The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Thomasine GOOCH [6521]


Family Links

1. William BROOKE [6520]

Thomasine GOOCH [6521]

  • Marriage (1): William BROOKE [6520] about 1642 in Norwich
  • Died: 1676

bullet  General Notes:

In the name of God Amen. The one and twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy and six I Thomasina Brooke of the City of Norwich widow being weak in body but having my mind and memory perfect and [vushaben / bushon God ???] [usually "blessed of God" is a term used here] Do therefore revoke and make void all other wills by me formerly made and doe hereby make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) first and principally I surrender my soul unto God my Creator Jesus Christ my Redeemer and the Holy Ghost my Sanctifier steadfastly believing to receive the blessed Inheritance of Gods Elect children through the only merits of Christs death and passion My body I commit to the Earth to be buried in Christian burial And touching such worldly estate as the Lord of his goodness hath bestowed upon me in this life I do will give devise and bequeath the same in manner and form following that is to say I do will give and devise Unto my Loving son Jeremy Brooke All that my Capital messuage wherein I lately dwelt together in and the Messuages yards gardens and orchards with their and any of their appurtenances And all other my messuages tenements yards Gardens and orchards with their and any of their appurtenances whether situate lying and being in the parish of St Swithins in the parish of St Benedict or one of them in the said City of Norwich to have and to hold the said messuages, tenements yards gardens and premises with their and any of their appurtenances immediately from and after my decease unto the said Jeremy Brooke my son his heirs and assignees forever. Item whereas one John Brooke my late father dowaged did in and by his last will and testament give unto my Brother John Brooke an Annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds to be paid to him during his natural life And whereas one William Brooke my husband late dowaged did in and by his last will and testament give unto my said brother John Brooke an Annuity or yearly sum of twelve pounds to be paid unto him during his natural life My will therefore is that my said son Jeremy Brooke his heirs assignees and all or some of them do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Brooke yearly and every year during his natural life the said sum of twenty pounds and the said sum of twelve pounds at such times days and places and in such sort manner and form as in and by the said wills of the said John Brooke and William Brooke is limited and appointed to be paid and my will and desire is that my said son Jeremy Brooke shall enter a bond in the penalty of two hundred [ "pounds" is left out] to the said John Brooke my brother for the payment of the said accordingly And my will and mind is that my son Jeremy Brooke shall take the full care and charge of my grand child William Alston for his education and maintenance until he shall have attained unto his age of fourteen years if William Alston father of the said William Alston shall for long live and if the said William Alston my son shall be dead before my grand child William Alston shall have attained his age of fourteen years that I do give unto my said grand child Wm Alston when he shall have attained unto his said age of fourteen years the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him by my said son Jeremy Brooke in or at the [Gayte alle] [ is this the name of a site in Norwich?] porch of the City of Norwich but if my said son William Alston shall be living at the time that my said grand child shall have attained unto his said age of fourteen years then I do will that my said son Jeremy Brooke shall pay unto my said grandchild William Alston when he shall have attained the said age of fourteen years the sum of one hundred pounds for the putting him out on apprentice for the time and the term of seven years and if my said son Wm Alston shall be living when my said grand child William Alston have attained unto his age of one and twenty years then my will is and I doe bequeath unto my said grand child William Alston the sum of twenty pounds a year to be paid him by my said son Jeremy Brooke half yearly from and after he shall have attained unto his age of one and twenty years until the day of the death of the said William Alston my son or the day of marriage of the said William Alston my grand child which shall first and next happen after my decease and my will is that my said son Jeremy Brooke shall enter a bond to the said William Alston my grand child in the penalty of two hundred pounds for the performance of this my bequest to give Item I do give and bequeath unto my grand child John Alston the son of my daughter Thomasine Alston the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England when he shall have attained unto his age of fourteen years Item I do give and bequest unto my grand childe Thomasine Alston the daughter of the said Thomasine Alston my daughter the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England when she shall have attained unto her age of fourteen years both which last mentioned legacies to be paid by my said son Jeremy Brooke But my will and mind is that if the said William John and Thomasine Alston my grandchildren shall die and depart this life before they shall have attained unto their respective ages of fourteen years then the legacy or bequest of him or her or them for dyeing shall cease and be void And my will is that my said son Jeremy Brooke shall enter a bond to the said John and Thomasine Alston for the payment of the said fifty pounds a piece to them according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will And I give and bequeath unto my son Dr. Robert Pepper my silver box with fifty gold counters there in contained or thereunto belonging to be delivered unto him by my executor hereinafter named within ten days next after my decease
Item I do give unto my son Mr. Robert Watts my silver basin to be delivered unto him by my executor hereinafter named within ten days next after my decease And my desire is that my said son Robert Watts will at his decease give the said silver basin to my grand childe Henry Watts if he shall then be living
I do give unto my daughter Mary Brooke the wife of my son Jeremy Brooke my knot of pearls with the diamond locket thereunto affixed to be delivered unto her by my executor within ten days after my decease
I give and bequeath to my daughter Rose Watts my great jewel set with diamonds with the gold chain thereunto belonging and in which jewel is contained the pictures of King Charles the first ?? of the Kings Mother that now is and of Henry late Prince of Wales to be delivered unto her within ten days next after my decease
I do give and bequeath unto my said daughter Rose Watts two large silver flagons and suite of Damask linen to be delivered to her by my executors within ten days next after my decease
