The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
John RUMBALL of Chipping Barnet HRT [10867]
(Abt 1718-1791)
Susannah SAMPSON [10868]
James QUILTER [1163]
Mary Anne VOKINS [1164]
(Abt 1762-1818)

Rev George QUILTER [778]


Family Links

1. Arabella Maria JULIUS [777]

Rev George QUILTER [778]

  • Born: 15 Jun 1793, Monken Hadley LND
  • Baptised: 15 Jul 1793, Monken Hadley MDX
  • Marriage (1): Arabella Maria JULIUS [777] on 14 Oct 1818 in St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY
  • Died: 15 Nov 1871, Canwick Lincolnshire aged 78
  • Buried: All Saints Canwick Lincolnshire

bullet  General Notes:

George was sent to the school of Robert Delafosse in Richmond SRY.

Quilter George: Entered, Michs. 1811 pens. (age 18) at PETERHOUSE, Mar. 29, 1810. Of Middlesex. [A younger s. of James, of Hadley (d. 1818, aged 64), and his wife Mary Ann.] School, Richmond, Surrey. Matric Michs. 1811; B.A. 1815; M.A. 1818. Fellow, 1816. Ord. deacon (Ely) 1816; priest, 1817. V. of Canwick, Lincs., 1818-71. Died there in 1871. Father of Henry K. (1857) and the next. (T. A. Walker, 385; Crockford; Clergy List; P. B. G. Binnall; Cass, Monken Hadley, 170).
Cambridge University Alumni

George is reported as attending a meeting of the Irish Society at Lincoln in the company of other clerics.
Hull Packet 10 March 1837.

I am in the process of transcribing a diary of my wife's great great grandfather the
The Diary of Revd Thomas Smith of Brailes, WAR. 1843
March 13. Clerical Meeting at Harmston. Rev Clarke's
April At Canwick. Rev Quilter
Ref: V Maldoom.

A prebendal stall at Lincoln Cathedral has been confirred upon the Rev George Quilter M.A. of St Peters College Cambridge, vicar of Canwick, near Lincoln. Mr Quilter took his B.A. degree in 1815, and is nearly eighty years of age.
Pall Mall Gazette 23 Dec 1870.

Julius Jottings. No 2. April 1900.
Being an extract from a local paper.
The departure of one of the oldest and most deservedly respected of the clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, the Rev. George Quilter, Prebendary of Lincoln and Vicar of Canwick, from the scene of his labour, carried on for more than half-a-century, calls for a brief notice.
Having taken his degree at Peterhouse in 1815, the same, year as Dean Wadington, of Durham, and Dr. Archdall, the recently deceased Master of Emmanuel, Mr. Quilter was ordained by Bishop Sparke of Ely, and in 1818 was appointed by the Mercer's Company to the living of Canwick. It is an interesting fact that one of the candidates for the living was the Rev. Richard Sibthorp (whose vacillations between the Churches of England and Rome form such a curious page in the religious history of the last quarter of a century ), whose brother, the once famous Colonel Sibthorp, M.P., was the owner of Canwick Hall.
A fast friendship soon arose between the successful and disappointed competitors, which no change of faith could impair, and one of those who walked nearest to his old friends coffin at the funeral was the Rev. Richard Sibthorp, Roman Catholic Priest, of Nottingham.
Mr. Quilter was one of the assiduous workers who, without attempting great things, by the singleness of their aim, utter self-forgetfulness, and unvarying Christian love, effect more for Christ and His Church than many whose names are far more widely known. It has been often said of him that "he worked before it was the fashion to work," and gave an example of the laborious, affectionate, Christian pastor, when perhaps such were rarer than they now are.
For some years Mr. Quilter took pupils, among whom was Admiral Eden. His village lying on the brow of the hill overlooking Lincoln, within a short walk of that city, he was enabled to devote his spare time to good works among its inhabitants. The dispensary numbered him among its founders and to the last he was one of its most active managers. The workhouse and hospital benefited by his gratuitous ministrations to their poor and suffering inmates. Never, indeed, was there a call of duty or charity which was not heeded, and, as far as possible, obeyed by Mr. Quilter. Almost his last act was to send a cheque towards the restoration of St. Mary's Church in Lincoln.
Last year Mr. Quilter received a well merited recognition of his labours from the Bishop of Lincoln, in the appointment to a Prebendal Stall in the Cathedral. He loved the Minster, and rejoiced to attend its services as a devout worshipper, and it is pleasant to feel that, for the last year of his life, he could do so as a member of its foundation.
Mr. Quilter's death was what one could have wished for him: a sudden easy passage to the other world, not preceded by sickness or accompanied by pain. On the morning of Wednesday, the 15th inst., he was on his way to family prayer, when he fell, and in a moment his spirit had joined the blest in Paradise.
Sint nostrae animae cum illo. His body was interred on Tuesday, the 21st, beneath the ivied walls of his little church, a large number of the clergy and leading laity of the city testifying their respect by their attendance. The service at the grave was read by Mr Quilter's old friend, the Rev. Edward Wilson, formerly Fellow of St John's Vicar of Nocton, and Prebendary of Lincoln. The pall was borne by Chancellor Massingberd, Precentor Variables, Prebendary Blenkin, Rev. T. S. Nelson (Rural Dean), etc. Great Tom was tolled from the Cathedral tower during the ceremony, and at Evensong Spohr's anthem, Blest are the Departed," was sung by the Cathedral choir, and the Dead March in Samson played.

