The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Col. Samuel MORRIS [14158]
(Abt 1727-Cir 1785)
Ursula DENNY [14172]
(Cir 1740-)
Col. Arthur MORRIS of Ballylongford [14153]
UNKNOWN [33697]
Rev Ambrose MORRIS [1115]


Family Links

1. Ellen Georgina JULIUS [1036]

Rev Ambrose MORRIS [1115]

  • Born: 26 Jun 1834, co Kerry Ireland
  • Marriage (1): Ellen Georgina JULIUS [1036] on 1 Jan 1873 in Farnham SRY
  • Died: 12 Feb 1908, Lichfield, STS aged 73

bullet  General Notes:

Morris Ambrose Wythall Vicarage Alve-church Worcester; Deacon 1866 Manchester; Priest 1867 Winchester; Vicar of Withall Diocese of Worcester 1892; (Patron Vicar of Kings Norton; gross income L300 and house; population 1100). Formerly Curate of Rotherhithe 1867-71; All Saints Langham Place Marylebone 1871-72; Incumbant St James Guernsey, 1872-77; Rector of St Thomas Old Charlton Woolwich 1877-92.
Crockford's Clerical Directory 1898.

Rev. Ambrose Morris came in Deacon's Orders, November 25, 1866, to Rotherhithe (as curate); he had been ordained deacon in the diocese of Manchester by Bishop Prince Lee, February 1866, and he was permitted to migrate to the diocese of Winchester on account of the death of his incumbent. He was admitted to the priesthood by Bishop Sumner, of Winchester, at the Christmas Ordination of 1867, on the title given to him by the new rector, Mr Beck. He continued as curate of Rotherhithe until 1871, when he became curate of All Souls', Langham Place, St Marylebone.
From 1872 to he was incumbent of St James', in the Island of Guernsey, and from to rector of St Thomas', Old Charlton, in Kent. Since 1892 Mr Morris has been vicar of Wythall, near Alvechurch, in the diocese of Worcester.
There are still many in Rotherhithe who remember with gratitude his kind friendship and diligent ministrations. He married the daughter (actually niece) of the Rev. Churchill Julius, who is now the Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand.
Mr Morris has a son in holy orders, the Rev. Arthur Julius Morris. He was a scholar of University College, Oxford, and after serving the curacy of Hclston, in Cornwall and that of St Matthew's, Fulham he is now curate of St John's, Whetstone, in the London diocese.
Ref: Memorials to Serve for a History of the Parish of St. Mary, Rotherhithe

In 1890 Ambrose left the city for village life, appointed vicar of St Mary Wythall WOR where he remained until he retired to Lingfield Surrey.
Ref: Old Julius.

Ambrose Morris
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1834
Registration Year: 1908
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Age at Death: 74
Registration District: GodstoneInferred County: Surrey
Volume: 2a
Page: 175

13 Mar 1908 Morris the Reverent Ambrose of Birchacre Lingfield Surrey clerk died 12 February 1908 Probate London to Ellen Georgina Morris widow Alfred Julius Stevens solicitor and Herbert Francis Parker physician. Effects L14374 16s 10d
Ref: National Probate Calendar.

bullet  Research Notes:

Families of co Kerry.
Col. Arthur Morris had a youngest son, Mr. F. W. Ambrose Morris who passed away in Litchfield, England a few years prior to 1910. Col. Morris was the youngest son of Col. Samuel Morris, of Lizelton House, who had three sons - Sam who lived at Ballybeggan Castle, Tralee; Arthur at Ballylongford: and George who was a distinguished officer of the rank of Colonel, with service in the West Indies 1795 - 1801. His brother Sam, lived in Ballybeggan Castle, Tralee.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, St Thomas's Rectory Charlton LND. Ambrose is recorded a head of house married aged 43 Rector of St Thomas Charlton born Ireland

2. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, St Thomas's Rectory Charlton LND. Ambrose is recorded as head of house married aged 54 a Clerk in Holy Orders born Ireland.

3. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Wythall Vicharage Kings Norton Worcestershire. Ambrose is described as head of house married aged 64 a Church of England clergyman born in Ireland

