The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
ALSTON Timeline 14th C [5990]
File [26962]
ALSTON Time Line 15thC [5993]
File [26964]
Thomas ALSTON of Sudbury [433]


Family Links

1. Isabel [5943]

Thomas ALSTON of Sudbury [433]

  • Marriage (1): Isabel [5943]
  • Died: 1469

bullet  General Notes:

In the name of God Amen.
On the 30th of August 1469 I, Thomas Alston of Sudbury in the Diocese of Norwich
being in full possession of my faculties, make my will in this manner.
First I bequeath and commend my soul to Almighty God, to the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Gregory of Sudbury, close to the grave of my wife Isabel.
Item I will that all debts which I owe in any wise soever shall be entirely paid . . . . . . ? and principal.
Item I bequeath to the high altar of the church of St. Peter in recompense of my tithes and dues in any way withdrawn or negligently omitted by me, 13s 4d.
Item I give and bequeath to the convent of Friars of the Sudbury house, for repairing the back wall, in order that they may celebrate for the soul of me, Thomas Alston, and Isabel my wife, four trentals of St. Gregory as soon as possible after my decease, 40s.
Item I bequeath to the convent of Friars of the house of Clare, in order that they may celebrate among them two trentals for the souls of myself and my wife, 20s as soon as may be.
Item I give and bequeath to Isabel my wife my capital messuage with its appurtenances and a tenement with a certain piece of land adjoining, formerly belonging to John Suffeld, gent., lying in Sudbury aforesaid, to have and to hold to the aforesaid Isabel my wife, her heirs and assigns for ever under the following condition, to wit that the said Isabel, my wife, shall pay to George Prentys and JOHN ALSTON, my executors or their assigns ten marks of the current money of England within five years next after my decease, to wit, every year of the said five years, 20s 6s. 8d
Item I give and bequeath to the said Isabel my wife eight (seed baskets) of malt or four marks instead of the said malt; and the remainder of my malt there shall remain to my executors, to be sold and disposed of for the benefit of my soul.
Item I give and bequeath to my said wife my best girdle with silver ornaments.
Item I give and bequeath to Amy, wife of Ada Moralbutes one charger, three platters, three dishes and three saucers of tin, and a brass bowl containing two pints.
Item I give and bequeath to Isabel at Hoo of Melford a tenement with its appurtenances in Melford called Hame Hamundes Crycbe? to her heirs and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath to Isabel, daughter of John Salter deceased, a tenement with its appurtenances in Sudbury lying next the messuage of Thomas Herbert, to have and to hold to the said Isabella Salter her heirs and assigns for ever
Item I give and bequeath to the said Isabel Salter one charger, three platters, three dishes and three saucers of tin.
Item I give and bequeath to the six sons of JOHN ALSTON 40d apiece
Item I give and bequeath to WILLIAM ALSTON, brother of the said THOMAS ALSTON, 6s. 8d.
Item I give and bequeath towards the repairs of Otton Belchamp church 40d in order that the parishioners may pray for my soul.
Item I give and bequeath to the repairs of the church of Cornard Magna, 40d that the parishioners may pray for my soul.
Item I bequeath and give to the Guild of St. George of Sudbury a brass bowl at the discretion and good will of Isabel my wife.
Item I will that my executors shall find a secular priest to celebrate divine service in the said church of St. Peter for an entire year, for the souls of myself and my wife Isabel, and of others for whom I am bound, taking for his wages the ten marks my wife will pay as abovesaid.
Item I give and bequeath to John Alston my best " Baslard (dagger) " with silver ornaments.
Item I give and bequeath to Isabel my wife all the utensils called houslements and ? furniture in my house not before bequeathed, to dispose of as she pleases.
Item I will that my executors on the day of my, obit shall distribute 40d among the most needy poor people; and 100s on the seventh day and 100s on the thirtieth day in like wise among the most needy poor folks.
Item I give and bequeath to the parish priest of the church of St. Peter 4s.
Item I will that the curate of the said church shall recommend the souls of myself and my wife in his Lord's day prayers every Sunday, and in his mass once a week without interruption during the ten years next after my death, and shall have 4s. for his pains every year of the said ten years.
Item I will that my executors shall arrange for exequies to be celebrated and held every year for twelve years immediately after my decease, for the souls of myself and my wife, and shall distribute to the amount of 20s among the most needy poor, as long as it may be conveniently done out of my goods, after the payment of my debts and legacies
I give and bequeath the residue of all my jewels not above bequeathed to my executors to pay my debts and to fulfil my bequests as above noted, and to do further as shall seem best to them to arrange for the salvation of my soul.
And of this my will I make, constitute and ordain the aforesaid Isabel my wife, George Prentys and JOHN ALSTON my executors execute it as above provided. And I bequeath to each of my executors aforesaid for his pains, beyond reasonable expense incurred or to be incurred 13s 4d.
Item I exhort andin God's name require all and singular my feoffees in the aforesaid
messuages lands and tenements, with all their appurtenances, to deliver their status therein conformably to the tenor of this my will, when duly required by my executors.
This my present will was made in the presence of John Risby, John Petbury, chaplains, and others, at Sudbury aforesaid in the diocese of Norwich the day and year above-written.

This present will was proved before the official of the Lord Archdeacon of Sudbury at Sudbury on the 25th day of Sept 1469 and administration of all and singular concerning the said testament was committed to the executors in the said will named, sworn in due form prescribed by law.
In witness whereof we have affixed the seal of our office to these presents, the place, day and year aforesaid.

This most interesting Will shews that the Alstons were substantial yeomen owning land in and around Sudbury upwards of a hundred years before the connected pedigree begins. I have, as yet, no evidence of the degree consanguinity in which the testator or the JOHN ALSTON and his six sons stood towards the early patriarchs of the pedigree but it is hardly rash to assume that one of JOHN's sons was a lineal ancestor.
The testator himself appears to have been childless.
Lionel Cresswell 1895


Thomas married Isabel [5943] [MRIN: 1977].

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