The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Samuel ALSTON [640]
(Abt 1690-1754)
Sarah [122]
(Abt 1692-1732)
Jacobus VANDERZEE [120]
(Abt 1688-1746)
Mary GUSTERSON [2071]
Samuel ALSTON [85]

George ALSTON [61]


Family Links

1. Mary CREEK [62]

2. Anne Margaret VANDERZEE [60]

George ALSTON [61]

  • Born: 11 Sep 1763
  • Baptised: 8 Oct 1763, Nayland SFK
  • Marriage (1): Mary CREEK [62] on 22 May 1798 in Little Horkesley ESS
  • Marriage (2): Anne Margaret VANDERZEE [60] on 24 May 1806 in Holborn St Andrew LND
  • Died: 4 Feb 1831, Nayland SFK aged 67
  • Buried: 5 Feb 1831, Nayland SFK

bullet  General Notes:

George was an Attorney at Law. Resided at "Grooms" Nayland 1800/31.

Miniature and silhouette in possession of E L Fenn Auckland NZ 1998.

George Alston Gent of Nayland, granted commission to take affidavits, 29 Dec 1785. Ref HA541/1/2

1786 Nov 1 - George as Deputy Steward of the Manor of Nayland for the first time presided over the Court Baron.
Ref: Dr Edward L Fenns book of notes pg 31

George paid Quit Rent to the Manor of Nayland in 1797, 1818, & 1827 as:
For the freehold Mansion called Groom 6d, 4 pieces of ground laid into the Wall Garden 4d, 4d, 4d, & 9d, Garden behind Mansion 1/-, Ground called Chamberlains pt of Mansion 4d, Ground laid into yard opposite church 4d, total 3/11d
Copyhold ground called Themballs and other land 4/4d
George also owned Hawks in Lt Horkesley.

1798 George was listed as an Out Sitter and paid 2/- Land Tax in Wissington by Nayland.

George acted as Attorney for an Edward Blair of 45 Marlborough St and 49 Upper Berkley St London, owner of substantial estates in Lt Horkesley (Lord of that Manor?) and elsewhere, many letters between them some of a personal nature exists in the possession of Julia Redman and the Colchester RO ref D/DOt/E3

Edward Blair was also George Alston's friend, business associate and agent in London.

George writes many invitations in warm terms to Blair to visit them at Nayland.
Nayland 8 May 1798.
. . . . . The season is now come for felling timber, we expect the pleasure of seeing you here. . . . .
I Remain Dear Sir
Your Faithful and Very Obedient Servant
George Alston.

A number of letters exist written by Blair to George, interesting in their form and detail of life at that time:
January 20, 1804.
Dear Sir,
. . . . . Your wig is in hand, and is expected daily but as you propose to be in town so soon, perhaps you would like to see it before it is sent. The maker says that straight here is the present fashion, but I have ordered this to be like the former.
Having observed your fondness for pork, I had thoughts of sending you a collar of brawn, but shall defer it till I see you, as the taste is peculiar. It is to me insipid food, though recommended by the name of fashion.
Perhaps I may trouble you upon your return with some books for your neighbours. You are not yourself a bookish man, which is the reason I have not hitherto troubled you by sending any.
Yours etc etc
E Blair.

August 8, 1805,
Dear Sir,
I take the opportunity of Mr Whitmore's return to Neyland (sic) to send you for your sisters use, another number of Thompsons Scotch Songs. . . . . I send also a piece of Harpsichord wire (No.5) obtained from Broadwood's, which I hope will stand the necessary tension. No more sonatas are published than they have already, that is 6 by Pleyel and 6 by Kozeluck, having experienced that his chief profit arises from the songs. I have added also the frontispieces to the two first volumes, which were not published at the time with the music.
Yours in haste,
E Blair.

Essex Record Office D/DOt E3 1 bdl.
Dates of Creation 1786-1828
Correspondence and accounts of George Alston of Nayland, Suffolk, attorney-at-law, to Edward Blair, esq., residing in London, relating to the management and legal affairs of the Little Horkesley Estate. Matters include rents and repairs, cultivation of leased farms, tithes, parish rates and the curacy of Little Horkesley; also (1804) to dispute between Edward Blair and William Cole [of Colchester] over payment for making a survey of the parish

George also acted as Agent for Blair inspecting, and arranging repairs to be done on his properties, collecting rents and tythes, and negotiating with Blair's tenants.

