The Kings Candlesticks - Family Trees
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Robert LIVEING [427]
Sarah HEARN [428]
(Abt 1723-1772)
Thomas HARROLD [131]
Deborah BETTS [21849]
Commander Thomas LIVEING R N [230]
Harriet HARROLD [231]

Capt William LIVEING [136]


Family Links

1. Harriet COLE [26136]

2. Louisa ORGEE [6268]

Capt William LIVEING [136]

  • Born: 29 Oct 1791
  • Baptised: 31 Oct 1794, St Nicholas Harwich ESS
  • Partnership (1): Harriet COLE [26136]
  • Marriage (2): Louisa ORGEE [6268] on 13 Sep 1820 in St George Hanover Sq. Westminster LND
  • Died: 12 Jun 1870, 7 Clifton Villas Warwick Rd. Maida Hill MDX aged 78
  • Buried: Paddington Cemetery

bullet  General Notes:

Almost certainly matters concerning Capt William Liveing [6266] and Capt William Liveing [136] will be confused in this history.

William Liveing
Baptism Age: 2
Event Type: Baptism
Birth Date: 31 Oct 1791
Baptism Date: 29 Oct 1794
Baptism Place: Harwich, St Nicholas, Essex, England
Father: Thos Liveing
Dates transposed
Mother: Harriott Liveing William son of Thomas and Harriet Liveing of this parish was born on the 31st of October 1791 and christened on the 29th of October 1794. Registered February 8th 1795 by me Wm Whinfield Curate.
Extract from the registers of baptisms in ye Parish Church of St Nicholas Harwich in the County of Essex

Uncle William (Capt Liveing) went first to the Grammar School at Harwich, Rev Mr Winfield, and afterwards in consequence of the irregularities in the conduct of the school, he was removed to Mr Hordel's the Dissenting parson, who was very famous as an instructor, many of the sons of church people being his pupils, he engaging in no way to proselytise or interfere with their religious principles in which they had been brought up.
Liveing Archive notes by Edward Liveing c1870 stop

April 1st 1806
William Liveing son of Thomas Liveing of Harwich in the County of Essex Mariner bound Apprentice to John Beaumont Citizen and Cutler. Conson £50
Extracted from the Minute Book of the Cutlers Company this 8th day of April 1819 by Thos King Clerk.

The above named William Liveing made of the Cutlers Company by Servitude this 8th day of April 1819. Thos King Clerk
William was granted Freeman of the Company of Cutler's of the City of London 8 April 1819.
Did William then go to sea with his father ?

Uncle William (Capt L) was a Grand Knight of the order of Charles 20th of Sweden his father used to say of him "Ah a pretty Knight indeed without a shilling to bless himself with".
Researcher has been unable to corroborate this

Marriage Lic issued 12 Sep 1820 by Vicar General.

William Liveing
ResidenceSt Nicholas
Marriage year1820
ParishSt George, Hanover Square
Spouse's name(s)Louisa Orgee
Spouse residenceSt George Hanover Square
Record setWestminster Marriages

Capt W Liveing Junior. (William [136] born 1791). There were not packets enough for the service and the commanders of them agreed to fund four vessels themselves and Commanders or Masters for the Govt at certain contract.
Captain Liveing Snr had a share in this and the appointment of his son Capt W Liveing as master of one of them the Thetis. (He had previously served as a sailor on his father's vessel the Lady Nepean) Capt W Liveing lost the Thetis on the rocks off Jutland, Court-Martial of captains acquitted him. After that his father resigned his command of the Nepean in his favour, which he secured to him through his friend . . . . . Lord Bexley (the Honourable Nicholas Vansittart Chancellor of Exchequer and MP for Harwich Lord High Steward of Harwich (see Portrait in Town Hall)

Harwich, September 15.
Arrived Saturday the Thetis, extra, Capt William Liveing, from Gottenberg.
Ref: Ipswich Journal 2 September 1820.

Harwich, Arrived. Monday the Lady Nepean, Captain Liveing, from Helvoetsluys, with their mails and passengers.
Ref: Ipswich Journal August 23, 1828.

Harwich, Packets Sailed: On the 12th inst the Lady Nepean, Captain Liveing, for Gottenberg, with their mails and passengers.
Ref: Ipswich Journal March 16 1833.

26 December 1831
Bill of Sale: I Thomas Liveing of Harwich Gentleman in consideration of a sum of one thousand three hundred pounds in the hand by William Liveing of Harwich mariner do sell assign . . . . . that good Packet Boat Cutter or Vessel called the Lady Neapean of Harwich (description of the vessel) together with all masts sails . . . . . to William Liveing of Harwich mariner who now is and for ten years last past has been the Commander and John Barns the Master (of the Lady Nepean). . . . .
26 December 1831.
Liveing Archive Family Notes by Edward Liveing 1870.
Signed Thos Liveing and other witnesses.
Essex Record Office D/DU 206/11

William transferred to the Weymouth Station by minute of the Postmaster General Dated 23 Jun 1834
Ref: Red Book

Capt William Liveing, late of the Lady Nepean Post Office Packet on this station has been appointed to the command of one of the Weymouth steam packets, vice Fredrick White, deceased.
Ref: Ipswich Journal Saturday, June 28, 1834

Capt William Liveing went to Weymouth about 1833 - 34. He had a house previously in Harwich (not the one he first occupied, in King Street next to his father's) belonging to Mr Thorogood bought by him for Capt Liveing's benefit. He was at Weymouth about seven years. The Lady Nepean was sold, at Harwich, the Govt giving Capt William Liveing £1700 (they sold it after for £400).
Williams mother's letters put him first in Holyhead Nov 1832 the to Weymouth July 1836.

Capt William Liveing's vessel at Weymouth was The Flavier a lady's name changed to the Firefly. He was paid £1000 a year in service perhaps seven years. The naval officers were jealous that he should hold a birth of this good kind and they persuaded him to retire on pension of hundred £120 this was done under cover of a medical exam and certificate that his eyesight was bad.
Liveing Archive Family Notes by Edward Liveing 1870

Capt William [136] is mentioned in his mothers letters.
An undated letter by his mother Harriet to his sister Julia mentions a discussion with his wife Louise that William was ill and had a cough but decided to sail as usual to Cuxhaven.

It is uncertain when and where William earned the title Captain, his mother mentions he was newly appointed Capt in a letter of the 14th Feb 1825, he certainly worked the Packet trade as did his father, and his cousin Capt William Liveing [6266] one these William's appears to have taken command of the Lady Nepean upon Capt Thomas Liveing's retirement in 1822. Probably this William [136]

William is mentioned in his mothers letters regularling sailing the Lady Nepean to Europe until Nov 1832 when he is appointed to the Holyhead Station in Wales.
June 1835 mentioned as renting in Holyhead and liking the place.
Letter 26 Jul 1836 mentions William going to Weymouth, no details.

