The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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William JULIUS [685]
Jane Smith EDWARDS [686]
Rev Jonathan GILDER [1260]
Mary BRAZIER [1261]
(Abt 1743-1823)
Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]

Dr George Charles JULIUS M.D. [781]


Family Links

1. Jean SPAIGHT [782]

2. Susan THORLEY [783]

Dr George Charles JULIUS M.D. [781]

  • Born: 9 Aug 1804, Assam Dist. Sharhabad Behar India
  • Marriage (1): Jean SPAIGHT [782] on 13 Oct 1829 in Kilrush Ireland
  • Marriage (2): Susan THORLEY [783] on 19 Feb 1844 in Petersham SRY
  • Died: 1 Dec 1885, Claremont Hse. Nr Tilford SRY aged 81
  • Buried: Tilford Churchyard Nr Farnham SRY

bullet  General Notes:

Reminiscences by Florence Stevens.
George was born in India in 1804. His parents soon afterwards returned to England, and settled at the Old Palace, Richmond, and George was brought up to the medical profession. He began practice with his father, but not for very long, and on his marriage, in 1829, to the beautiful Miss Spaight1, he went to live in Ireland. His wife died in 1840, and leaving a daughter, Ethel, to be brought up by her grandmother, Mrs. Spaight, at the Hermitage, Castle Connel, co. Limerick, he went to live with his three boys at Wakefield, in Yorkshire, and sent them to a day school.
In 1844 he married Susan Thorley, the only child of a wealthy old friend in Richmond ; she died left him with another baby girl, Ella, who became the charge of his niece, Julia Quilter. Dr. Julius was very unhappy, and buried himself in the wilds of Ireland, with his three boys.
Whilst on a visit to Mr. Spaight, at the Hermitage, the house was nearly burnt down, and his boys had a narrow escape ; the bed in which two of them were sleeping was in flames, and Dr. Julius was only just in time to rescue them. He has shown me part of the charred bed hanging, handsomely worked by hand, which he always kept.
Very early in life his son Reginald went to seek his fortune in New Zealand, whilst Herbert and Edric practiced as solicitors in Maidstone, and at Holt, in Norfolk. After a time they joined their brother in New Zealand, and Dr. Julius settled at Washfield, in Devonshire, with his brother William, a retired major, and his niece, Julia Quilter, and her charge, Ella. He spent some happy years in beautiful scenery, for which he had a painter's appreciation, doctoring the poor people, by whom he was much loved.
Later on he spent two years at Willey Mill, at Wrecclesham, with Ella, and then took a little house near Brecon, in South Wales, a very beautiful part of the country, moving later into Peterstone Court. Whilst here he entered into and thoroughly enjoyed county society, for which he was eminently fitted, and also spent much time in fishing.
During a visit with her father to his, sister at St. Leonards, Ella contracted typhoid fever, which developed on a visit to Wrecclesharn, and of which she died at the age of 25.
This was a sad blow and lifelong sorrow to her father. He left Wales, and after a time settled at Seale, near Farnham, where later on his son Edric, now an invalid, and his widowed daughter-in-law, Mrs. Reginald Julius (Catherine Cameron), and her three children joined him, and remained with him to the end of his life.
He died at Tilford, near Farnham, in 1885, aged 81, and was buried in that pretty churchyard by the side of his brother, Mavor Julius, and his niece, Julia Quilter. He was a fine,looking man, about 6ft, 2in. in height., fond of art, music, and painting, a, fascinating talker, fond of society, and yet shrinking from it, a reader of every kind of literature, a good classic scholar, and also a lover of Nature. Fishing was his favourite pastime. He was not a successful man, and perhaps this made him rather morbid. He was very kind-hearted, and greatly loved by the poor wherever he lived.
He was a very able man, and would probably have done well in his profession if only he had kept to it.
1. Said to have been an unhappy marriage - Pg 30 "A power in the Land"

Edinburgh University.
George C. Julius of Surrey studied medicine there for three sessions.
1821-2 Chemistry, Materia Medica, Anatomy.
1822-3 Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Botany.
1824-5 Institutes, Practice of Medicine, Anatomy, Chemistry.
He graduated M.D. in 1825 with a thesis entitled De Hydrocephalo and was one of the president's of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, a student society, in 1825.