October 13, 1805.
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 28th ult. I have no objection to the lath and plaster in the manner you mentioned . . . . . But whatever way is adopted must be undertaken immediately, or else deferred till the next spring lest the frost set in before it be dry, which will infallibly cause it to scale, and fall off. . . . .
I learn from my brother, who has been lately down there, that W Sadler has spread a false report of me as having broken my word with him; for that I had promised neither to turn him out of his farm, nor raise his rent. I never dreamt of any such engagement; nor could he have any pretence to claim it. But had I even promised, I have kept my word; as he himself has refused to stay. He told me in person that I had used him generously, as well as my father and mother before me, in suffering him to continue upon the old terms for 40 years. Let him take care lest his short road to heaven, by the way of faith without works, should prove too long for him ever to reach it. All liars, we are told, are excluded. Had he been assured of my promise he would not have failed to have claimed it. . . . .
I should have answered your letter sooner, but that I waited for the return of Mr Parish, by whom I sent you the last number of Scotch songs with a line of explanation. He told me yesterday that he delivered the parcel to Mr Harrold, who would hardly omit to forward your part of it, so that it appears a mere omission on your part to notice it in your letter. . . . .
Yours etc etc.
E Blair

December 24, 1805.
Dear Sir,
I thank you for your communication of yesterday, respecting the sale of Burrell's farm. But besides that I have not at present the command of so much money, the situation is not particularly eligible for me; and it is greatly encumbered with old wooden buildings, of which I have already a super abundance.
Mr Gosling is welcome to some pollard's for fencing; only let him begin with the oldest and worst. Indeed his own interest should direct him to this, as his farm is crowded with a superfluity of them. I observed several which were cut down by his predecessor, and were left to rot in the neighbouring ditches.
Mr Wiggins says that two loads of manure returned to the farm, is an equivalent for one of hay or straw carried off; but care should be taken that it is really returned.
. . . . . Mr John Barnard, executor to the late Dr Gibbons, called on me lately, to return me the copy of my sister's marriage contract. I see by it that her husband has no control over her fortune. She and her trustees have the absolute disposal of it, in all respects the same as if still unmarried; her discharge being good to all intents and purposes. A power is also reserved to apportion her children, according to her own and their discretion. . . . .
I am sorry for your brother Jame's loss, as I fear his children also will be sufferers by the loss of their mother. His own health is not good and they are still but young. (Within a year the children were orphaned)
The compliments of the season attend you all. What a horrible scene of slaughter is now carrying on in Germany. Surely the madness of Kings shall be richly rewarded!
E Blair.

George Alston
Marriage date24 MAY 1806
PlaceSt Andrew Holborn
Spouse's first nameAnn Margaret
Spouse's last nameVanderzee
Groom's marital statusWidower
Groom's parish as in registerNayland
Groom signedYes
Groom's county as in registerSuffolk
Bride's marital statusSpinster
Bride's parishSt Andrew, Holborn
Bride's parish as in registerSt Andrew, Holborn
Bride signed Yes
Bride's county as in registerLondon
Banns or licenceLicence
Officiate's nameCharles Pryce
Record setGreater London Marriage Index.

Blair writes somewhat cynically on George taking a second wife.
May 29th 1806
Dear Sir,
I have been long ago instructed, that the marriage of a wife has sometimes hindered engagements of a much more serious nature, than that for which you apologise in your note of this morning: even the keeping of the marriage supper of the Prince of Peace. I do not however consign you to "outer darkness" for the deed but merely "inner darkness" of a private chamber; till you shall have fully expiated your offence, by incurring all the pains and penalties of matrimony. In a word, I wish you all the comforts the state is capable of, which however are in my estimation so small, that they are in no respect a balance for the certainty of their opposites. In truth though I had formed no conception of the party, I had an obscure expectation of some such new arrangement, from a certain derangement I observed at Horkesley; and it must be confessed that of two unavoidable wills, you have chosen the least. I presume from the name your lady is one of the two sisters I saw at Stoke last year. I wish her all prosperity. Let me know whether I shall send her a piece of plate, or other furniture, of the value of 20 guineas as a token of my sincerity. I take the liberty of referring it to her own choice, because I reckon that a thing of use is at all times preferable to a toy, and I should be sorry to blunder upon a useless complement.
With my best wishes to you both,
I remain,
Yours etc etc.
E Blair.

