In Wellington & Lower Hutt NZ.

2. Marjorie Barker: As a teenager, 1925-1928, In Wellington & Lower Hutt NZ.
Marjorie was Head Girl at Wellington East College 1925, swimming at Maugaroa Upper Hutt Wellington 1927

3. Marjorie Barker: NZ and in Europe, 1927-1938. Margot meets Geo VI Wellington 1927, with Sparks on board Tainui, Cold in Scotland, Hot in Cannes France.

4. Margot Barker: Engagement to Oxley Hughan, 1935, Wellington.
Found in Margot's bible from her school days was notice of her engagement to Oxley Hughan c1935:
Hughan - Barker
Marjorie Helen Ruth fifth daughter of Mr and Mrs T L Barker of Lower Hutt to Oxley only son of Mr A and Mrs Jessie Hughan (nee Oxley) of Eketahuna.
(HUGHAN - McDOUGALL: At Wellington, on April 16, 1943, Nan McDougall to Oxley Alexander Edgar Hughan. Oxley Hughan was a sometime film director with the NZ National Film Unit)

This engagement did not lead to marriage, no details were revealed to Margot's son the researcher as to why.
However Oxley and the engagement were not a secret in the family, nor was he discredited, so it can be assumed the split was (mostly) consensual.

The rather fine engagement ring (pictured), which Margot always wore is in the possession of her grandaughter Jane - 2020.

The question is - are the men in the image one and the same? To the right are Oxley, off his obituary. Margot smiling in the light dress, who sits beside her ?

NZ on Screen.
Director and producer Oxley Hughan began directing for the Government's National Film Unit during World War II. In the 60s he moved into producing, working on another 120 plus films before his retirement in 1967. Hughan passed away in January 1992.

Oxley Hughan spent 26 years working for the National Film Unit, including five years as one of the unit's senior directors.
Hughan joined the NFU as a production assistant in September 1941 \emdash soon after the organisation's rebirth, initially to promote the war effort.
Within four years Hughan was directing for the Unit's Weekly Review newsreels, ranging from war-related pieces (the Italian-filmed Winter Front) to those back home (Maori Village).
In 1955 Hughan became a Senior Unit Director, a job which saw him travelling over all over New Zealand. He was especially interested in films that involved agriculture, and later said that his greatest pleasure was working in the high country. Hughan spent time on four hill country stations, and captured a high country sheep muster on the Brian Brake-shot The Snowline is their Boundary.
Though for long periods the NFU's films did not provide on-screen credits, Hughan also directed Farming in New Zealand (1952), Hill Country (1960) and centenary film Canterbury is a Hundred, which includes some farming sequences. Excerpts from the later title feature in the opening of Peter Jackson's Canterbury-set drama Heavenly Creatures.
Hughan also helmed the hour-long Royal New Zealand Journey (1954), whose advertising promised viewers the chance to "follow the Queen in all her dazzling splendour through ceremonial and pageantry never before seen in this country". Hughan commanded a team of ten to capture this chronicle of a six-week tour which encompassed New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga. The film was made in conjunction with British powerhouse the
J Arthur Rank Organisation, and later screened in England and the United States.
The Maori Today, one of Hughan's last films as director, examined Maori urbanisation and culture through the lens of 1960. The film argues \emdash now controversially \emdash for the consolidation of Maori land into single title, and includes footage of artist E Mervyn Taylor and politician Eruera Tirikatene.
In 1960, after directing at least 14 films, Hughan moved into a more deskbound job as a producer. He would co-produce 80 plus titles for the Film Unit (often credited alongside longtime NFU boss Geoffrey Scott), and from 1962, 'supervise' production of another 50 plus Pictorial Parades. The magazine style Parades had launched in 1952, signalling the Film Unit's return to more scenic-orientated fare after the war.
Shortly before Hughan's retirement in December 1967, he talked about how filmmaking had changed. "Nowadays the camera is used more imaginatively, rather than in the British documentary style used when I started, and it has been interesting for me in the last five years to see the young fry of the Film Unit trying to make films in a new way."
Oxley Hughan passed away in Stoke, on the edge of Nelson, in January 1992.

Death Notice for Oxley Hughan - The Dominion, 21 January 1992, Page 19
After 26 years with the National Film Unit I think my greatest pleasure has been the making of farming films, and working with the farming people - Oxley Hughan, on his retirement in 1967.

5. Marjorie Barkers 1938 Diary: Travelling to and in Europe Part 1, 25 Dec 1937 to 31 Dec 1938. Marjorie Fenn's Diary 1938
Transcribed by her son - 2014
Note this diary has been transcribed using error ridden voice recognition technology.

Christmas Day 25 Dec 1937
Such a happy day my dear ones Dos and Eileen to lunch much joy over mother's presence on couch for lunch (she has strained her ankle) listen to good radio tonight.
Boxing Day
Sunday 26 Dec 1937
Hillman family arrived about 9:30 AM and we set off for New Plymouth very happily stopped for long lunch at Waikanae. Arrived New Plymouth uneventfully at 7:45 PM everyone there very fit dear souls
Monday 27 Dec 1937
To ? for a picnic - topping day and saw many friendly faces - Stu's day somewhat marred by toothache - Doss awfully sweet to us.
Tuesday 28 Dec 1937
To Brooklands in a.m. lazed and played tennis in pm, very hot lovely being in New Plymouth
Wednesday 29 Dec 1937
Left 9:45 am for Auckland lovely day, though dusty in spots arrived about 8 pm nice digs
Saturday 1 January 1938
Auckland wet day - To Point Chevalier in a.m. Mr Pike took me for a long drive in pm to see Barbara Knight and Jock H latter was not in but rang me later - sounds awfully fit. To Onehunga at night. Mr Barkers house 13 Ferryhill Road Mt Eden is great fun the frigidaire shakes the whole house and interrupts my sleep otherwise all is well.
Sunday 2 of January
A topping day - to Mission Bay in a.m. went over by car ferry to Devonport a lovely place with many huge phoenix palms glorious weather beach crowded glorious beaches in Auckland
Monday 3 January
Left for Rotorua about 10 am took our time and arrived at 5 pm, had booked in at Empire but on our way found a delightful "Cosy Cabin" so parked there - 4 bunks and all cooking necessities - baths et cetera for 15/6d a day did the town and shopped before teatime.
Tuesday 4 January
To Whaka in a.m. and Tikitere in pm frightfully hot - Langley and I walked to Roto-Kawau while the others did Tikitere, to Blue Bath's at night.
Wednesday 5 January
Awfully wet - Bathed in Lake and drove about, our cabin is great fun and most comfortable better than camping to see Merle C. but found her away.
Thursday 6 January
Left early for Huntersville gorgeous day and scenery 200 miles odd. Hillman's did not like the Rangitaiki roads arrived 7 pm all feeling pretty dished. Eine and family well, 1st visit to new farm
Friday 7 January
Hillman's left early am. Awfully hot here - busy all day - men are haymaking. Eine has sore feet and is pretty miserable - will not be able to go home tomorrow.
Saturday 8 January
Eine has 2 septic corns and is pretty worn out. Sent for Dr at night Burrett late of New Plymouth Hospital
Sunday 9 January
Awfully hot - went to river for pm. Dr called, Eines toes still pretty messy - has erysipelas in one leg
Monday 10 January
Not going home today Tok H starts for year (17th)
11 January - 16 January no entries.
Monday 17 January
Keim? visited LWH first meeting for year and spoke interestingly sorry to miss that
18 January no entry
Wednesday 19 January
Home by New Plymouth Express, glad to see my family
Thursday 20 January
Gardened hard all day.
Friday 21 January
To town for most of the day planted crocuses at Karori a nice gardener gave me rock plants and a promise of Autumn crocuses.
Saturday 22 January
Betts birthday - mother is still in bed but improving. Back to toil after dinner, several retreatants had arrived - oh hell
Sunday 23 January
To church 8 am awfully wet so had church in Chapel at night - Grr
Monday 24 January
8 people here for retreat went visiting to Mrs Crawford in pm saw beautiful carving and needlework.
Tuesday 25 January
To town in pm - saw shipping people and definitely booked by Tainui on March 30 gardened in a.m.
26/27 January no entry
Friday 28 January
Awful day retreatants left 9 am and S.C.M came at 9:40 am what a life! Nice crowd this time 23 of them. Nesta Wood and Co, Mr MacKenzie. Went home at night
Saturday 29 January
Busy day but enjoying these people.
Sunday 30 January
Sam Wood took Holy Communion in Chapel which I skipped everyone in foul moods Grr and awful atmosphere. How I loathe it - most of crowd departed.
Monday 31 January
Remaining 6 departed - the usual busy Monday
Tuesday 1 February
Forgot to say "Rabbits". Gardened in extreme heat so as to avoid visitors - bad tempers rife.
Wednesday 2 February
Builders in possession Miss Nicholls to lunch to town later
Thursday 3 February
Mrs Ward head to lunch a nice soul in trouble several folk to tea in pm
Friday 4 February
Day off - what joy gardened and messed about at home - got mother up - she can walk a little now. Fellowship at Mrs Taylors
Saturday 5 February
Toc H women arrived while we were having prayers - a nice crowd.
Sunday 6 February
Bishop celebrated for Toc H service - a busy day. Boys help me with dishes. They left 7 pm.
Monday 7 February
Miss Compton Smith arrived early and we went over things together a nice girl. Took my leave with much regret before lunch. Robbie rang at night. Good to be home.
Tuesday 8 February
To town to collect rent etc got form for passport met Sr Milne did some shopping
Wednesday 9 February
Gardened and went through my positions.
Thursday 10 February
Doss came for lunch and I went to town with her - shopped and bought a hat. Mother up more and walking a little. Sir Truby King died - John S called a.m.
Friday 11 February
Poured so no gardening but mended and sorted my clothes. Happy day with mother. Hillman's called - Phil Hillman rang.
Saturday 12 February
A busy day - rained - took Mr Rait for walk p.m. - to movies with father and Mr Hufton called at night Sir Truby King accorded a state funeral.
Sunday 13 February
Slept in a.m. rained intermittently. Hillman's came at 7 pm and took mother and me for a topping drive mother's first outing for ages.
Monday 14 February
Busy day at home still raining LWH at night talk by Brigadier Green of S.A. good attendance for so foul a night
Tuesday 15 February.
Uneventful busy day at home mother walked round the estate and was very thrilled with herself
Wednesday 16 February
Went to dressmaker p.m. chose styles for 5 frocks. Tea with Mrs McMillan.
Thursday 17 February.
Mr and Joyce Bennett came for a short time - to Rima Stevens-Smiths for tea 16 Railway Avenue. Mother dined with Mrs Brimley - Margaret Grant returned from Blenheim - went there for evening
Friday 18 February.
To town pm and much shopping accomplished - how I loathe it. To Fellowship at night at Mrs Wedekinds
Saturday 19 February.
Margaret G came early p.m. and stayed for tea wound my jumper wool and sewed
Sunday 20 February.
Rained hard so stayed home all day Hillman came at night and took mother and me for a drive to Eastbourne had a cup of tea with them later
Monday 21 February
Doss and Nan flew to Nelson. Picked me up at railway station 6:30 pm and I went with them to Raumati. The house is great with all its additions early to bed.
Tuesday 22 February
Frightfully tired and lazy for a picnic to Waikanae went up to see Betty Wilson. Nan's baby is a pet, will weekend with them if possible before I sail.
Wednesday 23 February.
Returned to town had a lovely shopping day with Dossie. Latter came to Hutt with me for tea and returned later.
Thursday 24 February
Bet went to blind picnic at Paekakariki so mother and I had a happy day by ourselves John G came for am tea and signed my passport
Friday 25 February
Gardened hard all day and accomplished much Fellowship at Mrs Williams very good - ? brought me home.
Saturday 26 February
Poured - church garden party postponed sewed all day.
Sunday. 27 February
Eine's birthday. Stayed in all day D and E both rang finished both sides of my jumper a particularly peaceful nice day.
Monday 28 February.
Washed and ironed. Went to Hutt and saw Town Clerk about premises for Tok-H jumble sale - rent free fortunately.
Tuesday 1 March
Said "Rabbits" to town 11 am mother full of beans and we had a happy day. Lunched at Dos and then to "Victoria the Great" an excellent picture mother enjoyed her first outing to town immensely.
Wednesday 2 March
Grr! Mother completely knocked out today Dos rang prior to starting on her holiday and wired late from Dannevirke
Thursday 3 March
Gardened and sewed all day how I am enjoying these days at home. Joan Hoare and Phyllis B came out at night mother improving Bet W rang Doss rang from Napier.
Friday 4 March
Doss rang from Napier to Hutt early a.m. to dressmaker Mary and Mrs Grant came p.m. pleasant p.m. John G and I went for a tramp at night and 8 chocolate biscuits all route. He is going to be ordained on St Patrick's Day. Mac brought my new steamer ?
Saturday 5 March
A good day washed and ironed Bet went to church garden party and Pop to the trots, Mother and I stayed home. Gardened some too, Lou came home at night
Sunday 6 March.
Fearfully stormy day went to John's church 11 am with Mrs D good sermon (Mark 14) Mac H and Doug are were at the Manse afterwards J and Mrs D go to Auckland tonight sewed all p.m. and listened to radio
Monday 7 March
Beastly windy day rather aimless generally sewed far too much and got a rotten head in consequence Bet went to Tok H
Tuesday 8 March.
Still beastly wind which tires everyone to death. My garden is a weathered ruin. Awful morning arranging this damn jumble sale. Ah me. Mother is feeling so much better.
Wednesday 9 March.
To Hutt am and to dressmaker. To town PM with mother to see Fay Compton in "Victoria Regina" very good to Mrs Gresens is for Fellowship at night
Thursday 10 March.
To Joyce at Gays Bay a.m. called in to see Mrs Wedekind's lad en'route happy day bathed and lay inside for an hour boiling sun. To dressmaker at night
Friday 11 March.
Up betimes to town Tok H jumble sale 9am L3 clear profit besides much fun my 1st experience thereof. To Mrs Wedekind at night they are dears.
Saturday 12 March.
A pleasant day at home a telegram from Doss in Auckland meeting Bet to join them later - sewing and gardening a bit
Sunday 13 March
Corporate Communion of Fellowship 8am Quite a few turned up. Pleasant lazy day.
Monday 14 March.
Mother's birthday a stunning day May and John came out and L came work. Lots of presents and love for the dear - same was very happy - to LWH at night where I was introduced Mrs Mitchell Wellington LWH
Tuesday 15 March
To town pm collected last of Hataitai rent and shopped. To Mrs Jamesons at night.
Wednesday 16 March.
Mrs Gillespie came for lunch and p.m. for tea - a cheery day - Dad and I gardened Joyce rang letter from Kessie?
Thursday 17 March.
To lunch with Nell Cullen - a happy day. Rang Robbie and wrote 5 letters John was ordained at Auckland
Friday 18 March.
To dressmaker and Mac came in car and brought us stuff from markets. Fellowship at Mrs Hillman's very pleasant wrote several letters very wet
Saturday 19 March
A wet day - gardened a good bit. Eine rang to say that she & Allan & Judith & John will be down next weekend. Nice letters from Doss in Whangarai
Sunday 20 March
To mums for tea listened to broadcast Clousteu's arrival from England to Cambridge Terrace Congregational church at night to hear Mr Hurst. Walked back with Min and returned in time to catch 10:10 bus
Monday 21 March.
Washed and ironed and did some gardening rather wet day Bet went to Toc H and mother and I had a delightful evening together I painted her mantelpiece John G rang and Nell.
Tuesday 22 March
Robbie came down and we went to the Grand Hotel for dinner.
Wednesday 23 March
To Miss Penny's pm - collected many cuttings and plants. Hectic morning in town buying boat ticket, finance etc.
Thursday 24 March.
To Joyce is for lunch Fellowship at night Miss Penny's - very pleasant tea with Mrs Bennett at Lowry Bay glorious day gardened p.m.
Friday 25 March.
Oxford Group Tok H. Busy day house cleaning etc Eine and Hillman come tomorrow p.m. Doss rang at night just retired from N P L W H - Lady Day sermon John took same a lovely service 6 of us gave me a nice book.
Saturday 26 March.
Busy a.m. to photographers with mother - then into town for a LWH luncheon. Met Mrs Edwards and Miss Bynton from England. Auntie Mabel came out. Eine Allen and family arrived 6 pm.
Sunday 27 March.
Busy a.m. - went to Dave before lunch Alan departed afterwards to church noete. Mr McLeary preached Harvest Festival. To Hillman's for supper most enjoyable
Monday 28 March.
Washed - Doris came out p.m., Eine Bet and children went to the zoo etc. To LWH at night my last - John came and took prayers very beautifully. He had a most hilarious meeting and got soaked coming home.
Tuesday 29 March.
John Gier and Mrs Dawson and Marge Grant came to tea. Mother and I went to John's re-ordination service at night very lovely happy day.
Wednesday 30 March.
John rang a.m. Mrs August Jamieson came for tea. To Lenten service nocte then on to Mrs Guy for a party - very pleasant. Letter from Darling Pete +
Thursday 31 March.
To town with mother in a.m. Met Doss and did business, out to Karori for lunch. To flicks p.m. and to Mrs Meech for tea. To Mrs Taylor for Fellowship - very pleasant Hillman brought us home - brought Beechy
Friday 1 April.
To Mrs Grants to say farewell - Mrs Bennett called and took us to Joyce's fatigue. Pleasant party L1 from J - shopping - Phyllis B came out at night
Saturday 2 April
Gardened. Mrs Hillman and Grant came over with gifts. To town with Mr Taylor to visit Tainui awful old tub. Lunched with T then out to Mr Rait, met wireless operator on Tainui - promises to be nice - fiendishly hot day.
Sunday 3 April.
To church 8 am most of the Fellowship there Alan and Ch arrived for lunch and took Eine and Ch back. St John's Church at night. Awfully hot weather said goodbye to John and Mrs Duncan.
Monday 4 April
To town and met Doss 9 am shopped and out to Karori home 2 pm. gardened and finished packing Nan called for me and took us to boat at 8 pm about 50 were down to see me off - Oh boy - great excitement.
Tuesday 5 April
Glad to rise after a sleepless night ship sailed at 7:15 am glorious day and there appears to be a decent crowd aboard. My cabin mate is charming. Gained one day I'm feeling better, danced at night
Wednesday 6 April
Usual round walked ate and slept mainly nothing extraordinary dull. Sent mother a telegram 5/- for 20 words
Thursday 7 April.
Still rather grey and dull but calm thank God life's damn dull and only 4 days out
Friday 8 April.
Still feeling rather cold, 4th, and Sparks are only my interest.
Saturday 9 April.
Things improving - some sun today drill class again livens things up a bit, passengers becoming more friendly
Sunday 10 April.
To church 10:30 am, taken by a parson passenger no sermon so out by 11am rest of the day exactly as any other. Wrote a good many letters
Monday 11 April.
Amazing the way the days pass - doing nothing except sleep and eat and an occasional game of quoits thrown in. Not awfully keen on the deck games prefer to have my walk round the deck and then to sleep.
Tuesday 12 April
The QM Mr Grimmett friend of the Jenkins is a nice chap and most helpful. Played deck tennis the best of the games, have entered for everything games commence tomorrow
Wednesday 13 April
Getting much hotter now glad to leave off most things. Life is not quite so fine
Thursday 14 April
Awaked 6 am with ships siren announcing our approach to Pitcairn. Great excitement on board Islanders are a poor lot - but their oranges and bananas are better. Lord Nelson gave us a bucketful stout fellow.
Good Friday 15 April
Church 10:30 am quite nice short service but missed 3 hours. Hot, good on top deck. Swimming bath up - but not many bathing, weather more settled
Saturday 16 April
Usual round of games and sleep. Won a few rounds. Romeo and Juliet have joined our threesome
Sunday 17 April
For swim early Holy Communion at 7 am in lounge matinees at 10:30 am singing poor and couldn't hear parson - good session on top deck at night.
Monday 18 April
Getting more tropical am quite brown - but not sunburnt swimming every day.
Tuesday 19 April
Hot - as usual
20 April no entry
Thursday 21 April.
Won some games a restless day played mah-jong all afternoon with Doreen, John Barker and Joe Lambert.
Friday 22 April.
Won golf and tennis doubles, celebrated Romeos win race meeting at night won 5 shillings celebrated some more. To bed late-ish.
Saturday 23 April.
Lost golf and tennis finals. Whoopee night.
Sunday 24 April.
Church 10:30. Parked on top deck with Sparks a.m. Marvellous weather mah-jong evening p.m.
Monday 25 April.
Everyone getting excited about Panama tomorrow. Pictures tonight "Crime over London" not bad good Anzac Day service 11 am quite impressive.
Tuesday 26 April.
Arrived Panama 2 pm, tied up at Panama City. For 3 hours drive - shopped and saw everything, filthy place. To Balboa Bar garden at night - Whoopee - especially later but in bed by 1:30
Wednesday 27 April
Up 6 am to see last of Panama City, glorious weather, trip through Canal most absorbing interesting, through by 2 pm violent weather in Caribbean Sea.
Thursday 28 April.
Feeling about 80% today damn queasy - two days - still blowing hard and half the ship down - wish we were not so near Jamaica.
Friday 29 April.
Great excitement as islands began to appear around 7 am berthed at Kingston 11 o'clock and went ashore for lunch at "Peggy Browns" had turtle steaks plantains etc. Went for a marvellous trip to Blue Mountains 5000 feet 6 hours drive all round a glorious place return to ship at Port Royale about 10:45 - I love Jamaica.
Saturday 30 April.
Had a marvellous night at Port Royale XX home at 5 to find the gangway taken up and had to wait till it was replaced. Sailed from Port Royale at 9 am hugged land for quite a time and still seeing plenty of ships. Feeling very well after and entirely dry day. Saw some marvellous trees and plants at Castleton Gardens - spices, rubber plants, ginger, cloves, teak, cannonball, pride of Burma, cocaine, pride of Sultan, glorious colouring.

