The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Sir Robert MOLESWORTH [35507]
Judith BYSSEE [35508]
Lord Richard COOTE [24736]
Robert MOLESWORTH 1st Viscount of Swords [22473]
Hon Laetitia COOTE [22474]

Hon Bysse MOLESWORTH MP for Swords [24733]


Family Links

1. Elizabeth COLE [24734]

Hon Bysse MOLESWORTH MP for Swords [24733]

  • Born: 1700
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth COLE [24734] on 7 Dec 1731
  • Died: 1779 aged 79

bullet  General Notes:

Molesworth Bysse.
Seventh son of Robert , 1st Viscount Molesworth, and brother of the Hon Mrs Charlotte-Amelia Tichborne, q.v.: Playfair, V, 62.

Shown as Cupbearer for Queen Caroline (Anspach) in the printed lists fro her accession in 1727, and at L33 6s 8d, 1727-30, in Est Book 18.
Ref: Royal Household Index 1660-1901 (FMP)

Coote's Pedigree states that Bysse, the
"last surviving child. (so called from his Great Grandfather, the Ld Chief Baron Bysse) was born in London in the year 1700. He was, in his Infancy, sent to School at Beighton, with his Brother Coote85; and, afterwards to Westminster School86, whence he was remov'd to attend Lord Carteret on his Embassy to the Court of Sweden87. There he remained till his Lordship had finished his Embassy, & on his Return was appointed Secretary of State. Some time afterwards Lord Carteret was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; and so continued five or Six years88. In all these Stations, Bysse constantly attended his Lordship; not without Reason expecting some reward of his long Attendance: but never received any other Favours from him, than fair Promisses, and Compliments.
Inserted:1 On the Accession of King Geo. I 89 he was appointed Cup Bearer to the Princess of Wales; afterwards to the Q.n Caroline. Tired of such a dependant State, without hopes of Success, he quitted it, and by his Friends was chosen Member of Parliament for the Borough of Swordes, in 172690. April 1738 he was appointed Collector of the Customs in the Port of Coleraine; which he exchanged, the next year, for the Clerkship of the Permits and from thence, was removed to be first and Chief Clerk in the Secretary's Office, to the Commissioners of the Revenue, in Dublin, Ireland.
On the 18th Dec.r (N.S)91 1731. He married Elizabeth 92, the Widow of Edward Archdale, of Castle Archdale, in the County of Fermannah: and Sister to Lord Mountfiorence: By whom he has had 14. Children; 8. of which are now living (Jan.y 1765.) viz.t 6. Sons. and 2. daughters. viz.t Caroline (to whom her Majesty Queen Caroline was Godmother) born [gap left 93] married Charles Walker of Dublin; Master in Chancery, in [gap left 94] Florence, born [gap left95] married to the Rev.d M.r Tho.s Coleclough of Dufrrey Hall, near Wexford.
Arthur, born Dec.r 174796 Now a Major in the 14th Reg.t of Dragoons: commanded by tile Marquis of Lorne. Cornet Dec." 1755 & gradually rose to Major97.
Robert, born May 10th o.s. 174998 made Ensign in the 43.d Reg.t of Foot, then Gen] Kennedy's, Dec." 1755. Lieut.t in 3.d Reg.t Feby. 2.d 1757. afterwards Capt.n Lieut.t and Captain in 3.d Reg.t Oct.r 1764. commanded by Gen. Noel. He embarked in the year 1757. (May) with the Regiment, at Cork, for Halifax, in Nova Scotia. From thence to the Attack of Louisbourg; but that not being practicable, was sent to Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia: and from thence to Annapolis Royal, D.a April 1759. was landed at Louisbourg (the Place being taken in 1758.) and joined Gen.1 Wolfe 's Army. May, that year, embarked for Quebec, present at the Siege & taking of the Place; winter'd there, and besieged by the Enemy the Spring 1760. The Siege being raised, went with Gen.1 Murray, & part of the Army to Montreal, where he joined General Amherst's Army. Returnd to winter Quarters in the District of Quebec; and in 1761. marched thro' Canada to New York: where embarked, under Gen!' Monckton, for Martinico. Was at the Siege, and taking of the Island. In 1762. embarked from Martinico, with the Army commanded by the Earl of Albermarle, for the Havanna: and was at the Reduction thereof In 1763. The Regimment was sent to Jamaica; and in July the same year, embarked on board the Man of War, Bellona for England; arrived in Sept." at Portsmouth, Hampshire; and marched to Chatham Barracks, where the Regiment now is quarter'd Feby. 176599.
S.t George, an Ensign in the 52.d Regiment, Commanded by Coli.1 Clavaring100.
Ponsonby101, and Bouchier102, both Ensigns in the Regiment of Foot, commanded by Major General Aldercron.
William, who has an Employment in the Secretary's Office in the Custom house. Dublin103.
I return now to the family of Bysse's Wife, the Widow Archdale.
Sir Wm Cole her Ancestor by the Father, lived in the Castle of Inniskillin, the ancient seat of the family; from whence he made great & useful Discoveries of the bloody designs of the Papists, in 1641. when they were contriving the Massacre of the Protestants; for which he received the Thanks of the Lords Justices for the time being. He was not, however happy enough to prevent their Wicked designs, which ended in the putting to death of 150000. Men, Women & Children, in the space of a few Months.
The late Lord Renelagh (Cole) was her Father's Uncle; and there is, in the possession of her Brother Cole, now Lord Mountflorence. a Pedigree of his family, from King John. upon Vellum, finely embellished. The Town of Inniskillin (situated upon that beautiful extensive Lake, called Lough Earne) belongs to his Lordship. In her late Father's time the Castle was burnt by Accident; and is now a Ruin. But his Lordship has built a very grand House at about Six Miles from the Town. He nominates 2 Members for the Town.
Her father married, July 1707. first Florence, only Daughter of S.r Bouchier Wray of Frebitch in Cornwall, & Tavistock, Devonshire Bar.t & Knight of the Bath, Member for Devonshire; Coll.1 of a Reg.t in King William's Reign [paper torn for line-and-a-half], was daughter of S.r John Rolle of Stevenstone, Devonshire, Knight of the Bath, ancestor of the late Lord Rolle. The Father of B.Molesworth had by his first wife 5. Sons, & 2 daughters. viz.t John, Bouchier, MichaeL William & Henry. Elizabeth, married first to Archdale, as above; & afterwards to The Hon.ble Bysse Molesworth. Florence, his 2d daughter, married Arthur Newburgh of Ballyhaise, in the County of Cavan. Her father's 2fi Wife was [gap left] the daughter of Robert Saunderson of Castle Saunderson in the County of Cavan. He died in July 1726. & was succeeded by his Eldest Son, now Lord Mountflorence.
[added in pencil:] now the Son of this L.d M.t Florence is created L.d Visct. Enniskillin.
FR states Bysse died in 1779104.
Ref: "Robert Molesworth & his "Account of Denmark" by William Molesworth, MA (Cantab), MLitt (Dub)
Footnote references can be found in "Children of the First Viscount" or in the Books section of this website.

bullet  Research Notes:

They had issue 11 children


Bysse married Elizabeth COLE [24734] [MRIN: 8921] on 7 Dec 1731.

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