The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Dr Thomas Harrold FENN M.R.C.S. [1]
Maria ALSTON [2]
Dr Frederick Gilder JULIUS MD FRCS [50]
Ellen Hannah SMITH [49]
Dr Edward Liveing FENN M.D. M.R.C.P. J.P. [3]
Katharine Pauline JULIUS [10]

Lieut Commander Cyril Duncan FENN R N [38]


Family Links

Lieut Commander Cyril Duncan FENN R N [38]

  • Born: 19 Aug 1882, Richmond SRY
  • Baptised: 4 Oct 1882, Richmond SRY
  • Died: 9 Aug 1921, Nayland SFK aged 38
  • Buried: 12 Aug 1921, Nayland Burial Ground

bullet   Cause of his death was tuberculosis.


bullet  General Notes:

Cyril's Sponsor (Godfather) was Rev E Herbert Jones who gave him a fine leather bound bible to acknowledge that event, 132 years later it is in his nephew's hands in pristine condition! Other sponsors at Cyril's baptism were: Frederick J Hand, Catherine Duncan.

Cyril kept up a lively correspondence with his family during his school days, especially with his closest brother E V Fenn ( Van) who he appears to have been particularly fond of. (Letters on file 2003)
Cyril's specialty was communications (signals) in the Navy, he joined the Navy in 1897 on the H M S Britannia, was in the China Squadron c1907, on the H M S Dreadnought in Malta 1913, and in charge of a portable wireless station on the Marsa Malta Nov 1913.
His Navy Record paints a picture of a "zealous, active, sharp officer of good judgement and performance, above average . . . . . recomended for advancement . . . . . very good signal officer . . . . . buts lacks command . . . . . aptitude for instructional work . . . . . good physique but handicapped by lung trouble . . . . . reccommended for charge of Signal School" (Shotley)

Cyril was very keen on amateur theatre from his youth.

Stubbington House Fareham
Royal Naval Cadetships
Successes for a half year ending July 1897.
. . . . .
42nd K B Toms
53rd C D Fenn
55th The Honourable C F Cavendish
. . . . .
NB Class now forming for the December Examination.
Ref: The Time's 7 September 1897.

Cyril D Fenn to Repulse.
Ref: The Times 14 Sep 1898 Pg 4.

. . . . . the undermentioned Sub Lieut's have been promoted to Lieut. . . . . . C D Fenn
Ref: Extracts from The Times 23 May 1903 Pg14

Oct 24th 1905
H.M.S. St. Vincent.
An enjoyable evening was spent on board the St Vincent . . . . . the Chaplain presided and Captain and Mrs Caley and all the officers of the ship were present. There was also a numerous attendance of visitors . . . . . The first part of the entertainment was given by the St Vincent Minstrel Troupe, composed of boys chosen from the tonic solfa class. They were in the orthodox Nigger costume and led by Lieutenant Fenn . . . . .
The second part consisted of a farce entitled "The Area Belle". The characters were excellently portrayed by Lieutenant Fenn as Josser, the Marine . . . . .
Ref: Unsourced news paper cutting - Book No. 1.

. . . . . Lieut C D Fenn to the Vernon (Land Station), lent for wireless telegraphy course to date March 11.
Ref: Extracts from The Times 8 Mar 1907 Pg 9.

. . . . . Lieut C D Fenn To the Pembroke additional to the Warrior, to date 21st inst, and to the Warrior on Commissioning to Date June 1 inst.
Ref; Extracts from Th Times 28 May 1907 Pg 8

The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers
Admissions between 1730 and 1950
Cyril Duncan Fenn, Alston Court, Nayland Suffolk, Grey Friars, Colchester, Essex
Lieutenant Royal Navy, Date admitted to Freedom 20/10/1910, Admitted in Right of Servtude, Date admitted to the Livery 14/07/1911

Lieut C D Fenn to the Exmouth additional to Flag Lieut to Vice Admiral C J Briggs to date July 1.
Ref: The Times 21 Jun 1912 Pg 8.

Fleet flashing model designed in conjunction with another Lieut., . . . . . great credit is due for zeal and ingenuity displayed A.L. of 28/10/12 N.S. 11161
Ref: Cyril's Navy Record
This refers to the photograph, More Fenn Flashing Model 1912, in Cyrils pictures

City of London School . . . . . for some 200 old boy's who have fallen in the War . . . . . held at Temple Church . . . . . Among those present . . . . . Mr C.D.Fenn . . . . .
Ref: Extracts from The Times 2 Jun 1917 Pg 9.

New Senior Officer in Newfoundland.
. . . . . He will succeed at Newfoundland Lt Cmdr C D Fenn who has held the appointment since March 1919.
Ref: Extracted from The Times 24 Feb 1921 Pg 12.
Admiralty House originally operated as a Marconi Wireless Station, constructed in 1915. During WWI, the station intercepted German naval transmissions, tracked icebergs, and ships in distress. Today, it operates as an award-winning museum with unique tours and programs.

Fenn. On 9th August at Alston Court Nayland. Lieut Commander Cyril Duncan FennR.N. aged 38 (Newfoundland papers please copy)
Ref: The Times 12 Aug 1921 Pg1.

