The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
CHANDLER [35179]
Judith CHANDLER [3428]


Family Links

1. Penning ALSTON [2675]

Judith CHANDLER [3428]

  • Marriage (1): Penning ALSTON [2675] before 3 Feb 1647/48
  • Buried: 18 May 1683, St Botholph Aldersgate City

bullet  General Notes:

ALSTON v. COLE & others.
Chancery Proceedings before 1714, Bridges 436/130.
Bill 28 March 1670, by Judeth Alston of London, widow of Penning Alston, late citizen and grocer of London, v. Joseph Alston, William Cole and Richard Chandler.
Oratrix's husband left an estate of inheritance in co. Suffolk to the value of L300 a year, and personalty to the amount of about L10,000, in which Oratrix is dowable. He left only one child, married since his death to Edmund Harrington Esq., though some evil disposed persons have circulated a report that she was married or at least contracted to one Edward Skinner, a person so disliked by Oratrix's husband, that he determined to invest his personal estate in the names of other persons, to settle as he chose by his last will.
He thereupon purchased land in Bucks. to the yearly value of L200, in 1660 (in Hambledon). His will is in part quoted.
His brothers, the said Sir Edward and Joseph Alston, and the defendants Cole and Chandler, were his trustees.
The said testator's daughter Sarah has since freed herself from the said Skinner by definitive sentence in the Court of Arches of the diocese of Canterbury, and shortly afterwards, viz. about 23 September last past a marriage was publicly solemnized in the Church of England, with the necessary consent of your Oratrix and the said Sir Edward Alston, between the said Sarah, and Edmund Harrington, Esq., son and heir apparent of Dame Katherine Alston (? Harrington).
The suit is brought for contingent legacies &c. &c. under the said Penning Alston's will.
The answers of defendants include an account of their expenses as executors.
Alstoniana Pg 178
Ref TNA C5/436/130.

Alston's Charity.
Judith Alston in 1687 gave to the Company 300L to pay:
To the vicar of St. Giles', Cripplegate, for the use of the poor L5.0.0
To the vicar of St. Andrew, Holborn L5.0.0
To the vicar of St. Mary, Whitechapel L5.0.0
The bonds stated by the Commissioners of Inquiry to have been given for these sums are probably not in existence, and if they were, would not, I apprehend, be available by the successive incumbents. No special investment exists in respect of the donation, but it forms a charge on the corporate funds.
The three sums of L5 per annum are paid to the three incumbents upon their several receipts.
From: 'Report on the Charities of the Merchant Taylors' Company', City of London Livery Companies Commission. Report; Volume 4 (1884), pp. 363-394. URL: Date accessed: 09 November 2009.


bullet  Other Records

1. Judith Chandler: Will, 1677-1678, London.
Dated 18th January 1677/78.
Widow of Penning Alston late citizen and grocer of London.
I desire to be buried within the Chancel of St. Buttolph, Aldersgate, London.
I give to the minister of St. Buttolph for preaching my funeral sermon L3 and to the poor of the parish L3 To the poor of Edmonton, co. Middlesex L5
I give the sum of L24 to buy 60 rings, value 8/- each to be given to 60 persons attending my funeral
I give rings value 20/- each to John Beresford, citizen and apothecary, Edward Atwood, citizen and painterstainer, James Gurdon Esq. and Joseph Girdler Esq. L4 to be spent in gloves for persons attending my funeral L5 for a coffin and L3 for velvet pall and Scouchens (sic)
To my cousin Richard Chandler 20/- for a ring
To Will. Jenkyn minister L5
To my daughter Sarah Harrington and her husband L15 each to buy mourning
I desire that my said daughter may have the use of my household goods at Edmonton and that she shall live in my house there- on her death my nephew James Littlepage to enjoy the same, and at his death the said goods to be sold.
My daughter Sarah to have use of my plate and household goods which are in London for her life and the interest of the money with remainder to any child or children of my said daughter on their reaching the age of 21-should she died without issue the goods to be sold and the money paid into the hands of John Beresford and Edward Attwood and applied to such Charitable uses as they think fit.
I appoint Edward Attwood sole executor and give him L10 for a legacy.
Signed: Judith Alston.
Witnesses Tho. Avis, Tho. Fox, Richard Greenaway.
Dated 17th April 1683
I give to Dr Edward Stillingfleete Minister of St Andrew's, Holborn-Doctor Edward Fowler, minister of St. Giles, Cripplegate Mr Will Paine, minister of St. Mary Matfellon (Whitechapel), the sum of L300 in trust for my kinsman James Littlepage who is now in certain remote parts beyond seas- the said sum to be held in trust for him, until he return and settle in England-my daughter Sarah Harrington in the meantime to recieve the interest of said sum of L300.
On the death of my daughter and kinsman, the respective ministers of above named churches each to recieve L100 the interest of said L100 to be spent in coal for the poor of said parishes.
I give to each of the ministeres of said churches at the time of my death 20/- each for rings.
Signed: Judith Alston.
Witnesses: Tho. Staresmore, Elizabeth Carter, Wm. Smythies.
Proved: 2nd June 1683 by Edward Attwood executor named in will.
Page 119 Alstoniana.
Drax 67
PROB 11/373


Judith married Penning ALSTON [2675] [MRIN: 1160], son of Edward ALSTON of Edwardstone [2673] and Margaret PENNING [2797], before 3 Feb 1647/48. (Penning ALSTON [2675] was baptised in 1606 in Edwardstone SFK, died on 26 Apr 1668 and was buried on 28 Apr 1668 in Saint Botolphs Aldersgate LND.). The cause of his death was consumption.

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