December 3, 1811
Dear Sir,
. . . . . You will receive by the conveyance of the wagon, a couple of carpets for your two parlours, as new and as ugly as fashion can desire. I hunted in vain for a neat octagonal pattern for the front room, on account of the angular fireplace. But no such patterns have been manufactured for these last seven years; and though they offered to make one on purpose, they could not disgrace their name by keeping them on hand. But the single recommendation of fashion will, in the eyes of certain of your family at least, sufficiently overbalance other objections.
The watch is repaired but not yet regulated. Certain parts which Georgehad been broken, will now be replaced by new ones, and it will be forwarded in a week or two.
You have addressed your last letter to "No.45" which was the number of my former lodging. But my present is No.49 but I am strongly tempted to shift again, on account of the disgust of living among rogues. My drawers having been robbed the other day of a considerable quantity of linen viz: 3 shirts, 6 cravats, 7 handkerchiefs, 4 pair of cotton stockings, and 3 pair of white silk. My landlady's suspects a certain fat old woman whom she received for a few nights, and whose time of departure corresponded with the loss. Yet she refused to take any legal steps to identify the thief, lest she should bring a bad report upon her own house; choosing rather, woman like, to be herself suspected, than by proving it on the guilty, to clear her own character. Ann will say, what motive can induce her to such perverse conduct? The hope only of obtaining 3 1/2 guineas per week off a stranger. For though such an expectation never be realised, yet the conviction will operate as strongly as the truth. But even thus the contrivance is at best unnecessary, as she might at any time get quit of me, according to agreement. But you know women never go directly to their object; they love a little plot to bring about the end.
With my best respects to your ladies,
yours etc etc
E Blair

August 25, 1812.
Dear Sir,
When my tenant Creek came last to town to petition for the renewal of his lease, he told me your lady has a vessel on the stocks, but was unable to determine what time it would be launched. I was unwilling therefore to visit you at a venture, lest I should arrive at the unseasonable time of the groaning; which though you have not mentioned it, I presume must now be over . . . . .
I propose however seeing you in the course of next week, when I hope to find you all in perfect health. And remain in the meantime, with my best respects to your lady etc etc.
Yours etc etc
E Blair

March 31, 1813.
Dear Sir,
I have been this day informed by Mr Ball that he has yesterday dispatched the piano-forte to be delivered to you by one of the common stage wagons, on its way to Hadleigh. You will pleased to return the packing case by the same conveyance, and acquaint me with the day of its arrival in town, that Mr Ball may fetch it from the in in his own caravan, which will save him a few shillings for porterage. Address it to "Mr Ball, pianoforte maker, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, London."
You should have received it before but that I have waited till now, for the opportunity of replacing it by the sofa, which had been removed to the apartment of my fellow lodger; and who has but lately recovered from a tedious and severe sickness, notwithstanding the daily attendance of five medical gentleman. Having at length adjourned to his country house I regained the sofa just in the nick of time, for he relapsed and returned again within a week.
A little further delay was occasioned by having the hammers new leathered, for the improvement of the tone; and replacing one of the pedals, which was broken off. After all, it will prove a useless piece of furniture to you both, who are not musical; but it was your ladies own choice: and utility is seldom consulted when the love of fashion predominates. . . . .
I am yours etc
E Blair.

Nayland 5 April 1813
George reply's to Blair that he had received the piano consigned by him, arriving by wagon "to the great joy of my wife" Also mentions his wife is poorly and they are going to the sea at Aldeburgh.

Aldeburgh 31 May 1813.
George writes to Blair that he, his wife and children "are much gratified with the change of the scene" at Aldeburgh.

