The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]
William SMITH of Nottingham [2423]
Peggy HEATON [2424]
(Abt 1778-)
Dr Frederick Gilder JULIUS MD FRCS [50]
Ellen Hannah SMITH [49]

Mary Caroline JULIUS [58]


Family Links

Mary Caroline JULIUS [58]

  • Born: 20 Mar 1852, Richmond
  • Baptised: 23 Apr 1852, St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY
  • Died: 12 Jul 1890, 1 Portland Tce The Green Richmond SRY aged 38

bullet   Cause of her death was cancer.


bullet  General Notes:

Mary was born about a quarter before 10 o'clock in the evening March 20 1852. Baptised 23 Apr 1852 at Richmond Old Church by Mr Dumergue. Sponsors Mr Hough of Ham Common, Lady Caroline Charteris and Mary Ann Morley of Short Hill in Nottingham. Ellen Hannah Julius and Emily Julius stood proxy.
From the entries in Burkitt on the New Testament.

Mary (Polly) travelled to Australia 20 June 1884 arriving back in England 21 June 1885.
A Mary Caroline Julius aged 31 arrived in Victoria September 1884 aboard the South Australian from Britain.
Ref PROV - Unassisted Immigration to Victoria 1852-1923

Mary was Harold L Fenn's " dear Aunt Polly". She looked after Edward L Fenn's children, a loving surrogate mother after the death of her sister Katherine.
In a further shock to the family she died early only 4 years after Katherine, leaving the children "motherless" again until Edward L Fenn married Edith Todd 2 years later.

Julius. On the 12th inst, at Richmond, Surrey, Mary Caroline, youngest daughter of the late Frederick Gilder Julius, Esq, MD, age 38 years. No flowers.
Ref: Sussex Agricultural Express Saturday, 19 July 1890

1890 Death Notice : JULIUS - July 12 at Richmond Surrey, Mary Caroline, youngest daughter of the late Frederick Guilder Julius Esq., M.D., aged 38. No Flowers.

Polly did not marry.


bullet  Other Records

1. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Images.
Polly (standing) with sister Katherine, studio pictures by Gunn & Stuarrt and Byrne Co., Richmond.

2. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 31 Jan, Hastings.
Jany 31st
My darling Harry,
I promised you a letter on your first Sunday so I must fill this sheet of paper with all my news. We came here on Tuesday in the pouring rain and after driving about in a cab for some time, found some nice lodgings, but not facing the sea we have about three minutes walk to the parade - the first evening it was very rough, the waves were dashing up, the rain was pelting and we were glad to shut ourselves up away from it. Yesterday we started to see the Castle, the way up to it is very steep & dirty and the first thing Cyril, of course, does, is to fall down, and rise up covered with sticky mud from top to toe, so we had to leave the Castle and get home by back streets. Today has been very drizzling and we went out very little. Father sent me your card and I shall read your next letter when I get home on Tuesday. Poor Tip was so sad the evening you left, he roamed about from room to room in the greatest desolation. Winnie B came with us she is playing letters now with Vandy. Cyril has gone to bed and I am tired and sleepy. So goodbye my darling boy I have missed you so much and hope you are a happy boy.
Much love
from yr ever loving
Auntie Polly
On notepaper with the heading cut into.

3. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 2 Feb, XI The Green Richmond.
Dearest Harry
Saturday is Vandy and Cyril's holiday so I shall try & write to you on that day I suppose you get it on Tuesday morning, let me know; I dare say you are quite a happy boy by now & enjoyed your journey to school with that nice little boy - you have had a nice warm week but this morning it is blowing quite a gale. Your back numbers of the boy's own paper have come. I shall keep them till Easter & send you the others as they come. Vandy & Cyril have begun regular work with me again - and I have gone back to prison. Mrs Duncan took Van to the circus with Muriel last Monday - it was a treat for him. This afternoon he is finishing up your old dancing classes - I think he has one more.
And now much love my darling boy from all at home
Ever your very loving
Auntie Polly
XI The Green
Febr'y 2nd.
In a black edged envelope, stamp ripped of.

4. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 16 Feb, 11 The Green Richmond.
XI The Green
Richmond Febry 16.
Dearest Harry,
This must be my morning for writing to you and Charlie for Van and Cyril have a holiday on Saturdays, if they work well through the week; and I get more time. Next Wednesday will be Vandy's birthday so they will have another holiday and come to dinner with me instead. We have had such deep snow this week but it is now all gone and baby says " the grass is come again". Last week I went with Aunt Isabella and Dolly to the Dogs House in London - I want one of those long dogs with crooked legs called a Dashshund and Dolly wants a pug - but although there were more than 600 in the House we could not get one we liked - they were nearly all mongrels. T(sic) kill over 300 a week - put them into a very large cage with a sort of stuff like chloroform and they lie down and die without any pain. I saw four little dead doggies looking just as if they were asleep - I do not quite know what to give Van I think it must be a large box of bricks. Why did you scratch out the e in acheing - do try to spell better I expect you did it for fun
- I shall tell you all the words you spell wrong - jolly ought to have two l's not joly. Would you like some more lined paper like the enclosed sheet for letters and then you could do it better. Vandy is waiting to post this so I must leave off now.
Goodbye my darling boy much love to you from all at home.
Ever your loving,
Aunt Polly.

5. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 27 Feb, XI The Green Richmond.
XI The Green
Feby 27th
Dearest Harry,
you will see that Vandy liked your letter and stamps by what he says in the enclosed one, Charlie also wrote to him. I am so glad you both remembered the day I had him and Cyril to dinner and took him to Whitelegs the next day as we were not at home on his birthday. Father has been rather bad with a cold so Lucy and I took him away for two days to Tunbridge Wells, and we had a very long country walk there and enjoyed ourselves greatly. You will be pleased when you come home with a beautiful "mail cart" Mrs Duncan has given the children it is a big one that even Dolly has had an occasional ride in, but the seat is really meant for baby, but it will be splendid for you to pull. Your last two letters have been much better spelt and so much tidier that you hardly seem to want the lined paper but I will send you some when it comes, they had to get it for me. Your "Boy's Own Paper" has gone to you today - I have only two mistakes to tell you of in your last letter 1st we build a fort instead of built. 2 to sometimes wants another o at the end of a sentence also when you mean it in the sense of (sic). It is trying to snow every day but we do not get much only cold winds, I daresay you are having fine fun, Vandy is getting on grand with his French you must work hard not to let him catch you up.
Much love from us all to my darling boy.
From your most loving,
Auntie Polly

6. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 16 Mar, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
March 16
My darling Harry,
I think perhaps you will be wanting some stamps, so I have sent to you half a dozen & that will last till we see you again. Do you know yet when your holidays begin? Charlie comes home on the 11th April. Next Wednesday he will be confirmed and I am going to run down and see him for the day but not stop the night, so I will be able to tell you about it in my next letter. It will be my birthday treat and it happened just right for I should have to give Van and Cyril a holiday on such a great occasion. This reminds me will you try and send a letter to Dolly for her birthday the 20th it is nice to remember one another, if you enclose one in your letter tomorrow I will send it her on the right day. Father is going to try and get her a little pug dog - won't that please her? You must try and work very hard now till the end of term and bring home a good report of progress etc. This is my busy morning so I must end this now - with very much love to my darling boy.
From your loving,
Aunt Polly.

7. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 22 Mar, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
March 22
My darling Harry,
I was so very pleased with you all birthday card and you were a kind darling boy to remember the day and think of me - It was the 1st thing I had on my birthday when I got down to breakfast: I found a pretty little tea kettle from Aunt Bessie and a fern from Cooky & photo case from Aunt Ada & then later on in came Van and Cyril with a card & a bottle of scent from themselves, & a beautiful silver spirit flask from Father so I was very rich in presents & to make it nicer Aunt Ada came to spend the day with me, she was on her way to a Southsea with Uncle Henry. Dolly, I believe, had a good many presents & she was very pleased at your remembering her. Vandy has not gone back to school & will not now till after Easter he will have to keep on with his Latin through the holidays. Charlie comes home on the 10th two days after you. Miss Fanny Torlesse (your godmother) has come back from New Zealand & she spent one evening here last week. I cannot say she asked after her Godchild or showed much affection. The boys are very excited about the boat race, baby & I are "turn coaches" & are Oxford this year. I will enclose some stamps I ought to have sent some last week - I am going up to Aunt Annie's and must end this now. We shall soon have you home again. Much love and many thanks.
From your ever loving,
Auntie Polly

8. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 23 Mar, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
Saturday, March 23
My darling Harry
You were a very kind boy to remember my birthday Father gave me your letter early in the morning. I had a very happy day. Father went with me to Haileybury we had to start at 8.30 to get there in time for the confirmation we saw Charlie for a few minutes before going in to the chapel & after the service we went to get some dinner at the Inn - with Mrs Winter & her boy, the house was very full of visitors so we had to be content with a little room at the back of the bar, we strolled about in the afternoon, had little walk in the country but the wind was truly terrible, then we watched the boys playing in the fives courts - and about five we were entertained by the four boys in their study to a splendid tea. That ended the entertainment they had to go to work and we started for home - I had some very nice presents - Father gave me a beautiful clock and candlesticks for my drawing room & I had a lamp, flowers, & a fern from Van and Cyril. I have told you all the news now, & you must hear more on the 28th. Much love from all.
From your ever loving,
Auntie Polly.

9. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 27 Mar, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
March 27th
My darling Harry
I ought to have sent you my love and birthday blessing by an earlier post, but I waited that I might at the same time send you a knife. I hope you want one & will like it, & not chop off all your fingers with it - the blades do not seem stiff to open, for even, your nailless fingers but the thing they call a pick it, (sic) & you must forced it open with something - I wish you could have been at home tomorrow but you must have some special treat in the holidays in remembrance of it. We shall very soon have you at home again - Mr Hammond has written to say, you come on the 10th - I do not think I ever told you that your "Boys Own Paper" was bound at last & looks very nice. We shall be glad to have you home again, I hope it will be nice weather & you will get boating and cricket. I have little to tell you as I wrote so lately, only, very many happy returns of the day. I have been so pleased to see a great improvement in the last year - less selfish - less greedy & I do want my darling boy in to grow up good unselfish & loving, it is better than anything else, & you will have Cyril coming soon to follow your example at school & I do think it will be a good one. Fondest love dear old boy.
From your most loving
Auntie Polly

10. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 4 Apr, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
April 4th
My darling Harry
This will be my last letter to you, the next thing will be to welcome you on Thursday. Of course you can come home alone as usual, the trains and stations are rather crowded next week so mind you stick to your luggage. You may as well pay your ticket to Richmond & porters out of your own money, & I will re pay you - I have a good deal of news to surprise you about Charlie;1st he is going to walk home from school with a friend, taking him about two days, so we shall see him on the 11th; 2 the next thing, he is leaving Haileybury altogether, this term, & going to a tutor in Germany for a year, after Easter; Father has had to hurry it on, as he wants him to be there with another English boy who is only there till midsummer, it will be jollier for him, with some other boy just a first - Another thing is, Father & I are going with him the beginning of May, & can see him settled in his new house. And now I have a little bit of advice for you, that you may not like, just at first, but I am sure you will try to do what is right. Father does not at all like your having taken 4/- as a present, from your schoolfellow, on your birthday; it is not considered nice to take money from one another at schools, amongst older boys, it would be called "bad form"; & at Haileybury "pamperism", of course, you would not know this at first, but Father says he would be very glad if you would tell your friend that you have heard from home, & although your Father thinks it very kind of him to have given you such a present, yet he does not wish you to accept money from a schoolfellow, & ask him if he will not be hurt, at taking it back. I hope you will make up your mind to set this little matter right - and not be very disappointed, as you do not really need the money. We have not decided on your birthday treat yet. I think we must have a happy day somewhere, we will write down a few things, & you shall choose. We must try and give Charlie very happy holidays, as it will be his last at home for some time - I have written you a long letter, you must let us have an answer to it all on Monday. Much love dear old boy from all at home - we are all longing to see you & Tip will have a dozen frenzies.
From yr ever loving
Auntie Polly.