THE FUNERAL : Of Lieut. Commander Cyril Fenn, son of the late Dr. Fenn, of Nayland. (formerly of Colchester), took place with naval .honours on Friday at Nayland Parish Church, the Vicar (Rev. J. B. Marsh) officiating. The coffin, which was covered with the Union Jack, on which were placed the deceased officer's hat and sword, was borne from the house; Alston Court, to the church by blue jackets, and a bugler from Shotley sounded the "Last Post" at the graveside.
The chief mourners were Mrs. E L. Fenn. Dr and Mrs. Chas. Fenn (London), Mr. Harold L. Fenn, Rev. E. V. Fenn, Rev. E. J. Fenn, Miss Adria Fenn, and Miss Dolly Cotes. The Navy. was represented by Lieut. Commander Mead, Chief Signal Officer Brown, and Petty Officer Brown.
The hymns sung : were "Jesu, lover of my soul" and Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar." At the cemetery,"Jesus lives" was rendered by the surpliced choir. Many beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends, and the Nayland Lodge of the R.A.O.B. sent a handsome floral offering.
Amongst the attending the funeral were Admiral Simpson (Stoke-by-Nayland), Colonel Gray, and Mrs. Syrett. Many members of the R.A.O.B attended, including the Rev. W. E. F. Rees, curate of Nayland.
The coffin, which was of polished oak, with solid brass fittings, bore on the breastplate the inscriptionn: "Cyril Duncan Fenn, died Aug. 9, 1921, age 38 years." The undertakers were Messrs. Deaves and Son.
The late Lieut. Commander Fenn joined the Britannia training ship at Exmouth in 1897, and served in succession on the China and Mediterranean stations, and with the Home Fleet. During the earlier days of the war he was Flag Lieutenant to Admiral Sir Loftus Tottenham, but was invalided from Athens.
Later he was appointed Chief of the R.N. Signal School at Devonport and his last appointment, which he resigned last April was that, of Chief Naval Officer to the Colony of Newfoundland on H.M.S. Briton, a naval training ship. At Newfoundland his health completely broke down, and be came home to Nayland, where he passed away.

Cyril is buried in the Nayland burial ground, row III grave 59. His grave reads "In loving memory of Cyril Duncan Fenn Lt. Commander RN, born 19th Aug 1882 died 9th Aug 1921. When the morning was now come Jesus stood on the shore". He never married

In 2012 Cyril's death was accepted by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission as a casualty of the Great War. His grave will be recorded and maintained accordingly.

Fenn Cyril Duncan of Alston Court Nayland Suffolk died 9 August 1921 Administration London 25 October 1921 to Charles Edward Fenn MD. Effects L2507 4s 10d
National Probate Calendar.

bullet  Research Notes:

Cyril's photograph album is presently in the hands of his nephew - E L Fenn 2014.

bullet  Medical Notes:

Cyril's respiratory weakness my have been signaled in his last year at Stubbington Hall where bouts of sickness are reported in his letters, his Navy records show he was admitted to Haulboubine Hospital 5 Oct 1914 with a diagnosis of phthisis (Greek for consumption) otherwise known as tuberculosis. This hospital may have been in Athens (see report of Cyril's funeral) as he was serving as a Flag Lieut on HMS Albion in the Mediterranean.
His Navy record shows he was "placed on books of the Victory" until 30 Apr 1915 when he was "found fit for shore service at present" "8 May 1916 found fit for active service" "12 Dec 1916 Seriously ill and likely to be invalided" he was hospitalised his condition is recorded as haemoptysis (coughing up blood). He was invalided with the following note "recd should be given a passage home - Hospital Ship" "25 Feb 1917 passed fit for shore service" "1 Mar 1917 discharged to RN Bks Chatham" "5 Jul 1917 found fit" "1 Jul 1918 admitted Plymth Hosp fistula-in-ano" (This type of fistula can develop secondary to tuberculosis) "3 Aug 1918 found fit" and promoted to acting rank of Commander 11 Sept 1918. "24 Jun 1921 reports unfit - pulmonory tuberculosis.


bullet  Other Records

1. Census: England, 5 Apr 1891, 1 Portland Tce The Green Richmond SRY. Cyril is recorded as a son aged 8 born Richmond SRY

2. Cyril's Childhood Letters: Cyril's early letters to his brothers, c1889, Oct 1889, 1892, Portland Tce Richmond SRY. Cyrils letters, the first dating from about age 7.
1 Portland Terrace
Dear Harry
I wish you many happy returns of your birthday. Whilst father was ill we went into the vicarage for tea and once dinner. Tomorrow Vandy and me are going to dinner with Huntee Annie and tea at the Bridge House. From your loving brother
Cyril Duncan Fenny
P. S. Father is better and got up on Good Friday.
Written on a small piece of notepaper with an embossed dog's head c.1889.

October 1889
My dear Ernie
I am writing with my new pen holder. I hope you are quite happy I have got to Harrogate quite safely. I am going to write to Nanny Goat and . . . . . Baa on Monday Catherine says she wishes you had come too. Aunt Ada sends her love and Auntie Pollie
From your loving brother
Cyril Fenn
PS Cousin Georgie sends his love to the "Infant Phenomenon"
Ernie would appear to be Ernest Vanderzee, the P. S. is in an adult hand?

5 Albert Square
Dear Paw
I hope you are quite well. Yarmouth is rather a large place, there are some sands and when it is dark we see the lights of the light ships. You remember jumbo at Littlehampton there is a stemmer called The Trusty which tugs the light ships out. There are two mistress Miss Guns and Miss Mallet they are very kind to me. On Wednesday we went the other side of the River Avon to Golston and climbed up the cliffs they are not very steep, and then we ran down the cliffs. Miss Haddon has got a pug but it is blind he got bling by being run over by a tram and was taken to a hostild of dogs they thought he was dead was he was not whose name is Yet. I am the eldest but three. We dril at the Asember rooms Mr Winter drils asks. I have no more to say from your loving brother
C D Fenn
P. S. give my love to Gay. Harry wrote to me and at the end he drew a picture of . . . . . Tip
Cyril has sketched a far from good likeness of tip!

3. Cyril in His Youth, 1882-1895. Cyril in his infancy at Grey Frairs then as a young cadet at Stubbington House a Navy Preparatory School

4. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to his brothers, 20 May 1894-18 Sep, 20 Sep 1894, 15 Oct 1894, Colchester and Stubbington House. Grey Friars
May 20, (1894)
My darling Paw
Thanks awfully for your letter. The mustard and cress has been cut but the carrots are coming up nicely, so are the forget-me-nots and pansies the Mastursions are as high as this . . . . . is not it lovely. We are having a spring cleaning now the sweep (Uncle Ernest) has come five times and is coming again on Monday. Adria sleeps in the morning room, Father and Mater in the spare room, and Mary, Edgar and I in Edgars room. The pantry has been turned into the storeroom the storeroom into the larder and the larder into the pantry. you know the drain in the yard he laid a pipe from there all through that little passage then he turned it to the right mended that little tap and then bored a hole right threw the wall into the new pantry and made a waste pipe and a water pipe for the new sink. The missionary box is getting quite full, to day is a missionary Sunday, different missionaries are preaching in all the churches in Colchester except St Bottles, St James, and St Mary's on the Wall's at All Saints the Rev J. Laycock preached in the morning and the Rev E. Miller in the evening. Last Sunday (Whit Sunday) Father read the Lessons in the morning and evening. I met the Apparision today.
I have no more to say
Everybody sends their love
I remain
Your loving brother
P. S. Mary hopes nothing is broken.