6. Marjorie Barkers 1938 Diary: Travelling to and in Europe Part 2, 25 Dec 1937 to 31 Dec 1938. Sunday 1 May
A glorious day warm and blue, to church 10:30 am with Joe. Mah-jong all p.m. as usual - same fun at night - John went to bed early so sat with Joe.
Monday 2 May
Fine glorious weather Gulfstream making sea calm and temperature perfect. Feeling awfully well and very happy - so is John a very loving evening on boat deck.
Tuesday 3 May
A happy day - usual inactivity enjoying swimming again - rather perfect session in wireless room after lunch. Mah-jong p.m. pictures night Tim Walls in Fishermans Bridge? Most amusing to bed early afterwards to re compensate.
Wednesday 4 May
Perfect weather the sea is like a blue millpond Recketts blue hardly a movement in the ship - Sparks and I had a lovely evening on the boat deck temperature 74 degrees.
Thursday 5 May
Received a very loving message from John on awakening to my birthday! More glorious weather cool in the shade most heavenly sun celebrating my 21st birthday today in lieu of June 5th. Doreen 21 to Whoopee party at night - Baker iced my cake and we had 15 for a party after dinner. Received nice gifts. Such a happy evening John X ships concert on, Romeo and Porky marvellous. A glorious day.
Friday 6 May
Cold day resumed woolies children's party p.m. Sparks working tonight so sat with Joe and Harold
Saturday 7 May
Fine again. Everyone busy with preparations for fancy dress dance I dressed as Britannia and didn't look bad. John came and danced and we had a most lovely evening - especially after 12 when we sat on the soaking wet boat deck (awnings taken down) my blue frock is ruined but it was worth it!! Dressed Joe as a Shiek and Harold as Rajah of Bong.
Sunday 8 May
Miserable day everybody suffering from hangovers played mah-jong p.m. Joe and I went to church a.m. marvellous night on top deck with John.
Monday 9 May
Fine but grey and windy played golf packed up early and had a marvellous night.
Tuesday 10 May
Wet and rough - seas rough hateful on deck. Slept till 4 pm. Prize giving in after saloon Doreen won Tote & shouted, pictures at night - Sparks lonely and miserable - so stayed with him for a while.
Wednesday 11 May
Fine and cold - seas still rough race meeting at night saw one race then returned to boat deck - boat drill and much amusement p.m.
Thursday 12 May
Fine thank heavens - so sat and purred and slept on top deck all day - Sparks free - mah-jong in pm with John Barker, Doreen and Joe. Farewell dinner at night a marvellous feed. Sparks and I danced and enjoyed a Whoopi night generally. Won spot dance 5 shillings
Friday 13 May
Cold and foul so no top deck - busy packing a depressing day to many ? and John feeling ill - A cheery sing in the bar at night and a real gathering of the clans - top deck radio house 10:30 pm!!! 38th day of voyage
Saturday 14 May
Great excitement prevails as the first of the English coast appears. Cold and wet tied up at 6 pm. Letters from Mac and Mona letters to Richard , Pat, Dr Ashcroft at Waterloo to meet me. To Whitehall Hotel with Mona. To Corner House for supper by bus and Tube to start with. Came up from Southampton with Bill, Joe and Harold saw wild bluebells. Remember Doss birthday. London is marvellous - Doreen with me and both excited - but hated leaving John this evening.
Sunday 15 May
The first morning in London is a fine one, glad to rise after a sleepless night Doreen and I went to Hampstead to see her cousin. To Richard's flat p.m. for tea he is a dear boy to be married June 4 wrote to John.
Monday 16 May
Slept well - food in this place not quite adequate for my ferocious appetite but very nicely served. Found our way to New Zealand house and met many Tainui friends plus Romeo who took us to lunch at Mrs Brown's little teashop - 12 letters from me - rang A Fletcher wrote home to Mrs Fry - early night
Tuesday 17 May
Had my hair done while Doreen went to bank in Moorgate by tube and narrowly missed being killed in accident. Lunched at Whiteleys with Mona. Tea at P Robinson's with Pat, Mac etc a great reunion shopped at Woolworths for home! Home all evening bed 11 pm
Wednesday 18 May
To New Zealand House for our mail 3 letters from home and one from Miss Hill - to Kew Gardens by Tube lunched there and saw everything squirrels robbins! Tired feet but otherwise enjoyable - tulips noteworthy
Thursday 19 May
Out shopping - bought a costume L3/3/- and a green wool frock L1/1/-. To Blackheath by SR to see Francie p.m. am to go there on staff June 7 for 3 weeks - quiet evening at home with D and Mona Posted letters home plus air mail
Friday 20 May
A great day! Did Kensington Gardens through saw Peter Pan etc Hyde Park St James Park Buckingham Palace Whitehall etc and Westminster Abbey the latter appalling with all its effigies bitterly cold - tea in our own little room most acceptable - letter from Harry
Saturday 21 May
To the tower 11 am via Billingsgate over London Bridge - enjoyed town immensely - ate lunch on Tower green - walked over Tower Bridge to Southwark Cathedral lovely. By bus to Croydon airport - saw many large planes arrive and leave. Home by devious new routes. A most enjoyable day. Found note from John today he'd called and rung - Oh My!
Sunday 22 & 23 May
A perfect day - hot - up betimes (from Samuel Pepys) and to guards Chapel in Birdcage Walk saw Miss Moir the French's there. A magnificent chapel and atmosphere perfect - but hot more so - this latter - than in the evening when Mona and I went to Savoy Chapel off the Strand a perfect gem - set amongst tall buildings a most homely service to. Feel much happier again - but felt awful X - John rang earlier and arranged for us to meet at Olympia this p.m. - a marvellous show and wonderful to see the dear soul again - to lunch with Miss Fletcher at D H Evans most enjoyable - early to bed - bought a hat and blouse.
Tuesday 24 May
Empire Day
Not feeling particularly Empire-ish - rotten cold & throat - to Victoria League and glad to come home and go to bed - wet and cold - but otherwise all right wrote home to . . . . .
Wednesday 25 May
Wet and inclined to be cold-ish - indoors all day cold foul - letter from Romeo - wrote home etc
Thursday 26 May
To dentist 11:30 am and had my front tooth repaired 7/6d - interesting bus ride to Finchley. Met Romeo and Doreen at New Zealand House 1:30 and lunched at Slaters. To Regents Park and zoo for most enjoyable - especially aquarium - dinner at Slaters again to Snow White and 7 Dwarfs later - good - letter from Harold.
Friday 27 May
Out early for shopping. 2 postcards from John from Chester - dear soul - Mona brought her wedding frock. To Chelsea Flower Show after lunch at Selfridge's. Glorious display but my cold spoils everything. Wrote to Joe cancelled our trip to Sussex.
Saturday 28 May
To shops early am and bought 2 frocks and a coat - one for wedding. John rang but could not get out - seems awfully depressed. Lazy p.m. at home sewing and reading - I wrote to John Gielson? - lovely letters from home - letter from Honor Fry - very wet day - brought new purse
Sunday 29 May
To church - Lancaster gate 8 am Harold rang early and arranged with him and Bill to go to Epping Forest - a fair day but rained later - a glorious drive an excellent lunch - Forest lovely - tea at Lyons Baker Street - To Madam Tussards and restaurant - boys came home with me.
Monday 30 May
John, Harold and Bill rang. John and I had a lovely morning together coffee at Marble Arch then on to Chapel of the Savoy for a quiet time saw him off at Charing Cross for Wales and met other 3 at New Zealand house - lunch at Slaters - then on to Science and V&A Museum's for pm. To Mikado first night good voices and costuming - but theatre small - happy night
Tuesday 31 May
Harold rang early - D and I shopped for a kitchen lunch for Mona - great fun - Harrold came up p.m. for cuppa. To dinner with W Smith at Piccadilly hotel - a heavenly night. Took in all round Covent Garden and Soho first - letters from Joan Hoare and
Wednesday 1 June.
Said "Rabbits" - Harold called early and took me to Windsor for the day. J stayed home. Lovely country and passed Eton and saw boys in full toppers. To London and dined at 10 pm. A most pleasant day
Thursday 2 June
Down to Tunbridge Kent by Green bus 9:30 am. Dear Joe met us and took us to his house his mother and sister Mog are sweet a glorious country drive later and most sumptuous tea. A walk over ruined Castle later. Home by 11 pm lovely letter from John in Wales.
Friday 3 June
Went to see rehearsal of trooping of colour at Horse Guards Parade lovely uniforms, horses etc. John rang and came around p.m. topping session. My bridesmaids frock is a flop - home all evening.
Saturday 4 June
Up early for wedding at 9:15 am. Everything went off well and Mona made a stunning bride. Geoffrey Scarlet brought me home afterwards. Found four Air Mail letters and a cable from home and Joyce - long letter from Harold to - Bill rang and we went to Hampton Court for p.m. John joined us lovely place saw grapevine etc and got through the maze safely. Dinner at Cowes House and to Iolanthe - wonderful show though all feeling very tired
Sunday 5 June
John rang to wish me a happy birthday - stayed home all day packing and writing letters. D and I
- forth to dinner at Cowes house later after many adventures to "Break the News" with Maurice Chevalier and John Buchanan - supper after.
Monday 6 June
John and Bill rang early and we met Bill for lunch at Slaters and went to "Engadean Express" a marvellous show. Met John at 6 PM and dined at Pinoldis - gorgeous dinner to "George and Margaret" later lovely - John saw me home XX
Tuesday 7 June
This day seems like a year - John rang and we said goodbye till October. D and I went to Charing Cross after I'd seen Doreen and I caught train for Blackheath. Everyone very nice here - but feeling very strange. Yarned with Sister at night off at 8:30 pm.
Wednesday 8 June
Still feeling very new - but like it all right. Letters from John and Harold - cheered me considerably.
Thursday 9 June.
Usual day - but feeling better on my own today. But not very busy. No letters - but wrote to John Harold and Doreen. To a Theosophical lecture at night mostly a lot of hooey.
Friday 10 June
Busy day - John rang just as his ship was about to leave for Southampton and New Zealand. Felt a bit lonely and letter from Doreen. Spent p.m. on my bed and Francie who leaves tomorrow Joe rang p.m. and came at 8:30 and we walked over the Heath to Greenwich Park - the dear.
Saturday 11 June
Good day - ? and I went to the village to shop. Letter from H Commission invitation to Royal Garden Party - lovely letter from John from Southampton p.m. early to bed
Sunday 12 June.
Easy day though cold-ish - had fair amount of time off - tho couldn't go to church. I wrote and I went for a bus ride and walk to Jack's Hill after 9 pm - up Shooters Hill - lovely evening wrote to A Fletcher and H Cross?.
Monday 13 June.
As usual off at 8:30 ish - good day - . . . . . departed to her case - lovely letters from Harold and Joe at night - plans to go to London tomorrow with Brooks a Scotch (sic) girl - letter from Doreen in Ireland
Tuesday 14 June
Day off unexpectedly as I was going on duty - so got back to bed for brekke - Brooks and I went to town and thence by launch to Richmond - lunched there and lay in Richmond Park and slept. Back to town via Kensington High Street and saw St Mary Abbot's church - dinner C house thence to open air theatre for Midsummer Nights Dream at Regents Park - home 12:30 and found letters from home Southwark Cathedral again.
Wednesday 15 June
Slept well off from 2:30 to 8:30 and until 11pm relieving - wrote home and to Joe and Harold and John etc - off late and rather tired. Letter from mother by mothers hand.
Thursday 16 June
Another marvellous mail from New Zealand letters from everyone and Jessie M - glorious weather -wrote some letters and retired early nothing of note occurred.
Friday 17 June.
PC from Doreen - easy day went to village p.m. posted Air Mail to John at Panama 9d (8-12 days) (Jamaica 7-11)- wrote home and Air Mail to mother - early night
Saturday 18 June.
Letters from Francie and Mona - marvellous day - Harold rang 6 pm and arrived up at 8:30 went walking later. Doreen came home from Ireland and came in for dinner here. Harold and I took her to station and then went for a bus ride to Plumstead Common - marvellous evening.
Sunday 19 June.
Rested p.m. Harold arrived 7 pm and we went walking in Greenwich Park - saw Observatory Royal Naval College etc - sat on Heath till bedtime.
Monday 20 June
Day off and a glorious day met Harold at station, we went to Virginia Water for the day - great fun slept in the sun and shade and of the trees till 4:30 pm. Lunch at the Wheat Sheaf Hotel. To Pinoldis for dinner and wandered Whitehall, Soho etc after. Home 11 pm after some cider at his digs.
Tuesday 21 June.
Busy day but quite good Harold arrived 9 pm after day at Wimbledon and we went walking he goes to Rottingdean tomorrow.
Wednesday 22 June.
Darling Joe rang from Tunbridge wrote to him - home and John - rang Doreen p.m. Mac rang and asked me to supper at Chislehurst on Sunday. Harry leaves 4:30 pm Royal Albert Dock Liverpool Street station.
Thursday 23 June
On duty so Doreen saw Joe off didn't sail till 7 pm - Brooks and I went to Hiawatha at the Albert Hall a marvellous show - home 12:30 - doggo - photo came from home jolly good.
Friday 24 June.
Sizzling hot day and woke to find my gold filling out to dentist p.m. Mac and Doreen came in. Weary unto death tonight wrote to Harold letter from him at night.
Saturday 25 June.
Awfully hot and tired all day and thanking God I'm not staying longer. To bed early wrote to Joyce.
Sunday 26 June.
Awfully busy day hectic p.m. Mona and Richard came out - Caught 7:40 train from New Cross to Chislehurst and had dinner with Mac - lovely place and fresh strawberries - home at 12 laden with free lunch
Monday 27 June.
An interesting day packed - letters from Mogg and Doreen - Mary cut my hair at night - marvellous mail from home Mother Bet Doss and Margaret.
Tuesday 28 June.
Pouring with rain and jolly cold - busy morning Doreen rang a.m. Left Stonefield 3:30 pm in Mrs Williams car J met me at Charing Cross letter from Harold on arrival - good to be back - to dinner with Mona and Richard - very happy
Wednesday 29 June.
Tired today but off out early to sales bought gloves for Joyce etc wrote Kate, Peggy etc in evening and early to bed
Thursday 30 June.
Left fur? coat at Whitley's in coat (cold?) storage. Photo in 5 positions? 20 - LWH - All Hallows and to service at St Olaves at 1 pm lovely - back at 3 to find telegram from Harold who arrived 6 pm to stay - home all evening
Friday 1 July.
Doreen Harold and I met Mona at New Zealand House and to Slaters for lunch saw the Richardsons there and had some chat - to Caledonia market p.m. a most amusing experience - bought tomatoes and lettices for tomorrow's lunch.
Saturday 2 July.
Up early brekkie at 7:15 to Victoria by 8 am to Paris by Folkestone Boulogne route one and a quarter hours by sea perfect crossing, hot train journey - gorgeous strawberries and peaches at Boulogne Station - went for a walk before dinner and got our bearings. Called at Cooks 9:45 and got seats for nightclubs - awful mostly but some quite interesting and Follies Bergere - very good lots of nudes - I loathe the white wines though, home by 2:30 awfully tired slept spasmodically - Hotel St Petersburg
Sunday 3 July. (Margot was with Harold)
