The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Edward ALSTON Lord of Sayham [2795]
Elizabeth COLMAN [2810]
(-Abt 1590)
Thomas GOSSE [2809]
Thomas ALSTON of Edwardstone [945]
(Abt 1554-1614)
Susanna GOSSE of Waldingfield [2796]

Samuel ALSTON of Rogers Newton [2804]
(Abt 1585-1631)


Family Links

1. Rose GARDNER of Shimpling [3492]

Samuel ALSTON of Rogers Newton [2804]

  • Born: Abt 1585
  • Marriage (1): Rose GARDNER of Shimpling [3492] on 28 Aug 1625 in Alpheton SFK
  • Buried: 11 May 1631, Newton Nr Sudbury SFK

bullet  General Notes:

WARD 2/62/241/127, no. vii TNA.
(v) Grant by William Alston of Newton, Suffolk, yeoman, son and heir of Edward Alston, deceased, by order of an award by Sir William Waldegrave, knight, John le Hunte, Robert Goldinge, Matthew Cracherode, Thomas Waldegrave, esquires, and [Edward] Barker, gentleman, at the request of Thomas Alston, his brother, to Samuel Alston, son of Thomas Alston, of a messuage or tenement with a garden and orchard called 'Priors', in Newton, Suffolk, and a rod of land adjoining the messuage. December 1594.

Thomas Alston took over Rogers in 1595 before surrendering it to his son Samuel in 1613. "We know which crops would have been growing in the land rented by Thomas Alston as we have information on the type of farming carried out in Newton at about this time. J Thirsk in his publication dated 1967, The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol 34. Suffolk describes Newton between 1500 and 1640 as a wood-pasture region, mainly pasture, meadow, engaged in rearing and dairying with some pig-keeping, horse breeding and poultry. Crops were mainly barley with some wheat, rye, oats, peas, vetches, hops and occasionally hemp.
As we know, the Alstons had become Lords of the Manor of neighbouring
Sayham Hall from about 1550 when the manor first passed to Edward Alston. . . . . As lords of the manor, the Alstons owned their own land but as we have seen they also held land copyhold from the Manor of Newton. They were obviously a comparatively wealthy family and, as we shall see, had accumulated extensive land holdings. In one of the volumes of the 'East Anglian' history society journals there was the following note regarding a mid-sixteenth century character called Mr Candler who lived in Newton. He made notes on all his acquaintances which included a William Alston who 'was wont allwaies to goe clad in Blew cloth' while another Alston 'had a very red face'! Details like these help to bring our characters to life!"
Ref: The History of Rogers.

Samuel was living at Rogers at the time of his mothers will (1625/6) but was living at Deanes at his death. He had been left lands, and a tenement called Groomes in Edwardstone by his father, and land and tithes in Little & Great Waldingfield and Newton by his brother Isaac. His will was dated 22 April 1631, proved PCC 19 May 1631. In it he left Groomes to his brother Edmond, and, after his wife's occupation an interest in Deanes. This was then to pass to Edmond's son, his godson, Samuel "to hold and enjoy sd lands in the same manner as my brother Abraham did, under the will of my father Thomas Alston, upon condition of dutiful behaviour to his parents, else the bequest lapses to Edmond, eldest brother of said Samuel".

Inquisition Post Mortem taken at Bury St. Edmund's.
30 October 9 Car. i. (1633).
Ser.ii Misc. Pt 16 No 2 1633 co. Suffolk
The said Samuel was seised of two messuages called Prior's in Newton ; and of two other messuages and land there, bought of Robert Cooke : a messuage there called Motts ; a capital messuage there called Deanes ; a piece of land there called Leightlandes, formerly belonging, to Cecilia Pucerell, and afterwards to Robert Alston, and divers parcels of land in Newton ; also land called Prestland, Ashwell and Little Hales in Cornard Magna; a messuage in Newton lately bought by him of one John Marshall, and another of John Agas ; a messuage and land in Edwardeston, land and wood called Spragges, in Waldingfeild magna, and the Rectory and adowson of Waldingfeild parva.
His will, dated 22 April 7 Charles i. (1631) is in parts recited. He died at Newton, 11 May 7 Charles i. (1631)
Thomas Alston, gentleman, kinsman and next heir of the said Samuel, was then 21 and more.
Alstoniana pg 261.

He appears to have died s.p.