On six small writing sheets

11. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 5 Apr, 11 The Green Richmond.
Dearest Harry
I think you can quite safely come home yourself this time, get a porter directly for your luggage, to carry it to the District Line & there wait for the Richmond train - Mr Hammond gives you yr fare & you must ask him to let you have 2/- more to come home with, give yr porter 4d or 6d & then get a 3rd single to Richd. If you come by yr usual train you will catch the 10.48 from Vic. I think. As we shall see you so soon I will not write more only best love from all.
Ever yr loving
Auntie Polly
11 The Green
April 5th

12. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 11 May, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
May 11th
My darling Harry
I must not neglect you this first week and I hope you will get this at breakfast tomorrow morning - Yesterday we made our little shopping excursion to London with Nanny and Bar - & bought all their summer clothes & hats ending up with tea at the airated Bread Place. We have seen scarcely anything of Aunt Lucy and the children they all turned sick on the Sunday and only Kitty could come to tea. Aunt Isabella tried one day to have Rees, but he could not eat any tea, and then without any warning was sick all over the table, so she soon had enough of him - they have now gone to their house at Wimbledon, Lucy Jesse Laura,& Kitty are coming to have tea with me this evening & having no piano, we shall have to be babies & play games after - Your flannel coat is come you shall have it next week with some shirts Nurse is finishing for you. I hope you will be a happy boy this term, & work hard at lessons & play - I want you to be clever at games, cricket, as well as at books.
Goodbye now my darling boy
Love from us all
Ever yr loving
Aunt Polly

13. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 1 Jun, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
June 1st
My darling Harry
I will be very good to give you a letter two Sundays running. I have just written one to Charlie I am glad you like your flannel jacket & I hope it will make you nice & cool & help you to run with great swiftness. I do not think I told you that poor Cyril has been in the ward again - he had just come in from his walk, when he swung the garden gate & jammed his finger in it, it was a horrible pinch, & tore the nail completely out. Nurse was close by, but he never cried out, only ran for his life, through the lobby into the house & then back again before she knew he was hurt, fortunately Father was in & bound him up at once, but he cannot use it yet; the new nail is just beginning. Auntie Ada's birthday was last Wednesday. Haven't you got it down in your birthday book - Van & C sent her a card & letter. I may take the little ones on the River this afternoon & teach Van to row. Your spelling has been very terrible this term Ada, you write as Ader all right - you put al write. But I am very glad to have my darling boy's letter. I only tell you this that you may know next time.
Much love from all at home &
From your most loving
Auntie Polly

14. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 15 Jun, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
June 15th
My darling Harry
This very nice little sheet of paper will just do to write to you on, & you shall have a larger one next week. Aunt Annie, from Dedham has come to stay a week at Fathers, with Maggie and Georgie and baby's birthday will be kept on Monday, with a picnic in the park, that is, if we do not have a wet Sunday which looks rather likely. "King Bar" is intensely interested about his birthday & enquires every day if it has come. I think it is about time for you to have a hamper so I shall see about it next week - & put you in some socks for Sunday, it is not so hot now, so you can bear it for one more day. Your "boy's own paper" has come, & you shall have it in the hamper. You must practise hard at your swimming, for I hear there is a place near Barm'th very good for canoeing & only boys that swim can go in canoes - Much love from all at home.
Ever y'r very loving
Auntie Polly

15. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY. Mary is recorded as a daughter aged 9 scholar born Richmond SRY

16. Mary Caroline Julius: The Album - Scripture Text Book, 1870.
Mary Caroline (Aunt Polly)

The Album - Scripture Text Book.
The Book Society
28 Paternoster Row
Soho Square

The Album Scripture Text Book is intended, in some measure, to help in these studies (Christian daily study). It presents a daily text, along with a verse of a hymn, for meditation; blank pages are also inserted on which dates and events of special interest may be noted down. Birthdays, marriage days, days of deliverance from danger, or of answer to prayer, may be recorded and in this way grateful remembrance of God's goodness the kept up and the heart stirred to thankfulness and praise. . . . ."

