The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr George Charles JULIUS [51]
Isabella Maria GILDER [52]
William SMITH of Nottingham [2423]
Peggy HEATON [2424]
(Abt 1778-)
Dr Frederick Gilder JULIUS MD FRCS [50]
Ellen Hannah SMITH [49]

Ada Frances JULIUS [57]


Family Links

1. Dr Henry John HUNT J.P. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. [622]

Ada Frances JULIUS [57]

  • Born: 29 May 1849, Richmond SRY
  • Baptised: 29 Jun 1849, St Mary Magdalen Richmond SRY
  • Marriage (1): Dr Henry John HUNT J.P. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. [622] on 29 Jul 1868 in St Helens HAM
  • Died: 9 Apr 1942, London. aged 92
  • Buried: Richmond Cemetery.

bullet  General Notes:

Ada was born at half past seven o'clock in the afternoon May 29 1849. Baptised June 29, 1849 in Richmond Old Church, Mrs Dumergue, Mrs Jennings and Dr Francis Smith sponsors. Ellen Hannah Julius stood proxy for Mrs Jennings.
From the entries in Burkitt on the New Testament.

Ada was aged 19 at her marriage

Letter from Lucie Bateman to E V Fenn 21 Apr 1941 describes Ada's funeral and that she was buried close to he father mother son and sisters:

30 Sheen Road
April 21st 1942
My dear Van
Many thanks for your letter I also should have been very glad if you could have been with us, I told Charlie that I knew it was impossible for you to come all that way and travel being so difficult. I was so glad that the new Vicar of Holy Trinity was able to visit Aunt Ada so often. I called and asked him if he would. The last Vicar neglected her, but he was rather ill and poorly, and too old for that big parish the new Vicar took the service, he is young vigourous and is doing good work in the parish. Aunt Ada liked him very much - Pearl came up from Devonshire and stayed in London and asked me to carry on - I could not get in touch with Dudley, who has now left the . . . . . and is having a rest by Dr's orders - I heard from him this morning and he is coming one afternoon this next week to see me, for which I am very glad, as far as the business is concerned nothing could be done - I am so glad that everything was done as Auntie wished. I telephoned to Saunders to come and see me, as it was necessary for the Coffin to be closed and I suggested to Mrs Ganter that she should be brought to our house, as I did with . . . . . it was right either for her or her people in the house this distressed her and she said why not let Mrs Hunt be taken to the "Chapel of Rest" this I agreed to it is quite beautiful. Three small chapels and one bigger one and there she was laid to rest until the funeral - no flowers, as Auntie did not want any - only one carriage Pearl Laura and I Mrs Ganter and nanny, it was all quietly and beautifully done - she could not be laid with Uncle Henry, as George was just there, but Pearls brother bought a plot of ground the other side of the pathway to hold three and there we left the dear thing, a beautiful sunny day, close to her own dear ones, and not far from her Father and Mother and three sisters. Will you tell me if you have had books from A A I heard that there were some with your name, not one could I find and she had very few - then we have got a case of Shakespeare's plays nice little books very, but in a rather shabby case - Nanny said that Mrs Hunt said they were to go to Edgar, now Nanny imagines things a bit, so I phoned to Charlie about it, he seemed to think he would not care to have them as he had only a bed sitting room, I thought perhaps it was you who ought to have them if you felt like it, some time perhaps you will let me know, and I will send them. We are a very sick household Docy has always been delicate and now lives quite an invalid's life - and last August Jesse was taken very ill, she is better now but she is mostly in her room. I am longing for real summer weather, for it will do them good - I did laugh when I read the address, in one of your brain cells you had packed away the name of Dr Jardine who must have lived here when you were in Richmond. We are not so grand only plain 30 Sheen Road
So goodbye and thank you for your letter
With my love
Yours affectionately
Lucie Bateman
This letter concerns the death of Ada Hunt nee Julius. Written on four sides of two sheets of notepaper the back page had been dated by someone else and Lucie wrote "please forgive this, it was a shock when I turned over the leaf" also a note on the front page "n.b. Mrs Ganter was aunt Ade's landlady EVF"

An unidentified news clipping reports Ada's death, she was in her 93rd year and of Church Rd. The article repeats details of her Grandfather's life as a physician to George IV.

