The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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James VANDERZEE [126]
Philadelphia MEAD [1041]
Edmund HAMMOND of Lawling Hall ESS [9330]
Elizabeth [9484]
George VANDERZEE Esq [1377]
(Abt 1767-1837)
Mary HAMMOND [943]
Capt Henry VANDERZEE [358]


Family Links

1. Harriet WHITE of Nth Brixton SRY [6245]

Capt Henry VANDERZEE [358]

  • Born: 9 Nov 1801, Holborn London
  • Baptised: 24 Mar 1802, St Andrew Holborn London.
  • Marriage (1): Harriet WHITE of Nth Brixton SRY [6245] on 3 Jan 1833 in St Thomas's Mount
  • Died: 2 Jun 1842, 5 Panama Plc St Peters Kensington LND aged 40

bullet   Cause of his death was an enlarged liver terminating in dropsy.


bullet  General Notes:

Henry brother of George is recorded in the List of Carthusians as a pupil of Charterhouse School Godalming SRY: "1813 b1801"

Cornets & Ensigns take rank.
Season 1821. Infantry.
H Vanderzee
Ref: The Asiatic Journal 1 Jan 1824 pg.104 issue 97 Empire.

Posted to 1st Bat. 14th Regt. (now 27th Regt.)
Ensign H Vanderzee
Ref: The Asiatic Journal 1 Dec 1824 pg. 632 issue 108 Empire.

Madras Almanac
Description Arrival and departures lists from the Madras Almanac.
Departures from Madras Almanac 1828 - 1830
Entry from Departures from Madras Almanac 1828 - 1830ntbl Arrival or Departure Departure Month & Day Aug 24 Year 1828
Name of Ship Madras Captain C. Beach
Title or Rank Lieut Passenger Surname Vanderzee
Origin Madras
Destination London Source Madras Almanac Edition 1829

East India Shipping.
The Madras Beach, from Bengal, has arrived off Margate; sailed from Calcutta the 2nd July, Saugur the 9th, Madras the 24th August, the Cape the 26th of October, and from St Helena, the 9th November. The following came passengers: . . . . . Madras Cavalry, Henry Vanderzee.
Ref: Ship News Caledonian Mercury Saturday 3 January 1829.

Madras Almanac
Description Arrival and departures lists from the Madras Almanac.
Departures from Madras Almanac 1828 - 1830
Entry from Departures from Madras Almanac 1828 - 1830 Departure Month & Day Aug 24 Year 1828
Name of Ship Madras Captain C. Beach
Title or Rank Lieut Passenger Surname Vanderzee
Origin Madras Destination London Source Madras Almanac Edition 1829

Birth announcements taken from East India Register
Description These entries, taken over the period 1809 to 1844, are similar to the announcements made in certain quality newspapers of the present day. It should be indicated that very many of these announcements are not matched by entries in the IOR's N-series Ecclesiastical Records. They therefore represent very important supplementary sources of data.
Entry from Transcription of Birth Announcements
Birth Date 28 - Aug Birth Year 1837
Baptised Surname Vanderzee Sex Male
LDS Film Reference None
Source Name East India Register Source Year 1838
Source Edition 2 Source Presidency Madras
Birth Entry At Bangalore, the lady of Lieut. and Brev. Capt. Vanderzee, 27th N.I., of a son. Transcribed by FIBIS Volunteers


Capt Henry Vanderzee of the 27 Reg Madras Native Infantry granted a lease of a marsh house and lands (100A) in Burnham. 7 Oct 1839. Ref ERO D/DU 200/12 2003

England Return of Owners of Land 1873. Essex .
Alston Mrs. Burnham 116a 1r 1p gross estimated rental value. L155/15s/0.

At Hammersmith, Capt H Vanderzee late of 27th Madras NI.
The Asiatic Journal 2 Jun 1842.

