The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Thomas ALSTON (ALSTONE) [6057]
Susanna BOOLS [5919]
Sturgeon DREW [6306]
Elizabeth PARSONSON [6307]
Peter ALSTON (ALSTONE) [6050]
Tamar DREW [5650]

William ALSTON [5652]
(1797-Bef 1853)


Family Links

1. Sarah Sophia CHINERY [5756]

William ALSTON [5652]

  • Baptised: 7 Jun 1797, Great Meeting House Frair St Sudbury SFK
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Sophia CHINERY [5756] on 5 Aug 1824 in All Saints Sudbury SFK
  • Died: Bef 1853

bullet  General Notes:

Whites Directory of Suffolk 1844.
William Alston corn merchant of Newton Rd Sudbury.

Will at ESS PRO 1852 William Alston gent of Greenstead juxta Colchester
Ref 763 BR 36 - Susan Perrett searched on file

Roy Alston places William at Braintree ESS, a malster?

This William may be the partner of Stephen Alston [5656] Hatter of Clare
Piggot's Directory 1830
William Alston Hat Manufacturer of Sudbury

At his son Ezra's death 31 Jan 1844 William is recorded as a draper of Braintree ESS


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 30 Mar 1851, Greenstead Colchester. William is described as head of house married aged 53 land and house proprietor born Sudbury SFK HO107/1781