Hunt Ada Francis of 83 Church Rd Richmond Surrey widow died 9 April 1942 probate Llandudo to June to Arthur Dudley Julius Solicitor Anne Lucie Bateman spinster. Effects L3743 10s 7d
National Probate calendar.


bullet  Other Records

1. Ada Frances Hunt: Images over years.
Ada with her son George and other images

2. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, The Green Richmond. Ada is recorded as a daughter aged 1 born Richmond

3. Census: England, 8 Apr 1861, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY. Ada is recorded as a daughter aged 11 scholar born Richmond SRY

4. Census: England, 2 Apr 1871, 2 Old Palace Richmond SRY. Ada, now Mrs Hunt, is shown at her fathers house aged 21 born Richmond

5. Census: England, 3 Apr 1881, Beech Lodge Bilton cum Harrogate YKS. Ada is described as a wife of a GP aged 31 born Richmond SRY

6. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 14 Jul 1890, Richmond.
July 14 (1890)
My darling Harry,
I was thinking of you just now, and it suddenly came upon me, that although Father had written, you might like to have a few words from me. You will be sorrowful, as we are all at the loss of dear Aunt Polly1, and I wish I could be with you dear Harry even for half an hour just to comfort you, and help you to see the bright side of this trial, for there is a very bright side dear Harry, when we think of the heavenly house she has gone to, and though her place to you can never be filled up, yet you must try to picture her with Mother and all the other dear ones safe and happy for ever with their Saviour. And you too my boy must go to the same loving Saviour and tell him all your trouble. He alone can fill up the blank in your heart. Dear auntie passed away so gently and peacefully - she has often talked of her Harry during this illness. She loved you so dearly God bless and comfort you my boy
Your loving aunt
Ada F Hunt
Written on three sides of notepaper.
1. When Ada's sister Katharine Fenn died (1886) their sister Mary Caroline (Aunt Polly) sought to mother Katharine's children with the support of her sisters, sadly she herself died some 4 years later.

7. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 24 Feb 1891.
Sheen House
Feby 24th (1891)
My dearest Harry,
You are a good boy to write to me so often, and I believe I have two letters to answer, which isn't fair on you. I have been very busy just lately, for Catharine has gone away for a three-week holiday and so I have to help a little in house work & etc . . . . .
We have had work people in the house papering the spare room and bathroom, which are now finished I am glad to say. The little boy in the hospital is going on very well, he is so bright and cheerful they say, and his one ambition now, is to be in the Station Master's office, when he gets well. That poor boy you went to see with me, is much worse now, and never comes downstairs, he sits up in his little room and seems quite contented and happy. I think what makes him so, is that he loves the Lord Jesus and though he knows how very ill he is I do not think he fears to go when God calls him - and it may be so with us all dear Harry - however awful and unworthy we feel ourselves to be, yet if we trust Jesus we are safe in life or in death - and to trust him, we must know him as our friend and oh how willing he is to be our friend - I hope he is yours my boy. To have Jesus as our friend is the only safeguard against temptations or rather in temptation - I am glad you like your watch, and certainly if it saves you from getting 50 lines this is a most useful gift - it will be nice to give Vandy a stamp album - I did not know he collected them. Has he gone back to school yet? Auntie Bessie who has been ill for so long is going if all's well to New Zealand, the beginning of April, and will stay for about a fortnight with uncle Churchill. I wonder what poor uncle Arthur will do without her, but he will have the baby to comfort him. Miss Veitch has been away visiting friends all the winter - Mrs Smith still remains in doors wearing her shawl, and pretty cloak when she does go out, I should think she would want a few blankets round her - now dear Harry, I must "shut up"
Fond love from
Your loving aunt
Ada Hunt
Written on four sides of notepaper with an additional inserted sheet front page edged in black. With its original envelope addressed Master H L Fenn Malvern House, River, Dover. Franked Harrogate FT 25 91. Stamp ripped off.
The black edged notepaper refers to mourning the death of Mary Caroline Julius in July 1890.

8. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 18 Mar 1891.
4 Portland Terrace
March 18 (1891)
My dearest Harry,
First of all, forgive this (a blot) very ugly blot, which I would have got bad marks for, if I had been at school. You see I am now staying with Aunt Bessie and have been here since last Wednesday. Poor father is ill in bed with erysipelas and has been very poorly indeed, but I hope he is improving. I go in to see him every morning and have a talk, and read, and write his notes for him - he was rather extra miserable this morning, for he had hardly had any sleep all night. I read your letter to him on Monday morning, and I know you will write to him again on Sunday - don't mind me, as now he is ill, he will like to have letters from his boys. For some things, I am sorry I must leave on Friday, for before I left I should like to have seen father quite better as they say in Yorkshire which means well. Aunt Bessie is going in about a fortnight and next week I expect she will be going to choose her birth in the steamer. We are having rather dismal weather in Richmond but it is better than the cold and snow. Cyril and Edgar look well Cyril and I went up to the cemetery on Sunday afternoon, but it was too wet, we could not linger long.
Goodbye my dear old Harry.
Fond love from your loving aunt
Ada F Hunt
Written on four sides of notepaper front page edged in black.

9. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, Kemp Town Brighton SSX. Ada is recorded as a wife aged 41 born Richmond

10. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 25 Sep 1891.
Sheen House
Septr 25th (c1891)
My dearest Harry,
You will have thought me a long time in writing but what with one thing and another, I have been very busy since you left. I often think of my bright little Harry, and at first I missed you very much especially when I went out, and most especially when I went to the market, and Mr Berry chose me a melon, with his usual accompaniment of finger and thumb. Miss Veitch is away at Bridlington now and Mrs Luuth? Alone in her glory. She often asks after you.
Dear Harry, I have got you a little case for the photos: though it is not the colour I should have liked, but I had no choice. I will send it tomorrow with the two photos. Aunt Bessie and Uncle Arthur are coming tomorrow DV I hope they won't lose the train at Holbeck as poor Mrs Duncan did - I was sorry you did not see her, before going to school - we had fine weather here after you left and she went out a good deal, but her time was chiefly taken up with baths and drinks of sulphur water. I hope the hands are still usable; if you should be tempted again, remember the glove, and remember to, what will in able you dear Harry to overcome temptation of all kinds - you know what I mean - thanks for your postcard my boy - I hope to write to you from time to time, and if ever you are in trouble and feel you want an Auntie to advise or help you or be sympathetic with you in any way don't forget Aunt Ada, and send her a line. I love you dear Harry for your own sake, and I love you too for the sake of the dear ones who are gone.
Fond love from your loving
Auntie Ada
Written on four sides of notepaper front page edged in black.

11. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 16 Oct 1891.
Sheen House
October 16 (1891)
My dearest Harry,
I believe I have two letters to thank you for, and I have been a most unkind Aunt to neglect you so long; it is very good of you dear Harry to write me a letter now & then, and you cannot think how pleased I am when I see your handwriting. You always have something very exciting to tell me, and this time the accidents you mentioned were most harrowing to my tender feelings. Uncle Arthur and Aunt B were only here a week, but we had pretty good weather, and they were able to get about. Aunt B rode on horseback one day, and we went on another occasion to the Harlow Woods, also to Kuaresbro. Do you remember the poor old woman I used to visit in Union Street (Mrs Howard) she was found last Saturday in her bedroom burnt to death. I hope the poor old thing had a fit and was unconscious but it was a bad ending wasn't it. Winnie Bateman has broken her arm again lately; she is coming to me in November I hope with Aunt Annie for these breakages have made her weak - I believe Aunt Annie and all of them will soon be moving from Rothesay House, they are thinking of taking that old house near the bridge (I think it is called Bridge House) but of course it is not yet decided. I am so glad my boy you find your nails useful. I hope you will keep them so, but try the glove if you begin to get tempted again - I hope you are getting on nicely with work - try and put your whole might into what you do, and remember always dear Harry that you have an unseen friend near you at all times who will help and comfort you in trouble, and counsel you in difficulties "in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths"
Fond love my boy from
Your loving Auntie
Ada F Hunt
I told Mrs Smith yesterday that you send everybody your love, and I understand you included her and Miss Veitch, so she says everybody sends their love to you.
Written on four sides of notepaper front page edged in black.

12. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 18 Nov 1891.
Sheen House
Novr 18th (1891)
My dearest Harry,
You have been such a dear boy in writing to me, that it makes me all the more ashamed that I have been so bad. But you must forgive your poor old Auntie who is not good at letterwriting and believe that she often thinks of her dear little boy Harry. Aunt Annie and Winnie have been staying with us, the latter has almost recovered the use of her twice broken arm, but I think she is rather afraid of it - I am sure I always felt afraid of touching her in case something should break. We had rather wet weather all the time they were here and Winnie only had three regular walks. Once to the Knaresborough and another time to Burke Craig. I believe Jack has also broken his arm again lately.
Harrogate is very quiet now and not nearly so many people about as when you were here - the Niggers and Punch and Judy have quite disappeared. If you come again to me, as I hope you will do, I must hunt up a companion for you, for there would be no Miss Babbington another time, and no Sequah - one poor man whom Sequah professed to cure and whose crutches he took away is now so bad, that he has to beg for new ones. I often wish I had you to help me water my plants as you used to do, they are looking very fresh still and we have the house heated now most days with the hot water, so I hope they will not feel the cold. I want to try and send a letter today to Vandy, so will not write much more - I was so glad to hear that you were second in your examination because I think it shows that you work and try to do your best - I thought you would be sure to have something dreadful to tell, and I think the mad dog was very dreadful, I hope the poor children recovered.
Goodbye dearest Harry
Fondest love
From your loving Auntie
Written on four sides of notepaper front page edged in black, over written on the front with the Closing.

13. Census: England, 31 Mar 1901, Devonshire Plc Brighton Sussex. Ada is recorded as a wife aged 51 born Richmond SRY

14. Ada Frances Hunt: Letter Harry Fenn, 21 Sep 1938.
83 Church Road
Sep 21st 1938
My dearest Ha-Wa,
I can't tell you how very much I loved your visit yesterday, but oh! dear it had left me with a sore heart - these partings are bad to bear, and they pull me down physically and mentally - I can't write what I want to say, but you know how I love my Ha-watoo - that is all I can say today and I have had a very happy glimpse of you - God bless you my boy - I shall try and write again before you go, but if you don't get a letter forgive me dear, everything is an effort now - I can always think of you and pray for you which I do and I know you will have strength. Given you for uncle Doret partings than the one with your always loving
Auntie Da
I hated giving you that money as I did, but you will forgive - you see I had wanted to buy you something myself but couldn't manage it - I am too old and stupid - get what you like with it and also a prayer book with or without hymns - later on I will send a little card to put in.

15. Ada Frances Hunt: Link with George IV, Cir 1942.
A correspondent who informs us of the death of Mrs Hunt of Church Road, in her 93rd year, says that her passing severs as a link with old Richmond and Kew. She was the granddaughter of Dr G C Julius, who resided at Wardrobe Court, the Old Palace, for nearly 40 years. Dr Julius was physician to George IV and William IV, and attended the Royal family when they were in residence at Kew Palace. A piece of putty used to be put in one of the windows in order to show the doctor whether he was wanted at the Palace or not. The old King George IV used to take an interest in this and if his carriage passed that of the doctors on his way to Kew he used sometimes to lean out of the window and shout "A piece of putty in the window today Doctor". Dr Julius was partner to St David Dundas, who resided at Queensbury House, Richmond. Mrs Hunt was born at Tudor Place The Green, Richmond, but lived nearly all her life before she married at Wardrobe Court, where her father Dr F G Julius, lived after the retirement from practice of her grandfather.
Unidentified paper clipping.


Ada married Dr Henry John HUNT J.P. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. [622] [MRIN: 184], son of John HUNT [6813] and Elizabeth [10830], on 29 Jul 1868 in St Helens HAM. (Dr Henry John HUNT J.P. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. [622] was born on 19 Jan 1841 in Melksham WIL and died in 1909 in London..)

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