June 2, at Hammersmith, Capt H Vanderzee , late of the 27th Regiment of Madras Native Infantry, aged 40.
London Evening Standard 6 June 1842

1801 - 1842
Biographical notes:
Madras Army; b 9 Nov 1801 & bap 24 Mar 1802 St Andrew's Holborn, London, s of George, solicitor, Hatton Garden, & Mary; L/MIL/9/146 f.292 - Cadet 1821; ret 6 Apr 1841, d 2 Jun 1842; m Harriett 1834 (B 1806, d 13 Sep 1871); George b 17 Nov 1834; Henry b 1835, d 1838; John b 1837, d 1839; Francis Henry b 18 Jun 1841, d 21 Apr 1909
Transcribed by: British Library
India Office Records Reference: L/MIL/9/146 f.292 L/AG/23/10/1-2

Vanderzee Henry: Marriage 3 - Jan 1833 Spouse: Harriet White
Transcribed by FIBIS

Frances Brennan advises Henry's cause of death from his death certificate.

bullet  Research Notes:

India Office Records
Catalogue Ref. IOR
Records of the Military Department
Entry to the military, medical and nursing services of the East India Company's Army (1753-1861) and the Indian Army (1861-1940)
Cadet Papers (1789-1860) and Cadet Registers (1775-1860)
FILE - Cadet Papers - ref. IOR/L/MIL/9/146 - date: 1821-1822
item: Vanderzee , Henry - ref. IOR/L/MIL/9/146/290-93 [n.d.]

Madras Army
Madras Service Army Lists
FILE - Madras Service Army List - ref. IOR/L/MIL/11/41 - date: 1771-1846
item: Vanderzee , Henry 27th NI, d 42 - ref. IOR/L/MIL/11/41/331 [n.d.]

Accountant General's Records
East India Company and India Office: records of the administration of service and family pension funds
Madras Military Fund
FILE - Roll of subscribers to Madras Military Fund - ref. IOR/L/AG/23/10/1 - date: 1808-c.1939
item: VANDERZEE , Henry 1801-1842 - ref. IOR/L/AG/23/10/1 no.1923 [n.d.]

To find out more about the archives described below, contact British Library, Oriental and India Office Collections <>
May 2003

bullet  Medical Notes:

Death Certificate
Henry Vanderzee
Died - 2 June 1842 - 5 Pamana Place
Age - 40 years
Occupation - Captain in the East Indian Army
Cause of death - Enlarged liver terminating in dropsy
Signature, description and residence of informant - Cook
s Eyre
Registered - 8 June 1842
Registration District - Kensington - death inb the sub district of St.Peter's, Hammersmith [London]
Certificate in possession of F B Brennan 2012


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Grays Inn Lane St Pancras. Henry is recorded as aged 35 in the Army and born London