Brekkie in bed 2 large eggs and bacon up by 10:30 and Cooks trip to Mal Maison Napoleon and Josephine's residence 1807 thence to Versailles for lunch which was large and gorgeous to the Trianon Palace, saw fountains glorious scenery and altogether happy day home at 7 and a bed early
Monday 4 July.
Up at 10 am after petit-dejeuner in bed croissants and coffee mumm! For bus ride round city am and pm visited Notre Dame, Madeleine, Palais de Justice, Napoleon's tomb, etc etc - rained like the deuce - had an amusing time ordering tea. To bed early after writing many PCs.
Tuesday 5 July
Breakfast in bed - to Eiffel Tower a.m. and to Louvre p.m. saw marvellous things in latter Winged Victory - Venus de Milo - Gleaners - Mona Lisa etc shown by most interesting guide - tiring trip from Gare Nord - rough seas and glad to get on Southern train - home 11:30 pm to find Air Mail from darling John from Jamaica and from Mac and Peggy.
Wednesday 6 July
Letters from John Gill and mother this a.m. - to Cheapside to buy our car 85 pounds got my English licence lunched Harold and Doreen at station
Thursday 7 July.
Packed in preparation for tomorrow - went to town and shopped a bit - wrote to family Joyce etc rang Mrs Fletcher - to bed early. To be joined by Nancy Skelton NP
Friday 8 July.
Up and away by 10:30 George took us as far as Hendon pouring day but feel light-hearted - through glorious country stopped at St Albans and saw Cathedral and stopped at Royston for tea - arrived Cambridge 4:45 pm and found B&B place. Went out and saw colleges and chapels had an awful meal at Marks & Spencer.
Saturday 9 July
Slept well in quite fair digs - up 8 pm and departed early after good breckkie - saw remainder of colleges and glorious King's College Chapel best stained glass and stonework I've seen yet - to Ely and Norwich saw Cathedrals there - to Sandringham etc etc p.m. at Kings Lynn for 3 pm and saw a carnival. Landed at Stacey and put up a very noisy hostelry pretty tired slept 3 in a room
Sunday 10 July
Good breckkie and were on our way to Yarmouth by 10:30 am wet & cold stopped at Yarmouth and inspected the parade piers etc - crowded and awful sent H a postcard from there - then Lowestoft & Ipswich etc stopping for tea at Ufford - a spot of bother over a room but eventually found a good farm house at Kirby-le-Soken and stayed the night
Monday 11 July
Left 10 and on to Frinton-on-Sea quite nice seaside place - Clacton awful! South end - Tilbury ferry to Gravesend - lovely evening - to Rochester - letter from Mac. Had a good meat meal - out to Hartlip where we slept in one bed very comfortably
Tuesday 12 July.
Up at 8 AM and made off early without breckkie - back to Rochester and Chatham and saw the castle and cathedral the latter very lovely - Norman - ate pork pies in the park - onto Canterbury and saw Cathedral. Evensong there - exquisite - lovely town - night at farm house at Ash.
Wednesday 13 July.
Left at 10:30 in glorious sunshine to Sandwich - first puncture at Ashford helped by men - Deal Dover - Folkestone - quite decent coastal farms - through Rye & Hastings without stopping at Eastbourne for dinner and night at pub at Berwick in Sussex.
Thursday 14 July.
Left 10-ish after a comfortable night through Newhaven to Brighton - Arundel - glorious Castle but couldn't get in - beautiful county - to Bognor - awful full of trippers - Chichester - old Cathedral but very garish and unappealing. Portsmouth - awful crowded and poor - spent night comfortable at East Meon in Hampshire farmhouse.
Friday 15 July.
Away 10ish and inspected a Norman church in the village - Winchester in pouring rain did Cathedral very thoroughly a lovely place looked at college from outside - saw King Arthur's round table - loved Winchester - to Southampton a lovely place and so to middle of new Forest where we spent a comfortable night in Dick Turpin Inn - Stoney Cross with people who had lived in New Zealand.
Saturday 16 July.
Then New Forest marvellous trees and perfect villages - Burley - Lyndhurst - To Beaulieu Abbey and church 1204 - built by King John to Salisbury Cathedral for Evensong glorious - Jane Austen's grave in Salisbury Cathedral - Wiltshire is a delightful county. Lunch in town and had an amusing time trying to find B&B Mrs Wellington refused us repose at her very suspicious or doubtful residence - but we found fair digs at Combe Bennett - most glorious evening.
Sunday 17 July
Glorious fine hot day - up betimes to Holy Communion in the village church - away from our digs by 9:30 and then most lovely country Codford & Sling - saw NZ and Aussie badges on hillside - Stonehenge - poppy fields and wildflowers galore. Lunched in a hay field home 4 pm and to bed early after much spring cleaning and great to be in London again.
Monday 18 July.
Letters from John and home etc etc tired this a.m. but up early at 9 ready for royal garden party - marvellous affair saw all the royals except the Duchess of Kent - very closely - wore my blue bridesmaid frock - Mona rang my proofs came - letters from Harold and Moria.
Tuesday 19 July.
Up betimes and were away by 10:30 posted am mail to mother and John also other letters home - Aldershot - then Winchester and Salisbury again where we stopped. Spent night at a delightful spot called "Sims Dyke" with interesting people wrote to L, WH etc.
Wednesday 20 July.
Tarried talking till late and sat by wayside writing till 12:37 enjoyable day just fooling - then New Forest again - Bournemouth lovely - Poole pottery works and the aquatics carnival - Swanage - Corfe Castle - marvellous Dorset scenery and blue seas - night in a Dorset thatched cottage (and thatched Dyke! (WC)) and No Bath. Dorset is amongst lovely country from Lulworth, white horse carved in chalk hill.
Thursday 21 July.
Away by 10 through most lovely country - always with a view of the sea blue and glorious - to Weymouth a nice beach - Portland Bill - lighthouse - to Doncaster for lunch. Visited a nice china shop. To Cerne Abbas (church) and into Sherborne (Abbey) a beautiful place and quaint town - through glorious scenery to Pinho 3 miles from Exeter for night still no bath - but new and beautifully clean
Friday 22 July.
To Exeter Cathedral for Matins liturgy and later heard Holy Communion beautifully sung postcard to Stu. Then glorious country to Chagford - Rev and Mrs Holmes - saw lovely old church - Teignmouth and Dawlish for tea rather less crowded place. Red soil is fascinating. Parked in quite pleasant spot in Teignmouth
Saturday 23 July.
From Torquay some of the most pleasant spots yet - glorious sea views blue sea and sun. Wildflowers marvellous everywhere and sea as blue and gold and purple - Devon is a beautiful county fields marked out in multicoloured handkerchief squares - red soil predominating. Then Dartmouth (perfect) to Plymouth (Hoe) with its Amada associations over several ferry's to Looe Cornwall cream tea at an odd farm house. Spent the night at a delightful farmhouse at Lostwithiel - Mrs Berryman, and slept well.
Sunday 24 July.
Up for brekkie at 10am much refreshed some interesting chat with hostess. Then not very interesting country dull stone houses and few trees - Truro awful Cathedral shut - to Lizard - South point of England and Lands End - sea blue and sun hot. Then Penzance not interesting - glad to park at a funny little place at Porthleven with kind people.
Monday 25 July.
Left 9:30 with impression that Cornish people are generous and hospitable. Felt mouldy the pouring rain and dull country. Glad to leave Cornwall at Hartland and into North Devon at Bideford - some pretty places en route. Dined at Barnstable. Walked in rain to see King Arthur's Castle at Tintagel - lovely coast - also at ....... Sands where we spent night
Tuesday 26 July.
To Clovelly a lovely little village lovely country and seascape to Woolacombe Infracombe Lynton Valley and rocks glorious scenery - the loveliest yet Doon Valley Heather Hills with Somerset - Taunton Glastonbury saw Abbey and Woking Hole and Wells then a fierce thunderstorm and rain spent night at Wells with an entertaining Frenchwoman.
Wednesday 27 July
On our way early in the time for Choral Matins and look at Cathedral clock with moving figures is the only one thing of great interest. Then Cheddar Gorge to Bath Abbey - good glass and Roman baths and pump room. Then Bristol to Gloucester the night rain slept in one room thatched dyke!
Thursday 28 July
Left quite comfortable digs to visit Gloucester Cathedral cloisters especially noteworthy bought some white shoes and 2 uniforms then Chepstowe and Wye Valley Tintern Abbey most glorious scenery to Monmouth and Herefordshire - saw Cathedral here and had an awful time finding a meal. Spent comfortable night in Little Stretton near Shrewsbury.
Friday 29 July.
On our way disappointed to find only 2 local letters paper from mother at Salop onto Wales - most lovely country Snowdon and the Llanberis Conwy Caernarvonshire Menai Bridge castles and glorious seascapes - mountain scenery and waterfalls then Rhyl to Chester 8 pm. To Duke of Westminster's country seat Eaton Hall, spent night in a hotel posted a letter to John V.
Saturday 30 July.
Spent night in a hostel N and I slept together on a settee - out and about and round the city wall most interesting - brought some etchings - lunched at an Elizabethan Inn - spent 31/2 hours in Cathedral marvellous place and choral Evensong - Chester is the loveliest city yet full of old half timbered houses To Birkenhead and through Mersey Tunnel wonderful to Liverpool! Preston onto Lancaster for the night at the Boot & Shoe Inn
Sunday 31 July.
Collected letters from home and Harold (X). To Lancaster Kendal Windermere lovely lakes all but spoiled by rain saw Wordsworth and Southeys homes etc at Rydal and had a good lunch at Prince of Wales where sun came out and we saw the glorious beauty of the place - night near Carlisle.
Monday 1 August
Glorious day and we could hardly tear ourselves away from Carlisle a lovely spot - Gretna Scotland amusing time at blacksmith shop on to Fenwick for night stopping for lunch and sleep at a most pleasant spot - most glorious scenery locks hills and heather spent night at Fenwick.
Tuesday 2 August.
To the exhibition at Glasgow 11am not such a crowd exhibition exactly as any other NZ court good lunch at a nice cafe then off to Loch Lomond Ben Lomond glorious scenery again and perfect day and locks are extensive and picked white heather and raspberry's puncture on Rest and be Thankful Hill amusing time having it fixed - slept in car as we couldn't get digs.
Wednesday 3 August.
Slept little and were glad to start again at 6:30. Fort William for brekkie - good! Fort Augustus wild raspberry's and strawberries for lunch by Loch Ness - glorious day rang William from Post Office letter from Mac lovely old town Mrs Macante? Kyle of Lochalsh decided to drive partway to Skye and drove over 50 miles without finding a bed finally knocked on an old couple and slept on the floor - no car! For 60 hours we have lived in our clothes
Thursday 4 August.
Away by 9 am after a trying night no sanitation - much kindliness - car behaved badly and we found dry batteries. Drove to Skye and found 16 shillings ferry fees to high so returned by the same route flies too troublesome to let us rest but we washed by the roadside - to Inverness and met Willie at the Caledonian hotel - delightful evening. Took us out to Culluden Moor glorious sunset +++
Friday 5 August.
Willie called for us and 9:30 and we went to Gairloch for the day 160 miles in all through most glorious country blue locks trees waterfalls craggy hills and mountains and overall glorious sunshine. Lunched at a most delightful hotel overlooking the sea and had various drinks. Very happy day wrote to Bulls and John Barker thunderstorm at night.
Saturday 6 August.
Tired next am - left 10:30 charming landlady - to Braemar via Balmoral Castle beautiful country again miles of moors then trees and parks worthy of England - then Blairgowrie to Perth where we beat down our landlady to 5 shillings and spent an amusing time our friend dining with us etc.
Sunday 7 August
Set off from Perth in the rain which soon cleared and we had a lovely drive to St Andrews - a delightful seaside place. The famous course is very surprising and humble. Had to buy a new tire there. On to Falkirk where we were most hospitably received by Mrs MacGregor - dear Mr MacGregor ran several films for us at night.
Monday 8 August.
Left 10am by Linlithgow & South Ferry and saw the Forth Bridge clearly - on to Edinburgh there at 11:30 and found 2 letters from Mr Tom who was leaving for North that day - rang him - saw over Castle War Memorial and St Giles Cathedral. Memorial is marvellous - Cathedral contains R.L.S. Memorial - stayed with a very sweet soul in King Street and early to bed.
Tuesday 9 August.
Shopped in Edinburgh which is a most lovely city - beautiful flower beds and floral clock and monuments - left early and saw city and Holyrood Palace -want to return someday. On our way to Durham where we arrived 6 pm and saw town and Cathedral (very lovely Norman) put up at Duke of Wellington on road to York.
Wednesday 10 August.
On road to York via Fountains Abbey and Studley Park - saw Minster exquisite glass and quaint old town. Ripon Cathedral too, 670 A.D. very beautiful - curfew rings for both these old towns - horn blower at Ripon - night at York city.
Thursday 11 August
Explored the town thoroughly some very interesting homes - town and walls etc but not comparable to Chester. Bought 2 aquatints. Left 2 pm and came via Selby - visited Abbey - a lovely old Norman church - organ playing - lovely War Memorial and Windows. Slept at Southwell in Notts very happily read A J Russells "Christ comes to town"
Friday 12 August.
Saw Southwell Minster a beautiful Norman church with Norman font. Then some beautiful scenery Sherwood Forest Chesterfield (crooked spire) Leicester -Quorn hunting country - Duke of Portlands estate Haddon Hall etc Derby Rugby spent night near Warwick in terrific thunder at Cubbington
Saturday 13 August.
Through to Leamington Spa and Warwick (lovely old town) to Worcester Cathedral (Woodbine Willie Elgar etc. Saw over pottery works too expensive to purchase though. Back to Stratford saw "Macbeth" in Memorial Theatre. Saw all the tombs sites beautiful old town and lovely gardens everywhere - posted letters to home Chris and Jock H put up for night at a farmhouse in Warwick, Combe Cottage.
Sunday 14 August.
Breckkie at 10 and were away soon after to Banbury where we ate cakes (delicious) and so on to Bicester Edge Hill and Oxford - saw 12 of the 21 colleges including Exeter - delightful city - glorious beach forests returning via Windsor Staines and Runnymede. Letters from Harold Mona and Katie, awfully tired.
Monday 15 August
Up and washed extensively then back to bed for the day. D went shopping and brought back Air Letter from John in NZ, Max G and Mogg and paper from home. Terribly tired rose for dinner. Nan came in - letter from Harold - wrote many letters
Tuesday 16 August.
Feeling better to Mona's for lunch and dinner concert Tchaikovsky at night. Restful day
Wednesday 17 August.
Lovely exploring day all by self - met Helen Atkinson in Tube to NZ house and wrote letters and read papers. Then shopped along the Strand - Fleet Street - Lincolns Inn Fields - Middle and Inner Temples - Temple church -(Goldsmith's grave d 1774) - St Clement Danes oranges and lemons and St Dunstan's to the West - Cheshire Cheese restaurant - (John on his monument in St Paul's) also Sir Arthur Sullivan died 1900 also to Robert Scott etc Evensong at SP explored Fleet Street.