Jan 3. Ada Barbara Murray born 1878.(Dau. of Andrew & Eliz not in Tree)
Jan 4. Isabella Maria Julius died 1867 aged 92 years [52]
Jan 5. Walter Robert Julius Fenn born 1875. [32]
Jan 6. George Charles Julius born 1775 married Isabella Maria Gilder September 1795 died 1866. [51]
Jan 9. Archibald Aeneas Julius born 1819. [847]
Jan 9. Issie Martin 1867. Not in Tree
Jan 11. Edie Bateman died 1888. Not in Tree
Jan 16. Edward Algernon Perkins born 1869 Not in Tree
Jan 18. Henry John Hunt born 1841. [622]
Jan 30. Lucy Vanderzee Fenn born 1848. [12]
Feb 5. Alice Ethel Julius born 1877. [556]
Feb 15. Alice Rowlandson born 1846 (1845) [576]
Feb 16. Laura Annie Bateman born 1869. [564]
Feb 16. Anna Maria Julius born 1800 mar George Quilter [777]
Feb 16. William Mavor Julius born 1807 d 1876 [797]
Feb 16. Ernest Harrold Fenn born 1850. [15]
Feb 20. Ernest Vanderzee Fenn born 1880 [37]
Feb 22. Dorothy Mary Bateman born 1877. [569]
Feb 28. Frederick Gilder Julius born 1811. [50]
Feb 29. Evelyn Alston Fenn born 1876 died 1877. [34]
Mar 2. Arthur St John Bateman born 1873. [567]
Mar 6. Constance G Veale born 1849 Not in Tree
Mar 8. Ellen Annie Bateman born 1865 died September 8, 1865. [561]
Mar 20. Mary Caroline Julius born 1852. [58]
Mar 20. Frederick William Bateman born 1864 [560]
Mar 20. Dorothy Ellen Digby Cotes [486]
Mar 23. Ethel Mary Holland born 1867. [1745]
Mar 27. Violet Torlesse Holland [1746]
Mar 28. Harold Liveing Fenn 1877. [33]
Apr 3. Amelia Cowell Julius born 1802 married James Quilter died 1831. [779]
Apr 15. Lizzie Murray. Not in Tree
Apr 19. John Hilton Fenn born 1882. [473]
Apr 30. George Alfred Julius born 1873. [577] (29th)
May 19 Edward Churchill Fenn born 1881. [36]
May 20 Edward Churchill Fenn died 1882. [36]
May 29 Ada Frances Hunt born 1849 married Henry John Hunt July 29, 1868. [57]
Jun 3 Elsie Murray born 1876. Not in Tree
Jun 3. Ella Caroline Julius born 1879. [541]
Jun 7 Ellen Hannah Julius born 1813 [49]
Jun 7. George Frederick Heaton Julius b 1842. [1976]
Jun 16 Edgar Julius Fenn born 1885. [39]
Jun 19 Theodore George Fenn born 1846. [8]
Jun 20 I left for Australia 1884. [58]
Jun 21 Arrived home 1885. [58]
Jun 22 Lucy Bateman born 1866. [562]
Jun 23 A E J [54] married W A F Bateman 1863. [559]
Jun 30 Henry Richard Julius born 1816. [776]
Jun 30 Charles Julius Bateman born 1870. [565]
Jul 2 Emily Julius born 1796 died August 1876. [775]
Jul 11 Margaret Winifred Bateman born 1878. [571]
Jul 11 Reginald Alston Fenn d 1879 aged 13mths [35]
Jul 17 Isabella Frances Fenn born 1842 married Digby Cotes. [6]
Jul 26 John Audrey Julius born 1874. [591]
Jul 29 Annie Ellen Bateman born 1843. [54]
Jul 29 Ada Frances Hunt married 1868. [57]
Jul 31 Emily Julius born 1793 died 1876. [58] ?
Aug 8 Thomas George Playford Fenn born 1879. [23]
Aug 9 George Charles Julius born 1804. [781]
Aug 9 Little Bobby died 1880. [32]
Aug 17 George Henry Hunt born 1869. [623]
Aug 19 Cyril Duncan Fenn 1882. [38]
Aug 20 Edward Liveing Fenn 1843. [3]
Aug 21 Mama died Saturday 1869. [49]
Sep 4 Alfred Alexander Julius bn 1812 d 1865. [798]
Sep 6 George Ramsey Murray born 1880. Not in Tree
Sep 12 Lucy Dorothea Fenn born 1877. [24]
Sep 23 Charles Edward Fenn born 1873. [18]
Sep 24 Bertram Giles born 1874. [476]
Sep 26 Guy Vivian Bateman born 1882. [570]
Sep 29 G F H J d 1865. [1976]
Oct 14 Arthur Onslow Julius born 1853. [59]
Oct 15 Churchill Julius born 1847 married June 18, 1872 Alice Frances Rowlandson. [56]
Oct 18 Alan Playford Fenn born 1883. [527]
Oct 29 Caroline Edward Bateman born 1871. [566]
Nov 1 Ida Muriel Bateman born 1874. [568]
Nov 5 Andrew Murray. Andrew, banker, is the father of the other Murray's in this list. Not in Tree
Nov 6 George Charles Julius died 1866 aged 91 [51]
Nov 12 Katie married Tuesday 1872. [10]
Nov 17 Richard Playford Fenn 1880. [438]
Nov 19 Annie Spencer Julius born 1814 married Col Deverill. [825]
Nov 22 Mary Ellen Julius born 1875. [593]
Nov 27 Katie Pauline Julius born 1850 married Edward Liveing Fenn Nov 12, 1872. [10]
Dec 20 Margaret Playford 1847. [9]
Dec 20 Theodore George Fenn died 1889. [8]
Dec 23 Jesse Bateman 1867. [563]
Dec 30 Edie M Brownrigg 1862. (father Vicar of Harrowgate)
Dec 31 Gerald Cater Veale 1877. (of Roxburgh Hse Harrogate, father M.D.)