In a court paper dated 12 October 1631 there is a record of the death of Samuel earlier that year. Edmund Alston, his brother, was the administrator. It read as follows:
"which premises [Wyetts otherwise Wrights and Rogers] the said Samuel had upon the Death of Thos. Alston, his father, at a Court on Tuesday being St Luke the Evangelist, the 12th year of King James 1613/4.
To one tenement called Wyetts otherwise Wrights and Rogers and 4 crofts of land containing by estimation 22 acres formerly divided and separated into divers other crofts.
Also one piece of pasture called Le Launde containing by estimation 3 acres more or less, also one piece of meadow containing by estimation 3 roods more or less, also to one croft of arable land called Little Heads containing by estimation 4 acres. Rent 5s.
Also one croft called Fallows, and one other croft called Perry field containing by estimation 2 acres lying against Mill field by the Kings Highway leading to Boxford, containing by estimation 8 acres, which last the said Samuel Alston had to him and his [younger] brother [Edmund] upon the surrender of Abram Alston [elder brother, first son of Thomas] the 2nd April 1" year of King Charles 1625
Licence was given to the said Edmund to cut down 10 poplars growing in a certain field called the Ash Garden near the tenement called Wrights otherwise Rogers.'
Ref: The History of Rogers.

In the parish of Acton we find Samuel Alston Esq. mentioned.
This entry in Alstoniana Pg 365 is undated and does not identify the Acton. Acton SFK is close to Waldingfield.

bullet  Research Notes:

Roger's Farm
English Heritage list number: 278496, which is a Grade II* listed building dating to c. 1600.

See this under "Books" on this website.
Prepared for the Taylor Family 2003
The name Wrights or Rogers appears to be based on the occupiers names in the mid 16th C.
1514 Earliest reference to Wright's and Wyot's tenement
1524 George Hoye pays lay subsidy tax in Newton
1555 George Hoye dies and his son Robert Hoye is admitted tenant to Wyetts also Wrights/Rogers
1565 Robert Hoye surrenders the premises probably to son Robert
1568 Robert Hoye pays 4s lay subsidy tax
1581 William Hoye, son of Robert and Bridget, admitted
1595 William Hoye surrenders to Thomas Alston
1613 Thomas Alston dies and surrenders to Samuel Alston
1625 Abram Alston surrenders Fellows and Perry croft which is added to
Wyetts land.
1631 Samuel Alston dies and surrenders to the court. His will has the earliest use of the single name Rogers.
1634 Samuel's son Edmund Alston is admitted
1637 Ship tax returns list Edmund Alston and Edmund Alston junior.
1674 Edmund Alston pays tax on seven hearths
1691 Rogers occupied by Edmund Alston
1710 Poll tax lists Edmund Alston in Newton
1727 No Edmund Alston listed for Poll tax
1740 Rogers copyhold, occupied by William French
1742 John Lay, tenant-by-lease of Newton Hall, for a period of 35 years
1752 Ropers occupied by John French, 'sub-let' to Eliza Hart
1760 John French surrenders to Elizabeth Collier (nee French)
1771 Benjamin and Elizabeth Collier occupy Rogers
1778 Lease of land to Jeremiah Hart and the Tiffins for 21 years
1806 Jeremiah Hart pays quit rent for all or part of Rogers
1809 Jeremiah Hart pays copyhold rent for all or part of Rogers
1841 Jeremiah Hart owns Rogers. Willam Hart occupier
1851 Walter Hart farming Rogers
1871 Walter Hart farming Rogers
1881 William Rolfe farming Rogers
1907 John R Fuller owns Rogers
1930 Charles Hayward owns Rogers
1931 Felix Tyndal and John Atkins own Rogers
1936 Basil and C Taylor own Rogers