2. Henry Vanderzee: Will, 4 Mar 1841, India.
Will of Henry VANDERZEE Esq.
4 Mar 1841
This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Vanderzee Captain in the Madras Army of the Honourable East India Company first I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be duly paid and satisfied next I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Harriett all my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever next I give devise and appoint all that my farm called Westwell in the parish of Burnham in the County of Essex in the occupation of Mr George Clark [Clart?] containing altogether ninety nine acres or thereabouts and all other the real estate in my whatsoever and wheresoever in which I have any devisable interest to the uses following that is to say to the use of my said wife Harriett for her life without impeachment of waste and after her decease to the use of my oldest son George for his life without impeachment of waste and after his decease to the use of his lawful children or issue his or her heirs and assigns for ever if more than one in equal parts shares and proportions as tenants in common and if only one of them to such only child or issue his or her heirs and assigns for ever and for default of such children or issue or being any they shall all die under the age of twenty one years without lawful issue to the use of my second son John for his life without impeachment of waste and after his decease to the use of his lawful children or issue his or her heirs and for ever if more than one in equal parts shares or proportions as tenants in common and if only one then to such only child or issue his or her heirs and assigns for ever and after the decease of my second son John and for default of such children or issue or being any they shall all die under twenty one years of age without lawful issue to the use of my third son Francis Henry for his life without impeachment of waste and after his decease to the use of his lawful children or issue his or her heirs and assigns for ever if more than one in equal parts shares and proportions as tenants in common and if only one then to such only child or issue his or her heirs and assigns for ever and in case of the death of all three of my said sons George John and Francis Henry during the lifetime of my said wife Harriett(without any of them leaving lawful issue or leaving any they shall all die under twenty one years of age during the life time of my said wife Harriett) then I give and devise the same estates to the use of my said wife Harriett her heirs and assigns for ever and for the purpose of preserving the contingent remainders hereinbefore created from being destroyed I give devise and appoint the hereditaments hereby limited to any such person during the term of his or her natural life immediately after the determination of that estate by forfeiture or otherwise during his or her respective lifetime unto and to the use of Frederick James Hand of 30 Guilford Street Russell Square in the County of Middlesex Esquire and Edward Arthdall McCurdy Major of Madras Army now in India and their heirs during the life of the tenant for life whose estate shall so determine in trust for him or her and by the usual means to preserve the contingent remainders expectant or depending thereupon from being destroyed provided always and in case my oldest son George or any of his children or issue become entitled in possession to the said estate and hereditaments under the devises or limitations thereupon contained then I give and devise to each of my sons John and Francis Henry one clear annuity or yearly rent charge or sum of thirty five pounds to be paid to them respectively and to be charged upon and issued out of the hereditaments and promises hereinbefore devised to be paid to them my said sons John and Francis Henry by equal half yearly payment on Lady day and Michaelmas day in every year during their natural lives without any deduction whatsoever the first half yearly payment of the said rent charges to be made on such of the said days of payment as shall happen next after the decease of my said wife Harriett or next after my said son or any of his children shall be entitled or some into possession as aforesaid but in the event of my second son John dying before my third son Francis Henry then I give and devise the annuity of my son John so dying to my third son Francis Henry to be enjoyed by him in addition to the annuity hereinbefore devised to him for the term of his natural life and I likewise make the same provision for my second son John in case of the decease of my third son Francis Henry during the lifetime of my second son John provided always and in case my second son John or any of his children or issue shall become entitled in possession to the said estate and hereditaments contained then I charge the said estate and hereditaments with the payment to my son Francis Henry of a clear yearly rent or sum of seventy pounds to be paid and payable and recoverable in like manner as the annuities hereinbefore devised and also liable to be reduced in like manner and I declare that when and often as the said annual sums or yearly rent charges of thirty five pounds each or any part thereof shall at any time or times be unpaid by the space of thirty days next after any of the days appointed for payment thereof then and in every such case it shall be lawful for my said sons John and Francis Henry or his or their assigns to enter into or distrain upon the hereditaments and promises hereinbefore devised or any part thereof and to dispose of the distress or distresses then and there found according to law and in the same manner as distresses for rent in arrears on a common devise may now be disposed of to the intent that thereby or otherwise the said sums or rent charges of thirty five pounds each and all arrears thereof and all expenses occasioned by the non payment thereof may be fully satisfied provided always and I do hereby declare that in case the two said annuities or yearly sums of thirty five pounds each shall be likely in any year to exceed half the warrant (?) or annual value of the said hereditaments and premises after