George writes to Blair 3 Feb 1818 "I have been confined to my bed five days, I am now only able to sit on a sofa in consequence of an operation for the removal of a tumour on my leg which as you may remember was the cause of my lameness. Without society and possessing but few books times passes very slowly with me. I therefore beg the favour any morning you can share time, that you would have the goodness to call"
George was writing from 2 Greville St, Hatton Garden London.
Ref: Colchester RO ESS ref D/DOt E3

George was the Steward for a number of Manors.
Essex Record Office D/DQ 84/108
Level: Series Deeds of Manors of Liston Overhall, Liston Netherhall and Liston Weston
Dates of Creation 3 June 1788
Scope and Content Admission of William Henry Campbell, esq., eldest son and heir of Wm. Campbell, esq., decd. Piece of arable land etc etc . . . . . all copyhold of the manor of Foxearth Court of Sadler Whitmore, esq. Steward: George Alston gent., deputy for Samuel Alston gent.

Essex Record Office D/DU 381/35
Dates of Creation 22 Oct.1792
Scope and Content Admission of John Grimsey on surrender Robert Chaplin and Nathaniel Holmes, excecturors of Thomas Fenning [as in D/DU 381/33] Property as in D/DU 381/32 and a grovett part of Hulls with a way leading to Bromley Heath, all copyhold of manor of wix hall or Abbey Court of Rev.Erasmus Warren Deputy Steward: George Alston, gent.

Essex Record Office D/DC/41/68
Series Manor of Dale Hall in Lawford
Dates of Creation 7 May 1801
Scope and Content Admission of James Dear on d. of brother John Land (10 a.) in West Bergholt, copyhold of manor of Nether Hall alias Cooks Hall in west Bergholt Court of Thomas Brand, esq. Steward: George Alston, gent.

Essex Record Office D/DU 293/324
Dates of Creation 31 March 1803
Scope and Content . . . . . Court of John and Rich.Marriott, esqs. Steward: James Alston, gent.

Essex Record Office D/DQ 84/44
Dates of Creation 10 May 1803
Scope and Content Letter of George Alston to unidentified correspondent, forwarding 'Mr Jay's Title completed by Mr. Harrington his atty.' and promising to send 'Mr Bullock's Title' when received from the latter's attorney, Mr. Frost.

Essex Record Office D/DU 133/87
Dates of Creation 24 April 1809
Scope and Content Copy of the surrender of John Moore of Langham, yeoman, to the use of George Alston of Nayland (co. Suff.), gentleman (exor. of John Norman of Nayland, farmer, decd.), conditional on the repayment of L40. Property, as in 133/80 9except 21/2a. land, already surrendered) Recites: 133/85

Essex Record Office D/DU 133/183
Dates of Creation 20 May 1813
Scope and Content Admission of James Blyth, jun., on the surrender, as in 133/181 Property as in 133/181 Lord:Anne Hinde, widow Steward: George Alston,gent.

Repository: Essex Record Office D/DC/36/20
Series Manor of Dale Hall in Lawford
Dates of Creation 21 August 1816
Scope and Content Conveyance . . . . . (iii) John Ambrose of LondonManningtree, gentleman (trustee of a term of 1000 years assigned in this Conveyance); (iv) . . . . . (iv) John Mathew Greenwood of Lincolns Inn (co. Middx.), esq., and George Alston of Nayland (co. Suff), gentleman (exors. of Samuel Alston, decd.); (v) John Ambrose (trustee of George Bridges);. . . . .

Manor of Nayland with Downings - Rentals 1818.
Alston George
Mansion called the Groom 6d.
For a piece of ground laid into the Wall Garden 4d.
For the garden behind the mansion 1s 0d.
For a piece of ground called Chamberlains Pt of mansion 4d.
For a piece of ground also laid into Wall Garden 9d.
For a piece of ground formd Doomsdales laid into Wall Garden 4d.
For a piece of ground laid into yard opposite church 4d.
For a piece of ground called Harlins Yard laid into Wall Garden 4d.
Ref: Bury R.O. HA541/2/1/13 v 3s 11d.

