The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Rev John Dawson HULL of Wickhambrook SFK [1506]
Alicia Dawson BENSON [514]
(Abt 1806-)

Edmund Charles Pendleton HULL [935]


Family Links

1. Fanny Maria JULIUS [934]

Edmund Charles Pendleton HULL [935]

  • Born: 1840, Bangor Co Down Ireland
  • Marriage (1): Fanny Maria JULIUS [934] on 27 Aug 1879 in St Mary The Virgin Southery
  • Died: 8 Nov 1924, Reg Kingston SRY aged 84
  • Buried: St Andrew Richmond SRY

bullet  General Notes:

Marriage 27 August 1879.
Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull of full age bachelor gentlemen of Blackheath father John Dawson Hull Clerk in Holy Orders to Fanny Maria Julius of full age spinster of Southery father Archibald Eneas Julius Clerk in Holy Orders. Signed by both in the presence of A.E. Julius J. M. Nicholson Blanche E. Julius Katie Julius Edward Hull Katie Clarke after banns. By J.D. Hull Vicar of Wickham Brook Suffolk.
Ref: marriage register St Mary the Virgin Southery

Edmunds company Hull Blyth & Co. were associated with mercantile and shipowning interests.
They lived at Parkgate Hse, Ham London.

My Dear Percy,
I daresay you have been thinking we have been [Clark and I] somewhat dilatory in settling up the affairs of the Executorship under your late Father's Will.
These, however, are matters which occupy a good deal of time and labour, and cannot well be hurried. I am bound to say that Jack Clark, who is a first rate man of business as well as one of the kindest and best of fellows, has been doing most of the work. This has been a great relief to me, as my partner has been absent since the end of June, and I have had almost too much work on hand.
I have to-day the pleasure to advise that we have paid into the Union Bank of Australia, Ltd., here, the sum of L4,000. Branches to be paid as follows:
To you at the Rockhampton Branch L2,000
To Charles at the Maryborough Branch L1,000.
To Alfred at the Rockhampton Branch L1,000.
These remittances are on account of the amounts which will be due to you each out of the Estate. In exchange for these payments you will each have to sign the forms on receipt which we have handed the Bank here, and these receipts when signed the Banks will send home to be delivered to us.
You will, of course, understand why the L2,000 has been remitted to you, as against L1000 only to Charles and Alfred.
We have also invested the L3,000 left to Blanche as her Trustees, and paid the L1,500 pounds left to Lucy for the purpose you no doubt understand about. Clark is now away for his month's holiday at the sea-side, and I shall be going away for mine towards the latter part of this month, and it will therefore probably be a month or two yet before we shall be able to get this matter finally closed.
Fanny and her children have been spending four weeks by the seaside at Brighton which has done them all much good, and they have returned home in the best of health.
Good-bye, my dear Brother, for the present, and believe me always,
Yours affectionally,
E.C.P. Hull.

Julius Jottings June 1901 No 5.
Mr Hull has started an apiary in his garden. We wish him every success with his bees.

Edmund was a JP. for Surrey and the borough of Reigate.

Birth year1840
Death quarter4
Death year1924
Record setEngland & Wales deaths 1837-2007

Hull Edmund Charles Pendleton of Park Gate House Common Richmond Surrey died 8 November 1924. Probate London 11 December 1924 to Fanny Maria Hull widow Leonard Stewart Benson Hull of no occupation the right honourable James Edward Geale Viscount Charlemont and Albert Young Hyland solicitor effects L 278,140 17s 10d
National Probate Calendar.

bullet  Research Notes:

Hull Blyth boasts over 160 years experience in shipping in West Africa, having started life as a coal bunker supplier to the British fleets in the UK and further afield in the mid 19th Century.

The company was formed in a joint venture between Mr. Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull and Mr. William Matthew Blyth who established coaling depots at a variety of locations; at Las Palmas and Tenerife (Canary Islands), St. Vincent (Cape Verde Islands), Luanda (Angola), Port Said, Beirut, Colombo, São Tomé and St Lucia (British West Indies), as well as Ghana and Nigeria.

