The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Henry ALSTON of Edwardstone [2643]
(-Bef 1559)
SIMONDS [2644]
Gregory ALSTON of Edwardstone [2645]
(Abt 1546-Bef 1634)
UNKNOWN [26880]
John ALSTON of Edwardstone [6010]


Family Links

John ALSTON of Edwardstone [6010]

  • Baptised: 1585, Edwardstone SFK
  • Died: 1615, Edwardstone SFK aged 30

bullet  General Notes:

Baptism from transcripts from Archdeaconry of Sudbury, did not show parents.
Ref Alstoniana Pg 353

John's Will was dated 31 July 1615, proved 22 Sept 1615 at Bury St Edmunds. Pgs 153 & 388 Als.

Dated 31 July 1615
In the Name of God Amen.
The last day of Julye in the yeare of our lord God one Thowsand Six Hundred and fyfteene, I John Alston of Edwardstone in the County of Suff. and dioces of Norwich, Singleman being Sicke in Bodie but sownde of mynde and p'fect of remembrance thankes be to Almrghtie God doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my Sowle to God the onlye Creator and Maker of it, and my bodie to be buried by my executors hereunder named in Christian buryall.
Item I will give and bequeath unto by brother Thomas Alston the Elder three pounds of good and lawful Englishe Money to be paid unto him within an halfe a yere after my decease.
Item I will gyve and bequeath unto my sister Mary Alston the Some of Twentie Shillings of good and lawful Englishe money to
be paid vnto her within halfe a year, after my decease.
Item I will gyve and bequeath unto my brother Peter Alston the Sum of one and Twentie shillings of good and lawful Englishe Money to be paid unto him within halfe a year after my
decease, and
Item I will gyve and bequeath unto my brother Thomas Alston ye younger the Some of Tenne Shillings of good lawful Englishe money to be paid unto him within halfe a yere after my decease,
Item I will gyve and bequeath vnto my brother Anthonie Alston the Sum of Tenne Shillings of good and lawful Enghsh money to be paid unto him within halfe a yeare after my decease
Item yf it shall happen So that Either my Said Sister Marie or any of my Said brothers to depart this life before their Seuerall legacyes a bove by me to them bequeathed shall be due unto them Then I will and my meaninge is that hes or her parte soe dyinge Shallbe and Remayne to the other of them that shall Survyve Equallie to be devided betwixt them to be paid vnto them within halfe a yere after my Decease.
Item I will gyve and bequeath the some of Tenne Shiilimgs of good and lawful Enghshe Money to be distributed at the Discretion of my Executors amongst certain of them that have bene longest my Spynners and are poorest to be paid unto them within halfe a yere after my Decease
Item I will give and bequeath vnto Stephen Skofield my best Jerkyn and my best payer of hose.
Item. all my readie money and all my Debts owinge vnto me and all my other moveable goods whatsoever, my debtes being paid and my funeral charges defrayed, I do freely gyve and bequeath them vnto my brother Richard Alston and to Mary Boges the daughter of Robert Bogis of Edwardston aforesaid Equally to be devided betwixt them And if it shall happen the said Richard or Marie to Depart this life within halfe a yere after my Decease, Then I will and my meaninge is that his or her
parte soe dyinge shalbe and remayne to the other of them that shall Survyve wch said Richard and Marie I doe constitute
ordaine and make the joint Executors of this my said last Will and Testament.
In wyttness whereof I have declared and affirmed this to be my last Will and Testament and have here vnto putt my hand and Seale in the p'sence of these wyttnesses here vnder wrytten.
Sealed and delyvered in the prefence of Robert Bogis, Thomas Alston (his mark), and Robert Barker (his mark).
Proved in Court of Archdeaconry of Sudbury 22nd September 1615

Cresswell notes - from his will it would seem testator has two brothers called Thomas . It was not uncommon in Elizabethan times for two children of one family to bear the same christian name, and in this case if there was another brother called John the testator might be one of the John of table 3 pg 5 but this is the mearest conjecture.

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