The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
Ann MARSH [6702]
(Abt 1786-1865)


Family Links

1. George VANDERZEE Esq [1377]

Ann MARSH [6702]

  • Born: Abt 1786, Farnham SRY
  • Marriage (1): George VANDERZEE Esq [1377] on 19 Dec 1833 in St Pancras Parish Chapel Camden LND
  • Died: 12 Feb 1865, Hammersmith MDX aged about 79

bullet  General Notes:

Marriage Licence granted 11 Dec 1833.

Marriage Entry: Ref: XO/30/032
19 Dec 1833 Geo Vanderzee widower m Ann Marsh single, both of the parish of St Pancras Euston Rd Camden, by licence, E Hannam curate, witnesses - Chas Cumming Harriet Duffitt, entry 892.

Ann was an Executor and Trustee for her husbands estate per his Will dated 21 May 1836. The wording of the will named no issue at that time but provided for issue present and in the future.

There is no mention of any issue by George and Ann in her father-in-law's will dated 21 May 1836

Vanderzee Mrs Westcroft Pl. Hammersmith
Post Office Directory London 1851
Vanderzee Mrs A Westgrove Pl. Ham
Post Office Directory London 1851

Vanderzee Mrs Ann 4 Westcroft Pl. Hammersmith MDX
Post Office Directory MDX 1855

An Anne Vanderzee died Mar Qtr 1865 Kensington MDX Vol 1A Pg110

Probate Calendar. Vanderzee Ann 4 Apr 1865 Effects under L3000 The will of Ann Vanderzee late of 4 Westcroft Plc Hammersmith MDX, Widow, died 12 Feb 1865 at Westcroft Plc aforesaid proved at the Principle Registry by oath of Frederick James Hand of 5 New Inn Strand MDX Gent, the sole executor.

bullet  Research Notes:

The researcher (ELF) conjecture's:
George Vanderzee's family by Ann Marsh are born substantially before his marriage to her?
George's Will 21 May 1836 clearly names Henry (and grandsons Geo and Henry), Marian and George as his children "now living by my first wife" the Will then refers to his children by his wife Ann not by name and in the most generalised but nevertheless specific way as: "Upon Trust to pay the same interest" This is repeated later in the Will Ann is appointed "guardian of my children during their respective minorities" all the first family were then past their minority.
So why not mention the children by name? Was it possible that in doing so, that name could be challenged as not the lawful issue of George? The Will places great responsibility in Ann for the care and inheritance of his children by her.
His oldest son George by Mary is specificately restrained from challenging the Will by penalty, was this because he was at odds with Ann and or the second family?
The strange way the Will is drafted suggests an irregularity.

Were George and Mary estranged but not divorced, leaving George unable to marry before Mary's death

As Ann was described as single at the time of her marriage to Geo, these 4 children were conceived out of wedlock either by George as the father, or the children of Ann and another. The father named at their baptism's was George Vanmarsh, it is most unlikely the Parish Clerk would misspell the name 4 times over a period of 6 years? Was this a fiction to avoid the words "base born"?

Then we come to the occasion when Ann Vanderzee/Vanmarsh/Marsh married Frederick James Hand, her marriage certificate describes her as Ann Marsh her (late) father George Marsh ! Such an oversight, was a serious matter in those days. Perhaps she was not George's daughter inspite of the report in John Bull of the marriage that she was?

Was Ann Marsh his housekeeper and "below his class" for a marriage, until at age 66 he made an honest women of her (and himself). Did this "family secret" have an impact on the mental health of two of the children?

Rosie Flower notes: The incidence of mental illness/incapacity in this family tree has interested me. So far I've identified seven individuals, all with VANDERZEE ancestry who are at some point found in an "asylum". In researching other names and much bigger families I've not come across a similar level of incidence which has led me to wonder whether there may not have been an inherited gene. Notably some of the individuals have the VANDERZEE name on both their paternal and maternal side. Some appear to have been affected in later life, whilst others are found in asylums from an early age


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 7 Jun 1841, Francis Tce St Pancras Kentish Town. Ann is recorded as aged 50 of independant means not born in MDX

2. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, 4 Westcroft Pl Brompton Hammersmith MDX. Ann is recorded as head of house a widow aged 64 Solicitors widow born Farnham SRY Plus one servant (Vanderzee is misspelt Vandergee)

3. Ann Vanderzee nee Marsh: Will, 14 Aug 1862 Proved 4 Apr 1865.
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Ann Vanderzee of Number 4 Westcroft Place, Hammersmith in the County of Middlesex widow I direct that my body may be buried in the vault wherein the remains of my late husband are deposited under the chapel at Kentish Town in the County of Middlesex if the Secretary of State shall give his consent to the said vault being opened
I give and bequeath all my household furniture plate plated articles books linen china pictures and other effects (except such books and other articles as are hereinafter specifically bequeathed) to my executor hereinafter named upon trust to sell and convert the same into money as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and out of the proceeds of such sale in the first place to pay my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and then the next place to pay the following legacies
I direct the sum of £100 to my son Alexander Vanderzee the sum of £10.10s to my son in law Frederick James Hand of Number 11 Southampton Buildings Chancery St gentleman for mourning and the sum of £2.2s to my grandson George Weightman Hand to purchase a mourning ring the legacy to my son Alexander to be paid in two instalments of £50 each and to be payable at the expiration of 6 and 12 months after my decease respectively
I give and bequeath to my trustees hereinafter named the small sofa in the drawing room the small chest of drawers for cottons her own paintings in watercolours the portrait of herself and such of my books pictures as she may select together with one moiety of my wardrobe of wearing apparel and all my jewels trinkets and personal accoutrements except my gold watch and appendages which I give and bequeath to my grandson Frederick Augustus Hand of the Royal Artillery
I direct my said trustees hereinafter named to select such articles of furniture as she may think fit for the use and comfort of my daughter Georgiana and to apply the other moiety of my wardrobe for her benefit
And whereas the freehold and leasehold messuage and premises hereinafter mentioned were purchased by me with monies that came to my hands as executrix of the last will and testament of George Vanderzee Esq deceased bearing date the 21st day of May 1836
I the said Ann Vanderzee by virtue and in exercise and execution of the powers and authority given and reserved to me in and by the said will and of all and every other power and powers authority and authorities to me in that behalf given or in any way enabling me thereunto do hereby give devise direct and appoint that all those my two leasehold messuage or dwellinghouse as situate and being No 5 Harris[?] Terrace and No 98 Gloucester Pl, Kentish Town aforesaid and also all that my freehold messuage or dwelling house situate and being at 36 Montpelier Square Knightsbridge in the said county of Middlesex and all mortgage debts and securities for the same and all money in the Indian Stocks and all other my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever and over which I have the power of disposal shall remain and be to the use of my daughter Ann Hand wife of the said Frederick James Hand her heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature and tenure thereof respectively upon the trusts following that is to say upon trust out of the interest dividends an annual proceeds thereof respectively to pay the annuity of £20 payable to George Vanderzee Esq under the will of his late father the said George Vanderzee Esq deceased by quarterly payments as hitherto and from and immediately after his decease to direct my said trustees to pay the said annuity to my son Alexander Vanderzee for the term of his natural life and to be paid to him half yearly without power of anticipation and upon further trust to pay and apply the sum of £60 annually for the board and lodging and clothing washing and it attendance of my son John Vanderzee for the term of his natural life without power of anticipation and to be paid half yearly for his benefit and upon further trust to pay and apply the sum of £70 annually for the board lodging clothing washing and attendance of my said daughter Georgiana Vanderzee for the term of her natural life without power of anticipation and to be paid monthly out of which some I request my said daughter and hand to lay out for her so much as may be necessary for her clothing not exceeding the sum of £10 annually and subject to the before mentioned annuities
I give devise direct and appoint that all my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever and what nature or kind whatsoever (save as aforesaid) shall remain and be to the use of my said daughter Ann Hand and her assigns for the term of her natural life for her sole and separate use and benefit and free from the control debts and engagements of her present or any future husband she may happen to marry and from and after her decease I give devise direct and appoint the same and every part thereof (subject as aforesaid) to and between my two grandsons Frederick Augustus Hand and George Weightman Hand and their respective heirs executors administrators and assigns in equal shares and proportions absolutely provided I have power under the said will so to limit the said estate if otherwise I give devise direct and appoint the same and every