William Liveing Jnr was appointed Master and Commander of the Lady Nepean sailing Packet Services around the English coast and across to Europe.
22 Apr 1822
Ref Red Book

Harwich May 3.
Their Lordships, the Postmaster's General, have been pleased to appoint Mr William Liveing to the command of the Lady Nepean packet, vice Captain Liveing resigned.
Ref: Ipswich Journal May 4 1822

No record of William has been found in the England Census - was he at sea at those times ?

William was a twin with brother Thomas who died young.
He writes to his uncle T C Harrold at Feering ESS 15 Jun 1848 advising of his payment of interest to Harrold of £24-5-5 on a loan of £1000. He writes in grateful terms, from an address 183 Prospect Plc Maida Hill, mentioning that Mary & Anna "are visiting my Betty previous to her marriage, and all join with my self and Louisa to you and my sister".
Ref ERO D/DU 206/13

William is recorded as living at Prospect Place, Maida Hill, July 1848, his daughters wedding date.

William was chairman of the Paddington Board of Guardians.
Ref: Claudia Buxton 2008.

Electoral Register City of London 1855 - Cutlers: William Liveing, 7 Clifton Villas, Warwick Rd, Maida Hill.

Mr Harvey Lewis in Paddington
At 3 p.m. yesterday, Mr Lewis addressed the electors of this district at the Westbourne lecture hall, Westbourne Grove. Captain Liveing took the chair, and was surrounded on the platform by a body of well-known gentleman amongst whom were Mr Brady, M. P., P. M. Roche, Esq., Mr Gaselee, Mr Nicholay, and Mr Peter Graham.
Ref: Morning Chronicle, 16 Apr 1861.

William on his 70th birthday, 31st of October 1861, was presented with a silver waiter by the Paddington Board of Guardians of which he was Chairman.
Ref: Red Book

William Liveing - Electoral Register
Electoral Date: 1855
Street address: 1507 Clifton villas, Warwick road, Maida hill
Ward or Division/Constituency: City of London

In Memorium.
The Chairman said that on Sunday last a sad event occurred, which he could not permit himself to pass unnoticed. On that day Captain Liveing, who might be termed as having been the father of the board passed his last moment. The speaker, who showed some degree of emotion, said Captain Liveing had been chairman of that board for upwards of 20 years, and during the whole time of that period he acquired and retained not only the respect and esteem of his colleague, but also of all who came within the circle of his acquaintanceship. To the deserving poor Captain Liveing was a kind and sympathising friend. In his capacity as a Guardian of the Poor of Paddington Captain Liveing evinced a zeal which prominently brought forward his natural administrative capacities to the great advantage of the parish at large. The chairman dwelt further in eulogies, after which the Vice-chairman bore his testimony as to how Captain Liveing was equally beloved by the rich and the poor, and he moved that a letter of condolence be sent to the captain's relatives.
Mr Dickinson said he had known Captain Liveing for upwards of 20 years, and he might say the captain had been his mentors in parochial politics. The speaker warmly endorsed all the panegyric's which had passed the lips of the previous speakers.
The Vice-chairman said a kinder hearted man than the captain never lived.
Mr Philpott seconded, and Sir George Baker and Mr Ellis heartily supported the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Ref: Unidentified Newspaper Report.

The Will of William Liveing Esq. of 7 Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX who died 12 Jun 1870 at 7 Clifton Villas was proved 21 July 1870 by Edward Liveing M.D. of 52 Queen Anne St Cavendish Sq MDX and Robert Liveing Fenn National Debt Office of 32 Victoria Rd Kensington gent the nephews two of the executors at under £10,000. Resworn under £9000

Will unsuccessfully searched in The National Archive 2014

Edward Liveing was an executor, the following are notes on scraps of paper and backs of envelopes:
"£1210 purchase money of house 7 Clifton Villas Maida Vale in 1852. Then 71 years still unexpired at his death June 12th 1870." It seems Clifton Villas was leashold.
"Capt Liveing's share of Mr Betts residential estate £891 11s 8d"
"Estimate £7284 19s 5d Charles Liveing's Estate. W Liveing's share 1/5 subject to Mrs? C L's life interest"
"£2025 Capt Liveing share of Estate at £1600"
Liveing Archive

bullet  Research Notes:

William may have lived at Prospect Place London ref letter written by Fanny Liveing Oct 8th

From the file of Capt William Liveing [6266].
Almost certainly matters concerning Capt William Liveing [6266] and Capt William Liveing [136] will be confused in this history.

Captions beside the sketch of Kings Street Harwich about 1860.
(1) Captain Thomas Liveing's house, before about 1814 had tiled gable roof like (4).
(2) Captain William Liveing's house built by Captain T.L in place of a cottage formerly there for his son.
(3) Captain Macdonough his wife of famous mems (sic) with shoulder of mutton hand - who wopped her daughter Suzanne uncle Henry's baby sweetheart - she also returned Dr Bailey his medicine untasted and said she had deducted it from his bill and said she expected him to give her servants are present.
(4) Mr Baxter the cabinet maker whose son Charles Liveing shot in the hinder parts
Ref: Red Book.

Essex Record Office D/DU 206/12
Dates of Creation1784-1796
Scope and ContentAccount book of William and Elizabeth Gill Liveing, 1785-1796, also executors' accounts, several receipts and releases of legacies, 1784-1796.

Monday last Capt William Liveing was elected a capital Burgess, and Mr William Randfield, Chamberlain, of this borough, in the room of the late Mr Edmund Jermyn. The event was celebrated by an excellent dinner at the Three Cups Tavern, which was attended by the Mayor, Body Corporate, and many friends of the successful candidates.
Ref: Ipswich Journal Saturday, May 7, 1825.

Navy List 1832 (Dec 20th) Pg 85
Packet & Revenue Vessels
His Majesty's Packet Vessels
Commissioned by the Admiralty.
Sloops of War fitted as Packets.
Harwich Station - Hired Vessels
Castlereagh - William Wadling
Earl of Leicester - Joh Hammond
Henry Fressling - Samuel Hart
Lady Nepean - William Liveing
Lord Duncan - James P Moon
Princess Charlotte - William Knocker Lt R.N.
Prince of Orange - Thomas Bridge
Vausittart - Joseph Mortelman.
In 1831 Belgium split away from Holland, they then invaded it, the French & the British supported Belgium independance and blockaded the Dutch ports as part of the action to force the Dutch to acceed to Belgium's claims which were ratified in a Treaty in 1839.