4. Ambrose Morris: Will, 23 Jul 1906.
I AMBROSE MORRIS of Wythall Vicarage in the county of Worcester Clerk in Holy Orders hereby declare this to be my last will whereby I revoke all former wills by me made
I appoint my wife Ellen Georgina Alfred Julius Stevens of Farnham in the county of Surrey Solicitor and Herbert Francis Parker of Hookliffe near Guildford Physician to be EXECUTRIX and EXECUTORS and TRUSTEES hereof
I give to my said wife two hundred pounds payable forthwith after my death and also all my furniture plate (except as hereinafter mentioned) pictures books linen and generally the contents of my house except money and securities for money and I desire her (but without imposing any trust) to dispose of part thereof in accordance with any written memorandum which I may leave with my will or papers I give the whole of my estate real and personal except as aforesaid unto my trustees (Which word shall throughout these presents include the trustees hereby appointed and also the trustees or trustee for the time being hereof) to be held by them upon the trusts hereinafter declared that is to say As to my presentation plate of tea and coffee service on trust to allow my said wife to use the same during her life and after her death on trust to allow my eldest son Arthur Julius Morris to use the same during his life and on his death to hold the same in trust for his eldest son who shall attain the age of twenty one years absolutely and if there shall be no son of his capable of taking the same upon his death then upon trust to allow my next son Maynard Denny to use the same during his life in like manner with like remainder in all respects in favour of his eldest son who shall attain the age of twenty one years and so on with my remaining sons and their eldest sons successively according to seniority and if no son of mine shall die leaving male issue capable of taking hereunder then for my daughters and their eldest sons suocessively in like manner according to seniority as to the residue of my estate upon trust to sell and convert into cash all such parts thereof as shall not consist of cash at such times and in such manner as they shall think fit and so that they shall have the fullest power to postpone such sale and conversion during such period as they shall think proper without, being responsible for any loss and to invest the prooeeds of such sale and conversion in manner hereinafter authorised and to pay the whole income of such investments unto my said wife during her life and from and after her death as to the sum of three thousand pounds upon trust to pay the income thereof unto my daughter Geraldine Morris during her life but so that she shall not have power to deprive herself of the same or any part thereof by way of anticipation during coverture and after her death to pay the income thereof unto any husband of hers who may survive her during his life and after the death of the survivor of my said daughter and her said husband if any then upon trust to pay the said sum of three thousand pounds unto such one or more of the children of my said daughter Geraldine Morris in such shares upon such terms and generally in such manner as my said daughter shall by any deed revocable or irrevocable or by her will or any codicil thereto appoint and if no such appointment shall have been made by my said daughter then for all and the children of my said daughter Geraldine Morris Who being a son shall attain the age of twentyone years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry in equal shares as tenants in common and I direct my trustees to hold two further seperate sums of two thousand pounds each upon trusts in favour of my daughters Ethel Constance Morris and Margaret Emily Morris and their respective husbands and children if any exactly similar mutatis mutandi to the trusts hereinbefore declared in respect of the said sum of three thousand Pounds I direct my trustees to hold a sum of five hundred pounds upon trust to pay the income thereof to my said son Arthur Julius Morris during his life or until some event shall have happened or shall happen whereby the same income or any part thereof if belonging absolutely to him would become vested in or charged in favour of some other person persons or a corporation but so nevertheless that my trustees shall not be liable or responsible for paying the said income to my said son Arthur Julius Morris after the failure or determination during his life of the trust hereinbefore contained in his-favour unless and until my trustees shall have received express notice of some such act or event as aforesaid and in the event of the failure or determination during the life of my said son Arthur Julius Morris of the trust lastly hereinbefore declared in his favour shall during the remainder of his life pay or apply all or any part of the said income unto or for the personal support or benefit of my said son Arthur Julius Morris and his wife and issue if any for the time being in existence and the persons or person for the time being interested in the said trust premises under the ulterior trust hereinafter declared or any of such respective objects of the present discretionary trust or any of such respective objects of the present discretionary trust to the exclusion of the others or other of them in such shares and manner as my trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion think proper and subject to such discretionary trust or power shall hold the said income upon the trusts upon which the same would for the time being be held if my said son Arthur Julius Morris were then dead and after the death of my said son Arthur Julius Morris I direct my trustees to pay the income of the said sum of five hundred pounds unto any widow of his during her life and from and after the death of the survivor of my said son and his widow if any to hold the said sum of five hundred pounds in trust for all or such one or more exclusively of the others or other of the children of my said son Arthur Julius Morris in such shares upon such terms and generally in such manner as he shall by any deed revocable or irrevocable or by his will or any codicil thereto appoint and in default of and subject to such appointment in trust for all the children of my said son Arthur Julius Morris who being sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters shall attain that age or marry in equal shares as tenants in common I direct my trustees to set apart three sums of one thousand pounds each and hold the same upon trusts for the benefit of my three sons Maynard Denny Morris Richard Gordon Morris and Cecil White Morris and their respective wives and children exactly similar mutatis mutandis to those hereinbefore declared in respect of the sum of five hundred pounds hereinbefore settled in favour of my said son