Grey Friars
September 18, 1894
My darling darling Paw
I hope you have arrived quite safely. It has been a very lonely day for you and me, all this morning I moped about this afternoon I went for mokesh walk. Father, Charlie, and Harry over at Nayland to see Aunt Margaret. Mary is crosser than ever, so is Edgar. Nobody will play with me. Have you still got a study I will write to you tomorrow
I remain
Your loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

Grey Friars
September 20, 1894
My darling Paw
Your letter was received with great triumph. Harry goes off tomorrow. Gerald comes down here on Saturday. I have from 9:32 to 11:45 French and English with Madam Lowe Harry and Charlie went fishing today they have not returned yet. The baby is to be christened on October 1. I have just said Harry and Charlie have not returned they have now they have caught nine fish we put 2 in the pond, Mater is not so well today.
Harry, Charlie, Father, Edgar & Mary & Eddie all send their love.
I remain
My most beloved Paw
Your loving brother
P. S. Have you received your health certificate?

Stubbington House
October 15 (1894)
My dear dear Paw
Thank you for your letter I thought your advice on the stamps was perfect. Stubbington House is an enormous place. We rise at 6:30 the rest I will tell you in the holidays. We do not have a school cap except we are in the first or second eleven. There are 148 boys here and 15 masters not counting Mr Foster. I am getting on all right I rather like algebra. There are a good many forms as follows: Navy - C Navy, D Navy, E. Navy, F Navy, G. Navy. General School: A general, B general, A2 general, B2 general is. And of course the Special Navy. I am in the 7 Navy juniors. My form master is Mr Lever he is an awful beast. We are a quarter mile from the sea I am in the choir here it is lovely. Hiscarpaninie !!!! There goes the dinner bell I must be off.
Ever your loving brother
C. D. Fenn
P. S. I will write again soon.

5. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to his brothers, 31 Mar 1895; 5 May 1895; 1 Jun 1895; 15 Jul 1995, Stubbington House. Stubbington House
March 31, 1895
Dear Van
Thanks very much for your letter. It is me to say I'm sorry I have not written more times I am awfully sorry. I think a fete in the garden would be ripping nothing to say of the banquet. We had a confirmation on Friday all the chaps went, a few of our chaps were confirmed. I did not go because I had bad earache. We get two weeks at Easter, I think I come home on the 9th Hooray! I am simply longing for the holidays. As you say we will make the best of them. Dinner is just over, this is what I had, two helpings of cold beef and one of apple tart. I'm so glad Oxford won. We did cheer when we heard it. If Cambridge had won we would have had a half because the Gov is Cambridge. Don't you pity poor Edgar (Eccar) it is awful hard lines on him. I wrote to Harry on the 27th I clean forgot about writing to him till the 27th. Has the letter arrived yet do you think? I got a piece of dark blue from one of the chaps to wear on the boat race day. I can't guess what you mean by DM. DM. DM. are our cries when we see him. Is it anything to do with Harry. Our exams begin tomorrow arithmetic and scripture tomorrow I am dreading the algebra and latin translation. Shall we annex a bit of ground for a kitchen garden (Charlies and Harry's). Don't you remember the funk Eccar was in when we did the key trick. Shall we have cricket next holidays it would be rather stale without Harry. I am sorry to say that I can find nothing more to quote in this epistle to the Paw/domon.
I remain
Your ever loving and most adored and humble brother
Cyril D. Fenn alias Squirrel alias Cecil
PTO: On the back page is a childish sketch of a train with Cyril standing on it crying out Horray Horray and labelled train from Liverpool Street to Colchester.

Stubbington House
May 5 /95
My dear Van
I hope you received my postcard all right I enclose a certain piece of paper on which there is a certain excalmation guess before you look at it. How are you getting on old fellow. Did you remember to give Mary, Edgars present. I enclose 4 postage stamps for I owe you 4d if they won't do I will give you 4d in the summer holidays. I had my first game of cricket on Saturday. A chap had given me two balls (er-tit-tit) when it was over and just then I was stumped beastly rot. I suppose you did not do much after I went back to school I am now going to church I will finish afterwards. I have just finished dinner do you remember Robertson at Temple Grove, he said he remembered you, he is rather an ass. Do write soon. Are you going to begin corresponding with Gerald. I am. Was Adria still at Grey Friars when you left? I have really nothing more to say
I remain
Your loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn.

Stubbington House
June 1 /95
My dear Van
Thank you very much for your letter. I think your plan is an excellent one. Of course the Giant will appoint the keepers and police. We must also make some places for them to work in. Stars / & Stripes /here comes a letter from the Giant Ah! I see it is to be forwarded to you: please open it 2nd. There is a town I found out near the River Yum Yum named Youhall with about 30 or 40 small houses. We are playing Eastman's (Scabs) Hang! Blow! Darn! Blast! It is raining hard simply pouring with rain (fire and brimstone) er tit tit. The half term exams begin on Monday. We have not got a bad eleven one of our chaps last match made 72 not bad is it. I had from Linnie alias L i n n i e on Friday. She sent us some foreign stamps which I enclose to you (I only sent the ones we have not got) I have a chance of getting up into the C Navy list to. I hope I shall. I go up in June. I shall fail in algebra and french I'm certain. We have begun bathing in the sea already it is ripping. I'm so glad we are going to Harrogate are not you.
I remain
Your loving brother
Squirrel (O that rightly spelt)

