The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Simon FENN [4546]
Elizabeth UNDERWOOD [4547]
(Abt 1753-1831)
Commander Thomas LIVEING R N [230]
Harriet HARROLD [231]
Robert FENN Capt [198]
Harriet LIVEING [227]

Robert Liveing FENN Gent. [116]


Family Links

1. Lucy WALKER [144]

Robert Liveing FENN Gent. [116]

  • Born: 27 Mar 1814
  • Baptised: 14 Apr 1814, Coddenham SFK
  • Marriage (1): Lucy WALKER [144] on 11 Jun 1859 in Tansor Northampton
  • Died: 28 Aug 1884, 32 Victoria Rd Kensington MDX aged 70
  • Buried: 1 Sep 1884, Brompton Cemetery LND

bullet  General Notes:

The Coddenham Register records that Robert's baptism on the 14th April was a "Private Baptism" and notes he was received into the Church 6 Jan 1815. This may indicate he was unwell at birth.

Merchant Taylors School Register 1827.
June 1827.
Robert Liveing Fenn, b 17 Mar 1814, s of Robert and Harriett, schoolmaster, Harleigh, Suffolk.
Roberts entry comes with a note: "R L Fenn Senior Clerk in National Debt Office"

Enquiry with Merchant Taylors School in 2009:
Dear Mr. Fenn,
We have records of Robert L.Fenn as born 17.3.1814 son of Robert schoolmaster and Harriet of Hawleigh Suffolk M.T.s 1827-29 died unknown date August 1884, occupation civil servant National Debt Office.
No further details under his entry in the 1561-1934 Register published in 1936: Geoffrey Brown

Robert lived at 32 Victoria Rd, Kensington London. It was mentioned in his mothers will, of which he was an executor and beneficiary, that he was" of the National Debt Office".

A letter dated 1831 from Harriet Liveing to her son Edward Liveing in Nayland describes Robert's mother Harriet Fenn as fretting that Robert will "lose the situation should the Reform Bill pass". . . . . . Charles writes that he is much liked and he has no doubt but he will do well, and if Clerks are appointed it is most likely he will be established".
Robert worked with Charles Liveing Esq at the National Debt Office, which later became part of the Bank of England, (see research notes Charles Liveing).
The Reform Bill of 1832 increased the franchise, and reorganised Government.

In a letter abt 1839, to his sister Harriet c/o of the National Debt Office Edward Liveing finishes his letter "love to you and Robert" It appears he was not married at that time.

The minutes of the meeting of The Commissioners for the Reduction of National Debt dated 4 July 1855 records, Mr Fenn appointed senior clerk salary L300 to L400 p.a.

Robert appears to have been involved in business activities with his Liveing uncles.

Sheffield Archives:
Spencer Stanhope Muniments [SpSt/173 - SpSt/273]
Spencer-Stanhope family of Horsforth and Cawthorne, West Riding of Yorkshire
A Written application form to use the collection must be completed. This includes an undertaking concerning use of the documents in any published work.
Deeds and Wills
Title deeds to property in Bargh - ref. SpSt/177-178
FILE - Reconveyance - ref. SpSt/177/28 - date: 10 Aug 1843
Alderman Manning of Dedham, Essex, esq., of the first part: Charles Liveing of Camberwell, Surrey, esq., Rev. Henry Thomas Liveing of Nayland, Suffolk, clerk, and Robert Liveing Fenn of Camberwell Grove, Surrey, gent., of the second part: Richard James Marsh of Lower Belgrade Place, Pimlico, co. Middlesex, gent., of the third part: John Pike of Old Burlington Street, co. Middlesex, gent., and John Christian Wittick of Bath Terrace, Camberwell Rd., Surrey, gent., of the fourth part.
(x) Indenture of transfer, 16 Jan 1840, by which Manning assigned to Edward, Charles, Henry Thomas, and Robert Liveing, the above principal sums.
(xiii) Death of Edward Liveing, Mar 1843.
(xiv) Order in Chancery of 24 May 1843 by which all interest, L370 1/8, is to be paid to Charles, Henry Thomas and Robert Liveing.
To find out more about the archives described below, contact Sheffield Archives <>
Ref A2A

London Metropolitan Archives Book 37, Kensington & Notting Hill Directory for 1883 shows Robert's address to be 32 Victoria Rd, Kensington.