Hull Blyth was incorporated into the famous Ocean Group during the 1960's and enjoyed a long association with various Ocean Group shipping lines such as Elder Dempster, Blue Funnel etc. Previously known as "Elder Dempster Agencies" in Nigeria and "Liner Agencies and Trading" in Ghana, the company was eventually re-branded as the Hull Blyth Group, which had been the operating name in Angola for many years.

Hull Blyth developed a wide range of oil and gas support services through exposure to the industry in Angola, Nigeria and more recently in Ghana. Hull Blyth additionally has developed a specialist Liner portfolio in the last 10 years as the Liner trade into West Africa grew substantially from Asia, particularly from mainland China.

In December 2005 Ocean Group and its successor Exel Plc was acquired outright by Deutsche Post World Net, holding company of DHL. In Feb 2007, Deutsche Post, in a Management Buy Out, sold Hull Blyth to Mr. James Baldwin, who is the Group's Managing Director and its sole shareholder.

Hull Blyth operates its own offices in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and the UK and is a byword throughout the region for reliability, transparency and integrity.
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Image courtesy of


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Chaplain House Huntly Lodge Aberdeen SCT. Edmund is recorded as aged one born Ireland.

2. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, St Mary Lambeth LND. Edmund is recorded as a boarder aged 31 single a merchants clerk born Bangor Ireland

3. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, The Mount Reigate SRY. Edmund is recorded as head of house aged 50 a merchant and coal contractor employer born Bangor Co Down Ireland

4. Census: England, 2 Apr 1911, Reigate SRY. Edmund is recorded as head of house married aged 71 head of firm Hull Blyth & Co steam coal exporters born Bangor Ireland

5. Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull: Will, 3 Jun 1924, of Park Gate House Ham SRY.
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me EDMUND CHARLES PENDLETON HULL of Park Gate House Ham Common Richmond. in the county of Surrey Esquire Justice of the Peace
1. I hereby revoke all former wills codicils and testamentary dispositions made by me
2. I appoint my wife Fanny Maria Hull my son Leonard Stewart Benson Hull my son in law The Right Honourable Janes Edward Geale Viscount Charlemont and my friond and Solicitor Albert Young Hyland to be the EXECUTORS and trustees of this my will and I declare that the expression "my trustees" used throughout this my will shall (where the context permits) include the trustees or trustee for the time being hereof whether original or substituted. and I bequeath to each of them the said Leonard Stewart Benson Hull Viscount Charlemont and Albert Young Hyland the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds as a souvenir in memory of me
3. I declare that the provisions hereby made for my children are in addition to all monetary gifts and other provisions made by me during my lifetime in favour of my said children respectively or the husband of any of my daughters
4. I give to my said wife for her absolute use and benefit
(1) The sum of two thousand pounds to be paid to her as soon as possible after my decease and
(2) All my watches jewels trinkets personal ornaments and wearing apparel and all my furniture plate linen china books pictures glass wines and spirits consumable stores and all other household and personal goods and effects and also my horses harness carriages and motor cars live and dead stock and garden utensils and implements of agriculture in and about my residence and the pleasure grounds and lands belonging thereto in my occupation at the time of my decease not hereby otherwise disposed of
5. I devise my residence with the garden and grounds thereto belonging known as Park Gate House aforesaid or any other residence of which I may be possessed and reside in at the time of my death to my trustees upon trust that my trustees shall permit my said wife to reside therein rent free during her life she while she shall so reside therein paying all outgoings in respect thereof and keeping the same in tenantable repair and insured against damage by fire and from and after the death of my said wife or her ceasing to reside in the said residence whichever shall first happen the said residence shall fall into and form part of my residuary estate and I direct my trustees at any time during the lifetime of my said wife at her request in writing to sell my said residence or such other residence as aforesaid in such manner and onsuch terms as they mey in their absolute discretion think fit and at any time thereafter at the like request of my said wife to invest the proceeds of such sale or any part thereof in the purchase of another residence either freehold or leasehold and my trustees shall hold any residence so purchased by them upon the like trusts and with and subject to the same powers as are hereinbefore expressed and contained of and concerning my said residence "Park Gate House" aforesaid or any other residence of which I may be possessed and reside in at the time of my death
6. I devise unto my trustees the freehold dwellinghouse and premises known as No 4 Chessington Road Ewell in the county of Surrey recently purchased by me for occupation by my son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull Upon trust that my trustees shall permit my said son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull to have the use and enjoyment thereof during his life rent free and from and after the death of my said son the said dwellinghouse and premises shall fall into and form part of my residuary estate and I direct my trustees during the life of my said wife to pay out of the income of my residuary estate the rates taxes and all other outgoings in respect of the said premises and the cost of keeping the same in repair and insured against fire
7. I devise to my trustees my dwellinghouse known as The Mount Cottage Earlswood Common Upon trust to permit my sister Eliza Gordon Hull to reside in the said cottage during her life rent free my trustees paying out of the income of my residuary estate all outgoings of every descrintion in respect of the said cottage and after the death of my said sister or her ceasing to reside in the said cottage whichever shall first happen the same shall fall into and form part of my residuary estate 8.
I bequeath the following pecuniary and specific legacies
(a) To my said son Leonard Stewart Benson Hull the portraits of my wife and myself But I desire that the said portraits shall be allowed to remain in my wife's possession so long as she may wish to have them
(b) To my grandson Charles Edward (the son of my said son Leonard Stewart Benson Hull) the sum of one thousand pounds and I authorise my trustees during the minority of my said grandson at their discretion to apply the whole or any part of the said sum of one thousand pounds and the income thereof and the accumulations of such income for or towards the maintenance education or advancement of my said grandson with liberty at their discretion to pay the said sum and/or the income thereof to his parents or surviving parent or other his guardian or guardians for the time being for the purpose aforesaid without being liable to see to the application thereof and in such event the receipt of such parents or parent guardian or guardians shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my trustees for the said sum and/or for the income thereof as the case may be
(c) To my niece Maud Hall Houghton and my nephews Philip Hendley and Doctor Edward Gordon Hull the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds each
(d) To my niece Eleanor Hull and her sister Constance Hull the sum of five hundred pounds each
(e) To Doctor Francis Gayner and Charles Robert Rivington the sum of one hundred Pounds each
(f) To my Secretary Miss Hilda Roberts if she shall be in my service at the time of my death and shall not then be under notice to leave given by me or by her a sum equivalent to one year's salary at the rate then payable to her
(g) To Agnes Lawrence my wife's maid in recognition of her assiduous and faithful services to my dear wife for many years one years wages and in addition if she shall survive my wife and myself an annuity of fifty pounds during the remainder of her life payable quarterly the first quarterly payment to be made at the expiration of three calendar months after the day of the death of the survivor of my wife and myself
(h) To each male aid female servant (other than my said secretary and Agnes Lawrence) both indoor and outdoor who shall at the time of my death have been in my employ for two years or upwards and shall not then be under notice to leave given by me or him or her one year' s wages but not exceeding in any one case the sum of One hundred and fifty pounds and to each other such servant (male or female) who shall at the time of my death have been in my employ for one year or upwards and shall not then be under notice to leave as aforesaid six calendar months wages but not including cost of board in any of the above cases