2019 - Christopher Radley ( mails to say he has a number of documents for sale (1855 - 1968) pertaining to a pair of shops just off Oxford St London UK which appear to have been owned by William Liveing, and in 1884 the Rev John Ambrose of Copford, his son in law, is mentioned in several as a a Trustee.
Please contact Christopher if you have an interest.

Images Red Book Liveing Family Archive 2005


bullet  Other Records

1. Capt William Liveing: Memorabilia.
Liveing Archive Red Book
William's card and signature, Xmas cards of the day, details of Williams admittance to the Cutlers Company.
Souvenirs of the wedding of Edward VII and Queen Alexander 10 March 1863

2. William was apprenticed to the Cutlers Co: Contract, 1 Apr 1806.
Having served his apprenticeship to the Cutlers Co, memo on right, William is then contracted as a Freeman of the Company in 8 Apr 1919.

The Cutlers' Company is one of the most ancient of the City of London livery companies and received its first Royal Charter from Henry V in 1416. Its origins are to be found among the cutlers working in the medieval City of London in the vicinity of Cheapside. As was the case with the other trade guilds of the day, its function was to protect the interests of its members, to attend to their welfare, and to ensure that high standards of quality were maintained. Their business was producing and trading in knives, swords, and other implements with a cutting edge. Over time the emphasis shifted from implements of war to cutlery and other domestic wares such as razors and scissors.

3. Capt William Liveing Jnr: Various documents, 1822.
1822 Contract with the Postmaster General to carry mails on his Packet Boat the Lady Nepean on Station from Harwich later in 1834 on Station from Weymouth.
The last note refers to Capt William Liveing [6226] left £15 for mourning by his uncle Thomas Liveing, William [136] father.

4. Capt William Liveing Jnr: Various documents, 1822.
Contract and instructions from Post Master General 1822 & sundry notes

5. William & Louisa Liveing: Support of the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home London, from 1860, Battersea London.
Kit Hubschmann, Archivist of the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home wrote in 2021:
Capt Liveing and his wife were early members of the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home Committee.
Known as The Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs in their day, his wife was on the Committee from December 1860, he followed in Feb 1861. Both were active members, Capt Liveing often acting as Chair, and in the 1865 annual report he is also listed as a Trustee and Auditor. In the letter from Dec 4th 1866 (No 8 on this file) William indirectly refers to the Home. Both Mrs Chambers and Mrs Major were on the Committee of the Home, and they regularly organised fundraising bazaars.

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, now known as Battersea, is an animal rescue centre for dogs and cats. Battersea rescues dogs and cats until an owner or a new one can be found. It is one of the UK's oldest and best known animal rescue centres. It was established in Holloway, London, in 1860 and moved to Battersea in 1871.

The non-Government funded organisation cares for an average of 240 dogs and 145 cats across all three centres at any one time. The charity has cared for more than 3.1 million dogs and cats over its history.

Battersea was established in Holloway in 1860 by Mary Tealby (1801\endash 1865). She called it "The Temporary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs" and it was founded in North London in 1860. Initially the home was in her scullery but as the number of dogs delivered to her grew she hired some nearby stables funded by herself, her brother and Sarah Major. In 1860 the RSPCA agreed to assist and the committee meetings were held at the RSPCA offices at 12 Pall Mall. The Times ran a story ridiculing the idea of opening a "home" for dogs when there were homeless people in London. It accused Tealby of "letting her zeal ...outrun her discretion". Its most impressive supporter in the 1860s was Charles Dickens. He wrote about a "remarkable institution" that had saved "over a thousand" dogs in 1860. He noted that the dogs were cared for but if necessary humanely disposed of. By 1864 the finances were sound and they were handling 2,000 dogs that year.

Battersea started taking in cats from 1883, but its name remained Battersea Dogs Home until 2002.

During World War II, then manager Edward Healey-Tutt advised against people euthanising their pets because of fear of food shortages. Throughout the war Battersea fed and cared for over 145,000 dogs.

In 1979, Battersea acquired Bell Mead Kennels, which is now known as Battersea Old Windsor in Berkshire and in 1999, Battersea bought a centre in Kent, now known as Battersea Brands Hatch.

In 2002, the name was changed from Battersea Dogs Home to include cats in its name - Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.

In June 2010, Claire Horton joined Battersea in the role of Chief Executive. In 2016, she was named Charity Chief Executive of the Year at the Third Sector Awards for turning around Battersea. Horton was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2020 New Year Honours for services to animal welfare.

To mark its 150th anniversary in 2010, the charity's London Cattery was opened by HRH the Duchess of Cornwall. Royal Mail released a set of stamps featuring a series of dogs and cats that had been adopted by staff. It also launched a commemorative book, A Home of Their Own, which charts the history of the Home. This includes a look at prominent people who have adopted animals such as Elton John, who credited his dog Thomas with helping him through a rough period.[9] Starting in 2011, Battersea implemented the "Staffies. They're Softer Than You Think" campaign to educate the public on the misconceptions about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
On 17 March 2015, Queen Elizabeth II unveiled a plaque to officially open the intake kennels named after their founder, Mary Tealby kennels. In 2016, a new state of the art Veterinary Hospital was opened at the London centre.

In 2018 the charity rebranded as just "Battersea" "to be here for every dog and cat". The charity's public affairs work involved spearheading the campaign to increase maximum sentences from six months to five years for the worst animal cruelty crimes in England and Wales. Battersea has been campaigning since 2
The charity also launched the Battersea Academy, and launched a campaign "Rescue Is My Favourite Breed" in 2019.

In 1885, Queen Victoria became patron of the home, and it has remained under royal patronage ever since. The Duchess of Cornwall is the current patron,[13] and Prince Michael of Kent is the President.

6. Capt William Liveing: Letters to his daughter, 30 Mar 1861-19 Oct 1865, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archive: Letter 31 a,c.
(Image pages not in order)