These are the only entries in the book by Mary Caroline, nunbers in square brackets [ ] are the reference to the person in this family Pedigree.

17. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY. Mary is recorded as a daughter aged 19 single born Richmond.

18. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, Undated, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
Richmond . . . . .
My darling Harry
I hope this will get to you tomorrow but I have lost the morning Post, and am not quite sure. Next week I am going to send you your hamper so you must let me know if there is anything you especially want. I shall put in your two "Boys Own Paper" and another Sunday at Home if you care for it - you were a kind of boy to remember Vandy's birthday - he has told you about his presents and they both enjoyed the circus. We are now working hard at lessons again - Mr Edgar came over yesterday to see how he was getting on in Latin - I am glad he did not go back to school, as there have been a great many down with measles. Half of Haileybury seem to be in bed with influenza by Charlie's account - he is all right again. I am so glad you have escaped. It has been trying to snow the last three days, and winds have been bitterly cold - now it is coming down in good earnest and looks very wintry. Georgie has been doing very well on the River, and the Clare boat has come out well in the bumping races. Geo is stroke I suppose and has been presented with a pair of oars a great honour. Last Monday the Bateman's pony (Stockings) was standing outside Aunt Bessie's being held by a small boy when he took fright chucked the boy on the pavement and bolted all down Dicke St & dashed into the window of "Feraris" the eating shop on big island, he not only broke all the plate glass but tore away the woodwork as well & spoil £2 worth of buns. The pony is very little hurt & they are going to keep him still, but uncle B will have a great deal to pay for damages. I have left very little room for goodbyes. Love from all.
Ever yr loving Auntie Polly

19. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, Undated.
Harold L. Fenn
Malvern House
Dearest Harry
I cannot send you a long letter this week, but enclose you some of the lined paper you want. Your letters have been much better lately - It is such a nice bright morning after all the rain and cold we have had lately. If you have really bad toothache you must ask Mr Hammond to let you have it taken out - it is a stupid little tooth that is no good and you could go to someone at Dover, but if it is better we will have it out in the holidays.
I will write a longer letter next week - Much love from us all
Ever your loving
Aunt Polly
In a black edged envelope 12x9.5cm stamp ripped of, illegible date.

20. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, 1 Portland Tce The Green Richmond SRY. Mary is recorded as a sister-in-law, unmarried, aged 29yrs, born Richmond SRY, of private means (stock investments).

21. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to Van Fenn her nephew, 19 Feb 1889-20 Sep 1889, Tunbridge Wells.
Royal Mount
Ephraim Hotel
Tunbridge Wells
February 19, 1889.
My darling Vandy,
The postman must bring you my birthday greeting as I shall not see you till later in the day. I am sorry, it has happened that we cannot see much of you tomorrow but I am sure "Nanny Goat" will give you a very happy day - and you will enjoy it and be a very happy boy.
And as we shall not be home till the afternoon you & Cyril must have dinner with me on Thursday and go to Whitelegs in the afternoon.
The picture at the top of this paper shows you the hotel we are stopping at - Father was very bad & hoarse last night but I hope he will be a bit better today - after breakfast we shall start for a good long walk, so I am writing this early - I have put a little X over the window of our sitting room where I am now writing - and there is such a lovely view from the window over park and field.
With very many happy returns and a loving kiss to my dear boy.
From your very loving
Auntie Polly

Dearest Van
Very many happy returns of your birthday - Auntie Polly's corner only gives me room to send you my love and every good wish for your happiness today and every day.
My love and a kiss for Cyril & Billy & I am always
Your affe Father
Edwd L Fenn

1 Portland Terrace
Sept 20th 1889
My own darling Vandy
I shall come to see you tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, about three o'clock - so you must ask Mrs Allen if you may wait in for me - it will be nice to hear all you have been doing and I hope I shall see a very happy boy - if it is fine I shall bring Cyril with me - We all miss you very much.
Much love darling boy
From your most loving
Auntie Polly
On note paper headed with crest & motto immobilis.

22. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Harry Fenn, 12 Jul c1889, 11 The Green Richmond.
11 The Green
July 12th (c1889)
My darling Harry
One more letter after this, and we shall have you home I hope - it is a happy thought & the time will soon come. I am so glad you like cricket & are doing well at it - I should like you to get a really good hand at it - Father was the champion player at his school. When you come to Barmouth you will have to be a good walker & climber, & go up Snowdon with us. Father will like you to go excursions with him. I have begun to get your things ready, for we go on Aug 2nd & there will not be much time after you come home. Vandy has had a little Fox Terrier given him by Miss MacKinnon it is rather a mongrel cur, & not pretty like Vic(?), but I think will be a nice affec'ate little beast. I have had King Bar photographed & Van & Cyril, they are very good ones - Bar thinks it is a beautiful picture. Another Boy's own Paper has come, but I will keep it for you to take to the sea. It is late, & I am rather sleepy so Goodnight.
My darling boy - much love
Ever Yr most loving
Auntie Polly

23. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Ernest V Fenn, 4 Oct 1889, Sheen House Harrogate.
Sheen House
Harrogate Oct 4th 1889.
My darling Ernest,
I am going to try and not call you Vandy anymore. Tomorrow, instead of seeing me you must have a nice long letter and on Monday I shall hope to have one from you - Cyril and I came here with Tip and Georgie last Tuesday - it has been rather cold and wet until today - but now I have just come in from a walk and it was beautiful - Miss Veitch took Cyril to a bazaar in the town yesterday and he bought a few penny things. Edith Brownrigg is coming to tea with us this afternoon and next week she is going to Norway to stay a long time - Poor Father and Bar will be very dull at home until we go back to them - Georgie goes back to Cambridge next Tuesday and then Cyril will have to begin much harder lessons with me. If he has time he is going to send a letter in this - Tell me in your letter if you can read mine easily. When I come home it will be nearly the time for your holiday - you must try and do your very best at lessons and play and then the time will pass quickly and you will be a happy boy. Did you like the lecture? Nurse will send the rest of your shirts by Father some day - Goodbye now my darling.
Much love from Auntie Ada and Cyril and most of all,
From your very loving
Auntie Polly.