2. Edward Alston: Will, 7 Apr 1852.
Will of William Alston
7 April 1852
This is the last will and Testament of me William Alston of Grinstead within the liberty of the Borough of Colchester in the County of Essex gentlemen which I make in manner following that is to say First I nominate constitute and appoint my son Ezekiel Francis Alston of Braintree in the same county tailor and my son in law Thomas Ward of Elmstead in the said County of Essex farmer executors and trustees of this my Will Next I give to my wife Sarah all the ready money and all the consumable articles which may be in my house at the time of my decease And I give to my executors my household furniture Upon Trust to permit my wife to have the use of the same for her life And after the decease of my said wife I give the said furniture to my daughter Emma provided she be then single but if she be then married I direct the same to be sold and the proceeds to fall into my residuary personal estate And I give to each of my brothers and sisters and my sister-in-law Mrs Burrows the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings shillings Next I give and devise unto the said Ezekiel Francis Alston and his heirs all that my Messuages farmland and Hereditments situate in the Parish of Brightlingsea in the said County of Essex now in the occupation of . . . . . Corner And also those two cottages and pightle of land in the occupation of . . . . . Harmer his undertenants or assigns Subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with payment of the sum of eighty pounds per annum to my said wife for and during her natural life that is to say forty pounds to be paid by my said son Ezekiel Francis Alston and forty pounds by my daughter Emily Sarah the wife of the said Thomas Ward And I declare that the said annuity shall commence from the day of my decease and be payable by equal quarterly payments And in case the same or any part thereof shall be unpaid for the space of fifteen days next after any of the days of payment it shall be lawful for my said wife to enter upon all and every or any part of the said farmland and Hereditments and to distrain for the same or for as much thereof as shall be in arrears and for all costs and charges occasioned by the non-payment thereof and to sell such distrainments in like manner as for part payment by lease or (illegible) demise To hold the same to the said Ezekiel Francis Alston and his heirs Upon the trusts following namely as to one moiety thereof for his and their benefit absolutely And as to the other moiety thereof Upon trust for the benefit of my said daughter Emily Sarah And after the decease of the said Emily Sarah Ward Upon trust for the benefit of the said Thomas Ward for his life And after the decease of the survivor of them the said Thomas Ward and Emily Sarah his wife I devise the said moiety to the issue of the said Emily Sarah Ward by the said Thomas Ward and their heirs in equal shares and if but one child to that child his or her heirs and assigns for ever Provided always and I hereby declare that if my said daughter Emily Sarah Ward shall die without leaving issue living at her decease then I devise the said moiety of the said farmland and Hereditments so devised to her as aforesaid unto my said son Ezekiel Francis Alston and my daughter Emma Alston their heirs and assigns absolutely Next I give and devise to my said executors their heirs and assigns All that my freehold Messuages and premises situate in the Old Butter Market in Ipswich in the County of Suffolk now in the occupation of Stephen Alston Together with a Messuages and premises behind the same unoccupied And also all that Messuages and premises situate in Braintree aforesaid now in the occupation of Paul Aggie the younger To hold the same unto the said Ezekiel Francis Alston and Thomas Ward their heirs and assigns Upon the trusts following that is to say upon trust to pay twenty pounds per annum part of the rents thereof unto my said wife for and during the term of her natural life by equal quarterly payments And upon further trust out of the said rents to keep the said premises in tenantable repair and insured against loss or damage by fire And upon further trust to pay the residue of the said rents together after the decease of my said wife with the sum provided for her use as aforesaid unto my daughter Emma Alston of Braintree aforesaid spinster for her sole and exclusive and inalienable use and benefit independent of the debts control or engagements of any husband which she may marry and without power of anticipation and That I declare that the receipts of my said daughter shall constitute and be alone good discharges for the said rents and then only for such as shall be actually due and after the decease of my said daughter Emma I devise the said Messuages and premises unto her issue which may be living at her decease and their heirs in equal shares as tenants in common or if there should be but one child to such child his or her heirs and assigns for ever But if my said daughter Emma Alston should die leaving no issue her surviving then I devise the said Messuages and Hereditments above mentioned unto my said son Ezekiel Francis Alston and my said daughter Emily Sarah Ward their heirs and assigns for ever in equal shares Subject nevertheless to the payment of the said sum of twenty pounds annually to my said wife for and during the term of her natural life. And I devise to my said son Ezekiel Francis Alston and the said Thomas Ward their heirs and assigns All those my cottages situate in Sudbury in the County of Suffolk And all other my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever And all and singular my personal estate Upon trust to sell and dispose of such part as shall not consist of money either by public auction or private contract and subject to any special condition or stipulations that may be deemed expedient with full power to buy in and resell the same all rescind or vary any contract relating thereto And the money arising from such sale or sales together with the rents and profits of my real estate until conversion and other my personal estate I direct shall be applied by my said trustees in manner following that is to say Upon Trust to pay my debts funeral and testamentary expenses the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed and the fine and fees payable on the admission of my said son to the copyhold part of my estate at Brightlingsea but should there not be sufficient money for that purpose the deficiency is to be paid in moieties by my said son and the said Thomas Ward And upon trust to pay the residue thereof upon my said three children Ezekiel Francis Alston Emily Sarah Ward and Emma Alston share and share alike I give all real and personal estate vested in me as trustee or mortgagee upon my said trustees upon such trusts and subject to such equities as shall be subsisting therein respectively I declare that the purchaser or purchasers of any part of my real or personal estate and all other persons paying to the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will any trust money belonging to my estate and taking their or his receipt for the same shall be discharged from all responsibility in respect of the application thereof I direct that the said trustees or trustee for the time being shall have power at their or his discretion to alter my accounts and wind up my affairs and in so doing to make such arrangement relative to debts or demands due or claimed to be due to or from my estate as they or he shall judge expedient with liberty to accept compositions or securities from and grant indulgences to debtors and wholly to release property mortgaged or pledged on part payment of the money secured and to adjust the claims of creditors on evidence not strictly legal and to pay demands which have become barred by any statutory or other limitation and also to submit questions and accounts to arbitration
I declare that the provision hereby made for my said wife shall be accepted by her in full satisfaction of her claim to Dower and first such use of any real estate of which I have been or now am or shall be seized I declare that if my said trustees or either of them or any person or persons to be affected under this clause shall die or be or become unwell or incompetent to act in the execution of the trusts of my Will it shall be lawful for my said wife during her widowhood and after her death or marriage for the competent trustees or trustee for the time being (if any) whether retiring from the office of trustee or not or (if none) for the executors or administrators of the last surviving trustee to substitute and appoint by any writing under his her or their hand or hands any fit person or persons in whom alone or as the case may be jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee my trust estate shall be vested And the trustee or trustees for the time being of my Will shall be competent to exercise the trusts and powers and discretions given to the trustees herein named and on every such appointment the necessary assurances shall be executed for vesting my estate in the new and old trustees or in the new trustees solely as the case may be And I direct that my trustees may deduct and mutually allow each to the other all his disbursements and expenses incident to the execution of my Will and shall be responsible each for his own acts and defaults only and unresponsible for losses occurring without his wilful neglect or default and shall be indemnified with or out of my trust property against all liabilities consequential on the execution of my Will
Lastly I revoke all former Wills and codicils
In witness whereof I the said William Alston the testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in five sheets of paper set my hand at the foot or bottom of each sheet thereof the seventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty two
Signed: William Alston
Signed by the said testator William Alston as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have here under subscribed our names as witnesses
Charles Edward Blair William Alfred Neeh
Proved on the 15th day of June 1857 before the Rev Mesbach Seaman DD* clerk Surrogate by the oath of Ezekiel Francis Alston the son and Thomas Ward the son-in-law the executors to whom administration was granted they being first sworn duly to administer
Under L500.
Ref: ESS RO D/ABR 36/763
* This man was the next door neighbour of William in the 1851 Census.


William married Sarah Sophia CHINERY [5756] [MRIN: 1873] on 5 Aug 1824 in All Saints Sudbury SFK. (Sarah Sophia CHINERY [5756] was born about 1797 in Sudbury SFK and died in 1856 in Colchester ESS.)

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