7 Clifton Villas
March 30th 1861
My dearest child,
I am down stairs again and as tomorrow sees March out, and I hope the discomfort s of the Vernal Equinox with it I do not anticipate the above sort of confinement again please God for the present, you doubtlefs have seen where I marked the "Times" paragraph about Probate I believe the individual taking it out in that manner has to carry the whole affair through himself or something of that kind, (as Bob Fenn says)
Page 2
of course the Judge therein alluded to, I suppose was also an accomplished Lawyer and knew what he was about in setting the wholesome example much I imagine to the exasperation of Proctors and Attornies - I am however very glad that John has settled his own affair to his satisfaction and convenience - Poor Mr Cosins was quite an optimist and always vowed hard and fast there was nothing the matter with him when you might hear him as it were blowing like a Grampus a mile off - And now dear I am going to enquire about Aunt's servant whether after leaving Aunts House she be engaged elsewhere because I think and hope she would suit me and wish you would enquire and tell me about it and as I
Page 3
know about Colchester from the circumstance of its being an Army Depot , a respectable servant has a full value in regard of wages, and as a reasonable difference in that respect ( more or lefs) is not of so much personal consequence as an efficient person I should be glad to pay what is customary here or at Colchester between which I do not think there now exists much difference her position would I think be in the House much the same as at Aunt's viz a general servant only Maria now does most of the work, because Ellen is too dirty of habit to be trusted to meddle with any household work above the ground floor, and is nor ever would be a sufficiently good-enough Servt for this or any other decent house as regards cleanlinefs etc and
Page 4
you may recollect her physical development from osteo molitis (osteomyelitis) when a child renders her particularly awkward in handling glafs, crockery or anything fragile - with a very large amount of lazinefs and very small estimation of truth.
Be so good as let me know what wages Aunt paid her servant Had Maria better come down & speak to the Girl, or had she better come up & see the concern or a month on trial when if the thing does not mutually suit I would pay her pafsage up and back again, as in the case of Mifs Tibbald your amen clerks daughter who could not walk over the canal Bridges for fear of being drowned - I now require more and get lefs of Maria's personal attendance from the above cause - Ellen goes in a month - please when Mary returns let her bring me a few of dear Aunt's
Page 5
Dahlias if she can, they were so nice and I hope to see them bloom again - I have not yet been out of doors but hope soon to be able to have that pleasure with love to Mary John and your dear self and wishing an early letter from you
I am ever my dearest Child your loving father
Wm Liveing

Liveing Archive: Image Letter 22 a,b 31b
Pencil notation "Jan 19/65"

7 Clifton Villas
Oct 19/65 7am
My dearest Child
Right glad were your dear Mum & self to see your letter this morning as we had expected to have had it before as her letter notwithstanding the Postmark being the 18th was posted with the newspaper on Saturday last it may as sometimes happens have got in a corner of the letter Box and escaped the Postmasters hand when making up his parcel, I was myself as people express it "quite nicely" on Monday last when thinking it was time the Albany rent was paid I went there & to W E Okese? & Kitchens, but unhappily caught additional cold & pretty severe derangement of chest matters or bronchiols (sic) - however I have just 3 o'clock turned out to write about our stakes and hoping I am getting something better myself
Page 2.
feel sorry I cannot say very much on that Point as repects dear Mama, Edward came to us on Tuesday and yesterday Evenings, but as it is his dispensary day I do not expect him this evening - your dear Mama did not think herself better the good doctor says she is - which I also hope and believe we had both a very sorry night of barking (coughing) last night - I have got a Check for the Albany rent which makes up the whole amount accruing to you out of Uncle Thorogoods estate with the 26.6.6 already paid, to Michaelmas last - I could not venture to attempt going to the Court of Cutlers yesterday fearing that any additional exposure might much more than counterbalance the 3.3.0 three I should have had as a member of the Court of Assistants1 and I am now writing in our
Page 3.
bedroom, where dear Mama has been in sick quarters ever since Saturday only getting up to have her bed made - it is very gratifying to us to see by your letter that your cough & cold is much better you do not say how John's is, perhaps he did not tell you to mention it but still it would have been satisfactory to us had it been done.
Although dear child in writing to you I always feel as if I had plenty to say their is neither time nor special inclination for it just now especially as a crammed some in my last letter which seems to have resulted into a mere dispersion
Page 4.
without as far as I am concerned showing either silver lining or gilt edges
With our love to your dear self John & Aunt
I am my dearest child
Ever your affect. Father
Wm Liveing
P.S. Dear mama will hope to hear how your cold etc., progresses and a letter by return post will save more nervous worrying than the postage will be equivalent to -
1. Court of Assistants of the Cutlers Company were, with the Master, Wardens (2), and Clerk (1), the administrative body of the Company

7. Capt William Liveing: £200 India Stock Certificate @ 5%, 26 Sep 1865.

8. Capt William Liveing: Letters to his daughter, 23 Jan 1866-21 Jul 1866, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archive: Image Letter 25 a b
7 Clifton Villa's
Jany 23rd 1866
My dearest Child,
If asked the object of my writing, the answer would be none in particular except that when writing to you my dear I feel that I am in communication with the dearest gift and remanet (sic) of her who has left to me a sad lofs many deep feelings of sorrow and desolation -
Jany 27th 1866
My very dear Child
As you will see above I had begun a letter to but not altogether liking the tone of it and dinner making its appearance I laid it bye however I shall send the fragment as a copy of what one's mind occasionally becomes, on the other hand the hope that we shall all in God's own good time be reunited hereafter greatly counterbalances the desolation there spoken of
Thank you dearest for your letter, I am sorry you took cold and like yourself can hardly tell how perhaps as the evening came on the fog & moisture saturated air, indicated an additional garment, - however take care of yourself and please God I trust you will soon be well & I hope the enquiry for flannel did not increase it thanks? for your little Account, when you have got your maidens the collars, & making of the waistcoats, or any other little you may recollect which I may be indebted to you I will add
Page 3.
it and pay you - Anne I doubt not, having heard how the effervefsence of "Good wine" uncorked in the high state of ebullition you describe, has confounded the Maid and demolished the Page, congratulates herself on the steadinefs of her resolution to abide if permitted where she was - Is there any rumours that the above feminine finds the dose of froth too indigestible, if so who & what for an animal is it?
I have not seen Emma since the funeral but have heard of them by Bob1 and Lucy Fenn - She was discomposed that Bob, could not go to the funeral - of course he could not neglect his official obligations without express leave of absence, a something
Page 4.
seemingly past Emma's comprehension - if coming in collision with her wishes previously expressed or otherwise
Dear child I am glad you seem to be both enjoying your selves and think your dinner en famille with the rector's "birds of a feather" the Bowles' must have been a very pleasant sort of thing, backed up by "Silas," (Uncle) - I am glad Emma Tibbald is in place one likes to hear of the welfare of people connected with old memories and Tibbald and Copford are some of them, and with my love to Aunt, (tell her so) and John & dear Self, I am ever your affect Father,
Wm Liveing saw E Liveing on Tuesday they were all well, I have not seen Mrs Stevens since I wrote - Capt Elliott is gradually going home as all must when the time arrives flickers up occasionally but no immediate apparent danger
1. Robert Fenn [116] and his wife Lucy Walker [144]