part thereof to the separate use of the said Ann Hand her heirs executors administrators and assigns absolutely and I give and devise all my houses and hereditaments whereof I have or and entitled to any estate of inheritance by virtue of any mortgage unto the use of the said Ann Hand her heirs and assigns to the intent that she may convey the same upon payment of the principal and interest thereby secured but I request my said trustee not to call in a certain which I hold of certain freehold properties of Sarah Gain [?] in the County of Surrey to secure the sum of £357 unless and until default is made in payment of the interest or the premises are suffered to fall into decay and I declare that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees shall be a good and sufficient discharge the person or persons paying such sum or sums respectively for the sum to be mentioned therein and that such person or persons shall not be bound to see to the application thereof or of any part thereof provided always that it shall be lawful for my said trustee or any subsequent trustee to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned from time to time to let all or any part of my said freehold and leasehold messuage or dwellinghouse and premises either by the year or for any term of years not exceeding twenty one years in possession and not in reversion so as in every such case there shall be reserved the best and most improved in that can be reasonably had and obtained for the same and so as every such lease shall contain a clause of reentry in default of payment of rent for twenty one days and the lessee or lessees to sell and deliver a counterpart or counterparts of such lease or leases provided always and I hereby declare that it shall be lawful for my said trustee to appoint one or more fit person or persons in her direction to act with her in the trusts of this my will and that if she or any future trustee or trustees to be appointed under this provision of my will shall die or be desirous of being discharged or being unwilling or unable to act in the trusts aforesaid then and in either of such cases it shall be lawful for my said trustee or the trustee or trustees for the time being to appoint of his or her own discretion by and any deed or writing under this her or their hand and seal or hands and seals to be attested by one or more reliable witness or witnesses any other fit person or persons to be a trustee either jointly with my said trustee or in the place or stand of my said trustee or any subsequent trustee so dying desiring to be discharged or unwilling or unable to act as aforesaid and as often as any new trustee shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid all the trust estate and premises as shall be then invested under this my will shall be respectively conveyed assigned and transferred in such manner that the same may be legally and effectually vested in the personal person so appointed as aforesaid either solely or jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee as the case may require upon the trusts and to and for the uses interests and purposes hereinbefore expressed and declared or such of them as shall be then subsisting and capable of taking effect and the personal person so appointed as aforesaid shall have and be entitled to exercise the same powers and authorities as if they had been appointed trustees by this my will provided always and I do hereby further declare that none of the several trustees here by appointed nor any of the trustees to be hereby appointed by virtue of this provision shall be charged or chargeable with or for any sums of money other than what they shall respectively actually received by virtue of the trusts in them hereby exposed notwithstanding they or any of them shall join in any receipt for the sake of conformity and that out of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other of them or for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other of them but each only for his her or their own acts receipts neglects in default and also that it shall be lawful for them with and out of the monies which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain to and redistribute himself or herself respectively and allow to his or her co-trustee all such costs charges and expenses as they or either of them shall or may respectively sustain expend or be put unto in or about the execution of the trusts in them reposed or in anywise relating thereto And I revoke all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be my last will and Testament and appoint the said Frederick James Hand executor thereof
In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in 5 sheets of paper signed my name the the 14 day of August 1862
Ann Vanderzee
Signed published and declared by me the said testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who in her presence and at her request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
Mary E Roy of Montague House Brook Green Hammersmith
Elizabeth Agatha Ladell of Walsingham Norfolk

Proved at London for April 1865 by the oath of Frederick James Hand the sole executor to whom administration was granted.


Ann married George VANDERZEE Esq [1377] [MRIN: 2235], son of James VANDERZEE [126] and Philadelphia MEAD [1041], on 19 Dec 1833 in St Pancras Parish Chapel Camden LND. (George VANDERZEE Esq [1377] was born about 1767, died on 29 Mar 1837 in 3 Francis Tce Kentish Town MDX and was buried on 10 Apr 1837 in St John the Baptist Kentish Town Camden LND.)

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