Essex Record Office D/DU 177/71
Dates of Creation 19 March 1823
Scope and Content Copy of Assinment of Mortgage, 13 March 1818, for L1,000 (i)John Griggs of Messing, esq.; (ii) Benjamin Cook; (iii) George Alston of Nayland (co. Suff.), gent. Property as in 177/62 Recites: 177/66; 177/69

Essex Record Office D/DU 177/93
Series Deeds of Chamberlands lands in Althome and Mayland
Dates of Creation 31 March 1823
Scope and Content Assignment of Mortgage for remainder of term of 1,000 years (i) George Alston of Nayland (co. Suff.), gent.; (ii) Lucy Boys Revett; (iii) John Harriss and John Population; (iv) William Wright of Maldon, gent. Poperty as in 177/88-90 In trust for securing the L500 and to attend the inheritance Recites: 177/69; 177/71; 177/88-91

Essex Record Office D/DXkLondon/30
Manor of Wix & Mistley.
Series D/DXk 28-40 Deeds of Westlands Farm, Wix
Dates of Creation 29 April 1823.
Scope and Content Manor of Wkkds Hall or Abby. Memorandum of Conditional Surrender for L130; of John Ham of Wix, yeoman, (by the hands of George Alston gent., steward), to use of Nathl. Cutting of wix, farmer. The lands & tenements called Westlands (16 a.)
Placement uncertain ELF 2004

Essex Record Office D/DU 133/91
Dates of Creation 8 October 1829
Scope and Content Copy of a Warrant of Satisfaction of George Alston, as in 133/87, addressed to the Steward of the manor of Langham, that he has received the principal and interest moneys due to him by virtue of three conditional surrenders made by John Moore, as in 133/87, of property, as in 133/87

Ipswich Journal 5 Feb 1831
"Yesternight died at his residence at Nayland in the 68th year of his age , George Alston Esq".

Bury & Norwich Post - Death Notices:
On Friday evening . . . . . Same day whilst sitting in his chair, George Alston of Nayland, solicitor.
Ref 2/2/1831/2/2 Bury RO

The Nayland Parish Register puts George's age at 69.

bullet  Research Notes:

The following are references to some of the legal work done by Samuel Alston and his sons James and George at their Nayland practice.

Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch:
Catalogue Ref. HA 108

FILE - 'Sherwin against Rowley, Title deeds relating to the estate purchased of Mrs Sparrow situate at Stoke in the county of Suffolk - ref. HA 108/2/21 - date: 1682-1798
[from Scope and Content] 1769 William Meadowes of Combs to Samuel Alston of Nayland in trust for William Martin of Stoke by Nayland
[from Scope and Content] 1778 Simson to Samuel Alston of Nayland moieties in trust for Edward Gusterson of Nayland and Henry Gusterson of Bures St Mary
[from Scope and Content] 1783 Fuller and Toosey to James Alston of Nayland in trust for Sarah Sparrow of Edwardstone

FILE - 'Manor of Nayland No 1' - ref. HA 108/2/22 - date: 1669 - 1805
[from Scope and Content] 1756 Assignment of mortgage to Samuel Alston of Nayland

FILE - 'Sherwin against Rowley. Title deeds relating to an estate at Stoke by Nayland and Polstead in Suffolk purchased of Mr Robert Vince'. - ref. HA 108/2/27 - date: 1694-1802
[from Scope and Content] 1785 Margaret Parke of Saffron Walden (Ess) to George Alston of Nayland in trust for Henry Vince of Stoke by Nayland
[from Scope and Content] 1788 John Harsant and wife, Deborah, devisee of John Hyndes of Brandeston to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for Henry Vince

FILE - 'Bacons Cottage' - ref. HA 108/2/45 - date: 1699-1814
[from Scope and Content] 1809 Mortgage to George Alston of Nayland
[from Scope and Content] 1810 Assignment of mortgage to Sir William Rowley, with Bacon's promise to pay Alston L.63 plus interest

FILE - 'Deeds of houses and lands at Stoke purchased of Chrisp and Manning' - ref. HA 108/2/48 - date: 1797-1810
[from Scope and Content] 1797 Gilbert Ironside of Upper Brook Street (Mdx) and Richard Willis of Monmouth to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for William Chrisp of Stoke by Nayland together with a farm called Penns in Stoke and Wissington
[from Scope and Content] 1797 Mortgage to Abraham Dansie of Sproughton and George Alston of Nayland

