The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Thomas ALSTON of Gedding Hall Polsted [3017]
Sir William ASHCOMBE of Alvescot Oxford. [3076]
Katherine TEMPLE [23516]
(-After 1654)
Sir Edward ALSTON Knt of Strixton [3074]
Esther (Hester) ASHCOMBE [3075]

Dr Charles ALSTON D.D. Archdeacon of ESS [3081]
(Abt 1648-1714)


Family Links

Dr Charles ALSTON D.D. Archdeacon of ESS [3081]

  • Born: Abt 1648
  • Died: 7 Jun 1714 aged about 66
  • Buried: 1714, Strixton

bullet  General Notes:

ALSTON (CHARLES), Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, B.A. 1669, M. A, 1673, D.D. 1685. Rector of Strixton 1681; Vicar of Northall, Middlesex, 1685 ; Preb. of St. Paul's 1681, and Treasurer 1707 ; Archdeacon of Middlesex. 1689, and of Essex 1689. Died 1714 ;
son of Sir Edward, of Strixton, Northants.
Foster's Alumni
OXFORD.-ALSTON. (1500-1886).
Oxoniensis. Parker & Co., Oxford

Alston Charles. Adm pens at Clare Camb, Mar 2 1665-6. Son Sir Edward (1628) of Strixton Northants., Knt. Matric 1667-8; B.A. 1669-70; M.A. 1673; D.D. 1685; Fellow 1671; Incorp. at Oxford 1676. Chaplain to Compton, Bishop of London. Archdeacon of Middlesex & Essex 1689. Rector of Strixton 12 Oct 1681 on Pres of W Alston Esq Res 1688. Vicar of Northall Middlesex 14 Mar 1684/85 - 1714. Preb., of St Pauls Cathedral 20 May 1681- 1714; Treasurer 28 Feb 1706/7 - 1714. Admon. (PCC) 31 Aug 1714. Brother of William (1648) (Al Oxon)
He inherited the Manor of Strixton
Longdens Northants & Rutland Clergy Vol 1

Occurs as a subscriber to Collins "Eccles History 1708" See also Neve's "Mon. Angl., Vol 1 292"

Portrait supposed to be in the possession of Richard Almack Solicitor of Long Melford (1905).

To Lionel Cresswell, Esq.
I have pleasure in enclosing you extracts from my Parish Records on the subject of Dr. Charles Alston.
The longer extract is as you will see very interesting.
faithfully yours,
The Rectory, Northolt, Middlesex.

"Charles Alston had this Vicarage given him by Dr. Henry Compton Lord Bishop of London, whose Chaplain he was, and was collated and inducted March 14, 1684.
He was of a good and honourable family in Northamptonshire, being ye youngest son.
He had his education at Clare Hall in Cambridge and there took his Degrees successively of Master of Arts, Batchelour and Doctor of Divinity. His most worthy patron ye Bishop of London did afterwards make him Prebendary and Treasurer of ye Cathedral of St. Pauls London, and Archdeacon of Essex, by all wch he acquired a good estate. He never married and died in ye 66th year of his Age, June 7th 1714., having been Vicar here about 29 years, he was not buried here but was carried by his friends to ye burial place of his family in Northamptonshire. He was as to his bodily stature tall thick and well built, but in his later years astmatick and unwealdy, using no exercise and seldom stirring abroad.
As to his inward Temper, He was pleasant and very agreeable. He was held in great esteem by all, being reputed a man of good Learning, orthodox principles, and exemplary piety.
By his prudence He kept ye parish in peace and steadfast to ye communion of ye Church, notwithstanding of ye indulgence to dissentors wch caused a defection in many places. The Mansion or Vicarage House being very old, He took it down, and bought ye seat of it, and about anno 1692 He built ye present house and adorned it with gardens and a new orchard for ye honour of ye place and ye encouragement of his successors ; for they are much finer than what is common.
He was given to Hospitality, and charitable and without doubt intended several good and publick works, for He promised to Clarehall Colledge to build a Chappell or give money towards it. He was often heard to say yt He would erect a free school in this Parish, and yt He would leave to his successors ye Vicars of Northall ye furniture of his house. But all was frustrated by his dying suddenly without a will for he was taken ill on Saturday nor was there any danger apprehended till Monday when he died. Dr. Possit of Clarehall being confident there was a will got an order to search for it but none was found so yt an Elder Brother Edward Alston and Madam Wiseman a sister became his Heirs wch Dr. Alston never intended as may be gathered from what he was often heard to say. Neither of ym would consent to ye others administration wch occasioned a Law Suit in Doctors Commons for 3 months and
more at last ye administration was entrusted to ye sister, after that Mr. Lettice a Clergyman in Northamptonshire to whom it was first granted did decline it. By this as well as many other instances it is apparent how necessary wills are, and how dangerous to delay ym ; for by this means Good Deeds are disappointed and Estates go to persons for whom they were not intended, and Law Suits are occasioned wch carry away a great part of ym.
Extract from ye Registers of ye Glebe of ye Parish of Northolt alias Northall in ye County of Middlesex by 'John Cockburn D.D. Vicar of ye said parish 1715."
Alstoniana Pg 287