Stubbington House
July 15 /95
Dear Van
Thank you so much for your letter. On Saturday Mr Foster took us all over to Portsmouth. We went round the Italian fleet and saw all the men of war it was a fairly large steamer we went in. Mr Foster gave us each 1s was not it decent of him. Today I wrote an essay on the Italian fleet. Do you remember last time you and I were at Harrogate we used to imprison flies in boxes etc. The exams are nearly over now Hullo! here comes my exam paper. Ah! I see it is English grammar I have a little more time to write before I begin to work. Oh Hang! Blow! Darn! Blast! (er-tit-tit) I have to begin, I will finish my letter after work. I have finished my exam and can get some time to finish my letter before tea. I will of course meet you (The Rara one) at the station of Colchester (Sketch of Colchester station and the boys and a dog - Lovely One). with perhaps the Lovely One. In the picture you have been suppose just to have out of the train and make me on the platform. The fives are all over now as chap called Marvin has got the prize. I was kicked out of the final by two runs. We don't have a breakup supper this term only the Christmas Term. On Saturday when I was at Portsmouth I saw some magnificent prisons with grounds and everything complete I bought them for L1,000,000 very cheap it was to. I am so sorry I have not written for such a long time. But with the exams etc I have been very busy. We did very well in Naval Exam we passed a 4th a 6th one or two 20s & 30s and a few 50s. I will soon have to be addressing my letters the Rev E. V. Fenn Esq., The Vicarage Richmond Surrey, (Curate of Canon Proctor). Of course Mater or Father told you about Charlie passing his exam. I have got a Zululand stamp for a collection. Do you know what day you and I go to Harrogate? I do not know what else to quote in my epistle. Give my love to all the Blundellians & Hurrarah for the 30th & 24th.
I remain
Your loving affectionate and most adoring humble brother
Cyril D. Fenn
to E V Fenn Esq.

6. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to his brothers, 24 Jan 1896; 27 Jan 1896; 26 Apr 1896; 17 May 1896;, Stubbington House. Stubbington House
Fareham (Grey Friars Colchester letterhead struck out)
(Sunday 24 January 1896)
My darling Rara Paw
I hope you are all right now. I thought of my DUCK on Thursday yesterday Hopkins (Lewis) and I went out and spent the afternoon at Fareham with Aunt Lucy, Kitty and Rees. It was Lewis's birthday and we had a fine birthday cake. He seems to be getting on all right. How are you my pet. Are you head of your house now. I am afraid there is no news all all. So duckie I must end I will write again next week.
I remain
Your loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn
This letter is undated the above date is written on it in Van's hand ? However 24 Jan 1896 is not a Sunday

Grey Friars
January 27 (c.1896)
My darling Paw
A million thanks for thine noble letter. I enclose a description of All Saints entertainment cut out of the Essex Standard. Florence asked you not to draw any more insulting pictures of her the last one she said she is not quite so fat. Bo is squealing away in the drawing-room. Mr and Mrs Brown and Miss Hardman are coming to dinner tonight. Father had a telegram from Richmond today to say that he was wanted because Adria was worse. Yesterday Adria cut her 1st tooth. I signed my name on the babies suvenir (sic) as a witness. Sweetest forgive this writing
I remain
Your loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn.
Then follows 3 of Cyril's stick man pictures labelled, "Icey keeping prep" "Adrias tooth" "coming home with a truck full of prizes" then PTO "Answer to riddle on postcard. Because he is a G G (Gee Gee) Bo Bo language"

Stubbington House
April 26 (c.1896)
My darling Paw
How is your liver and how is Icey (small sketch of Icey, Vans withered hand) my duckie. I am so sorry I have not written for so long. I began that this letter on April 26 and now it is May 8. Next week is a Naval Cadetship Test Examination held at Stubbington I'm sure to fail. Mr Jones the arithmetic master said if I had not been ill I should pass this time Mowrow I shout now. I heard from Linnie on Saturday on Saturday last week played The Royal Artillery first innings they got 56 runs all-out and we got 69 so we only just won. On Wednesday we played the Southampton team they got 167, one chap made 105. We only made 97. I have learnt to ride a bicycle Hurrah. I must teach you how to Darling forgive the writing for I am in a hurry. Do write soon
I remain
Yr loving brother
Diddle Dumpling.

Stubbington House
May 17, 1896
My darling Paw
A billion pounds of thanks for thy Rara letter. The poetry was very good, simply splendid I forwarded it home. About my exam. It begins on June 9 Tuesday 10 a.m. and finishes June 12 Friday 5 p.m. I go home on June 15 Monday. Day before Eccars birthday. There is measles in the village and so we are not allowed to go out of the playground. There is chickenpox in the school a good many chaps have got it. On Friday Smythies got the hysterics in Jumbo's class of course all sham he suddenly jumped up yelling spit running out of his mouth (er-tit-tit) and tears pouring down his cheeks and laughing hard. He looked awful. This morning one of our chaps got ill or something in Church and had to be taken out. I forgot to say Smythies has got the chickenpox Darling forgive me, oh sweetest do I forgot to ask how is (little picture of a hand, Icey) How leafly. You must send your West of England News to me at home it is sure to be very interesting. Of course my darling could get a few stamps for our collection to make it 1000 (of course my darling you could wait in London for an hour or so you could take a walk How leafly How Rara). Darling this is a very nasty letter compared to your lovely one. Hoping to see you on the 29th of July*
Diddle Dumpling
*29th of July
You always come home on a Tuesday therefore you come home of 26 of July and I return to school on 30 July. Only one day Mowrow Mowrow Mowrow to see MY PAW. Finis

7. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to Van, 24 May 1896; 7 Jun 1896; 19 Jun 1896; 28 Jun 1896, Stubbington House & Grey Friars Colchester. Stubbington House
May 24, 1896.
My darling Van
Don't be frightened at this black edged paper. The fact is I wanted some paper, and the chap I asked had only black edged, so I took a piece. Is not it dreadfully sad about Poor Mary. I was awful sorry to hear of it. No more happy tea time at 4:30, no more bellringing. It is dreadful my darling one, without dear Maidy I suppose we will have an awful cross old Jonney instead of dear Mary. Yesterday we played Hampshire Rovers. We made 126 first-innings to their 149 for 8 wickets I think our second eleven gained a great victory 146 to 22 and second innings they made 31. So we utterly licked them. How is my Rara one I hope to hear soon from him. Exam in three weeks on Tuesday Mowrow! There are 24 chaps going up. Linney sent me an account of the fire at Richmond did she you. If not I will send you. I have had two black eyes this term NOT fighting. I wrote to Harry for his birthday. I've not had an answer yet. How is Icey. Is it in full glory. Father said your poetry was after the fashion of a real poet. What does Father mean when he said in his letter to me "Mary was a servant of the old school"
Write soon
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

