The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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William FENN [8459]
Sarah RICH [8460]
Samuel DICKMAN [30287]
Sarah PEAK [30288]
Thomas FENN [8475]
(Abt 1799-1887)
Eliza DICKMAN [8476]

George FENN [8484]


Family Links

1. Margaret JARMAN [8721]

2. Elizabeth SAUL [8792]

George FENN [8484]

  • Born: 7 Oct 1843, Somersham SFK
  • Baptised: 12 Nov 1843, Somersham SFK
  • Marriage (1): Margaret JARMAN [8721] on 15 Sep 1867 in Ipswich Registry Office, Suffolk
  • Marriage (2): Elizabeth SAUL [8792] on 31 Aug 1881 in St Matthew Ipswich SFK
  • Died: 6 Sep 1919, Heigham Hall, Norwich, Norfolk aged 75
  • Buried: 11 Sep 1919, Ipswich Cemetery, Suffolk

bullet   Cause of his death was senile decay and Paralysis Agitans. Heart Failure.


bullet  General Notes:

George was a man of considerable enterprise, his life ranged from bankruptcy in the late 1860's to a man of considerable fortune, and a civic leader, Alderman for the Ipswich Ward of Westgate, by the end of his life.

London Gazette Issue 23405, 28 July 1868. Page 36 of 52
In the County Court of Suffolk, holden at Ipswich
In the matter of George Fenn, in longings [sic] at No 13 St Mary at
Elms, in Ipswich. . . . . Dealer, previously of No 5 Berner's St, Ipswich,
Grocer & Dealer, and formerly of No 16 Fore Hamlet, in the parish of St
Clements, Grocer & Pork Butcher, having been adjudged bankrupt on the 23 May 1868.
Notice is hereby given . . . . . the said George Fenn now appearing in Court
and presenting unto this court a Deed Poll, dated 13 July 1868, under
the hands and seals of all of the creditors . . . . . [who] accepted the sum
of 3 shillings and 4 pence in the pound in discharge of their respective
claims. This Court doth order that the adjudication of Bankruptcy
against the said George Fenn, bearing date of 23 May 1868, be
annulled. . . . . dated this 16th day of July, 1868

Alderman George died in 1919 leaving an estate of some £50,000 which included over 80 properties. The Fenn entrepreneurial streak appears to have died with George. Most of the properties were sold and the monies invested through a family trust with some dozen or so remaining in the ownership of his wife Elizabeth until her death in 1935.

Will & Trust, of the late Alderman George Fenn, drawn up by Steward Vulliamy & Watkins of 17 Arcade Street Ipswich. Main beneficiaries Mrs Lily May Turner - sister and Tommy Fenn - nephew

For further information on George Refer to Mike Fenn's website:

bullet  Research Notes:

