The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Joane [16633]
(-Bef 1668)


Family Links

1. William PHEASANT [16632]

Joane [16633]

  • Marriage (1): William PHEASANT [16632]
  • Died: Bef 9 Apr 1668

bullet  General Notes:

Will of Joane Pheasant,
Widow of Saint Dunstans in the West London
In the name of God Amen
The first day of February Anno Dui 1667 (1668) And in the Twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles the 2nd over England, I Joane Pheasant of the Parish of St Dunstons in the West London Middlesex being sick and weak but of sound and perfect memory praise be given to God for the same And knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth and being desiring to set things in order do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following. That is to say first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God my creator and redeemer assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission for all my sins and be saved by the generous death and Merrite of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the Earth from where it was taken to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as my executrix hereafter named shall . . . . . And . . . . . such wordly . . . . . as my Lord in mercy hath lent to me my Will and meaning in the same shall be employed and performed by this my Will is expressed And first I do revoke renounce . . . . . and make void all Wills by me . . . . . made and declare and appoint this my last Will and Testament
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Anne Stratton Widow the sum of one hundred pounds lawfull . . . . . money
Item I give and bequeath to William Stratton son of William Stratton late of the Parish of St. Clement Dane
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in the County of Middx Gent deceased the sum of forty pounds lawfull English money to be paid to him at his age of Sixteen years. But if it happen that the said William Stratton die before he accomplish his said age of Sixteen years Then my Will and meaning is I do hereby give and bequeath . . . . . to my Grandchild Susan Stratton Mother of the said William the sum of Twenty pounds part of this said forty pounds And the other Twenty pounds residue thereof I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild Edward Husbands which such legacies are to be paid to them within three years after the death of the said William Stratton if they or either of them shall be then living . . . . . otherwise to return to my Executrix
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren James Clarke and Anne Clarke five pounds apiece
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Edward Husbands my Grandchild ten pounds and to my my Grandchild James Husbands five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my sons-in-law Edward Husbands and Humphrey Tuckey five pounds apiece.
Item I give and bequeath my cousin Mary Turshall twenty pounds lawfull English money
Item I give to my cousin William Phillippe and Mary his wife five pounds apiece
Item I give and bequeath unto my cousin Elizabeth Chapman five pounds and to my cousin Ann Tredway five pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my cousin Susan Flower my sisters daughter ten pounds lawfull English money
Item I give and bequeath unto my two cousins Hibert and Sarah Pope son and daughter of Thomas Pope the sum of five pounds apiece
Item give and bequeath unto my two cousins John and Elizabeth Pope son and daughter of William Pope the sum of forty shillings apiece And to my cousin Sarah Pope the other daughter of thesaid William Pope the sum of four pounds All which said several last mentioned legacies so given by my last Will and Testament I desire mat be paid to the said several legacees or to so many of them as may be living within two years after my decease And if in case that it shall happen that my executrix shall not recieve and . . . . . or get in so much moneys which I have abroad for the paying and satisfying of all such Legacies given by me as aforesaid sufficiant to satisfy and discharge the said several legacies That then my Will and meaning is that then shall be a proportionable redurrow(?) made out of above one of the said legacies that it shall make up the sum which shall be found to full those of the several legacies (?) before given and bequeathed
Item I give and bequeath to my loving friend Thomas Smith Gent and Jane his wife twenty shillings apiece.
Item I give to the poor of the Parish where I shall be buried the sum of forty shillings to be distributed by my Executrix to such of the poor whom I formerly gave Alms to and to others as she shall in her discretion think fit.
And lastly I do ordain nominate and appoint the said Anne Stratton my daughter the sole Executrix of this my last
Will and Testament And I give unto her all the rest and residue of my Estate of what nature or kind soever to get and dispose of the same at her own free will and pleasure not doubting but that that she will be carefull in performing this my last Will and Testament. In Witness and Testomony whereof I have here unto put my hand and seal The day and year first above written Joane Peazent (?)
Sealed Published and Delivered in the presence of us Francis Alpine Ralph Ackin John Man

Probate Will of Joane Pheasant, Widow of Saint Dunstans in the West London, City of London
Date 09 April 1668
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcription courtesy A. Brown 2013


Joane married William PHEASANT [16632] [MRIN: 5959]. (William PHEASANT [16632] died about 1668.)

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