FILE - 1a 34p Meadow in Nayland - ref. HA 108/2/51 - date: 1812
[from Scope and Content] 1812 Sir William Rowley and George Alston of Nayland in exchange for 2 parcels of meadow in Nayland

FILE - 'Title deeds relating to two messuages and 2a of land at Stoke next Nayland purchased by Sir William Rowley bart, of John Ellis 13 Oct 1825' - ref. HA 108/2/57 - date: 1744-1825
[from Scope and Content] 1797 Emmerson to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for John Ellis of Stoke by Nayland and Anna Maria Hart of Boxford
[from Scope and Content] 1825 Ellis and Charles Alston of Colchester (Ess) to Sir William Rowley, together with 2r 7p allotment under Enclosure Act
[from Scope and Content] 1797 Assignment of mortgage to James Alston

FILE - 'Conveyance of 2 pieces of land in Stoke by Nayland Suffolk from Mr Watts to Sir William Rowley bart, 4 Sept 1828' - ref. HA 108/2/64 - date: 1711-1828
[from Scope and Content] 1812 Mortgage to George Alston of Nayland

FILE - 'Writings of freehold premises in Polstead belonging to R C Rowley purchased of Mr Mortimer's executors dated March 28 and 29 1838' - ref. HA 108/2/72 - date: 1764-1838
[from Scope and Content] 1776 Mortgage to Samuel Alston of Nayland

FILE - 'Sir J R Rowley Bart, writings relating to land purchased of Carter' - ref. HA 108/2/75 - date: 1721-1843
[from Scope and Content] 1822, 1823, 1826 Copy mortgages to George Alston Nayland
[from Scope and Content] 1828 Assignment of mortgage to George Alston junior of Hadleigh

FILE - 'Deeds relating to the farm called Greenwoods in Polstead bought of Mr E Daniels in 1845 by Sir Joshua R Rowley bart'. With note that land part of Sprotts Farm of 5 Jan 1939 subject to a rentcharge of L.3 a year paid to the Congregational Church of Nayland - ref. HA 108/2/76 - date: 1710-1845
[from Scope and Content] 1782 Assignment of mortgage and additional loan to Samuel Alston of Nayland, with bond

FILE - 'Title deeds and writings relating to certain messuages and premises at Stoke by Nayland Suffolk, purchased by Joshua T Rowley Esq of the trustees of the late Mr John Pryke' - ref. HA 108/2/86 - date: 1657-1865; 1664-1822
[from Scope and Content] 1794 Joseph and Margaret Parke to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for Isaac Pryke of Stoke by Nayland, with copy of a Fine
[from Scope and Content] 1794 Assignment of mortgage to James Alston

FILE - 'Writings relating to freehold cottages and land situate at Stoke by Nayland Suffolk belonging to Sir Charles R Rowley bart, late Goddards' - ref. HA 108/2/92 - date: 1720-1873
[from Scope and Content] 1790 William Crisp of Stoke by Nayland to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for John Parson of Boxford, with copy of a Fine
[from Scope and Content] 1829 Mortgage to George Alston of Nayland

FILE - 'Writings relating to a freehold cottage and 11a of land at Leavenheath in Stoke purchased of Mrs Holton and her daughter and conveyed to the uses of the settlement of 12 July 1860' - ref. HA 108/2/93 - date: 1769-1876
[from Scope and Content] 1799 Mortgage to James Alston of Bocking (Ess) in trust for Samuel Steward of Assington and Joseph Wass of Stoke by Nayland, with bond

FILE - 'Sir C R Rowley bart. Deeds relating to freehold premises at Stoke by Nayland Suffolk purchased of James Beardwell'1 - ref. HA 108/2/96 - date: 1829-1876
[from Scope and Content] 1866 Mortgage to Samuel Alston of Nayland
1. See James Beardwell - General Notes Dr Edward Liveing [98] of Nayland

FILE - 'Deeds relating to 3 cottages abutting upon the churchyard Stoke by Nayland and purchased of the trustees of Charles Worters' - ref. HA 108/2/104 - date: 1754-1888
[from Scope and Content] 1842 Cream to Samuel Alston of Nayland
[from Scope and Content] 1845 Alston to William Chisnall of Polstead