A2A Ipswich Record Office.
Fenn HB 54/E23 [n.d.]
Bundle labelled deeds relating to Nos 16 and 18 St Matthew's Street in St Matthew's, Ipswich belonging to George Fenn purchased of Mr Garrod in 1891 HB 54/E23/1 1768-1892 18 docs
3 messuages formerly one called The Ship now private houses and a bakehouse
Evidences of title for purchase by George Fenn of Ipswich, innkeeper, from Mr Garrod, (conveyance missing)
- requisitions on title and declaration of Thomas Warner Perriman of Ipswich, carpenter, 1875
- receipts for purchase money, 1890-1891
- fire insurance certificate, 1892
- account of dispute over the cleaning of the yard with Mrs Adcock, 1890s
Bundle labelled deeds of Nos 22 and 24 St Matthew's Street, Ipswich HB 54/E23/2 1769-1897 20 docs
Messuage now 2 dwellings and shops with a warehouse or stable, dyehouse, workshop and 2 other tenements
Evidences of title for purchase by George Fenn from Jonas John Thorn Woodyard of Ipswich, gent, 1888 (conveyance missing)
- sale particulars, 1878
- requisitions on title and receipts for purchase money
- letter and plan for building in the yard, 1893
- bill for the delivery of a portion of William Jarman's estate to Fenn
Bundle labelled 2 houses in St Matthew's Street, Ipswich belonging to George Fenn HB 54/E23/3 1836-1886 7 docs
2 houses on which an annuity is charged
Evidences of title for purchase by George Fenn from George Tunmer of Ipswich, 1869 (conveyance missing)
- Chancery case papers Tunmer v Tunmer, 1865-1869
- extract from the will of Ellen May concerning Fenn's mortgage, 1886
Bundle labelled deeds re Nos 59 and 61 Berners Street and 5 and 6 Orwell Terrace in Wherstead Road, Ipswich, purchased of Miss Whitby and Miss Pugh in 1895, Berners Street property sold by Fenn in 1915 HB 54/E23/4 1852-1895 4 docs
Evidences of title for purchase by George Fenn from Lydia Whitby of London, 1895 (conveyance missing)
Land at Whitton near Ipswich in the Dales and 5 cottages built on the same belonging to George Fenn sold at auction in 1920 HB 54/E23/5 1878-1889 4 docs
Evidences of title for purchase by George Garrod of Ipswich, dealer, from John Anthony Everson of Harleston (Nf), merchant, 3 Oct 1889
Bundle labelled deeds re Kedington Terrace and Mission cottages in Eustace Road and a plot of land Waveney Road, Ipswich, purchased of Alfred Fulcher by George Fenn, 1899 HB 54/E23/6 1882-1899 15 docs
Nos 1-7 Kedlington Terrace and 29r in Waveney Road
Evidences of title for purchase by George Fenn from Alfred Fulcher of Ipswich, yeoman, 1890 (conveyance missing)
Bundle labelled deeds re 6 messuages in Seymour Road, Ipswich, belonging to George Fenn in mortgage to Rev WH Williamson and Mrs K Williamson HB 54/E23/7 1885-1904 26 docs
Mortgages and reconveyances only
plans and fire insurance certificate
No 21, later No 17 St Matthew's Street, Ipswich HB 54/E23/8 1892-1922 1 bundle
Evidences of title for purchase by W & R Fletcher Ltd of London, meat importers, from the trustees of the will of George Fenn, 1922 (conveyance missing)
- copy conveyance of slaughterhouse and piggeries in Lady Lane, 1901
- will of George Fenn, 1917
Schedule of deeds delivered by George Fenn to Katherine Fanny Frost of Ipswich on execution of a mortgage on a farm in Somersham, (1842-1892) HB 54/E23/9 1892 1 doc
22 messuages in Kitchener Road, Ipswich HB 54/E23/10 1899-1924 9 docs
Evidences of title for purchase by James Mason Martin of Ipswich, esq, from the trustees of the will of George Fenn, 2 May 1924
- certificate of tithe redemption on land in Kitchener Road, with plan, 1899
- abstract of title (1876-1898), 1899
- sale particulars of Springfield building estate with George Fenn's contract to buy 3 lots and plan, 1899
- sale particulars of Kimberley Villas, Mafeking Villas and Pretoria Villas with Fenn's contract to buy the former, 1900 31 houses in Rectory and Seymour Road in St Mary Stoke, Ipswich HB 54/E23/11 1903 1 doc
Conveyance from William Henry Bloomfield of Ipswich, builder, to George Fenn of the same, gent
Nos 78-84 (even) London Road, Ipswich HB 54/E23/12 1920 4 docs
Papers relating to the sale by George Beeton Alderson to George Fenn including abstract of title (1869-1912)
Original will and codicil of George Fenn of Ipswich, gent HB 54/E23/13 [n.d.] 2 docs
16 Jan & 9 May 1913
Probate copy will of William Fenn of Ipswich HB 54/E23/14 22 Nov 1917 1 doc

Image Ipswich Observer 24 Aug 1907

bullet  Medical Notes:

Failing powers for some months. Paralysis for 18 months


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 1851, Somersham SFK. George is recorded as aged 7 born Somersham, SFK

2. Census: England, 1861, Somersham SFK. George is recorded as a son unmarried aged 17 a dealer born Somersham

3. Event, 1868, County Court Ipswich. Adjudged Bankrupt 23 May 1868

4. Event: Bankruptcy Annulled, 1868. Bankruptcy Annulled 13 Jul 1868

5. Census: England, 1871, St Matthew Ipswich SFK. Ipswich St Matthews RG10/1749 p10 "George Fenn Head Mar 27 Tobacconist Master Somersham Sfk"

6. Occupation, 1871.
Job master,Tobacconist and Confectioner between 1871 and 1879

7. Census: England, 1881, 5 Norwich Rd Ipswich St Mathew. George is recorded as head of house a widower aged 37, Job Master and Farmer Employing 5 Men"

8. Property: 22 & 24 St Matthew's Street, Ipswich, Sfk, Between 1888 and 1922.

9. Property: Land at Waverney Rd, Ipswich, Between 1890 and 1899.

10. Occupation, 1891.
Victualler Half-Moon & Stars, and horse dealer, livery & bait stables, 70 St Matthews St

11. Property: 16 & 18 St Matthews St, Ipswich, Sfk, 1891.

12. Census: England, 1891, 68 St Mathews St Ipswich SFK. George is recorded as head of house married aged 46 Farmer & Innkeeper born Somersham