7. Marjorie Barkers 1938 Diary: Travelling to and in Europe Part 3, 25 Dec 1937 to 31 Dec 1938. Thursday 18 August.
Up be times and caught green bus H to East Grinstead to Peg at Bexleyheath. Happy day there returned 8 pm to find note from Harold who himself called late and we made plans for the weekend.
Friday 19 August.
Stepped off at 11 and had lunch and caught 1:50 train to Ryde Isle of Wight via Portsmouth - saw Victory there. Found digs and then Tea'd and did the town - not a bad place though cold - watched Punch & Judy show and ventriloquist and to bed about 9:30
Saturday 20 August.
Rather a sleepless sort of night but out early - caught train to Newport and missed? To Carisbrook Castle - an interesting place - the residence of HRH Princess Beatrice (daughter of Queen Vic) who is Gov of the Isle of Wight - saw donkeys turn a treadmill to draw water then went through a very interesting old church, then lay in the sun and burned till time to go home. To bed early and slept well
Sunday 21 August
A glorious day but we did not hurry up and so missed train for Freshwater caught another via Sandown later - and explored South coast in the sun there. To Alum Bay and The Needles for lunch. Rained so we came home.
Monday 22 August
Alum Bay is a delightful spot coloured sands we saw The Needles as we came up the Solent on May 14 - am so happy here and hate the thought of going back today caught 10:20 train and lunched and walked in St James Park St Margaret's etc before I saw Harold off at Liverpool Street at 5 pm. He gave me a lovely Prayer book.
Tuesday 23 August
Slept well - though felt lonely! Went and interviewed Miss R re a job 6 Pembridge Place - may start their later tho salary is poor. Nan came in evening packed my bags and wrote letters
Harold left for Switzerland.
Wednesday 24 August.
Met Nan early at Liberty's and explored it and other shops thoroughly. Lunched at Boots thence to Royal Mews - very enjoyable - to Lambeth Palace - closed - then through city to home - letter from Harold. John G left for Sydney.
Thursday 25 August.
Wrote letters all am - later went to Golders Green to call on Mrs Taylor dear old soul - spent a cheery homely p.m. and returned 7 pm. Spent a restless night in a strange house next door - letter from Khan and my letter to John at Panama returned unclaimed.
Friday 26 August.
This am to Olympia for radio exhibition - very good especially television. Note from Mona on arrival home wrote to John at Panama. To prom concert at Queens Hall at night - Beethoven work - stood all the time - Sir Harold Wood conducting - found marvellous mail from John V and home when I returned at 12ish.
Saturday 27 August
Wrote letters a.m. Richard rang and I went to Mona's for lunch and tea - sunbaked at Norman's flat and typed in wrote letters. Letters from Harold and Mac on arrival home 12
Sunday 28 August.
To church it 8 am at Bayswater wrote letters and slept all p.m. To City Temple (Grays Inn Tube) p.m. lovely service with a Yankee taking. Wrote about 10 letters.
Monday 29 August.
Card from Harold with a lovely stamp on it he is enjoying Switzerland immensely D & I spent ages exploring Westminster Abbey and Cloister Chapels. Saw over Westminster School - where Wren, A A Milne etc etc attended. To see Miss Williams p.m. and subject to health report I may go to Cannes? Francie rang p.m.
Tuesday 30 August
Miss Main rang a.m. she is going back to New Zealand soon. Mona and I went to Caledonian market all a.m. bought some fish knives for John H. Home all p.m. and wrote letters to bed early.
Wednesday 31 August.
Found cable from home saying that Mops had been separated on 24th poor sweet. To Chislehurst 4 pm and dinner - lovely. Lovely letter from Harold on return - also Miss Brown - Mogg - Miss Hall etc on Tuesday.
Thursday 1 September.
Said "Rabbits" - received note from Dr Pink re vaccination went to Harrods - shopped at Notting Hill Gate and banked my cash at PO - to Tate Gallery Westminster Hall etc p.m. Mona rang, letter from Kate none from home to bed early
Friday 2 September.
Nan and Dr Pink rang - Doreen left for Cooks tour of central Europe 9 am Mona came for lunch and we went shopping after seeing someone off at St Pancras. I then went to Blackheath where Dr P vaccinated me. Nan and I walked home.
Saturday 3 September.
Fooled and shopped all a.m. to "Tobias the Angel" at open air theatre p.m. with Miss Smart - awfully good enjoyed Regents Park Gardens after - rather lonely evening at home. No mail from New Zealand which worries me.
Sunday 4 September.
To St Martins in the Fields a.m. very good (with Nan) lovely day though winter is on its way. To Golders Green to tea and Miss Taylor later to church after - most enjoyable.
Monday 5 September.
Letters from Kate Harold and Doreen - H returns on Wednesday. Tried to ring Nan a.m. to Katie's at Tadworth p.m. - a most enjoyable p.m. Returned to town 7 pm and had a hasty meal before meeting Nan - we went to Carmen at the People's Palace. Good in some respects but disappointing generally.
Tuesday 6 September.
Lovely mail awaiting me at 12 md - letters from John V, Mother etc 1 pm before I settled to sleep. Today explored All Hallows and sundry other spots. Nan and I went to "A Yank at Oxford" at night letter from Harold at night.
Wednesday 7 September.
Went round to Golders Gate where Nan set my hair very nicely. Wrote home and to Phil H - Harold arrived 4 pm from Switzerland looking very well - the dear - talked and had an early night. Clippings from John V.
Thursday 8 September.
Re-packed bags! Then Harold had to see about his boat and by some hankies? We lunched at 'The old Cheshire Cheese" awfully expensive, went to Pats at Highgate with Mac and Mona. To operetta N Coward with Harold at night explored Cornhill etc some good churches there.
Friday 9 September.
Rang Helen Atkinson - to town early lunched at Slaters. Caught 2:20 bus to Guildford and stayed at Ye Angel Hotel - an ancient hotel - explored the old town at night but it was cold so we returned at 10 pm.
Saturday 10 September.
For a walk a.m. - seeing churches Castle etc glorious sun. Home for lunch and then out to Hindhead ahead a lovely spot on the Heath and picked heather and was happy with Har-War-Too (Harold Fenn) - Surrey is very beautiful with glorious views from high levels - the trees are turning too and hedgerows full of red berries - wish I knew their names. To bed early feeling pretty awful with Percy? and vaccination which has raised a huge lump in my groin.
Sunday 11 September.
Had breakfast in bed after a good night sleep. Up in time for 11 am service at the Cathedral. To Compton in the Watts country pm glorious little village and pottery works and a mausoleum and a gallery of Watt's pictures - wonderful country everywhere postcard to mother.
Monday 12 September.
Feeling awful this a.m. - leg is huge and throbbing dreadfully - left Guildford at 10:30 to White Hall by 12 and packed my bags. H and I lunched at Lyons and then sat in Victoria Embankment Gardens till 3:30 pm - hated saying goodbye to the darling. Mogg met me at tea and we had a most pleasant evening.
Tuesday. 13 September.
Sat in the garden in the hot perfect sunshine. To tea p.m. at Monks Cottage charming people the Elmore's. To bed early postcard from Doreen a.m. leg seems a bit better perfect day.
Wednesday 14 September.
Letters from home am plus Harold and Mrs Taylor. To hop gardens p.m. and picked hops for 2 hours and saw oven in Oast house - great fun. Toured the bigger gardens in the evening.
Thursday 15 September.
Mr Chamberlain flies to Germany today to see Hitler. Letters from Harold and H Mores. Perfect weather. To Penshurst Place the home of Lord D'Lisle and Dudley - heavenly place - to tea at Mrs Harris - very delightful drive in the countryside. Wrote to Harold. Letter from him and H Mores.
Friday 16 September.
Gardened a.m. To Tunbridge Wells p.m. to shop. Saw most interesting ? including Bowen? Mill. To church presentation at night met a Rev Child a friend of Bishop Holland. Awfully tired.
Saturday 17 September.
Doreen returns today. Beautiful weather - Simp & Molly came for tea and stayed till 10ish. Elsmore - Monks Cottage Hildenborough Kent
Sunday 18 September.
To St Saviours 8 am and to visit an old couple the Samways at night. French ministers arrived here to talks with Chamberlain at 10 Downing Street in complete agreement with him. Letter from Harold.
Monday 19 September.
Went for a delightful picnic in Ashdown Forest and had lunch visited then such delightful spots as Groombridge Windy Side Ashurst - home for visitors p.m.
Tuesday 20 September.
Caught 2 pm train home collected mail from NZ plus some at W Hall will stop Harold is here too. Doreen and I went to Mona is for the evening. Slept badly and have a foul headache.
Wednesday 21 September.
H and I breakfasted together. Then he went off to Castlethorpe and I stayed in and wrote to Harry and Mogg. Rang Mrs Fletcher - wrote H Fry etc yesterday and sent off my certificates.
Thursday 22 September.
Still have a foul headache but my leg is healing. To Mrs Taylors for tea p.m. - her daughter was there. To bed early.
Friday 23 September.
Letter from Harold a.m. met him at 10:15 at Euston - packed our bags at Liverpool parked our bags at Liverpool Street and went to King George V dock to view the Arawa jolly good boat. Lunched at Corner House thence to train and at 3:40 for Ipswich. Put up at ? rather lovely place and went walking at night. Slept well despite a dance on at the hotel.
Saturday 24 September
Today went over Christchurch Mansion 1553 an ancient house and Park. Saw several dull churches and thence to Felixstowe by bus 12 miles spent a happy evening at home and to bed early. Czech situation grave. Mr Chamberlain returned from his 2nd trip to Germany with an ultimatum for Czech's which they will probably refuse.
Sunday 25 September.
Up 9:30 after a good night's rest. Took lunch from here and went to Felixstowe again. Rained but it didn't matter we were so happy. To church 6:30 pm - good singing to bed early.
Monday 26 September.
Left Ipswich 9:30 and caught train to Colchester where we had an hour's wait so walked about the town and visited churches etc - thence by bus to Nayland and spent a most happy day. Ha-wa's sister Adria being very sweet - walked one mile to Wiston Church a sweet place - where H played on one of the two barrel organs in England in a perfect moment.
Tuesday 27 September.
Home on 9 train at night Wrote to Harold John and home - war scare very close now - got our gas masks today. To Wallace Collection magnificent things - listened to Chamberlain's speech 8 pm
Wednesday 28 September.
Ghastly news that Hitler intends striking at 2 pm today - atmosphere tense - trenches being dug in all the parks and sandbags everywhere. I stayed in as I expected John to ring - Tainui is due in. Mac G rang me and asked me to join her with Miss McKibbin's children at Petworth - which I accepted most thankfully and wired Ha-Wa to tell him and received one back.
Thursday 29 September.
Magnificent news and such a relief to hear that Britain Italy and France will meet Hitler today anew in Munich. Francie rang early to say that we wouldn't go to Petworth. The relief of all this tension is amazing. Mr Chamberlain has made a magnificent bid for peace. I met Ha-Wa at Liverpool Street station at 10:23 and we went to Bank etc together - oh dear this parting is going to be hell. I wrote letters and walked in Hyde Park till he came to Whitehall for dinner and spent the night.
Friday 30 September
It was very depressing and mouldy - but got it over with result that I saw him off at Waterloo quite creditably at 10:06 am went to Westminster Abbey after ringing Mac (news had come through of the peace pact) I met Mac and we shopped at Harrods. Then dined at Pinolis to ? for Dominoes - home at 12
Saturday 1 October.
Up be times to pack before going to Chislehurst for weekend at 10:42 - walked all over Chislehurst in pm and at night Mac and I sat over the fire and I read English Theme - letter from Miss Williams - am to go to Cannes on October 6.
Sunday 2 October.
Thanksgiving day for peace. To Holy Communion at 10:15 church crowded. Pouring day - so home and wrote to Ha-Wa etc. For walk with Brian p.m. in sunshine. Quiet evening at home.
Monday 3 October
Home by 2:23 train. Felt lonely and blue on arriving back to empty room. John V rang p.m. and arranged to lunch today. Wrote letters and packed like mad
Tuesday 4 October.
Two letters from Doss and Lou and Mona this a.m. - also a S.L.T. from Harold which cheered me greatly wrote to a good many people. Shopped like blazes - new uniforms - Cardigan etc. Ticket from Cooks - contretemps with John who were supposed to ring me.
Wednesday 5 October.
Busy day. Shopped and visited - ? for dinner awfully tired - no letters cold and wet.
Thursday 6 October.
Glorious day - awake 4 a.m. - Doreen saw me off caught 10:56 from Victoria - met Hindle and Bowler who accompanied me Newhaven to Dieppe in rough seas - to Paris Gare St Lazare - enjoyable trip - dined and did the city till 9:25 train at Gare Lyon - glad to meet French cooking again. Slept well in a compartment to myself for most of the night. Very grotty but enjoying the trip.
Friday 7 October.
The two girls are nice and we enjoy meals on the train - I was made to try my French on the waiter and bought vin rouge very bravely. Arrived at 2 pm and were met by Gabriel and Gamble - glorious place and sunshine - magnificent scenery - home very comfortable - very kindly welcomed by Miss Williams. Slept well.
Saturday 8 October.
Today off breakfasted at 8:30 off delicious melon. Sun glorious again so we went to Marina Plaques where we swam and lay in the sun and baked. Delicious lunch on beach. Bowler and I then explored the town - sent post cards to the family and Harold. All the tropical flowers and shrubs seem to grow here and palms. The houses are fascinating to - all colours with bright shutters. Our French is pretty priceless
Sunday 9 October.
Peaceful day off during a.m. and washed my hair and wrote to family. For a walk p.m. Sun and evening perfect
Monday 10 October.
Glorious day off a.m. so Gamble and I took lunch and Miss Williams joined us for a swim at Marina Plaques water glorious. Home 2:30 and lazed about at hospital doing odd jobs posted letters home via Francie.
Tuesday 11 October.
Called out to case - Mrs Selby at 9 am. Nothing much to be done interesting family - husband Bartoff? Pianist - Sewed and did nothing much all day. Tired when Gabriel called for me - letter from Mogg. Ha-Wa due in Curacao
Wednesday 12 October
There again - very pleasant spot and glorious day. Wrote several letters and found 7 waiting for me on return home at 9 pm mother etc
Thursday 13 October
Glorious day - family at Monte Carlo so wrote letters etc a.m. wrote home Robbie Doreen - tasted vodka for first-time - good - one must swallow it all in one gulp and take a savoury after. Home soon after 9 - had violent diarrhoea.
Friday 14 October.
H at Panama today. Still fine and warm - at Villa Annunciata again. Family go to Monte Carlo again tomorrow, wrote to Mogg - Joan and Mrs Duncan and Ha-Wa. Drank health's in 3 glasses of 1924 champagne and cointreau (Evian & Badoit Water)
Saturday 15 October.
arrived in Cannes I've read "Defy the Foul Fiend" "We Forget Because we Must" "Perfume from Provence""Diary of a Provincial Lady"
Sunday 16 October.
To 8 am service at All Saints with Hemel and Miss Williams - sat in sun am in perfect weather. For a walk p.m. with H thru most lovely country houses etc - can see where Spring Flowers will be later.
Monday 17 October.
Off p.m. so Buller and I went shopping - great time - pas de lettres
Tuesday 18 October.
Heavenly day and hot so Hemmel and I went swimming - the major shouted us a sherry! We dined delicately of croissants and cream cakes. Sewed all p.m. Letters from John Grierson and Doss. Wrote home and to John.
Wednesday 19 October.
To Nice p.m. not as nice as Cannes but pretty - home 7 pm Letter from Neemie
Thursday 20 October.
Spent a.m. writing letters etc - to town pm and explored old Cannes with Buller
- very interesting - church and tower and old museum and a glorious views - pas de lettres au son!
Friday 21 October.
Off a.m. so Bowler and I went to Caques enroute to St Paul (de Vence) - A lovely wee fortress - very old and setting on top of a hill. Very late back on duty but were kindly received - mouldy - no letters again so haven't written any.
Saturday 22 October.
Glorious day sat and mended in the sun all a.m. Wrote letters to Doris Miss Gill is Gillespie and Johnny and Neemie p.m. glorious mail from NZ. Mother, Dad, Doss, Eine, Buff, & Don.
Have read my book on Devon - The Galaxy - Dusty Answer - The Golden Violet (Jamaica)
Sunday 23 October.
To church at 10:30 with Miss Williams and Gamble - walked both ways - p.m. to Cap d' Antibes with Hemmel via Juan les- Pins and Antibes - very delightful.
Monday 24 October.
Sewed in sun all a.m. took a walk to cemetery with sister Buller - mouldy - no mail
Tuesday 25 October.
Went early to Grasse to assist Miss Hesketh who is sick. Delightful drive there and back but found Miss H up and better. First rain we've had since I arrived - thunder and lightning.
Wednesday 26 October.
Spent the whole of the morning getting my identification papers cleaned up. No letters.
Thursday 27 October.
Wakened feeling simply foul and sure I've got rheumatic fever at least. Mail which should have come last night brought 3 marvellous letters from Harold the Darling - cheered me immensely but increased my homesickness.
Friday 28 October.
Still more or less to my bed feeling with pains in every muscle and joint. Sister is marvellous Bulley isn't well either. Letter from Mac G - moved over to hospital for a month.
Saturday 29 October.
Stayed in bed feeling absolutely done - feeling very nauseated too - can't eat - I do feel awful
Sunday 30 October.
Moved to hospital.
31 October to 2 Nov
awful days
Thursday 3 & 4 November
Ha-Wa due in New Zealand
Letters from Adria Mac G Mogg Aston Doss Doreen etc still sick and feeling absolutely low am as yellow as a quince and feeling like half.
Saturday 5 November.
No excitement here on the glorious 5th everyone extremely tired and homesick - I am still the latter - can't read or write and time drags heavily.
Sunday 6 November
Grr wrote home and to Francie McGibbon.
Tuesday 7 November.
Feeling better though still sick.
Tuesday 8 November.
A better day wrote to Doreen and Ha-Wa and read the newspaper - letter from Doss.
Wednesday 9 November.
Paid for it today by a foul sick headache all day - letters from Mops Buff and the Doss.
Thursday 10 November.
Better today but still can't read or write or sleep so time hangs heavily - letters from Doss and Nan I owe dozens now.
Friday 11 November.
Still the colour of a Chinese but wore my poppy bravely - listened to a wonderful "Festival of Remembrance" at Albert Hall last night Duke and Duchess of Windsor met Duke and Duchess of Gloucester Paris
Saturday 12 November.
Down in garden am felt like nothing on earth - so awfully weak but will be better tomorrow letters from Doss John etc - read 3 books in 2 days.
Sunday 13 November.
Up again and feel better - wrote to - - - frightfully tired still
Monday 14 November.
Up and dressed today feeling like a cat's breakfast - getting in with my blue jumper.
Tuesday 15 November.
Feeling better - wrote a few letters. P.C. from Doss
Wednesday 16 November.
Up and walked a little feeling very weak on my pins and tired still - weight 8 stone 4 1/2 pounds (52Kg) gosh! Letter from D
Thursday 17 November
Nothing happened wrote and received letters.
Friday 18 November.
Wrote to Doris, Eine, Robbie, Mona, Peg & Betty - letters from Jesse, Myrtle, also my photos and some NZ books.
Saturday 19 November.
Usual day getting on with my jumper - card from Doreen - Nil of note
Sunday 20 November.
My clothes arrived 8 am from Doreen - wrote home to GR etc
Monday 21 November
No letters - went by bus to the Mairie and got my carte d'identite - feeling better.
Tuesday 22 November.
Walked to Cannes with girls, Buller & Gamble and I had 11's at a cafe and then I came home - done in - letters from Mogg
Wednesday 23 November.
Too tired to walk today sun perfect wrote to Wilson and Mitchell letter from Robbie and paper from home.
Thursday 24 November.
A fortnight since I heard from home - to super - Cannes by bus with Buller and Hemmel lovely view right to Italian Alps - snow clad now. Tired though after - letters from D and Mrs Taylor.
Friday 25 November.
Shopping with Buller and bought wool for Buff's cardigan - PC from Katie - wrote to Ha-Wa Mother Mrs Taylor and K Frys Fellowship - Raits and Tanners for Xmas - lunched with staff.
Saturday 26 November.
Sat in sun a.m. and walked with Stringer p.m. tea and dinner with staff but tired when I got to bed at 9 pm no letters for me in yesterday's. "Broom Sticks" by Walter Delamere published by Cassell's.
Sunday 27 November.
Up for 8:30 brek to church 10:30 with Buller and Hemmel - Holy Communion and Matins which I enjoy greatly rested p.m. and knitted.
Monday 28 November.
On call a.m. and went to town pm no mail or excitement general strike expected throughout France on Wednesday.
Tuesday 29 November.
Went to Grasse for a drive with Gabriel etc heavenly there now with autumn tints everywhere. To La Bocca - same way - p.m. soldiers everywhere in preparation for great strike a.m.
Wednesday 30 November.
General strike a.m. full of anxiety all day - postie didn't come - so we don't know whether there was a strike or not - paid today - cashed my cheque.
Thursday 1 December
Said "Rabbits" lovely day so washed my hair still no letters from home and feeling awfully worried.
6 pm letters all well - letters had been sent via Cannes
Friday 2 December.
Gorgeous day - Buller and I moved to the pavilion - posted photographs to Harold and letters home.
Saturday 3 December.
Went walking p.m. with sister and Stringer to top of Sanatorium Hill - lovely day and sunset - saw Alps Maritimes under snow - letters from home
Sunday 4 December.
Called out to case at Beau-Site-Gont dull day - nothing to do - missed Arthur Rubinstein's concert p.m.
Monday 5 December.
The same - food and service good at this hotel - wrote to Harry and home getting on with my knitting.
Tuesday 6 December.
The same - to town a.m. for a while - finished case pm (L1) - and so home letters from Nan and Doss - 2 months since we arrived here.
Wednesday 7 December.
Buller and I went shopping p.m. and I bought Innoxa stuff - letter am from Mop & Buff and two from Ha-Wa a fortnight earlier at sea
Thursday 8 December
Posted letters to Harold and home and Margaret G. Stayed home all day as it was raining - no letters. Gas lecture by Miss Heathcote at night - very weary - none from home - 10 weeks since Ha-Wa left England.
Friday 9 December.
Collected ambulance case at Alsace-Lorraine hotel a.m. and brought him in - am on the hospital staff now - and like it so far - though easy - marvellous mail from home via Francie - plus Weekly News, F.L. and Australian papers
Saturday 10 December.
Shopped a.m. letters to Doris p.m.
Sunday 11 December.
Thank heavens - have been feeling awful - wrote copious letters p.m. very wet and cold
Monday 12 December
Off during p.m. rested on my bed
Tuesday 13 December.
Busy day half day p.m. wrote letters etc received lovely letters from Mops Doss and Mrs Wedekind
Wednesday 14 December
As usual - shopped a.m. and bought silver and brown suede shoes.
Thursday 15 December.
Joy of joys a letter Air Mail from Ha-Wa arrived at 10 am and made my day for me - the dear - it had taken nearly a month though - I wrote to him and mops and D by pm post.
Friday 16 December.
11 weeks since we parted - sun shining today but awfully cold went for a nice walk with Partridge found wild violets - lots of thunder.
Saturday. 17 December.
Lovely mail from Mops, Phil H, Adria, Mac G, Lowery etc stayed home and wrote letters.
Sunday 18 December.
To church 10:30 am Holy Communion very cold and windy today. Wrote letters p.m. - off at 7:15 pm.
Monday 19 December.
Fearfully cold and wet day (temperature 27°) in parts of England, we hear about 35° here. Another lovely a.m. mail - letter from Ha-Wa and a parcel from? Wrote to Christine and Ha-Wa
Tuesday 20 December.
Bitterly cold and snow on the hills - snowing in London - grr
Wednesday 21 December
No entry
Thursday 22 December
Lovely mail from NZ.
Friday 23 December.
Several cards and same hankies from Mogg - to town a.m. and bought grog for Christmas - also cashed my cheque from home.
Saturday 24 December.
Still frightfully cold - decorated p.m. - book of patterns from Doris. Wire from Richard and Mona am which cheered me greatly
Sunday 25 December.
To church by car at 8 am with Miss W and 4 others church prettily decorated a jolly day and a ripping dinner at night - I won a diary.
Monday 26 December.
A glorious mail this a.m. - Eine Doreen Peg G, Mona 2, etc Gamble and I went to the Creche Le Suquet p.m. but it wasn't working (a nativity automaton). To tea at Des Nampiers?
Tuesday 27 December.
No mail - half a day and I want to hear Grace Moore at the casino - lovely Duchess of Windsor was there - had chocolate with Partridge later and wrote letters home
Wednesday 28 December.
Very cold wrote letters
Thursday 29 December.
Went for a good walk in lovely sunshine with Miss Williams - no letters (I have a filthy cold) wrote home
Friday 30 December.
Finished in hospital 3 months wrote letters frantically
Saturday 31 December.
Betty Hennell and I went to Beuil and Valberg for the day - heavenly day and route - snow and icicles everywhere watched skiing etc back at 7:30 to find letters from home most cheering. Saw the old year out 11 pm with sherry in Bullers room.