Sir Francis Hill writes - George Quilter was deeply involved with the Lincoln branch of the British & Foreign Bible Society, formed in 1816, this was the first clear expression of the evanagelical movement in Lincoln. It received support within the lay members of Lincoln society, including the Sibthorp family of Canwick, a few country clergymen lent their support, including Mr Quilter of Canwick - most of the clergy however, and in particular the cathedral clergy, kept aloof from the movement. Mr George Quilter, the rector of Canwick, together with Mr Bergne, the Independent minister, launched the Lincoln Temperence Society in 1833.
Ref: Georgian Lincoln and Victorian Lincoln by Sir Francis Hill (published by Cambridge Univ. Press 1966 & 1974 respectively)

The Lincolnshire Chronicle of 17 November, deaths column: Quilter, on the 15th November, at Conwick, suddenly, the Rev. George Quilter Prebendary of Lincoln Catherdral and Vicar of Canwick, aged 78.

Also reported: "We announce with extreme regret that the Rev G. Quilter, vicar of Canwiok, we believe for a long period of 54 years, died on Wednesday morning last. The deceased gentleman was appointed to the prebendal stall of St Mary, Crackpool during the past year, and few appointments have given more satisfaction.Mr Quilter was highly respected by all to whom he was known, and was a liberal benefactor to the City charities, especially to the Dispensary, in which institution he took a very great interest.Mr Quilter died somewhat suddenly, for on Tuesday last he was in Lincoln, apparently in good health".

The Lincolnshire Chronicle of 24 November 1871 writes:
"The funeral of the justly respected Prebendary Quilter took place on Wednesday last at 12 o'clock. He was buried where he had lived, in the midst of his people, whom he had tendered with fatherly care for more than half a century - beneath the walls of the church in which he had fed his flock with the word of life, led their devotions, and imparted to them the blessed sacraments of Christ.
The funeral was as largely attended as was to be expected from the
universal esteem and affection entertained for Mr Quilter in Lincoln and its neighbourhood. The church was filled with his parishioners, and an omnibus conveyed to the service the aged inmates of St Annes Bede Houses, of which institution the reverend gentleman was one of the oldest trustees.The pall was borne by the following clergymen, robed in surplices, hood and stole: the precentor, the chancellor, the Revs T.S Nelson, G.B. Blenkir, F.B. Bleokir, and W.T Hathway. Among the clergy present, who wore surplices, were the Revs (and here it lists 11 persons, one of them being Richard Sibthorp of Nottingham). Among the laity we may mention the Hon. A.L. Melville,
Coningsby Sibtborp esq., F. Burton esq., Messrs W. Ashley, J. Norton, R. Trotter, and Dr G.M. Lowe. The coffin was preceded by the surpliced clergy, who were immediately followed by Dr George Lowe and the Rev. Richard Sibthorp, the old and beloved friend of the deceased. The introductory sentences and the service at the grave were read by the Rev. E Wilson of Nocton, and the psalms and lessons by the curate of Canwick, the Rev. Haskett-Smith. The venerable of Mr Quilter supported bv her son the Rev. Frederick Quilter, and others of her sons and daughters, followed the remains of her husband to the grave.
In additon to those above enumerated, we observed amongst the crowd that surrounded the grave the faces of many with whom the late vicar had been associated in deeds of trust, benevolence, or charity, and to whom he had been, as he always was to all who came personally in contact with him, a gentleman, minister, and true friend. Last Sunday afternoon the Dead March was played after service in the Minister, and on Wednesday afternoon Spoirs beautiful anthem, 'Blest are the departed' was sung as a tribute of respect to Prebendary Quilters memory."

After the death of the Rev. George Quilter. his son, the Rev. Frederick Wm Quilter was put forward to the Mercers Company, the patron, to take over the incumbency.
A petition to this effect was signed by every person in the parish and submitted to the Mercers' Company. At that time the Rev. Frederick Quilter was the vicar of Leyton Essex. However, despite the pressure from the local community, the Mercers Company, voted in a mercer, the Rev. James Watney, of the famous beer family.

The Lincolnshire Chronicle of 1 December 1871 reports that a resolution was passed at an ordinary monthly meeting of the Committee of the Lincoln General Dispensary, as follows. "that this Board cannot allow the lamented death of the Rev Prebendary George Quilter to pass by without tendering to his widow and family the acknowledgment of Mr Quilter's very long and valuable services, rendered by him to this institution for a period of upwards of 15 years, and expressing their sympathy with them in this their domestic trial."