Bill 20 June 1691, by Charles Alston of Northhall, co. Midd. D.D. v. Edward Alston.
The bill recites the will of William Alston of Strixton, Esq., dated 22 August 1688. The said William died without issue about 12 June 2 Wm. and Mary ; and Orator gave notice to defendant, his now elder brother, and all others concerned, of the said will, praying their concurrence to the execution thereof. The defendant now contends
the testator was not of sound memory and mind ; and all the witnesses are either very infirm or now going to parts beyond the seas.
Edward Alston, in his answer contends it was not in the power of the testator to will the manor of Strixton away from the defendant, under a certain deed of settlement, dated 6 August 1656, between the late Sir Edward Alston of East Barnet, Kt. and Dame Hester, his wife, William Alston of the Inner Temple Esq., son and heir apparent of the said Sir Edward, John Alston of Puddington, co. Bedford, Esq. and Dorothy his wife, Edward Alston of London,
Doctor in Physic, and John Wayne of London, gent., of the one part, and Elizabeth Dennys spinster, one of the daughters and coheirs of Anthony Dennys, late of Orleigh, co. Devon., Esq., , decd. Sir Thomas Alston of Odell, Kt., and Nicholas Dennys of Barnstable, co, Devon, Esq. on the occasion of a marriage between the said William
Alston and Elizabeth Dennys ; by which deed the said manor of Strixton, and other lands in Essex and Suffolk, were entailed on the heirs male of the said William and Elizabeth, with contingent remainders to Sir Edward's other sons in tail male successively, viz. Thomas, Edward, John and Charles Alston.; whilst the manor house of Wollaston and lands there were settled as jointure on the said Elizabeth, with remainder in tail male as above.
Reynardson. 126/12. 1691. PRO C5/586/127
Alstoniana Pg 184

ALSTON v. ALSTON & Others.
Chancery Proceedings before 1714. Bridges 592 1693
Bill, 31 December 1692, by Charles Alston of -North-hall, f Middlesex, D.D., v. Edward Alston, John Alston and Katherine Wiseman.
Orator's eldest brother William Alston of Strixton, Northants, Esq., by will dated 22 August 1688, attested by 3 or more credible witnesses, bequeathed to Orator the manor of Strixton, and made him sole executor.
William departed this life about 12 June 1690, indebted in various large sums to his sister Katherine Wiseman and others.
Out of tender regard for Edward Alston, his now eldest brother, and for John Alston, another of his brothers, Orator permitted them to live at Strixton aforesaid. Edward and John got into their possession divers deeds relating to the estate, especially a recovery thereof suffered by the said William, or papers relating thereto ; and although advised by counsel that they have no claim thereunder to the estate, they have taken the profits &c. of the estate, and hinder
orator from paying the debts &c. of the said William Alston.
Alstoniana Pg 185

Chancery Proceedings before 1714. Bridges 98. 1693
Bill 13 July 1693, by Charles Alston, D.D., Executor of William Alston, late of Strixton, co. Northants. Esq. deceased, v. Katherine Wiseman, John, Elizabeth and Kester Wiseman, and Francis Dandridge.
One John Wiseman, nephew to the said William Alston, doth pretend that during his lifetime his said uncle borrowed money under penal bond on several occasions from his said nephew ;
which bonds were given for another purpose, or else paid and satisfied.
Katherine Wiseman, widow, sister of the said William Alston, likewise Pretends a loan made to her brother in November 1689.
The answer of Katherine Wiseman refers to John Alston "another of the defendants" (not named in the bill) with whom, after the death of William Alston, she searched two or three trunks of the said Wm. Alston then in London, supposing they might find his will ; but took away no deeds or papers. And shortly afterwards the trunks
(on plaintiff's own showing) were sent down to the manor house of Strixton: where she delivered the keys to complainant in the presence of the defendants Edward and John Alston. (This is evidently the answer to a second bill by the same complainent charging the two Alstons and said Katherine with detention of deeds.)
She alleges that William Alston was truly indebted to herself and her son as they claim.