Stubbington House
June 7 (c.1896)
Dear Paw
How you my leafly one. About the medical commonly called The Med. When we got to the place we sat down, in a squitty room. Then chaps were called out to be examined. Soon an old jonney came in and yelled out "Mr Fenn" so I went out and followed him upstairs when we got into a small room. There I undressed except trousers and socks and vest. I waited there for a good time when at last I was called in. I had to give up my paper which the old Chap read I had 1st to read a paragraph to see if I stuttered I got through that all right. Then he measured and weighed me then the sight. There was a small card like this all perhaps bigger, oh yes much. On it were written a whole lot of French words which I had to spell, of course only ones he pointed out. I then took off my trousers (er-tit-tit) and then the exam was very er-tit-titish. The very last was the hearing which was potty. I heard from Father Mater the same day on Wednesday. Rara One, measles is very bad here. One chap has got measles and numonia together he is very bad. He has been prayed for, I've not heard the bulitien today. How is (simple sketch of a hand with a large muscled arm) how sweet what a lot of muscle. Icey doing dumbles (unidentifiable arm and hand holding a dumbbell) I hope to heard soon from my leafly one. Exam on Tuesday we are having it here, on account of measles because we are not allowed to mix with other chaps. Duckie I have said all I can so.
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

Grey Friars
June 19th (c.1896)
My Rara Paw
How is my sweet duck was I have written a good bit of the Grey Friars News and am only waiting for the "West of England Correspondence" please send it soon. Bo and Adria are quite well, Adria has for a wonder grown thinner, but her eyes bigger. I have not yet been to see Mary's grave, I'm going on Sunday. I suppose you know that Edgar goes to church in the evenings now. Yesterday there was a Flower Show over the way (at the Greens) it was not bad Father, Mater, Edgar, Bo, Adria, Mrs Denny, Ellen, Flo, Emma, Scott, Williamson, and myself went. There were some splendid roses of Mr Benjamin Cant (How leafly) appoth do you want my dear (Extract of Mrs Cant & Co sweet makers). Bo was awfully naughty he insisted on kissing all the flowers pots when Flo pulled him away he sat down on the ground and yelled. Today for the first time this year I had a bathe the water was fairly warm (fresh). Humphreys asked if Master Charles would be home soon. Please excuse writing for I have Father's pen (sketch of a bent nib) the nib. All send their love to my R P
I remain
Yr loving brother
Diddle Dumpling
P. S. excuse blocks or rather smudges on the first page, quite an accident.

Grey Friars
June 28th (c.1896)
My darling Rara Paw
How goes it with you by leafly one. Yesterday Edgar and I went up to the cemetery to see Mary's grave, there was a nice little + of roses of it. You will hardly believe it but it is quite true that poor Mary was only 48. It was a very nice coffin, brown oak. There were several wreaths and crosses from Richmond, Father, the two nurses, Mr and Mrs Webb, Ellen, Mrs Denny went to the funeral. Mr Brown officiated. Mary's room is called the Long Room. Last Sunday I took Edgar to "St Bottles". We had 336 above bright blue sky not 333 also 573 all things bright and beautiful. I think we shall go today. Mr Todd is staying with us, he played cricket with Edgar and I yesterday. He departs tomorrow. Our garden is looking fine. On Friday I planted some pansies in it. How did you like GFN. I hope to hear from my sweet one soon. By the By I am going to stay a fortnight with a chap in Norwich. Darling only three days with my Duckie (mowrow)
Farewell now my pipkin
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn LLLO
to Sir Ernest Vanderzee Fenn BP EWES

8. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to his brothers, 13 Jul 1896; 20 Sep 1896; 14 Oct; Oct 1896;, Burgh NFK, Stubbington House.
Parcels and Telegrams
to Aylsham, 1/- Delivery.

Burgh Hall
July 13th (c.1896)
My dear Paw
I'm so sorry I've not written for so long. I am staying here with Bavins Grandfather. We bathe every day in the lock. The lock is emptied out till only about 41/2 ft or more is left. Beautiful swimming. At Norwich last Monday we went on the River and took our tea. We boiled our own kettle over a spirit lamp. It took a fearful time to boil and when it did boil the tea was like water bewitched. On Tuesday we went to the Royal Swan Swimming Baths. They are very nice big ones. We stayed in the water some time. On Wednesday we took to pieces, cleaned and mended Bavin's bicycle. It wanted it very badly. On Thursday we went for an 8 mile bicycle ride. It was a dreadfully hot day and you can imagine the state we were in when we finished our ride. On Friday we came here (Alysham). In the afternoon we went bathing. Saturday we went bathing. Mrs Bavin came over to see us. We also cleaned the boat out. In the evening we went to the station to see them of. It is about 21/2 or 3 miles away. I rode on the bic and Bavin in the carriage and vice versa coming home. About my exam (mowrow) you know my fate. I failed in French (here the Dead March of Saul is played for the space of two hours) Smythies failed to. It was an awful snub for him. He thought he was certain to pass, although I've failed never mind. How is Icey? In full splender? (Sketch of a hand with short fingers) How leafly. I wrote a letter about this size to Edgar on Sat. Darling forgive the awful writing love to Thornty (pardon I meant Joey) and to all Blundellians.
With great longing and looking forward to the 28th of July. (I'll meet you certain by 5:0)
I remain
Your loving brother
Diddle Dumpling

Stubbington House
September 20th (c.1896)
Time 10.20
My own sweet darling Rara Paw
Thy forgiviness I beg for not having written for so long. I will go on with this letter after I have come back from church. Farewell till. Time 12.45 Church is over. Is my Paw a monitor "Jones came to me after to receive a canning". Extract of my Paws diary. We are having lovely weather today. Yesterday we had a practice in football. We have got a fairly good XI this year, have you. Have you arranged a play for next holidays yet, shall we have one, I think so. On Friday the gov telegraphed from Scotland to tell Manny Foster to give us a half on account of Mrs Foster's birthday. I have no more to say. I will write soon again
I remain
Yr loving and adoring brother
Cyril D. Fenn.
Of course my Paw can have the title of Grey Friars Poet Laureate.
Death to those who say no he shall not Death to them I say
Dedicated to my R P