Liveing Archive: Image Letter 27 a b
At the top of the letter in a different hand
"Uncle Roberts Engagement"
7 Clifton Villas
July 21st 1866
My very dear Child
It being Saturday afternoon 3 p.m. I sit me down to answer your last acceptable letter, it is a great pity that somehow or other you have not a midday post but this perhaps is like children desiring a brick from the chimney top and feeling much aggrieved if they do not get it - Mr Roberts did in conversation mention his niece Eliza and that as you say she has been married some years, I might as well have enquired if there were children but but (sic) as she was mentioned only incidentally that circumstance did not occur - Mrs Williams had been up town on business I believe and was a few days at Queen Anne Street - and it was very kind of her to call upon me she was looking as I said very well indeed, and as I naturally in answer to her kind questioning
Page 2.
spoke in praise of the benefit of medicine especially Pills, she in answer reciprocating a like question of mine declared her unalterable opinion in favour of "Morrifsons" Pills of which she takes five every night, I have no doubt they are tolerably innocent and as wholesome as the generality of such sugarplums As to Bob's affair, it is like all affairs of his, conducted and determined on apparently without the least reference or rejard (sic) to any body or thing except as it suits Sweet No 1 - and such seems to have ever been the case, to wit the Forbes case and so on - in this especial one the family does not seem to have run after the connection, nor to think very much of the dijnity (sic) of our "Cast" in the proposed amalgamation but let that be as it will
Page 3.
it is at least equal to that of any wine merchants - especially a Plymouth one perhaps and union with a Gin palace - the weather has certainly been very hot, and perhaps somewhat affected my internal man but I am better now - I have not very lately seen Ned, he poor fellow does not seem to enjoy permanent good health, this I am sorry for for I think him very highminded in the best sense of the word, - I hope your Hay is by this time got up in the best condition, - and think the weather and appearances of produce promise a good Harvest - I saw nothing of Emma since her return I hope she is quite well and Emma (sic) too for though not exactly perfection she was very fond of dearest Mum and that covers
Page 4.
in my mind a multitude of imperfections - The Cutlers have sent out the Tickets for the first of August so perhaps I shall have the pleasure of seeing you before that a few day - I am glad your little family of Ducks etc are rid of that marauding murdering enemy - Poor Sarah has had enough of trouble I shall be glad when it ceases - My little Work house domestic goes on very well I have heard nothing more of our work house enquiry and do not suppose we shall Dear Fanny is just come in and her little Boy, she has not yet got a Nurse - I must conclude with love to Aunt John & your dear Self
I am ever your affecti Father
Wm Liveing

9. Capt William Liveing: Letters to his daughter, 4 Dec 1866, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archive: Image Letter 28 a,b,c,d.
7 Clifton Villa's
Warwick Road
Maida Hill
Dec 4th 1866 (evening)
My very dear Child
I was glad to have your letter yesterday, and write now in order that the hitherto congratulation you have been accustomed to receive on the recurrence of your Birth day may not lapse entirely owing to the removal of her who "Welcomed the dear little Stranger" as the best gift God could bestow upon her, nor did she want a sharer in her happinefs on that occasion of joyful welcome, of one who has ever been to her and myself a most loving and affectionate child - who never wilfully gave us an hours uneasinefs From where her dear spirit is I am sure she unites with me in praying that God's blefsing may ever rest upon you in this life and his guidance lead you to a happy reunion hereafter
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with those dear friends whom we have loved and been beloved by upon earth - I can conceive no Heaven that does not including this dearest Hope and humbly believing, leave the how, the when and the where in his hands who has promised that our joy shall be full past all understanding or conception that our limited faculties are here able to approach God blefs you my child, and all whom you love and regard, for his sake who gave his life for us to secure us an inheritance in that Heavenly Kingdom which he taught us when we pray to ask for of "Our Father which is in Heaven"
Amen, good night dearest -
January 1st 1866 (sic)-
I do not wonder at the anxiety you feel about the poor dear calves and am glad none have yet succumbed to the sad pestilence and trust the medicine they have had will yet preserve
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them from it - if you do not come next Monday I suppose that does not obviate the necessity of your seeing Mr Barrett your dentist before very long, just drop a line to say when it will take place and by what train when it is determined upon - I am glad the salt cellars look so well, it was better economy by far that a kind friend should have them as a souvenir on so happy an occasion than that they should have been turned into white soup in the melting pot or gone to no one knows where no no (sic) one knows whom in the fragmentary dispersions of a broken up house - Mrs Hitchcock called on Tuesday, she seems notwithstanding her relapse very much better - She told me over again the story that Emma was going to reside at Brighton, and not leave Charley at "King's College" where he has learned something (I suppose) for another the last year of his schooling I suppose I must call it and could alone go on with
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as outrageously to have a tutor there I believe the same inefficient party they were we can discufs that better when I have the pleasure of seeing you than on paper - under before - thank you dear for the suggestion about Poultry & Eggs and Mr Hill it was an extract from a Dr Murchifson in the Lancet that speaks of the Rinderpest (ie cattle plague) as identical with smallpox it seems by no means decided as yet either way but there is more in today's paper, the evidence preponderating rather to the Small pox theory, however it will no doubt be scientifically investigated, as it's great importance requires - Aunt Ambrose's leg and knee are painful in a great measure I do not doubt from chronic Rheumatism varying more or less with the variations of the weather, I do not know if she treats it like "A Dormouse wrapped up in Flannel" but can assure her my own knee likes the Dormouse system (night and day) very much and gives me very little comparative trouble since it has been indulged in that fashion - I do not include the flannel drawers in this treatment as I never sleep in them - that would be flannel in excefs !!!
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I had a letter from Mrs Chambers inclosing one she had received from Mrs Major asking for group of "two Dogs" I gave Uncle Henry to take cards from for their next Bazaar1 - which of course I could not do, as the pofsefsion of the Copyright constitutes the real value of such a thing and they were so good they would have been pirated and become as common as the Greyhounds 'Pet and Tafse"? she wished you many happy returns of the season which I reciprocated on your behalf - She was very unwell & hardly able to write, which I hope was only a temporary affair - Fanny called on Monday, she has got a Housemaid but not a Nurse Edward came in the evening, for a call looks better than he did, his constant diggings, the British museum, I hope when the result sees the light, it will be very much more substantial than the golden gleam of his editorship to Dr What's his names, work, proved to be - it was sad treatment for him - you do not say in your last any thing more of whether Ann's proposed change
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is merely a chronic vagary or not Robt Fenn called last week they went for a day or two to Mr Shaws, a very great and as far as her family are concerned a very good gun? I also saw Mrs Stephen's and Arthur about the same "compliments of the season time" All of whom heretofor mentioned of course desired I would transmit them to you & John and those who know her to Aunt Ambrose nor can I do better than that same? Wishing yourselves especially and all kind inquiries in particular a happy new year and many of them - And having cut from under my own exprefs intention in this letter, the especial & particular superlatives I might here have used I shall content myself with the hope that "Twelfth Day" of 1866 it is one of Happinefs to you and may be followed by many more of that same description
Your Affectionate Father
Wm Liveing

