The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Col. Arthur MORRIS of Ballylongford [14153]
UNKNOWN [33697]
Rev Henry Richard JULIUS M.A. [776]
Mary Ann BUTTERWORTH [1031]
Rev Ambrose MORRIS [1115]
Ellen Georgina JULIUS [1036]

Geraldine S MORRIS [1122]


Family Links

1. Arthur Ernest HOPKINS [1123]

Geraldine S MORRIS [1122]

  • Born: 3 Jul 1881, Old Charlton Kent England
  • Baptised: 5 Jul 1881, St Thomas Woolwich Kent
  • Marriage (1): Arthur Ernest HOPKINS [1123] on 4 Jun 1912 in St Nicholas Kenilworth
  • Died: 20 Aug 1947, Leamington Spa WAR aged 66

bullet  General Notes:

Geraldine Morris
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 5 Jul 1881
Baptism Place: Charlton St Thomas, Greenwich, England
Father: Ambrose Morris
Mother: Ellen Georgina Morris
Register Type: Parish Registers

Geraldine was evidently an talented young artist her success was reported below :
Julius Jottings No 4 Jan 1901.
We heartily congratulate Miss Geraldine Morris on winning the prize recently given by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham for the best Christmas card designed by a Birmingham art student. . . . .

Work Of Science and Art Classes.
The board of education have now opened in the Iron Buildings at South Kensington the annual exhibition of selected work from the schools of science and art and art classes throughout the country. Looking through the whole of the schools, Birmingham will appear to possess the best, and the award of prizes is correspondingly large. Out of the 12 gold medals, one school (Nottingham) takes two, the only school which has achieved this honour. Birmingham, in the person of Miss Geraldine Morris, not only carries off a gold medal for designs for stained glass windows, but also the Prince of Wales scholarship of L25.
Ref: Aberdeen Journal 7 August 1901

Julius Jottings, No 6 Jan, 1902.
Miss Geraldine Morris, whose portrait we have much pleasure in presenting to our readers, is to be warmly congratulated on her successes achieved last year at the Birmingham School of Art; an exhibition from which, and other parts of England, being held in the South Kensington Museum last year.
And the more credit attaches itself to her, on account of the large number of students who entered for the competitive examinations. This is not the first time that Miss Morris' name has been before the public, as she was fortunate enough to be chosen-this time also by competitive examination to design a Christmas card for the Mayor and Corporation of Birmingham in 1900; and her efforts were again rewarded by receiving the bronze medal offered four the best design.
We are all justly proud of our rising star, and shall look forward from time to time, in the hope of seeing further works of art from her pen, and from her brush, in both of which we are sure that further distinction awaits her.
We will only add, in conclusion, that the authorities at the South Kensington Museum have purchased two of Miss Morris' designs for stained glass windows, which were recently exhibited there.
Successful Local Exhibitors.
The annual display of selected works sent in by students of art schools and classes (other than the Royal College of Art) in the national competition under the auspices of the Board of Educatio will be opened at the South Kensington Museum to-day, and will remain on view there until the end of August.
The exhibits are housed in one of the temporary buildings, constructed of corrugated iron, which proved unable to keep out the torrential downpour of rain yesterday, when the press view took place. The number of works forwarded for examination this year was 44,474 from 303 schools of art and branch schools throughout the United Kingdom, 28,592 from 266 science schools, and 11,406 from 429 art classes. Of the total number 6,902 were entered for national competition, and to the more successful exhibitors of these have been awarded 12 gold medals, 127 silver medals, 358 bronze medals, and 741 book prizes. Students in Birmingham and the Midlands have carried off a large number of these awards, and in many instances have secured also the expression of a favourable opinion concerning their productions from the distinguished artists who acted as judges.
Geraldine Morris, of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art, has gained one of the twelve gold medals for a series of six tasteful designs for stained glass windows, as well as a bronze medal for a Christmas card design, which Mr. Walter Crane and Mr. Erat Harrison describe " as charming in conception and tastefully rendered," adding that it would certainly have received a higher award had the figure drawing been stronger. To this student has been awarded also the "Princess of Wales's Scholarship" of L25.

National Competition of Art Schools and Classes 1901
J. Olivier Eyre
The Artist: An Illustrated Monthly Record of Arts, Crafts and Industries (American Edition)
Vol. 31, No. 262 (Nov., 1901), pp. 65-83
. . . . . Geraldine Morris of Birmingham School of Art, has produced designs for stained glass Windows, showing familiarity with the most eligible methods of technical treatment. The composition, illustrating an incident in the story of Hylas is handled in a dignified yet graceful manner deserving the highest commendation.
Ref: pages 65 & 71
Geraldine's work is in the Art Nouveau genre of the time.

