The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Edmund HUNT [9853]


Family Links

1. Mary HEARN [9852]

Edmund HUNT [9853]

  • Marriage (1): Mary HEARN [9852] on 29 Dec 1764 in St Nicholas Harwich ESS
  • Died: 1783

bullet  General Notes:

Will of Edmund Hunt Mariner of Harwich
17 September 1783
This is the last Will and Testament of me Edmund Hunt of Harwich in the County of Essex, Mariner made this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Three whereby I revoke all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made first I desire that all my Debts ffuneral expenses and Charges of proving my will may be paid and satisfied I give and bequeath unto my sons William Hearn Hunt and Simkin Cornwallis Hunt my wearing apparel silver watch Buckese? and gold rings to be in value equally divided between them by my executors hereinafter named I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elisabeth Hunt all the wearing apparel and gold rings of my late wife Mary Hunt I give and bequeath unto my son Simkin Cornwallis and my said daughter Elisabeth the sum of one hundred pounds each I give devise and bequeath unto my brother in law William Hearn of Harwich aforesaid fishermen and my friend William Parsons of the same place fishermen my executors all that my Messuages or Tenement wherein I now dwell situated in St Helens Street, Harwich aforesaid with the appurtenances and the Rents issues and profits thereof, and all my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever also all that my sloop or fishing smack called the Edmund and Mary of Harwich with all and every the tackle furniture boat and appurtenances which shall at my decease belong to the said Vessel or so much of the same as shall be my property also all my household goods Plate China Linen and furniture and all my monies securities for money monies in the funds bonds notes book debts mortgages in fee or for years and the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditments comprised therein and all other my goods chattels and personal estate and effects not hereinbefore disposed of upon trust that they the said William Hearn and William Parsons or the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall rend sale and dispose of my said Messuages or Tenements and all other of my real Estate and also rend sale and dispose of my said sloop or fishing Vessel the tackle furniture boat and appurtenances or all my interests therein and also of all such other part and parts of my personal estate and effects as shall not consist in monies or securities for money and shall, and do call in receive and get in all such part and parts thereof as consist of monies and securities for money and upon further trust that they the said William Hearn and William Parsons or the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall after payment of my just Debts ffuneral expenses and the Charges of proving my Will and the legacies hereinbefore and hereinafter given and bequeathed put and place out at interest in the Public stocks funds all on good real securities the monies arising by such sale or sales and to be called received and got in as aforesaid, to and for the use and benefit of my said sons William Hearn Hunt and Simkin Cornwallis Hunt and my said daughter Elisabeth Hunt to whom I give and bequeath the same both principal and interest to be equally divided between and among them share and share alike and to be paid them as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years and without issue their or other of their bodies lawfully begotten then I give the share or shares of him her all so dying to the survivors or survivor of them him or her heirs and assigns or in case any other of my said children depart this life before my decease, leaving any lawful issue then such issue solely if but one child or equally if more than one shall have the share that his her or their father or brother would have been benefited unto if he or she had been living at the time of my decease and I do hereby declare my Will and mind to be that in case the said William Hearn and William Parsons or the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall think it for the benefit of my said sons and daughter during their minorities not to sell or dispose of my aforesaid Messuages or Tenement nor the aforesaid sloop or fishing Vessel then or in such case I desire that they may be sold, but that the said Messuages be let to some substantial tenement for the best rent which may be got and the said sloop or Vessel kept and employed for the benefit and profit of my said sons and daughters as they in their discretion shall think proper and that all losses which may be sustained thereby shall be equally borne by my said sons and daughter and I make constitute and appoint my said brother-in-law William Hearn and my said friend William Parsons executors of this my Will to whom I commit the guardianship custody and tuition of my aforesaid sons and daughter and I give to my said executors the sum of five pounds for their trouble in or about the execution of this my Will and I do hereby Will and direct that my said executors shall not nor shall either of them or the executors or administrators of either of them be answerable or accountable for any Money to be received by virtue of or under this my Will any otherwise than each person for such sum or sums of money as he shall actually receive nor with or for any loss which may happen by the letting of my aforesaid Messuages or Tenement all by the retaining and employing my said sloop or fishing Vessel be as such loss happen without their respective wilful violent or default nor shall either of them the answerable or accountable for the acts . . . . . or defaults of the other of them. And that they and each of them, shall and may be saved harmless and indemnified and deduct to him or themselves by and out of my personal estate and monies in his or their . . . . . from time to time all such costs and charges as he or they shall pay sustain or be put unto for or by any reason of the execution of this my Will or acting in consequence thereof in witness whereof I the said Edmund Hunt the testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper said my hand and seal to wit my hand to the bottom of each of the said to preceding sheets and my hand and seal to this last sheet and my seal at the top of the first of the said sheets where all the said sheets are affixed together the day and year first above written.
Signed Edmund Hunt
The writing contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper was Signed and Sealed by the above named Edmund Hunt and by him published and declared as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in his presence and in the presence of each other.
John Hopkins John Hull . . . . .

This Will was proved at London the sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Three before the right Worshipful Peter Calvert Dr of Laws Master Keeper Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of William Hearn and William Parsons the executors named in the said Will to whom administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the deceased was granted they having been first sworn by commission duly to administer.
Ref: Prob 11/1109 TNA
Copy of Will in this file


Edmund married Mary HEARN [9852] [MRIN: 3007], daughter of William HEARN [9851] and Sarah SIMKIN [6257], on 29 Dec 1764 in St Nicholas Harwich ESS. (Mary HEARN [9852] was baptised on 29 Jun 1743 in St Nicholas Harwich ESS and died on 12 Nov 1780 in St Nicholas Harwich ESS.)

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