9. I bequeath to my son Hubert Charles Edward Hull the sum of six thousand pounds and in case he shall predecease me I bequeath the said sum of six thousand pounds to my trustees upon trust to invest the same in any of the investments hereby authorised. and to pay the annual income thereof to the widow of my said son during her widowhood and subject thereto to hold the said sum and the investments for the time being representing the same and the income thereof in trust for the child or children of the said Hubert Charles Edward Hull living at my decease who shall attain the age of twenty one years or being female shall marry under that age and if more than one in equal shares as tenants in common and I make this bequest because my son has adopted the profession of the Army by my special wish and wish a view of continuing the military traditions of the Hull family for several generations
10. Whereas my said sister Eliza Gordon Hull receives the income of certain investments held upon the trusts of the will of my late father the Reverend John Davison Hull Now I direct my trustees to pay to my said sister annually during her life such sum or sums as shall with her share of income of the said investments held under the will of my said father make up the sum of three hundred pounds per annum free of all deductions including income tax
11. I bequeath to my brother in law Charles Archibald Julius an annuity of sixty three pounds during his life and to Mrs Blanche Thompson an annuity of fifty pounds during her life such annuities to be payable quarterly the first quarterly payment to be made at the expiration of three calendar months after the day of my death
12. I authorise my trustees to provide for payment of the annuities bequeathed by this my will or any codicil thereto either by purchase thereof from the Government or some Insurance or annuity company of good repute or by setting apart and appropriating so much of my residuary estate (hereinafter called "the annuity fund") as shall in their opinion be sufficient by means of the income thereof to pay such annuities and I declare that when the said annuities shall have been provided for in either of the ways aforesaid such annuities shall be wholly charged on the purchased annuity or the annuity fund (as the case may be ) in exoneration of the rest of my estate and I further declare that the capital of the annuity fund (if any) may be resorted to in case at any time the income thereof shall be insufficient to pay the said annuities and that on the cesser of the said annuities the annuity fund (if any) shall revert to my residuary estate and that any surplus arising from the annuity fund (if any) shall be applied as income of my residuary estate
13. I direct my trustees to continue and pay out of the income of my residuary estate the allowances of two hundred pounds per annum and one hundred pounds per annum at present made by me to my daughters Winifred Grace Alicia de Renzy Martin and Isabel Julia Boyle respectively during the life of my wife if they respectively shall so long live
14. I authorise my trustees from time to time during the lifetime of my said wife to pay out of the income of my residuary estate such sums as they may in their absolute discretion think proper up to but not exceeding in any one year two hundred pounds for or towards the maintenance or benefit of my said son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull
15. I release unto my said son Charles John Leslie Hull all principal money and interest which at my death may be owing by him to me in respect of the advance of three thousand pounds made to him on the security of four thousand five hundred preference shares of Hull Blyth and Company Limited which said advance and the said shares held as security therefor have been assigned and transferred to me and I direct that my trustees shall as soon as may be after my death at the cost of my estate transfer the said shares to my said son freed and discharged from all principal money and interest owing in respect of the said advance
16. I release unto my said son in law Viscount Charlemont all principal money and interest which at my death may be owing to me in respect of the advance of five thousand one hundred an d fifty pounds made by me to him and secured by an Indenture dated the fourth June one thousand nine hundred and twenty on his life interests under his Marriage Settlements and I direct that my trustees shall as soon as may be after my death at the cost of my estate reconvey to my said son in law his said life interests freed and discharged from all principal money and interest owing in respect of the said advance
17. In view of the heavy duties payable in respect of charitable bequests which I regard as an improper source of public revenue I do not leave any legacy to any charitable Society or Institution but in lieu thereof I have in my lifetime made gifts to such Societies and Institutions amounting in the aggregate to the value of ten thousand pounds which I should have otherwise bequeathed by this my will and which said gifts with the income and dividends thereon exceed the amount of the charitable and other subscriptions given by me annually in my lifetime
18. I declare that all legacies annuities allowances and specific bequests and devises given or made by this my will or any codicil hereto shall be free of all duties
19. I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate and effects not hereby other wise disposed of subject to and after payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the legacies and annuities hereby or by any codicil hereto bequeathed and all duties mentioned in the preceding clause hereof unto my trustees Upon trust to sell call in and convert the same into money and to invest the moneys to arise from such sale calling in and conversion in or upon any of the investments hereinafter authorised and to stand possessed of such investments and of all parts of my estate for the time being unsold (herein called "my residuary estate")
(a) Upon trust to pay the income thereof to my said wife during her life and after her death
(b) Upon trust as to five thousand pounds part of my residuary estate for such person or persons and in such shares and proportions and for such purposes as my said wife shall by will or codicil appoint and subject to any such appointment
(c) Upon trust as to the whole of my residuary estate for all my children or any my child living at my decease if more than one as tenants in common in equal shares except that the share of my said son Leonard Stewart Benson Hull shall be one half only of the amount of the share of each of my other children 20. Provided always and I declare that the share of my residuary estate to which each of my daughters shall become entitled. (original as well as accruing) shall not vest absolutely in such daughter but shall be retained and invested by my trustees and held upon the following trusts namely
(1) The income thereof shall be paid to such daughter during her life and during coverture for her separate use without power of anticipation
(2) From and after her decease such share and the income thereof shall be held upon trust for such one or more of her issue immediate or remote born before the expiration of twenty one years after her decease as she may by deed with or without power of revocation and new appointment or by will or codicil appoint