1. Kat Hubschmann archivist for the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home writes that the reference to cards are for sale at a fund raising Bazaar. The card is of a group of two dogs, and copyright prevents them being pirated and copied as have "Pet & Tasse"

10. Capt William Liveing: Letters to his daughter, 25 Mar 1867-25 Jul 1867, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archives: Image Letter 30 a & b
7 Clifton Villas's
March 25/67
My dearest Child,
The last two or three days have been cold (except in the sunshine) so I have stopped in my bed room for that time especially as the wind has been easterly - but I shall get down in the dining room again in a day or two I hope - I have had no more levees since I wrote before there was no difficulty in stowing them away, people if you do not bother them have have (sic) a natural faculty of settling themselves down comfortably in almost any imaginable room - I do not think I mentioned that Mr Cosins the watchmaker was dead which happened about a month ago - I saw Edward a few days ago in short twice
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(sic) his return from Copford but had no opportunity of confab with him to ask if affairs go smoothly as to Aunt's matters, so far only, as is of no personal consequence to me, except as I wished to know if Uncle Henry was coming to London on that account, and that I hoped to see him if he did so - in the Paper I shall send you tomorrow is a paragraph pointing out that it is not necefsary to employ a profefsional at all either in "Doctors Commons" or any of "the district registrys of the Court of probate" this notice is bestowed on the Public out of grateful acknowledgement by one who has himself thereby escaped a lawyer's bill of costs he speaks of a very eminent Judge whose will has just been proved in that way
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It was Bob Fenn who told me that Theodore had been to London about a Gunboat, to be not commander of her, but second in command, for any real furtherance of his future promotion and practical and scientific acquaintance with his peculiar department of his profefsion he might just as well apply for a Bumboat, Bob called on Monday he had that day returned from Brighton, whither he went on Saturday with Lucy as that place agrees with and sets her up again after those attacks of Hysteria and Neuralgia to which she is so often subject, one of her little nieces went with her to attend to her, and I believe Robt fetches her thence next Monday
morng. Mifs Skeat called when writing my last letter to you and hastened the finishing it -
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you see the Sister and Sister in Law, delight in each other as the Devil does in "Holywater" so from what I saw my proposed remedy for separation from her brother (viz) that she shd (sic) go & live in Carshalton herself does not seem to her spirit to be of the nature of a "sweet revelation" to be immediately acted upon - Charlie Ambrose is an obliging boy and I hope has now left off cruising in the pond in Beer coolers and Washing tubs, I think that is perhaps really dangerous having tried it myself when indeed older but I shall not say how much older than Charlie. Mrs Stephens desired when I wrote her love to you & now dear I shall finish, by saying if John (is necefsitated to come to London or otherwise) I shall be very glad to see him and doubly so if accompanied by your dear self, say in your next if that is likely and when, and with best . . . . .
Final page missing.

Liveing Archive: Image Letter 9a & 9b
7 Clifton Villas
July 25th 1867
My Dear Henry
I write to apprize you of the arrival of your letter and its contents, and to thank you for it, it has been wonderfully inclement weather and its sudden variations from intense cold to a quite unexpected warmth must have been very trying to every sort of constitution subject to it - Indeed my dear Henry I hope you will get into your new house that the period of its enjoyment may not be curtailed to you, to remain in your present "Hurricane House" because Hurricanes blow through
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it, is ill advised as not taking advantage of the good Gifts Providence has bestowed upon you - Dear Betty sends her love to you ……? and I hope is better she is weak but I hope more genial weather will restore her - the warm outside air saturated with moisture at those times of sudden thaw condense not only on painted walls but on the cold walls of every house in these circumstances but a Hall stove would no doubt remedy a great part of the inconvenience - I feared you would have a bad journey home as appears to have been the case the wonder being how you got home at all in any reasonable time - Poor Fanny and the Philistine's will I do
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not doubt be as efficatious to her for the future as is "A caution to Owles"? dear contemplative birds, and wont quite ruin her dividend which I am glad was not in her care at that unfortunate time - John is poorly dear Aunt Ambrose is better and I am glad Mifs Daniels is still with her she ought to keep her as Harriet did on a proper remuneration, for her attendance seeing there is a time when even the evergreen leaf succumbs as all nature must, her servant is gone away with Bronchitis caught in affectionate attendance on on (sic) "filthy Cobbler Horn" Mother? of waiting on her this trip
Dear Harriet and Charlotte
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have kindly given their cousinly society to dear Betty, God blefs them - and all with myself desire their kindest love to yourself & dear Mary - I have entered the receipt of the money you sent me in my housekeeping book as usual - And hoping dear Brother you will soon arrange enjoying your Air & Water tight house with all its other modern conveniences, and notwithstanding Mr Norton's mistakes be able to blefs him when feeling its comforts
I am ever my dear brother
yours affecty
Wm Liveing
This letter is difficult to read and appears disjointed

11. Capt William Liveing: Letters to his daughter, 31 Oct 1867-26 Jul 1869, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archive Image Letter IMG 3854-3855
Copy of a letter written by Captain William Liveing on his 76 birthday to his daughter Elisabeth Ambrose, wife of Rev J Ambrose of Copford Lodge Colchester - EHL
7 Clifton Villas
Warwick Road
October 31, 1867
It is quite true my dear child that I have received a letter from you on the morning of my 76 birthday and as true (Gratias a Deo) that I am set down to answer it at about the time tradition suggests it took place about half past twelve o'clock in the day and half an hour after grandfather Harrold departed this life at about the same age, as the legend on his headstone in Harwich does set forth. He was as the term expressed it in those days a clerkly youth and in progress of time became "head clerk and right hand" to the Collector of Customs there, a position where the whole functional responsibility of the office devolved upon him the salary was trifling, the fees and Emoluments often the collectors Lion share had been satisfied equally so yet by strict integrity, developed industry, and careful economy, he managed to launch two sons on the sea of life as (in those days of yore) mightily educated and accomplished surgeons, gave his daughter by the same estimation (those days of yore) a handsome wedding portion accompanying a sound (and for that time and county) an elegant and most lady like education - added to which she brought my father that divine inspiration a clear and bright understanding that no fallacies of sanctimonious wrong that right might come of it ever observed that no specious reasoning could ever lead astray from their earliest and latest rule of life that unsophisticated honesty was the best policy, and so dear we who are left of that generation may well be proud of our "Father and Mother" and to revert to the old grandfather above mentioned he left his widow a nice little competency and she was a loving spirit and lived with her daughter and . . . . . until God called her, so blessed be those dear spirits including that of your blessed mum who was most worthy of them "For they rest from their labours and their works do follow them", so much for birthdays . . . . .
Then follows comments on his daughter's letter