ALSTON v. ALSTON & others.
Chancery Proceedings before 1714. Bridges 98. 1693
The Plea, 24 July 1693, of Edward Alston, Esq. one of the defendants to the complaint of the abovesaid Charles
Alston, D.D.
Defendant's father, Sir Edward Alston, in consideration of a marriage between his son William, and Elizabeth his intended wife, by indenture of 6 August 1656, settled part of the manor of Strixton on the said William and Elizabeth in tail mail, with contingent remainder to his second son Thomas. The said Sir Edward, his wife, and Elizabeth have all died several years since.
The said William also died without issue about June 1690, his brother having previously died without issue. Defendant was Sir Edward's third son, and is now heir male of the family. He entered and enjoyed the profit until entry was made by the complainant. Sir Edward's bequest to defendant, of L500 after his lands in Devonshire should be sold, is quoted from his will dated 25 November 1682, with other bequests set out in the will He doth not know that his brother William Alston made any will, but if he did believes it was clandestinely done, and that his brother might not be compus mentis at the time, he having heard the complainant himself confess that he asked his brother William Alston where his lodgings were, when he had been six months before in London, and lodged all the while at the same place, yet the said William could not remember the name of the street or the sign of the house. The only witness to the will alleged to have been made by his late brother, produced at a recent trial, was drawer at the inn where the will was pretended to have been made. He knows of no debts of deceased except in respect of his executorship to defendant's father. The said William on going to London, where he died, left the defendant in possession of Strixton, and gave strict command to all his servants to obey him as himself.
Some of the said William's trunks, especially one that was in London, when his sister Mrs. Wiseman concealed the death from defendant, had been rifled and searched before defendant saw them.

ALSTON v. ALSTON & others.
Bill 23 October 1693, by Edward Alston of Strixton, co. Northampton, Esq. v. Charles Alston, Katherine and John Wiseman and John Alston.
Sir Edward Alston, late of Bozeatt, co. Northampton, Kt., deed., Orator's father, was possessed of a great personal estate, and made his will about 28 November 1682. His estate, on being realised, produced about L6700, being several thousand pounds more than William and Charles Alston, his executors, did acknowledge.
For several years they paid Orator L60 per annum as interest on the legacies given him in the said will, but since the death of his brother William, he has received nothing.
By indenture of 15 and 16 August 1688 the said William conveyed to the said Dr. Charles certain parcels of the manor of Strixton (which were not entailed) to provide for the payment of legacies and debts for which they were jointly bound.
By indenture of 6 August 1656 Orator's father settled the manor of Strixton upon Orator in tail male, upon the death of his brother William without issue male, and the said William had a great kindness to your Orator as his heir-at-law, and next to him in remainder, and Orator therefore trusted to his management of affairs, and forbore to bring any suit against him, your Orator constantly conversing and living with him at Strixton till some time before his death ; and from time to time paid or discounted for his sojourning there, and particularly when the said William Alston went last from Strixton to London, where he happened to die, he left your Orator in possession of his estate of Strixton, and gave particular order to all his servants to obey him as himself.
From this point the bill follows the lines of ones previously noted, accusing the defendant of trying to defraud Orator of his legacies and of the estate of Strixton.
The answer and further answer, of Charles Alston, D.D. are annexed, and an account of receipts and payments under his father's will,
Mitford, 531/100, 1693.
Alstoniana Pg 187