13. Property: 59 & 61 Berners St, Ipswich, Sfk, Between 1895 and 1915.

14. Property: 5 & 6 Orwell Terrace, Ipswich, Between 1895 and 1915.

15. Occupation: Half Moon & Star, 72 St Matthews St, 1900.

16. Occupation: Farmer, Somersham, 1900.

17. Census: England, 1901, St Matthew Ipswich SFK. George is recorded as Finn head of house aged 51 a farmer of own account born Somersham

18. George Fenn, 1902.

19. Ipswich Worthies, 1902, Town Hall Ipswich.
George Fenn marked.

20. Ipswich Men of Note, 1907. Sketch of George Fenn
By the The Ipswich Observer and Felixstowe Times

"Loyalty is still the same,
Whether it wins or loses the game"
Montrose 1612-1650

With one hand he put
A penny in the urn of poverty,
And with the other took a shilling out"

Whatever may be the shortcomings a man may possess, if he is the architect of his own fortunes. and shares in the disposition of material things for the public good, he rightly entitled to popular esteem. When an active participation in the affairs of life becomes his concern, and practical encouragement is given to those things without which their very acceptance would be imperilled then there is even greater reason to think well of the individual, whoever he may be. Among well-known personages in Ipswich who have earned for their themselves the goodwill and esteem of all classes, the subject of this sketch occupies by no means a secondary or unworthy place. His cheeriness and good-nature, to say nothing of his activity in so many things that have much bearing on the welfare of the working classes more particularly have much to do with It. Mr. George Fenn, who, as everybody knows is a vigorous and active man. will be sixty-four on the 7th of October next. When he started on his career it was not without dint of hard work, but good fortune attended him for the most part during the greater portion of his life so that he is more able to take things less seriously than many other men. His birthplace was at Somersham, that favoured little spot about six miles from Ipswich, in which town he has been a resident and valued citizen for just over forty years.
After be settled here he started business as a jobmaster in Park lane, which he gradually developed, and by careful attention it grew up into a most successful undertaking. Mr. Fenn owning the largest and best equipped establishment in the town. He then went into the wheat, hay and corn trade, and for twenty-five years was the contractor for the forage supply of no less than 180 horses connected with the Artillery Barracks, giving every satisfaction to the authorities. This business was subsequently relinquished. He then took the Half Moon and Star Hotel, which is situated at the top of the street, and of which a member of his family, has still the management, and kept this for about nineteen years.
Mr Fenn's tastes at this time day, it does today, in agricultural matters, he having an intimate knowledge of all that appertains to the oldest staple industry, and what is more, knowing at the same time how to make It successful and prosperous. he has proved himself to be not what may he described merely as an experimental farmer, but one of the most successful agriculturists in the district and good judge of landed property and grain values. Even at the time he was occupied in his posting business his mind was in farming, in which work he also engaged, and is now still retaining and exhibiting a close connection with agricultural matters. The first farm be took was Wittlesham, near Ipswich, which is now in the hands of Mr. Paul. From there he went to Somersham, and hired the Church Farm which he held for only three years, when his landlord being anxious to have himself a practical interest in it, gave him £300 to give up the holding. This Mr Fenn did, afterwards taking Hanford Hall, which he held for eight years under the Ipswich Corporation. He then took Brooke Hall which he managed for several years. Going to Somersham again, he took over the Church Farm and another. This property was put up at a valuation, but as no one would take it, Mr Fenn became the tenant, leasing it for several years. It was acquired for £9000 in the days of Mr Fenn's youth, but he secured it for £2400, and after farming it and improving it for nine years, he sold it to Mr Henry Fiske, of Bramford. At present Mr Fenn has the Brook Vale farm and Great Blakenham Lodge, which he took last Michaelmas besides the one at Ipswich.
It has been a very trying time for the farmer this season by reason of the unprecedented weather, consequently what little could be done in the way of harvesting has had to be accomplished as far as possible directly dry days have supervened. But ripening in most places has been retarded, and this has had to be taken into account. During the past six weeks Mr Fenn has been a busy man his hay selling having been carried out with unlimited labour, the produce of about 160 acres having been successfully harvested. Every day, shine or shower, Mr Fenn visits his farms, and personally supervises all the work that is required to be done. It is this personal influence, the honesty and straightforward way of doing business, that has accounted for the good results he has obtained.
His successful business and agricultural interests having made him a well-known personality in the borough at the time with which we are now dealing, and as he was cheery, generously inclined and sympathetic, Mr Fenn was soon sought out for public service. Yielding to the request of many friends, he was induced to come forward for a seat at the Board of Guardians. This he did about 16 years ago, and several years before he had made up his mind to enter the arena of municipal politics. He was chosen for St Matthew's Ward, and returned. This choice by the Ward electors has no reason to be regretted, for ever since Mr Fenn has been attentive to his duties, bringing to bear much patient consideration, and he has always taken an active part in the administration of the Farm Committee. Once Mr Fenn stood for the Guardianship of St Nicholas Ward, had a walk over, and then came back to his first choice. It says much for his popularity that as a Guardian he has never been beaten. For 13 years he has been a Town Counsellor, having fought a municipal contest twice in one month, this costing him something like hundred and £130. On being returned he has never been defeated for the same Ward. Mr Fenn's personality has always made him a favourite with the electors of both sides of politics so far as friendliness may be counted as a factor. Unfortunately, when politics are in the balance media personal considerations do not way with the majority.