Stubbington House
October 14th -
My dear Ice
Many thanks for your letter, it is I who ought to have written before but never mind (sketch of some bars of music). We played on Saturday last HMS Mercury we got 8 goals and they got 1. On Wednesday we played some team away and drew it. Today we were utterly licked 1 to 9 mowrow. The exam comences 1st Dec and ends 5th Dec. We had a Test a little while ago I came out 8th out of 22 with 1196 marks. The Real Test will be in about a month's time. The medical the next week and the awful Exam the next week after that. We had better do as you said about Cyrandia that fire was very serious. The cable will be of great use. There has been an awful shindy here. A chap here carried on a regular Jew's trade, buying and selling things. One chap made 120% this term, awful cheating. It is all over now. I heard from Mater yesterday, did you? The Gov has come back (worse luck) I saw him this afternoon. There were 2 accidents in the match this afternoon, one chap hacked in the face and another got a hack this other side of his knee (sketch of a leg showing where) Compeny-vous. He is quite lame. How is Icey, and is it in full glory, how sweet. Forgive this uninteresting and stupid letter for it is not worthy of my Paw.
Farewell Pipkin
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

(Oct 96)
Dear Van
Please excuse a hurried note but I'm just sending you a line to tell you that I passed my medical yesterday. We had dinner at Gatt. . . . . 's restaurant near Charing +. After it we went to the Aquarium of course after the Med. I will write soon and tell you all about it
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

9. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to Van, 2 Nov 1896; 1 Feb 1897; 6 Feb 1897; 8 Feb 1897, Stubbington House. Stubbington House
November 2, 1896
My dear Van
I'm awfully sorry I've not written to you or so long. On Monday we begin our RNTE (Royal and Naval Test Exam) I hope for goodness sake I will succeed in it. For if you pass in this test you have a good chance that the Navy Exam. I heard from Father on Wednesday he sent me my nom which I signed and sent off to the Admiralty and got the receipt. On Wednesday last week played Eastman's Southsea we got 10 goals to their 3. I suppose you saw it in the Field. I saw one of your matches in it, my poor pet, you were beaten (here Dead March In Saul is played) mourow. . . . . ! I will finish mine epistle after church. . . . . ! Church is over and I will continue. This season we have won 6 matches lost 2 drawn 1. You know when the Archbishop of Canterbury was being carried out of the church, a man here was carried out of our church the very same moment. Very funny!. Is Icey all right. I must now close this epistle
I remain
Yr loving brother
PS I enclose some stamps

Stubbington House
February 1, 1897
My dear Ice
Many thanks for thine Rara epistle. It was leafly. I will willingly think of the word "Gladstone". But what do you mean on the envelope by wait till April. Would the 19th of Feb do, or is it too late. Darling I would rather that you fixed the date. Duckie there has been a robbery here L49 and a silver watch bagged. There 2 bobbies and a private detective. A regular Sherlock Holmes. I have about 134 stamps here how many has my pet got. I enclose 2 foreign ones which I don't think we have got. I wrote a ragging letter to Gar on Friday and sent it in Father's letter. I have a secret please tell none. Hush (Pax Vobiscum) it is (that I am getting Father drawn) by a regular RA. Don't tell anybody it is a secret. Lewis is all right I have no more to say Mr and Mrs Foster send there brass love and copper compliments to you (Edgar J. F. extract) and so does the writer of this letter who is
Diddle Dumpling alias Chviy alias Cyril alias Squirrel alias LLLO

Stubbington House
February 6, 1897
Dear Mater
I hope you are quite well, it has been raining hard here all this week nearly all the playground is under water. There was an attempted Robbery here. A man broke into the office and rummaged about L47 and a silver watch were reported to have been stolen, but it is not quite certain. We are getting up at 7 o'clock now (N. B. only a Special Navy, the others get up at 7.30) and do half an hours work before breakfast. We have 7 hours Algebra 4 hours Euclid and 61/2 hours Arithmetic a week. These are for the math subjects. The other subject are about equally divided. Lewis is all right and getting on very well. I heard from Van on Monday last, he is writing a piece of poetry. How is Harry getting on a Paxmans. I have no more to say. Please give my love to Father, Bo, Harry, and Chick also Gar.
I remain
Yr loving
Cyril D. Fenn

February 8th /97
My dear Sasa Obix
Thanks very much for your postcard was the postcard pictures a new idea of this term. What I mean about R A is that one of the masters here named Mr Fyte is going to draw Father for me. At present he is doing another one, but will begin Father soon. He wants to do it, as it is such a nice face to do (so he said to me). Of course he charges nothing for it. I am going to give it Mater at Easter. I can understand the cipher all right now. We have been having fearful weather and uif hsproe xbf voefs ju xbt cfbtumz (the ground was underwater it was beastly). I have rather a bad cold and cough so I did not go to Church yesterday (er-tit-tit) and am kept in today. I heard from home on Saturday (from Father) I wish you success in your Oxford and Cambridge Higher Local Examination, may you prosper and may you succeed mine poy. Pardon me how Is J D F Z (Icey). Give it my best love and also a leafly flab.
I remain
Your loving rather
Dzsjm E Gfoo
On the back of this letter are some notes in Van's writing, in pencil, about poetry. He appears to be pondering an exam answer.