Liveing Archive: Image Letter 19a b.
7 Clifton Villas
July 26, 1869
My dearest Child
On Saturday the 24th on the principle that one ought to go out if pofsible, I called on a tenant or two, and then went to make a call on the Stephens but a little outdoor air does not necessarily recall the "quinine?" as one hopes it will but on the contrary in this case rather knocked us up Maria had a sick headache and I was as Ladies call it entirely in the " good-for-nothing" state except that had we reached home in time I might with great exertion have done up and sent the newspaper - Sunday like all those of late seemes to me a day of rest not to
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in the least appropriated otherwise except as a matter of coercive necefsity and so I did not yesterday devote it even to concoct a letter to your dear Self - nor are the effects of heat & lassitude much less today - yet I have had a round turn in the Garden I have not seen Ned since the early part of last week but Fanny called and preached up the virtues of Turtle soup of which I have no doubt, but having a mess of "Cow Heel" it seemed right to devour that first as it was most carefully made & agreed with me very well the Tickets for the Ladies dinner at Richmond on the 4th instant came on Saturday but as it is some time to that date I cannot speculate on
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my own exertions in respect of it, but that must make no difference in your coming only let me know when I shall see you both - I had a letter from Tom Fenn this morning on the subject of putting a new East window in Nayland Church, and that the family might take a phase of it to be completed some years hence and called the Liveing & Fenn gift, cost 30 or 40 L, I merely mention it , and have my own idea that I can & shall better dispose of my share of the subscription than to dazzle the eyes of the poor clergyman or bewilder the intellects of the poor agriculturalists? if there be any in "Nayland" I gave five pound not long since towards building a school in this parish, which I hope may be more beneficial towards
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towards (sic) enlightening minds than would be an "abstract picture" I am glad John & you are going over but sorry for its stimulating cause his bad health however as I was writing I thought it best to mention the Nayland vagaries I hope your speculation of two young players? instead of one may turn out satisfactory - the ideal of servants is past all comprehension & apparently past finding out - poor Jerry is not quite Kilt & getting better there is notice of the accident in the papers that I have seen but I begin to be an imperfect student hoping soon to hear from you again & with kindest love to both I am ever your affectionate Father
Wm Liveing.

12. William Liveing & others: Family memories By Dr Edward Liveing, 1870.
Liveing Archive

Copy of the notes made July 1870 by Edward Liveing FRCP, by E H T Liveing (c1920's). 02

Capt Liveing (Snr) died October 1836 at his house at Harwich; his wife in January 1837 at her son Edward at Nayland. She was well when she went there and was taken with the epidemic of influenza then prevailing and died of bronchitis.
Capt William Liveing went to Weymouth about 1833 - 34. He had a house previously in Harwich (not the one he first occupied, in King Street next to his father's) belonging to Mr Thorogood bought by him for Capt Liveing's benefit. He was at Weymouth about seven years. The Lady Nepean was sold, at Harwich, the Govt giving Capt William Liveing £1700 (they sold it after for £400) with the breaking up and the transfer of the service to Weymouth. All the captains of packet service at Harwich were ranked as Masters and Commanders so to secure half pay as naval commanders viz £150 or £120. Capt Liveing senior son was given a commission and the price of packet instead of he himself receiving a retiring pension.
Capt William Liveing's vessel at Weymouth was The Flavier a lady's name changed afterwards named the Firefly. He was paid £1000 a year in service perhaps seven years. The naval officers were jealous that he should hold a birth of this good kind and they persuaded him to retire on pension of hundred £120 this was done under cover of a medical exam and certificate that his eyesight was bad. There were disputes about the ranks of these commanders ye Harwich packets in Harwich. E.g. on one occasional sprig of nobility in a man of war went on Board Capt G Deane's packet and asked for the master, Capt Deane sent for the mate, saying this is the master. Are you not the master then? No, I am commander. Uncle Henry says they held an admiralty commission in post office services. Another dispute was that Capt Bridge was so elated by his intimacy to the Hope family and the Prince of Orange (whom he carried over) that on one occasion on his return, he impudently hoisted a Commodores flag and a naval officer came and hauled it down.
Capt Liveing Snr began sea life with Capt Saunders who commanded the Revenue Cutter Argus. (He it was who picked up Major Money1, the celebrated Aeronaut when he fell into the N sea) it was while Capt Liveing was mate of the Argus (his uncle Saunders being drunk in bed) that Capt Liveing (his brother-in-law) piloted the Baltic fleet into the Texel. (Lord Nelson in command) on another occasion whether on the Argos or the Isis not known, he did the same office into Copenhagen had to sound perpetually to ascertain if there was water enough for the men of war.
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After serving in the Argos Capt Liveing Snr served in the Iris which he commanded (as Master). She was a rev [enue] Cutter and tender on the Adml in the Baltic fleet. He was at the siege of Boulogne, one of those unfortunate boating expeditions. Amongst other places of service he was specially commissioned, at one time to take Johnson a notorious smuggler who was supposed to convey tidings to the French, Capt Liveing was once in the same room to him without knowing it. At that time (the old war) too there was much privateering which gave the cutters plenty of work. Afterwards when the naval war was over his services were less in request and he joined the packet service; they were private vessels (that is the goodwill and vessels were bought by those commanding (or masters) but hired or chartered by Govt, for P.O. service. He had the Lady Nepean named after the admiral which afterwards went to his son Capt William Liveing. Capt T Liveing Snr twice conveyed the French Royal Family (except the King Louis XVIII) viz, afterwards? Charles X and his family to Holland.

Capt W Liveing Junior.
There were not packets enough for the service and the commanders of them agreed to fund four vessels themselves and Commanders or Masters for the Govt at certain contract. Captain Liveing Snr had a share in this and the appointment of his son Capt W Liveing as master of one of them the Thetis. (He had previously served as a sailor on his father's vessel the Lady Nepean) Capt W Liveing lost the Thetis on the rocks off Jutland, Court-Martial of captains acquitted him. After that his father resigned his command of the Nepean in his favour, which he secured to him through his friend . . . . . Lord Bexley (the Honourable Nicholas Vansittart Chancellor of Exchequer and MP for Harwich Lord High Steward of Harwich (see Portrait in Town Hall)
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The same kind friend procured for his next son Mr Charles Liveing (who had been brought up as a farmer) the position of clerk In the National Debt Office, in which he rose to be Chief Clerk. (C Liveing was apprenticed to Mr Wallanger at Finborough, his father paid £100 per annum for his learning, wheat fell to £7 a load in 1822 and farming became a bad business).