Julius Jottings No 6 Jun 1902.
It is with great pleasure that we have to announce that the authorities at the South Kensington Museum in London, have purchased two of the drawings, for which Miss Geraldine Morris gained such distinction last year.

Julius Jottings No 7 April 1902
Miss Katie Julius and Miss Geraldine Morris have left England on a trip to Northern Italy, where they are visiting the picture galleries of Milan, Florence and Venice. They expect to return home shortly before Easter.

Julius Jottings No 7 April 1902
March 15, 1902.
Dear Mr Editor,
After the delightful time Aunt Katie and I have been having for the last three weeks, I feel I owe it to my numerous relatives to give them some account of our adventures. In such a travelled family as the Julius is and their branches, an account of the first part would be dull in extreme only reminding them of similar times.
Let me then commence with our first stopping place, Pisa. After living the greater part of three days in the train the little town came as a pleasant sight to weary travellers especially as one gets a good view of it from the train, before one enters the station. A low lying flat little town which only serves to show off the most remarkable group of buildings in northern Italy. After the cathedral we explored the Campo Santo (a great lawn of soil from Jerusalem), and thought I have seen several since that, the first I ever saw, has never been equalled. Surrounded by quiet cloisters, which are covered with faded frescoes by world famed men the sunny green centre is covered with daffodils, and it is the essence of peace and quietness. Of course like all good tourists we climbed the leaning Tower. A remarkably easy ascent, by the way, and the view is well worth the trouble. The curious part is that all the horizon and houses indeed the whole town, looks crooked, as one cannot realise that oneself and the pillars, through which one looks are not straight; also in going up we found it difficult to keep from falling against the wall at certain parts, really of course where the incline was greatest.
After Pisa we came on to Florence, and have spent the most delightful fortnight there it is possible to have had. In that time we became thoroughly acquainted with the more important ways, sites and excursions there are, chiefly, I think because we set to work in a very methodical way. Of course I could not write, and you would not read one half of the things we have seen there, but one or two things have impressed us more than anything else. One of these is Savonarola's Convent, St Marks. It is now suppressed and called a museum, but the greater part is left intact. We wandered into the sunny cloisters, cloisters always seem to be sunny, and over the doors are exquisite muettes painted on the walls by Fra Angelico. But upstairs is what we liked best. In each little bare whitewashed cell is an exquisite picture painted by Fra Angelico for the pleasure and benefit of the inmate just as he painted it so many years ago, it still shines out in its beauty on the bare whitewashed wall, without any frame or setting; it is there now for the benefit of thousands instead of one they are different subjects from the new Testament and lead on to Savonarola's own cell. There the frescoes are by Bartolomeo, and there also is the crucifix carried by the Fra on the day of his martyrdom, his rosary and other relics.
In the afternoon we generally made excursions outside the town. One of the nicest was up to Fiesole, which lies on the hills surrounding the North of Florence. We followed our own sweet will and wandered about the hills for a long time, always trying to get round to the front so as to get a good view of Florence; we climbed higher and higher, and at least our efforts were rewarded by arriving at the very top, where we could sit down and enjoy the magnificent view at our ease.
A large cross has been put up there, and under fisted reward is offered to those energetic enough to climb up and kiss it, 300 days indulgence; I wonder there is not a never ceasing stream of Pilgrim, 300 days is a good long time in which to enjoy oneself. Another day we went to San Miniato, a church on the southern hills, which also obtains a great view of Florence; and in there is a crucifix supposed to be the one which bowed his head and kissed the "Merciful Knight" (John Inglesant - St Gualberto), whoever he was, who, when his enemy was at his mercy, forgave him and let him go free.
There are also the remains of the mighty fortifications for Michael Angelo threw up in the last struggles of Florence; and just below is his Piazza, where a bronze cast of his magnificent David is placed, in such a position that he can be seen from the greater part of the city. Of course so many of the churches here are very interesting; we could always tell those most frequented by the number of beggars at the door. All the poorer population of Italy seem to think it is the proper thing to go a begging. Able-bodied men and women put out great hands, beseeching a copper, one, evidently on her way shopping, stopped us to ask for some money, and even the little children will leave off their play, put on a doleful wine, and run up to see what they can get. Although one admires the life of St Francis, one cannot thank him for certainly increasing the number of beggars.
We admired the costume of the poorer and rougher class of men very much. Many of them had such pretty red overcoats, richly trimmed with some sort of fur, worn with such an air of distinction, and even the beggars wear cloaks, put on so gracefully, just thrown over their shoulders, and never seem to slip down. Another rather amusing thing we noticed is the love of the nation for their umbrellas, it rained one day when we were in the train, and we saw men ploughing, walking beside their horses with umbrellas up, driving pigs to market, shielding their very shabby clothes with large gamps. I believe they use them a great deal as parasols, and one day we saw a nice fat old monk, with shaven crown bare feet, rosary, a Carmelite habit, marching along holding up a large green umbrella, it was a comical site. As it was Lent a great many services were going on. We did not at first like to walk round the church during the charting, but they don't mind at all, and sometimes a crowd of tourists, conducted by a loud voice to guide, is escorted around; nobody thinks anything of. It would be peculiar if things went on like that at home; one can imagine the angry verger and the horror struck parson.
We saw Dante's house, a mean unpretentious building compared with the modern shops and palatial tearooms surrounding it on every side. Over the door is a simple inscription announcing that the "divinist of poets" once lived there. It is pathetic to see the statues and busts put up everywhere to the memory of Dante; in the square of Santa Croce, looking on to the city he loved, is his gigantic figure, crowned with laurel, heaped with every honour, which they now give him now in abundance, but alas too late.
One of the most striking features of Florence is the way they manage their funerals. Anyone unprepared might be quite frightened; we were prepared, and on the lookout. A certain brotherhood called the Misericordia or "Brothers of Pity" have for centuries undertaken this work of charity. They go and fetch the bodies of the dead and take them away and bury them. They march along in companies of about 12, wearing black dress's, and hoods right over their faces with large eyeholes, anything more ghastly cannot be imagined; they carry the coffin between them, going along at a swinging pace preceded by a priest. One day we saw them in white over their black, which made them all the more striking, and through the bright busy crowded thoroughfares, now in the road now on the foot paths they wend their way, and no one turns to look at them or seems in any way impressed. In cases of accident they are sent for, and seemed to take their place not only of undertakers but ambulances, if not hospitals, in one.
We were very sorry to say goodbye to Florence, but the joys of Venice are consoling.
I remain, Dear Mr Editor,
Yours truly,
Geraldine Morris.