(3) In default of any such appointment and so far as any such appointment may not extend such share shall be held upon trust for all the children or any the child of such daughter who being male shall attain the age of twenty one years or being female shall attain that age or previously marry and if more than one equally as tenants in common Provided nevertheless that no issue of any such daughter of mine shall take any part of her share in default of appointment under this present trust without bringing into hotchpot any part of the share of such daughter which she may have appointed in favour of such issue or his her or their deceased parent under the power in that behalf hereinbefore contained
(4) But if such daughter of mine shall have no issue who shall take a vested interest under the preceding trusts then after the death of such daughter her share (as well the original share of such daughter as any share or shares which may accrue to her under the present provision) shall accrue by way of addition to the shares of my other children or child living at my death (other than the said Trevor Julius Davison Hull equally between such shares if more than one and so that every addition to any share shall as from the time of its accruer thereto follow the destination of the share to which it shall be so added and be for all purposes inseparably blended therewith
(5) Prov ided always that notwithstanding and in suspension of the trusts hereinbefore declared in paragraphs (2) to (4) of this clause inclusive it shall be lawful for any daughter of mine by will or codicil to appoint that the income of the whole or any part of her said share shall be paid to any husband who may survive her during his life or for any less period whether fixed or dependent upon the happening of any event 21. Provided further and I declare that the share of and in my residuary estate of my son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull shall not vest absolutely in him but shall be retained and invested by my trustees and held upon the following trusts namely
(a) Upon trust to pay the income thereof to my said son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull during his life
(b) And after the death of my said son the capital of the said share shall accrue by way of addition to the shares or share of my other children or child living at my death equally between such share s if more than one and so that every addition to any share shall as from the time of its accruer thereto follow the destination of the share to which it shall be so added and be for all purposes inseparably blended therewith
22. In case any child of mine shall die in my lifetime leaving issue living at my death such issue shall stand in the place of such deceased child and take per stirpes and equally between them if more than one the share or shares of my residuary estate which such deceased child would have taken had he or she survived me
23. Provided aways and I hereby further declare that if either of my said sons Leonard Stewart Benson Hull Hubert Charles Edward Hull or Charles John Leslie Hull shall die in my lifetime or in the lifetime of my said wife leaving a widow then my trustees shall after the death of the survivor of myself and my said wife notwith-standing the trusts hereinbefore declared in favour of my said sons retain in their names or under their control one moiety of the share in my residuary estate hereby bequeathed to such son and pay the annual produce of such moiety to such widow during her widowhood and the payment or division of the capital of such moiety amongst the persons entitled thereto shall be postponed until the death or remarriage of such widow
24. I declare that my trustees may in their uncontrolled discretion postpone the sale calling in and conversion of all or any part of my estate and effects for so long as they in their absolute discretion think fit although it may be of a wasting speculative or reversionary nature and that pending such sale calling in and conversion the whole of the income of property actually producing income shall be applied as from my death as income and on the other hand on such sale calling in and conversion or on the falling in of any reversionary property no part of the proceeds of each sale calling in or conversion or of such property shall be paid or applied as past income
25. I direct that any monies liable to be invested by my trustees may be invested in any of the following investments with liberty from time to time to vary such investments for others of any kind hereby authorised namely any public stocks or funds or Government securities of the United Kingdom or any colony or dependency thereof or in any freehold securities in England or Wales or in or upon the stocks funds shares debentures debenture stock or securities of any Corporation company or public body whether municipal commercial or otherwise in the United Kingdom or any colony or dependency thereof
26. I empower my trustees to manage any real and leasehold hereditaments forming part of my residuary estate until the sane shall be sold with power to demise for any tem of years or tenancy and at any rent and to deal and arrange with tenants and to accept surrenders of leases and tenancies and to repair and insure houses and buildings and generally to deal with the property as if they were absolute owners thereof without being responsible for any loss or damage
27. My trustees may raise any part or parts not exceeding one moiety of the contingent or vested share of capital of any person under this my will and apply the same for his or her benefit or advantage but during the existence or contingency of any prior life or other interest or interests only with the consent in writing of the person or persons entitled to such interest or interests
28. I appoint my trustees to be trustees hereof for all purposes of the Settled Land Acts 1882 to 1890 and of section 42 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1881 and I declare that a sole trustee shall be competent to act for all the purposes of the said. Acts
29. The power of appointing new trustees of this my will shall be vested in my said wife during her life
30. I declare that any Corporation lawfully constituted for such purpose may be appointed a trustee of this my will either to fill any vacancy or as an additional trustee or as sole trustee and that any such Corporation so appointed shall be entitled to remuneration (free from duties) under its scale of fees in force at the date of entering on the trust
31. I declare that any trustee of this my will being a solicitor or other person engaged in any profession or business shall be entitled to charge and be paid all professional or other charges for all business or acts done by him or his firm in connection with the trusts hereof including acts which a trustee could have done personally
IN WITNESS whereof I have set my hand to this my will contained in this and the twelve preceding pages this third day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
Signed and declared by the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Clerks to Armitage Chapple & Co 6 Great St Helens E C 3.