8. Marjorie Barker's 1939 Diary.: Europe & New Zealand Part 1, 1 Jan 1939 to 19 Nov 1939. The diary of Marjorie Helen Ruth Barker 1939.
Transcribed by her son Edward in 2014.
Note this diary has been transcribed using error ridden voice recognition technology.

As with Margot's 1938 diary, she recorded the mass of letters she received from her family and friends. This continued in this record, perhaps even to a greater extent in her periods of loneliness, and ill health. For the sake of brevity this detail has been generally edited except for Harry (Ha Wa) and her patients who wrote to her.
Sunday, January 1
Called out 9 am to Hotel Californie to Mrs Graaf. Dull day and couldn't get out to see the Battle of Flowers - an in auspicious beginning for 1939 but had my first ride in a Rolls!
Monday January 2.
The same. Went a short walk above the Californie but it rained so I returned and exchanged stamps with Maria, Mrs Graaf's maid. Letters from Ha Wa
Tuesday, January 3.
Aurst's here to so we lunched and dined together and walked on La Croisette p.m. Finished at Californie.
Wednesday, January 4.
Posted letters home and to Ha Wa letter from Adria to say her mother had died on December 22 so wrote to her again and Ha Wa also to heaps of others - a good day - no letters p.m.
Thursday, January 5.
Called out to Grand Hotel to Mrs Prescott-Westcar with bronchitis - a sweet soul very happy there: found enormous mail awaiting me - glorious.
Friday, January 6.
Mrs Westcar was a little better but I stayed in all day and wrote many letters. Harold's photo arrived p.m. - the Darling.
Saturday, January 7.
Lunched with Major Westcar - but p.m. very worrying Mrs Westcar not so well - poor darling. Found marvellous mail from home
Sunday, January 8.
Gabriel took us in his car - so we hadn't to walk. Mrs Westcar was better again and stayed so altho exhausted. Wrote to Ha Wa.
Monday, January 9.
An uneventful day did not go out and no letters.
Tuesday, January 10
Dr Pris rang from his bed with a cold and did not visit us Mrs Westcar continues to make good progress.
Wednesday, January 11.
Out for a while a.m. and met Buller - Found letters from home - on arrival home - awful night thunder storms etc.
Thursday, January 12.
An uneventful day save that Mrs W got up. Awful storm and no letters at night.
Friday, January 13.
The same - letters - p.m.
Saturday, January 14.
Knitted and read "Sunset house" - pouring - letters from Mrs Taylor - and Auckland Weekly from Elsie.
Sunday, January 15.
Uneventful day did not go out. Mrs Westcar up for nearly 9 hours.
Monday, January 16.
The same went for a walk past the Palm Beach Casino and discovered Russian Church and Alexander's III's Chateau. No letters.
Tuesday, January 17.
Major Prescott-Westcar my patient today with bad cold.
Wednesday, January 18.
Nil of note.
Thursday, January 19.
A hectic day - To Sunny Bank p.m. and packed my clothes. Found 9 glorious letters from home. Stayed night at the Grand - and went to the Java ballet - wasn't bad - very tired.
Friday, January 20.
Up betimes and got my people away safely by 10:40 train. Then home and packed - to St Raphael p.m. for case.
Saturday, January 21.
Not such an awful night and day though pretty wearing - didn't sleep either. Cake from Buff and calendar from Nene arrived. Sent L10 to London - wrote home - Ha-Wa - Mrs August senior, Miss Williams.
Sunday, January 22.
Awful day or rather a.m. Gillett woke me early and we had a fearful time with Dr up etc - gosh!
Monday, January 23.
Postcard from Doss - no letters took Chicko for a walk to Valescure. Wrote to Pop - Tuesday, January 24.
A big day - radiologist came first - followed by a doctor, a big man from Toulouse - another nurse from Paris etc etc - no letters.
Wednesday, January 25.
Miss Cartier and I went p.m. night duty - sleeping at the Hotel des Anglais - didn't sleep one wink all day - letter from Adria.
Thursday, January 26.
Slept better today in a quiet room and aspirin not on till 10 pm tonight. Lovely mail.
Friday, January 27.
As usual - slept well - it's good having 2 of us on night. Our friend had a "rigor" just as the doctor came.
Saturday, January 28
Letter from Doris - nothing happened - walked back to our hotel.
Sunday, January 29.
Great excitement at 10 am when Sir Kenneth Goodly arrived from England etc etc to do a needling. We were glad to escape at 11 am
Monday, January 30.
As usual - hardly slept at all today how I loathe this place no letters either.
Tuesday, January 31.
A glorious day - made going to bed even worse than usual. Partridge arrived and Gillett returned for 3 days. two letters from Harold - Mrs J August and blouse from Joyce.
Wednesday, February 1.
Said "Rabbits" - day started by Commander having a very bad heart attack - so wasn't greatly surprised when Partridge woke me to say he died. Letters from Harold.
Thursday, February 2.
Couldn't sleep so finished my book got up feeling awful - caught train back to Cannes for lunch found letters. desperately tired but day off tomorrow with Partridge - posted gift to Eine.
Friday, February 3.
Breakfast in bed then off to Monte Carlo after cashing my cheque. Glorious day - had an amusing lunch at Bottam's, nice. At M C and Monaco - delightful poke round and returned 7:30 pm. Monaco is like a tiny Kingdom with soldiers in fancy dress.
Saturday, February 4.
Letter from Amy a.m. to say she was on her way home. Bowler and I shopped p.m. and I wrote to Ha Wa. Posted L10 to Doris and postcards to Pop and Mrs Clark. Letter from John Sparks from New Zealand! And from Doris suggesting I join her for a week's car drive in Devon - to bed early with a bad head and pain.
Sunday, February 5.
To St George's a.m. with Miss Hesketh. Great parade of French and English banners etc all very lovely. To case p.m. Col Cumming - wrote to Ha Wa.
Monday, February 6.
Day went smoothly no letters - wrote home and to Lou and Miss Jordan and D. Glorious weather. Lovely view here - Golfe Juan - Royal Sovereign.
Tuesday, February 7.
As usual - Knitted a bit - no letters. Rang Miss Williams. Perfect day.
Wednesday, February 8.
Uneventful day which had its subsequent events "Place Neville Chamberlain" named with much pomp.
Thursday, February 9
Went up to Sunny Bank (Hospital) and collected letters from H, John Gilk - Mrs Gillespie, FMG, Helen Atkinson - Mrs Prescott-Westcar etc etc. Awful day and very depressed (loss of letters etc). Letter from Ha Wa
Friday, February 10.
Wrote to family. Rang Helen A and had tea with her and her cousin Mr Turven and at the Beau Site - very pleasant - no letters.
Saturday, February 11.
Shopping at Golfe Juan - am to Gorges du Lamp p.m. Very lovely - especially garden on the Hill - 500 m up with lovely misty valleys below. Letter from Miss Widdecombe and p.m. posted letters to Mrs Taylor.
Sunday, February 12.
To Draguignan lovely drive through beautiful country. Almond and cherry blossom everywhere.
Monday, February 13.
Wrote to mother. To Sunny Bank p.m. and collected calendar from GR.
Tuesday, February 14.
A happy day - stayed home at Le Mazet - wrote to Mrs Gillespie and Amy no letters
Wednesday, February 15.
Walked with Col and Mrs Cumming a.m. and left p.m. for Sunny Bank rang Helen and Mrs Widdecombe and have 2 days off.
Thursday, February 16.
Hindle and I were off together and lay on the rocks by Mrs Elliott's Villa - saw Col and Mrs C and collected letters. To dinner with Helen ? - very pleasant - danced - such a dears both of them.
Friday, February 17.
This a.m. for a delightful walk from La Napoule to the Esterels - the Mimosa etc lovely. Home where the Wedekinds's collected me for tea at Juan les Pins and to their home marvellous - mail from Ha Wa, Adria etc Doss Buff Fr 2400.
Saturday, February 18.
Got our forms for Italian tour. PC from Doss and letters from mother. Went walking in the pinewoods with King and Hensell - primroses showing up and violets everywhere. Posted letter to mother.
Sunday, February 19.
To Church 8 am by self. After lunch to town to see the fete des Mimoses - very pretty town well decorated. To casino later Bruno Walter - Mozart Concerto. Symphony Nocturne Minuet Sonata etc. Posted letters to H. Adria, Mrs Wed
Monday, February 20.
Sat in sun and Knitted all day - no mail "day off" tomorrow - may go to Isle de Levins with Monaghan.
Tuesday, February 21.
Dull day so we went to Nice and intended going on to Monaco - but stayed and saw all the Mardi Gras p.m. fearful crush but it was worth it - an amazing spectacle.
Wednesday, February 22.
Letter from Toots a.m. for a lovely drive to Valbonne with Miss Heathcote - picked anemones, violets etc 100% heavenly - night duty with Miss Mort at a Russian Villa. Letters E G Anderson Hosp
Thursday, February 23.
Finished at 8:30 am and was supposed to go back at night but Miss W fixed that with result that I attended Miss H at "Figaro" in a box at night a marvellous show and the loveliest music ever. "The end of the Mozart Festival and Bruno Walter. Very heavy rain all day.
Friday, February 24.
Poured all day Buller and I went shopping p.m. and I bought zips for my jumper - which looks good now. No letters. Wrote to EGA Hosp
Saturday, February 25.
To town am and home all p.m. except for giving a lone washout at Martine's. Went to bed with a vile head - everyone being most kind to me.
Sunday, February 26.
To church a.m. off duty and in the sun a.m. most unexpectedly went to Faust p.m. - a most lovely company with splendid voices.
Monday, February 27
Wrote letters a.m Mrs Cumming, H - out to case at Savoy p.m. an awful muddle. No letters.
Tuesday, February 28
am in sun. To case at Beau-Site p.m. Miss McLintock bronchitis - Sir William and Lady McLintock - solid nice Scots people - Dr Bes.
Wednesday, March 1.
Wrote to Adria and Helen. Stayed in all day. Enjoyed my evening SW shared his winnings with me Fr 1000. (Sir William McL 1st Bt of Sanquhar)
Thursday, March 2.
For a lovely drive p.m. to Frejus with Sir William heavenly in the Esterels - lots of plum blossom out.
Friday, March 3
Stayed in all day wrote home and to Harold but didn't post.
Saturday, March 4
Went for a drive in pm with Miss McLintock as far as Theoule - S W shared his roulette winnings again another Fr1000 ! (Fr 1000 in 1939 about 200Stg in 2014)
Sunday, March 5
Miss McLintock went to lunch at Mougins - so I returned to Sunny Bank till 4 pm. To bed for p.m. Collected mail from home, plus Miss Gillespie
Monday, March 6
Returned to Sunny Bank 3 pm - sad to say goodbye but have addresses of both people. Found no one in at Sunny Bank.
Tuesday, March 7.
Mail from Buff and Ha Wa - on duty in hospital all day - cashed cheque and saw Col and Mrs Cumming in Barclays bank. Brought 2 pairs of stockings.
Wednesday, March 8
On duty specialising Princess Sunika daughter of Rajah of Indore.
Thursday, March 9.
Still specialising the Princess a sweet little Blackamoor - her mother - the Ranee is charming.
Friday, March 10
My patient went home a.m. and I was given a lovely box of chocolates. Posted letters to D + L10. Mrs Gillespie and Ha Wa. To Civil Hospital 5 pm to an accident case who died - an awful experience.
Saturday, March 11
Told that I should have to join Gardener at Valescure p.m, but returned from an outing to Olivet to find that it was changed to Monte Carlo - so set forth by Michilin half an hour later - lovely journey and nice hotel and people day duty only. Carnival on here today.
Sunday, March 12.
Letters arrived - peaceful day - drove pm to Menton and all-round Monte - Dr Bayer - wrote to Miss W.
Monday, March 13.
Drove pm to La Turbie, Eze & Nice returning via Grand and Moyenne Corniches.
Tuesday, March 14
Pops birthday drove to golf links, Mont Agel a most lovely day. This part of the coast's most attractive and full of Roman remains.
Wednesday, March 15
Took a drive to Peille p.m. letters - wrote to Mrs Taylor and Mrs Angush.
Thursday, March 16.
Marvellous mail from home Drove to Italian border - Frontier then back and went over the oceanic Museum at Monaco very interesting.
Friday, March 17
For a drive to Cap Ferrat - walked then again pm - warships at Beaulieu.
Saturday, March 18
Rained but we drove to Cap Ferrat - Mrs J came down to beach Mr and I walked p.m. after visiting the Jardine Exotique - sat in the lounge after dinner. No letters International situation grave. Hitler has annexed Bohemia Ruthenia etc and everyone is very nervous. Wish I could have heard Mr Chamberlain's speech.
Sunday, March 19.
For a drive to Cap Ferrat a.m. and walk p.m. heavenly country posted postcard to Popper.
Monday, March 20
Driving a.m. Had a rotten collision and got badly bumped - were lucky to escape greater injury - wrote to Francie no letters.
Tuesday, March 21
Walked in sun and inspected the shops a.m. Lovely on the famous Tenances - had tomato juice and returned to an orchestra. Posted PC to John. Tea at sporting club.
Wednesday, March 22
King of Sweden dined at next table and at lunch today Kreistler (sic)* sat near me - said goodbye to the Jacobs 4:30 pm and returned to Cannes a marvellous mail awaited me plus L100.
*(Fritz Kreisler a great violinist of the time)
Thursday, March 23.
Day off with Maugham so we went to Peira Cava a lovely trip taking in many interesting places in a snowstorm part of the time and the snow was lovely.
Friday, March 24.
Called up at 2:15 am to go to Lady Gladstone - lovely villa did not sleep much when I got to bed Gillett is on day duty.
Saturday, March 25
At Thoencial? again Lady Gladstone is interested in Toc H so we got on all right. Finished today and G is going to stay there. To Montfleury Hotel to a Mr Walker 82 - a bridegroom! from Canada!
Sunday, March 26.
Robertson is on day here - Miss Heathcote took me in her car to St George's where there was a parade of sailors from HMS Arethusa.
Monday, March 27.
Posted letters to - received from - slept not so badly reading Rebecca by Du Maurier and Ravine B Nicholls.
Tuesday, March 28.
Slept well. Letter from Ha Wa p.m. 28th Feb. Pretty awful case.
Wednesday, March 29.
Slept poorly. Lovely mail from?
Thursday, March 30.
The usual awful night ghastly woman - to HC (Holy Communion) a.m. at St Paul's and did good work cleaning out my room a.m. before I went to bed. Holly joined me on night and that evidently stirred up the fireworks!!
Friday, March 31
Had to ring Dr Guinness at 4 am but he was very nice and I was jolly relieved to leave the place - ugh.
Saturday, April 1
Said Hares and Rabbits! The poor old man died this a.m. I was working in hospital. Pretty grim there to - tho' sister let me off at 7:30 pm. Received letter - posted some to - Letters are coming fast now - Air Mail speeding up international situation not very promising. Oxford - Cambridge boat race.
Sunday, April 2.
In hospital again and looking forward to a Holy Week cantata p.m. when called out to Grand Hotel to Ranee of Indore's children - with flu. Letter from Mrs Cumming a.m.
Monday, April 3.
Up at 7:30 - quite cheerful day. To Sunny Bank p.m. and found Mr Gardner in blustery and very miserable day. No letters. To bed early.
Tuesday, April 4.
Wrote to - and Ha Wa p.m. letter from Doreen who has been mixed up in bomb outrages. Miserable day so didn't go out. Wrote to shipping offices and Mrs Cumming.
Wednesday, April 5
No letters - went up to Sunny Bank p.m. wrote to Miss Taylor, a year today since I left New Zealand.
Thursday, April 6.
Dull day met Price and we strolled for an hour in the Rue d'Antibes blustery and grey - no letters - children up.
Friday, April 7
Missed having no Hot + Buns here! Letter from Doreen a.m. to Holy Trinity 2 - 3 pm very nice service. Later sat in sun with Price Gardener and Wearing. Took Sunika to dentist 5 pm and went for a short drive later, evening paper full of Italy's conquest of Albania - God knows what will happen next.
Saturday, April 8
Rested with sore headache p.m. but took Sunika to dentist p.m. very hot and muggy - no letters.
Sunday 9 April
To church 7 am perfect Easter day took children for a walk a.m. to Sunny Bank p.m. and to church 5:30 pm. A lovely day summer seems to have arrived everywhere is green trees - lovely wisteria.
Monday, April 10
Glorious day.To a recital by Kreisler p.m. with Price - Sonata Cantata Mendelssohn Concerto Gil & Karen Luis? Hymns to the Sun Caprice Vieonnies - Londonderry Air - Tchaikovsky & Kreisler
Tuesday, April 11.
Took children shopping and in glorious sun. Price had tea with me. Lunched at restaurant with Ranee who later presented me with a beautiful evening bag sorry to leave them. War news not reassuring tonight
Wednesday, April 12
Went shopping and walking in the sun with Buller who is on night call p.m. - marvellous mail - Ha Wa - called out at 10 p.m. to a filthy case and have to stay - feel awful.
Thursday, April 13.
Gabriel brought my night things this a.m. feel thoroughly cafed?. Did not sleep a wink all day and am frightfully miserable in consequence. Gave Gabriel letters to
Friday, April 14
Went up to Sunny Bank a.m. feeling about 0% the kids were marvellous. War news bad. France well mobilised - Italy trip off, I'm afraid. Slept well after taking a large dose of Viriane.
Saturday, April 15.
Still here to town a.m. to buy papers and dope - news and more reassuring as England is very definite in her policy - Mr Chamberlain made an excellent speech in Parliament on Thursday - Italy really is definitely off though rang Hetty.
Sunday, April 16
Summer time begins glad to do one hour less duty! "Slept" at Sunny Bank most thankfully today or rather didn't sleep - damn Percy. Found my old lady very fractious.
Monday, April 17.
Glorious day and I sat in sun to have my plateau. Slept 2 hours and got up to find letter from Doris acknowledging my L100 nice brown bag from Mrs Cumming for me.
Tuesday, April 18.
Had tea with Mrs Cumming walked to Golfe Juan - Guns and soldiers everywhere though no news of any beginning at present - slept 2 hrs - letter from Mona.
Wednesday, April 19.
Went early to bed and slept 2 hours old lady a bit better. Letters from Adria
Thursday, April 20
Hitler's birthday and everyone very apprehensive and distrustful - in bed later. Bought luggage straps Fr 25 - nice letters from ? told I'm to take a pt (sic) home on 28th by Blue Train.
Friday, April 21.
No sleep again today received cheque from Doris posted letters Ha Wa
Saturday, April 22
Thrilled to find letters from - Harold and Doris unexpectedly posted letters home 24-4-39 to Ha Wa and Doris.
Sunday, April 23
Saw the old ladie's treasures from Queen Victoria etc then to church at Holy Trinity glorious day and a good sleep after sedomid
Monday, April 24
To Isles des Lerins with - nothing startling though a lovely day. Letters from Dill and Adria.
Tuesday, April 25
Anzac Day met Hetty and Wearing and saw over a lovely garden - finished with the old ladies. Very tired but further depressed when sister told me the trip to England was off - can go anyhow - so booked seat by Route des Alpes for Thursday and started packing.
Wednesday, April 26
Busy time making my bag shut but accomplished all and finished up satisfactory. Start at 8:10 am spent L10 to book a ticket by Vitesse to Paris - American Express.
Thursday, April 27
Up betimes and was away after much farewelling at 7:50 am. Poured with rain in the Esterrels but after Frejus was perfect and I enjoyed every moment of the trip. Lunched at Avignon and reached Lyon at 7 pm looked around the shops a nice hotel and good bed flowers - Lilac and Judas trees especially marvellous. Looked around the shops.
Friday, April 28
Called at 6 am and were on the way to Paris by 7 am Lyon looks a lovely old town wish I could stay longer. Passed through glorious country. Valleys of the Rhone and Loire - many chateaux and beautiful pastures fields of cowslips etc - talked to an English doctor on the trip and was sorry to reach Paris at 7pm. A nice room at St Petersburg where I felt very much at home found a postcard from Bullen to say she and P are still here - better luck than I'd hoped for and I rang them and arranged to meet for an aperitif today. Slept well.
Saturday, April 29
Found American Express office closed when eventually got there after wandering Montmartre. Arranged to dine with Buller and P and then off to the Louvre for pm. Saw many new things besides Mona Lisa etc etc. Home in the rain through the Tuileries Gardens to Folies Bergere later excellent show.
Sunday, April 30.
Wakened late after my dissipation and roamed the streets - finding many new spots of interest thrilling to be here again. Wrote letters p.m. and at night dined at Ha Hungaria with a gypsy band with B and P Excellent.