Newton Hall Manor, Sudbury, Suffolk from Earl Howe's papers held at
Aylesbury Record Office
Deeds, Newton, Suffolk. 1833
Contract, sale of Newton Hall Farm, 1916
Plan of Newton Estate, early 19th century
Copy of indenture, Manor of Newton, 1629
Deeds Newton Hall, Suffolk, 1563-1711
Rents due Newton Hall Manor and others. 1605
Newton Hall, Court Baron [a type of manor court], extract and drafts, 1687
Account book, rents. Newton Hall Manor, 1717-1792
Exchequer proceedings mentioning Newton Hall, court case 1689-93
Sales of farms in Newton parish. 1799
List of deeds, land in Newton and other places. 1798-I810
Correspondence and memoranda relating to manor courts, 1792-1811
Quit rents paid to Newton Hall. 1806
Newton Hall court books, 1734-1746, with lists of tenants, 1768
Newton Hall court papers, 1624-1802, with admissions to and surrenders of
Newton Hall court papers, 1595-1769, account of freehold and copyhold lands
Newton Hall court papers 1757-1768
Court papers, 1808, regarding conditional surrender of property by Sam.
Brewster to Sam. Pond
Newton Hall court papers 1765-67
Newton Hall court papers 1740-1808 with receipts, rentals and abstracts
Draft court roll. Newton Hall, 1552-1560
Newton Hall rental, 1759
Newton hall rental. 1809
New ton Hall court roll. 1734-1752
Newton Hall court roll. 1696-1698
Newton Hall Court Baron, 1691. 1692
Newton Hall court roll, 1696-1726
Newton Hall court roll. 1689
Newton Hall court roll. 1624-1653
Papers regarding Oliver Brand's title 1635-1764
Newton Hall court roll, 1657-1672
Newton Hall court roll, 1691-1695
Newton Hall Manor, bundle containing, court roll 1703, land tax 1779. court roll 1560-66, court roll 1753-1620, 1594
survey of Newton Hall, rentals, abstracts, copies of wills 1734-1746
Newton Hall court roll, 1689
Newton Hall court roll, 1674-88
Newton Hall court roll. 1689-90
Correspondence regarding Exchequer proceedings 1690-91
Court papers 1689-1690
Leaseholds in Newton. 1721-1803 [two pieces of land]
Bundle of deeds with plan of Newton Hall estate 16th - 18th century
Oven Farm, Newton, 1796, 1689-1796, plan 1754
Newton Hall re Brooks Cross, 1544-1752, plan 1697
Survey of Newton Hall, 1653-1687, with copy of court roll, 1802, and other deeds.

The House.
The entry for 'Rogers' in Nikolaus Pesvner's, The Buildings of England,
Suffolk, together with other articles on the house, suggest that the house is c1600. From the records, it would appear that the construction of the house may have been started as early as 1558 and it was probably enlarged and improved over a period of years to be finished in time for the admittance of Thomas Alston in 1595.


bullet  Other Records

1. Samuel Alston: Will, 22 Apr 1631, Deanes Newton SFK.
Dated 22 April 1631
I revoke all former wills by me made I desire to be buried according to Christian burial, at the discretion of my loving wife and executors herein under named
I bequeath to Rose, my wife, my Messuage called Deanes in Newton, wherein I now dwell, with the Houses, buildings, millhouse, mills, yards, gardens and orchards belonging to the same - 4 acres of pasture land adjoining my brother Edmond's orchard - the piece of ground called the Walke leading to Newton Church with the appurtenances, except my greate barne, chafehouse, stable, and one yard called Dogs Kennel which I leave to my brother Edmond Alston and his heirs. My executor to provide my wife yearly with sufficient firewood for her use.
Also to my wife my best bedstead standing in the Messuage called ROGERS in Newton - also one field bedstead with bedding and furniture and a joined bedstead - All my silver plate, pewter and brass - six pair of sheets, six pair of pillow beeres, 2 dozen napkins, six pillows and 4 board cloths - my Virginalls, 6 joined stools wrought and to be wrought by her with needlework, my little roan nag, all my Cheese and butter, 5 quarters of wheat, 5 quarters of seames of malt, all my hens, geese, ducks and other poultry. The Chests desks and boxes in the house I now dwell containing my bonds, evidences and writings to go to my executor immediately upon my decease.
I give to my wife in full satisfaction of all dower or thirds an annuity of L100 payable out of other my messuages, lands &. freehold and copyhold, lying in the parish of Newton, great Cornard, Little Cornard and Sudburie or my lands called Groomes and Turrells in Edwardston co. Suff, in the occupation of Thomas Martin and Alexander Howlett or their assigns or assignees.
I give to my brother William Alston of Water Belchamp co. Essex, my lease unexpired of the Rectory, parsonage or Priory of Edwardston co. Suff. with the lands tythes tenements and appurtances thereto belonging, except the tithes of the tenements or farms of Groomes and Turrells. Also to my brother Will. the Rectory tithes and Lands of Little Waldingfield co. Suff. and the advowson of the vicarage of Little Waldingfield - and all other my Mess. Lands tenements and hereditaments in Little Waldingfield
Edwardston, Great Waldingfield and Milden co. Suff. provided he pay to my brother and executor out of the profits of above Rectory and lands an annuity of L100- and to Rose my wife and Susan Wetherall my sister annually L40 until one of them dies.
To the King for the rent tenth or fee ferme of the said Rectory of Little Waldingfield 40/- yearly
To the Lord Bishop of Ely and his successors L20 yearly rent of the Rectory of Edwardston
Within three months of my death, my brother William shall enter into a bond of L1,000 to pay the several annuities rents & to hold my executor freed from any claims respecting said annuities, otherwise the bequests to said William to be void and Edmond my brother and executor to inherit the same.
To Dorothy Edwards, my sister L100
To my sister Wetherall a gold piece of 20/-
To my sister wife of Will. Alston a gold piece of 20/-
To my brother Edward Alston and Margaret his wife 20/- each
To Doctor Alston his (Edward's) son 40/- to Thomas Alston his son L10 to Abraham Alston his son L5
To Penning, Joseph, Elizabeth - 3 other children of said Edward Alston 40/- each
To Thomas Alston [3432], my kinsman, eldest son of Tho. Alston my eldest brother who died at Edwardston an annuity of L10 during the continuance of my lease of the Rectory of Edwardston, provided he do not molest my executor or any other person to whom I have left my lands &.
I give unto John Alston brother of Thomas L3 and to each of the daughters of Thomas my eldest brother 40/-
To my well beloved father in law Thomas Gardiner of Shimpling 40/- to buy a nag
To Robert Gardiner his son 40/- and to Elizabeth Gardiner his daughter 40/- for rings
To my bro. Henry Harrington and Marie his wife 40/- each for rings
To Mary Harrington my kinswoman 40/-