THIS IS A FIRST CODICIL to the last will of me EDMUND CHARLES PENDLETON HULL of Park Gate House Ham Common Richmond in the county of Surrey Esquire Justice of the Peace which will bears date the third day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
1. Whereas by my said will I have given my residuary estate unto the trustees therein named Upon trust (subject to the life interest therein of my wife) for all my children living at my death in the shares therein provided Now I declare that the share (original as well as accruing ) of my son Charles John Leslie Hull of and in my residuary estate shall not vest absolutely in him but shall be retained and invested by my trustees and held. by them upon the following trusts namely
(a) Upon trust to pay the income thereof to my said son during his life unless and until he (whether during my lifetime or after my death) shall be or become bankrupt or shall do or suffer any act default or process of law whereby or in consequence whereof such income or any part thereof if belonging absolutely to him would but for this provision have become vested in payable to or charged in favour of any other person or persons or Corporation and from and after the determination or failure of this trust in the lifetime of my said son
(b) Upon trust to pay or apply the said income during the residue of the life of my said son to or for the benefit maintenance and support of all or any one or more to the exclusion of the others or other of the following persons namely my said son his wife children issue (if any) and the brothers and sisters of my said son and the issue of such brothers and sisters in such shares and manner as my trustees shall in their absolute discretion think proper
(c) From and after the decease of my said son such share and the income thereof shall be held upon trust for such one or more of the issue of my said son immediate or remote born before the expiration of twenty one years after his decease as he may by deed with or without power of revocation and new appointment or by will or codicil appoint
(d) Subject to any such appointment such share shall be held upon trust for all the children or any the child of my said son who being male shall attain the age of twenty one years or being female shall attain that age or previously marry and if more than one as tenants in common in equal shares Provided that no issue of my said son shall take any part of his share in default of appointment under this trust with-out bringing into hotchpot any part of the share of my said son which he may have appointed in favour of such issue or his her or their deceased parent under the power in that behalf hereinbefore contained.
(e) In default of any issue of my said son attaining a vested interest in such share then such share and the income thereof shall be held upon trust for such person or persons as my said son shall by will or codicil appoint and subject to any such appointment Upon trust for my other children or child living at my death other than my son Trevor Julius Dawson Hull and if more than one equally between them
(f) Provided always that notwithstanding and in suspension of the trusts hereinbefore declared in paragraphs (c) to (e) of this clause inclusive it shall be lawful for my said son by will or codicil to appoint that the income of the whole or any part of his share shall be paid to any wife who may survive him during her life or for any less period whether fixed or dependent upon the happening of any event
2, I authorise my trustees at any time or from time to time in case my said son shall desire to have the capital of his share in my residuary estate or any part thereof for the purpose of acquiring any business of any nature or any interest therein or for use in connection with any business in which he may be interested or for any other purpose whatsoever and my trustees after consultation with my son Major Hubert Charles Edward Hull and my sons in law Colonel Edward Cuthbert de Renzy Martin and Major Victor Ferguson shall be satisfied that it would be in the interest and to the advantage of my said son that the capital of his said share or any part thereof should be applied and used by him as aforesaid to revoke the trusts hereinbefore de-clared of and concerning the share in my residuary estate settled. upon my said son and his issue or any part thereof by any deed or deeds and to pay over the said share or any part thereof the trusts whereof shall have been so revoked as aforesaid to my said son on his sole receipt which receipt shall be an absolute discharge to my trustees for all money so paid over as aforesaid and although I sincerely trust that my trustees will in the exercise of their discretion be able to comply with any wishes of my said son to have the capital of his share under his own control I expressly declare that the discretion of my trustees & all be an absolute discretion and the exercise of such discretion whether in revoking or refusing to revoke the trusts of the said share or any part thereof shall not be questioned by any person on any ground whatsoever
3. In all other respects I confirm my said will
IN WITNESS whereof I have set my hand to this first codicil contained in this and the three preceding pages this thirteenth day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
Signed by the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull as and for a first codicil to his last will in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
A YOUNG HYLAND 6 Great St Helens London E C Solr
E RICHARDSON Solicitor Managing Clerk to Armitage Chapple & Co., 6 Great St Helens E C Solicitors.