24. Mary (Polly) Caroline Julius: Letter to nephew Ernest V Fenn, 11 Oct 1889, Sheen House Harrogate.
Sheen House
October 11, 1889
My darling Ernie,
I am so sorry to hear from father that you have been on the sick list, and had bad eyes. I hope they soon are well, and you are back at work again. Cyril and I were very glad to get your letters he was very pleased with his. We do lessons every morning and then Cyril, Tip, and I go out for a walk - it has been such bad weather that we have not yet been able to go any nice country walks, like our old ones.
A little girl has been spending the afternoon here, she is younger than Baa but bigger and so spoilt and naughty - she knocked down everything Cyril built, would not eat her dinner, and we are all rather glad she is gone again. We have been to the gardens once, but it is not warm enough to sit about there. We shall have a great deal to talk about when we meet, I expect we shall go home about the 30th - Georgie has gone back to Cambridge.
And now dear old boy goodbye.
Much love from us all - longing to see you again.
Ever your most loving
Auntie Polly.

25. Mary Caroline Julius: Will, 12 Apr 1890.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Caroline Julius of Richmond in the County of Surrey spinster
I appoint my brother Arthur Onslow Julius of 15 Finsbury Circus in the City of London solicitor and my brother in law Edward Liveing Fenn of Richmond aforesaid Dr of Medicine executors and trustees of this my will.
I bequeath the following legacies namely
To my niece Mary Ellen Julius all my jewellery and £100 to be paid free of legacy duty
To my nephew George Henry Hunt my plate and plated articles
To my said brother Arthur Onslow Julius the secretaire which belonged to my father and the sum of £100 for his trouble as one of my executors
To my sister Ada Frances Hunt my books china and pictures
I devise my freehold house and premises known as Gifford Lodge situate at Twickenham in the County of Middlesex unto and to the use of my said trustees Arthur Onslow Julius and Edward Liveing Fenn their heirs and assigns upon trust to sell the same as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and after payment of the expenses of and attending the sale thereof
I direct that the net proceeds arising from such sale shall fall into and form part of my residuary personal estate
I bequeath the residue of the personal estate to which at the time of my death I shall be entitled to or over which I shall then have any power of testamentary disposition unto my said trustees upon trust to convert and get in such residuary personal estate and after payment of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses I give and bequeath the residue of my residuary personal estate unto and equally between and among all the daughters of my sister Annie Ellen Bateman living at my death and who shall have attained or shall afterwards attain the age of 21 years or shall have married or shall afterwards marry under that age I direct that my trustee Arthur Onslow Julius notwithstanding his acceptance of the trusteeship shall be allowed all professional and other charges for his time and trouble which if employed as solicitor to my trustees not being himself trustee he would be entitled to make
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of April in the year of our Lord 1890
Mary Caroline Julius
Signed by the said Mary Caroline Julius the testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses
R Alex Smith solicitor Richmond
William Burrell solicitor Richmond

On 19 August 1890 probate That of this Will was granted to Arthur Onslow Julius and Edward Liveing Fenn the Executors

Julius Mary Caroline 19 August 1890.
The Will of Mary Caroline Julius late of 11 The Green Richmond SRY spinster who died 12 July 1890 at 1 Portland Terrace Richmond SRY was proved at the Principal Registry 19 Aug 1890 by Arthur Onslow Julius of 15 Finsbury Circus in the city of London Solicitor the Brother and Edward Liveing Fenn of 1 Portland Tce M.D. the Executors
Personal Estate L6334 14s 10d.
Ref: National Probate Calendar.

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