9. Marjorie Barker's 1939 Diary.: Europe & New Zealand Part 2, 1 Jan 1939 to 19 Nov 1939. Monday May 1
Said rabbits and had a busy day saw about Belgium trip at American Express and departed at 2:15 pm sorry to leave Paris but love Brussels arrived 5:40 pm booked trip to Holland for tomorrow excellent hotel and good dinner out. Feeling very happy. Posted letters to H and mother and D.
Tuesday May 2
Up betimes and left Brussels at 7 am past through Antwerp and saw many war spots and shrapnel scarred homes, into Holland soon after 11 am lunched at Amsterdam and took a boat trip along the canals. Passed through bulb fields at Harlem etc amazing home 10:45 am met some nice American people.
Wednesday, May 3.
Was dead this a.m. but recovered after coffee & rolls and was out & about by 9:30. Took a tour of the city in glorious weather - a beautiful place with magnificent buildings, lunched at the Cafe Rozier and took tram and train to Bruges 1 hour completely different to Brussels much smaller of course and more dilapidated though clean on the whole interesting crow stepped roofs everywhere and magnificent churches, public buildings and tower - tired though so to bed early.
Thursday May 4
Caught 10 am train to Ostend after not very good night due to many bells! To Ostend by 10:20 and got my boat easily - good crossing and arrived over before 3 - Doris meet me at Victoria and I came to my new digs - found many letters. To Hungarian Rhapsody at the Adelphi at night after supper in town.
Friday, May 5.
Slept well.? Sallied after brek and I collected letters from New Zealand house from - Lunched at home after buying corsets, unpacked bags and at night went out to supper and later collected my bags from Whitehall not able to get a car.
Saturday May 6.
A lovely day so departed 10 am for Tunbridge Kent is heavenly now. Tried to get cycles without success so lunched in the castle grounds and then went to Mogg who took us in her car to see bluebell woods and primroses - home after nice tea at 8 pm found postcards from ? and Adria.
Sunday May 7
Rose not too early and went walking in Regents Park in glorious sunshine. Home for lunch and after a rest to St James Park till church time (Savoy Chapel) - watched a Fascist demonstration. Posted letters home.
Monday May 8
Doreen got away by 10:45 am train from Victoria. Saw her off. Then met Mona at Baker Street and shopped till 5 pm. Dined with Ken and got home very late. Letter from Miss Williams.
Tuesday, May 9.
Bought shoes in West Hampstead met Dill at Paddington and we went by train to Kensington to look at clothes. Dined at home and she left at 11 pm. More cables from home.
Wednesday May 10.
Moved my room. Bought a new dress and coat hat etc dined well alone - letters from Doris and Amy.
Thursday May 11.
Letters from Doris and Mac went early and inspected shops in Kensington High Street. To lunch with Dr and Mrs Fenn - very nice and to Kew with Adria. Bluebells marvellous - saw Queen Mary there! Who gave us a nice bow!
Friday May 12/13.
Today set off to see how far could go without spending! Walked across Hyde Park to Green Park to Westminster Cathedral. Very fine tho smelly with incense. Next to London Museum - full of interesting things - clothes et cetera - back for lunch then 4d + 3d + 3d to St Paul's - very interesting service - 100 years K.C.H. (Kings College Hospital) Archbishop of Canterbury preached - saw the Bishop of London and talked to a nice Toc H girl on the steps of the Cathedral. A most interesting day altogether for 10p! Marvellous mail letter from home and Harold Reg Pyke etc wrote to Doreen
Ha-Wa and home today Saturday - saw P&O about the ship probably the Strathnaver July 7 pending X - PC from Mona.
Sunday, May 14.
A year since I landed in England. To church near here 11 am. To Mac at Chislehurst p.m. and for supper. Such a happy day - I love this life. Posted letters to Sally & Joyce.
Monday May 15
Very wet - so filled in a.m. at home. Shopping p.m. and discovered many new streets "Welbeck" etc bought flower seeds etc. To Mona p.m. and spent a very happy time - knitting Ha-Wa and M cutting out frock. Rang Hetty B 5:30 pm at Cumberland
Tuesday May 16.
Het arrived for lunch and we went to the Citadel later very good met Jean Ambury and Mac at the Cumberland and had some quick ones. Dined at C house and then went out to Pats - very cheery evening - letters.
Wednesday May 17.
Very wet so packed up my lunch and went over to Mona found Betty Gordon there. Stayed till after dinner M and R coming part of the way with me asked to stay Whitsunday at East Horsley.
Thursday May 18
To church 12 noon at Hyde Park Square after going to Notting Hill Gate. To NZ house p.m. and going home bought silver from shop in Regent Street busy with washing etc till late so didn't go to Sadler's Wells Ballet as I'd intended.
Friday, May 19.
Up betimes and caught 10:50 am train to Welwyn where Betty and Mrs Hennell met me. B and I walked in perfect blue bell woods a.m. and p.m. till Peggy called for us and took us to Oxford - arrived there 8:30 and went punting on the Sherwell with nice lads and Michael her brother amazing digs over a restaurant.
Saturday, May 20.
Michael called for us to take us to his digs for brekkie. After which we went round the town and saw colleges etc till early lunch. After which he left us as he was rowing for his college at the Bumps, we joined him at the boathouse later and spent a most lovely - if cold - afternoon watching the rowing and crowds. After a ? supper in evening dress! We went for most enjoyable concert at Teddy Hall and supper, met some charming people. Listened to Haydn's Symphony "Miracle"
Sunday, May 21.
To Michael's digs again for a stupendous breakfast after which some exploring of Oxford till church 11 am at St Aldates - very fine sermon. More exploring of lovely places The Trout at Godstow - Christchurch Meadows etc in the country is marvellous - to St Mary the Virgin 8 pm Brother Algie Robertson spoke marvellous weekend got home 11:30pm very tired but feeling frightfully bucked.
Monday, May 22
Came up to town 1:30 and went with Betty to Barts etc. Had tea there. Found letters from - awaiting me - slept badly and awoke feeling fine.
Tuesday May 23.
Had a marvellous shopping day saw Duke of Gloucester leave Buckingham Palace in a State Coach for service at St James. Lunched at Pembethys and then saw Changing of the Guard at St James Palace - also a christening there - shopped hard. Met Amy T at Waterloo and we dined at Lyons Brasserie and saw "Four Feathers" at the Odeon.
Wednesday May 24.
Called for Mona and we lunched with Richard in Kensington thence to Barkers where we brought many dress materials to make up. Dined with them - slept very badly. Paid my boat deposit on
Tuesday 23.
Thursday May 25.
To Mona's for dressmaking a.m. cut out blue frock but didn't get far with it - did a lot of knitting.
Friday May 26
Took my material to Hutton's and was measured for my suit by Mr Elliott - brought gloves and shoes - met R & M at Waterloo and took train for East Horsley, Surrey at 8:42. Lovely evening. Went for a walk on arrival.
Saturday May 27.
Lay in, sunny, and later join Norman and Richard who were playing cricket at Ockham. Lovely in the sun. Tea at Horsley and played dominoes at night.
Sunday May 28.
Glorious day - Norman played cricket and we joined him p.m. and walked to Effingham and had tea at an Inn - collected wildflowers.
Monday, May 29.
Had intended walking to Shere but were too lazy so just lay in the sun and knitted or slept - walked in evening in lovely rhododendron woods and picked primroses.
Tuesday May 30.
Cleaned up house a bit and left Horsley at 12 mid. Found marvellous mail from home Harold - wrote home mail from home again at night
Wednesday, May 31.
Mona rang and we went shopping p.m. I bought a reading lamp frock etc and Mona a lot of cosmetics! To bed early and knitted.
Thursday, June 1.
Said rabbits out betimes to see Nan S who will do my hair tomorrow. Then to Pontries where I bought a great suit etc etc - a marvellous shop! Met Harrold 6:45 at John Lewis's and we then entered upon a pub crawl ending up with a nightclub - and arriving home very much the worse for wear ugh
Friday, June 2.
How my head aches this a.m. didn't wake until 8:30 but was at Notting Hill by 9:30 and sat till 2 pm having my hair done by Nan. Feel much better! Dill came p.m. and we set off Hampton court - glorious time return to Richmond by boat. Supper at Brasserie and so home a glorious day.
Saturday, June 3
Booked Amy's and my trip to Switzerland at Dean and Davidson's. To Mr Taylor p.m. - a great welcome - dear old soul. Met Nan and another at the old Vic 8 pm for "Ballets Jooss" a very good show for 9/6d!
Sunday, June 4.
Up betimes and away to City Temple where I heard Leslie Wheatherhead preach. Very good. At 3 pm to the Temple - glorious music - Scarlet cassocks etc - later went to St Michael's Chester Sq with "First Who Supped with Me" W H Elliott very fine
Monday, June 5.
Busy day shopping - washed and ironed p.m. and Dill came at night - cable from home - bought cider as Harrolds gift and linen.
Tuesday, June 6
Shopped etc Doreen came up from Eastbourne p.m. and supped with me.
Wednesday, June 7
To Aldershot later p.m. through lovely country most enjoyable evening - home 3 am.
Thursday, June 8
Up betimes and tried to get seats for Aida at Covent Garden unsuccessfully - got tickets for Switzerland - packed bag at night.
Friday, June 9.
Busy a.m. to Mona's for lunch after meeting Amy at Waterloo. Caught train for Switzerland at 3 pm - cold crossing and glad to get on train. Changed at Brussels one hour and then to Basel 11 am not such a bad night with 3 Scots folk.
Saturday, June 10.
Lovely country thru Strasbourg left Basel 3 pm and were in Lucerne 80 minutes later. Lovely place - were met by a nice D and D man - excellent hotel - food and beds - slept and slept we were so weary - typical country chalets firs everywhere - and such a glorious Lake - we are right on the River.
Sunday, June 11.
Slept late but got up for brekkie by 10 am then for a walk discovering the town. Rained p.m. So we slept and wrote home and to Ha Wa. For a walk after dinner and are further enthralled with this place.
Monday, June 12.
For a good walk about the town to the Lion Monument and Glacier Gardens etc. I bought a picture etc too wet to do anything p.m. so we slept beneath our feather bed's - still very tired.
Tuesday, June 13.
Up betimes and caught 9 am boat for Fluelin and Tells country. Rained soon after we left, but on the whole wasn't a bad day - beautiful country saw William Tell's statue etc. Smooth on Lake Lucerne. Captain Mansfield DD's man very kind.
Wednesday, June 14.
Wet morning so we prowled around the town and saw Glaciers Garden p.m. to Kussnacht (6 miles) where Queen Astrid was killed - too tired to go out off hotel.
Thursday, June 15.
Up betimes and caught 9:17 pm to Interlaken - much colder here, the very pleasant and beautiful wildflowers as we came along were too marvellous - Brunig Pass etc at Horn hotel where Ha Wa stayed felt mouldy and lonely for him - walk p.m. and reached Kursaal etc
Friday, June 16.
Walked a.m. in direction of Thun (Tun) and lay in the sun. p.m. to Kandersteg, Blue Lake - marvellous scenery then Aeschi-Spiez - Thun etc saw lake from boat took snaps of each other and excellent trip.
Saturday, June 17.
Caught train to Lauterbrunnen 10 am and thence walked to Trummelbach Falls - glorious tho raining hard. After lunch left Lauterbrunnen for Murren where we walked to the Valley of the Flowers (Blumenthal). Picked gentians, primula crocuses anemones alpine crowsfoot etc etc heavenly - to a yodelling concert at Kursaal wet so went to bed and so to bed.
Sunday, June 18.
Interlaken to church 10:30 am HC where Mr Adams took the service and after gave us a ride in his car - to Giessbach Falls by steamer p.m. glorious on Lake Brienz. Saw some cine films of Swiss at (illegible).
Monday, June 19.
Posted letters home and to D. Left Interlaken 9 am very sadly and were at Montreux by 1 pm. Lovely place with Castle of Chillon nearby. For a walk to Vevey p.m. and bought glorious cherries to bed early and thankfully.
Tuesday, June 20.
To Geneva by boat 9 am glorious on Lake Leman though cold arrived Geneva at 1:10 pm and were taken for a tour of the city - very interesting and beautiful - Calvin and John Knox - to Palace of Nations where we saw many rooms and a cinema for Fr 50.
Wednesday, June 21.
Lovely day so walked to Chateau d'Chillon - glorious old 10th to 16th century castle with perfect rooms pewter etc. Sewed and lounged p.m. in perfect content.
Thursday, June 22.
Montreux - lazed and walked a.m. lovely sun - to Lausanne and explored a lovely Cathedral - Protestant and listened to organ music. Had a sumptuous tea with strawberry tarts etc and came home by train in a thunderstorm. To bed early.
Friday, June 23.
Glorious day packed early and went out in the sun and bought cherries and tomatoes for our train journey. Had a late tea so didn't need supper except for what we had at Basel Park. The journey not really so foul this time.
Saturday, June 24
Arrived at Ostend at 10:30 - grey and gloomy so we decided not to go to Ypres as planned crossing smooth - home by 6 pm and found a great pile of mail - from home Ha Wa - and Richard rang almost immediately - Maida Vale 5051.
Sunday, June 25.
Lay abed till 11-ish wrote letters and then to Mona's for day sewed hard but with not much success home to a sleepless night - curse it.
Monday, June 26.
Up betimes and to the Shipping Offices and tailor - shopped extensively till 3 pm having late lunch when Miss McKay and Mac arrived for tea.? Tired out at night and took some sedomid with better results.
Tuesday, June 27.
Dill arrived early so we shopped - then lunched and went to Westminster Abbey - stayed for Evensong lovely to Cal Market and was to meet Doreen but didn't.
Wednesday, June 28.
To Delwyn where Betty met me had such a happy day sewing for her and nearly finished a dress for myself. Home 11:30.
Thursday, June 29
Dill calls shopping a.m. bought furs etc. To Nan is to have my hair done. Met Willie at Sarn 8:30 and dined marvellously - dear soul too late for a show - so we just talked till 11-ish and he brought me home in his Rolls.
Friday, June 30.
a.m. to tailor - bought cabin trunk etc etc but generally wasted a lot of time - not feeling well. To
"Me and My Girl" p.m. very good. Packed at night and slept better.
Saturday, July 1.
Said rabbits caught early bus to Tunbridge and spent day with Lamberts motored to Tunbridge Wells and had a business getting home after the last bus had left.
Sunday, July 2.
8:50 am at Whitehall Theatre met Nan and went to Westminster Abbey where the King and Queen were giving thanks for the safe return from America.
Monday, July 3.
Dill came and we shopped and lunch together Mac gave me a sweet clock - busy all p.m. and to Westminster Abbey at night for a Handel evening walked home with Ivan S afterwards.
Tuesday, July 4.
a.m. tea with Miss McGibbon pm to Wickens and Jones for tea party with 10 New Zealanders - awfully jolly. Adria came up and we went to "Under Your Hat" at the Palace - marvellous - Jack Hubbert. Supper at Corner House after.
Wednesday, July 5.
Mona came to help me pack! And after lunch to buy a hat or 3 - to supper at West Hempstead NW6 slept nier a wink.
Thursday, July 6.
Shopped a.m. and lunched with J at D H Evans. Bought a coat and shoes etc Doris arrived p.m. with books for me and stayed till I left for Mrs Fenns. Such a happy evening there they are dears, Nancy played the harp and sang and then saw me to the bus. Letter from W Mac L sail 1.50pm St Pancras..
Friday, July 7.
Pleasant easy a.m. shopped a little then Dill arrived and we lunched at Marble Arch Corner House and Mac and Dill saw me off at St Pancras and I was soon settled in on board SS Strathnaver, seems a pleasant ship though crowded - fair dinner and to bed late-ish.
Saturday, July 8.
Slept like a log on a soft bed and awakened to a good cup of tea at 6:30 am, spent day chatting to quite pleasant folk and knitting and sleeping. Grey, cold day but ravenously hungry all the time - to bed early. Glorious bunch of flowers from Mona and Richard. Letter from Bett on arrival.
Sunday, July 9.
To church 11 am very dull and lugubrious ate lazily and slept p.m. Crossing Bay of Biscay so many absent from meals though so far it isn't more than a heavy swell - fogs - ship heaves to every few hours.
Monday, July 10.
Talked to various people and had a few drinks and got on with my socks - lazy day but not too terribly hot - not many playing games and no organisation think God. Past St Vincent Cadiz etc then Gibraltar.
Tuesday, July 11.
Very exciting to see land and set foot in Tangier Moorish and smelly I didn't buy anything - to Gib 1:30 3hrs surprisingly big went ashore by tender in both places and I bought scent? and a pouf and some snaps - to a silly D Durbin picture nocte (night).
Wednesday, July 12
Wrote letters in delightful cool and knitted mostly.
Thursday, July 13.
Tied up at Marseille 1 pm and went ashore - a grubby place. Bought stamps etc. Interesting around the port met a nice Welsh officer and chatted some.
Friday, July 14.
Lazy day - chatted to 4th and had tea and a drink with him. To Marseille later and watched fireworks etc - 14th of July celebrations. Had a party with Susan and Miss Street later!
Saturday, July 15.
Away 4 am - cool still and very pleasant on top deck. Talked to Miss Kirk and slept p.m. passed close to Corsica p.m. and Sardinia. Late to bed after a pleasant evening
Sunday, July 16.
Interesting and very lovely day. Past Stromboli steaming 3 pm and Straits of Messina later - Italy and Sicily - I saw Etna in distance - glorious scenes and whether - sea perfect - good evening Taff pointed out all the places of interest.
Monday, July 17.
No land till Crete at night perfect evening most glorious weather started to play chess at night but abandoned it.
Tuesday, July 18.
Slept in read "Mr Deed Goes to Town" a.m. - had our usual sustenance with Scotty and parked for rest of evening.
Wednesday, July 19.
Arrived Port Said 5 am were away 8:30 very hot coming through canal - 12 hours - past camels Sheikhs etc awful sands but glorious scene.
Thursday, July 20.
Getting hotter and hotter - though glorious weather finished a detective yarn. Taffy and I too tired to go to boxing so went to bed instead and slept well.
Friday, July 21.
Arrived at Port Sudan 11 am - hottest day so far - awful hellish - no shops - only vendors. Sea temperature 91 degrees, in shade 113 degrees - though cool at night when we sat on poop, and later drank long gins and tonic.
Saturday, July 22.
This heat is almost unendurable I wonder how I can exist much longer.
Sunday, July 23.
Aden tied up at 6 am in most wicked heat. Went ashore and bought some undies etc - almost sick with heat and after.
Monday, July 24.
When we ran into the monsoon - ghastly rough weather, though mercifully cooler.
Tuesday, July 25.
A dreary depressing day very hot and grey Taffy and I sat on deck and watched dancing till 11:45.
Wednesday, July 26.
Very hot and muggy - played tennis and quoits and nearly dropped with exhaustion after.
Thursday, July 27.
Arrived at Bombay 12:30 pm and went for a drive round the city - beautiful buildings saw Temple snake charmers with mongoose - Burning gats and tower of silence plus vultures - filthy streets - No shopping left at 11:30 pm
Friday, July 28.
Very hot still and port holes closed again - sat and knitted and chatted to German people all day. Took tea with Taffy - to flicks at night - very good and sat on deck till 12
Saturday, July 29.
Cooler day on deck - normal day.
Sunday, July 30.
Arrived Colombo 7 am and after much cogitation Miss Kirk and I went off on our own 3 hours drive in rickshaw - tea at why Y.W. and much shopping. Then back to the ship and later walked with much fun in search of church - returned to ship 8:30 pm glorious city. Cinnamon gardens like Jamaica gardens and Buddhist temples ad lib - glorious flowers and trees - Al Amanda yellow - saw chameleon - woodpecker etc rather clean and civil and happy.
Monday, July 31.
Awfully tired today - slept p.m. and so didn't have tea with T met him later and we went to the flicks - K Hepburn - and later had a binge in Sammy's cabin after one on deck.
Tuesday, August 1.
Said rabbits had a happy morning playing whist and ? Very hot at night in T's cabin.
Wednesday, August 2.
Lazy morning - slept p.m. - had a 6 some in T's cabin - and later he taught me crib.
Thursday, August 3.
As usual.
Friday, August 4.
Party at night - Sammy sang with great feeling and gusto.
Saturday, August 5.
Played bridge lock? in T's cabin with Mr and Mrs Ward - tea as is usual.
Sunday, August 6.
To church 11 am rest of day as usual tea and evening with T.
Monday, August 7.
Repacked my bags and lazed about generally all day as usual - Taffy took Mr Mrs Ward & myself all over the engine room - very interesting.
Tuesday, August 8.
Fremantle wakened 5:30 am and had to get up for medical inspection. Sent ashore 9:30 and took a bus to Perth three quarters of an hour clean nice city and bright warm sunshine - looked around and returned to ship after lunch. Early to bed for once - left 5 pm.
Wednesday, August 9.
Day as usual and Tea - Saturday cinema till 9 pm but no plans, to bed later into Bight 3 pm.
Thursday, August 10.
Baked in the Sun out of the cold wind. Albatross and Cape Hens interesting and porpoises hugged coast for quite a way. Very smooth and calm in Bight contrary to expectations. Late-night washed hair and tidied bags.
Friday, August 11.
No entry.
Saturday, August 12.
Arrived at Adelaide 7 am and took train to town half an hour with Mr and Mrs W and Mr Shields. Excitement over new governor's arrival lovely city and fair day - walked in gardens with Mr S and later took trolley bus in the sun. Most enjoyable day with very nice W.A. man.
Sunday, August 13
Bitterly cold to church with Mr W and others - Tea with Taffy - tied up at Melbourne 8 pm. Spent evening with T and H went into Melbourne in the evening.
Monday, August 14.
To town early a.m. and saw over city of Melbourne - Minal Hall for lunch - Victorian lovely stone buildings and parks - Shrine of remembrance - to St Kilda beach - botanical gardens etc etc. Left 6 pm and had a very pleasant evening before and after.
Tuesday, August 15.
Rather cold and wet. Packed all a.m. Gymkhana p.m. Started a party at 5:30 Bane, CW after tea with Taffy and then with Dale and T later Harry and finally Sammy - Danced with T nocte good night.
Wednesday, August 16.
Arrived in Sydney 7:30 am - wire from home but no friends. HS and I took a tour to Jenolan caves - very interesting - through glorious Blue Mountains scenery - blue gums ad lib and miserable villages - Cave house very nice - saw Lucas Cave at night.
Thursday, August 17.
Awake betimes and had own pineapple - glorious day and warm. H and I walked hard and then did Orient Cave - glorious! Left after lunch and returned to town 5:30 pm and put up at Metropole. Dined and then H went back to ship his cold being much worse.
Friday, August 18.
Had photo taken at Dorothy Welding's and got my ticket for New Zealand. Met Hugh for lunch at David Jones - cold much better. Then we went to P&O?. Nice and later to top of pylon on bridge. Saw him off on Strathnaver 4 pm for Rabane* - feeling very blue - a nice friend of H's took me for tea and then I met Miss Gostelars - who took me back for supper - saw their films at night and returned to Metropole 11 pm. (*Strathnaver was then used as a troop ship for the duration)
Saturday, August 19.
Explored shops and saw domain and War Memorial cathedrals and St James church BP gardens. Poinsettia is a Euphorbia - Taxodium nice feathery tree like in Melbourne. To "Goodbye Mr Chips" nocte - excellent - saw bosuns grandmother on film must tell them.
Sunday, August 20.
Gostelar's called for me at Metropole 10 pm and took me for a long drive to Bulli Gorge (Pass) Natural Park etc - Cronulla - home 2 pm and put up at YWCA seems pretty awful. Went to Cathedral for Evensong.
Monday, August 21.
Up not so early and went to Taronga Park - good - but somehow disappointing - very windy. Went over bridge by rail and returned by ferry. To bed early - feeling very blue.
Tuesday, August 22
Rang Mrs Lyons and then caught 10:15 ferry for all day trip on harbour windy and cold but later sunny. Interesting trip and good lunch at Clifton Gardens Hotel. Met a nice S.A. girl (McMahon). Later went to "Vernon and Irene Castle" GR and Fred Asta?. (Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire)
Wednesday, August 23.
Mrs G rang and said there were letters from home for me. Mended stockings and wrote letters a.m. and p.m. met Mrs Wash for tea and later went to Bondi and Darlinghurst for dinner and supper.
Thursday, August 24.
To Mrs Lyons for day, Ryde - returned 11 pm and started packing.
Friday, August 25.
Left the YW 9 am and took my bags to Wanganella - good cabin to myself - hurray - 4pm leave for NZ. Then to Manly ferry to meet Mrs W and Nancy and we went to M very pretty. Posted letters to T and Hugh, Amy, & Wall.
Saturday, August 26.
Left Sydney 5ish in good weather - which has lasted today - feeling fit and well - 2 pictures last night - stupid. Miss Lender and Mrs Kirk from Strathnaver on board and about 5 others.
Sunday, August 27.
Another crisis these last few days (War) - makes peace seem grim. To church a.m. - two Australian bishops took service - nice - to pictures nocte - Good -
Monday, August 28.
Wet and cold all day, so spent time largely in my cabin. To bed early in preparation for arriving next day - finished "London Roundabout"
Tuesday, August 29.
Home - wakened 3 am when we anchored at Wellington up soon after 6 am and was ashore by 8 am. Buff, ?, Eine, Phil B, and HaWa were at wharf to meet me - customs okay. Marvellous welcome home by all. Pops 80th birthday a great success and a happy day spent by all.
Wednesday, August 30.
H rang early and I went into town and joined him for lunch. Met the Hansell's - talked hard and then went to Art Gallery 4 pm. Saw Mrs Lenden there. Saw H off at Ferry 7:30 and was home by 8:30.
Thursday, August 31.
Peaceful quiet day at home - feeling very weary. Mary Peck rang.