10. Cyril's Letters: Cyril's schoolboy letters to Van, 19 Feb 1897; 28 Feb 1897; Mar 1897; 31 Mar 1897, Stubbington House. Stubbington House
February 19th /97
My dear Van
I wish you very many happy returns of your birthday I am very sorry but I'm afraid I am not able to send your present but I will give it you in the holidays. I enclose Gladstone. I must now break the news. The chap who was going to do Father has had an important commission from his mother to do. So he is not able to do it this term. Farewell
I remain
Your loving brother
Cyril D. Fenn

February 28th 1897
My dear Van
I hope you are quite well. We played the Wiltshire Regiment on Wednesday and I'm sorry to say got utterly licked. Mrs Foster has had a very serious accident. She was driving with the groom when the pony shied and chucked her and the groom. She had her arm broken, shoulder dislocated her head and face very badly cut. We are kept very quiet, no bells rung and a rope across the entrance of the drive saying no carriages allowed up, and an account of her condition each day. I went to uif divsdi zftufsebz to cmpx uif pshbo (the church yesterday to blow the organ) for one of the masters, he gave me something for doing it. I'm on the sick list, I do my work but am not allowed out. Have you heard lately from home, I've not heard for over a fortnight Mowrrow How is Icey? Is it in full splendour? I sent Linnie your poetry. She was delighted with it and he is going to ask you for a copy. I am afraid I've exhausted all news. Hoping to see you soon (three weeks to Exam)
I remain
Your loving brother
Dzsjm E Gfoo

Stubbington House
My own sweet darling Rara Paw
Thanks very much pour votre lettre, mon cher frere. I went up to London on Monday for the medical. Luckily I passed easily. We go up to London for the Exam, it is to be held on March 23rd Tuesday to Friday, Burlington House London. It is certain that we will stay at the Langham or Bristol Hotel during the time. I hope I will pass. One of the masters said I was pretty certain (oh that I will come true) to pass. If not mowrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a ragging letter from old Gar, a little while ago, which I will shew you when we meet again. I also replied by a ragging letter. When shall we to meet again. In thunder, lightning or in the rain. Very likely I shall return home on the 30th or 31st of March viz after the exam is over. We must garden hard next holidays. Do you remember "Princes Feather". Master L is all right, but getting beastly cheeky. I wrote to LO yesterday, she writes asking me to copy out all your verses etc for her. I wrote very politely that if she would mind excusing me writing them out till after the Exam, I should be much obliged. Blundellians also to F.
I remain
Yr loving brother
Cyril E. Gfoo
Sketch on the back page of the "train to Colchester" with Cyril crying Hurrah

Stubbington House
March 31 /97
Dear Van
I'm sorry I've not written for so long. The Exam finished on last Friday and I return home on the 6th. During the Exam, which was held in London, we stayed at the Sackville hotel. It was awful fun. At Temple Grove do you remember a chap called Hobart. He was on the classical side in the Upper First (top form). His brother is here and went up for the Navy this time. He is pretty certain to pass. I heard from Father this morning. When do you come home? I hope about the same time as I do. We are slacking it now, but only those who have gone up for the Navy, the rest are doing Exams. I got on all right this time. If I've not passed mowrrow!!. I must now withdraw my pen so love to Mr and Mrs F and Chase and Body etc
I remained
Votre loving frere
Cyril D. Gfoo

11. Cyril D Fenn: His Confessions, 1901.
CYRIL MADE TWO "CONFESSIONS" c1901 & 1902 - reserved for Phyllis at the top of this page.
1 Moral Courage
2 Moral Courage
1 Going to a good concert
2 Plenty of interesting work
1 Having nothing to do
2 Keeping night watch in cold rough weather
1 Boating fishing reading
2 Boating fishing reading
1 Pale blue green
2 Pink violet pale green
1 Roses violets lily
2 Roses violets sweet peas
1 Shakespear Longfellow
2 Browning
1 Dickens
2 Marie Corellis
1 Landseer
2 John Collier Landseer
1 Cold meat pie gooseberries
2 Cold lamb strawberry jelly
1 Gerald Dorothy Lucy
2 Dorothy Aily
1 A wet day
2 Joining a new ship
1 Never put off to tomorrow what can be done today
2 Faint heart never won fair lady

12. Cyril's Early Naval Service in China: Cyril's Telescope, with Fellow Officers HMS Dido, 1897-1908. Cyril as a young Officer, on leave in China 1907, his Telescope, 27 Sept. 1906 HMS Dido at Castleton Portland, in dress uniform as Flag Lieut 1908.

In some of Cyril's photos of himself he is holding a telescope, this is in the possession of the E L Fenn (2008) On a pull-out sleave, used to shade the front lens, is inscribed the ships he served on with a date, as follows:
HMS Britannia 1897, HMS Repulse 1898, HMS Andromeda 1899, HMS Astraea 1900, HMS Resolution 1902, RN College Greenwich 1902, HMS Bacchante 1903, HMS St. Vincent 1905, HMS Boscawen II 1906, HM Signal School Portsmouth 1906, HMS Dido 1906, HMS Warrior 1907, HMS Topas 1908, HMS Lord Nelson (Flag Lieut) 1909, RN Barracks Shotley - Signal School 1910/11, HMS Exmouth (Flag Lieut Commander) 1912, HMS Dreadnought (Flag Lieut Commander) 1913, HMS Albion (Flag Lieut Commander) 1914, HMS Sutlej (Flag Lieut Commander) 1914, Signal School Devonport 1915, HMS Exmouth (Flag Lieut Commander) 1916.
The telescope is inscribed - Lieut C.D. Fenn R.N. and manufactured by Ross London No. 34289

Mrs Fenn
Alston Court
Nr Colchester
27 September 1906
Group of the officers of HMS Dido. The Captain in the centre with the Commander on his right and the PMO on the left. I hope all are well.
Postcard posted in Castleton Portland. Cyril second from left in front row.

13. Other Matters in Cyril's Life: Wax Chandlers Guild & Freedom of the City of London, 1903. A light hearted handwritten paper signed J Menzies (perhaps a Naval collegue) and headed "Illustrated Interviews" describes Cyril as follows:
C D Fenn:- born on the 19th August 1882 this promising young officer entered H M S Britannia training ship as a Cadet in May 1897. In Sept. 1898 he entered the Navy as Cadet and in Dec. 1898 he became Midshipman and is now serving on H M S Repulse. His father is one of the most noted Physicians in the country:- Dr E L Fenn of the Essex Hospital.