To Susan Alston dau. of my bro. Will. 40/-
To each child of my said bro. Will. 20/- To each child of my sister Manns 20/-
To each child of my bro. Edmond 40/-
To Mr Quarles, minister of Newton L5
To my kinsman Richard Skynner of Sudbury, gent. L3 to Margaret his wife 40/-
To Richard Skynner my godson, son of above, a piece of silver plate, value L3 or L3 in money
To John White one of my servants 40/-
To Alexander Godfrey one other of my servants 40/-
To Dorothy White one other of my servants 40/-
To John Lamb one other of my servants 10/-
To William Crane, Nicholas Galleon, Samuel mathew, Robert Fannings, four other of my servants 5/- apiece.
To the poor of Newton 40/-
To the poor of Edwardston 40/-
To the poor of Little Waldingfield 20/-
To Edmond Alston my brother and Executor my mess. Lands Ten. and Hereds. called GROOMES and Turrells, also my lands and premises in Newton, Great and Little Cornard, Sudbury or elsewhere in Suff. except the house called Deanes which he shall only enjoy for his life which after the death of his father and the lapse of the interest of my wife shall remain to Samuel Alston my godson - one of the sons of him the said Edmond to hold and enjoy said lands in the same manner as my brother Abraham did, under the will of my father Thomas Alston, upon condition of dutiful behaviour to his parents, else the bequest lapses to Edmond, eldest brother of said Samuel.
I give to Edmond my brother two tenements Croft of land and piece of wood called Lyes Grove in Newton, some time Robert Pookes, with remainder to said Samuel his son and his heirs male.
To Edmond my brother all my ready money, corn and grain - all my furniture of husbandry, my goods chattels, cattle and household stuff, not otherwise disposed of with my bonds bills debts owing to me in my own right or as executor of the several wills of Thomas and Susan Alston my father and mother and Isaac and Abraham Alston my brothers.
All which Mess. &c.&c. I give to Edmond towards the payment of my debts, the annuity of L100 to my wife and L60 yearly to my sister Wetherall, L10 yearly to Joyce Palfyn. L5 yearly for the education of Thomas son of Amy Curd my sister, until he attains the age of 15 when L20 is to be paid to apprentice said Thomas to some good trade or profession and L10 at the expiration of his apprenticeship to help him set up in his trade or profession.
To Susan Mann my sister, wife of Joseph Mann an annuity of L10
To Amy Curd, my sister L10 annually
To Thomas Alston of Cambridge my nephew son of Tho. Alston late of Assington (my brother of the whole blood deceased) L10 annually during the continuance of my lease of the Rectory of Edwardston.
Edwardston Priory being charged with an annuity of L20 to Edmond by the will of my brother Isaac, I desire that the Rectory and lands may be freed from said annuity, as I have left to said Edmond such a good estate in lands etc. - Edmond to give an acquittance for said annuity - or if he refuse to do so, Groomes and Turrells to belong to William Alston my brother.
I give to Abraham Alston my godson, son of Abraham Alston of Sudbury gent L5
Edmond Alston my brother to be sole executor and Richard Skynner Supervisor of this my will
Signed Samuel Alston
Witnesses: Joseph Mann, Thomas Alston, Rich. Skynner, Robert Salmon
Proved: 19th May 1631 by Edmond Alston brother and exec. named in will.
Alstoniana pg 107
Ref. St John 48
Copy of Will in this file