Rev George Quilter
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1793
Birth Place: Greater London, England
Death Date: 15 Nov 1871
Death Place: Canwick, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England
Cemetery: All Saints Churchyard
Burial or Cremation Place: Canwick, North Kesteven District, Lincolnshire, England
Spouse: Arabella Maria Quilter
Frederick William Quilter
Agnes Amelia Quilter
Charlotte Sophia Quilter
Emma Theresa Quilter
George Quilter
Sarah Conington Quilter
Henry King Quilter
Arabella Emily Parkinson

The very long Will of George Quilter has been summarised below.

bullet  Research Notes:

Baptism IGI FHL Films 0568853, 0579288, 6903837.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Canwick Vicarage LIN. George is recorded as head of house married aged 57 Vicar of Canwick born Hadley MDX

2. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, Canwick Vicarage LIN. George is recorded as head of house aged 67 married Vicar of Canwick born Headley MDX

3. George Quilter: Will, 18 May 1865.
Part 1.
Precis of the Will of Rev George Quilter clerk formerly of St Peters College Cambridge and Hadley Middlesex but now of Canwick Lincolnshire.

Wife Arabella Maria Quilter, sons Rev Frederic William Quilter and Rev Henry King Quilter Executors & Trustees.

Wife Arabella Maria Quilter all household goods, plate, jewels, selection of books etc.

Son Frederic William Quilter remainder of plate etc not selected by his wife.

Son Henry King Quilter likewise.

Balance of Real & Personal Estate to Trustees in Trust to be invested in itemised investments.

After payment of debts, wife Arabella Maria Quilter to be provided for.

Names, land, and property in Hadley MDX and London in trust for his son Frederic William Quilter heirs, etc.

Names, land, and property in Essex, Middlesex, in trust for his son Henry King Quilter heirs, etc.

Names, shops, warehouses, etc. in London in trust for his daughter Arabella Emily Parkinson heirs, etc.

Copyhold farm lands and hereditaments in Essex in trust for his daughter Julia Henrietta Quilter.

Two freehold messuages and appurtenances in Aldersgate Street London in trust for his daughter
Mary Anne Gilson.

Copyhold farm lands and hereditaments in Southminster, Essex in trust for his daughter Catherine Ausilla

Freehold messuage with appurtenances in Saint Botolph, London in trust for his daughter Agnes Amelia Quilter.

Two freehold messuages with appurtenances in Aldersgate Street, London in trust for his daughter Nona Quilter.

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Arabella Emily Parkinson.

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Julia Henrietta Quilter.

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Mary Anne Gilson.

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Catherine Ausilla Knowles.

4. George Quilter: Will, 18 May 1865.
Part 2.
Precis of the Will of Rev George Quilter clerk

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Agnes Amelia Quilter.

one sixth of his Bank stock for his daughter Nona Quilter.

Rest, residue, and remainder of his real and personal estate to his sons Frederic William Quilter and Henry
King Quilter.

Signed 18th May 1865
George Quilter

Signed as witnesses
Richard Butt, Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn London solicitor
Jas. H. Matthews clerk to Messrs. Booty and Butt, solicitors
Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn


Revoking that bequeathed to his daughter Julia Henrietta Quilter deceased now to his son Frederic
William Quilter.

Revoking the books bequeathed to his wife and the plate, jewels, and books to his sons Frederic William
Quilter and Henry King Quilter. In lieu books, plate, and jewels not selected by his wife to his sons
Frederic William Quilter and Henry King Quilter to be divided equally among them. Books selected by his
wife in the event of her death to go to Frederic William Quilter.

Mortgage debt for freehold hereditaments in Boston, Lincolnshire of £1,200 and the messuages, hereditaments,
and premises thereof to son Frederic William Quilter.

Signed 22nd Nov 1870
George Quilter

Signed as witnesses
Richard Butt, Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn London solicitor
Ann Bates servant, Hadley Middlesex

Proved at London 20th Dec 1871
by the oaths of Arabella Maria Quilter widow, Rev Frederic William Quilter clerk, and Rev Henry King Quilter clerk.

Transcribed and summarised by C. L. O'Sullivan 21.11.2022.

Quilter the Rev George. 20 December 1871. The Will with codicil of the Rev George Quilter formerly of St Peter's College Cambridge afterwards of Hadley in the County of Middlesex but late of Canwick in the County of Lincoln Clerk who died 15 November 1871 at Canwick was proved at the Principal Registry by Arabella Maria Quilter of Canwick Widow the Relict the Rev Frederick William Quilter of Leyton in the County of Essex Clerk and the Rev Henry King Quilter of Bilton in the County of York Clerk the son's the Executors.
Effects under £16,000.
National Probate Calendar.

5. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, Islington St Michael London. George (Ann?) Quilter is shown born 1791 Epsom SRY Head of family also in the house was Charlotte Quilter born 1834 Ipswich SFK Daughter.


George married Arabella Maria JULIUS [777] [MRIN: 248], daughter of Dr George Charles JULIUS [51] and Isabella Maria GILDER [52], on 14 Oct 1818 in St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY. (Arabella Maria JULIUS [777] was born on 16 Feb 1800 in Berhampur Bengal (Reg In London), baptised on 1 Jul 1801, died on 3 Jun 1885 in Beverley YKS and was buried on 8 Jun 1885 in Canwick Lincolnshire.)

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