The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Alfred STEVENS [7754]
Eliza [7756]
James STEVENS [1099]


Family Links

1. Florence JULIUS [1035]

James STEVENS [1099]

  • Born: 1847, Farnham SRY
  • Marriage (1): Florence JULIUS [1035] on 9 Jul 1873 in Farnham SRY
  • Died: 18 Jan 1908, Falmouth Cornwall, UK aged 61

bullet  General Notes:

James practiced as a solicitor.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Castle St Farnham. James is recorded as a son aged 3 born Farnham

2. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, 62 Castle St Farnham. James is recorded as living with his widowed mother aged 23 unmarried an articled solicitors clerk with B A Garstall

3. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, 6 Castle St Farnham. James is recorded as head of house aged 33 married a solicitor born Farnham

4. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, Seale SRY. James is recorded as head of house aged 43 married a solicitor born Farnham, also in the house was an Anna Todd a school governess aged 37. She was also there in the 1901 census.

5. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Talvancroft Seale SRY. James is recorded as head of house aged 53 married a solicitor born Farnham

6. James Stevens: Will 7 Feb 1905.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me JAMES STEVENS of Talvancroft in the parish of Seale in the county of Surrey Gentleman
I appoint my sons Alfred Julius Stevens and James Reginald Stevens EXECUTORS and trustees of this my Will I bequeath to my wife Florence my watch wearing apparel wines and all consumable household stores and linen and a legacy of one hundred pounds
I bequeath all my furniture in my house to my daughter Eliza Theodora
I bequeath all my pictures and prints to my son James Reginald
I bequeath to my daughter Eva a legacy one hundred pounds
I bequeath my musical instruments and books piece of garden in the parish of Farnham devised as aforesaid to him my said son James Reginald as also the premises in the parish of Seale devised as aforesaid to my said son Alfred Julius the whole of such premises to be charged in the event of the exercise of such option with the payment to my said son Alfred Julius of the sum of nine thousand pounds with interest thereon at the rate of two pounds ten shillings per cent per annum for four years from the date of my decease and after the expiration of such four years at the rate of four pounds per cent per annum such interest to be payable half yearly
Provided always that such option shall be declared in writing to my said son Alfred Julius by my said son James Reginald within four calendar months after the opportunity for him my said son James Reginald to exercise such option shall have arisen as aforesaid
I devise and bequeath to my son Alfred Julius absolutely my freehold business premises situate in South Street Farnham together with my business of a Solicitor and my furniture Law and Office books therein at the time of my death and all business and profits incidental thereto and all the residue of my personal chattels and articles of domestic use or ornament I bequeath unto my wife Florence absolutely
I devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate whether real or personal or of what kind so ever unto and to the use of my trustees their heirs executors and administrators respectively according to the nature and tenure thereof upon trust that my trustees or the survivor of them or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will shall sell call in collect and convert into money the said rest residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and premises at such time or times and in such manner as they shall think fit (but as to reversionary property not until it fails into possession unless it shall appear to my trustees that an earlier sale would be beneficial) and so that they shall have the fullest power and discretion to postpone the sale calling in or conversion of the whole or any part or parts of the said premises including leaseholds or other property of a terminable or wearing out nature during such periods they shall think proper without being responsible for loss and upon trust that my trustees shall pay out of the income arising from the said trust premises constituting or representing my residuary estate an annuity of four hundred pounds to my wife Florence until her death or marriage again to pay the remainder of the income so arising to all my children or any my child and if more than one in equal shares and from and after such death or marriage again whichever shall first happen Upon trust as to capital and income for all my children or any my child and if more than one in equal shares
Provided always and I declare that as to every daughter of mine living at my death the share hereinbefore provided for such daughter of my said residuary estate and the investments representing the same shall be held by my trustees upon the trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions hereinafter declared And agreed concerning the same that is to say upon trust to pay the income thereof to such daughter during her life and so that whilst under coverture the same shall be for her separate use without power of anticipation And after the death of such daughter (as to both capital and income) in trust for all or any of her issue in such manner and form in every respect as she shall by deed or will or codicil appoint and in default of and subject to any such appointment in trust for all or any the children or child living at my death or born afterwards of such daughter who being sons or a son attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters or a daughter attain that age or marry under it and if more than one in equal shares Provided always that no such child of such daughter who or whose issue shall take any part of the same share under any such appointment as last aforesaid shall in default of appointing to the contrary be entitled to any share in the unappointed part thereof without bringing the share appointed to him or her or to his or her into hotchpot and if there shall be no child living at my death or born afterwards of such my daughter who being a son attains the age of twenty one years or being a daughter attains that age or marries under it then after the death of such my daughter and such default or failure of her children and subject to the trusts powers and provisions and any exercise of the powers herein contained or by statute implied my trustees shall hold the share of such my daughter and the income and accumulations of the income thereof In trust that as well the original share of such daughter as any share or shares which may accrue to her under the present provisions or any other provision of accruer herein contained shall accrue by way of addition to the shares or share of my other children or child equally between such shares if more than one and so that every such addition to any share shall as from the time of its accruer thereto follow the destination of the share,which it shall so be added and be for all purposes inseparably blended therewith and subject to the trusts thereof
And I also declare that as to every daughter of mine dying in my lifetime leaving children or a child living at my death the original and accruing share or shares herein provided for her shall be held upon the trusts upon with and subject to which the same would under this my will have been held if such daughter had survived me and died immediately afterwards
Provided also and I declare that as to every son of mine dying in my lifetime leaving children or a child living at my death as well the original as the accruing share or shares herein provided for such son in my said residuary estate and the investments representing the same shall subject and without prejudice to the preceeding trusts and powers be held in trust for all or any of his children or child living at my death who being sons or a son attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters or a daughter attain that age or marry under it and if more than one in equal shares and in default of any such child shall accrue by way of addition to the shares or share of my other children or child equally between such shares if more than one and so that every such addition to any share shall as from the time of its accruer thereto follow the destination of the share to which it shall be so added and be for all purposes inseparably blended therewith and subject to the trusts thereof
Provided always that accumulations arising during the minority of any grandchild of mine from the income of his or her share or portion and not applied for his or her benefit under the Statutory power in that behalf shall form an accretion to the capital of such share or portion so as to be blended and devolve along with the same Provided also that the receipt of any granddaughter of mine who shall have married or shall marry under the age of twenty one years shall notwithstanding her infancy be a sufficient discharge for the income of or arising from her share or portion after her marriage And I empower my trustees to manage repair insure demise for any term of years or tenancy and at any rent and deal and arrange with tenants of any real or leasehold hereditaments hereinbefore given in trust for sale until the same shall be sold with the same uncontrolled discretion as if my trustees were absolute beneficial owners thereof
And I declare that any moneys requiring to be invested upon any of the trusts of this my Will may in addition to the modes of investment authorised by the Trustee Act 1893 or any Statutory modification thereof be invested in or upon the inscribed stock funds or securities of any British Colony or Dependency
IN WITNESS whereof I the said James Stevens have to each sheet of this my Will contained in this and the preceeding four sheets of paper set my hand this seventh day of February one thousand nine hundred and five
Signed by the said testator James Stevens as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
HAROLD COOMBS Clerk to Messrs Stevens & Stevens South Street Farnham Surrey
ANNIE NOKES Talvancroft Seale Surrey Housemaid