Grand Hotel Mont Cervin
23 VI. 14 VII
Rev E. V. Fenn
The Clergy House
I thought you would like a pc from the familiar old place. I am having a most comfortable to in Switzerland with D Cotes and E. Shuttleworth. Have visited Lucerne and the Bernese Oberland and are finishing up here. We went up the . . . . . the other day and lunched at the Riffle Alp, I found our names in the visitor's book in 1901 and also saw the Giles and Sir R Bell. The ladies took a train from the Riffleburg, but I walked up to the top, the snow was so deep all the way, that I was half dead when I got to the top. We visited the Tuft Glacier today a lovely walk and another day went to the Findenberg (?) glacier and had tea at the little hotel where we slept at night at. We leave here on Thursday and are spending a day at Berne before leaving for London which we hope to reach Saturday evening. Hope to see you soon
C D Fenn
Message on the back of a postcard of the Rifflesee and the Matterhorn.

On the 16 Jan 1903 Cyril was bound to Gerald Maltby Todd of London for seven years as an Apprentice Wax Chandler and as a result was admitted into the Freedom of London 21st April 1910 as a member of the Guild of Wax Chandlers of London.
This was a completely symbolic Apprenticeship presumably to maintain members of the Guild? Gerald was himself a Solicitor, his father Charles John, also a "Wax Chandler", was known as the "Father of the London Corporation" having served as the member for the Queenhithe Ward for 50 yrs

14. Cyril's Navy Service, 1904-1914, Aboard Ship and the Shotley Naval Base Suffolk. Coronation Day 1911 Shotley, Signals Football Team Shotley,1904 with the Gun Room Officers HMS Bacchante, Signals Staff HMS Dreadnought 1914, The Shotley Mast, Lessons on the More-Fenn flashing Model.

15. Cyril's Private Life, 1910-1912. Obviously a lady friend - M.D.C. at Radlett May 1912, Cyril enjoyed amateur drama in "I want to be in Opera" 1912, "Scrooge" 1910, On his motorbike Shotley 1910.

16. Cyril's Naval Service, 1911-1913, Shotley Barracks Signal School. Deck Cricket HMS Dreadnought at Sea, Officers Shotley Barracks 1911, Field gun Drill Shotley, Cast HMS Pinafore Shotley, Portable Wireless Station Malta, The Buzzer Room Shotley.

17. Cyril's Naval Service, 1912 & 1920 Nova Scotia, At Sea and Nova Scotia. HMS Exmouth 1912, HMS Dreadnought 1913 and in Grand Harbour Malta, Vice Regal Reception St Johns Nova Scotia

18. Cyril's Failing Health, c1915 - 1916. In hospital in the Mediterranean (Possibly Malta), The Hospital Ship to England and its Company, Llanbedr Hall Sanitorium Ruthin Wales and a play there.

19. Commendations From Newfoundland Govt: For Cyril's Service to the Province, 1921, Newfoundland CAN.
The following are letters recognising Cyril's service in Newfoundland.

Government House,
St. John's Nfld.
13 June 1921.
I am directed by His Excellency the Governor to forward to you the enclosed copy of Minute of Council which has been approved by His Excellency in Which Ministers place an record the high appreciation of the Government of Newfoundland in respect of the services rendered by you while in command of H. M. S. "Briton".
I am to add that a copy of this Minute is being transmitted to the Admiralty through the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
I have the honour to be ,
Your obedient servant,
J. Hamilton
Private Secretary.

Lieut. Commander C. L. Fenn, R.N.
C/o The Admiralty,
Certified copy of the Minutes of the Honourable Executive Council of Newfoundland approved by his Excellency the Governor on the 8th June 1921

June 4th 1921
Lieutenant Commander Cyril D Fenn R N of HMS Briton, Registrar General of the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve, having been transferred from this station the Executive Government desire to place on record their high appreciation of his valuable services for the two years during which he was in the Colony.
While the Royal Naval Reserve was in active operation he gave it the closest possible attention and zealously sought to promote the welfare of its members.
Unfailing courtesy marked his relations with the Government, and he was ever ready to assist in any movement that had for its object the welfare of this Colony.
Ministers desire that His Excellency the Governor may be pleased to transmit copies of this Minute to Lieutenant Commander Fenn, and to the Admiralty.
Certified true copy,
Aubin Mews
Deputy Colonial Secretary

12th July, 1921.
I am commanded by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to convey to you an expression of their satisfaction at the receipt of a report from the Governor of Newfoundland, expressing the appreciation of his Ministers for the valuable services rendered by you whilst in command of H.M.S."Briton " .
2.I am to add that a suitable notation has been made in your record.
I am,
Your obedient Servant
Charles Walker

Lieutenant Commander
Cyril D.Fenn, R.N.,
Alston Court,
(SCB, 4209.)

20. Cyril Fenn: Naval Service Records, Ref National Archives ADM/196/47. High definition to assist there being read.

21. Cyril's Approaching Death: Cyril's last letter to his brother Van and Service records, 10 May 1921. Alston Court
Tuesday (10 May 1921)
My dear Van
Many thanks for your letter - as Adria is one of the most delightfully casual and unreliable of mortals I was wondering if she even told you what is the matter with me - and if she did tell you whether it had any semblance of truth.
I caught an appalling cold travelling across Nova Scotia by the time I got aboard this developed into bronchitis. The doctor on board was useless and entirely neglected me. The result was I arrived in England a wreck not having eaten or rested at 10 days I eventually got down here in a semi-state of collapse with practically acute bronchitis unfortunately this attacked my right lung and powers of resistance being weakened tuberculosis set in. I've got rid of the bronchitis but it will be many many months before I am fit again so this will in all possibility mean invaliding from the Service, what I shall do heaven knows, that remains to be seen. It's a sad ending to one's career. Excuse scrawl but I can't write very much I get so easily tired.
Yr affectionate brother
Cyril D Fenn
This letter, written in pencil, with envelope postmarked 10 May 21 was addressed to Rev E. V. Fenn The Vicarage Kirkby Nr Liverpool. It was the last letter that Van received from Cyril, who died of the tuberculosis 9 August 1921

Cyril was buried in Nayland SFK Burial Ground.

22. Cyril's Last Years, 1918-1921.
Cyril's health was finally broken on an assignment to St Johns Nova Scotia, he returned mortally ill,
his brothers by his bedside Alston Court Nayland 1921, his funeral Nayland Suffolk 12 August 1921.

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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