Deeds relating to Sir Richard Williams' estate purchased by Rowley in 1750

FILE - 'Deeds relating to L.11,000 mortgage late Gifford' - ref. HA 108/2/3 - date: 1700-1785
[from Scope and Content] 1777 Samuel Alston of Nayland, executor of Samuel Meadows of Halstead (Ess) and George Wheeler of Manningtree (Ess), grandson of Meadowes to the trustees of the will of Sir William Rowley

FILE - 'Deeds relating to the estates purchased of Joshua Rowley Esq and Mr Alston' - ref. HA 108/2/7 - date: 1648-1778
[from Scope and Content] 1776 Samuel Alston of Nayland, executor of Samuel Meddows of Halstead to Joshua Rowley

FILE - Bundles - ref. HA 108/2/8 - date: 1675-1827
[from Scope and Content] Alston, Church and Williams Stowe of Nayland to Rowley trustees


FILE - Miscellaneous - ref. HA 108/9/6 - date: 1809-1837
item: 2 Copies of draft agreement between William Rowley and George Alston of Nayland concerning mortgage on a cottage in Stoke by Nayland - ref. HA 108/9/6/3 - date: 1810
item: Draft conveyance by lease and release from Sir William Rowley to George Alston of Nayland of garden containing 1 rood 18 perches in Nayland - ref. HA 108/9/6/4 - date: 1810

Ref A2A

PRO - C202 = Chancery: Petty Bag Office: Writ Files
C 202/184/10 Lincoln - William Hurd Robinson, Theophilus Williams; Northampton - Richard Buswell; Nottingham - William Cutts; Salop - William Egerton Jeffreys; Somerset - Moses Clarke, Thomas Skurray; Southampton - William Dibsdale Faithfull, John Hart, Francis Worsley; Stafford - Richard Allen, John Comberback, John Cruso, Thomas Fenton, Edward Whitehouse Jackson, Joseph Smith; Suffolk - George Alston, George William Brown Bohun, Samuel Buckle the younger; Sussex - John Woollett; Warwick - Ambrose Mainwaring; Westmorland - John Barrow; Worcester - Henry Roberts; York - Robert Scott; York E. 1796


bullet  Other Records

1. George Alston Snr born 1763: Nayland Suffolk.
His silhouette, George is articled as law clerk to his father

2. Alston Law Practice, 1796.
Charge out book 1830, Partnership accounts with son Samuel 1830, Land tax record Wissington 1798, Transfer to George Alston of a meadow in Nayland 1796.

3. George Alston Snr born 1763 died 1831, 1796.
Samuel Stevens articled as his clerk 1796, postumous surrender to the Manor of Assington by George's estate 1851

4. Notes thought to be by George ?, 25 Apr 1798.
Written untidily with corrections, on the back of a letter written to George Alston by George Downing 23 Apr 1798 is the following:
Sir By desire of Mr Jones I called upon you yesterday to settle the two-year . . . . . Lady Day cash which he expects you to pay to me immediately.
To Mr Lean

Sir Mr Dawson has fixed Monday next five o'clock in the afternoon to be at Hadleigh for . . . . . admit to the copyhold field of Rigatts Hall Manor
Nayland 25 April 98
Mr . . . . .
These appear to be drafts of letters emanating from George Alston's law office.
Ref George Downing [96]