Mr Fenn knows from experience that public honours, however much deserved, are not easily won. When, as has been said, politics enter into the game it makes the issue not only doubtful, but tends to arouse a good deal of feeling, and not always of the most friendly character. In his case, the subject of our sketch has always stood to his guns, never minding the cost, nor fearing the fiercest opposition. And the fights in which he has been called upon to take a part have been rather important ones. That he has come well out of the ordeals speaks well for the regard in which he is held.
In 1895 when he first came Ford for a seat on the town Council, he stood for the Westgate Ward, the retiring members being Mr A C Churchmen (C) and Mr R S Paul (L). The latter (of whom a sketch has recently appeared), considering his high commercial standing and influence, was by no means an unworthy opponent for anybody who chose to come forward to challenge his seat. Mr Fenn did, however, and although he did not at first succeed in winning the seat for the Conservative party, he so pulled the Conservative electors together that he made more than simply a flutter in the Liberal dove cots, the Liberals having to put forth strenuous efforts to retain, by a respectable show of votes, the seat for Mr Paul. As an instance of how the contest was regarded, and what was said of it, we give the following from our daily contemporary, which appeared in an editorial at the time :-
"there has been only one serious candidacy in Ipswich this year, and that has proved a very formidable one. In the Westgate Ward a stiff contest was fought out under peculiar conditions. Mr George Fenn was the representative, and it may be frankly conceded was a very fair representative of the democratic Conservative. He is well-known amongst the working men of the Ward and as a matter of fact, was better supported in this quarter than any Conservative four years past. He had sat for some years on the Guardians, and has made a very good fight, polling at least the full strength of his party, and losing by considerably less than three figures."
At the Conservative Club, after the declaration of the poll in the Westgate Ward contest, Mr A C Churchmen said, "He did not believe that any man, in any Ward in the borough, had ever polled 1031 votes and then lost." It is characteristic of Mr Fenn to show pluck and determination, for he declared at the same time that "so long as he was so well supported as he had been that day he should keep on coming forward to fight the Ward whenever a vacancy occurred, if he lived to be as old as his father, who was 91. (Cheers and laughter,)"
this was his first experience of a municipal fight, but at the next election when he came Ford he was triumphantly returned as a Town Councillor, and has continued to act in that capacity ever since. Although not addicted to frequent speechifying, he shows much attention to his public duties, and votes straight on all questions. As showing the difference that is paid to Mr Fenn in agricultural matters, to him has been given the direction of the Asylum farm under the Corporation, he having been one of the principal members of that Committee since his Councillorship.
By being on the town Council Mr Fenn had a seat on the Dock Commission. As he wished to be perfectly free and independent, he declined to accept it, unless elected as a representative from outside. He was accordingly nominated and so elected.
In public life Mr Fenn is best known, perhaps as a party man. A staunch Conservative and a Churchman, he has always been ready to assist financially and otherwise the cause generally and for many years he has been a generous contributor to the sinews of war.
No man has been more consistently loyal and self-sacrificing in this way. It is therefore no surprise that he has been able at all times to command considerable support at the poll. To him is due the establishment of the well-known Rosary Club in the Bradford Road. When the property was in the market, Mr Fenn secured it for the purpose of a Conservative club, which by reason of its being surrounded by pleasant grounds, is a very popular rendezvous. He acts as Treasurer of this Club. In other directions Mr Fenn has interested himself, financially and otherwise, so that he is regarded as really and essentiality to every movement, social, political, philanthropic, and of sporting character. Indeed his name would almost seem to be a synonym for good luck. There is scarcely a society in Ipswich of the class enumerator that has not his name on the list of honorary officials or subscribers. And it is difficult to say accurately how many Vice Presidencies he holds. He is connected with the Odd Fellows and Forresters, and is one of the trustees of the Mutual Benefit Society which is held at Keeble's in the Warwick Road.
Mr Fenn has done his best to encourage bowling, and is president of the Brooks Hall Farm Club, which he himself established. It has over 100 members, and the Club has held the Challenge Cup for two years past. Mr Fenn not only gave the ground to the Club, but has presented a Silver Cup for competition every year.
He is openhanded when any good cause has needed his support and many Nonconformist bodies are indebted to Mr Fenn for placing his charming grounds at Broom Hill at their disposal on the occasion of annual summer outings and picnics.
As Town Councillor, Mr Fenn while anxious to further the best interests of the town is also fully alive to the necessity of putting a check on such extravagances as would serve to increase the burden of the ratepayers. He is the owner of considerable amount of property in the Borough and consequently is a large ratepayer - owning, I think, about 113 houses in Ipswich. There is no need of any further guarantees that he would be other than an economist, though an economist with efficiency.
Ever anxious to do his best to serve the best interests of the borough and that of his party, these good qualities have not been lost sight of, and it is an open secret that he has been approached by members of both parties on the Council to accept the Mayoralty. Though he is not at all ambitious to fill this honourable and responsible position there is no doubt if felt constrained to accept the office he would not fail to distinguish himself by that generosity which is one of his pre-eminent characteristics.
The Ipswich Observer and Felixstowe Times August 24, 1907 Pg 6.