Translation of Notice of George Julius thesis.
Inaugural Medical Dissertation
concerning Hydrocephalus
submitted to the examination of scholars
with the consent of the most reverend
D George Baird S.S. T.P.
Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh
and with the consent of the full convocation of the University Senate
and the decree of the most noble Faculty of Medicine
for the degree of the Doctorate
with the highest honours and privileges in Medicine
which duly and naturally accrue to it
by George Charles Julius
an Englishman
Extraordinary Fellow of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh
and also some time annual President
House Physician of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Fellow of the Society of Physicians of St Bartholomew's Hospital
on the first of August at the accustomed time and place
published by James Ballantyne and Coe at Edinburgh 1825.

Partnerships dissolved.
December 12. Henry Willmer and George Charles Julius the younger, Baker Street, Portman square, Middlesex. Surgeons.
Ref:Aris's Birmingham Gazette Monday, 21 December 1829

Dissolution of partnership.
Willmer Henry and George Charles Julius Jr., surgeons, Baker Street, Portman Square, 12 December - Debts etc by H Willmer.
Ref: Perry's Bankrupt Gazette Saturday, 6 March 1830.

1862 20 June; George was issued a British Passport No. 58373
Ref: findmypast 2011

Julius. On the 1st inst, at Clermont House, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, George Charles Julius, Esq, MD, aged 81.
Ref: Morning Post Monday, 7 December 1885

George Charles Julius b. 9 August 1804 d. 1 December 1885.

bullet  Research Notes:

George's three sons left for New Zealand to establish themselves, great misfortune befell them by death and ill-health as they were becoming established in Oamaru Nth Otago in farming, legal practice and Government.

West Indian Book Plates.
Caribbeana Vol 3 Pg A76.
654. George C. Julius. Arm. (F.C.)
Arms of Julius impaling Argent, a fess Sable between three martlets.
Crest and Motto of Julius

Guildhall Library: Records of Sun Fire Office [MS 11936/535]
FILE - Policy register - ref. MS 11936/535 - date: 1832-1833
item: [no title] - ref. MS 11936/535/1160606 - date: 17 September 1833
Insured: Charles Julius Junr,, Richmond Green Surrey, surgeon

To find out more about the archives described, contact Guildhall Library:
Guildhall Library: Records of Sun Fire Office [MS 11936/535]
Catalogue Ref. SUN
Sun Fire Office, 1710-1891
Exchange House Fire Office, 1708-1710
Sun Insurance Office Ltd, 1891-1959
Sun Alliance Group, 1959-1996
Royal and Sun Alliance, 1996-

For guidelines for how best to use the detailed index of policies for some of the London insurers policy registers (old series, MS 11936) on A2A please see The "Place in the Sun" project - using the online index of Sun Fire Office policy registers 1816 - 1824 at: <>


bullet  Other Records

1. George Charles Julius: Correspondence concerning the gift from William IV, 10 Sep 1833.
This letter from H. M. William IV (unfortunately defaced)
. . . . .
. . . . . Mr Henry
. . . . . ings Praig Pierre
. . . . . [sum] of thirty guineas
. . . . . for a piece of plate to be mark by Mr Bridge - of Ludgate Hill1 in consequence of Mr Julius
attention to H.M. gran Daughter the daughter of Lady Augusta Erskine2
St Margaretts
Sept 10 1833
William R

William IV in his Garter Robes by Sir Martin Archer Shee P.R.A3., 1833, the year of this gift to George Julius Jnr.

This letter from an unidentified Secretary to the King.
M [Mr] Julius
Monday . . . . .
Dear Sir
The King has intimated to me his intention of being here tomorrow as soon after 12 oclock as he can probably before one oclock & I dare say will stay to lunch. May I venture to say given] you had better be in the way & I hope will lunch with us
. . . . . . . . . .
& . . . . . Ailsa [?]. . . . .

1. Messrs Rundell and Bridge silversmiths & Jewellers of Ludgate Hill.
2. Lady Augusta Gordon fourth illegitimate daughter of William IV then Duke of Clarence by Dorothea Gordon.

2. George Charles Julius: Gift from William IV, 18 Sep 1833.
JULIUS JOTTINGS, January 1900 No 1. Pg 10.
Maria Louisa Brewin writes: " Part of this time his eldest son Dr George Charles Julius was practising with his father, and for his services to a young Princess was presented by King William the IVth with a silver vase dated september 18th 1833. Which is now in the possession of his grandson Bertie Julius of Tilford"
The cup is inscribed as below including the signature of William IV.

for his
kind attention and successful treatment
His Majesty's Grand-daughter
The daughter of the Lady A.K. Erskine.
September 18th 1833.

3. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Wakefield Yorkshire.
George is recorded as head of house married aged 46 Physician MB of Edinburgh MRCS of London born East Indies.

4. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Willey Mill London-Southampton Rd Farnham SRY.
George is recorded as a widower aged 56, M.D. Edinburgh, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, not practising, born East Indies Bengal, head lodger.

5. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY.
George is shown at the home of his brother Frederick aged 66 born in Bengal.

6. George Charles Julius Jnr: Snuff box, gift from Earl Onslow.
The family appear to have had a close association with Arthur George Onslow the 3rd Earl Onslow a British peer (1777 - 1870). Onslow had no surviving heir, it is clear Frederick's youngest son was named after Onslow, who was his godfather.
This note relates to a French snuff box left to George by Earl Onslow and mentioned in George's will as:
"I bequeath the snuffbox presented to me by the late Earl of Onslow to my said nephew Arthur Onslow Julius"

"For my very good and excellent friend Mr George Julius in testimony of my sincere regard and high esteem for him

7. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, The Sands Seale Farnham.
George is recorded as head of house a widower aged 76 retired medical doctor born Bengal East Indies

8. George Charles Julius: Will, 24 Sep 1885.
This Is the last Will and Testament of me George Charles Julius of Claremont House near Tilford in the County of Surrey Esq
I appoint my nephew Arthur Onslow Julius of 15 Finsbury Crescent in the City of London solicitor and Catherine Robertson Julius of Claremont House aforesaid the widow of my late son Reginald Julius (hereinafter called my trustees) to be the Executors and Trustees of this my will
I bequeath all my household goods plate linen china pictures books carriages livestock and other goods and chattels which may be in or about the house and premises occupied by me at the time of my decease (not otherwise specifically bequeathed) to the said Catherine Robertson Julius widow of my late son Reginald Julius
I also give and bequeath to the said Catherine Robertson Julius so much and such sum of my stock or shares In the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation as shall be equal in value at the time of my decease to the sum of £500 sterling
I also give and bequeath to the said Catherine Robertson Julius all monies which at the time of my death I may have on deposit with the Alliance Economic Investment Co Ltd
I bequeath the silver vase presented to me by his late Majesty King William IV to my grandson Herbert Amelius Julius to be held by him and his heirs as an heirloom
I bequeath the portrait of my late Father and the family Bible to my nephew the Venerable Churchill Julius Archdeacon of Ballarat in Australia to be held by him and his heirs as heirlooms
I bequeath the snuffbox presented to me by the late Earl of Onslow and Hallam's Constitutional History to my said nephew Arthur Onslow Julius
I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate not here by otherwise disposed of unto my trustees upon trust that my trustees shall sell and call in and convert into money the same all such parts thereof as shall not consist of money and shall with and out of the monies to arise from such sale calling in and conversion and with and out of my ready money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed and shall at their discretion invest the residue of the said monies and shall stand possessed of the residuary trust monies and the investments for the time being represented the same (hereinafter called the residuary trust funds) upon the trusts following (that is to say) as to one moiety thereof upon trust to pay the income or annual proceeds thereof to the said Catherine Robertson Julius for her sole and separate use for her life free from the control debts interference or engagements of any husband with whom she may intermarry and so that she shall not have power to anticipate the same and that her receipts in writing shall alone be sufficient discharges for the same And after the death of the said Catherine Robertson Julius upon trust for all the children of my late son Reginald Julius and the said Catherine Robertson Julius his wife or such one or more of them exclusively of the other or others of them in such shares (if more than one) and in such manner as the said Catherine Robertson Julius shall by any deed or deeds or by her will whether under coverture or not appoint and in default of any such appointment or so far as any such appointment shall not extend then upon trust for all the children of my late son Reginald Julius and the said Catherine Robertson Julius his wife who being a son or sons shall live to attain the age of 21 years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry in equal shares and if there shall be only one such child the whole to be in trust for that one child And as to the other moiety of the residuary trust funds upon trust to pay the income or annual proceeds thereof to my daughter Ethel Lambart for her sole and separate use independent and exclusively of her present husband or any future husband with whom she may intermarry and of his debts control interference or engagements and say that her receipts alone shall be discharges for the same and so that she shall not have power to deprive herself of the benefit thereof by mortgage charge or otherwise in the way of anticipation And after the decease of the said Ethel Lambart upon trust for all the children of the said Ethel Lambart who being a son or sons shall live to attain the age of 21 years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry in equal shares and if there shall be only one such child the whole to be in trust for such one child And I hereby declare that it shall be lawful for my trustees at any time after the death of the said Catherine Robertson Julius or after the death of the said Ethel Lambart respectively or in the lifetime of either with the consent in writing of either of them respectively to raise any part or parts not exceeding one moiety of the vested or presumptive share of any child either of the said Reginald Julius and Catherine Robertson Julius his wife or of the said Ethel Lambart under the trusts of this my will and to pay and apply the same for his or her preferment or advancement or benefit as they my trustees shall think fit And I hereby declare that if there be no child of the said Reginald Julius and Catherine Robertson Julius his wife who shall attain the age of 21 years or marry as aforesaid or if no child of the said Ethel Lambart shall attain that age or marry as aforesaid then I direct my trustees to stand possessed of the capital stocks funds and securities to which such child or children would respectively be entitled in trust for the said Ethel Lambart and Catherine Robertson Julius in equal shares if both shall be then living or in case of the previous death of either of them then for the survivor of them the said Ethel Lambart and Catherine Robertson Julius absolutely I hereby declare that my trustees may postpone the sale and conversion of my real and personal estate or any part thereof for so long as they shall think fit and that the rents profits and income to accrue from and after my decease of and from such part of my estate as shall for the time being remain unsold and unconverted shall be paid to the person or persons and in the manner to whom and in which the income of the monies produced by such sale and conversion would for the time being be payable under this my will if such sale and conversion had been actually made I declare that in addition to the statutory powers and provisions now incident to trust estates all monies liable to be invested under this my will may be invested in or upon the stocks shares or debt of or loan to any Public Company or Society established by Act of Parliament or charter or otherwise incorporated in Great Britain or British Colonies of which the shares are fully paid-up and paying a dividend
In Witness whereof I have to this my will comprised in this and the 2 preceding sheets set my hand this 24th day of September 1885
George Charles Julius
Signed by the said George Charles Julius as and for his last will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses
E A Julius Claremont House no occupation
William Harmsworth Claremont House Groom and Gardener