Arthur Julius Morris And as to the whole residue of my estate including any money which may be in the hands of my trustees owing to the failure of any of the aforesaid trusts I direct that on the death of my said wife or the determination of such trust as the case may be the same shall be added in equal but not proportional shares by way of accretion to each of the respective sums of five hundred pounds three thousand pounds two thousand pounds two thousand pounds one thousand pounds one thousand pounds and one thousand pounds hereinbefore given for the benefit of my seven Children aforesaid or such of the same sums or funds as are still capable of being administered under the bequest and trusts hereinbefore contained And I direct that the word "child" or "children" shall throughout these presents where possible be construed to include the issue of any child or grandchild of mine who may die before the actual vesting in him or her of any property to which he or she may have been presumptively entitledunder this my will so that such issue shall in all cases take equally per stirpes the share or interest in my estate which the parent of such issue would have acquired but for such previous death as aforesaid I declare that my trustees may at their discretion apply all or any part of the income of the the share to which any minor shall be entitled in expectancy and would if of full age be entitled in possession under the trusts hereinbefore contained for his or her maintenance education or benefit in such manner as may be thought fit and shall invest the surplus income if any thereof in any manner hereinafter authorised in augmentation of the capital of such share I authorise my trustees after the death of my said wife or any other tenant for life as the case may be to raise any part or parts not exceeding in the whole one half of the then expectant presumptive or vested share of any child or further issue of mine in the said trust premises and to pay or apply the same for the advancement education or benefit of such child or issue as the case may be so that such consent if given by any daughter of mine shall not be construed as an anticipation of any part of her share under these presents and I declare that any share appointed to a child under the powers of appointment hereinbefore contained shall in default.of appointment to the contrary be brought into hotchpot by such child in the division of the unappointed part of the said trust premises And I declare that for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions as to hotchpot and advancement herein contained the said trust premises or any part or parts thereof or any interest therein which may be appointed as aforesaid shall as far as may be necessary be valued in such manner and at such times as my trustees shall think fit and such valuation shall be conclusive And I declare that all capital moneys in the hands of my trustees from time to time under the trusts hereof may be invested In any manner authorised to trustees by law from time to time and also in purchase of freehold property in England let on building leases at less than a rack rent and in mortgage of an estate for life or any limited period in any settled property if accompanied by a sufficient Insurance Policy securing the repayment of such mortgage at the determination of such
estate I empower my trustees to manage repair insure demise for any term of years or tenancy and at any rent and accept surrenders and deal and arrange with tenants of any real or leasehold hereditament. hereinbefore given in trust for sale until the same shall be sold with the same uncontrolled discretion as if my trustees were absolute beneficial owners I empower my trustees at their absolute discretion to retain any part of my estate in such form as it may be at my death whether or not such form shall be authorised by the investment clause hereinbefore contained I empower my trustees to exercise in relation to all or any hereditament of whatever tenure for the time being held on the trusts hereof or any undivided share or shares thereof all such powers of leasing and other powers of every description which maybe applicable thereto as are conferred upon tenants for life by the Settled Land Acts 1882 to 1890 so that all the provisions of the said Acts shall be deemed to be incorporated herein subject to the provision herein contained so far as the provisions of the said Acts are enlarged thereby I authorise my trustees in substitution for the power conferred by the 4th section of the Land Transfer Act 1897 at any time or times to appropriate any part of my estate in its then actual condition or state of investment in satisfaction of any legacy or share in the trust premises with power for that purpose to determine conclusively the value thereof in such manner as they may think fit I authorise my trustees to determine whether any monies are to be considered as capital or income and how valuations are to be made or value determined for the purpose of any case of hotchpot satisfaction allotment or appropriation or otherwise and to apportion blended trust funds and determine all matters of doubt arising in the execution of the trusts of this my will so that every such determination whether made upon a question actually raised or implied in the acts or proceedings of my trustees shall be conclusive and binding on all persons interested under this my will I declare that the power of appointing new trustees of this my will shall be vested in my said wife during her life I declare that my trustees may appoint and pay a solicitor or any other agent to transact all the business of the trust and that any solicitor land agent accountant or other professional person who may be a trustee hereof at any time may receive the usual professional charges for all work which he may do in relation to my estate whether such work could have been done by a nonprofessional trustee or not
IN WITNESS whereof I have to this my will contained in this and the five preceding sheets of paper hereunder set my hand this twenty third day of July one thousand nine hundred and six
SIGNED by the said Ambrose Morris as and for his last will in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
ANNIE HARRIS Wythall Vicarage Domestic Servant
ON the 13th day of March 1908 Probate of this will was granted to Ellen Georgina Morris Alfred Julius Stevens and Herbert Francis Parker the executors


Ambrose married Ellen Georgina JULIUS [1036] [MRIN: 353], daughter of Rev Henry Richard JULIUS M.A. [776] and Mary Ann BUTTERWORTH [1031], on 1 Jan 1873 in Farnham SRY. (Ellen Georgina JULIUS [1036] was born on 17 Sep 1848 in Wrecclesham Church Farnham SRY, died on 27 Feb 1941 in Ashfield Leamington Spa WAR and was buried in Leamington Cemetery WAR.)

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