21. Served: as an Ipswich Alderman, 1908.

22. Residence: 22 Burlington Rd, Ipswich, Sfk, 1912.

23. Three generations of Fenn, Cir 1914.
Thomas Saul Fenn son, George Fenn snr father, George Fenn grandson b 1911.
Image courtesy of Longmead Family Tree Ancestry.

24. Will: dated 16 Jan 1913, codicil 9 May 1913, of George Fenn, farmer, 22 Nov 1917.
Will of George Fenn 'farmer' with farm lived under lease, will dated 16 Jan 1913, with codicil 9 May 1913. Executors and trustees to be wife Elizabeth, brother William Fenn, son George Fenn, Ernest O. Hines Ipswich District Valuer.Not expressly revoked by will of 18 March 1914.Will identifies daughter Lily May Turner, sister Anne Fenn, Lucy Ford, Step daughter Frances Maud Ellis, all to receive 2/20ths. All other children to receive equal shares e.g. to each daughter including daughter Margaret Flint 'who is not to have power to dispose of her share'. He then revoked the appart. given to Lily Mary Turner. [Mike Fenn: 'Sister Lucy death to be determined. Will refers to sister Lucy married Ford. I gather from Aunt Joan that George Turner was an antiques dealer and not trusted by Alderman George]Total proved: Children £7,000, rents £300, death duty £3,000, fund expenses £2,900.Total funds £17,000.
Suffolk County Archives HB 54/E23/14

25. Property: 78-84 London Rd, Ipswich, 1920.

26. Property: Land & 5 cottages at Whitton, nr Ipswich, 1920.

27. Estate: Balance Sheet, 5 Apr 1968.

28. Estate: Balance Sheet, 5 Apr 1969.

29. Estate: Balance Sheet, 5 Apr 1970.

30. Estate: Balance Sheet, 12 Oct 1970.


George married Margaret JARMAN [8721] [MRIN: 2813] on 15 Sep 1867 in Ipswich Registry Office, Suffolk. (Margaret JARMAN [8721] was born about 1843 in Ipswich, SFK, died in Jun 1879 in Ipswich, SFK and was buried on 5 Jul 1879 in Ipswich Cemetery, Suffolk.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Ref - Marriage Certificate


George next married Elizabeth SAUL [8792] [MRIN: 2814], daughter of Thomas SAUL [27615] and Frances VESSE [27616], on 31 Aug 1881 in St Matthew Ipswich SFK. (Elizabeth SAUL [8792] was born on 11 Nov 1849 in Fore Street, St Clements Ipswich, Suffolk, baptised on 30 Dec 1849 in St Clements Ipswich, died on 5 May 1935 in 22 Burlington Road, Ipswich, Suffolk and was buried on 8 May 1935 in Ipswich Cemetery, Suffolk.)

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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