Alston Wills Page 1699
SAMUEL ALSTON, Newton, Suffolk, gent.
Will 22 April 1631 ; proved 19 May 1631.
To wife Rose capitall messuage called Deanes, etc. and four acres adjoining to brother Edmondes orchard and the Walke lately fenced in leading towards Newton church, except great Barne, chaufehouse, and stable next to Chafehouse and Doges kennel! yard to be enjoyed by Edmund, etc. Also to wife Rose best bedstead in messuage called Rogers in Newton, field bed-stead, silver plate, etc. etc. Also £100 annuities in lieu of dower out of freehold and copiehold in Newton, great Cornard, little Cornard, and Sudburie, and "Groomes" and "Turrells" in Edwardston, Suffolk, in occupation of Thomas Martyn and Alexander Rowlett etc. etc. To brother William Alston of Water Belcharnp, Essex, lease of Rectorie, parsonage, or priory of Edwardston, Suffolk, also Rectorie of Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, fermeholds in Great Waldingfielel, Milden etc. till death of wife Rose or my sister Susan Witherell, paying rents to the King and Bishop of Ely, etc., said brother William to give bond or else to brother Edmund. To sister Dorothy Edwards £100. To sister Witherell piece of gold. To brother Edmund Alston and Margarett his wife 20s. each. To Dr. Alston his sonne 40s. and his sonne Thomas Alston £10. To his son Abraham Alston £5, and to Penning Alston, Joseph Alston, and Elizabeth Alston three other children of said Edmund Alston, 40s each. To kinsman Thomas Alston eldest, sonne of my eldest brother Thomas Alston who died at Edwardston £10 aunuitie during lease of Edwardston etc., and to his brother John Alston £3 and to daughters of said brother Thomas Alston 40s. each. To my father in law Thomas Gardiner of Shimpling £5 to buy a nagge to ride on. To Robert Gardiner his sonne and Elizabeth Gardiner his daughter 40s. each for rings. To my brother Henry Harrington and Marie his wife and Mary Harrington my kinswoman ditto. To Susan Alston daughter of brother William Alston aforesaid 40s., and William's other children 20s each. To children of sister Manns 20s. each. To children of brother Edmund Alston 40s. each. To my very good friend Mr. Quarles minister of Newton £5. To kinsman Richard Skynner of Sudburie gent. £3, and to his wife Margarett 40s and to their son Richard Skynner my godson a piece of plate of £3. To servants John White, Alice Godfrey, Dorothy White, John Lamb, William Crane, Nicholas Galleon, Samuell Upcher, and Robert Janninges various sums. To poore of Newton 40s, of Little Waldingfield 20s. To my brother and executor Edmund Alston "Grooms" and "Turrells" during lease and freeholds in Newton, Greate Cornard, Little (Cornard, and Sudburie, except "Deanes" to godson Samuel Alston one of sonnes of Edmond to hold in as ample manner as my late brother Abraham Alston held it by virtue of will of my late father Thomas Alston if said Samuel behave in dutifull manner to said Edward (sic) Alston his father and his mother, or else to remain to his eldest brother Edmund Alston. To brother Edmund Alston also two tenements, croft of land, and peice of wood called Lyes Grove, some tyme Robert Cookes in Newton for life, then to Samuel. Also to brother Edmond all ready money, corne, goods, and debts owing in my own right or as executor of wills of Thomas Alston and Susan Alston my father and mother and Isaack Alston and Abraham Alston my brothers, to pay legacies etc. etc. Executor to allow £5 yearly for schooling of Thomas Curd son of my sister Amy Curd, and at 15 to apprentice him with consent of my wife his father and mother and my executor for which £20, and at end of term or at 24 £10 to set him up in trade etc. To sister Susan Mann wife of Thomas Mann annuitie of £10 etc. To sister Amy Curd ditto. To nephew Thomas Alston of Cambridge, son of Thomas Alston of Assington my brother of the whole blood deceased £10 yearly during lease of Edwardston. Legacies of £20 per annum left by will
of brother Isaac Alston to brother Edmund Alston to issue out of Edwardston to be released by Edmund to brother William Alston, Edmund having been dealt with so liberally by me etc. To Abraham Alston my godsonne sonne of Abraham Alston of Sudburie gent £5 at 21.
Executor : brother Edmund Alston.
Supervisor : Richard Skynner, gent.
Witnesses ; Joseph Mann, Thomas Alston, Richard Skynner, Robert Salmon.
St. John, 48.
[Compare with Talcot and Skinner wilts, Waters' Gleanings, pp. 1125, 1205.-E. P.]


Samuel married Rose GARDNER of Shimpling [3492] [MRIN: 1187] on 28 Aug 1625 in Alpheton SFK.

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