Baileys of Harwich.
"Grandfather Bailey was a member of Corp: and a builder (the house he lived in and built was that in West Street where Mr George Deane lived) John Bailey his eldest son, apprenticed to Mr Hopkins, a surgeon (attended the livings &) he became surgeon and wrote a tr on Bella donna plant. So good that University of Paris conferred Doctor of M.D. on him. He married a Mrs Brooks (of Ipswich?) A first or second cousin of Capt Liveing Snr of Harwich. Another son was surgeon at Thetford successful and two daughters Mrs Sewell Oakley Mrs Sampson Harwich. John Bailey some, were 1 John Hopkins 2 . . . . . 3 Brooke 4 Alen 5 Edgar and two daughters Mrs Head of Ipswich and the other engaged to a army cadet, who used to be at Tendering, broken off. Brooke Bailey married his cousin Emily Sanson) was killed at siege of Leone Etan.)
Old Hopkins became "clerk of ye check" and repeatedly Mayor of Harwich. Very wealthy £70,000. He put Mr John Baileys son J H B to college £500 per annum at Trinity College (Camb). He was clergyman at or near Baddow Essex (about uncle Henry's age) Hebrew scholar at Cambridge, was here and at Westminster School. Hopkins left £10,000 to Mr Hales who married Miss Catherine Stevens (once a sweetheart out of many of Charles Liveing. Very good looking he is now Mayor of Harwich (1870).

Grandfather Fenn of Coddenham had one son Robert, Capt in Yeomanry, who succeeded him in house and farm (Rectory farm belonged to Longe) and married Miss Harriet Liveing, and four daughters two married men in Brad Street one of whom was steward and managing agent of the grandfather of the present Sir N Brooke Middleton of Shrubland Hall by Ipswich and Coddenham one married Mr Goodwin of Stowmarket? a jack of all trades - sharp - like old Thorogood, children disliked him. Another married Mr Sherman farmer & miller.


13. Capt William Liveing: Letter to his sister-in-law Catherine Mary Liveing (nee Downing), 3 Jan 1870, Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.
Liveing Archive 45a-c LT5
7 Clifton Villas ye Jan 3, 1870
My dear Katie
Thank you for your very nice letter, and its pleasant delights of that glorious old University and the kind recognitions and good wishes, of the no small part of the dear kith and kin who welcome and surround you at Cambridge and assure them of the reciprocal feelings of there "Ancient Uncle" who wishes you and them an amount of good, he does not know how to express, and must therefore be conventional and hoping you have all had a joyous Christmas fervently
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hopes the new year 1870 may fulfil his best wishes of being as folks have it a happy one backed up by many more of the same description. I am myself certainly better under the kind care of your worthy son Edward, and have heroically taken to cramming not learning as some of Georges young elves endeavour to do, but Chicken and Rabbit, which I think is as nearly digestible with me as the mental food is to some of the young school folks above mentioned. I could not answer your letter on Saturday, as I wrote one to my Betty, (and two letters in one day is a serious matter to me now and a form its own apology for the omission of one) and
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the interruption of kind enquiries put a stop to further efforts in that way. I am glad you enjoyed the sparkling Snow in the glorious Sunset, as you have seen it in the days of yore - yours is a nice little picture of domestic comfort as it surrounds you at Cambridge, and though George is not with you so much as you might wish, yet your knowledge of the avocations which keep him away must be mentally very satisfactory - I am glad he has taken to wood cutting as an exercise, I was very partial to it myself as being a most wholesome and primitive mode of reinvigorating a body that has had too much of muscular rest - and laying the wood so cut up on the fire and seeing it burning and feeling the warmth is as you say very pleasant -
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the weather has been so very changeable that I have's seen no one to tell me any news so must refrain from telling you any unless I invent it for that is special purpose, which as children are advised would be more naughty than profitable - I have however an impression that Mrs Bridge is better, and I hope like Tom Fenn in a fair way of recovery - I am happy to learn that you think Harriet better and think she does right in going to J (F?) union* / Junior? for a further dose of the advice that has been useful to her. St John's new chapel, and Edwards rebuilt College, I shall deal with in imagination and the thought that you all take much pleasure in seeing their renewal - so with best love to yourself, George his excellent Helpmate, and the young ladies, Harriet and Charlotte,
I am your affectionate brother
Wm Liveing

Mrs Liveing senior
chez Profefsor Liveing
"The Pightle"
Postmark London W JA 370

Uncle William (Captain Liveing) love and letter to CML 3 Jan 1870
Written on 4 half sheets both sides of one piece of paper

14. Capt William Liveing: Funeral & Estate Details, 1870.
Liveing Archive.
Dr Edward Liveing
The favour of your company is requested to attend the funeral of the late Captn William Liveing at 4 o'clock on Friday the 17th day of June inst from his late residence 7 Clifton Villas to the Paddington Cemetery
William Hogg
6 St Mary's Square
Paddington Green.

The favour of an early reply is requested.
1870 in pencil on the top

Liveing Archive: Image 3656
Post Office (embossed mark)
20 June 1870
My Dear Sir,
The sum of L30-1-8 was due to Commander Liveing in Pension at the time of his death.
From this sum 10/- will be deducted for income-tax.
Yours very truly

Mr R Fenn Esq (Robert Fenn [116] was an executor)

Edward Liveing was an executor, the following are notes on scraps of paper and backs of envelopes:
"£1210 purchase money of house 7 Clifton Villas Maida Vale in 1852. Then 71 years still unexpired at his death June 12th 1870." It seems Clifton Villas was leashold.
"Capt Liveing's share of Mr Betts residential estate £891 11s 8d"
"Estimate £7284 19s 5d Charles Liveing's Estate. W Liveing's share 1/5 subject to Mrs? C L's life interest"
"£2025 Capt Liveing share of Estate at £1600"

15. Dr Edward Liveing Jnr notes: Refering to Williams illegitimate son Henry Cole of the National Debt Office, 1883.
Uncle Williams illegitimate son - Henry Cole of the National Debt Office - Uncle William went to see him and his children after his wife's death; told them he was their grandfather and gave them 20 guineas a piece.
Liveing Archive notes by Edward Liveing 1883.


William had a relationship with Harriet COLE [26136] [MRIN: 9400].


William next married Louisa ORGEE [6268] [MRIN: 2080], daughter of James ORGEE [11198] and Frances HODGES [22497], on 13 Sep 1820 in St George Hanover Sq. Westminster LND. (Louisa ORGEE [6268] was born on 29 Aug 1799, baptised on 29 Jul 1811 in St George Hanover Sq and died on 26 Feb 1865 in Clifton Villas Maida Hill MDX.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Marriage by Lic. William is recorded as a batchelor of the Parish of Harwich, Louisa a spinster of Parish of St George Hanover Sq. Witness's were John Thorogood, William Thorogood,
Martha Cook, Maria Steuart

Copyright © and all rights reserved to Edward Liveing Fenn and all other contributors of personal data. No personal data to be used without attribution or for commercial purposes. Interested persons who wish to share this data are welcome to contact to arrange same and be given the details.

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