The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
John COLMAN [4013]

Alice COLMAN [2827]
(-Abt 1576)


Family Links

1. William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822]

Alice COLMAN [2827]

  • Marriage (1): William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822]
  • Died: Abt 1576
  • Buried: Middleton ESS

bullet  General Notes:

Alice is conjecturally placed as daughter of John Colman, and sister of Elizabeth.
That her maiden name was Colman is unproven, but the likelihood of her being part of this family is high.

Alice a widow of Middleton ESS, her will is dated 1576: Essex RO ref 21BWZ D/ABW 2/21
Digital copy 2007.

This will reveals naming of the following Colman's:
Edward bequeathed Lampplande left to Alice by her husband William c1565. Edward was under 21 yrs of age in 1576.
Ales Colman her goddaughter
Anne Colman
Mary Colman
Roose (Rose) Colman
Edmund Colman her executor.
Richard Colman a witness to her Will.


bullet  Other Records

1. Alice Alston: Will, 1576, Middleton ESS.
Transcribed June 2022 by C. L. O'Sullivan, of Christchurch NZ.
In the name of God amen, the 19th day of November in the year of our lord God a
thousand five hundred threescore and sixteen, I *Ales *Alstone of Middleton in the county of
Essex and of the Diocese of London widow being of perfect mind and remembrance thanks be
to almighty God, do ordain and make this my last will and testament revoking all other
wills before by me made. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God my maker and
redeemer fully trusting to be saved by the death and passion of his only son our lord and
saviour Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Middleton aforesaid.
*Item I give and bequeath unto Edward Colman and his heirs that my parcel of land called
Lampplande lying in Middleton aforesaid in the common field. Item I give and
bequeath unto the said Edward twenty shillings of lawful money of England
to be paid to the said Edward at his age of 21 years. Item I give and bequeath
unto *Ales Colman my goddaughter my trundle bedstead standing upon
the chamber where I used to lie with the flock bed and bolster lying thereon,
two pair of my best canvas sheets, one pair of blankets, one white
covering, one canvas pillow with feathers therein, one little brass pot, two
pewter dishes, one little candlestick, one hutch or coffer and one round
table which standeth in the hall and my best gown saving two. Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Colman
one *posted bedstead which standeth on the chamber whereon I used to lie and
flock bed, one bolster, one pair of canvas sheets, one coverlet of *darnex
two pewter dishes, one little candlestick, one little brass pot,
one little framed table, twenty shillings of money, one *rail of the
best, one of my best *neckerchers, two of my best *kerchers, one red petty-
coat that hath a damask overbody, my best gown saving one. Item I
give and bequeath unto Mary Colman one little brass pot, one little
kettle, and one kercher. Item I give to *Roose Colman one pewter dish and one
kercher. All the whole residue of my goods, cattle money, and household stuff
as well moveable as unmovable before in this my last will and testament
not willed, given, or bequeathed, my debts being paid, my funeral honestly
done, and this my will and testament in all things truly performed I freely
will, give, and bequeath them unto Edmond Colman whom I do
ordain, nominate, and appoint to be my sole executor of this my last
will and testament, these being witnesses
John Marren, Richard Colman,
and Richard Flyngantt

*Probatu[m] fuit hoc presens ti stannentu[m] apud biannkecery
xix dui mensis decembris anno dui 1576 coram
maylio Joso Holland etc. connisio etc. jurat exec. etc.
cui etc. da bene etc. saluo

* Ales - alternative spelling for Alice
* Alstone - alternative spelling for Alston
* darnex - alternative form of 'dornick', meaning a coarse sort of damask
* Item - Latin for likewise, also, besides, similarly
* kercher - a kerchief (
* neckercher - a neckerchief (
* posted bedstead - I'm assuming this means a 'four-poster bed'
* Probautu[m] ... - my best attempt at the Latin, which Google Tanslate makes out as:
"the proof was that this was present in the case of the lead person at bianncecery xix sheets of the month of December 1576 maylio Joso Holland effort etc. swears by exec. etc. to whom etc. give well etc. safe" - perhaps only helpful for the general sense?
* rail - a woman's headscarf or neckerchief (
* Roose - an old spelling of Rose (

Translations by C. L. O'Sullivan BAHONS, GDARTS. June 2022


Alice married William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822] [MRIN: 927], son of William ALSTON of Newton SFK [2819] and Ann (Elizabeth) SYMONDS [2820]. (William ALSTON of Middleton Co ESS [2822] was born about 1509 in Middleton ESS and died about 1565.)

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