Fenn-On the 28th ult., at 32 Victoria Road, Kensington, London, Robert Liveing Fenn, Esq., aged 70.
Ref Manchester Weekly Times Sat Sep 6 1884

Robert Liveing Fenn deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all creditors or other persons having claims and demands upon or against the estate of Robert Liveing Fenn late of 32 Victoria Road Kensington in the County of Middlesex, gentleman, deceased (who died on the 28th day of August 1884 and whose Will was proved in the principal Registry of the probate division of the High Court of Justice by Edward Liveing and Edward Liveing Fenn, the executors of the said will) . . . . .
Harley, Jones, and Julius, 15 Finsbury Circus, London, EC, Solicitors for the said Executors.
London Gazette 11 November 1884 issue 25413 page 4863.

Robert Liveing Fenn
Birth year 1814
Burial date 01 Sep 1884
Place Brompton
Age 70
Residence 32 Victoria Road Kensington County Middlesex
Document type Burials Burial number(s) 123446, 121534 Print number 121534 Burial register number 123446
Piece description Brompton Cemetery burial book no. 410, references 121301-121600
Records year range 1884-1884
Archive reference WORK 97/618
Record set Middlesex, Brompton Cemetery Records

The Will of Robert Liveing Fenn Gentleman of 32 Victoria Rd was proved 23 Oct 1884 at the Principle Registry by Edward Liveing M.D. of 52 Queen Annes St Cavendish Sq. St Marylebone and Edward L Fenn M.D. of 1 Portland Tce St Mary Richmond SRY the nephew at £6717 17s 7d, resworn Jan 1885 for £7569 10s 8d
This will has not been found on The National Archive Discovery. 2020

A silver sugar bowl belonging to Robert dated 1877 and inscribed RLF with crescent & star crest, and motto "Immobilus" is in the possession of J.A. Fenn 2022.
Robert and Lucy had no issue.

bullet  Research Notes:

Essex Record Office Chelmsford
D/DU 206/10
Refs to Robert Liveing Fenn and Thomas Harrold Fenn sons of Harriet Fenn beneficiaries under the Will of Thomas Hearne of Harwich.
To be researched 2008

Information relating to document ref. no. MS 11936/558/1267521 Sun Fire Office
Insured: Robert Liveing Fenn, 6 Pembury Place, Camberwell Grove, Surrey, gent. [Guildhall Library] Date: 1838.