ALSTON v. ALSTON & Others,
Chancery Proceedings before 1714. Bridges. 98. 1694/5
Answer, sworn 22 February 1694/95 of John Alston, gent,, one of the defendants to the bill of Edward Alston, Esq.
Defendant believes both he and plaintiff are severally entitled to part of the personal estate of Sir Edward Alston, decd., whose executors have disposed of his lands at Barnet and in Devonshire. He believes the said Sir Edward made a settlement, 6 August 1656, by which the remainder of the manor of Strixton was settled on complainant and his heirs male, on the death of William Alston without issue ; also that the other defendant Katherine Wiseman, and her children, got possession of the evidences etc etc of the manor of Strixton.
Alstoniana Pg 188
TNA References for the above: C10/532/4 C8/531/100 C5/98/18

Bill, 6 November 1697, by Francis Dandridge of the parish of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, apothecary, John Craddock of London, gent., John Boydhouse of . . . . . , Richard Winch, gent. and Mary Loveday, widow, v. Charles Alston and Katherine Wiseman.
Complainants advanced money to William Alston, late of Strixton, co. Northants, esq., to secure the payment of which he gave one bond dated 31 May 1687, and various others throughout the years 1688 and 1689. By his will, he devised to his brother Charles Alston of Northall, co. Midd., D.D., all his lands, &c., charged with the payment of his debts and legacies ; leaving the residue to the said Charles, with a legacy of L100 to his sister Katherine Wiseman. The said Charles has proved the will, &c.; his personal estate is worth L6000 ; but the complainants have not been paid.
Whittington 420 1697
Alstoniana Pg 214

The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t17120910-41
Trial Summary:
Crime(s): theft : animal theft
Verdict: Guilty
Other trials on 10 Sep 1712
Name search for: William Partridge
Defendant's Home: North Hall
Original Text:
William Partridge , of the Parish of North Hall, was indicted for stealing 2 Hogs, Value 3 l. and 2 Sows, Value 3 l. from Charles Alston , D. D. on the 26th of August last. The full Evidence deposed. That the Hogs were missing on the Day aforesaid, and upon search found in the Custody of one Mr. Groom in Liquor-Pond-street, who, prov'd he bought them of the Prisoner and another. He said in his Defence, That the other Person sold them, and be only help'd him to a Chapman, and was in his Company when they were sold. But the Witnesses being positive on the other side, and he having none to appear to give him a Character, the Jury found him Guilty of Felony.

Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections: Papers of the Monckton-Arundell Family, Viscounts Galway of Serlby Hall, Nottinghamshire, early 13th Century - 1958
Catalogue Ref. Ga 9201-Ga21
Monckton-Arundell family, Viscounts Galway of Serlby Hall, Nottinghamshire
Arundell, Monckton-, family, Viscounts Galway of Serlby Hall, Nottinghamshire
[Access Conditions]
The 20th Century material within the Galway Collection is currently closed. The remainder of the Collection is accessible to all registered readers.

Ecclesiastical records including chapel registers, will, inventories and tithe leases relating to Alderthwaite, Allerton Mauleverer, Bolton on Dearne, Brampton, Felkirk, Swinton, Wath-upon-Dearne and Wentworth Yorkshire (West Riding) and Serlby Nottinghamshire; also counties Lincolnshire and Middlesex - ref. Ga 12,670-12,700

FILE - Lease for lives by John Archbishop of York to Dr Charles Alston and Dr W. Lancaster, of the tithes of Felkirke rectory, (used as the draft of a lease 13 November 1717, by William Archbishop to the Reverend Thomas Lamplugh). Location: Felkirk, Yorkshire. - ref. Ga 12,685 - date: 8 August 1704

FILE - Counterpart lease for three years by Dr Charles Alston and Dr William Lancaster, (surviving trustees of Dr Thomas Lamplugh deceased), to Francis Simpson, of the tithes of Felkirke Rectory. (See also Ga 10,222 to Ga 10,226). Location: Felkirk, Yorkshire. - ref. Ga 12,686 - date: 4 September 1704
Ref A2A

Charles died intestate 1714, unmarried.

Letters of Administration
Rev. Charles Alston, D.D., of (Northall) Northolt MDX Bachelor.
Were granted 31 August 1714 to Catherine Wiseman sister and next of kin.
Admon: August 1714
Page 131 Alstoniana

bullet  Research Notes:

A sermon "The Orthodoxy of an English Clergy-Man" preached 4 May 1711 by Edmund Chishull B.D. Vicar of Walthamstow ESS at the visit of Rev Dr Alston Archdeacon of ESS to the Chapel of Rumford.
For the complete sermon see the "Books" section of this website.

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