5. Alston Law Office Work: Indenture, 19 Nov 1816.
Property in Birch St Nayland Mortgage

6. George Alston: Will and Bank of England Probate, 7 Feb 1818.
Dated 7th February 1818.
I George Alston of Nayland in Suffolk hereby revoking all former Wills whatsoever by me at any time therefore made DO make this my last Will in manner following - And do appoint my loving wife Anne and my brother Samuel Alston executrix and executor thereof.
I direct all my just debts to be duly paid.
NEXT I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate unto and to the use of my said wife Anne her heirs executors and administrators chargeable with the payment of five hundred pounds apiece to my six children George, Samuel, Edward, Charles, Margaretta and Maria to be paid to them respectively at their several and respective attainment of the age of twenty one years with lawful interest for the same in the meantime towards bringing them up and such part of the principal as may be necessary for their advancement in the world AND in case of the death of any of them under age and without lawful issue I give the legacy of him or her so dying unto the survivor to be equally divided between them ALSO chargeable with the payment of one annuity or clear yearly sum of thirty pounds so my unfortunate brother William Alston during his life by half yearly payments the first payment to be made at the end of six calendar months next after my decease
My desire is to be buried in the Church Yard of the Parish Church of Little Horksley in Essex.
In witness whereof I the said GEORGE ALSTON the testat my hand and seal this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Geo. Alston (LS).
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his Last Will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereto inscribed our names as witnesses - J.G. Sargeant, Jn Perry, Charles Edward Perry.

I George Alston do hereby add this as a CODICIL to my Will hereunto annexed and desire that the same may be taken as part thereof. Whereas since the execution of any Will I have purchased a further part or share of a freehold estate at Lawford in Essex subject to a life interest therein Now I hereby give and devise all my fourth part of and in the said estate at Lawford an all other real estate which I have purchased since the execution of my Will unto my loving wife Anne her heirs and assigns for ever. AND whereas there is now . . . . . in my name in the three percent Consol Annuities L221.18.3 Stock transferred to one at the rate of 9% (sic) for L100 by the Rev. John Staples Hand for the amount of my son Samuels legacy of L100 and daughter Margaret's legacy of L100 left them by their Aunt Miss P Vanderzee Also the fourth part of the residue of her effects given by her to my daughter Maria of whose Will the said John Staples Hand is sole exectuor. Now my Will and devise is that on my son Samuel's attainment of the age of twentyone years there be paid or transferred to him one half part of the said sum of L221.18.3. stock also and accumilated interest whereon and likewise on the interest thereof after the sale of three pounds per centum per annum. And that on my daughter Margaret's attainment of the age of twentyone years or be married which shall first happen the remaining half part of the said L221.18.3. stock be paid or transferred to her together with the like accumulated interest thereon And that on my daughter Maria's attainments of the age of twentyone years or be married which shall first happen there be paid or transferred to her the said L714.7.7. stock tegether with the like accumulated interest thereon the said sum of L221.18.3. and L714.7.7. stock to be paid at the price the three percent consol (sic) shall be at the expectations mentioned for payment thereof.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five.
Geo. Alston.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said George Alston as and of a Codicil to his Will in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses.
J.G. Sargeant (Att. at Law)
Charles Edward Penny
Fred. Brown.

I George Alston of Nayland in Suffolk do hereby add this as a CODICIL to my Will and desire that the same may be taken as part thereof Namely I give to my two nephews Charles Alston and Henry Alston two hundred pounds apiece of lawful money of Great Britian to be paid to them or their executors or administrators at the end of six months next after my death.
Written with my own hand and seal this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty.
Geo. Alston.
Proved under L35,000 in London with two codicils the 8th March 1831 before the Court by the oath of Ann Alston widow the relict one of the executors to whom admin was granted being first . . . . . by . . . . . duly to administer . . . . . . . . . . to Samuel Alston the brother the other executor . . . . . . . . . .
PROB 11/1782.

Details of George's Probate held by the Bank of England

7. Conditional Surrender: Thomas Dyer to George Alston, 31 Dec 1827.


George married Mary CREEK [62] [MRIN: 4], daughter of James CREEK of Little Horksley [4920] and Mary GUSTERSON [5352], on 22 May 1798 in Little Horkesley ESS. (Mary CREEK [62] was born in 1770, baptised on 27 Feb 1770 in Little Horkesley ESS, died on 13 Apr 1801 in Little Horkesley ESS and was buried on 20 Apr 1801 in Little Horkesley ESS.)


George next married Anne Margaret VANDERZEE [60] [MRIN: 57], daughter of James VANDERZEE [126] and Philadelphia MEAD [1041], on 24 May 1806 in Holborn St Andrew LND. (Anne Margaret VANDERZEE [60] was baptised on 29 Mar 1776 in Gt Burstead ESS, died in Feb 1856 in Nayland SFK and was buried on 22 Feb 1856 in Nayland SFK.). The cause of her death was an aneurysm of the aorta.

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