Source: Access to Archives (A2A): not kept at The National Archives


bullet  Other Records

1. Robert Liveing Fenn: His mother Harriet, 21 Aug 1848, Stratford-on-Avon WAR.
Stratford on Avon
21 Aug 1848
My dear Mother,
I left London by the quarter to 2 train on Saturday & got to Kenilworth a little after 7. I had but little light left to see the extension of the Castle on that day - on Sunday I attended service at the parish church morning & aftern & heard two excellent sermon's from the Rev E Eardley Wilmot Vicar of the parish - his two sermons were connected each with the other upon the subject of decision? in religion - the Congregation was a very respectable one & appeared to be attentive to him - The Church is celebrated for the Norman tower which is considered very fine & is in excellent preservation - The Castle occupies the site of several acres, Gateway is in good order, the large banqueting room & Caesar's Tower are in complete ruins - A chimney piece of great antiquity is shown in the Gateway - I left Kenilworth this morning by rail to Leamington, which is a new & and very fashionable town celebrated for its baths & mineral waters - The hotel's or bathrooms are fitted up with easy advantage for visitors & extensive grounds adjoining for them to promenade in - Warwick Castle is a noble & very perfect building, the most so of any in England of its date - near the entrance is shown the large punchbowl capable of holding 120 gallons of punch, which lately when Lord Brooke (the eldest son of the Earl of Warwick) came of age was filled three days in succefsion - The sword and armour of Guy Earl of Warwick of somewhat fabulous memory, his height being stated to be 8 feet & some inches - are also there. The state rooms are by far the best worth seeing & really repay the trouble - The large hall with a floor of polished marble is capable of holding a very large party & was used on the above occasion named when Lord Brooke came of age - there was a succession of rooms opening one into the other and all containing paintings by first rate artists including Rubens and Van Dyck Sir Peter Lely etc - King Chas & his wife appear to be favourites amongst them - The State bedroom where Queen Anne slept is shown, I presume it is in the same state as when she occupied it - a portrait of Sir Robert Walpole & other paintings are in the same room - the table inlaid with marble, also with polished lava, & with precious stones all very fine - Some marble busts & especially one of Lady Warwick are exceedingly good. The floors of the principal rooms are of polished oak - In the Chapel there is an organ & every requisite for divine worship - There is an exquisite carving in oak representing the battle of the Amazons which is most unique & in my opinion can scarcely be equalled in the present day, altho we excel in most things. I got to this place about seven this evg & about an hour after called upon my Aunt & Cousins at Mr Knottesfords - they were very surprised & pleased to see me. I was introduced to the old people & to their son-in-law and daughter - all behaving very courteously to me - I took tea with them & waited until after prayers - There are five women servants & about as many under servants, all of whom assembled with Bibles in their hands. Then one of the servants read a verse from Proverbs & Mr K read observations in reference to it from two separate books he had by him - altogether it was very singular & unlike anything I ever saw before - I am to breakfast with them tomorrow punctually at nine o'clock - & shall probably spend the entire day there - they are nice comfortable people.
With kind love to Uncle & yourself
I am your affct Son
Rob Liveing Fenn
Small envelope 90cmW x 60cm endorsed Aug 22 1848 2 letters fr Robt Fenn to his mother. Post marked Stratford . . Aug 22 1848 red sealing wax.

2. Robert Liveing Fenn: His mother Harriet, 24 Aug 1848, York.
24th Aug 1848.
My dear mother,
My last letter left me at Stratford upon Avon engaged to take breakfast with the Knottesfords the following morning - and I was to be sure to get there by 9 o'clock, Mr K being a very punctual man, I accordingly rose early & on my way posted a letter to you - getting to Mr K's about 10 minutes before the time - my aunt Kate was waiting for me fearing I should go direct to the study where I had met the family in the previous evg, the old gentm being also very particular about having a single crum or any dirt upon the carpet - At the appointed hour the inmates inclg 3 of Mrs Dewy's Children & the servants entered and the old gent read prayers - as in the previous evg the servant reading a verse and he (Mr K) commenting upon it thro the medium of his books - After it was over he turned us all out of the room saying the servants could not replace the chairs in the proper places until we went - The old gent is very kind, altho so particular in trivial things, he asked me to walk out with him & took me quite round his walks in the garden which are rather extensive. After breakfast he opened several portfolios of drawings and the first one contained portraits of the celebrated men in Chas lst & subseqt times - The next two folios contd views of various Cathedrals admirably drawn - the good gent accompanying with them his valuable conversation, and he really appears deeply read in these matters & spoke very much to the purpose - I remarked to Mary how good his remarks were, she replied, he had a universal memory for almost everything - & particularly for architecture - I walked with Mary & Anna to see Shakespeare's monument in Stratford Church - I have seen prints of it before & they gave me an exact representation of the original - The Church in a collegiate one & is exceedingly busy - Some curious monuments of the Cloptin Family, who formerly resided in the neighbourhood are in a cross aisle - The Clerk of the Parish is making a larger income than his master, so numerous are the Visitors who pay their respects to the shrine of the Immortal Baird. After taking lunch with the Knottesfords I went to Warwick & then on to Coventry where I slept - the next morning I went to York from which place I write - this is a very interesting City - the Minster is the great attraction I attended service there this morning & third and excellent sermon upon the Saints namely (St Bartholomew) by one of the Vicars Choral the Revd Mr Fellowes - it was a discourse which could not possibly have been improved - After Service the Verger took me & a party round to see the chapels etc - The Screen which parts the Altar from the east end of the Cathedral is a magnificent one - the former one having been destroyed by fire a few years ago by Martin the maniac - I was conducted over the eastern end of the Minster, and took my time in viewing the nave, transepts etc etc - Altogether the Minster surpasses any Cathedral I have yet seen, the length of the nave, the height of the column's, the painted glafs & the decorations are truly superb - the parts which were destroyed by fire have been restored in their former condition as nearly as pofsible - the screen behind the organ is very elaborate half length (sic) of our Kings from Wm the Conqueror to one of the Henry placed in niches below a vast number of small figures engaged in playing wind and musical instruments. I have been over the museum & the ruins of St Mary's abbey this morning, as well as walking up on the Walls, which are very perfect, altho they do not in compafs the town as do those of Chester - I shall in all probability be at Tom's on Saturday - where I hope to meet you next week.
With kind love to uncle & yourself
I am your affect son
Robt Liveing Fenn

3. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, 14 The Green Camberwell Dulwich SRY.
Robert is recorded as a son aged 37 unmarried a Clerk at the National Debt Office born Coddenham SFK

4. Robert & Lucy's marriage, 1859, Tansor Northampton.

5. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, 32 Victoria Rd Kensington MDX. Robert is recorded as head of house married aged 47 Clerk National Debt Office born Coddenham SFK

6. Robert Liveing Fenn: Edward Liveing, 1 Feb 1864.
Liveing Archive: Images 3639 - 3640
32 Victoria Road
Monday evening
1 Feby 1864
My dear Edward
I received, on my return home this evening, your letter of this morning, announcing the death of your poor sister Ellen, on Saturday morning.
We were quite prepared to receive
this melancholy tidings, from the report of last week, that she was then suffering from increased weakness, together with swelling of the legs.
My wife joins me in offering the expression of sincere sympathy with you & all the members of your family, on this sad event - sad indeed to survivors - but how blessed a change to herself, from
daily agony & bodily pain to the enjoyment of an unchanging happy eternity! You may, in her case, safely go on with your quotation to the end of the verse "Yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them"
Your Mamma & Sister will indeed feel the loss much, for the reason you give, but I trust that they will all feel relief after a time, and see that what has been done is for the best. Lucy joins me in kind love to your wife, yourself & the little children.
I remain,
My dear Edward
Yours ever very truly & affectionately
Robt L. Fenn
Note on letter "Aunt Ellen's death January 1864"

7. Census: England, 2 Mar 1871, 32 Victoria Rd Kensington MDX. Robert is recorded as head of house married aged 57 Clerk National Debt Office born Haughley SFK

8. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, 53 Wersfield Pl Hastings SSX. Robert is described as a visitor aged 67 a Clerk National Debt Office born Coddenham SFK

9. Robert Liveing Fenn: Letter to Edward Liveing, 28 Mar 1884, Kensington MDX.
Liveing Archive: Images 3635 - 3636
Victoria Road,
Kensington W.
28 March 1884
My dear Edward
I thank both your wife & yourself for the letters you have addressed to me - poor dear Uncle Harry he has died in a good old age and with many of his friends around
him & in his quiet Vicarage home - I am glad that he passed away without much excruciating pain & as I suppose, in full consciousness, at the last, that his end was drawing near.
I should like to attend
his funeral - the day of which I hope to hear in due time - I attained my 70th year yesterday, the day of Uncles death -
With kind love to your Wife, yourself, & Mary from Isabella and myself.
Believe me
Your affectionate cousin
Robt L. Fenn.
On death of Rev Henry Julius.

10. Robert Liveing Fenn: His London Home, 1999, 32 Victoria Rd Kensington MDX.

11. Robert Liveing Fenn: Sugar Bowl.
2020 in the possession of E L Fenn


Robert married Lucy WALKER [144] [MRIN: 41], daughter of John WALKER Esq. [9307] and Jane CALLOW [14818], on 11 Jun 1859 in Tansor Northampton. (Lucy WALKER [144] was born about 1816 in Ryall Worcester, baptised on 24 Nov 1817 in Ripple Worcester, died in 1882 in Kensington LND and was buried on 13 Dec 1882 in Brompton Cemetery LND.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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