Hopkins to Morris.
The marriage of Mr Arthur Ernest Hopkins, of Wallage, Chesterfield, and Geraldine, daughter of the late Rev Ambrose Morris and Mrs Morris, of Abbey Hill Lodge, Kenilworth, was celebrated at the St Nicholas Parish Church Kenilworth, on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev J Cairns officiating. The bride, who was attired in a white satin silk embroidered dress and wore her mother's bridal veil of beautiful Honiton lace, was attended by Miss Bresdin and Miss Palmer. The bridesmaids wore white dresses draped with rose coloured scarfs. The bride was given away by her brother, the Rev AJ Morris; and Dr Sharp (London) acted as the groom's best man. After the reception at Abbey Hill Lodge, the bridal couple left for Rowsley, Derbyshire, where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride has won a reputation in artwork having exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1911. She is particularly clever in stained glass work, and has designed and executed 3 stained glass windows for churches. The bridegroom is the County Court Registrar at Chesterfield of which town he has been Mayor.
Ref: Leamington Spa Courier 7 June 1912.

1939 Register
Geraldine S Morris
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Birth Date: 3 Jul 1881
Residence Year: 1939
Residence Place: Hornsey, Middlesex, England
Occupation: Private Means
Schedule Number: 239
Sub Schedule Number: 1
Enumeration District: BMEU
Registration district: 132/1

Hopkins Geraldine of Ashfield 1 Charlotte Street Leamington Spa widow died 20 August 1947. Probate London 24 December to Alfred Julius Stevens Jack Clifford Thomas and John Osmond Julius Stevens solicitor's. Effects L10588 14s 10d
Ref: National Probate Calendar.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, St Thomas's Rectory Charlton LND. Geraldine is recorded as a daughter aged 9 born Charlton LON

2. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Wythall Vicharage Kings Norton Worcestershire. Geraldine is described as Gertrude a daughter aged 19 an art student born Old Charlton Lane Kent?


Geraldine married Arthur Ernest HOPKINS [1123] [MRIN: 355], son of William HOPKINS [15666] and Sylvia Elizabeth SIDNEY [22756], on 4 Jun 1912 in St Nicholas Kenilworth. (Arthur Ernest HOPKINS [1123] was born on 26 Aug 1855 in Uppingham Rutland and died on 11 Apr 1925 in Matlock Derbyshire.)

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