This Is a Codicil to the last will and Testament of me George Charles Julius of Claremont House near Telford in the County of Surrey Esq which will bears date the 24th day of September 1885
I hereby give and bequeath to my daughter in law Catherine Robertson Julius the following legacies and bequests (which legacies and bequests I hereby declare shall be in addition to and not in substitution of any benefits which she may derive under my said will namely
Firstly the sum of £250 or such other lesser some as shall constitute the whole balance of all monies which at the time of my death may be standing to my credit on current account at any bank after paying their out all my just debts (other than funeral and testamentary expenses which I direct shall be paid out of my residuary estate)
Secondly the sum of £1000 to be paid to the said Catherine Robertson Julius out of the monies to be received from the Legal and General Assurance Society in respect of the policy of assurance on my life effected with them
Thirdly any bonus or bonuses which at the time of my death shall be payable by the said Society in respect or on account of the said policy of assurance
And in all other respects I confirm my said will
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of November 1885
George Charles Julius
Signed by the said George Charles Julius as and for a codicil to his last will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses
E A Julius Claremont House no present occupation
William Harmsworth Claremont House Groom and Gardener

On 29 December 1885 Probate of this will with one codicil was granted to Arthur Onslow Julius and Catherine Robertson Julius widow the executors.

Julius Dr George Charles M.D. 29 Dec 1885
The Will with Codicil of George Charles Julius late of Claremont House, in the parish of Churt nr Tilford, in the County of Surrey Esquire M.D. who died 1 Dec 1885 at Claremont House was proved 29 Dec 1885 by Arthur Onslow Julius of 15 Finsbury Circus solicitor nephew and Katherine Robertson Julius of Claremont House widow the Executors. Personal estate L19210 1s 4d Resworn Jun 1886 L19420 19s 4d
Ref: National Probate calendar.


George married Jean SPAIGHT [782] [MRIN: 250], daughter of Francis SPAIGHT of Derry Castle TIP [2204] and Agnes PATTERSON [2205], on 13 Oct 1829 in Kilrush Ireland. (Jean SPAIGHT [782] was born in 1813 in Kilrush Ireland and died on 13 Oct 1840 in Hermitage, Castle Connell Limerick.)


George next married Susan THORLEY [783] [MRIN: 251], daughter of Robert THORLEY [2206] and Elizabeth SMYTHE [2207], on 19 Feb 1844 in Petersham SRY. (Susan THORLEY [783] was born in 1804 and died before 1852.)

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