10. Marjorie Barker's 1939 Diary.: Europe & New Zealand Part 3, 1 Jan 1939 to 19 Nov 1939.
Friday, September 1.
The same - wet and cold awful hailstorm. Buff and Judith went to the zoo.
Saturday, September 2.
Saw Eine off to Hunterville at 2 pm. Washed and tidied generally.
Sunday, September 3.
Wet and cold - lovely quiet day at home - wrote to Harry etc and did much mending etc.
Monday, September 4.
Washed and was generally busy.
Tuesday, September 5.
No entry.
Wednesday, September 6.
To Joyce's by 11 am bus and spent a happy day mostly talking. Home with Dash's in tin can..
Thursday, September 7.
Dor rang and I decided to go to P'ram (Paraparaumu) next day.
Friday, September 8.
Met Nan at 5 pm and we went to P.P. All looking very nice - gardens full of flowers etc.
Saturday, September 9.
Gardened - sewing many seeds - wet and cold generally.
Sunday, September 10.
Listened to a very fine sermon by Archdeacon Bullock - I generally had a lazy day.
Monday, September 11.
Planted vegetable seeds etc.
Tuesday, September 12.
As usual.
Wednesday, September 13.
Cold and wet so I stayed in doors and sewed all day.
Thursday, September 14.
Warm p.m. so I sat on verandah and answered HaWa's letter.
Friday, September 15.
Left P'ram 9 pm and D and I had a happy day in town - saw many friends. D brought me a pair of sheets and helped me to look at rings. Later she came home with me and I later accompanied her to Hutt.
Saturday, September 16.
Gardened furiously all a.m. - p.m. Went to John's with mother - and had a very happy evening - gave us cheque etc. Letter from Harry.
Sunday, September 17.
Gardened a.m. To Mrs Widdecombe's for tea p.m. Sevad nocte (Saved by sleep?)
Monday, September 18.
Mops went to town I gardened and wrote letters.
Tuesday, September 19.
To lunch with Mr McCrea at Leges Court - met Lin & Phil for tea and later shopped. Wire from Stuart who came out here later - the dear - and we had a gloriously happy evening. Walked to Hutt with him.
Wednesday, September 20
S rang also Mr McC - saw Joy Kirk yesterday - gardened.
Thursday, September 21.
To town a.m. met Mr McC & shopped.
Friday, September 22.
S rang as he was about to return to New Plymouth. To "Mikado" no etc (sic) in much rain.
Saturday, September 23.
Gardened nice letter from Stu - Mop and Dad went to the trots. I planted many vegetables and generally tidied up the place.
Sunday, September 24.
Phil and Mrs Gillespie came out.
Monday, September 25
Washed and ironed no letters - to dinner with Taytons nocte - Joyce came in.
Tuesday, September 26.
To town pm and bought my ring. Letter from Harry a.m.
Wednesday, September 27.
Caught early bus for Joyce's - to am tea with Doreen and later p.m. tea, with another happy evening at home. Sewing.
Thursday, September 28.
Lay and sunned all am. Letters from Taffy and Hugh - Esdales came at night.
Friday, September 29
To town pm and did much shopping. Letter from Dor. Rang mother - pleasant evening chatting and sewing.
Saturday, September 30.
Joyce and June bought me home a.m. Gardened hard all p.m. Removing old hedge and planting a new one.
Sunday, October 1.
Gardened a bit and sewed more Miss Blackburn came p.m. said "Rabbits".
Monday, October 2.
Gardened and sewed and to Pygmalion at night with Miss Gibbons a delightful picture.
Tuesday, October 3.
To town for lunch with Joan H & D - tea with Mops at Kinks and so home lovely letter from HaWa
Wednesday, October 4.
John came out for day and Miss Jordan for tea wrote to H, Dill and Dor.
Thursday, October 5.
To church a.m. with Tot - sewed pm - to Fellowship nocte and renewed fellowships very pleasantly.
Friday, October 6.
To town a.m. and lunched with Doss at John Smith's - she gave me glorious towels and a frock and we bought blue velvet. Home in car with her. Letter from Mrs Elworthy p.m.
Saturday, October 7.
Letter from H a.m. suggesting I go south on Tuesday night. Wrote to Mrs E. Took old Chappie for a walk and saw the dressmaker on my way home. Darling S came out and we went for a walk to Gracefield. He caught 11 pm train back to T.
Sunday, October 8.
Busy day gardened and weeded - to Hillman's for supper.
Monday, October 9.
Gardened and washed - to town pm and got my steamer ticket and shopped etc.
Tuesday, October 10.
Joyce called round and took my velvet to make up. Got my clothes from dressmaker and Mop and I went to town and I caught the ferry about 7:45.
Wednesday, October 11.
Arrived Timaru at 11:30 am - my dear one met me and we shopped. To Craigmore for lunch a lovely place - to Grange Hill p.m. and oh such joy.
Thursday, October 12.
To Grange Hill a.m. for lunch and to Junes for a cocktail after. Quiet evening Harry had to go to a play rehearsal.
Friday, October 13
To town pm and H was measured for a suit and we brought wallpaper etc. To Grange Hill after and I did some more gardening H staying with me at Craigmore.
Saturday, October 14.
To races at Washdyke p.m. Picnic lunch and later went to flicks with Mrs Elworthy a very happy day.
Sunday, October 15
Lazy a.m. with breakfast at 9 am. To Holme Station for lunch - a most happy time + furniture. To supper with the Rhodes and home feeling oh so happy.
Monday, October 16.
Left Craigmore 10:30ish and got my steamer ticket. Harry had an awful turn and we had to go to see Dr and I went back to Grange Hill with him and started his treatment.
Tuesday, October 17.
Long quiet a.m. with Harry in boiling sun - gardened and planted glads. Great excitement over shearing p.m. and it was late before we got to bed.
Wednesday, October 18.
Started shearing a.m. up at 7 am. H took me to Craigmore and Mr E drove me in - ASE* travelled with me - Wahine 8:30. (*Arthur Stanley Elworthy)
Thursday, October 19
Home 8:30 and was soon hard at it with licenses rings etc. An awful day really and was deadbeat at night. Tea with Mrs Fry p.m. Letter from John Gilk.
Friday, October 20.
Feeling rather awful - but got good work done - packing etc. Rang Doris and many others?
Saturday, October 21.
Busy a.m. at home - Joyce and Mrs B and Ray called in pm after races and then went dining for the last time.
Sunday, October 22.
Rang Doss and she and Stuart came out p.m. for tea. Went round to Joyce's - Archdeacon and Mrs Hansell called p.m. To Hillman's after tea we took Dos home later to town feeling most wretchedly tired.
Monday, October 23.
Labour Day.
Tuesday, October 24.
The darling arrived at 9-ish and and in pm we went to town for some whirlwind shopping - collecting our cake as we went. To Joyce's nocte where I tried on my frock they gave us some spoons and coffee cups.
Wednesday, October 25.
My wedding day dawned grey but not cold - many folk rang a.m. but we were both calm - I was late for church but it's all went off very well. 19 there and many at the church besides. I've never felt happier. pm we got my steamer tickets and went out to to see the Raits Who were very thrilled to see us. Rangitira at night - pm Buff & Phil saw us off slept well and a smooth crossing.
Thursday, October 26
Arrived Christchurch and motored down to Lyttleton again only to miss our bags and awful contretemps. Put up at Federal and proceeded to shop like mad. To the "The Zeal of Thy House" at Cathedral at night jolly good. Bitterly cold here but am oh so happy.
Friday, October 27.
More farce with our baggage this a.m. but we finally located it. To Betty Gould's for lunch and p.m. purchased carpets furnishings etc - a busy day - to "Alexander Bell"* at night and so to bed (*film)
Saturday, October 28.
Up betimes this a.m. and were away 9:30 - to Timaru Show p.m. and met many new folk. Home James where H had to milk while I got tea - wonderful to be in my own home - dear H.
Sunday, October 29.
A lovely quiet day at home - unpacking and generally digging in.
Monday, October 30.
Rained hard at times my plants are doing well - planted many gladioli. Wrote dozens of letters.
Tuesday, October 31.
Ha Wa was out toiling all day I plod on with my painting - doing our living room now. Rang the paper hanger to do the papering. My love and I went walking over the hills after a visit to the Evans.
Wednesday, November 1.
How the days fly by we have been married a week. Painting and gardening today and writing many letters - Mr Howell called.
Thursday, November 2.
Ha Wa was up at 5 but I slept in till 9 - finished up my paint so I couldn't get on. H got home for lunch at 3 pm! Wrote to Miss Williams.
Friday, November 3.
To town early - called in at Holme Station and got chair and couch to be covered, and to Fishers*
(*Harry's ex married couple). Shopped hard and got my hair done. My frock arrived. To the party at Maungati at night a great crowd there and we were presented with a silver tea service and tray.
Saturday, November 4.
Home at 1:30 and Ha Wa had to rise again at 4:30 poor sweet. Painted most of the day and put in my houseplants. Letter from Mops and Eine. Rained p.m. To bed early.
Sunday, November 5.
Lay in bed till 9:30 and then had a lovely day in the sun H's godchild Margaret Ford came over - I cooked lunch after which we went for a walk to "Pisgah" (Summit) - so very happy. Wrote letters home nocte - owe H L2.12.6 - picked clematis.

Now follows gaps.
Friday, November 10.
To town a.m.
Sunday, November 12.
June and Harrold with family brought tea and we had it in the bush - H and I worked hard a.m. and moved over into our bedroom proper.
Friday, November 17.
P arrived* and I felt like death. Went to town - lunched with Mrs Elworthy - beautiful garden - dinner with Rachel - Mrs Bond presented us with an entree dish and the Rhodes a coffee set and tray. Home late feeling awful. (The transcriber considers this is short for "Percy" Margot's menses)
Saturday, November 18.
Worked hard a.m. - to a bridge party at Mrs Verity's nocte - 23 people - presented with numerous gifts - home 1:30.
Sunday, November 19.
Slept in - laid carpet - Ha Wa went mustering with Mr Squire p.m.

11. Marjorie Barker: After Her Marriage, 1940-1963. Margot with son Edward & sister Doris, the Fenn Family, Caroline Bay Timaru Jan 1947, Margot 1955, 1960 &1964 in her beloved garden..

12. Margot & Harry Fenn: Stuart & Dorothy Varnham, Feb 1944, Grange Hill Maungati Timaru.
In the early 1930's Margot was working as a Nursing Sister at New Plymouth Hospital, Taranaki NZ. While there she met the Varnham family, and befriended D Betty Varnham.
Betty's father Stuart was then the Manager of the Taranaki Herald.
He served with distinction as a Capt in WWI, and in WWII. He was to Command 1st Bat. Taranaki Regiment 1939 -1941. Officer in Command of the 19th Wellington Bat, Egypt, then 7th Infantry Brigade Waioru, rising in rank to Brigadier.

Stuart was somewhat of a hero figure to Margot, although he was serving in Egypt with 2NZEF at the time of Edward's baptism, he agreed to be a sponsor (God Father).
Margot & Stuart corresponded and she kept some 8 letters from him between May 1940 and Feb 1943, (see Other Records Edward Liveing Fenn [41]). Margot was then married to Harry Fenn, living on their farm in Sth Canterbury. Stuart thanks them for parcels ranging from cakes to socks sent as their contribution to supporting the Soldiers away fighting the War.
He also mentions his God Son Edward, commenting on photos of him sent by his proud mother Margot, and his hopes to visit the family and meet his Godson in the future.
This he and his wife Dorothy did in February 1944 after his retirement.
Here is his diary record of the visit.

Wednesday 23 February 1944
Dunedin - Timaru.
Left by 8:45 am train for Timaru, Margot and Harry met us at the station went to Caroline Bay Beach and had afternoon tea there and then drove out to Grange Hill Maungati, very warm day.
Thursday 24 February 1944
Grange Hill Cave
Went to Holme Station Arthur Elworthy's place had picnic lunch there, picked a big bag of beans, then went to Gordon's Valley Station and had afternoon tea with Mr and Mrs Percy Elworthy. Met Mr ? and Gus Squires.
Friday, 25 February 1944
Grange Hill Cave
Pottering in the garden trimmed up some trees for Margot. Went to afternoon tea at Mrs Wilfred Howell's Station (Mt Nimrod) . Then went on to tea at Mr and Mrs Verity Station. Played bridge. Got home at midnight.
Saturday, 26 February 1944
Grange Hill Cave
Harry went to Squire's dipping. Came on a steady gentle rain. Remained indoors most of the day. About 4 pm Dos (Varnham), Margot, Edward and I went for a walk across paddock - put on coats and old clothes.
Sunday, 27 February 1944
Grange Hill Cave
Drizzling with rain. After lunch Harry went to church in school room. After the Rev and Mrs McKnight and Mrs John and Mrs Robert Ford came to afternoon tea. Also at Mr and Mrs Dean and Marie. All remained to the evening meal except the McKnight's, all had a look at my war snapshots.
Monday, 28 February 1944
Timaru - Christchurch.
At 10 am Margot and Harry drove us in Timaru. Harry took me to the Timaru Club. Mr LeCren and Bennett. All had lunch at Grand Hotel. Caught the 1:45 pm train for Christchurch. Stayed at the Clarendon Hotel. Went to cinema "The great lie".
Diary notes courtesy of Mrs Nancy Croad daughter of Stuart & Dorothy Varnham - Auckland 2022

13. Margot Fenn: Letter to her son aged 4, Aug 1945, Jean Todd Maternity Hospital Timaru N.Z.
Margot was close to having her second child, and her precious son was being looked after by a friend and neighbour at Maungati, Margaret Dent, wife of Doug Dent. Marie was their youngest daughter.

The captions are as follows:
Nurse giving mummy some horrible medicine to make her better.
Edward being a good boy and going Ish Ish (sleep) as soon as Aunt Margaret tells him to.
Marie in her little bed.
Aunt Margaret and Aboo Sam (Gollywog) in A M's bed in the morning. Pretty flowers that Mrs McDonald sent today
Edward Fenn A for (apple) Dear Daddy making a big rock garden for mummy. Poly the cow Ru the cat
Big loves darling from your loving mummy. OOO XXX
The dorse records a note:
My dear Margaret - I was hearten'd seeing you all yesterday - my little darling looked so sweet and happy. Oh my dear - you've no idea what a comfort it is to me that he loves you so and that he is not being too big a handful for you
I hope soon to have news for you Much love my dear

The son mentioned above, now 76, appreciates that this matter does not add greatly to the accumulated wisdom of the human race. It does however show something of the tone of the upbringing he was so fortunate to enjoy.
Ref: Found by Joan Baggot 2016

14. Margot Fenn: Letter to her son travelling in the North Island, on the occasion of his 21st birthday, 17 Sep 1961, Timaru.
No 4 R.D.
Sunday 17th of Sep 1961
Dear old Boy,
Do hope this will be in the letter rack awaiting you at Dargaville, it's difficult to judge the mailing times but I trust you will have a note from me tomorrow on your arrival at Russell. It was grand hearing from Eine. I expect you were nearly as pleased to see her as she to see you and she certainly wrote plenty - wrote again later the same day Wednesday, when she got home from a trip to the Levin and opened the suitcase - dear old Eine - she thought you were a "lovely boy" (so you are when you're asleep). We'll be bombarding you with telegrams on Wednesday so I'll not say more than "don't paint Dargaville too pink" - remember you're a Fenn and a gentleman. The old Fenn is being moderately good, the old devil gave me a lot of work and anxiety yesterday when I had to bulldoze him out of the drain (full of stinking water - pooh) near to the cattle trough. It was a case of monkey brand and soft soap and clean clothes to the bare skin but he is sweet smelling now. Lots of fun at Don Pitt's, he is negotiating for the farm that belonged to Maurice Harper at the Levels and Norman Verity (ex-butcher) is keen on Don's house here. Life is never dull round these parts. Dad and I had just returned from a tea party at Fred Smiths - it's a grey cold day here but they had a good fire on, and a luscious pavlova cake, so we enjoyed ourselves very much. Now K and I are going to church. A large parcel came for you from Sydney parts for a radio set I imagine - it had been opened for examination - some more exam papers and the notice for an army parade today - that's all so far. Mate is pawing the ground at my feet being perfectly adorable. I know he'd send dodgy good wishes to his old "nunky" Ed for his 21st. The time seems to have flown since Tuesday I hope it hasn't gone so fast for you. I also hope that you're getting some good colour pictures. No news of any of your friends - in fact there's no news about these parts and Dad is wondering how I managed to fill two pages.
I'll stop now and get the tea. Hope you had some good citrus fruit at Keri Keri
Much love darling
Your loving Mum
Dear Ed
Happy birthday old bean. Hope you're enjoying yourself as much as I'm not. All the best for the 20th.
Love Kay.