THIS IS A SECOND CODICIL to the last will of me EDMUND CHARLES PENDLETON HULL of Park Gate House Ham Common Richmond in the county of Surrey Esquire Justice of the Peace which will bears date the third day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
1. Whereas I have given to my daughter Viscountees Evelyn Fanny Charlotte Charlemont the sum of five hundred pounds Now notwithstanding clause 3 of my said will I hereby declare that in ascertaining the share to which my said daughter and her issue shall be entitled in my residuary estate the sum of five hundred pounds so given to her shall be brought into hotchpot and accounted for
2. In all other respects I confirm my said will and the first codicil thereto dated the thirteenth day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
IN WITELESS whereof I have set my hand to this second codicil this twenty ninth day of September one thousand nine hundred and twenty four
Signed by the said Edmund Charles Pendleton Hull as and for a second codicil to his last will in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
HILDA M ROBERTS Park Gate House Ham Common Private Secretary
CHARLES E FOSKER Park Gate House Ham Common Richmond Surrey (Butler)

On the 11th day of December 1924 Probate of this Will with two Codicils thereto was granted to Fanny Maria Hull Leonard Stewart Benson Hull The Right Honourable James Edward Geale Viscount Charlemont and Albert Young Hyland the executors.


Edmund married Fanny Maria JULIUS [934] [MRIN: 303], daughter of Rev Archibald Aeneas JULIUS [847] and Charlotte MAYOR [848], on 27 Aug 1879 in St Mary The Virgin Southery. (Fanny Maria JULIUS [934] was born on 2 May 1856 in Southery NFK and died on 23 Dec 1931 in Richmond SRY.)

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