deducting the amount of any incumbrance or incumbrances thereon then it shall be lawful for my said son George or other person or persons entitled in possession under the limitation aforesaid by notice in writing to be given to my said sons John and Francis Henry or his or their assigns setting out what is the then annual value of the said hereditaments and premises and how such amount is ascertained and on proof thereof if required to require my said sons John and Francis Henry or his or their assigns to abate the said annuities so as the amount thereof shall not exceed one half part of the clear annual value of the said hereditaments in the year commencing at the preceding Lady day in which such abatements shall be required to be made and such annuities shall be abated and reduced to the amount of one clear half part of the value of the said hereditaments and premises accordingly in every year commencing as aforesaid in which such notice shall be so given and I devise and direct that my said wife Harriett shall pay and discharge first all my just debts whether specialities or otherwise and funeral and testamentary expenses provided always and I hereby direct that if any person or persons for the time being entitled to the actual possession or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the estates hereinbefore devised and appointed respectively shall be they under the age of twenty one years the said Frederick James Hand and Edward Arthdall McCurdy and the survivor of them his executors and administrators shall so long as the person entitled as aforesaid shall be under twenty one years of age enter and receive the rents and profits of the said estates and apply such parts thereof as they shall think proper for the maintenance and education of such person respectively and in their or his discretion or shall pay the same to the Guardian or Guardians of such minor for the purpose of being so applied and do and shall invest the residue or surplus of the said rents and profits if any for the benefit of such minor until he or they shall attaint the age of twenty one years and I declare that the receipts of the said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor for the rents and profits of the said real estates which shall be paid to them or him by virtue of this my will and also the receipts of the guardian or guardians for the time being of any minor to whom any sum or sums shall be paid for his or her maintenance or education as aforesaid shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same monies respectively from all responsibility in respect of the application thereof provided also and I do further declare that it shall be lawful for every person who by virtue of this my will shall be tenant for life in possession or for any larger estate in possession of any of the hereditaments hereby devised and appointed respectively and who shall have attained his or her or their ages of twenty one years and for the said Frederick James Hand and Edward Arthdall McCurdy and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor during the minority of any such tenant or tenants for life or other person or persons as aforesaid by any deed or instrument in writing to be sealed and delivered by him her or them and attested by two witnesses at the least to appoint or divide the said estates respectively or any part thereof to any person or persons by way of ___ or lease for any term of years not exceeding fourteen years from the making thereof at the best yearly rent that can reasonably be gotten for the same without taking any fine [?] or ___ for the making thereof but so that there be contained therein a condition of reentry [?] for non payment of the rent to be thereby reserved and so that the lessee expects a counterpart thereof and thereby covenant for the payment of the rent and I devise to the said Frederick James Hand and Edward Arthdall McCurdy their heirs executors administrators and assigns all real estates vested in me as trustee subject to the equities affecting the same respectively and I do hereby declare that if the said Frederick James Hand and Edward Arthdall McCurdy or other of them or any person or persons to be appointed under this clause shall die or be unwilling or incompetent to execute the trusts of my will it shall be lawful for the competent trustees or trustee for the time being if any whether on retiring from the office of trustee or not or if none for the executors or administrators of the last surviving trustee to substitute by any writing under his her or their hand or hands any fit person or persons in whom or as the case may be jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee my trust estate shall be vested and the trustee or trustees for the time being of my will shall be competent to exercise the powers and directions given to the trustees herein named and I exempt every trustee of my will from liability for losses occurring without his own wilful default and authorize him to retain and allow to his cotrustee all expenses incidental to the trusteeship and I appoint my said wife Harriott sole Executrix of this my will and revoking all others declare this to be my last will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one
Henry Vanderzee Signed and sealed by the testator Henry Vanderzee as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses John Churritic Wilson Witness Fifty one Southampton Row Russell Square Eliza Robson Widow Witness Southampton Row Fifty one Russell Square

Proved at London 27th July 1842 before the Worshipful Alfred Waddilove Doctor of Laws & Surrogate by the oath of Harriett Vanderzee Widow the Relict the sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.
PROB 11/1966. Transcribed by Rosie Flower 2008


Henry married Harriet WHITE of Nth Brixton SRY [6245] [MRIN: 2077], daughter of William WHITE Esq of Fulham [9486] and Unknown, on 3 Jan 1833 in St Thomas's Mount. (Harriet WHITE of Nth Brixton SRY [6245] was born in 1806 in Fulham LND MDX, died on 13 Sep 1871 in Wandsworth, London, SRY and was buried on 18 Sep 1871 in All Souls Kensal Green Cemetery LND.)

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