I JAMES STEVENS of Talvancroft in the parish of Seale in the county of Surrey Gentleman hereby declare this to be a Codicil to my will which bears date the seventh day of February one thousand nine hundred and five Whereas by my said will I bequeathed a legacy of two thousand pounds to my son James Reginald
And whereas I gave to my son Alfred Julius and in the alternative to my son James Reginald the option of taking the whole of my hereditaments in the parish of Seale including a small piece of garden ground running into the parish of Farnham subject in the event of the exercise of such option by either of my said sons to a charge of nine thousand pounds in favour of the other of my said sons Now I hereby declare that wherever the words "nine thousand pounds" occur my said will shall be read and construed and take effect in all respects as if the words "Seven thousand pounds" had been substituted for the words "nine thousand pounds" And I further declare that in the event of the said option being exercised by my son James Reginald the said legacy of two thousand pounds bequeathed to my son James Reginald as above recited shall be bequeathed to my son Alfred Julius instead of to my son James Reginald in all other respects I hereby confirm my said will
IN WITNESS whereof I the said James Stevens have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of February one thousand nine hundred and five
Signed by the above named testator James Stevens as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
HAROLD COOMBS Clerk to Messieurs Stevens & Stevens South Street Farnham Surrey
ANNIE NOKES Talvancroft Seale Surrey Housemaid.
On the 4th day of March 1908 Probate of this will with a codicil was granted to Alfred Julius Stevens and James Reginald Stevens the executors.

Stevens James of Talvancroft Seale Surrey died 18 January 1908 at Falmouth Cornwall Probate London 4 March to Alfred Julius Stevens solicitor and James Reginald Stevens gentleman.
Effects L37243 8s 2d Resworn L42693 18s 8d.
Ref: National Probate Calendar


James married Florence JULIUS [1035] [MRIN: 348], daughter of Rev Henry Richard JULIUS M.A. [776] and Mary Ann BUTTERWORTH [1031], on 9 Jul 1873 in Farnham SRY. (Florence JULIUS [1035] was born on 8 Jun 1846 in Farnham SRY, baptised on 12 Jul 1846 in Farnham SRY and died on 3 Feb 1937.)

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