15. Margot Barker: Letter to her daughter-in-law to be, 14 Oct 1963, Timaru.
Miss Joan Molesworth,
105 Chiswick Village
London W4

No 4 R.D.
New Zealand.
Oct 14, 1963.
My dear Joan,
It was certainly an inspiration on your part to write and introduce yourself instead of passing it on to Edward. It is such a joy to be able to write back straight away (your letter came this morning) and say how much we are all looking forward to welcoming you into our family circle. I know we will love you as Edward does and for me especially at this time, it is a crowning happiness to know that my dear boy has found such a lovely girl to be his wife. The slides he sent arrived on Thursday last and I riffled through them with much impatience till I found the ones of you. Now we have to wait till we can get a crowd together and have a real film evening. Everyone is dying to see what Edward has been doing with his time and there is quite a sneaking suspicion abroad that he has somehow or other become involved sentimentally! I do hope your parents will feel as happy about our lad as we are about their daughter. As there seems to be nothing official about your engagement yet, I can't ask you for their address but naturally I shall look forward to getting to know them as soon as possible. To think I was so near to you all when I was in Auckland in March and I didn't even feel "vibrations" of all the exciting things that were coming to pass! I am only sorry that I've had to mar Edwards happiness by telling him of my illness. I'd have done anything to avoid it, but knowing my loving son I know he would feel desperately hurt if I had kept silent any longer. I am writing this in a hospital room where I am waiting the first of the blood transfusions that will keep me going, (I hope for a long time) I am to have a talk with the Medical Superintendent later and he will tell me what I am to tell Ed, so it will be straight from the horses mouth if one can so designate so august a person as a MS! I hope so much that what I hear will not mean that he misses out on his European tour. (I forgot to tell him to get some tablets for sterilising water, especially for is teeth, but he'll know that, I expect as a good soldier, he's done some jungle warfare. You will need the woollies and boots you spoke of buying for the South Island. It is arctic here today after a freezing day yesterday. (6 inches of snow in Southland) the sun is shining anyway, and life seems very good. I think you will like Timaru, it's not an exciting place but the people are very sincere and steadfast types and at the present moment it's beautiful. The gardens everywhere full of tulips and blossom trees and the lawns are all brilliantly green after a foul wet winter. You won't see much snow here, except at a distance but the Southern Alps and our hills are lovely all through the season. You'll have had quite enough trouble going to decipher my handwriting, Joan, so I won't write any more, but I know my husband and K join with me in saying "Welcome Joan" and may we see you in our midst as soon as may be!
Ever your affectionate
Margot Fenn

16. Margot Barker: Letter to her daughter-in-law to be, 15 Dec 1963, Timaru.
Miss Joan Molesworth,
105 Chiswick Village
London W4

Dec 15, 1963.
My dearest Joan,
Just a little note to wish you a very happy Christmas and to tell you how much we are looking forward to next Christmas when we will have another daughter as well as a son to spend it with. Glorious thought!
Your letter was full of exciting plans, goodness how I am looking forward to it all! Kay is going to write to you but she's only just started on her weeks holiday to Queenstown etc so I expect she won't write till after Christmas. She and her friend Margaret departed 9.30, K very thrilled to be driving her own car. Your photos have been well and truly shown to all Edward's and our friend so they'll be expecting to meet the sweet and charming young thing the photos depict. I think you'll like them as they are bound to like you.
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E's cousin Alston wrote some very nice things about you, my dear1. You certainly made a good impression there! You are lucky as neither HLF nor I have ever met him or his wife. I am so glad that you and Diane are asked to stay at Alston Court after Christmas and I hope the weather there will be kinder that it was on your first visit. Your photo should soon be appearing in the Weekly News and I expect your mother will send you a copy. I am interested to know that one of your flatmates is going to train at Barts. That was a hospital I saw over as one of my friends trained there. I was one of a staff of 25 or so at a hospital in Cannes in 1938 - 39. The nurses all came from the big teaching hospitals and it was funny to listen to them arguing the respect to merits of these training schools. I was on the outdoor staff and nursed in the huge luxury hotels and Villas on the fabulous Cote d'Azur. It was quite an experience in the vagaries of human nature as well is everything else!
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K is enthralled at the idea of being one of your bridesmaids, she will probably tell you herself but he prefers a long frock as she has bandy legs like Ed (so have I aren't I a horror to have passed them on?). Also being a redhead she likes the idea of blue better than pink. She has a very pale complexion and blue eyes so blue does something for her. The idea of beaded frocks is enchanting and high fashion. How wonderful that your mother can make them. I am a complete rabbit at sowings, I'm afraid, but I'll do my best to stock up your store cupboard for you before your marriage. Read the date anytime will suit us, but I do hope you will have Peter Keith to marry you. Do you know him? He's the sub dean and a perfect dear. His wife is the daughter of one of my friends here, Mrs Taylor. Old Mrs Keith is in cousin joseph ends nursing home at Chiswick. (I hope Nancy will take you to meet her, (C Jo) some time. Also if you're ever at York again
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Peter has a sister there married to one of the Minster dignitaries (can't think of her surname but she is Peggy.) Their father was a Canon of York they are all dears, you'll get to know John Keith, also a parson in Christchurch. We are looking forward to having the party photos you spoke of. We are greedy for everything that comes our way! The tape of your trip was very good and it was wonderful E and you speaking together. I am looking forward so much to meeting your parents in May. Do you keep your fingers crossed for me dear. We go to Christchurch on Dec 28, Jan11 and I am to go into Christchurch hospital for three days 8th - 10th to be investigated by Dr Gunz. (You'll have heard Ed speak of him) even if there is no cure for me, he may be able to use my blood to help other sufferers in time to come. Meantime I'm very grateful to the kind good people who gave me their blood two months ago, it still keeping me ticking along nicely! It would be lovely for you to have communion as part of your wedding service.
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If it can't be worked perhaps we could go to church altogether in the morning because I expect the Cathedral has a daily celebration how lovely to be married in that lovely church. We were married in St Paul's Cathedral church in Wellington, lovely and old and full of history as is Auckland.
I'm glad to hear that the English weather isn't too awful. I do hope you have a very happy Christmas. I bet you'll make it as New Zealand a one as possible. Aren't we idiots, here we put up Holly and showy declarations as you know, and you're probably buy . . . . . .
Dear we are sending you this fiver to buy yourself a Christmas gift I expect the West End shops are a sight to behold at present, lucky you! I think the idea of linen [?] shopping at Singapore is wonderful, in fact I think all shopping is wonderful! Much love and all good wishes for a very happy Christmas to you both so glad to have the Rangitane snap of Diane.
Love you all
Margot Fenn.
A Registered Letter No R No1524 Timaru.

1. "
Edward spent much of his time with us putting his car in "mothball" so that it will not deteriorate whilst he is away so we had Joan to ourselves for much of the time. She had her 23rd birthday the day after she was here so according to my calculations she is two months younger than Edward. She completely won our hearts and we thought she was a charming young woman, competent self-confident and intelligent and with very nice manners. I am sure she comes from a good home and has been well brought up. I am sure you have heard all about her from Nancy and Adria (I exclude Edward!)" This letter was very cool on Edward !!

17. Margot H R Barker: Letter to Joyce Evans, 14 Oct 1967.
Dearest Joyce,
35, Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch
14 Oct 1967.
It was grand to have your letter awhile ago. Thank you for it I was delighted to hear from Barbara that you will be coming to Diana's wedding. Can I offer you a bed? Vye will be with me on the Mon (after the C.S.N Retreat) but I don't think she will be staying longer. She rang from Timaru the other night delighted to be home again. We've had our parting from Edward and Joan and Jane this week and have sent them off with our blessing It is sad to think that we won't see that darling joyful baby for another year at least but Edward is a good photographer so we'll keep up with her progress in that way. Joan's mother is very sick; has had one breast amputated and has a hysterectomy coming up. Poor dear. For your prayers, she is Phyllis Molesworth....and a plucky woman she is, too. Only 36 hours after the breast opn., she rang Joan from her Auckland hospital setting the tone for Joan's own acceptance of the situation. You can imagine how utterly grateful I am that the young Fenn's affairs have turned out as they have; Joan will have till after Christmas at least, in Auckland while Edward expects to leave for Suva early in December.
I hope that he'll be there in Auckland to farewell Katharine who leaves by the "Northern Star" on Dec.9
Poor little thing,she hates leaving me with Harry as forespent as he is some times but I would not have her change her plans. God has cared for us all so wonderfully all our lives and will continue to do so,I don't doubt. I'm so glad you feel free to put the house at Timaru on the market. You can have the faith that if God wants it sold He will provide a buyer. Your ideas for using the proceeds are wonderful and you deserve to get the price you have asked.
One thing that has made Edward's plans so very easy for us to accept is the way everything has fallen into place. He sold that old house at Gleniti at a great profit even after taking two building sections of,
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(and sold those too). His firm has paid all the expenses of their move and they will build in Suva if all goes well and make a real home of it. Remember them sometimes in your prayers,dear Joyce. Edward will be close to the Bishop and we had a grand talk about his responsibilities to his church while he is in a Mission area. He is a grand boy and his job will be an interesting,if exacting one. I will be keeping your Marian well in mind during the exams and I'll be so glad to have news of Judith and the others. K. often asks me if I've heard of Judy.
Thank you so much for all the Dunedin papers. I'll be interested to hear how your S.Francestide observance went off. We didn't do anything special here. Archdeacon Davies is either too busy or away and he isn't much help except when there is a friar about. I wonder what Anne Raphael's talk to M.U. was about. I enclose the Press a/c of Philip Baker's report to Synod. John Keith & some others were going to speak against the motion but Philip's reasoning left them with nothing to do but to agree. It was a good debate. I enclose, too, the letter you asked me to return ages ago and which I'd mislaid. Janette Lewis spoke to Miss Horrell recently and said she sounded bright (on the phone). Mavis's healing is a subject for much thanksgiving....even if she did suffer a setback. I've had setbacks, too, but I never doubt my real healing...the one God has chosen for me. Jack Smith has a way to go yet, seemingly God's ways are not always clear, but our response must always be the same. How very much we need to pray for one another. I TOOK Harry up to Scarborough the other day as I had an overwhelming urge to pray in that little chapel (of the Retreat House). I do wonder what the response to Brother David's wish to come to N.Z. was at the General Chapter. Do you keep in any kind of touch with David H.? A third-year undergrad came up to me at S.Michael's breakfast recently and ask how he could become a tertiary of S.S.F. There was no space to ask him then how he had come to the knowledge of the Order but I gave him Br. Brian's address and hope very much that he will soon be a new penitent. I hope you get to an outing at . . . . . tomorrow p.m. will tell you later.
Am so glad you are coming to the wedding
Very much love
Joyce Evans lived at Mapua Nelson and was a fellow Francescan.
Typed letter avoiding Margot's atrocious writing.

18. Margot Barker: Letter to Mrs Kitto, 3 Jul 1969, Christchurch.
16 Rolleston Court Tel 79 397.
35 Cambridge Terrace
Christchurch 1
July 3, 1969.
My dear Mrs Kitto,
Kay has told me many nice things about Harvey's "Mith" that I feel I know you a little and I am longing for the time to come when we can meet.
I have been so grateful for your kindness to my poor little one, these last few months have been pretty trying for her and her two visits to your cheerful household have helped her a lot. And now you have
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helped me over another style \endash giving the engagement party in my stead. I do thank you. Needless to say I'll be thinking of you all on Saturday night and please will you tell your guests how delighted I am at the prospect of having such a dear (and clever and modest) boy as a son-in-law. On second thoughts the clever and modest bit had better be just for you! I know how proud you must be of him and I trust and pray that my K will be a true and loving partner to him for many many years.
The next five months will fly
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(wonderful to think of warmth again) and we will be welcoming as many of your folk and friends as can come to the wedding.
I look forward to that day.
Yours sincerely,
Margot Fenn.
Margot had lost her husband Harry in

19. Margot to Fenn family in Suva: One of her last letters, 9 Jun 1970.
My dearest Fiji Fenn's,
First Joanie a very big thank you for your share in my elegant winter nightie. It is a valued addition to my collection and a happy reminder of birthday 63 and of Edward's visit to us. Thank you again my dear old fellow for all you did for us - driving us about and above all for the gargantuan job of clearing out the garage. It was jolly good of you. I hope the trip back was uneventful, Joan Wood wrote that she went to the airport to see you. She is very fond of our family (and very good to me). I hope I'll hear soon that Kay reached Invercargill uneventfully, I most thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Geraldine with you old son. What a lovely day it was and both days here have been the same. Lloyd went off to join his farmers party yesterday at 8 a.m. They hope to visit prosperous farms in Otago and Southland before returning on Thursday. It is gloriously calm and peaceful here Barbara goes round the sheep and feeds the stock while I sit blissfully in the sun and catch up with my correspondence. I've found this awful envelope amongst my papers so I'm using it up, it was probably written from hospital, where I was considerably less well than I am now - I'm no great chop even now and my walking ability and general strength is still a lot below par. Still, when I think of the clinic doctors and their general astonishment, I feel I'm jolly lucky and I am certainly not complaining. Fairlie is as lovely as ever - the whole house is warm - my bed is wonderful and I awake in in the morning with the sun melting the hoarfrost of my bedroom windows. There after I follow the sun around till nearly 5 o'clock when it is finished for the day. It was lovely to see your house plans and may it not be long ere you are all united under its roof. I hope N.Z. will not seem too dull after Fiji, but I'm sure there's lots of advantages in a maddening Country - perhaps we won't have Keith for much longer, too. Barbara seems to want to keep me here as long as possible - so I expect I'll be here till mine next clinic appointment & then see what the fairies have provided in the way of a companion. It was wonderful having you and Kay here together, Ed to talk things over. Thank you for all you did under that heading too. I can imagine what a welcome home you got on Tuesday, especially from the children. I hope all had gone well in the firm and that it will continue to prosper. Nothing has happened here of note - but I do want to thank you both for your unselfishness and love. It is a thing to treasure and I do.
Bless you, dears and love to you all
Mother F
One of the last letter's Margot wrote, in a very unsteady hand.

Telegram 29 June 1970
To Miss Fenn, Amberley Court, Clarence Sq, Cheltenham.
Mother died very peacefully Saturday 27th writing soon.
Love Kay.

20. Marjorie Helen Ruth Barker: Will, 28 Mar 1966, Christchurch N Z.
This is the partly written and partly typewritten document bearing date the 23th day of March 1966 now produced and shown to ROBERT DOUGLAS DEWAR of Christchurch, Trust Manager, and referred to in his Affidavit to lead grant of Probate to Pyne Gould Guinness Limited of Christchurch as, Sole Executor sworn at Christchurch this 15 day of July 1970 before me: A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand

THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me MARJORIE HELEN RUTH FENN wife of Harold Liveing Fenn of Christchurch in New Zealand, Retired Farmer.
1. I REVOKE all former testamentary dispositions.
2. I APPOINT PYNE GOULD GUINNESS LIMITED of Christchurch incorporated under The Companies Act 1908 and duly empowered by the Pyne Gould Guinness (Limited) Trust Act 1934 (hereinafter called "my Trustee") to be the Executor and Trustee hereof.
3. I DEVISE and bequeath all property over which I have any power of testamentary disposition wheresoever situate including moneys payable in respect of any policies of assurance on my life (excepting property otherwise disposed of by this my Will or any Codicil hereto) unto my Trustee upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same.
4. I DIRECT my Trustee to pay my just debts funeral testamentary and monumental expenses and all duties payable on my death AND I DIRECT that payment thereof shall be charged against my residuary estate.
5. I DIRECT my Trustee to permit my husband Harold Liveing Fenn to have the use and enjoyment during his life of my ownership flat in Rolleston Court or any other home I may own at the date of my death and of any furniture and articles of household or personal use or ornament I may own at the date of my death free from impeachment of waste AND I DECLARE that my Trustee shall be chargeable with and have to account only for such of the said furniture and articles of household or personal use or ornament or replacements thereof as shall come into their hands at the date of death of my said husband and that my Trustee shall not be accountable in respect of the condition of the said articles.
6. MY TRUSTEE shall pay the income of the trust premises constituting or representing my residuary estate and the investments thereof to my
said husband its absolute extent as it during his life PROVIDED HOWEVER that my Trustee may in its absolute discretion augment the said income from capital to such may consider proper in any year or years in which the same may in its opinion be insufficient for the proper maintenance of my said husband.

7. AFTER the death of my said husband I give and bequeath the following legacies:
(a) The sum of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (£1000.) and my books, china, silver, jewellery, paintings, and oak writing desk to my daughter KATHARINE JULIUS FENN
(b) The sum of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (£1000.) to the Society of Saint Francis, The Friary, Hilfield, Dorchester, Dorset, England for the purposes of the promotion of Franciscan work in the South Pacific area AND I declare that the receipt of the Father Minister or other competent officer for the time being of the said Society shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustee.
(c) The sum of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS (£1000.) to the Community of the Sacred Name, 181 Barbadoes Street, Christchurch for its general purposes
AND I declare that the receipt of the Mother Superior or other competent officer for the time being of the said Community shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustee.
8. SUBJECT to the life interest of my said husband and to the payment of the above legacies my Trustee shall hold the residue of my estate UPON TRUST capital as well as income for all or any my children or child living at my death and the children or child then living of any deceased child of mine who whether children or grandchildren being male attain or have attained the age of twenty-five years or being female attain or have attained that age or marry or have married if more than one as tenants in common in equal shares but so that children of any deceased child of mine shall take equally between them as tenants in common only the share which their parent would have taken had he or she survived me and become entitled to an absolute vested interest.
9. I EMPOWER my Trustee in the distribution of my estate to effect such distribution either by a money payment or by the allocation of uncon-verted assets in my estate or by both methods with power for that purpose conclusively to determine the value of the trust premises or any parts or part thereof in such manner as it shall think fit.
10. I EMPOWER my Trustee to sell call in and convert into money all such parts of my estate as shall not consist of money either by public auction or private treaty and either for cash or upon such terms and conditions as to payment of purchase money and in such manner in every respect as my Trustee thinks fit with full discretion to postpone the sale calling in and conversion of the whole or any part of my estate for so long as my Trustee shall think fit AND with power to retain any part of my estate (including shares in companies) without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby AND WITH power to take up new issues of the shares of any Company in which I may hold shares at my death AND my Trustee may lease any property of mine (with or without a compulsory purchasing clause) for such term or terms and upon such conditions as my Trustee may think fit WITH power to make allowances to and arrangements with tenants and occupiers AND I DECLARE that pending the sale calling in and conversion of the whole or any part of my estate the net actual income produced by my estate in its then state of investment shall be applicable as income AND I DECLARE that notwithstanding the provisions of the Property Law Act 1908 or any Act passed in substitution therefor my Trustee in its absolute discretion need not apportion rents annuities dividends and other periodical payments in the nature of income but may apply the whole or any part of the payments of this nature so received by it as income without applying any part thereof to capital or as capital without applying any part thereof to income.
11. IN ADDITION to investments authorised by law for Trust Funds I EMPOWER my Trustee at its discretion to invest all moneys belonging to my estate in any of the following forms of investment and vary and transpose all such investments at its discretion:
(a) On contributory mortgage of land taken either in the name of my Trustee or jointly with the names of such other contributory mortgagee or mortgagees as my Trustee may think fit
(b) In the debentures fully paid shares or stock of or on deposit with any incorporated company
(c) On deposit with any building society or municipal or local body
(d) Purchase of any interest in land.
12. I EXPRESSLY AUTHORISE my Trustee to act as agent auctioneer or broker in selling letting or otherwise disposing of any property belonging to my estate and to receive and retain remuneration for all work done and services rendered at the rate usually charged for such services.
13. I AUTHORISE my Trustee to take and act upon the opinion of any practising counsel of not less than ten years' professional standing in New Zealand upon any matter concerning the interpretation of this my Will or any other document or any statute or the rights or liabilities of any beneficiary or in any way concerning the administration of the trusts hereof without being liable to any of the persons beneficially interested in respect of any act done by my Trustee in accordance with such opinion but nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent my Trustee or any beneficiary from applying to the Court for advice or direction if either of them shall think fit to do so.
IN WITNESS whereof I have to this and the two preceding sheets of paper set my hand this 28th day of March One thousand nine hundred and sixty-six
M H R Fenn
SIGNED by the testatrix the said MARJORIE HELEN RUTH FENN as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at her request and in her sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:
J E England Solicitor Christchurch.
S R Maling Law Clerk Christchurch.


Margot married Harold Liveing "Harry" FENN [33] [MRIN: 11], son of Dr Edward Liveing FENN M.D. M.R.C.P. J.P. [3] and Katharine Pauline JULIUS [10], on 25 Oct 1939 in Old St Paul Cathedral Church Wellington N.Z. (Harold Liveing "Harry" FENN [33] was born on 28 Mar 1877 in 1 Portland Tce Richmond SRY, baptised on 6 May 1877 in Stoke By Nayland SFK, died on 6 Jan 1969 in St Georges Hospital Christchurch NZ and was buried in 1969 in Timaru N.Z..)

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