I do give and bequeath unto my grand childe Thomasine Pepper daughter of my daughter Mary Pepper my gold bracelet and one suite of my fine Damask linen to be to be delivered to my son Dr Pepper her father for her use within ten days next after my decease
I do give unto my grand child Wm Alston one of my silver tankards and my greatest diamond ring with one stone together with a gold whistle and a gold chain.
I do give unto my grand child John Alston one other of my silver tankards and one diamond ring set with several diamonds
I give and bequeath unto five of my grand children Mary Brooke Thomasine Brooke Thomasine Pepper Henry Watts and Robert Watts for each of you four pieces of my special Royal Gold to be delivered to your fathers for you within ten days after my decease
I do give unto my loving brother in law Mr. Alderman Watts and my sister his wife and to my loving brother in law Mr. [ Harsead /Harfead ?] and to my loving sister in law his wife to each of them one piece [ "twenty shillings " crossed out ] of my old gold to be delivered by my executor within ten days next after my decease
I do give and bequeath unto my loving friend Miss Elizabeth Chamberlain a piece ["twenty shillings" crossed out ] of my old gold
I do give unto my loving friends Mr. Alderman Woods Mr. Alderman Briggs Mr. Alderman [ Wesse ? ] Mr. Alderman Thacher and Mr. Alderman [ Bendish ?] to each of them a piece ["twenty shillings" crossed out ] of my old gold to buy them rings
I do give to my loving kinsman John Norris Esq William Watts Esq. One Jeremy Norris Mr. Anthony Norris Mr. Robert Osborne grocer and to my loving nieces Miss Sibilla Jenney Miss Hannah Gooch Miss Elizabeth Gooch and Miss Joan Chacker to any of them a mourning ring
I give unto my brother Mr. John Brooke twenty shillings
I give unto my sister Gooch a mourning ring Item I do give unto my loving kinsman William Watts Esq three pounds and to his son William Watts forty shillings to be paid to them by my executor within three months next after my decease
I give to Mrs. Mary Blomefield the wife of Mr. Isaac Blomefield the sum of five pounds
I give and bequeath unto my late servant Frances Norgate the wife of Henry Norgate twenty shillings
I do give unto Martha [Laweford Laceford ?] widow twenty shillings
I do give to the poor of St Swithins parish in Norwich three pounds and to the poor of St Benedicts forty shillings And to the poor of St Margarets forty shillings and to the poor of St Lawrence twenty shillings And to the poor of Heigham near Norwich twenty shillings f THE ALSTONS OF BEDFORDSHIRE g
I do give unto my son Jeremy Brooke whom I do make sole executor of this my last will and testament All my household stuff jewels rings plate mortgages bills bonds and goods and chattels all other my personal estate whatsoever except what is by me herein before given and bequested hereby requesting him to pay my debts and to perform this my last will and testament
I give unto the wife of my kinsman John Norris Esq my black velvet mantles And my will and mind is and I do give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Thomasine Alston the daughter of my said daughter Thomasine Alston one little trunk now in my closet and all the things in my said trunk contained And my will and mind is that the silver tankard and the greatest diamond ring with one stone together with the gold whistle and a gold chain before in this my will by me given to the said Wm Alston my grand child And my silver tankard and one diamond ring set in the jewel stones before in this my will by me given to the said John Alston my grand child And my said little trunk and all the things therein contained before in this my will given to the said Thomasine Alston my grand child shall be by my said executor within ten days next after my decease delivered unto my loving son Dr Robert Pepper to be by him kept until my said grand children William John and Thomasine Alston shall have attained unto their respective ages of one and twenty years but if the said William Alston shall die before he shall attain his full age of one and twenty years living the said John Alston then I give the said Tankard Diamond ring whistle and chain to the said John Alston to be delivered unto him at the age of one and twenty years And if the said William and John Alston shall die before they shall attain unto their respective ages of one and twenty years living the said Thomasine Alston then I do give the silver tankard Diamond ring gold whistle and chain formerly given to the said Wm Alston and the silver tankard and diamond ring so by me given to the said Wm & John Alston unto the said Thomasine Alston to be delivered to her at the full age of one and twenty years And if the said Thomasine Alston shall die ["before I shall dye" crossed out] before she shall attain unto her age of one and twenty years living the said Wm Alston her brother then I do give unto the said Wm Alston her brother the said trunk and all the things therein contained so by me formerly given to the said Thomasine to be delivered to him the said Wm at his age of one and twenty years And if the said John Alston shall die before he shall attain to his age of one and twenty years living the said William then I do give the said William Alston the said tankard and rings formerly given to the said John to be delivered to the said Wm when he shall have attained unto his age of one and twenty years And if the said William and Thomasine Alston shall die before they shall attain unto their respective ages of one and twenty years living the said John Alston and then I give the said tankard Diamond and gold whistle and chain and the said trunk and all the things therein contained unto the said John Alston my grand child to be delivered to him at his age of one and twenty years but if the said Wm John and Thomasine Alston shall all of you die before you have attained unto and accomplished your said Ages of one and twenty years Then I do give the said tankard diamond ring gold whistle and chain and the said tankard and diamond ring with jewel stones And the said trunk and all the things therein contained unto the said Jeremy Brooke my son executor his heirs and assignees to be delivered to him or her within one week next after the death of the said William John and Thomasine Alston In witness whereof I the said Thomasine Brooke to this my last will and testament written on three sheets of paper have set my hand to anyone of you and at the top of the first of them have affixed my seal and to this last sheet have fixed my seal the day and year first above with it Probated published and declared by the said testatrix to be her last will and testament in the [present ??] signature Thonnsen/ Thannsen / Thonnsle Brooke / [written "Brok and overwritten with ooe ] witness Jame Chacker / Joane Chacker /Jeane Chacker witness Fran Wise [plus squiggles] witness Edw Goodwyn
Transcribed by Susan Perrett


Thomasine married William BROOKE [6520] [MRIN: 2181], son of John BROOKE [15895] and Sibil SILVER [15896], about 1642 in Norwich. (William BROOKE [6520] was born about 1609 and died in 1659.)

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