The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Jacobus VANDERZEE [120]
(Abt 1688-1746)
Mary GUSTERSON [2071]
George MEAD [12739]
Margaret HERRON [12740]
James VANDERZEE [126]
Philadelphia MEAD [1041]

John VANDERZEE [1378]


Family Links

John VANDERZEE [1378]

  • Baptised: 6 May 1769, Gt Burstead ESS
  • Buried: 8 May 1820, St George Camden LND

bullet  General Notes:

Name: John Vanderzee
Baptism Date: 6 May 1769
Baptism Place: Great Burstead, Essex, England
Father: James Vanderzee
Mother: Philadelphia Vanderzee
FHL Film Number: 1471966

James Alston attorney of Bocking Master, Apprentice John Vanderzee, date of Indenture 1 Oct 1785, date of Duty 14 Oct 1785, Fee L28.0.0 Ref:The Genealogist IR 1/32

John was a beneficiary under his mothers Will.

A John Vanderzee is listed in the Law List as a country member practicing variously at Billericay and Rochford -1802, 1808, 1811,1812, 1813 only dates searched PRO 2003

John's practice was a constant advertiser of property to be sold, in the papers of the day (late 1700's)

The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor has appointed John Vanderzee, late of Lincoln's Inn, and now of Billericay in Essex, Gent. A Master Extraordinary of the Court of Chancery.
Ref: News World 7 September 1793.

A John Vanderzee was buried St George the Martyr Queen Sq., Camden, LON, on the 8 May 1820 aged 50. His abode was recorded as Gt Ormond St. (was this the hospital?) Entry transcribed as Vandergee on Ancestry.

Return of Writs: Oath of John Vanderzee, of Essex master extraordinary in Chancery.
PRO C202/181/10 1793
Also PRO C202/201/13 1813

Walter v Vanderzee.
This was an action to recover a compensation in damages for a libel under the following circumftances:
The plaintiff is Poftmaster of Bellivechy (Billericay?), in the County of Effex, and the Defendant an Attorney of the fame place. Mr Vanderzee having, from the information of feveral perfons in the place, had reafon to fufpect that the letters before their delivery were opened at the Poft Office, had his furmifes ftrongly confirmed by the receipt of a letter himfelf, the corners of which were open; and though the seal was not actually broken, yet appearing in fuch a rumpled and irregular ftate, as it induced him to believe that fome perfon or perfons had been reading it, and it was not likely that it fhould have been fent in that condition. He in confequence wrote a letter to Mr Bartlett, the Postmaster General of the District, to the following effect:- Sir, I think proper to inform you, that a letter has come to my hands, which I have reafon to think has been opened by the Poftmaster of Bellivechy. As this man has been in the habit of opening all the letters that have come through that Office for twelve months paft, I feel it a duty to the public to bring a Penal Action on the Statute. The Action was accordingly brought and tried at the last Affizes when the Plaintiff was non-fuited and this action was now laid for damages in confequence of the libel contained in the above letter.
Mr Bartlett proved the receipt of the letter, which was put in and read in evidence, together with its being the Defendant's handwriting.
For the Defendant it was contended that he had a reafonable ground for fufpicion and therefore had not acted malicioufly. The letter which he complained of being opened was produced and proved by the perfon who wrote it not to have been fent in the condition in which it was received. Several other perfons also depofed that they had received letters from the same Office, which had every appearance of having been opened.
The Baron, on reviewing the evidence, in his charge to the Jury, fubmitted to their confideration whether the rumpled and unufual appearance of the letter when delivered, as well as fimilar remarks made upon other letters, did not completely afford the defendant at least a reafonable ground of sufpicion, and confequently refcue his conduct from the imputation of any malice. The Jury gave a verdict for the defendant.
Ref: Hampshire Telegraph and Portsmouth Gazette 9 August 1802.
It is not proven it was John the party to this action.

Officers of the Militia 1805 - Gentlemen & Yeomanry Calvalry
War Office 14 October 1805.
Great Burstead.
Lieut. John Vanderzee 1 Sept 1803

On the 30th ult Mr John Vanderzee, of Billericay, attorney at law.
The Suffolk Chronicle 13 May 1820

bullet  Research Notes:

A John Van Der Zee married 1813 in Smyrna All Saints - recorded in British Overseas Marriages.

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